Impact of Zinc Stress On Biochemical and Biophysical
Impact of Zinc Stress On Biochemical and Biophysical
Impact of Zinc Stress On Biochemical and Biophysical
Setor de Fisiologia Vegetal, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais/ EPAMIG SUL, Campus UFLA, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Received: March 24, 2019 / Revised: April 30, 2019 / Accepted: May 08, 2019
Ⓒ Korean Society of Crop Science and Springer 2019
Zinc is an essential micronutrient for the healthy development of plants, since its insufficient and supraoptimal doses can
disrupt the metabolism and biomass production. We aimed to investigate the physiological responses of coffee seedlings to
Zn deficiency and excess. Six-month-old seedlings were transferred to plastic pots containing a nutrient solution. The
treatments were control (0.03 ppm), zinc deficiency (0.00 ppm), and zinc excess (0.12 ppm). The evaluations were performed
in leaves and roots at the beginning of the treatments and after 30 and 60 d of treatments. Zn deficiency and excess increased
the production of hydrogen peroxide, antioxidant enzymes activity, ascorbate, and lipid peroxidation contents. The imbalance
in zinc nutrition reduced total chlorophyll content and increased carotenoids content throughout the experimental period.
Lower biomass and proline accumulation were observed only for deficient seedlings at the end of the experiment. The
characteristics analyzed showed that zinc deficiency caused greater damage to the Coffea arabica plants of (Catuaí cultivar)
than zinc excess.
Key words : Plant nutrition, coffee, antioxidant metabolism, proline, plant growth
In Brazil, the predominant coffee farm species is Coffea production of coffee is widely known, especially for plants
arabica, due to its broad acceptance in the world markets, growing in clayey soils and those poor in zinc which are
and Catuaí is the most widely cropped variety covering 65% common in Brazil (Baker and Pilbeam 2015; Martinez et al.
of the cultivated area (Fernandes et al. 2012), with high grain 2013), or in areas where zinc toxicity is related to soil nutrient
yield and plant vigor as well as excellent drink quality (Malta uptake (Lopes et al. 2014). As zinc has practically no mobility
et al. 2008). The importance of studies that assess the into the deeper layers in clayey soils, zinc toxicity is common
tolerance of coffee cultivars under conditions of low avail- in the replacement of old coffee plantations, which have
ability or excess in the soil, addressing the physiological received zinc applications for many years (Paiva et al. 2012).
characteristics is well known (Pedrosa et al. 2014; Zabini et In this scenario, zinc accumulation occurs on the soil surface,
al. 2007). The elucidation of differences in nutritional require- but when using plowing techniques, zinc in depth is absorbed
ments of cultivars, allows cultivation areas to be increased, by the roots, in which it accumulates, and can reach toxic levels.
allocating less demanding zinc progenies on soils that are Zinc excess and deficiency are separated by a narrow
poorer in Zn or vice versa, maintaining the productive concentration range since it is a micronutrient. Furthermore,
potential and reducing expenses with agricultural inputs and mistakes can frequently be made when visually trying to
fertilizers (Pedrosa et al. 2014). detect zinc deficiency and toxicity in plants, since the
The need for an adequate zinc supply for growth and grain symptoms are the same (Faquim 2002). Therefore, it is
common to add more Zn to the soil, believing it is deficient,
Jacqueline Oliveira dos Santos () when actually the soil is already saturated with this element
Email: [email protected] at toxic levels. Despite being a micronutrient, zinc can affect
growth and normal metabolism of plant species when found Zn concentration in the Zn excess treatment was determined
in toxic levels in the environment (Vangrosveld et al. 2009). based on preliminary tests. In those tests, different concen-
Zn stress can inhibit photosynthetic activity through trations of zinc were used to determine the concentration of
different mechanisms. Zn has been shown to have a specific excess zinc that caused visual symptoms in the seedlings.
