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Table of Contents

Cover Sheet.................................................................................................................................................................................2
Vessel Design Summary:......................................................................................................................................................3
Nozzle Summary:.......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle Schedule:.....................................................................................................................................................................6
Bill of Material:..................................................................................................................................................................8
MDMT Summary:............................................................................................................................................................................9
Warnings and Errors:.........................................................................................................................................................11
Input Echo:...............................................................................................................................................................................12
XY Coordinate Calculations:........................................................................................................................................19
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange.................................................................................................................................20
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla............................................................................................................................25
Internal Pressure Calculations:...............................................................................................................................30
Element: Bottom Dish.........................................................................................................................................................31
Element: Bottom Channel..................................................................................................................................................34
Element: Main Shell............................................................................................................................................................36
Element: Top Channel She................................................................................................................................................38
Element: # 7............................................................................................................................................................................40
Pressure Test Results: Shop Test............................................................................................................................42
External Pressure Calculations:...............................................................................................................................44
Element and Detail Weights:........................................................................................................................................45
Nozzle Flange MAWP:............................................................................................................................................................48
Natural Frequency Calculation:.................................................................................................................................50
Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending:...............................................................................................................................51
Longitudinal Stress Constants:.................................................................................................................................52
Longitudinal Allowable Stresses:............................................................................................................................53
Longitudinal Stresses due to:....................................................................................................................................54
Stress due to Combined Loads:....................................................................................................................................56
Center of Gravity Calculation:.................................................................................................................................62
Sup. Lug Calcs: Ope:.........................................................................................................................................................63
Sup. Lug Calcs: Test:.......................................................................................................................................................66
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6 in. In........................................................................................................................................68
Nozzle Calcs.: Intermediate 1 in.........................................................................................................................79
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6 in. -Out...............................................................................................................................82
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6 in. In........................................................................................................................................93
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6 in.-Out....................................................................................................................................104
Nozzle Calcs.: Vent- Interm,1 in.......................................................................................................................115
ASME TS Calc:........................................................................................................................................................................118
Cover Page 2


In Accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 1

ASME Code Version : 2021

Analysis Performed by : #

Job File : ...\VCE-EDS-498-001.pvdb

Date of Analysis : Apr 26,2023 12:43pm

PV Elite 25, January 2023

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 3
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 34 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Vessel Design Summary:

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Diameter Spec : 500.000 mm ID

Vessel Design Length, Tangent to Tangent 419.54 cm

Distance of Bottom Tangent above Grade 0.00 cm

Specified Datum Line Distance 5.00 cm

Shell Side Design Temperature 150 °C

Channel Side Design Temperature 150 °C

Shell Side Design Pressure 6.000 kgf/cm²

Channel Side Design Pressure 6.000 kgf/cm²

Shop Shell Side Test Pressure 22.198 kgf/cm²

Shop Channel Side Test Pressure 12.216 kgf/cm²

Wind Design Code No Wind Loads

Earthquake Design Code No Seismic

Materials of Construction:

Component | | | | |Normal | Impact |

Type | Material | Class | Thickness | UNS # | ized | Tested |
Shell | SA-516 70 | ... | ... | K02700 | No | No |
Head | SA-516 70 | ... | ... | K02700 | No | No |
Head | SA-240 316L | ... | ... | S31603 | No | No |
Flange | SA-516 70 | ... | ... | K02700 | No | No |
Nozzle | SA-106 B | ... | ... | K03006 | No | No |
Re-Pad | SA-516 70 | ... | ... | K02700 | No | No |
Nozzle Flg | SA-105 | ... | ... | K03504 | No | No |
Sup. Lugs | SA-516 70 | ... | ... | K02700 | No | No |
Tubes | SA-179 | ... | ... | K01200 | No | No |
Tubesheet | SA-516 70 | ... | ... | K02700 | No | No |
Flg Bolting | SA-193 B7 | ... | <= 2 1/2 | G41400 | No | No |
Lug Bolting | SA-193 B7 | ... | <= 2 1/2 | G41400 | No | No |

Normalized is determined based on the UCS-66 material curve selection and Figure UCS-66.
Impact Tested is based on material selection and material data properties.

Element Pressures and MAWP (kgf/cm² & mm):

| Design | | | Total | Str. | In |

Element Description | Pressure | Ext. | Element | Corrosion | Flg. | Creep |
or Type | + Stat. head | Press. | M.A.W.P | Allowance | Gov. | Range |
Bottom Dish | 6.445 | 0.00 | 16.500 | 3.0000 | No | No |
Bottom Channel | 6.427 | 0.00 | 22.900 | 3.0000 | N/A | No |
Bottom Body flange | 6.377 | 0.00 | 19.300 | 3.1750 | N/A | No |
Main Shell | 6.287 | 0.00 | 23.100 | 3.0000 | N/A | No |
Top Body Flange | 6.077 | 0.00 | 19.700 | 3.0000 | N/A | No |
Top Channel Shell | 6.077 | 0.00 | 23.300 | 3.0000 | N/A | No |
Ellipse | 6.017 | 0.00 | 9.400 | 3.0000 | No | N/S |

N/S in the Creep Range column specifies that the Creep Range Temperature was not specified in the
ASME Code Section II Part D for this material.

Liquid Level: 427.42 cm Dens.: 999.542 kg/m³ Sp. Gr.: 1.000

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 4
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 34 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Element Types and Properties:

Element |"To" Elev | Element | Nominal | Finished | Reqd Thk | Reqd Thk | Long | Circ |
| | Length |Thickness |Thickness | Internal | External | Eff | Eff |
Type | cm | cm | mm | mm | mm | mm | | |
Ellipse | 0.0 | 5.0 | 8.0 | 6.0 | 5.5 | ... | 1.00 | 0.85 |
Cylinder | 50.0 | 50.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 5.5 | ... | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Body Flg | 50.0 | 6.1 | 49.0 | 53.0 | 52.5 | 52.5 | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Cylinder | 354.8 | 300.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 5.5 | ... | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Body Flg | 365.6 | 6.1 | 55.0 | 53.0 | 52.4 | 52.4 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Cylinder | 409.5 | 50.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 5.5 | ... | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Ellipse | 414.5 | 5.0 | 8.0 | 5.0 | 4.5 | ... | 1.00 | 0.85 |

Loads for Foundation/Support Design:

Total Wind Shear on Support 2309. kgf

Total Earthquake Shear on Support 2309. kgf
Wind Moment on Support 730. kgf-m.
Earthquake Moment on Support 730. kgf-m.

The Wind and Seismic loads were not load factored in this analysis.

Wind and Earthquake moments include the effects of user defined forces and moments if any exist in
the job and were specified to act (compute loads and stresses) during these cases. Also included
are moment effects due to eccentric weights if any are present in the input. Shear forces
and moments due to nozzle loads are also included, but not in the Test Case results.

Local Stress Analysis Results:

| Analysis | Max Stress | High Stress | Pass |

Description | Type | Ratio | Location | Fail |
T1-6" In | WRC-107/537 | 0.842 | n/a | Passed |
S-1 -6" -Out | WRC-107/537 | 0.833 | n/a | Passed |
S2-6" In | WRC-107/537 | 0.921 | n/a | Passed |
T2-6"-Out | WRC-107/537 | 0.838 | n/a | Passed |

Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 1436.4 kg
Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 2207.8 kg
Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 1436.4 kg
Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 1436.4 kg
Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 1436.4 kg
Operating - Empty + Operating Liquid (No CA) 2214.1 kg
Field Test - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 2207.8 kg

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 5
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Summary: Step: 32 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle Calculation Summary (kgf/cm² & mm):

Description | MAWP | Ext | MAPNC | UG-45 [tr] | Weld | Areas or |

| | | | | | Path | Stresses |
T1-6" In | 22.9 | ... | ... | OK | 5.50 | OK | Passed |
Intermediate 1" | 22.9 | ... | ... | OK | 2.95 | OK | No Calc[*] |
S-1 -6" -Out | 23.1 | ... | ... | OK | 5.50 | OK | Passed |
S2-6" In | 23.1 | ... | ... | OK | 5.50 | OK | Passed |
T2-6"-Out | 23.3 | ... | ... | OK | 5.50 | OK | Passed |
Vent- Interm,1" | 23.3 | ... | ... | OK | 2.95 | OK | No Calc[*] |

Nozzle MAWP Summary:

Minimum MAWP Nozzles : 23.1 Nozzle : S-1 -6" -Out [Shellside]
Minimum MAWP Nozzles : 22.9 Nozzle : T1-6" In [Tubeside]

[*] - This was a small opening and the areas were not computed or
the MAWP of this connection could not be computed because
the longitudinal bending stress was greater than the hoop stress.

Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.

Multiple output lines for the same nozzle indicates required Code calculations in both the
longitudinal and circumferential planes of reinforcement where applicable.

Check the Spatial Relationship between the Nozzles:

From Node | Nozzle Description | Y Coordinate | Layout Angle | Dia. Limit |

| | mm | deg | mm |
20 | T1-6" In | 280.000 | 90.000 | 292.659 |
20 | Intermediate 1" | 150.000 | 180.000 | 53.289 |
40 | S-1 -6" -Out | 3347.676 | 90.000 | 298.145 |
40 | S2-6" In | 897.675 | 180.000 | 311.658 |
70 | T2-6"-Out | 3935.350 | 180.000 | 308.102 |
70 | Vent- Interm,1"t| 3795.350 | 90.000 | 53.289 |

The nozzle spacing is computed by the following:

= sqrt( ll² + lc² ) where

ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction

If any interferences/violations are found, they will be noted below.

No interference violations have been detected!

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 6
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Schedule: Step: 31 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle Schedule:

Nominal or| Schd| Flg| Nozzle| Wall| Reinforcing Pad | Cut| Flg|
Actual| or FVC| Type| O/Dia| Thk| Diameter Thk | Length| Class|
Description Size| Type| | in| mm| mm | mm| |
Intermediate 1" | 1.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 1.315| 3.378| ... | ... | 158.56| 150|
Vent- Interm,1"t| 1.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 1.315| 3.378| ... | ... | 208.56| 150|
T1-6" In | 6.000 in| 80 |SlipO| 6.625| 10.973| 268.27 | 6.00 | 222.58| 300|
S-1 -6" -Out | 6.000 in| 80 |SlipO| 6.625| 10.973| 270.00 | 8.00 | 222.58| 300|
S2-6" In | 6.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 6.625| 7.112| 241.30 | 12.00 | 222.58| 300|
T2-6"-Out | 6.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 6.625| 7.112| 268.27 | 6.00 | 222.58| 300|

General Notes for the above table:

The cut length is the outside projection + inside projection + drop + in-plane shell
thickness. This value does not include weld gaps, nor does it account for shrinkage.

In the case of oblique nozzles, the outside diameter must be increased. The re-pad width
around the nozzle is calculated as follows:
Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2

For hub nozzles, the thickness and diameter shown are those of the smaller and thinner section.

Nozzle Material and Weld Fillet Leg Size Details (mm):

| | Shl Grve | Noz Shl/Pad | Pad OD | Pad Grve | Inside |

Description | Material | Weld | Weld | Weld | Weld | Weld |
Intermediat | SA-106 B | 3.378 | 10.000 | ... | ... | ... |
Vent- Inter | SA-106 B | 3.000 | 10.000 | ... | ... | ... |
T1-6" In | SA-106 B | 5.000 | 10.000 | 4.000 | 6.000 | ... |
S-1 -6" -Ou | SA-106 B | 8.000 | 8.000 | 6.000 | 8.000 | ... |
S2-6" In | SA-106 B | 5.000 | 10.000 | 10.000 | 6.000 | ... |
T2-6"-Out | SA-106 B | 3.000 | 6.000 | 6.000 | 6.000 | ... |

Note: The Outside projections below do not include the flange thickness.

Nozzle Miscellaneous Data:

| Elev/Distance | Layout | Proj | Proj | Installed in |

Description | From Datum | Angle | Outside | Inside | Component |
| cm | deg | mm | mm | |
Intermediate 1" | 10.000 | 180.0 | 150.00 | 0.00 | Bottom Channel |
Vent- Interm,1"t| 374.535 | 90.0 | 200.00 | 0.00 | Top Channel Shel |
T1-6" In | 23.000 | 90.0 | 200.00 | 0.00 | Bottom Channel |
S-1 -6" -Out | 329.768 | 90.0 | 200.00 | 0.00 | Main Shell |
S2-6" In | 84.768 | 180.0 | 200.00 | 0.00 | Main Shell |
T2-6"-Out | 388.535 | 180.0 | 200.00 | 0.00 | Top Channel Shel |

Weld Sizes for Slip On/Socket Weld Nozzle Flanges per UW-21:

Nozzle to Flange Fillet Weld Leg dimension [xmin]:

= min( 1.4 * tn, Hub Thickness )

The Nozzle Wall thicknesses shown below are in the corroded condition. Hubs
are considered to be straight.

