PZO9552 Rules PDF
PZO9552 Rules PDF
PZO9552 Rules PDF
Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness may be played as part of SANCTIONED CONTENT KEY
the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign for credit. Sanctioned Content Legal Character Levels
The adventure was produced for a wider audience than just A Foul Breed 1–3
Pathfinder Society Organized Play, and is thus structured What Lurks in the Woods 1–3
differently from scenarios. As such, the specific rules The Festering Blot 1–3
changes needed for receiving Pathfinder Society Organized
Play credit when playing this adventure are presented here. Society Roleplaying Guild campaign (such as 20-point
buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the
SANCTIONED CONTENT campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure.
Gallows of Madness is broken up into three smaller adventures, Pathfinder Society characters and characters playing through
or “chapters”, that are connected to the same storyline. The this alternative format may not play in the same adventure.
chapters of Gallows of Madness can be played as stand-alone
adventures or combined in any order, although the story GETTING CREDIT
works best if they are played in the order in which they are Players who play through one of the sanctioned segments
presented. Each chapter of Gallows of Madness is considered of the module receive the respective Chronicle sheet. A GM
sanctioned content. Normally, Tier 1–3 adventures can only who runs a chapter of the module may likewise apply credit
be played once. Gallows of Madness is a special exception to to any one of her Pathfinder Society PCs of the appropriate
the standard replay rules—each chapter can be replayed level. Players must decide which character to apply credit
an unlimited number of times with a 1st-level character to when they receive the Chronicle sheet and the GM signs
for credit. Each chapter can also be played with a 2nd-level it. Each Chronicle sheet gives 3 XP and 4 Prestige Points,
or 3rd-level character once for credit in each of Core and or 1.5 XP and 2 Prestige Points for characters on the slow
Standard Campaign play. GMs receive another Chronicle advancement track.
sheet each time they run a chapter of Gallows of Madness, but Players who play through the entire module and apply
can only apply each chapter’s Chronicle sheet to one 2nd- all three Chronicle sheets to the same Pathfinder Society
level or 3rd-level character in the Core Campaign and one character earn a fourth Chronicle sheet that must also be
in the Standard Campaign. applied to that character. GMs who apply all three Chronicle
When running Gallows of Madness, calculate your sheets to the same Pathfinder Society character also recieve
group’s APL. If their APL is 2 or greater, apply the scaling this bonus Chronicle sheet.
adjustments for 2nd-level characters found at the end of Players can earn the boons listed on the Chronicle sheets
each chapter. through their actions during the adventure. If the PCs do
not fulfill the conditions listed in the first sentence of a
LEGAL PATHFINDER SOCIETY CHARACTERS boon, cross that boon off of each player’s Chronicle sheet.
All players must use an existing Pathfinder Society
character (without modification) within the legal RUNNING MULTI-SESSION ADVENTURES
character levels range for the specific sanctioned portion Since a sanctioned module can be a multi-session event,
of the adventure being played. Pathfinder Society characters may not be used in other
Alternatively, you may play all three chapters of Gallows of Pathfinder Society events until they complete and receive
Madness in any order, afterward receiving credit for playing a Chronicle sheet for the sanctioned content. GMs are
the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had advised to work with players who miss the final session
played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running of the module in order for those players to receive their
the module are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Chronicle sheets.
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Liberty’s Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Liberty’s Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Liberty’s Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Liberty’s Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Pathfinder Module: Character Chronicle #
Gallows of Madness
(A Foul Breed)
SUBTIER Slow Normal
Apprentices Returned: You defeated Gellion and rescued the apprentices he was holding prisoner. The
masters of the apprentices that you rescued provide you with handmade gifts from their businesses as a SUBTIER Slow Normal
token of their appreciation. When you receive this boon, cross off the rewards for each apprentice you did
— — —
not rescue. These rewards increase if you apply the Chronicle sheets for one or both of the other chapters
of Gallows of Madness to the same character.
SUBTIER Slow Normal
Dependable Drummady’s (Rescued Pavolus Laterna): Drummady Laterna crafts you a pair of sturdy, perfectly
fitting shoes accented with precious metals worth 50 gp. If you apply credit for all three chapters of Gallows — — —
of Madness to this character, Drummady provides additional ornamentation that increases the value of the
shoes to 100 gp. When would purchase magic item that occupies the feet slot, you may apply enchantment
directly to these shoes, reducing the price by the shoe’s value. These shoes count as jewelry for the purposes of
Starting XP
accessorizing a courtier’s or noble’s outfit.