impact on photosystem activities (Paunov et al. 2018) and Nutrient solutions were exchanged weekly and maintained
Calvin cycle (Vassilev et al. 2011) and zinc deficiency and under constant aeration throughout the experimental period.
toxicity in plants enhance the production of reactive oxygen The pH of the solution was adjusted daily to 5.5 ± 0.5 with
species (ROS) causing oxidative damage to plants. This is NaOH and/or HCl solution (1 M), and the volume of the
done by generating active biological forms of oxygen such solution was filled with distilled water whenever necessary.
as superoxide (O2•-) and hydroxyl (•OH) that together with Evaluations were performed on leaves and roots at the
the singlet oxygen (O21) (Cakmak 2000; Islam et al. 2014) beginning of the experiment and after 30 and 60 d of
are extremely reactive and cytotoxic to all organisms. They treatment. The experimental design was completely randomized
inactivate enzymes and cause cell damage (Karuppanapandian using a 3x3 factorial scheme: three treatments (control, Zn
et al. 2011) which directly affect plant growth and pro- deficiency, and Zn excess) and three evaluation times (0, 30,
ductivity. The main cause of this damage is lipid peroxidation and 60 d), totaling nine treatments with five replications.
of the mitochondrial endomembrane system, endoplasmic Each experimental plot consisted of five seedlings. The
reticulum, lysosomes, and peroxisomes among others (Noctor harvesting periods were determined according to visual
et al. 2018). analysis of symptoms of zinc deficiency and excess. In each
Regarding the Catuaí cultivar there are no studies which harvesting time, roots and shoots were collected for bio-
approach the effect of Zn deficiency and toxicity on the chemical analysis and for dry mass quantification.
physiological characteristics in coffee plants, and especially At 0, 30, and 60 d after the imposition of treatments, fully
on the antioxidant metabolism. thus, the present study was expanded leaves of the third and fourth pairs and the root
undertaken to investigate the responses of the cultivar Catuaí system of five plants were collected. For biochemical
144 to the nutritional efficiency of zinc, in the seedling phase analyses, plant material was harvested, divided into leaves
through evaluating the effect of zinc supply on biophysical and roots, placed in liquid nitrogen and then stored in an
and biochemical characteristics under conditions of disability ultra-freezer at -80°C until the subsequent analysis. For
and excess zinc. determination of shoot and root dry weight the seedlings
were collected and divided into roots and shoots. The plant
material was then dried at 70°C in a forced-air circulation
Materials and Methods oven until constant weight and the dry weight measured.
using the concentrations and readings of standard solutions Antioxidant enzymes activity
as reference. The zinc content in the extracts was determined The extract for the determination of activity of SOD, CAT,
by standard curves through atomic absorption spectrometry. and APX was obtained according to Biemelt et al. (1998).
Tissue amounts of 0.2 g (fresh weight) were macerated in
Gas-exchange parameters liquid nitrogen and PVPP and then homogenized in 1.5 mL
Gas exchange parameters were measured in the morning of extraction buffer containing 400 mM potassium phosphate
(9:00-11:00 a.m.), using five replicates for each treatment in buffer (pH 7.8), 10 mM EDTA, 200 mM ascorbic acid and
completely expanded leaves. Two leaves per plant were water. The extract was centrifuged at 13000 g for 10 min at
analyzed, with five biological replicates. Net photosynthesis 4°C, and the supernatant was collected and stored at -20°C
(Anet), stomatal conductance (gs), Transpiration (E), and during the analysis period.
intercellular CO2 concentration were measured using an SOD activity was measured according to Giannopolitis
open infrared gas analyzer (IRGA; LI-COR 6400 system, and Ries (1977). Aliquots (15 μL) of enzymatic extract were
LI-COR Inch, Lincoln, NE, USA). The IRGA chamber was added to incubation media containing 100 mM potassium
irradiated with a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) phosphate (pH 7.8), 70 mM methionine, 0.1 µM EDTA, water,
of 1000 μmol m− 2 s− 1, which gas exchange parameters were 1mM nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT), and 2 mM riboflavin.
