MME30001 Minor Activity OHS With Suggested Answers PDF
MME30001 Minor Activity OHS With Suggested Answers PDF
MME30001 Minor Activity OHS With Suggested Answers PDF
Part A:
Q1. What are the basic elements of OH&S?
It is concerned with:
Health issues that might have long term adverse impact on people in work place
(usually long term such as inappropriate work condition such high level of noise,
moisture,….,design of work and work equipment without ergonomic
Safety issues that might endanger people in work usually with immediate
consequences, slips, falls, fire etc
Q2. If a worker, James, has injured himself working with one of the CNC equipment
in Ultra-design manufacturing workshop. Who is responsible for the accident?
James’s manager/supervisor( he may not have provided adequate training,
safety equipment,……. for James)
James himself( he may not have followed safety procedures,…..)
Designer/manufacturer/installer of the equipment (the equipment might
have been faulty, ……)
(please note: as one of the students pointed out, OHS laws not only covers people
who are directly involved with an occupation but also it covers people who might be
involved with an occupation or a workplace environment indirectly, for example
visitors of a workplace, …)
The JSA process is suitable for different trades do different tasks, and need not require
enormous amounts of time or use endless pieces of paper.
Job Safety Analysis Worksheets
Many tasks undertaken are done routinely and have probably been done the same way for years
- sometimes safely, sometimes not. Before starting a task, it is essential to think of what is the
safest and best way to do it. These JSA worksheets help in assessing the risks of doing the job.
Download a job safety analysis worksheet and follow these five Job Safety Analysis steps:
1. Document the activity: Assemble those involved in the activity and then, using the
JSA worksheet, write down the tasks that make up the activity, step by step.
2. Identify the hazards: Next to each task, identify what part of the task may cause
injury to those doing the work or to anyone else nearby.
3. Document the control measures: For each identified hazard, list the measures that
need to be put in place to eliminate or minimise any likely risk of injury to those involved.
4. Identify who is responsible: Document the name of the person responsible for
implementing the control measure.
5. Monitor and review: Make sure the activity is supervised to ensure the documented
process is being followed. The JSA should be reviewed whenever a documented activity
changes, when there is a change of personnel or after an appropriate length of time.”
This is from “
Q4. What is Risk Classification Matrix for? What are its main elements? How it can be
Risk classification matrix is a tool to classify risks and manage risks in the
work environment.
to be taken (immediate actions for with dire consequences that have high
likelihood,. )
Part B:
Please check the “Guide to Best Practice for Safer Construction: Principles” published by CRC
Construction Innovation which is available from website (also available from blackboard, learning material
OH & S section) and discuss what each of the following principles means with examples.