We Be Goblins Free!: Pathfinder Module
We Be Goblins Free!: Pathfinder Module
We Be Goblins Free!: Pathfinder Module
We Be Goblins Free!
Pathfinder Society Organized Play
athfinder Module: We Be Goblins Free! may be
played in all Pathfinder Society Organized Play Conditions and Death
events for credit. Modules are a fun and exciting In Pathfinder Society, a player who plays a pregenerated
way for players to try out new and different character character that dies must still resolve the death and
concepts and builds in addition to those of their primary recovery when applying the Chronicle sheet. This is also
Pathfinder Society PCs. Because the nature of modules the case for We Be Goblins Free!; however, part of the fun of
differs from that of scenarios, this document outlines an all-goblin module is the opportunity to perform zany
the specific rules changes needed for playing Pathfinder feats, even if they lead to the goblins death. To reflect
Modules for Pathfinder Society credit and provides a the spirit of the module, at the end of the adventure, any
Chronicle sheet to award players upon the completion of dead pregenerated goblin characters may recover from
We Be Goblins Free! death completely for only 5 Prestige Points; this includes
both the cost of raise dead and the cost of removing the
HOW TO PLAY permanent negative levels and any other conditions.
Because Pathfinder Modules are produced for a wider
audience than just Pathfinder Society Organized Play, Getting Credit
several special rules are required for playing them All players who play the entire module receive the attached
as sanctioned events. These guidelines should be Chronicle sheet, which may be applied to any 3rd-, 4th-,
considered supplementary to the rules presented in the or 5th-level PC as if that character had played the module.
Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. In instances A GM who runs a module may likewise apply credit to
where rules presented in this document conflict with the any one of her Pathfinder Society PCs of those levels. The
Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, the specifics here decision of which character receives credit must be made
supersede the rules in the Guide, but only when playing when the Chronicle sheet is received and signed.
this Pathfinder Module. Because We Be Goblins Free! is shorter than most
Pathfinder Modules do not contain Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Modules, playing the adventure from
faction missions, nor are they tiered for play by PCs over beginning to end earns a player 1 XP and 1 Prestige
a wide range of levels. Thematically, the adventures do Point. The GM likewise earns 1 XP and 1 Prestige Point
not assume that the PCs are members of the Pathfinder for running the entire module. Each participant may
Society as scenarios do; in fact, We Be Goblins Free! qualify for an additional Prestige Point by receiving the
assumes that the characters are members of a Varisian Prestigious Goblin boon on his Chronicle sheet; a GM
goblin tribe. does not automatically qualify for this boon and must
also meet the conditions to earn it.
Legal Pathfinder Society Characters As always, each player may receive credit for each
Players who wish to receive Pathfinder Society credit module once as a player and once as a GM in either order.
for playing through We Be Goblins Free! must use one of
the pregenerated goblin PCs provided in the adventure, Advice for Running We Be Goblins!
beginning on page 12. Those players who have a We Be Goblins Free! is not written in the style of a
Chronicle sheet allowing them to play goblin characters traditional Pathfinder Society Scenario, and therefore
in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign may players and GMs need to keep certain differences in mind.
play those characters in We Be Goblins Free! so long as they Very few players in the Pathfinder Society Organized
are within the modules level range. Play campaign can legally play goblin PCs, so the entire
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court
Pathfinder Module: Character Chronicle #
We Be Goblins Free!
Core Campaign
35 800 1,600
Player Name Character Name Pathfinder Society # Faction SUBTIER Slow Normal
SUBTIER Slow Normal
You Be Goblin Chief: You have spent so much time studying goblins that you fancy you could be their chief
if you set your mind to it. Of course, all great goblins chiefs are masters of the goblin games. As a free action,
you can gain one of the benefits below for 3 rounds. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
SUBTIER Slow Normal
The Great Goblin King: One violent turn deserves another. Before you make an attack against a creature
that damaged you since the end of your last turn, you can attempt a DC 15 Perform (act, comedy, oratory,
or sing) check as a free action. If you succeed, you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon
SUBTIER Slow Normal
damage rolls against that creature until the beginning of your next turn.
Goblin Dog Sprint: Youre an adept runner of obstacle courses. You gain a +2 bonus on all checks made
to overcome obstacles during a chase (Pathfinder RPG Gamemastery Guide 232) as though your speed were
10 feet faster.
Burn the Dogs! Burn the Horses!: Nothing burns hotter than the fires you start. When you set a creature
on fire with a spell, alchemical weapon, or other effect, the ongoing fire damage dealt if the creature Starting XP
catches on fire is increased by 1d6 during the first round it burns. GMs
Killgull: You are especially adept at knocking flying creatures out of the air. Your first attack each round +
deals an additional 1d6 damage against an airborne target, and the creature suffers a 5 penalty on Fly XP Gained (GM ONLY)
checks until the beginning of your next turn.
Kaboom! Kablam!: Youre constantly finding new and deadly way to employ fireworks. You can cross
this boon off your Chronicle sheet when lighting a non-magical firework in order to double the damage Final XP Total
it deals and increase the DC of any saving throws made against its effects by 2.
Prestigious Goblin: Few adventurers who study goblin culture can stomach further exposure, and
through your perseverance you have earned the grudging respect of your peers. If you have the You Be Initial Prestige Initial Fame
Goblin boon, the You Really Be Goblin boon, are a goblin (requiring a special Chronicle sheet), or completed GMs
this module during the Free RPG Day 2015 event, you gain 1 additional Prestige Point when you receive this +
Chronicle sheet. If you do not meet these conditions, cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet. Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)
Squealy Mnarrrr!: The power of the Birdcruncher tribe empowers its unofficial totem beasts: the owlbear
and the pig. If you possess a class feature that permits you to take a boar as an animal companion, that boar
can channel Squealy Nords ferocity; the boars starting Charisma score is 10, and it deals an additional 1d6 Prestige Spent
damage when it makes a charge attack. If you are instead able to gain an owlbear as an animal companion,
the penalty on Handle Animal checks made to handle the owlbear companion decreases by 2 (minimum 0),
Current Final
and the owlbeak gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to grapple. Prestige Fame
defoliant polish (800 gp; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide 304) +
elixir of fire breath (1,100 gp) GP Gained (GM ONLY)
elixir of hiding (250 gp) GMs
lesser strand of prayer beads (only a bead of blessing remains; 600 gp, limit 1)
pearl of power (1st level; 1,000 gp) Day Job (GM ONLY)
restorative ointment (4,000 gp)
scroll of dimension door (700 gp)
steadfast gut-stone (800 gp; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 320) Gold Spent
wand of fireball (3 charges; 675 gp, limit 1)
wand of shatter (12 charges; 1,080 gp, limit 1) =
For GM Only