measured under a PPFD of approximately 1000 μmol m− 2 s− 1 Tubes containing the reaction medium and 10 μL of the
(equivalent to natural light). sample were illuminated for 7 min with a 20 W fluorescent
lamp. The same reaction medium without a sample was
Photosynthetic pigments content illuminated as a control. Readings were taken at 560 nm and
Extraction and quantification of leaf pigments were carried calculation of enzyme was done with the following equation:
out under green safe light according to the methodology % inhibition = (A560 sample with enzyme extract – A 560
proposed by Lichtenthaler and Buschmann (2001). We used control without enzyme extract)/(A 560 control without
0.1 g of fresh weight of the first pair leaves from each enzyme). One unit of SOD is able to inhibit 50% of NBT
treatment, grinding them with 80% (v/v) acetone. The final photoreduction under the assay conditions.
volume of the extract was completed to 10 mL using 80% CAT activity was evaluated according Havir and McHale
acetone. The resulting extracts were used to read the absorbance (1987): aliquots of enzymatic extract were added to the
at wavelengths of 645, 663, and 445 nm corresponding to incubation medium containing 200 mM potassium phosphate
concentrations of chlorophylls a and b and total carotenoids, buffer (pH 7.0), 0.1 mM disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetic
respectively. The extracts were analyzed using a UV-visible acid (Na2EDTA), water, and 12.5 mM hydrogen peroxide,
spectrophotometer (UV-1000). previously incubated in a water bath at 28°C. Enzyme
activity was determined by the decrease in absorbance at 240
Proline and ascorbat content determination nm every 15 s for 3 min, monitored by the consumption of
Proline analysis was performed according to Torello and hydrogen peroxide. The molar extinction coefficient used
Rice (1986) with some modifications. For this, 0.5 g of leaves was 36 mM-1cm-1.
and roots were immediately homogenized in 10 mL of 3% APX activity was determined by monitoring of the rate of
sulfosalicylic acid solution, and the homogenate filtered. oxidation of ascorbate at 290 nm every 15 s for 3 min. For
Afterwards, the homogenate was centrifuged at 6250 g for this, aliquots of enzymatic extract were added to an incubation
20 min. In test tubes containing 2 mL of the supernatant, 2 buffer consisting of 200 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.0),
mL of acidic ninhydrin and 2 mL of glacial acetic acid were 10 mM ascorbic acid, water, and 2 mM hydrogen peroxide,
added. The samples were boiled at 95°C for 1 h. After previously incubated at 28 °C (Nakano and Asada 1981).
cooling by immersion in an ice bath, the color intensity was The molar extinction coefficient was 2.8 mM-1cm-1.
measured at 520 nm. The absorbances obtained were com-
Hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidation
pared with the standard curve of proline.
Ascorbate concentration was determined as described by The H2O2 content was determined according to Velikova
Arakawa et al. (1981). Fifty milligrams of tissue (fresh weight) et al. (2000). Two hundred milligrams of tissue (fresh weight)
was macerated in liquid nitrogen, added to PVPP and was macerated in liquid nitrogen and added to polyvinyl-
homogenized in 1500 μL of 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) polypyrrolidone (PVPP) and homogenized in 1500 μL of 0.1%
(m/v). The homogenate was then centrifuged at 13000 g for trichloroacetic acid (TCA) (m/v). The homogenate was cen-
15 min at 4°C. Aliquots of the supernatant were added to the trifuged at 12,000 g for 15 min at 4°C. The H2O2 was
reaction media composed of 5% TCA (m/v), 99.8% ethanol determined by measuring the absorbance at 390 nm in a
(v/v), 0.4% phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in ethanol (v/v), 0.5% reaction medium containing 45 μL of extract, 45 μL of a 10
bathophenanthroline in ethanol (m/v), and 0.03% ferric chloride mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), and 90 μL of 1 M
(FeCl3) in ethanol (m/v). The mix was homogenized thor- potassium iodide.