Nominal or Actual | Schd | Flg | Noz. | Wall | Hub | Throat | xmin |

Description Size | or FVC | Type | O/Dia | Thk | Thk | Thk | Thk |
| Type | | in | mm | mm | mm | mm |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 7
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Schedule: Step: 31 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Intermediate 1" 1.000 in | 40 |SlipOn| 1.315 | 3.378 | 7.366 | 3.311 | 4.729 |

Vent- Interm,1"t 1.000 in | 40 |SlipOn| 1.315 | 3.378 | 7.366 | 3.311 | 4.729 |
T1-6" In 6.000 in | 80 |SlipOn| 6.625 | 10.973 | 17.780 | 10.753 | 15.362 |
S-1 -6" -Out 6.000 in | 80 |SlipOn| 6.625 | 10.973 | 17.780 | 10.753 | 15.362 |
S2-6" In 6.000 in | 40 |SlipOn| 6.625 | 7.112 | 17.780 | 6.970 | 9.957 |
T2-6"-Out 6.000 in | 40 |SlipOn| 6.625 | 7.112 | 17.780 | 6.970 | 9.957 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 8
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Bill of Material: Step: 30 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Bill of Materials:


1 | ELLIPTICAL HEAD: 2.0 X 1, 8.0mm THK X 500.0mm ID X 5.0mm | SA-516 70 |
1 | BODY FLANGE: 53.0mm THK X 650.0mm OD | SA-516 70 |
1 | BODY FLANGE: 55.0mm THK X 650.0mm OD | SA-516 70 |
1 | ELLIPTICAL HEAD: 2.0 X 1, 8.0mm THK X 500.0mm ID X 5.0mm | SA-240 316L |
4 | BAFFLES: 478.0mm DIA X 8.0mm THK | SA-516 70 |
6 | TIE RODS: 10mm DIA X 3000mm | SA-193 B7 |
6 | SPACERS: 20mm DIA X 3000mm | SA-179 |
2 | TUBESHEET: 650.0mm X 40.0mm THK | SA-516 70 |
327 | TUBES: 3000.0mm X 19.0mm DIA X 1.2mm THK | SA-179 |
4 | GUSSET PLATES: 200.0mm X 70.0mm X 306.0mm X 20.0mm | SA-516 70 |
2 | BOTTOM PLATES: 150.0mm X 200.0mm X 20.0mm | SA-516 70 |
2 | TOP PLATES: 150.0mm X 70.0mm X 20.0mm | SA-516 70 |
2 | LUG BOLTS: 12.0mm TEMA Metric | SA-193 B7 |
2 | CYLINDRICAL SEGMENT 8.0mm THK X 1360.7mm X 50.0mm | SA-516 70 |
2 | CYLINDRICAL SEGMENT 8.0mm THK X 210.1mm X 50.0mm | SA-516 70 |
1 | CYLINDRICAL SEGMENT 8.0mm THK X 1360.7mm X 300.0mm | SA-516 70 |
1 | CYLINDRICAL SEGMENT 8.0mm THK X 210.1mm X 300.0mm | SA-516 70 |
1 | NAMEPLATE | ... |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 9
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
MDMT Summary: Step: 33 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results Summary (°C):

Curve Basic Reduced UG-20(f) Thickness

Description MDMT MDMT MDMT Thk ratio reqd
Notes mm
Main Shell [8] B -29 -48 -29 0.620 8.000 0.85 No
S-1 -6" -Out [1] B -8 -104 -29 0.039 9.601 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [5] A -18 -104
S2-6" In [1] B -8 -104 -29 0.065 6.223 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [5] A -18 -104
Nozl. Bolting[22] -48 1.000 63.500 1.00 No
Warmest MDMT: -8 -48
Bottom Dish [10] B -29 -38 -29 0.833 6.000 1.00 No
Bottom Dish [7] B -29 -104 -29 0.340 8.000 1.00 No
Bottom Channel[8] B -29 -48 -29 0.425 8.000 0.85 No
Top Channel Sh[8] B -29 -48 -29 0.425 8.000 0.85 No
[16] -196
T1-6" In [1] B -8 -104 -29 0.041 9.601 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [5] A -18 -104
Intermediate 1[1] B -8 -104 -29 0.024 2.956 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [5] A -18 -104
T2-6"-Out [1] B -8 -104 -29 0.062 6.223 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [5] A -18 -104
Vent- Interm,1[1] B -8 -104 -29 0.023 2.956 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [5] A -18 -104
Nozl. Bolting[22] -48 1.000 63.500 1.00 No
Warmest MDMT: -8 -38

Exchanger Side Computed MDMT Required MDMT Pass/Fail

Shell -48.0 0.0 Pass
Channel/Tube -38.0 0.0 Pass

[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.
[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.
[ 4] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c).
[ 5] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b).
[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.
[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.
[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.
[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.
[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.
[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.
[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3
[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable
[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable
[15] - Nozzle Material
[16] - Shell or Head Material
[17] - Impact Testing required
[18] - Impact Testing not required, see UCS-66(b)(3)
[20] - Cylinder/Cone Junction MDMT based on Longitudinal Stress considerations
[21] - Body Flange Bolting Material
[22] - Nozzle Flange Bolting Material
[23] - Stiffening Ring to Shell Weld
[24] - Saddle to Shell Weld

UG-84(b)(2) was not considered.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 10
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
MDMT Summary: Step: 33 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

UCS-66(g) was not considered.

UCS-66(i) was not considered.

Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.
UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and
UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).
The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 11
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Warnings and Errors: Step: 0 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Class From To : Basic Element Checks.


Class From To: Check of Additional Element Data


Note: Lug supports should be modeled on an element of their own

whose length is just slightly greater than the height of the lug
assembly. The vessel does not have to be constructed with this extra
element, just modeled this way. This is to insure there is proper
mass distribution for these types of models.

There were no geometry errors or warnings.

PV Elite performs all calculations internally in Imperial Units

to remain compliant with the ASME Code and any built in assumptions
in the ASME Code formulas. The finalized results are reflected to show
the set of selected units for this analysis.

Information Regarding Nozzle Loads

• Nozzle loadings typically have little influence on the equilibrium of the structure.
• Bending moments applied on nozzles are neglected in the resolution of the support reaction.
• Positive or negative vertical loads on nozzles increase or decrease the support reaction.
• Horizontal loads on nozzles are resolved algebraically around the horizontal axes.
• The final resolved moment at the support is the SRSS of the computed moments.
• Stresses due to combined loads do not change based on use of this feature.
• Local nozzle loads are converted to global nozzle loads.
• Nozzle loads on nozzles on sump heads are not considered.
• Nozzle loads on nozzles on nozzles are not considered.
• On heads, the maximum shear load is determined and applied in both directions.
• Nozzle Loads are considered to act in the operating condition.
• For support lugs, the moment arm is taken from the base of the lug plus 1/2 of its height.
• Lateral nozzles are taken as radial.
• For transfer of loads, the geometry is taken to be completely rigid (no flexibility).

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 12
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Units used in this Analysis (Kgf_cm2):

Name System Unit Constant User Unit

Length Feet 30.4800 cm
Force Pounds 0.4536 kgf
Mass Pounds 0.4536 kg
Area sq. inches 6.4516 cm²
Moment ft. lbs. 0.1383 kgf-m.
Stress lbs./ 0.0703 kgf/cm²
Temperature Degrees F 0.5556 °C
Pressure psig 0.0703 kgf/cm²
Elast. Modulus lbs./ 0.0703 kgf/cm²
Pipe Density lbs./ 0.0277 kg/cm³
Ins. Density lbs./cu.ft. 0.1600E-04 kg/cm³
Fluid Density lbs./cu.ft. 16.0183 kg/m³
Wind Speed miles/hr 1.6093 km/hr
Tray Weight lbs./sq.ft. 0.0005 kgf/cm²
Inertia in.^4 41.6231 cm^4
G Load G's 1.0000 g's
Wind Load lbs./sq.ft. 4.8824 kgf/m²
Elevation Feet 0.3048 m
Volume in.^3 16.3871 cm³
Diameter inches 25.4000 mm
Thickness inches 25.4000 mm

PV Elite Vessel Analysis Program: Input Data

Exchanger Design Pressures and Temperatures

Shell Side Design Pressure 6 kgf/cm²

Channel Side Design Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
Shell Side Design Temperature 150.0 °C
Channel Side Design Temperature 150.0 °C
Radiography, Shell Side RT-3
Radiography, Channel Side RT-3
Service Type, Shell Side Air/Water/Steam
Service Type, Channel Side Air/Water/Steam
MDMT (CET), Shell Side 0.0 °C
MDMT (CET), Tube Side 0.0 °C
User defined MAWP, Shell Side 0 kgf/cm²
User defined MAWP, Channel Side 0 kgf/cm²
User defined MAPnc, Shell Side 0 kgf/cm²
User defined MAPnc, Channel Side 0 kgf/cm²
User defined Test Pres., Shell Side 0 kgf/cm²
User defined Test Pres., Channel Side 0 kgf/cm²


Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Top 0 mm

Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Bottom 0 mm
Type of Construction Welded
Use Higher Longitudinal Stresses (Flag) Y
Select t for Internal Pressure (Flag) Y
Select t for External Pressure (Flag) N
Select t for Axial Stress (Flag) N
Select Location for Stiff. Rings (Flag) N
Consider Vortex Shedding N

Shop Pressure Test:

Type of Pressure Test UG-99(b)
Pressure Test Position Vertical
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 13
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Test Performed in Corroded Condition No

Load Case 1 NP+EW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 2 NP+EW+EE+FS+BS
Load Case 3 NP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 4 NP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 5 NP+HW+HI
Load Case 6 NP+HW+HE
Load Case 7 IP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 8 IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 9 EP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 10 EP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 11 HP+HW+HI
Load Case 12 HP+HW+HE
Load Case 13 IP+WE+EW
Load Case 14 IP+WF+CW
Load Case 15 IP+VO+OW
Load Case 16 IP+VE+EW
Load Case 17 NP+VO+OW
Load Case 18 FS+BS+IP+OW
Load Case 19 FS+BS+EP+OW
Load Case 20 BL+IP+OW

Wind Design Code No Wind Loads

Seismic Design Code No Seismic

Design Pressure + Static Head Y

Consider MAP New and Cold in Noz. Design N
Consider External Loads for Nozzle Des. Y
Use ASME VIII-1 Appendix 1-9 N

Perform Blast Load Analysis No

Material Database Year Current w/Addenda or Code Year

Configuration Directives:

Do not use Nozzle MDMT Interpretation VIII-1 01-37 No

Use Table G instead of exact equation for "A" Yes
Shell Head Joints are Tapered Yes
Compute "K" in corroded condition Yes
Use Code Case 2286 No
Use the MAWP to compute the MDMT Yes
For thickness ratios <= 0.35, MDMT will be -155F (-104C) Yes
For PWHT & P1 Materials the MDMT can be < -55F (-48C) No

Using Metric Material Databases, ASME II D No

Calculate B31.3 type stress for Nozzles with Loads Yes
Reduce the MDMT due to lower membrane stress Yes
Consider Longitudinal Stress in MDMT Calculations Yes

Complete Listing of Vessel Elements and Details:

Element From Node 10

Element To Node 20
Element Type Elliptical
Description Bottom Dish
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 5 cm
Inside Diameter 500 mm
Element Thickness 6 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm
Design Internal Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 14
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 150 °C

Design External Pressure 0 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
Allowable Stress, Ambient 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress, Operating 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 1828 kgf/cm²
Material Density 0.00775 kg/cm³
P Number Thickness 30.988 mm
Yield Stress, Operating 2360.8 kgf/cm²
UCS-66 Chart Curve Designation B
External Pressure Chart Name CS-2
UNS Number K02700
Product Form Plate
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 1.0
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Elliptical Head Factor 2.0
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 10

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid 10
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist -12.5 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 17.5 cm
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³


Element From Node 20

Element To Node 30
Element Type Cylinder
Description Bottom Channel
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 50 cm
Inside Diameter 500 mm
Element Thickness 8 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm
Design Internal Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 150 °C
Design External Pressure 0 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid 20
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 50 cm
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID T1-6" In
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 23 cm
Nozzle Diameter 6 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80
Nozzle Class 300
Layout Angle 90.0
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 15
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Blind Flange (Y/N) N

Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 22.87 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID Intermediate 1"
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 10 cm
Nozzle Diameter 1 in.
Nozzle Schedule 40
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 180.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B