Gunty’s Hearty Breads (Rescued Noemi Tauralio): Gunty regularly sends you baskets of hearty bread that stay Initials
fresh across long journeys. You begin each adventure with 4 trail rations. The bread hardens and becomes
XP Gained (GM ONLY)
inedible after each adventure if it is not consumed.
Petrello’s Haberdashery (rescued Betrona Pindlion): Although Peterello Pindlion’s skills as a haberdasher leave
something to be desired, he is skilled at picking outfits to accessorize. He gives you a courtier’s outfit. If you
Final XP Total
apply credit for all three chapters of Gallows of Madness to this character, he also gives you a noble’s outfit.
▫ Pricknettle’s Potions and Poultices (rescued Gellion Vazarro): You only receive this boon if Gellion survives to
the end of the adventure and you speak on his behalf to Mayor Trinelli. You may check the box that precedes
Initial Prestige Initial Fame
this boon to purchase a potion from Majara Pricknettle at a 10% discount. This discount increases to 20% if
you apply credit for two chapters of Gallows of Madness to this character, or 30% if you apply credit for all three Initials
wounds made from an elk’s antler with 3 charges remaining. The wand gains 3 charges each time you apply
an additional Gallows of Madness Chronicle sheet to this character. Additionally, Nolaria provides you with the
Prestige Spent
following benefits during the other chapters of Gallows of Madness. If you play “What Lurks in the Woods”,
she gives you a map of the area around Saringallow that grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks
during this adventure. She also warns you that she has seen fiendish goblins in the area, and provides you with Current Final
information about these creatures as if you had rolled a 40 on your Knowledge check to identify them. If you play Prestige Fame
“Festering Blot” with this character, show this boon to your GM. Nolaria provides you with a rough description
of the layout of the areas labeled K1-K17 before you leave Saringallow in their direction.
Witch’s End Tavern (Rescued Morvinarr Albusin): The imposing proprietor Alcie Kruptin is slow to trust Starting GP
wanderers, but she believes that you are worthy of trust. Over a hot meal, she lectures you with advice about how GM’s
to convince innkeepers that your presence is good for business. Whenever you pay for lodging for yourself or +
your companion creatures, or other PCs pay for lodging while you are present, reduce the price by 50%. Only one GP Gained (GM ONLY)
copy of this boon may apply at a time, even if multiple PCs have earned it. Initials
For GM Only
Gallows of Madness
(What Lurks in the Woods)
SUBTIER Slow Normal
Courageous Recruit: You rescued Nixa Volsetti, a new recruit to Isger’s army, from Mezodarath’s
prison. During “A Foul Breed,” Nixa grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather SUBTIER Slow Normal
information. During “The Festering Blot,” you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on skill checks pertaining
— — —
to searching or performing research in libraries. Additionally, Nixa provides you with one additional
rumor about Saringallow.
SUBTIER Slow Normal
▫ Goblin Slayer: You defeated the goblins who were terrorizing the Escoro family and other local
shepherds. You may check off the box before this boon to gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Sense — — —
Motive, and Survival checks against creatures with the goblinoid subtype, as well as a +1 bonus on attack
and damage rolls against them. If you have the favored enemy class feature and chose golbinoid as one
of your favored enemies, increase your favored enemy bonus against golbinoids by +2 instead. Activating
Starting XP
this boon is a free action, and these benefits last for 1 minute.
▫ ▫ Repurposed Trap: On your way up to Highfort, you encountered a trap made of bottled brown Initials
mold. You recovered some these jars for your own future use; immediately check one of the boxes that
XP Gained (GM ONLY)
precede this boon if you did not disable the trap. So long as you carry a jar with you, you gain the benefits
of endure elements in in hot environments and take a –2 penalty on saving throws against environmental
cold. Check one of the boxes that precede this boon to throw a jar at a square as a ranged attack roll
Final XP Total
against an AC of 5 (range increment 10 feet). If you miss, use the rules for missing with a thrown splash
weapon to determine where the jar lands (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 202). When the jar hits the ground,
it splits open, filling the square with brown mold. The mold deals 2d6 points of nonlethal cold damage
Initial Prestige Initial Fame
per round to anyone it its square. Unlike typical brown mold, it does not expand when fire is nearby—the
jarred samples have become somewhat sickly from their long confinement. After you check the second Initials
dogslicer (8 gp; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 26) potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Prestige Spent
feather token (bird; 300 gp) potion of invisibility (300 gp)
horsechopper (10 gp; Ultimate Equipment 30) potion of lesser restoration (300 gp)
Current Final
Prestige Fame
Starting GP
GP Gained (GM ONLY)
Gold Spent
For GM Only
Gallows of Madness
(The Festering Blot)
SUBTIER Slow Normal
Antidotes and Remedies: Among the poisonous plants in the Sarini garden, you found four potent
medicinal plants, each of which has a different effect. You collected a bundle of leaves and roots from SUBTIER Slow Normal
each of these plants for future use. You may chew a bundle of plants as a standard action to produce one
— — —
of the following effects. Once you use one of the bundles, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
• Heal 1d4+1 points of damage.