oughly and incubated in a water bath at 30°C for 90 min. Measurement of malondialdehyde (MDA) content MDA
Readings were performed at 534 nm. Ascorbate content was content was determined by the thiobarbituric acid reaction
determined based on a standard curve of ascorbate. (Peever and Higgins 1989). A 1.0 g sample of fresh leaves
256 Zinc Stress in Coffea Arabica Seedlings
was homogenized in 5 ml 0.1% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid treatment was observed. The treatments influenced plant
(TCA). The homogenate was centrifuged at 10 000 g for 5 min biomass accumulation differently only at 60 d, when higher
and 4 ml of 20% TCA containing 0.5% (w/v) thiobarbituric shoot and root biomass were found in control plants and 0.12
acid (TBA) were added to 1 ml of the supernatant. The mixture ppm of zinc, followed by zinc-deficient seedlings.
was heated at 95 °C for 30 min and then quickly cooled on ice.
The contents were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 15 min and Zinc content
absorbance of the supernatant at 532 and 600 nm was read. Zinc contents in leaves and roots of deficient seedlings
After subtracting the non-specific absorbance at 600 nm, the were 12.3 and 21.5 ppm, respectively, at the end of the
MDA concentration was calculated by the following equation: experiment. Plants grown under conditions of Zn excess
MDA=(A535-A600)÷(ξ. b), where: ξ(extinction coefficient showed an increase in Zn concentration throughout the
=1.56 x10−5 cm–1); b (optical length=1). experimental period, reaching final values of 50.3 ppm in the
leaves and 95.6 ppm in the roots. In the control, the values
remained constant in leaves (Fig. 2A) and roots (Fig. 2B)
Results and within the critical Zn concentration range described by
Malavolta et al. (1997).
Shoot and root dry weight
An increase in shoot (Fig. 1A) and root (Fig. 1B) biomass Gas Exchange
of control plants and under excess zinc over the days of Zn treatment caused a notable decline in photosynthetic
Fig. 1. Dry weight of shoots (A) and roots (B) of Coffea arabica L. seedlings submitted to different concentrations of zinc, ± S.E (the results are the
average of five replications). Capital letters compare treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at each sampling time, and lowercase letters
compare the effect between times (0, 30 and 60 days) within each treatment. Different letters on top of bars indicate significantly different means
at P < 0.05 (Scott and Knott test).
Fig. 2. Zinc content in shoots (A) and roots (B) in Coffea arabica L. seedlings submitted to different concentrations of zinc, ± S.E (the results are
the average of five replications). Capital letters compare treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at each sampling time and lowercase effect
between times (0, 30 and 60 days) within each treatment. Different letters on top of bars indicate significantly different means at P < 0.05 (Scott
and Knott test).
JCSB 2019 (September) 22 (3) : 253 ~ 264 257
Fig. 3. Net photosynthesis rate (Anet) (A),and stomatal conductance (gs) (B) of Catuaí Coffea arabica L. seedlings submitted to different
concentrations of zinc, ± S.E (the results are the average of five replications). Capital letters compare treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at
each sampling time, and lowercase letters compare the effect between times (0, 30 and 60 days) within each treatment. Different letters on top of
bars indicate significantly different means at P < 0.05 (Scott and Knott test).
Fig. 4. Transpiration (E) (A) and CO2 internal concentration (Ci) (B) of Catuaí Coffea arabica L. seedlings submitted to different concentrations of
zinc, ± S.E (the results are the average of five replications). Capital letters compare treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at each sampling time,
and lowercase letters compare the effect between times (0, 30 and 60 days) within each treatment. Different letters on top of bars indicate
significantly different means at P < 0.05 (Scott and Knott test).
rates (Fig. 3A). Leaves under zinc deficiency displayed higher experimental period.
functional impairment than those of the control and 0.12
ppm Zn. At the end of the experiment, for the 0 ppm of zinc Photosynthetic pigments content
treatment significant declines were observed, with photo- Pigment content was influenced by zinc deficiency (Fig. 5).
