Environmental Law
Environmental Law
Environmental Law
- is a term used to explain regulations, statutes, local, national -Clean fuels are needed to achieve clean air. The CAA thus
and international legislation, and treaties DESIGNED TO provides for:
PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT from damage and to explain - The complete phase out of leaded gasoline before the end
the legal consequences of such damage towards of the year 2000;
governments or private entities or individuals.
- The lowering of the sulfur content of industrial and
- The purpose of these environmental laws is to prevent, automotive diesel, respectively, from 0.5% to 0.3% and from
minimize, remedy and punish actions that threaten or 0.2% to 0.05%.
damage the environment and those that live in it.
- The lowering of aromatics in unleaded gasoline from 45%
The Philippine Clean Air Act (Republic Act No. 8749 of 1999) maximum to 35% maximum; and the lowering of benzene in
unleaded gasoline from 4% maximum to 2% maximum.
- Republic Act No. 8749, otherwise known as the Philippine
Clean Air Act, is a comprehensive air quality management -Further improvement on the fuel quality, excluding cleaner
policy and program which aims to achieve and maintain alternative fuels, will be spearheaded by the Department of
healthy air for all Filipinos. Energy.
The Philippine Clean Air Act What about other sources of air pollution?
- The passage of the Philippine Clean Air Act (RA 8749) on Smoking is banned beginning May 25, 2001, in any of the
June 23, 1999, provides for a comprehensive air pollution following locations:
control policy, as it outlines the government’s measures to
reduce air pollution by including environmental protection - Inside a public building;
activities into its development plans. It has adopted the
- Enclosed public places including public vehicles and other
“polluters pay principle” and other market-based instruments
means of transport;
to promote self-regulation among the population. Emission
standards are set for all motor vehicles and had issued - In any enclosed area outside of one’s private residence,
pollutant limitations among industries. The Department of private place of work; or
Environment and Natural Resources through its
Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) is leading - Any duly designated area which will be enclosed.
the strict implementation of the Clean Air Act.
The local government units are mandated to implement this
How does air pollution affect humans? provision of the law.
- Studies show that air pollution is one of the causes of Penalty to violation of this provision is six months and one
cardiopulmonary diseases and the increase in air pollution- day to one year imprisonment, or a fine of ten thousand
related deaths. Moreover, air pollution can weaken the pesos (P10,000).
body’s defenses against assorted viruses and bacteria. It
impacts on one’s health – from becoming sluggish to The Philippine Clean Air Act
acquiring deadly diseases, such as lung cancer.
- a comprehensive air quality management policy and
How will good air quality be ensured? program which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for
all Filipinos.
- The National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values, in order
to protect health, safety, and the general welfare, have been - Breathing clean air upholds human rights to life and good
set in law. These are to be routinely reviewed by the DENR, health and their right to live in a clean, healthy and
through the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), in sustainable environment. The DENR supports the country’s
coordination with other concerned agencies and sectors. economic development while balancing it with the need to
keep our environment sustainable.
How will air quality in the country be managed?
- Designation of air sheds