SUBTIER Slow Normal
• Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against disease for 1 hour.
• Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against poison for 1 hour. — — —
• Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against effects that would nauseate or sicken you for
1 hour.
▫ ▫ Bringing the Truth to Light: You recovered records of the Sarini family’s unspeakable deeds from
Starting XP
the secret chambers below their manor. In addition to bringing closure to families of Saringallow, these
documents provide you with insights about the forces of Hell. You may check off a box at the beginning Initials
of your turn to treat the DR of devils as if it were 5 lower and the SR of devils as if it were 2 lower until the
XP Gained (GM ONLY)
beginning of your next turn. Alternatively, you may check off a box before this boon to grant a devil that
you have summoned or called a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws and a +2 enhancement bonus to its
natural armor for 1 round. Checking off a box is a free action. After checking off the second box, cross
Final XP Total
this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp) History of Isger (50 gp; Spending 10 minutes studying
Initial Prestige Initial Fame
From Rivers to Mountains (50 gp; Spending 10 minutes this outdated history book grants the reader a +2
studying this book grants the reader a +2 circumstance circumstance bonus on Knowledge [history or nobility] Initials
bonus on Knowledge [geography] checks pertaining checks pertaining to Isger. This bonus lasts for 1 hour.)
Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)
to Isger and Survival checks to avoid getting lost or The Nine Secrets (50 gp; A reader trained in Linguistics who
survive in the wilderness while in Isger. This bonus lasts spends 10 minutes studying this collection of encrypted
for 1 hour.) infernal knowledge gains a +2 circumstance bonus on
Prestige Spent
Knowledge [planes or religion] checks pertaining to
devils, diabolism, and Hell. This bonus lasts for 1 hour.)
Current Final
Prestige Fame
Starting GP
GP Gained (GM ONLY)
Gold Spent
For GM Only
Gallows of Madness
(Bonus Chronicle Sheet)
SUBTIER Slow Normal
Savior of Saringallow: When you earn this Chronicle sheet, you may choose whether or not to receive XP,
Prestige Point, and gold rewards; you may instead choose to gain no XP and gold, but you instead earn 2 SUBTIER Slow Normal
Prestige Points and still qualify for all of the boons and items on this sheet. If you elect to earn the full
— — —
rewards, you gain 3 XP, 6 Prestige Points, and 3,711 gp (1,856 gp for characters use the slow track method
of advancement).
SUBTIER Slow Normal
▫ ▫ ▫ Friends in Saringallow: You rescued both Nolaria Wintren and Nixa Volsetti from Wormgnash’s
minions. The cousins decide to provide you with assistance on your future adventures. Using any of — — —
these favors requires your spending the time or actions to perform the task yourself. You may use the
favors listed below in any combination, checking off a box each time you ask for help. When you check the
last box, Nolaria and Nixa return to Saringallow; cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
Starting XP
• Ask Nixa to share her expertise (Knowledge [planes] +5)
• Ask Nolaria to share her wisdom (Heal +6 or Survival +6) Initials
• Ask Nolaria to cast bless (CL 3rd, concentration +5)
XP Gained (GM ONLY)
• Ask Nolaria to cast cure light wounds (CL 3rd, concentration +5)
• Ask Nixa to make a full attack against one of your foes. Melee mwk longsword +4 (1d8+3/19–20), light
shield +3 (1d3+3)
Final XP Total
Pushing Back the Abyss: You stopped Wormgnash’s plots, and, with the help of the town guard,
eradicated the last traces of demon bile from Saringallow. Your experiences in Saringallow have taught
you to recognize signs of demonic influence. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (planes)
Initial Prestige Initial Fame
checks concerning demons, and may attempt such checks as though you were trained in the skill. This
bonus does not stack with the benefits provided by tools like Pathfinder Chronicles. Initials
Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)
PRICE antiquarian’s monocle (1,350 gp)
SLOT eyes CL 3rd WEIGHT —
Prestige Spent
AURA faint divination
This lens, mounted on a round silver frame, fits snugly Current Final
in the eye orbit of any Medium or Small user. Three times Prestige Fame
For GM Only