synthetic rates dropping to near zero. Throughout the experiment On the 60th day, total chlorophyll content (Fig. 5A) was
there were no significant differences between control and lower in deficient plants than at 0.12 ppm Zn and control
0.12 ppm Zn. The Zn effect on gs (Fig. 3B), was evident plants. Plants under 0.12 ppm of zinc maintained their pigment
after 30 d under zinc deficiency treatment, with a significant content in the experimental period and this did not differ for
reduction of stomatal conductance. After 60 d this reduction the control treatment.
was 89% lower than in the control. As for carotenoids (Fig. 5B) at 30 d, lower levels were
The time and zinc deficiency affected the transpiration in observed in deficient plants and under Zn excess than in the
coffee seedlings (Fig. 4A), At the end of the experiment, control plants. At the end of the evaluation period, there was
plants with 0 ppm had a significant decrease of 89%. Zn higher content in deficient plants and those under Zn excess
treatments affected the concentration of substomatal CO2 when compared to the control. The nutritional imbalance of
(Ci) (Fig. 4B), indicating a limitation of photosynthesis in Zn caused a reduction in total chlorophyll content and
zinc-deficient seedlings. CO2 substomatal concentration was increased carotenoid content throughout the experimental
lower than 50% when compared to control plants. Plants period.
with 0.12 ppm zinc had the same standard for gs and for Ci
there were no differences between the control during the
258 Zinc Stress in Coffea Arabica Seedlings
Fig. 5. Total chlorophyll (A) and carotenoids (B) content in Coffea arabica L. seedlings submitted to different concentrations of zinc, ± S.E (the
results are the average of five replications). Capital letters compare treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at each sampling time, and
lowercase letters compare the effect between times (0, 30 and 60 days) within each treatment. Different letters on top of bars indicate
significantly different means at P < 0.05 (Scott and Knott test).
Fig. 6. Proline (A) and ascorbate (B) content in Coffea arabica L. seedlings submitted to different concentrations of zinc, ± S.E (the results are the
average of five replications). Capital letters compare treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at each sampling time and lowercase letters
compare the effect between times (0, 30 and 60 days) within each treatment. Different letters on top of bars indicate significantly different means
at P < 0.05 (Scott and Knott test).
Table 1. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity and lipid peroxidation in leaf and root of Coffea
arabica L. seedlings submitted to different concentrations of zinc, ± S.E (the results are the average of five replications). Capital letters compare
treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at each sampling time, and lowercase letters compare the effect among times (0, 30 and 60 days) within
each treatment. Different letters indicate significantly different means at P < 0.05 (Scott and Knott’s test).
U g-1 FW µmol H2O2 min-1 g-1 FW
Days ppm Leaf Root Leaf Root
0.03 865 Aa ± 23.62 491 Aa ± 12.56 4 Aa ± 0.67 3 Aa ± 0.28
0 0.00 865 Aa ± 23.62 491 Aa ± 12.56 4 Aa ± 0.67 3 Aa ± 0.28
0.12 865 Aa ± 23.62 491 Aa ± 12.56 4 Aa ± 0.67 3 Ab ± 0.28
and excess plants showed an increase of 100 and 33.3%, 111% in seedlings exposed to 0.12 ppm of Zn (Fig. 7B).
respectively, in the activity of this enzyme in relation to the MDA levels (Table 1) were higher in leaves and roots of
control. plants under 0 and 0.12 ppm Zn since the 30th day. At the
Ascorbate peroxidase activity increased in leaves of 60th day, this increase in leaves was 201% in treatment of 0
plants under deficiency or 0.12 ppm of zinc, whereas in roots ppm Zn and 124% in 0.12 ppm Zn. On the other hand, the
the increase occurred only in deficient plants (Table 1), In lipid peroxidation level increased by 132% in roots of plants
leaves, at the end of the experiment, this activity was 138 under 0 ppm Zn and 80% in plants exposed to 0.12 ppm Zn.