Element From Node 30

Element To Node 40
Element Type Flange
Description Bottom Body flange
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 6.1 cm
Flange Inside Diameter 500 mm
Element Thickness 53 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3.175 mm
Nominal Thickness 49 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm
Design Internal Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 150 °C
Design External Pressure 0 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 30

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid 30
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 5.3 cm
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³


Element From Node 40

Element To Node 60
Element Type Cylinder
Description Main Shell
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 300 cm
Inside Diameter 500 mm
Element Thickness 8 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm
Design Internal Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 150 °C
Design External Pressure 0 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 16
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85

Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 40

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid 40
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 287.12 cm
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³

Element From Node 40

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID S-1 -6" -Out
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 275 cm
Nozzle Diameter 6 in.
Nozzle Schedule 80
Nozzle Class 300
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 40

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID S2-6" In
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 30 cm
Nozzle Diameter 6 in.
Nozzle Schedule 40
Nozzle Class 300
Layout Angle 180.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 40

Detail Type Lug
Detail ID Support Lugs
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 175 cm
Number of Lugs 2
Dist. from OD to Lug Cntrline(dlug) 128 mm
Height of Gusset Plates (hgp) 306 mm
Force Bearing Width (wfb) 200 mm
Weight of Lug 21.192 kgf
Lug Start Angle (degrees) 90.0


Element From Node 60

Element To Node 70
Element Type Flange
Description Top Body Flange
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 6.1 cm
Flange Inside Diameter 500 mm
Element Thickness 53 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3 mm
Nominal Thickness 55 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm
Design Internal Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 150 °C
Design External Pressure 0 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 17
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2

Material Name SA-516 70
Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y
Weld is pre-Heated No


Element From Node 70

Element To Node 80
Element Type Cylinder
Description Top Channel Shell
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 50 cm
Inside Diameter 500 mm
Element Thickness 8 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm
Design Internal Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 150 °C
Design External Pressure 0 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-516 70
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 70

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid: 70
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 50 cm
Liquid Density 1199.4 kg/m³

Element From Node 70

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID T2-6"-Out
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 29 cm
Nozzle Diameter 6 in.
Nozzle Schedule 40
Nozzle Class 300
Layout Angle 180.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 70

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID Vent- Interm,1"t
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 15 cm
Nozzle Diameter 1 in.
Nozzle Schedule 40
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B


Element From Node 80

Element To Node 90
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 18
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Input Echo: Step: 1 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Element Type Elliptical

Distance "FROM" to "TO" 5 cm
Inside Diameter 500 mm
Element Thickness 5 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3 mm
Nominal Thickness 8 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0 mm
Design Internal Pressure 6 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 150 °C
Design External Pressure 0 kgf/cm²
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 °C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-240 316L
Allowable Stress, Ambient 1174.1 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress, Operating 1172.7 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 1526.4 kgf/cm²
Material Density 0.008027 kg/cm³
P Number Thickness 0 mm
Yield Stress, Operating 1333.7 kgf/cm²
External Pressure Chart Name HA-4
UNS Number S31603
Product Form Plate
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 1.0
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Elliptical Head Factor 2.0
Weld is pre-Heated No

Element From Node 80

Detail Type Liquid
Detail ID Liquid: 80
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0 cm
Height/Length of Liquid 17.5 cm
Liquid Density 999.54 kg/m³

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 19
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
XY Coordinate Calculations: Step: 2 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

XY Coordinate Calculations:

| | | | | |
From | To | X (Horiz.)| Y (Vert.) | DX (Horiz.)| DY (Vert.) |
| | cm | cm | cm | cm |
Bottom Dish| ... | 5 | ... | 5 |
Bottom Channel| ... | 55 | ... | 50 |
Bottom Body fla| ... | 55 | ... | -6.1 |
Main Shell| ... | 359.768 | ... | 300 |
Top Body Flange| ... | 370.635 | ... | 6.1 |
Top Channel She| ... | 414.535 | ... | 50 |
80 | 90| ... | 419.535 | ... | 5 |

PV Elite includes an 1/8 inch (3.175mm) raised face and gasket thicknesses for girth
flanges and tubesheet thicknesses where applicable in the Tangent to Tangent length calculation.
The calculated dimensions are based on the given element lengths. Due to variability in
manufacturing (weld gaps etc.), the Tangent to Tangent length may not be exact.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 20
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange Flng: 5 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Flange Input Data Values Description: New Flange :

Bottom Body flange

Flange Type Integral Ring

Design Pressure P 6.38 kgf/cm²

Design Temperature 150 °C
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 3.1750 mm
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 mm
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Attached Shell Inside Diameter B 500.0000 mm

Integral Ring Inside Diameter 516.0000 mm
Flange Outside Diameter A 650.000 mm
Flange Thickness t 53.0000 mm
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 8.0000 mm
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 10.0000 mm
Length of Hub h 8.0000 mm

Flange Material SA-516 70

Flange Material UNS number K02700
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 1757.68 kgf/cm²

Length of Weld Leg at Back of Ring tw 0.0000 mm

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 600.000 mm

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 22.2250 mm
Type of Threads TEMA Thread Series
Number of Bolts 24

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 570.000 mm

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 518.000 mm
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 560.000 mm

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 540.000 mm
Gasket Factor m 3.0000
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 703.07 kgf/cm²

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 4.5000 mm
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 21
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange Flng: 5 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*ci 506.350 mm

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 6.825 mm
Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 4.825 mm
Code R Dimension, R = ((C-Bcor)/2)-g1cor 40.000 mm

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi)/2 10.000 mm

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N/2 5.000 mm
Effective Gasket Width, b = bo 5.000 mm
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = (Go + Gi)/2 550.000 mm

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq
= 0.79 * 550² * 6.38
= 15151.406 kgf

Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:

= 2 * b * pi * G * m * P
= 2 * 5 * pi * 550 * 3 * 6.38
= 3305.768 kgf

Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:

= pi * Bcor² * P / 4
= pi * 506² *6.38/4
= 12841.898 kgf

Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:

= H - Hd
= 15151 - 12842
= 2309.508 kgf

Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:

= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )
= max( 15151 + 3306 + 0, 0 )
= 18457.174 kgf

Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:

= y * b * pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp
= 703*5*pi*550+0*0*0
= 60740.922 kgf

Required Bolt Area [Am]:

= max( Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa )
= max( 18457/1758, 60741/1758 )
= 34.558 cm²

ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 22.2 + 6 * 53/(3 + 0.5)
= 135.307 mm

Actual Circumferential Bolt Spacing [Bs]:

= C * sin( pi / n )
= 600 * sin( pi/24 )
= 78.316 mm

ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )
= max( sqrt( 78.3/( 2 * 22.2 + 53 )), 1 )
= 1.0000
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 22
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange Flng: 5 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Bolting Information for TEMA Imperial Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Distance Across Corners for Nuts 40.361 mm
Circular Wrench End Diameter a 60.325 mm
Minimum Actual Maximum
Bolt Area: 34.558 64.877
Radial Distance between Hub and Bolts: 23.812 40.000
Radial Distance between Bolts and Edge: 23.812 25.000
Circ. Spacing between the Bolts: 52.400 78.316 135.307

Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 64.9 * 1758/(703 * pi(560 + 540 ) )
= 4.693 mm

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa( Am + Ab ) / 2
= 1758 ( 34.6 + 64.9 )/2
= 87386.98 kgf

Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:

= Wm1 - H
= 18457 - 15151
= 3305.77 kgf

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:

= ( C - G ) / 2
= ( 600 - 550 )/2
= 25.0000 mm

Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:

= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2
= ( 40 + 6.82 + 25 )/2
= 35.9125 mm

Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:

= R + ( g1 / 2 )
= 40 + ( 6.82/2.0 )
= 43.4125 mm

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure: (kgf-m.)

Loading Force | Distance | Bolt Corr | Moment |

End Pressure, Md 12842. | 43.4125 | 1.0000 | 557. |
Face Pressure, Mt 2310. | 35.9125 | 1.0000 | 83. |
Gasket Load, Mg 3306. | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 83. |
Gasket Seating, Matm 87387. | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 2185. |

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 723. kgf-m.

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 2185. kgf-m.

Effective Hub Length, ho = sqrt(Bcor*goCor) 49.428 mm

Hub Ratio, h/h0 = HL / H0 0.162
Thickness Ratio, g1/g0 = (g1Cor/goCor) 1.415

Flange Factors for Integral Flange:

Factor F 0.899
Factor V 0.447
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 23
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange Flng: 5 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Factor f 1.434
Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.284
T = 1.804 U = 8.698
Y = 7.915 Z = 4.087
e = 0.0182 1/mm d = 22416.332 mm³
Stress Factors Alpha = 1.964
Beta = 2.286 Gamma = 1.089
Delta = 6.641 Lambda = 7.730

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating [SHo]:

= ( f * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.43*723/506)/(7.73*6.82²)
= 568.69 kgf/cm²

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating [SHa]:

= ( f * Matm / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.43*2185/506)/(7.73*6.82²)
= 1718.21 kgf/cm²

Radial Flange Stress, Operating [SRo]:

= ( beta * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.29*723/506)/(7.73*53²)
= 15.03 kgf/cm²

Radial Flange Stress, Seating [SRa]:

= ( beta * Matm/Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.29*2185/506)/(7.73*53²)
= 45.41 kgf/cm²

Tangential Flange Stress, Operating [STo]:

= ( Y * Mo / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRo
= (7.92*723/(53²*506))-4.09*15
= 340.97 kgf/cm²

Tangential Flange Stress, Seating [STa]:

= ( y * Matm / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRa
= (7.92*2185/(53²*506))-4.09*45.4
= 1030.19 kgf/cm²

Average Flange Stress, Operating [SAo]:

= ( SHo + max( SRo, STo ) ) / 2
= (569+max(15,341))/2
= 454.83 kgf/cm²

Average Flange Stress, Seating [SAa]:

= ( SHa + max( SRa, STa ) ) / 2
= (1718+max(45.4,1030))/2
= 1374.20 kgf/cm²

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= Wm1 / Ab
= 18457/64.9
= 284.49 kgf/cm²

Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:

= ( Wm2 / Ab )
= (60741/64.9)
= 936.24 kgf/cm²

Flange Stress Analysis Results: kgf/cm²

Operating | Gasket Seating |

Actual Allowed | Actual Allowed |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 24
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange Flng: 5 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Longitudinal Hub 568.69 | 2109.21 | 1718.21 | 2109.21 |

Radial Flange 15.03 | 1406.14 | 45.41 | 1406.14 |
Tangential Flange 340.97 | 1406.14 | 1030.19 | 1406.14 |
Maximum Average 454.83 | 1406.14 | 1374.20 | 1406.14 |
Bolting 284.49 | 1757.68 | 936.24 | 1757.68 |

Minimum Required Flange Thickness 52.476 mm

Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 19.7 kgf/cm²
Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 55.7 kg
Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 55.7 kg

Flange Rigidity Based on Required Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*2185/1*100000*0.45/(7.53*2067025*4.822*49.4*0.3)
= 0.947 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*723/1*100000*0.45/(7.53*1989132*4.822*49.4*0.3)
= 0.325 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Based on Given Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*2185/1*100000*0.45/(7.73*2067025*4.822*49.4*0.3)
= 0.922 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*723/1*100000*0.45/(7.73*1989132*4.822*49.4*0.3)
= 0.317 (should be <= 1)

Required Fillet Weld Leg size for Slip on Flanges:

For Slip on Flanges designed as Optional per 2-4 sketches (8-10a):

= min( ( max( min( tn, tx ),( 6 mm or 1/4 inch ) )/0.7 ), g0/0.7 )
= min( ( max( min( 5, 2*8 ), 6 )/0.7 ), 8/0.7 )
= 8.571 mm

For Slip on Flanges designed as Integral per 2-4 sketch (7):

= max( 0.25( g0 - ci ), ( 6 mm or 1/4 inch ) )
= max( 0.25( 8 - 3.17 ), 6 )
= 6.000 mm

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 25
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla Flng: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Flange Input Data Values Description: Top Body fla :

Top Body Flange

Flange Type Integral Ring

Design Pressure P 6.08 kgf/cm²

Design Temperature 150 °C
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 3.0000 mm
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 mm
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Attached Shell Inside Diameter B 500.0000 mm

Integral Ring Inside Diameter 516.0000 mm
Flange Outside Diameter A 650.000 mm
Flange Thickness t 53.0000 mm
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 8.0000 mm
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 10.0000 mm
Length of Hub h 8.0000 mm

Flange Material SA-516 70

Flange Material UNS number K02700
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 1757.68 kgf/cm²

Length of Weld Leg at Back of Ring tw 0.0000 mm

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 600.000 mm

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 22.2250 mm
Type of Threads TEMA Thread Series
Number of Bolts 24

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 570.000 mm

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 518.000 mm
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 560.000 mm

