CSTP 4 Wittenberg 4
CSTP 4 Wittenberg 4
CSTP 4 Wittenberg 4
The learning goal is on the I have made lessons based I read the goals for each
warm-up slide and the on students' interests lesson at the beeining of
agenda. Learning including individualized the lesson and at the end.
objectives connect to assignments to meet those I also incorporate
previous learning (ex: students specific needs. students interests and
Counting to make 10, 10 5/3/22 needs by making lessons
frames). Lessons include that are custom 4/8/23
several practice I go over the goals at the
opportunities. 9/25/21 beginning of my lessons
and create lessons based
on student's interests and
differentiation for
students that need more
of a challenge. 10/23/22
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of Utilizes extensive
for daily, short- and units that include a series long-term curriculum long-term plans to reflect knowledge of curriculum,
4.3 Developing and
long-term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter integrations of curriculum content standards, and
are linked to long-term concepts and essential guidelines, frameworks, assess learning needs to
long-term and
planning to support related academic language and assessed instructional design cohesive and
student learning. and formats that support needs to ensure student comprehensive long- and
instructional plans to
student learning. 9/25/21 learning. 5/3/22, short-term instructional
support student
10/23/22, 4/8/23 plans that ensure high
levels of learning.
Goals are mapped out with I have a pacing guide that I I have a lessons planned
a pacing guide of what my follow while planning according to when
2nd-grade students should lessons. However, I do students will be covering
know throughout the year make sure to implement specific topics. I have been
for Math and English lessons. 5/3/22 implementing the changes
Language Arts. 9/25/21 that I noted last year and I
I am using the same feel that the lessons have
planning guide I used last a better pace compared to
year. However, I am last year. 4/8/23
making adjustments that I
noted last year. By adding
lessons where I saw a
greater need (Word
Problems) and more
practice with foundational
skills for math.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans instruction that Select strategies for single Incorporates differentiated Plans instruction using a Plans instruction
incorporates strategies lessons or a sequence of instructional strategies wide range of strategies to incorporating a repertoire
suggested by curriculum lessons that respond to into ongoing planning that address learning styles of strategies specifically
guidelines. students’ diverse learning addresses culturally and meet students’ meet students’ diverse
needs. 9/25/21, 5/3/22, responsive pedagogy, assessed language and language and learning
4.4 Planning 10/23/22 students’ diverse language, learning needs. Provides needs and styles to
instruction that and learning needs and appropriate support and advance learning for all.
incorporates styles. challenges for students.
appropriate Is aware of student Facilitates opportunities
strategies to meet the content, learning, and Seeks to learn about Uses assessments of Integrates results from a for students to reflect on
learning needs of all language needs through students’ diverse learning students’ learning and broad range of their learning and the
students data provided by the site and language needs language needs to inform assessments into planning impact of instructional
and district. beyond basic data. the planning of to meet students’ diverse strategies to meet their
9/25/21 differentiated instruction. learning and language learning and language
5/3/22, 10/23/22 needs.4/8/23 needs.
I have lessons planned I use the surveys at the I vary my lessons and
with students' needs in end of my lesson, test activities to keep students
mind (large font, extra results, and their work to engaged in lessons. On
time, lesson pacing). I help with language needs. occasion some activities
asked parents during my 5/3/22 may repeat but overall I
Welcome call with families. want students to have
I asked them if there was I do challenge questions plenty of opporotites to
anything that they could for students who need practice. For example I
tell me that could help me more fo a challenge. I go have students write
as their child's teacher. over nearpod reports to sentences with specific
9/25/21 see how well my students letter patterns and
understood the skill I was sounds. I also create
I do keep my lessons teaching them. I create review lessons to go over
similar whie going over a challenge questions for specific skills that
specific skill. Having said students who need students missed. 4/8/23
that I see now that I can additional practice or a
expand more despite the challenge. 10/23/22
fact that the skill is the
same. 5/3/22
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans for a
uses materials from materials in single lessons adaptations to adjustments to wide range of adaptations
curriculum provided. or sequences of lessons to differentiate instructional instructional plans and to lessons based on
4.5 Adapting address students’ learning plans. Uses culturally uses a variety of materials in-depth analysis of
instructional plans needs. responsive pedagogy and as the instructional needs individual student needs.
and curricular additional materials to arises to support student
materials to meet the support students’ diverse learning. 5/3/22, Engages with students to
assessed learning learning needs. 9/25/21 10/23/22, 4/8/23 identify types of
needs of all students. adjustments in instruction
that best meet their
learning goals.