and 92% higher under the deficiency and 0.12 ppm Zn
conditions, respectively, in relation to the control. In roots,
zinc deficient plants showed a progressive increase over Discussion
time, reaching values 72% higher than in the control. Plants
at 0.12 ppm of zinc maintained the activity during the Due to Zn deficiency and 0.12 ppm Zn, coffee seedlings
experimental period and did not differ from the control. (Catuaí cultivar) showed an increase in ROS production
(Fig. 7), which stimulated enzymatic antioxidant systems
Hydrogen peroxide and Malondialdehyde content activity. Despite the highest production of antioxidants, their
Both Zn deficiency and 0.12 ppm Zn resulted in an performance was not enough to neutralize ROS at 60 d of
increase in H2O2 production (Fig. 7). This increase started on stress, when higher levels of lipid peroxidation were observed.
the 30th day in leaves and on the 60th day in roots. At the The oxidative stress resulted in plants with physiological
60th day, the increase in foliar H2O2 production (Fig. 7A) responses characterized by reduction in chlorophyll content
due to Zn exclusion and 0.12 ppm Zn of zinc were 75 and and alteration in plant growth under Zn deficiency.
38%, respectively. In the root tissue, the increase in hydrogen Zinc concentrations in plants generally range from 3 to
peroxide production was 206% in deficient seedlings and 150 mg kg-1 (Epstein and Bloom 2006). In coffee leaves,
260 Zinc Stress in Coffea Arabica Seedlings
Fig. 7. Hydrogen peroxide content (H2O2) in leaves (A) and roots (B) in Coffea arabica L. seedlings submitted to different concentrations of zinc, ±
S.E (the results are the average of five replications). Capital letters compare treatments (0.03, 0 and 0.12 ppm of zinc) at each sampling time and
lowercase letters compare the effect between times (0, 30 and 60 days) within each treatment. Different letters on top of bars indicate
significantly different means at P < 0.05 (Scott and Knott test).
zinc concentrations vary between 15 and 30 mg kg-1 (Malavolta by an excess of Zn (Li et al. 2013; Michael and Krishnaswamy
et al. 1997). Considering the zinc concentration range in 2011) and reduced by its deficiency (Höller et al. 2014).
coffee leaves, the plants in this study were deficient in Zn at Clemente et al. (2018) reported similar results concerning
30 d (12.3 mg kg-1) and under Zn excess at 60 d (50.26 mg adult Coffea arabica plants, when evaluating the feasibility
kg-1) (Fig. 2A). of Zn supply in response to productivity and beverage
The zinc content varied between the plant organs evaluated quality terms. In this work, the SOD activity increased with
according to the applied treatment, with greater variations in Zn rates and decreased with Zn deficiency. The reduction in
the roots. In the case of deficiency, there was a greater SOD activity may have occurred due to the fact that low Zn
micronutrient relocation from the storage organs to those concentrations led to a structural imbalance in the isoforms,
with more active metabolism, which explains the smaller reducing their activity (Ozdener and Aydin 2009). Also, the
variations in the foliar zinc content in relation to the control high H2O2 production may be related to the inhibition of this
plants (Zabini et al. 2007). On the other hand, the greater enzyme by its product (Ozdener and Aydin 2009).