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 540.000 mm
Gasket Factor m 3.0000
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 703.07 kgf/cm²

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 4.5000 mm
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 26
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla Flng: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*ci 506.000 mm

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 7.000 mm
Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 5.000 mm
Code R Dimension, R = ((C-Bcor)/2)-g1cor 40.000 mm

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi)/2 10.000 mm

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N/2 5.000 mm
Effective Gasket Width, b = bo 5.000 mm
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = (Go + Gi)/2 550.000 mm

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq
= 0.79 * 550² * 6.08
= 14439.000 kgf

Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:

= 2 * b * pi * G * m * P
= 2 * 5 * pi * 550 * 3 * 6.08
= 3150.333 kgf

Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:

= pi * Bcor² * P / 4
= pi * 506² *6.08/4
= 12221.171 kgf

Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:

= H - Hd
= 14439 - 12221
= 2217.829 kgf

Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:

= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )
= max( 14439 + 3150 + 0, 0 )
= 17589.334 kgf

Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:

= y * b * pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp
= 703*5*pi*550+0*0*0
= 60740.922 kgf

Required Bolt Area [Am]:

= max( Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa )
= max( 17589/1758, 60741/1758 )
= 34.558 cm²

ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 22.2 + 6 * 53/(3 + 0.5)
= 135.307 mm

Actual Circumferential Bolt Spacing [Bs]:

= C * sin( pi / n )
= 600 * sin( pi/24 )
= 78.316 mm

ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )
= max( sqrt( 78.3/( 2 * 22.2 + 53 )), 1 )
= 1.0000
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 27
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla Flng: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Bolting Information for TEMA Imperial Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Distance Across Corners for Nuts 40.361 mm
Circular Wrench End Diameter a 60.325 mm
Minimum Actual Maximum
Bolt Area: 34.558 64.877
Radial Distance between Hub and Bolts: 23.812 40.000
Radial Distance between Bolts and Edge: 23.812 25.000
Circ. Spacing between the Bolts: 52.400 78.316 135.307

Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 64.9 * 1758/(703 * pi(560 + 540 ) )
= 4.693 mm

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa( Am + Ab ) / 2
= 1758 ( 34.6 + 64.9 )/2
= 87386.98 kgf

Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:

= Wm1 - H
= 17589 - 14439
= 3150.33 kgf

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:

= ( C - G ) / 2
= ( 600 - 550 )/2
= 25.0000 mm

Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:

= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2
= ( 40 + 7 + 25 )/2
= 36.0000 mm

Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:

= R + ( g1 / 2 )
= 40 + ( 7/2.0 )
= 43.5000 mm

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure: (kgf-m.)

Loading Force | Distance | Bolt Corr | Moment |

End Pressure, Md 12221. | 43.5000 | 1.0000 | 532. |
Face Pressure, Mt 2218. | 36.0000 | 1.0000 | 80. |
Gasket Load, Mg 3150. | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 79. |
Gasket Seating, Matm 87387. | 25.0000 | 1.0000 | 2185. |

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 690. kgf-m.

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 2185. kgf-m.

Effective Hub Length, ho = sqrt(Bcor*goCor) 50.299 mm

Hub Ratio, h/h0 = HL / H0 0.159
Thickness Ratio, g1/g0 = (g1Cor/goCor) 1.400

Flange Factors for Integral Flange:

Factor F 0.900
Factor V 0.450
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 28
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla Flng: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Factor f 1.414
Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.285
T = 1.804 U = 8.675
Y = 7.894 Z = 4.076
e = 0.0179 1/mm d = 24232.826 mm³
Stress Factors Alpha = 1.948
Beta = 2.264 Gamma = 1.080
Delta = 6.144 Lambda = 7.223

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating [SHo]:

= ( f * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.41*690/506)/(7.22*7²)
= 544.74 kgf/cm²

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating [SHa]:

= ( f * Matm / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.41*2185/506)/(7.22*7²)
= 1724.22 kgf/cm²

Radial Flange Stress, Operating [SRo]:

= ( beta * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.26*690/506)/(7.22*53²)
= 15.22 kgf/cm²

Radial Flange Stress, Seating [SRa]:

= ( beta * Matm/Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.26*2185/506)/(7.22*53²)
= 48.17 kgf/cm²

Tangential Flange Stress, Operating [STo]:

= ( Y * Mo / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRo
= (7.89*690/(53²*506))-4.08*15.2
= 321.32 kgf/cm²

Tangential Flange Stress, Seating [STa]:

= ( y * Matm / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRa
= (7.89*2185/(53²*506))-4.08*48.2
= 1017.02 kgf/cm²

Average Flange Stress, Operating [SAo]:

= ( SHo + max( SRo, STo ) ) / 2
= (545+max(15.2,321))/2
= 433.03 kgf/cm²

Average Flange Stress, Seating [SAa]:

= ( SHa + max( SRa, STa ) ) / 2
= (1724+max(48.2,1017))/2
= 1370.62 kgf/cm²

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= Wm1 / Ab
= 17589/64.9
= 271.12 kgf/cm²

Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:

= ( Wm2 / Ab )
= (60741/64.9)
= 936.24 kgf/cm²

Flange Stress Analysis Results: kgf/cm²

Operating | Gasket Seating |

Actual Allowed | Actual Allowed |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 29
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla Flng: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Longitudinal Hub 544.74 | 2109.21 | 1724.22 | 2109.21 |

Radial Flange 15.22 | 1406.14 | 48.17 | 1406.14 |
Tangential Flange 321.32 | 1406.14 | 1017.02 | 1406.14 |
Maximum Average 433.03 | 1406.14 | 1370.62 | 1406.14 |
Bolting 271.12 | 1757.68 | 936.24 | 1757.68 |

Minimum Required Flange Thickness 52.400 mm

Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 19.7 kgf/cm²
Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 55.7 kg
Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 55.7 kg

Flange Rigidity Based on Required Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*2185/1*100000*0.45/(7.01*2067025*52*50.3*0.3)
= 0.938 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*690/1*100000*0.45/(7.01*1989132*52*50.3*0.3)
= 0.308 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Based on Given Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*2185/1*100000*0.45/(7.22*2067025*52*50.3*0.3)
= 0.910 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo / Bsc * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc2 * ho * Ki )
= 52.14*690/1*100000*0.45/(7.22*1989132*52*50.3*0.3)
= 0.298 (should be <= 1)

Required Fillet Weld Leg size for Slip on Flanges:

For Slip on Flanges designed as Optional per 2-4 sketches (8-10a):

= min( ( max( min( tn, tx ),( 6 mm or 1/4 inch ) )/0.7 ), g0/0.7 )
= min( ( max( min( 5, 2*8 ), 6 )/0.7 ), 8/0.7 )
= 8.571 mm

For Slip on Flanges designed as Integral per 2-4 sketch (7):

= max( 0.25( g0 - ci ), ( 6 mm or 1/4 inch ) )
= max( 0.25( 8 - 3 ), 6 )
= 6.000 mm

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 30
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 5 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Internal Pressure Results Summary:

Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

| | Int. Press | Nominal | Total Corr | Element | Allowable |

From | To | + Liq. Hd | Thickness | Allowance | Diameter | Stress(SE)|
| | kgf/cm² | mm | mm | mm | kgf/cm² |
Bottom Dish| 6.4448 | 8 | 3 | 500 | 1406.1 |
Bottom Channel| 6.4273 | 8 | 3 | 500 | 1195.2 |
Bottom Body flan| 6.3773 | 49 | 3.175 | 500 | 1195.2 |
Main Shell| 6.287 | 8 | 3 | 500 | 1195.2 |
Top Body Flange| 6.0775 | 55 | 3 | 500 | 1406.1 |
Top Channel Shel| 6.0775 | 8 | 3 | 500 | 1195.2 |
80 | 90| 6.0175 | 8 | 3 | 500 | 1172.7 |

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

| | Design | M.A.W.P. | M.A.P. | Minimum | Required |

From | To | Pressure | Corroded | New & Cold | Thickness | Thickness |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | mm | mm |
Bottom Dish| 6 | 16.5 | 33.7 | 6 | 5.5 |
Bottom Channel| 6 | 22.9 | 37.5 | 8 | 5.5 |
Bottom Body flan| 6 | 19.3 | 21.3 | 53 | 52.4764 |
Main Shell| 6 | 23.1 | 37.5 | 8 | 5.5 |
Top Body Flange| 6 | 19.7 | 21.3 | 53 | 52.4002 |
Top Channel Shel| 6 | 23.3 | 37.5 | 8 | 5.5 |
80 | 90| 6 | 9.4 | 23.4 | 5 | 4.5 |

Summary of Heat Exchanger Maximum Allowable Working Pressures :

For Exchanger designs, the following values include MAWPs that
consider the tubesheet, tubes, tube/tubesheet joint etc. These
values were determined by iteration. Review the tubesheet analysis
report for more information.

Shell Side MAWP = 17.1 kgf/cm²

Shell Side MAPnc = 26.7 kgf/cm²
Channel Side MAWP = 9.4 kgf/cm²
Channel Side MAPnc = 13.8 kgf/cm²

Elements Suitable for Design Internal Pressure.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 31
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Bottom Dish Step: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Internal Pressure Results for: Bottom Dish

Elliptical Head Design Information: |

Design Pressure P 6.445 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 5.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 535.7 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 6.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 3696.7 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 26179.9 cm³ | Weight of Contents 26.2 kgf
Empty Weight 24.1 kgf | Operating Weight 50.3 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1174.1 kgf/cm²
| Aspect Ratio 2.00

Radiography Information: |

User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %


Tolerance for Formed Heads per UG-81(a):

Head inner surface maximum deviation outside the specified shape, 1.25% of D: 0.246 mm
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 32
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Bottom Dish Step: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Head inner surface maximum deviation inside the specified shape, 0.625% of D: 0.123 mm

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*D*Kcor)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) Appendix 1-4(c)
= (6.44*506*0.98)/(2*1406*1-0.2*6.44)
= 1.1421 + 3.0000 = 4.1421 mm

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.445 kgf/cm²
= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1406*1*3)/(0.98*506+0.2*3)
= 16.9 - 0.44 = 16.5 kgf/cm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1406*1*6)/(1*500+0.2*6)
= 33.7 kgf/cm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*D+0.2*t))/(2*E*t)
= (6.44*(0.98*506+0.2*3))/(2*1*3)
= 535.713 kgf/cm²

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) + c per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (6.44*253)/(1406*1-0.6*6.44)+3
= 4.163 mm

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.432 kgf/cm²
= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1406 * 1 * 5 )/(253 + 0.6 * 5 )
= 27.5 - 0.43 = 27 kgf/cm²

Factor K, corroded condition [Kcor]:

= ( 2 + ( Inside Diameter/( 2 * Inside Head Depth ))2)/6
= ( 2 + ( 506/( 2 * 128 ))2)/6
= 0.984467

Percent Elong. per UCS-79, VIII-1-01-57 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 6.742 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of UCS-79 as Elongation is > 5%.