accumulation of zinc in plant roots under the 0.12 ppm of The increased CAT activity in leaves and roots and APX
this nutrient can be related to the fact that the roots constitute in the leaves and roots for deficient plants may be related to
the zinc storage organ, since it is common that accumulating H2O2 neutralization, avoiding cellular damage. Similar results
plants store this nutrient in the roots (Ozdener and Aydin were found in roots and leaves of Saccharum officinarum
2009). under excess Zn (Jain et al. 2010). However, maintenance of
Exposure of coffee plants to different Zn concentrations APX activity observed in coffee roots under excess Zn was
altered cellular homeostasis, increasing ROS generation in contrary to that observed by Jain et al. (2010). This maintenance
plants under Zn deficiency or 0.12 ppm of Zn, but these of APX activity may be related to the low levels of ascorbate
effects were more pronounced only in the case of deficiency. detected in this organ, since ascorbate is a cofactor of this
In general, stress caused by nutrient excess or deficiency in enzyme (Noctor et al. 2014). Regarding Zn deficiency re-
plants is related to the increased activity of the antioxidant sponses, increased CAT activity and APX were observed in
system (Li et al. 2013). The higher activity of antioxidant leaves of Oriza sativa (Frei et al. 2010). With respect to CAT
enzymes is attributed to the role of these enzymes in the activity, it reduced in response to excess Zn in leaves and
neutralization of ROS excess produced by the occurrence of roots of Eruca sativa (Ozdener and Aydin 2010).
stress, aiming at the maintenance of cellular homeostasis Together with enzymatic antioxidants, the non-enzymatic
(Höller et al. 2014; Sharma and Dietz 2006). In plant species antioxidants are low molecular weight compounds that
under stresses, the increased performance of the antioxidant neutralize ROS. Among these compounds, ascorbate is an
system is related to reduction in ROS levels and to cell antioxidant or an enzymatic cofactor in the ascorbate-glutathione
membrane integrity (Chu et al. 2018). In the case of coffee cycle (Gill and Tuteja 2010), helping to maintain cellular
seedlings, the variation in Zn contents led to the highest homeostasis under different stresses. The increase in AsA
ascorbate content, and altered activity in the SOD, CAT, and concentration was found in leaves and roots of Oriza sativa
APX enzymes as well as the proline contents in leaves. under Zn deficiency (Höller et al. 2014) and leaves of Eruca
Coffee seedlings showed variations in SOD activity in sativa under Zn excess (Ozdener and Aydin 2010).
response to Zn deficiency or excess. SOD activity is increased Another mechanism used by plant cells under stress con-
JCSB 2019 (September) 22 (3) : 253 ~ 264 261
ditions is the synthesis of low molecular weight compounds tenance and absorption of K+ and also acting on membrane
that, besides acting on osmoregulation, may present antioxidant integrity in guard cells (Vaillant et al. 2005). Zn deficiency
action (Liang et al. 2013). Among these compounds, proline is reduces the carbonic anhydrase activity in some plants, and
produced in cases of Zn stress (Li et al. 2013). In our study, this directly affects a variety of physiological processes and
plants under Zn excess showed higher proline content in that also contribute to reduce the photosynthetic rate and
leaves. CO2 fixation under limited CO2 conditions (Soltanghei et al.
Similar results were observed in Triticuma estivum (Li et 2014).
al. 2013), Brassica juncea, Cajanus cajan (Prasad and Saradhi The induced stress from metals may affect photosynthetic
1995), and Phaseolus vulgaris (Andrade et al. 2009). The rate and pigment contents in plants. Metal treatment usually
increase in proline content was also found in Phaseolus decreased the total chlorophyll in various plants (Cherif et al.
vulgaris (Michael and Krishnasway 2011) under Zn deficiency. 2010; Hashemi 2018; Jiang et al. 2019; Santos et al. 2017).
Higher proline levels are associated with better performance This study has shown that at 30 d, plants under Zn deficiency
of plants subjected to stress caused by excess metal (Rizvi and 0.12 ppm of Zn did not have their total chlorophyll
and Khan 2018), salinity (Nazarbeygi et al. 2011), and drought content altered. However, at the end of the experiment, the
(Bandurska et al. 2017). However, in our study there was a total chlorophyll was significantly reduced, in plants with Zn
significant reduction in proline content in Zn deficient coffee restriction as well as those under 0.12 ppm of Zn. The Zn
plants. The reduction of proline levels may be due to deg- stress may lead to the decrease in chlorophyll synthesis and
radation of this amino acid, whose reactions are catalyzed by inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport (Vassilev et
mitochondrial enzymes such as proline dehydrogenase (Kishor al. 2011). Our results also suggest that the high levels and
et al. 1995; Pavlikova et al. 2008) under various stress con- deficiency of Zn cause chloroplast disorganization and
ditions. In addition to induction or activation of proline enzyme photosynthesis alteration. These results are in agreement
biosynthesis or decreased proline oxidation to glutamate, with those observed in Malus domestica (Fu et al. 2015),
proline accumulation under stress conditions may be caused Coffea Arabica (Clemente 2014), and Oryza sativa (Lee et
by decreased utilization of proline in protein synthesis and al. 2017). The photosynthetic apparatus is one of the targeted
enhanced protein turnover (Hildebrandt et al. 2015). sites of action of Zn in plants, since at toxic concentrations it
The morphological and physiological responses of plants disrupts the chloroplast envelope and the integrity of the
to stress depend on the species, tissue, stage of development, thylakoid membranes (Cherif et al. 2010). In addition, either
time, intensity of stress (Jaleel et al. 2008) and they are also condition, Zn deficiency or excess, may inhibit the transport
affected by the morphology of the root system and its of electrons from photosystem II (PSII) with a concomitant
significant capacity to uptake water and nutrients (Alvarez- decrease in chlorophyll biosynthesis (Monnet et al. 2001).
Flores et al. 2014). In Coffea arabica seedlings submitted to Regarding carotenoids, there was higher production of
deficiency and to 0.12 ppm of Zn, the antioxidant system these pigments in deficient plants or under excess Zn at the
response contained cellular damage up to 30 d of treatment, end of the experiment. Similar results were reported in
despite the activity of the antioxidant system, it was not progenies of Coffea arabica and in Ceratophyllum demersum
enough to avoid damage to the cellular components, culmi- (Aravind and Prasad 2004; Zabini et al. 2007), while in
nating with high MDA formation (Table 1). This higher MDA Lycopersicum esculentum, carotenoid levels remained constant
formation, a product of lipid peroxidation, was observed for even under Zn deficiency (Cherif et al. 2010). This increase
different plant species under several concentrations of Zn of carotenoids may have occurred as a form of defense
(Feigl et al. 2014), against oxidative stress, since they play a key role in the
In plants, the photosynthetic apparatus is sensitive to the control of free radicals, directly acting on the protection of
Zn stress, which has been reported to inhibit or damage photosynthetic membranes (Havaux 2013).
chlorophyll synthesis in the PSII, the oxygen-evolving At the end of the experiment, Zn deficiency resulted in
complex, the plastoquinone pool, PSI, and Rubisco (Caldelas lower accumulation of biomass. However, excess Zn did not
et al. 2010; Prasad 2004). In general, Zn stress affects the affect the biomass of the Coffea arabica seedlings. In the
assimilation process directly, by limiting and inhibiting the literature, lower growth is reported for different species under
Calvin cycle enzyme activities, and indirectly reducing the varying concentrations of Zn (Blasco et al. 2015; Mattiello et
carboxylation by stomatal closure (Vaillant et al. 2005). al. 2015). Growth reduction is attributed to changes in gas
At 0 ppm Zn, Ci was reduced in coffee seedlings indicating exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and oxidative stress.
that CO2 availability was the limiting factor in this treatment Moreover, Zn may affect ionic homeostatic systems, interfering
(Zn), suggesting stomatal limitation of photosynthesis for with the uptake, transport and regulation of ions, leading to a
deficient plants. Zn deficiency might be associated with misrepresentation of plant homeostasis (Cakmak et al. 1998;
limitation of gs and intercellular CO2 concentration as Rout and Das 2009).
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The results of this study showed that Zn deficiency also treatment, while the excess of this element in the tissues was
resulted in a reduction in leaf transpiration efficiency, Zn observed only at 60 d. However, growth reduction was
may be involved in the stomatal opening, favoring main- observed only for deficient plants at the end of the experiment.
262 Zinc Stress in Coffea Arabica Seedlings
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