MDMT Calculations in the Knuckle Portion:

Govrn. thk, tg = 6, tr = 2.5, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1

Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.83, Temp. Reduction = 9 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -38 °C

MDMT Calculations in the Head Straight Flange:

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 1.7, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1

Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.34, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 33
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Bottom Dish Step: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

MDMT Design Information: |

MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 9.397 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.340 | Temperature Difference 75 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -104 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C
| Joint Efficiency E* 100 %


Note: Temperature values displayed above are for the location with the highest basic MDMT

Tolerance for Formed Heads per UG-81(a):

Head inner surface maximum deviation outside the specified shape, 1.25% of D: 0.246 mm
Head inner surface maximum deviation inside the specified shape, 0.625% of D: 0.123 mm

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 34
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Bottom Channel Step: 7 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Internal Pressure Results for: Bottom Channel

Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |

Design Pressure P 6.427 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 50.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 387.2 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 8.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 8105.3 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 98174.8 cm³ | Weight of Contents 98.1 kgf
Empty Weight 74.2 kgf | Operating Weight 172.3 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1316.5 kgf/cm²

Radiography Information: |

User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 85 %


Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (6.43*253)/(1406*0.85-0.6*6.43)
= 1.3649 + 3.0000 = 4.3649 mm
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 35
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Bottom Channel Step: 7 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.427 kgf/cm²
= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1406*0.85*5)/(253+0.6*5)
= 23.3 - 0.43 = 22.9 kgf/cm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1406*0.85*8)/(250+0.6*8)
= 37.5 kgf/cm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(R+0.6*t))/(E*t)
= (6.43*(253+0.6*5))/(0.85*5)
= 387.150 kgf/cm²

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf*(1-Rf/Ro)) 1.575 %

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 2.5, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 0.85

Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.42, Temp. Reduction = 45 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -48 °C

MDMT Design Information: |

MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 9.397 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.425 | Temperature Difference 19 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -48 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C
| Joint Efficiency E* 85 %


PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 36
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Main Shell Step: 8 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Internal Pressure Results for: Main Shell

Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |

Design Pressure P 6.287 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 300.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²

Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 378.7 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 8.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 48631.9 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 309441.1 cm³ | Weight of Contents 386.2 kgf
Empty Weight 754.7 kgf | Operating Weight 1140.9 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1316.5 kgf/cm²

Radiography Information: |

User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 85 %


Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (6.29*253)/(1406*0.85-0.6*6.29)
= 1.3350 + 3.0000 = 4.3350 mm
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 37
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Main Shell Step: 8 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.287 kgf/cm²
= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1406*0.85*5)/(253+0.6*5)
= 23.3 - 0.29 = 23.1 kgf/cm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1406*0.85*8)/(250+0.6*8)
= 37.5 kgf/cm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(R+0.6*t))/(E*t)
= (6.29*(253+0.6*5))/(0.85*5)
= 378.699 kgf/cm²

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf*(1-Rf/Ro)) 1.575 %

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 3.65, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 0.85

Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.62, Temp. Reduction = 21 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -48 °C

MDMT Design Information: |

MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 17.075 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.620 | Temperature Difference 19 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -48 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C

| Joint Efficiency E* 85 %


PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 38
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Top Channel She Step: 9 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Internal Pressure Results for: Top Channel Shell

Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |

Design Pressure P 6.077 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 50.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 366.1 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 8.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 8105.3 cm² | SG of Contents 1.200
Element Volume 98174.8 cm³ | Weight of Contents 0.0 kgf
Empty Weight 131.7 kgf | Operating Weight 131.7 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1316.5 kgf/cm²

Radiography Information: |

User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 85 %


Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (6.08*253)/(1406*0.85-0.6*6.08)
= 1.2904 + 3.0000 = 4.2904 mm

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 39
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Top Channel She Step: 9 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.077 kgf/cm²
= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1406*0.85*5)/(253+0.6*5)
= 23.3 - 0.077 = 23.3 kgf/cm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1406*0.85*8)/(250+0.6*8)
= 37.5 kgf/cm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(R+0.6*t))/(E*t)
= (6.08*(253+0.6*5))/(0.85*5)
= 366.078 kgf/cm²

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf*(1-Rf/Ro)) 1.575 %

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 2.5, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 0.85

Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.42, Temp. Reduction = 45 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -48 °C

MDMT Design Information: |

MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 9.397 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.425 | Temperature Difference 19 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -48 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C
| Joint Efficiency E* 85 %


PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 40
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: # 7 Step: 10 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Internal Pressure Results for: Element # 7

Elliptical Head Design Information: |

Design Pressure P 6.012 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-240 316L | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 5.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-4
| UNS Number S31603
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1172.7 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1174.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 749.4 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 5.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 3696.7 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 26179.9 cm³ | Weight of Contents 117.8 kgf
Empty Weight 81.0 kgf | Operating Weight 198.7 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 617.4 kgf/cm²
| Aspect Ratio 2.00

Radiography Information: |

User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %


Tolerance for Formed Heads per UG-81(a):

Head inner surface maximum deviation outside the specified shape, 1.25% of D: 0.246 mm
Head inner surface maximum deviation inside the specified shape, 0.625% of D: 0.123 mm

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 41
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: # 7 Step: 10 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

= (P*D*Kcor)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) Appendix 1-4(c)

= (6.01*506*0.98)/(2*1173*1-0.2*6.01)
= 1.2776 + 3.0000 = 4.2776 mm

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.012 kgf/cm²
= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1173*1*2)/(0.98*506+0.2*2)
= 9.41 - 0.012 = 9.4 kgf/cm²

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1174*1*5)/(1*500+0.2*5)
= 23.4 kgf/cm²

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*D+0.2*t))/(2*E*t)
= (6.01*(0.98*506+0.2*2))/(2*1*2)
= 749.367 kgf/cm²

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) + c per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (6.01*253)/(1173*1-0.6*6.01)+3
= 4.301 mm

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.012 kgf/cm²
= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (1173 * 1 * 5 )/(253 + 0.6 * 5 )
= 22.9 - 0.012 = 22.9 kgf/cm²

Factor K, corroded condition [Kcor]:

= ( 2 + ( Inside Diameter/( 2 * Inside Head Depth ))2)/6
= ( 2 + ( 506/( 2 * 128 ))2)/6
= 0.984467

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 6.742 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of Table UHA-44 for Elongation limits.

SA-240 316L, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C

Tolerance for Formed Heads per UG-81(a):

Head inner surface maximum deviation outside the specified shape, 1.25% of D: 0.246 mm
Head inner surface maximum deviation inside the specified shape, 0.625% of D: 0.123 mm

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 42
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Pressure Test Results: Shop Test Step: 11 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Hydrostatic Test Pressure Results:

Exchanger Shell Side Hydrostatic Test Pressures:

Pressure per UG99b = 1.30 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 22.198 kgf/cm²

Pressure per UG99b[35] = 1.30 * Design Pres * Sa/S 7.800 kgf/cm²
Pressure per UG99c = 1.30 * M.A.P. - Head(Hyd) 34.470 kgf/cm²
Pressure per UG100 = 1.10 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 18.783 kgf/cm²
Pressure per PED = max(1.43*DP, 1.25*DP*ratio) 8.580 kgf/cm²
Pressure per PED&UG99b = max(1.43*DP, 1.3*DP*ratio) 8.580 kgf/cm²
Pressure per App 27-4 = M.A.W.P. 17.075 kgf/cm²

Exchanger Channel Side Hydrostatic Test Pressures:

Pressure per UG99b = 1.30 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 12.216 kgf/cm²

Pressure per UG99b[35] = 1.30 * Design Pres * Sa/S 7.800 kgf/cm²
Pressure per UG99c = 1.30 * M.A.P. - Head(Hyd) 17.849 kgf/cm²
Pressure per UG100 = 1.10 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 10.337 kgf/cm²
Pressure per PED = max(1.43*DP, 1.25*DP*ratio) 8.580 kgf/cm²
Pressure per PED&UG99b = max(1.43*DP, 1.3*DP*ratio) 8.580 kgf/cm²
Pressure per App 27-4 = M.A.W.P. 9.397 kgf/cm²

Vertical Test performed per: UG-99b

Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered
when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based
on the MAWP of the vessel.

Stresses on Elements due to Test Pressure (kgf/cm²):

From To | Stress | Allowable | Ratio | Pressure |

Bottom Dish | 528.4 | 1828.0 | 0.289 | 12.65 |
Bottom Channel | 473.4 | 1828.0 | 0.259 | 12.63 |
Main Shell | 843.0 | 1828.0 | 0.461 | 22.50 |
Top Channel Shell | 460.5 | 1828.0 | 0.252 | 12.29 |
80 90 | 612.9 | 1526.4 | 0.402 | 12.23 |

Stress ratios for Nozzle and Pad Materials (kgf/cm²):

Description | Pad/Nozzle | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

T1-6" In | Nozzle | 1202.20 | 1202.20 | 1.000 |
T1-6" In | Pad | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
Intermediate 1" | Nozzle | 1202.25 | 1202.25 | 1.000 |
S-1 -6" -Out | Nozzle | 1202.25 | 1202.25 | 1.000 |
S-1 -6" -Out | Pad | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
S2-6" In | Nozzle | 1202.25 | 1202.25 | 1.000 |
S2-6" In | Pad | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
T2-6"-Out | Nozzle | 1202.25 | 1202.25 | 1.000 |
T2-6"-Out | Pad | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
Vent- Interm,1"t | Nozzle | 1202.25 | 1202.25 | 1.000 |
Minimum 1.000

Stress ratios for Pressurized Vessel Elements (kgf/cm²):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

Bottom Dish | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
Bottom Channel | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
Bottom Body flange | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 43
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Pressure Test Results: Shop Test Step: 11 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Main Shell | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |

Top Body Flange | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
Top Channel Shell | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
| 1174.13 | 1172.74 | 1.001 |
Minimum 1.000

Stress ratios for Exchanger Materials (kgf/cm²):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

Tube Material | 942.11 | 942.11 | 1.000 |
Tubesheet Material | 1406.14 | 1406.14 | 1.000 |
Minimum 1.000

Hoop Stress in Nozzle Wall during Pressure Test (kgf/cm²):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

T1-6" In | 91.65 | 1562.90 | 0.059 |
Intermediate 1" | 57.36 | 1562.92 | 0.037 |
S-1 -6" -Out | 185.85 | 1562.92 | 0.119 |
S2-6" In | 294.78 | 1562.92 | 0.189 |
T2-6"-Out | 140.14 | 1562.92 | 0.090 |
Vent- Interm,1"t | 55.77 | 1562.92 | 0.036 |

Elements Suitable for Test Pressure.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 44
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
External Pressure Calculations: Step: 12 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

External Pressure Results Summary:

External Pressure Calculation Results:

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

External Pressure Calculations:

| | Section | Outside | Corroded | Factor | Factor |

From| To | Length | Diameter | Thickness | A | B |
| | cm | mm | mm | | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| No Calc | 512 | 3 | 0.0008138 | 802.622 |
20| 30| 59.1667 | 516 | 5 | 0.0011102 | 901.911 |
30| 40| No Calc | ... | 49.825 | No Calc | No Calc |
40| 60| 300 | 516 | 5 | 0.0001938 | 197.566 |
60| 70| No Calc | ... | 50 | No Calc | No Calc |
70| 80| 59.1667 | 516 | 5 | 0.0011102 | 901.911 |
80| 90| No Calc | 510 | 2 | 0.00054466 | 536.11 |

External Pressure Calculations:

| | External | External | External | External |

From| To | Actual T. | Required T.| Design Pressure | M.A.W.P. |
| | mm | mm | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| 6 | No Calc | ... | 5.23 |
20| 30| 8 | No Calc | ... | 11.7 |
30| 40| 53 | 52.4764 | ... | No Calc |
40| 60| 8 | No Calc | ... | 2.55 |
60| 70| 53 | 52.4002 | ... | No Calc |
70| 80| 8 | No Calc | ... | 11.7 |
80| 90| 5 | No Calc | ... | 2.34 |
Minimum 2.34

External Pressure Calculations:

| | Actual Length | Allowable Length | Ring Inertia | Ring Inertia |

From| To | Bet. Stiffeners | Bet. Stiffeners | Required | Available |
| | cm | cm | cm^4 | cm^4 |
10| 20| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
20| 30| 59.1667 | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
30| 40| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
40| 60| 300 | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
60| 70| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
70| 80| 59.1667 | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |
80| 90| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |

Elements Suitable for External Pressure.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 45
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element and Detail Weights: Step: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Element and Detail Weights:

| | Element | Element | Corroded | Corroded | Extra due |

From| To | Metal Wgt. | ID Volume |Metal Wgt. | ID Volume | Misc % |
| | kg | cm³ | kg | cm³ | kg |
10| 20| 24.0981 | 26179.9 | 15.0613 | 27013.1 | ... |
20| 30| 49.4761 | 98174.8 | 31.1051 | 100545 | ... |
30| 40| 55.6515 | ... | 55.6515 | ... | ... |
40| 60| 296.857 | 309441 | 186.631 | 323663 | ... |
60| 70| 57.7516 | ... | 57.7516 | ... | ... |
70| 80| 49.4761 | 98174.8 | 31.1051 | 100545 | ... |
80| 90| 24.9588 | 26179.9 | 15.5992 | 27013.1 | ... |
Total | 558 | 558150.56 | 392 | 578779.62 | 0 |

For elements specified as shell side elements, the volume(s) shown

above for those elements, reflects the displacement of the tubes.

Weight of Details:

| | Weight of | X Offset, | Y Offset, | Z Offset |

From|Type| Detail | Dtl. Cent. |Dtl. Cent. | Dtl. Cent. | Description
| | kg | cm | cm | cm |
10|Liqd| 26.1682 | ... | -6.25 | ... | Liquid 10
20|Liqd| 98.1307 | ... | 25 | ... | Liquid 20
20|Nozl| 22.8702 | ... | 23 | -35 | T1-6" In
20|Nozl| 1.8589 | -32.5006 | 10 | ... | Intermediate 1"
30|Liqd| ... | ... | 2.65 | ... | Liquid 30
40|Liqd| 296.023 | ... | 143.56 | ... | Liquid 40
40|Nozl| 32.1977 | ... | 275 | -35 | S-1 -6" -Out
40|Nozl| 29.3381 | -35 | 30 | ... | S2-6" In
40|Lugs| 42.3832 | ... | 190.3 | ... | Support Lugs
70|Liqd| 117.757 | ... | 25 | ... | Liquid: 70
70|Nozl| 29.517 | -35 | 29 | ... | T2-6"-Out
70|Nozl| 1.98234 | ... | 15 | -35 | Vent- Interm,1"t
80|Liqd| 26.1682 | ... | 11.25 | ... | Liquid: 80
30|FTsh| 73.9783 | ... | 9.625 | ... | Tube sheet
30|Tube| 511.635 | ... | 157.625 | ... | Tubes
30|RTsh| 73.9783 | ... | 305.625 | ... | Tubesheet
40|Bafl| 14.5648 | ... | 75 | ... | Baffles
40|Bafl| 14.5648 | ... | 150 | ... | Baffles
40|Bafl| 14.5648 | ... | 225 | ... | Baffles
40|Bafl| 14.66 | ... | 300 | ... | Baffles

Total Weight of Each Detail Type:

Liquid 564.2
Nozzles 117.8
Lugs 42.4
Exchanger Components 717.9
Liquid in Tubes 213.5
Sum of the Detail Weights 1655.8 kg

Weight Summation Results: (kg)

| Fabricated | Shop Test | Shipping | Erected | Empty | Operating |

Main Elements | 558.3 | 558.3 | 558.3 | 558.3 | 558.3 | 558.3 |
Nozzles | 117.8 | 117.8 | 117.8 | 117.8 | 117.8 | 117.8 |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 46
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element and Detail Weights: Step: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Lugs | 42.4 | 42.4 | 42.4 | 42.4 | 42.4 | 42.4 |

Exchanger | 717.9 | 717.9 | 717.9 | 717.9 | 717.9 | 717.9 |
Ope. Liquid | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 564.2 |
Tube Ope Lqd | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 213.5 |
Test Liquid | ... | 557.9 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Tube Tst Lqd | ... | 213.5 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Totals | 1436.4 | 2207.8 | 1436.4 | 1436.4 | 1436.4 | 2214.1 |

Weight Summary:

Fabricated Wt. - Bare Weight without Removable Internals 1436.4 kg

Shop Test Wt. - Fabricated Weight + Water ( Full ) 2207.8 kg
Shipping Wt. - Fab. Weight + removable Intls.+ Shipping App. 1436.4 kg
Erected Wt. - Fab. Wt + or - loose items (trays,platforms etc.) 1436.4 kg
Ope. Wt. no Liq - Fab. Weight + Internals. + Details + Weights 1436.4 kg
Operating Wt. - Empty Weight + Operating Liq. Uncorroded 2214.1 kg
Field Test Wt. - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 2207.8 kg

Weights used in Vortex Shedding Calculations:

Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (operating) 431.2 kg

Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (filled w/water) 406.5 kg
Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel (empty) 275.1 kg

Exchanger Tube Data

Volume of Exchanger tubes : 213593.2 cm³
Weight of Ope Liq in tubes : 213.5 kg
Weight of Water in tubes : 213.5 kg

Surface Areas of Elements:

| | Outside Surface | Inside Surface |

From| To | Area | Area |
| | cm² | cm² |
10| 20| 3696.71 | 3495.36 |
20| 30| 8105.31 | 7853.98 |
30| 40| 2437.09 | 832.522 |
40| 60| 48631.9 | 47123.9 |
60| 70| 2477.93 | 863.938 |
70| 80| 8105.31 | 7853.98 |
80| 90| 3696.71 | 3495.36 |
Total 77150.9 71519.0 cm²
Total 83.0 77.0 ft²

Element and Detail Weights:

| To | Total Ele.| Total. Ele.|Total. Ele.| Total Dtl.| Oper. Wgt. |

From| To | Empty Wgt.| Oper. Wgt.|Hydro. Wgt.| Offset Mom.| No Liquid |
| | kg | kg | kg | kgf-m. | kg |
10| 20| 24.0981 | 50.2663 | 50.2663 | ... | 24.0981 |
20| 30| 74.2052 | 172.336 | 172.336 | 0.60415 | 74.2052 |
30| 40| 129.63 | 129.63 | 129.63 | ... | 129.63 |
40|Lugs| 754.738 | 1140.91 | 1148.66 | 10.2683 | 754.738 |
Lugs| 60| 173.645 | 296.987 | 302.52 | ... | 173.645 |
60| 70| 131.73 | 131.73 | 131.73 | ... | 131.73 |
70| 80| 80.9755 | 198.732 | 179.106 | 10.331 | 80.9755 |
80| 90| 24.9588 | 51.127 | 51.127 | ... | 24.9588 |

Cumulative Vessel Weight

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 47
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element and Detail Weights: Step: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

| | Cumulative Ope | Cumulative | Cumulative |

From| To | Wgt. No Liquid | Oper. Wgt. | Hydro. Wgt. |
| | kg | kg | kg |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| -24.0981 | -50.2663 | -50.2663 |
30| 40| -98.3033 | -222.602 | -222.602 |
40|Lugs| -227.933 | -352.232 | -352.232 |
Lugs| 60| 411.309 | 678.577 | 664.483 |
60| 70| 237.664 | 381.589 | 361.963 |
70| 80| 105.934 | 249.859 | 230.233 |
80| 90| 24.9588 | 51.127 | 51.127 |

The cumulative operating weights no liquid in the column above are the cumulative operating
weights minus the operating liquid weight minus any weights absent in the empty condition.

Cumulative Vessel Moment

| | Cumulative | Cumulative |Cumulative |

From| To | Empty Mom. | Oper. Mom. |Hydro. Mom.|
| | kgf-m. | kgf-m. | kgf-m. |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| 0.60415 | 0.60415 | 0.60415 |
30| 40| 0.60415 | 0.60415 | 0.60415 |
40|Lugs| 10.8725 | 10.8725 | 10.8725 |
Lugs| 60| 10.331 | 10.331 | 10.331 |
60| 70| 10.331 | 10.331 | 10.331 |
70| 80| 10.331 | 10.331 | 10.331 |
80| 90| ... | ... | ... |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 48
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Flange MAWP: Step: 14 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle Flange MAWP Results: (kgf/cm² & °C)

Nozzle | Flange Rating | Design | | Grade/ | Equiv. | - - - - - - Max Pressure |

Description | Ope. | Ambient | Temp | Class | Group | Press |UG-44(b)| 50% | DNV |
T1-6" In | 45.99 | 52.11 | 150 | 300 | GR 1.1 | 24.276 | 44.710 | 45.990 | 44.71 |
Intermediate 1| 16.11 | 19.99 | 150 | 150 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
S-1 -6" -Out | 45.99 | 52.11 | 150 | 300 | GR 1.1 | 24.276 | 44.710 | 45.990 | 44.71 |
S2-6" In | 45.99 | 52.11 | 150 | 300 | GR 1.1 | 24.276 | 44.710 | 45.990 | 44.71 |
T2-6"-Out | 45.99 | 52.11 | 150 | 300 | GR 1.1 | 24.276 | 44.710 | 45.990 | 44.71 |
Vent- Interm,1| 16.11 | 19.99 | 150 | 150 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |

Shellside Flange Rating

Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Ope)[ShellSide]: 44.710 kgf/cm²
Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Amb)[ShellSide]: 52.109 kgf/cm²

Channelside Flange Rating

Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Ope)[TubeSide ]: 16.112 kgf/cm²
Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Amb)[TubeSide ]: 19.987 kgf/cm²

Selected Method for Derating ASME B16.5 Flange MAWP: ASME UG-44(b)

The UG-44(b) Method is based on the paper PVP 2013-97814. PV Elite uses the maximum loads
from each load category to determine ME and FE. In many cases, the computed maximum
allowable pressure will be greater than the flange rating. In these cases, the minimum of the
rating from the table and the UG-44(b) method will be used. SA-193 B8 Cl. 2 bolts or ones
with higher allowable stresses at the specified bolt size shall be used.

The axial force FE must put the nozzle in tension (-P for 107/297; +Fr for PD 5500 AnnexG)
to be considered.

Nozzle | Gasket | Fm | Resolved | Axial | | Maximum | Pass |

Description | Dimension | Value | Moment | Force | MAWP | Pressure | Fail |
| G | | ME | FE | PD | Pmax | |
| mm | | kgf-m. | kgf | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | |
T1-6" In | 196.088 | 0.50 | 342 | 363 | 8.993 | 44.710 | Pass |
S-1 -6" -Out | 196.088 | 0.50 | 342 | 363 | 17.063 | 44.710 | Pass |
S2-6" In | 196.088 | 0.50 | 342 | 363 | 16.818 | 44.710 | Pass |
T2-6"-Out | 196.088 | 0.50 | 342 | 363 | 9.354 | 44.710 | Pass |

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [T1-6" In]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G <= pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(342)+4*abs(363)196.088 < pi*196.088^3[(46.0-9.0)+.500*45.990]
= 0.57501+04 <= 0.14210+05 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle T1-6" In [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 45.990, 0.500 * 45.990 + 45.990 - 5750.1/(pi * 196.088^3)
= min( 45.990, 44.710 )
= 44.710 kgf/cm²

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [S-1 -6" -Out]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G <= pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(342)+4*abs(363)196.088 < pi*196.088^3[(46.0-17.1)+.500*45.990]
= 0.57501+04 <= 0.12299+05 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle S-1 -6" -Out [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 49
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Flange MAWP: Step: 14 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

= min( 45.990, 0.500 * 45.990 + 45.990 - 5750.1/(pi * 196.088^3)

= min( 45.990, 44.710 )
= 44.710 kgf/cm²

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [S2-6" In]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G <= pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(342)+4*abs(363)196.088 < pi*196.088^3[(46.0-16.8)+.500*45.990]
= 0.57501+04 <= 0.12357+05 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle S2-6" In [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 45.990, 0.500 * 45.990 + 45.990 - 5750.1/(pi * 196.088^3)
= min( 45.990, 44.710 )
= 44.710 kgf/cm²

Evaluating Flange on Nozzle [T2-6"-Out]:

= 16*ME + 4*FE*G <= pi*G^3[((PR - PD) + FM * PR)]
= 16(342)+4*abs(363)196.088 < pi*196.088^3[(46.0-9.4)+.500*45.990]
= 0.57501+04 <= 0.14125+05 Check Passes

Maximum Pressure for Flange on Nozzle T2-6"-Out [Pmax]:

= min( PR, FM * PR + PR - (16*ME + 4*FE * G) / ( pi * G^3 ))
= min( 45.990, 0.500 * 45.990 + 45.990 - 5750.1/(pi * 196.088^3)
= min( 45.990, 44.710 )
= 44.710 kgf/cm²

Pressure Ratings are per ASME B16.5 2017 Metric Edition

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 50
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Natural Frequency Calculation: Step: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

The Natural Frequencies for the vessel have been computed iteratively
by solving a system of matrices. These matrices describe the mass
and the stiffness of the vessel. This is the generalized eigenvalue/
eigenvector problem and is referenced in some mathematical texts.

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Empty.) is 30.7472 Hz.

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Ope...) is 24.2193 Hz.

The Natural Frequency for the Vessel (Filled) is 30.8489 Hz.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 51
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending: Step: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

The following table is for the Operating Case.

Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending:

| | Distance to| Cumulative |Earthquake | Wind | Earthquake |

From| To | Support| Wind Shear | Shear | Bending | Bending |
| | cm | kgf | kgf | kgf-m. | kgf-m. |
10| 20| 237.691 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| 204.768 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
30| 40| 182.818 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
40|Lugs| 87.5 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Lugs| 60| 62.5 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
60| 70| 132.818 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
70| 80| 154.767 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
80| 90| 187.649 | ... | ... | ... | ... |

The Wind Shears/Moments and the Earthquake Shears/Moments calculated
and printed in the Wind/Earthquake Shear and Bending report have
been factored by the input Scalar/Load reductions factors of;
Wind: 1.000; Earthquake: 1.000.

Review the Vessel Design Summary for the cumulative shear force
and bending moment on the support.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 52
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Longitudinal Stress Constants: Step: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Longitudinal Stress Constants:

| | Metal Area | Metal Area | Section Modulus | Section Modulus |

From| To | New | Corroded | New | Corroded |
| | cm² | cm² | mm³ | mm³ |
10| 20| 95.3786 | 47.9719 | 1192568 | 606887 |
20| 30| 127.674 | 80.2675 | 1596719 | 1015578 |
30| 40| 127.674 | 77.4849 | 1596719 | 981035 |
40| 60| 127.674 | 80.2675 | 1596719 | 1015578 |
60| 70| 127.674 | 80.2675 | 1596719 | 1015578 |
70| 80| 127.674 | 80.2675 | 1596719 | 1015578 |
80| 90| 79.3254 | 31.9186 | 991762 | 403783 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 53
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Longitudinal Allowable Stresses: Step: 18 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Longitudinal Allowable Stresses:

| | | Hydrotest | | Hydrotest |
From| To | Tensile | Tensile | Compressive | Compressive |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1174.13 | -1364.12 |
20| 30| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
30| 40| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1307.66 | -1419.98 |
40|Lugs| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
Lugs| 60| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
60| 70| 1687.37 | 2193.58 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
70| 80| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
80| 90| 1196.19 | 1556.89 | -617.436 | -949.792 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 54
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Longitudinal Stresses due to: Step: 19 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Longitudinal Stress Report

Longitudinal Operating and Empty Stresses are computed in the

corroded condition. Stresses due to loads in the hydrostatic test
cases have been computed in the new and cold condition.

Longitudinal Pressure Stresses due to:

| | Longitudinal Stress | Longitudinal Stress |Longitudinal Stress |

From| To | Internal Pressure | External Pressure | Hydrotest Pressure |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| 251.8 | ... | 252.056 |
20| 30| 150.6 | ... | 188.431 |
30| 40| ... | ... | ... |
40| 60| 150.6 | ... | 342.398 |
60| 70| ... | ... | ... |
70| 80| 150.6 | ... | 188.431 |
80| 90| 378.3 | ... | 302.955 |

Longitudinal Stresses due to Weight Loads for these Conditions:

| | Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. |Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. |
From| To | Empty | Operating |Hydrotest | Emp. Mom. | Opr. Mom. |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| 0.30022 | 0.62624 | 0.39371 | 0.059489 | 0.059489 |
30| 40| 1.26868 | 2.87285 | 1.74352 | 0.061583 | 0.061583 |
40|Lugs| 2.83967 | 4.38823 | 2.75884 | 1.07057 | 1.07057 |
Lugs| 60| -5.12423 | -2.97292 | -3.22155 | 1.01725 | 1.01725 |
60| 70| -2.9609 | -2.9609 | -1.86149 | 1.01725 | 1.01725 |
70| 80| -1.31977 | -1.31977 | -0.82972 | 1.01725 | 1.01725 |
80| 90| -0.78195 | -0.78195 | -0.31464 | ... | ... |

Longitudinal Stresses due to Weight Loads and Bending for these Conditions:

| | Wght. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. |
From| To | Hyd. Mom. | Oper. Wind | Oper. Equ. | Hyd. Wind | Hyd. Equ. |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| 0.037837 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
30| 40| 0.037837 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
40|Lugs| 0.68093 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Lugs| 60| 0.64701 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
60| 70| 0.64701 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
70| 80| 0.64701 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
80| 90| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |

Longitudinal Stresses due to these Conditions:

| | Vortex Shedding | Vortex Shedding | Vortex Shedding | Earthquake |

From| To | Operating Case | Empty Case | Test Case | Empty Case |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| ... | ... | ... | ... |
30| 40| ... | ... | ... | ... |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 55
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Longitudinal Stresses due to: Step: 19 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

40|Lugs| ... | ... | ... | ... |

Lugs| 60| ... | ... | ... | ... |
60| 70| ... | ... | ... | ... |
70| 80| ... | ... | ... | ... |
80| 90| ... | ... | ... | ... |

Longitudinal Stresses due to Applied Axial Forces:

| | Longitudinal Stress | Longitudinal Stress |

From| To | Y Forces Wind | Y Forces Seismic |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... | ... |
20| 30| ... | ... |
30| 40| ... | ... |
40|Lugs| ... | ... |
Lugs| 60| ... | ... |
60| 70| ... | ... |
70| 80| ... | ... |
80| 90| ... | ... |

Longitudinal Stresses due to User Forces and Moments:

| |Wind For/Mom | Earthquake For/Mom | Wind For/Mom | Earthquake For/Mom |

From| To | Corroded | Corroded | No Corrosion | No Corrosion |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| ... | ... | ... | ... |
30| 40| ... | ... | ... | ... |
40|Lugs| ... | ... | ... | ... |
Lugs| 60| ... | ... | ... | ... |
60| 70| ... | ... | ... | ... |
70| 80| ... | ... | ... | ... |
80| 90| ... | ... | ... | ... |

Bending Stresses due to Blast Load:

| | Bending |
From| To | Stress |
| | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... |
20| 30| ... |
30| 40| ... |
40|Lugs| ... |
Lugs| 60| ... |
60| 70| ... |
70| 80| ... |
80| 90| ... |

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 56
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 20 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Stress Combination Load Cases for Vertical Vessels:

Load Case Definition Key

IP = Longitudinal Stress due to Internal Pressure

EP = Longitudinal Stress due to External Pressure
HP = Longitudinal Stress due to Hydrotest Pressure
NP = No Pressure
EW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (No Liquid)
OW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (Operating)
HW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (Hydrotest)
WI = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Operating)
EQ = Bending Stress due to Earthquake Moment (Operating)
EE = Bending Stress due to Earthquake Moment (Empty)
HI = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Hydrotest)
HE = Bending Stress due to Earthquake Moment (Hydrotest)
WE = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Empty) (no CA)
WF = Bending Stress due to Wind Moment (Filled) (no CA)
CW = Longitudinal Stress due to Weight (Empty) (no CA)
VO = Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads ( Ope )
VE = Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads ( Emp )
VF = Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads ( Test No CA. )
FW = Axial Stress due to Vertical Forces for the Wind Case
FS = Axial Stress due to Vertical Forces for the Seismic Case
BW = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Wind Case, Corroded
BS = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Seismic Case, Corroded
BN = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Wind Case, UnCorroded
BU = Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Seismic Case, UnCorroded
BL = Bending Stress due to Blast Loads, Corroded

General Notes:

Case types HI and HE are in the Un-Corroded condition.

Case types WE, WF, and CW are in the Un-Corroded condition.

A blank stress and stress ratio indicates that the corresponding stress comprising
those components that did not contribute to that type of stress.

An asterisk (*) in the final column denotes overstress.

Analysis of Load Case 1 : NP+EW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1174.13 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.36 1434.26 1316.55 0.0003
40 3.91 1434.26 1316.55 0.0027
40 1434.26 -6.14 1316.55 0.0047
70 1434.26 -2.34 1316.55 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 617.44 0.0013

Analysis of Load Case 2 : NP+EW+EE+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1174.13 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.36 1434.26 1316.55 0.0003
40 3.91 1434.26 1316.55 0.0027
40 1434.26 -6.14 1316.55 0.0047
70 1434.26 -2.34 1316.55 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 617.44 0.0013
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 57
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 20 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Analysis of Load Case 3 : NP+OW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1174.13 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.69 1434.26 1316.55 0.0005
40 5.46 1434.26 1316.55 0.0038
40 1434.26 -3.99 1316.55 0.0030
70 1434.26 -2.34 1316.55 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 617.44 0.0013

Analysis of Load Case 4 : NP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1174.13 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.69 1434.26 1316.55 0.0005
40 5.46 1434.26 1316.55 0.0038
40 1434.26 -3.99 1316.55 0.0030
70 1434.26 -2.34 1316.55 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 617.44 0.0013

Analysis of Load Case 5 : NP+HW+HI

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1864.54 0.00 1364.12 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.43 1864.54 1419.98 0.0002
40 3.44 1864.54 1419.98 0.0018
40 1864.54 -3.87 1419.98 0.0027
70 1864.54 -1.48 1419.98 0.0010
80 1556.89 -0.31 949.79 0.0003

Analysis of Load Case 6 : NP+HW+HE

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1864.54 0.00 1364.12 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.43 1864.54 1419.98 0.0002
40 3.44 1864.54 1419.98 0.0018
40 1864.54 -3.87 1419.98 0.0027
70 1864.54 -1.48 1419.98 0.0010
80 1556.89 -0.31 949.79 0.0003

Analysis of Load Case 7 : IP+OW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 151.29 1434.26 1316.55 0.1055
40 156.06 1434.26 1316.55 0.1088
40 148.64 1434.26 1316.55 0.1036
70 150.30 1434.26 1316.55 0.1048
80 377.52 1196.19 617.44 0.3156

Analysis of Load Case 8 : IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 151.29 1434.26 1316.55 0.1055
40 156.06 1434.26 1316.55 0.1088
40 148.64 1434.26 1316.55 0.1036
70 150.30 1434.26 1316.55 0.1048
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 58
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 20 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

80 377.52 1196.19 617.44 0.3156

Analysis of Load Case 9 : EP+OW+WI+FW+BW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1176.76 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.69 1434.26 1319.69 0.0005
40 5.46 1434.26 1319.69 0.0038
40 1434.26 -3.99 1319.69 0.0030
70 1434.26 -2.34 1319.69 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 789.22 0.0010

Analysis of Load Case 10 : EP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1176.76 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.69 1434.26 1319.69 0.0005
40 5.46 1434.26 1319.69 0.0038
40 1434.26 -3.99 1319.69 0.0030
70 1434.26 -2.34 1319.69 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 789.22 0.0010

Analysis of Load Case 11 : HP+HW+HI

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 252.06 1864.54 1364.12 0.1352
20 188.86 1864.54 1419.98 0.1013
40 345.84 1864.54 1419.98 0.1855
40 339.82 1864.54 1419.98 0.1823
70 188.25 1864.54 1419.98 0.1010
80 302.64 1556.89 949.79 0.1944

Analysis of Load Case 12 : HP+HW+HE

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 252.06 1864.54 1364.12 0.1352
20 188.86 1864.54 1419.98 0.1013
40 345.84 1864.54 1419.98 0.1855
40 339.82 1864.54 1419.98 0.1823
70 188.25 1864.54 1419.98 0.1010
80 302.64 1556.89 949.79 0.1944

Analysis of Load Case 13 : IP+WE+EW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 150.96 1434.26 1316.55 0.1053
40 154.51 1434.26 1316.55 0.1077
40 146.49 1434.26 1316.55 0.1021
70 150.30 1434.26 1316.55 0.1048
80 377.52 1196.19 617.44 0.3156

Analysis of Load Case 14 : IP+WF+CW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 151.20 1434.26 1316.55 0.1054
40 153.56 1434.26 1316.55 0.1071
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 59
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 20 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

40 148.73 1434.26
1316.55 0.1037

70 149.77 1434.26 1316.55 0.1044

80 377.99 1196.19 617.44 0.3160

Analysis of Load Case 15 : IP+VO+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 151.29 1434.26 1316.55 0.1055
40 156.06 1434.26 1316.55 0.1088
40 148.64 1434.26 1316.55 0.1036
70 150.30 1434.26 1316.55 0.1048
80 377.52 1196.19 617.44 0.3156

Analysis of Load Case 16 : IP+VE+EW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 150.96 1434.26 1316.55 0.1053
40 154.51 1434.26 1316.55 0.1077
40 146.49 1434.26 1316.55 0.1021
70 150.30 1434.26 1316.55 0.1048
80 377.52 1196.19 617.44 0.3156

Analysis of Load Case 17 : NP+VO+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1174.13 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.69 1434.26 1316.55 0.0005
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 60
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 20 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

40 5.46 1434.26 1316.55 0.0038

40 1434.26 -3.99 1316.55 0.0030
70 1434.26 -2.34 1316.55 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 617.44 0.0013

Analysis of Load Case 18 : FS+BS+IP+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 151.29 1434.26 1316.55 0.1055
40 156.06 1434.26 1316.55 0.1088
40 148.64 1434.26 1316.55 0.1036
70 150.30 1434.26 1316.55 0.1048
80 377.52 1196.19 617.44 0.3156

Analysis of Load Case 19 : FS+BS+EP+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 0.00 1434.26 0.00 1176.76 0.0000 0.0000
20 0.69 1434.26 1319.69 0.0005
40 5.46 1434.26 1319.69 0.0038
40 1434.26 -3.99 1319.69 0.0030
70 1434.26 -2.34 1319.69 0.0018
80 1196.19 -0.78 789.22 0.0010

Analysis of Load Case 20 : BL+IP+OW

From Tensile All. Tens. Comp. All. Comp. Tens. Comp.
Node Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio
10 251.80 1434.26 1174.13 0.1756
20 151.29 1434.26 1316.55 0.1055
40 156.06 1434.26 1316.55 0.1088
40 148.64 1434.26 1316.55 0.1036
70 150.30 1434.26 1316.55 0.1048
80 377.52 1196.19 617.44 0.3156

Absolute Maximum of the all of the Stress Ratio's 0.3160

Element From : 80 to : 90
Governing Load Case 14 : IP+WF+CW

| Long | Weight + | Eccentric | Wind or | | |

Element | Pressure |Axial Load | Moment |Earthquake | Combined | Which |
Description | Stress | Stress | Stress | Stress | Stress | Side |
Bottom Dish | 251.8 | ... | ... | ... | 251.8 | + Tens |
Bottom Dish | 251.8 | ... | ... | ... | ... | - Comp |
Bottom Channel | 150.6 | 0.6 | ... | ... | 151.2 | + Tens |
Bottom Channel | 150.6 | 0.6 | ... | ... | ... | - Comp |
Main Shell | 150.6 | 3.0 | ... | ... | 153.6 | + Tens |
Main Shell | 150.6 | 3.0 | ... | ... | ... | - Comp |
Main Shell | 150.6 | -1.9 | ... | ... | 148.7 | + Tens |
Main Shell | 150.6 | -1.9 | ... | ... | ... | - Comp |
Top Channel Shell | 150.6 | -0.8 | ... | ... | 149.8 | + Tens |
Top Channel Shell | 150.6 | -0.8 | ... | ... | ... | - Comp |
Element # 7 | 378.3 | -0.3 | ... | ... | 378.0 | + Tens |
Element # 7 | 378.3 | -0.3 | ... | ... | ... | - Comp |
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 61
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Stress due to Combined Loads: Step: 20 12:43pm Apr 26,2023


PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 62
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Center of Gravity Calculation: Step: 21 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Shop/Field Installation Options :

Note : The CG is computed from the first Element From Node

Center of Gravity of the Liquid 212.642 cm

Center of Gravity of the Nozzles 224.592 cm
Center of Gravity of the Lugs 250.068 cm
Center of Gravity of the Tubesheet(s) 218.725 cm
Center of Gravity of the Tubes 218.725 cm
Center of Gravity of the Baffles 247.451 cm

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell New and Cold 210.691 cm

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell Corroded 210.904 cm

Vessel CG in the Operating Condition 217.354 cm

Vessel CG in the Fabricated (Shop/Empty) Condition 218.175 cm
Vessel CG in the Test Condition 216.104 cm

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 63
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Sup. Lug Calcs: Ope: Lugs: 3 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Support Lug Calculations: Operating Case

Input Data: Support Lugs

Type of Geometry : Gussets with Top Plate

Number of Support Lugs Nlug 2
Distance from Vessel OD to Lug Contact Point Dlug 128.0000 mm
Lug Support Force Bearing Width Wfb 200.0000 mm
Lug Material SA-516 70
Lug Yield Stress 2360.80 kgf/cm²
Radial Width of bottom Support Lug Plate Wpl 200.0000 mm
Effective Force Bearing Length Lpl 150.0000 mm
Thickness of bottom Support Lug Plate Tpl 20.0000 mm
Distance between Gussets Dgp 154.0000 mm
Mean Width of Gusset Plate Wgp 150.0000 mm
Height of Gusset Plate Hgp 306.0000 mm
Thickness of Gusset Plate Tgp 20.0000 mm
Radial Width of Top Bar Plate Wtp 70.0000 mm
Thickness of Top Plate Ttp 20.0000 mm

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress at Design Temperature 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Thread Series TEMA Metric
Bolt Diameter 12.00 mm

Results for Support Lugs: Description: Support Lugs

Operating Case Support Force/Moment Resolution due to Nozzle Loads

Resolved Vertical Force: 1814.4 kgf

Resolved Global Moment about the X-axis: 648.9 kgf-m.
Resolved Global Moment about the Z-axis: 335.2 kgf-m.
Shear Force Summation along the X-axis: 1632.9 kgf
Shear Force Summation along the Z-axis: -1632.9 kgf
Moment SRSS value: 730.4 kgf-m.
Shear Force SRSS value: 2309.3 kgf

Overturning Moment at Support Lug 730.4 kgf-m.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 64
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Sup. Lug Calcs: Ope: Lugs: 3 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Weight Load at the top of one Lug 178.7 kgf

Force on one Lug, Operating Condition [Flug]:

= ( W/Nlug + Mlug/( Rlug * Nlug/2 ) )
= ( 357/2 + 730/( 38.6 * 2/2 ))
= 1085.86 kgf

Top Bar Plate Stress per Bednar p.154 [Stpl]:

= 0.75( Flug*Dlug*Lpl )/( Ttp*Wtp²*Hgp )
= 0.75( 1086 *128 *150 )/( 20 *70²*306 )
= 52.14 kgf/cm²

Required Thickness of Top Plate 1.5875 mm

Bearing Area [Ba]:

= Lpl * Wfb
= 150 * 200
= 300.00 cm²

Bending Stress in bottom Plate (Unif. Load) Per Bednar p.156 [Spl2]:
= Beta1 * Flug/Ba * Wfb² / Tpl² per Roark & Young 5th Ed.
= 0.41 * 1086/300 * 200²/20²
= 148.93 kgf/cm²

Bottom Plate Required Thickness (Uniform Load) 6.1523 mm

Bottom Plate Required Thickness based on ADM S 3/4 [trAD]:

= 0.71 * Dgp( sqrt( Flug / ( Lpl * Wfb )/Spa )
= 0.71*154(sqrt(1086/(150*200)/1574)
= 5.244 mm

If using the AD Code recommendations, the force bearing width (Wfb) must
be greater than or equal to 1/3 of the bottom plate radial width (Wpl)
plus the pad thickness (Padthk), if there is a pad.

Bottom Support Plate Allowable Stress [Spa]:

= 2/3 * Ylug
= 2/3 * 2361
= 1573.87 kgf/cm²

Gusset Plate Axial Stress ( Force / Gusset Plate Area ) [Sgp]:

= ( Flug/2 )/( Wgp * Tgp )
= ( 1086/2 )/( 150 * 20 )
= 18.10 kgf/cm²

Check required Gusset Plate Thickness:

Required Thickness of Gussets per AISC: 3.7803 mm

Gusset Plate Allowable Stress [Sga]:

= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy /( 5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 61.2 )²/(2 * 129² ))2361/
( 5/3+3*(61.2 )/(8* 129 )-( 61.2³)/(8*129³)
= 1144.00 kgf/cm²

Dimension [Gtp]:
= 2 * Wgp - Wpl
= 2 * 150 - 200
= 100.0 mm

Angle [Alpha_G]:
= pi / 2 - tan-1 ( ( Wpl - Gtp )/Hgp )
= pi/2 - tan-1 ( ( 200 - 100 )/306 )
= 71.9 deg
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 65
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Sup. Lug Calcs: Ope: Lugs: 3 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Maximum Compressive Gusset Plate Stress per Bednar [SgpB]:

= Flug( 3*Dlug-Wpl )/( Tgp* Wpl² * (sin(Alpha_G))² )
= 1086 ( 3*128 -200 )/( 20 *200²*(sin(71.9 ))² )
= 27.64 kgf/cm²

Gusset Plate Allowable Compressive Stress [SgaB]:

= 18000/(1+(1/18000)*( Hgp/sin(Alpha_G)/(0.289*Tgp))² )
= 18000/(1+(1/18000)* (306/sin(71.9 )/(0.289*20 ))² )
= 1079.49 kgf/cm²

There was no uplift. Please choose an appropriate bolt size for this support design.

Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 66
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Sup. Lug Calcs: Test: Step: 23 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Support Lug Calculations: Test Case

Input Data: Support Lugs

Type of Geometry : Gussets with Top Plate

Number of Support Lugs Nlug 2
Distance from Vessel OD to Lug Contact Point Dlug 128.0000 mm
Lug Support Force Bearing Width Wfb 200.0000 mm
Lug Material SA-516 70
Lug Yield Stress 2671.67 kgf/cm²
Radial Width of bottom Support Lug Plate Wpl 200.0000 mm
Effective Force Bearing Length Lpl 150.0000 mm
Thickness of bottom Support Lug Plate Tpl 20.0000 mm
Distance between Gussets Dgp 154.0000 mm
Mean Width of Gusset Plate Wgp 150.0000 mm
Height of Gusset Plate Hgp 306.0000 mm
Thickness of Gusset Plate Tgp 20.0000 mm
Radial Width of Top Bar Plate Wtp 70.0000 mm
Thickness of Top Plate Ttp 20.0000 mm

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress at Design Temperature 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Thread Series TEMA Metric
Bolt Diameter 12.00 mm

Results for Support Lugs: Description: Support Lugs

Overturning Moment at Support Lug 0.0 kgf-m.

Weight Load at the top of one Lug 1082.7 kgf

Force on one Lug, Test Condition [Flug]:

= ( W/Nlug + Mlug/( Rlug * Nlug/2 ) )
= ( 2165/2 + 0/( 38.6 * 2/2 ))
= 1082.69 kgf

Top Bar Plate Stress per Bednar p.154 [Stpl]:

= 0.75( Flug*Dlug*Lpl )/( Ttp*Wtp²*Hgp )
= 0.75( 1083 *128 *150 )/( 20 *70²*306 )
= 51.99 kgf/cm²

Required Thickness of Top Plate 1.5875 mm

Bearing Area [Ba]:

= Lpl * Wfb
= 150 * 200
= 300.00 cm²

Bending Stress in bottom Plate (Unif. Load) Per Bednar p.156 [Spl2]:
= Beta1 * Flug/Ba * Wfb² / Tpl² per Roark & Young 5th Ed.
= 0.41 * 1083/300 * 200²/20²
= 148.49 kgf/cm²
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 67
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Sup. Lug Calcs: Test: Step: 23 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Bottom Plate Required Thickness (Uniform Load) 5.7748 mm

Bottom Plate Required Thickness based on ADM S 3/4 [trAD]:

= 0.71 * Dgp( sqrt( Flug / ( Lpl * Wfb )/Spa )
= 0.71*154(sqrt(1083/(150*200)/1781)
= 4.922 mm

If using the AD Code recommendations, the force bearing width (Wfb) must
be greater than or equal to 1/3 of the bottom plate radial width (Wpl)
plus the pad thickness (Padthk), if there is a pad.

Bottom Support Plate Allowable Stress [Spa]:

= 2/3 * Ylug
= 2/3 * 2672
= 1781.11 kgf/cm²

Gusset Plate Axial Stress ( Force / Gusset Plate Area ) [Sgp]:

= ( Flug/2 )/( Wgp * Tgp )
= ( 1083/2 )/( 150 * 20 )
= 18.04 kgf/cm²

Check required Gusset Plate Thickness:

Required Thickness of Gussets per AISC: 3.7289 mm

Gusset Plate Allowable Stress [Sga]:

= ( 1-(Klr)²/(2*Cc²))Fy /( 5/3+3*(Klr)/(8*Cc)-(Klr³)/(8*Cc³)
= ( 1-( 61.2 )²/(2 * 124² ))2672/
( 5/3+3*(61.2 )/(8* 124 )-( 61.2³)/(8*124³)
= 1275.89 kgf/cm²

Dimension [Gtp]:
= 2 * Wgp - Wpl
= 2 * 150 - 200
= 100.0 mm

Angle [Alpha_G]:
= pi / 2 - tan-1 ( ( Wpl - Gtp )/Hgp )
= pi/2 - tan-1 ( ( 200 - 100 )/306 )
= 71.9 deg

Maximum Compressive Gusset Plate Stress per Bednar [SgpB]:

= Flug( 3*Dlug-Wpl )/( Tgp* Wpl² * (sin(Alpha_G))² )
= 1083 ( 3*128 -200 )/( 20 *200²*(sin(71.9 ))² )
= 27.56 kgf/cm²

Gusset Plate Allowable Compressive Stress [SgaB]:

= 18000/(1+(1/18000)*( Hgp/sin(Alpha_G)/(0.289*Tgp))² )
= 18000/(1+(1/18000)* (306/sin(71.9 )/(0.289*20 ))² )
= 1079.49 kgf/cm²

There was no uplift. Please choose an appropriate bolt size for this support design.

Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 68
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Input, Nozzle Desc: T1-6" In From: 20

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 6.404 kgf/cm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 150 °C

Parent Material SA-516 70

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 500.00 mm

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 28.00 cm

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature 0.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.20 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.20 kgf/cm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inside

Layout Angle 90.00 deg
Diameter 6.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 80

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Slip on

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 200.0000 mm

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 10.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 5.0000 mm
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 268.2750 mm
Thickness of Pad te 6.0000 mm
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 4.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 6.0000 mm
Reinforcing Pad Width 50.0000 mm

Flange Class 300

Flange Grade GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 69
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: T1-6" In

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 5.761 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.432 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.4*253/(1406*1-0.6*6.4)
= 1.1555 mm

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.4*73.2/(1202*1-0.6*6.4)
= 0.3910 mm

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement: [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 292.6588 mm
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 146.3294 mm
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 12.5000 mm

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 1406/1406 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 0.85, 1 )
= 0.855

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 1.728| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 5.503| NA| NA|
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 2.262| NA| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.910| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 6.000| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 degs.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 70
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

The area available without a pad is Sufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (146*1.16*1+2*11*1.16*1*(1-0.85))
= 1.728 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 146 ( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.16 ) - 2 * 11
( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.16 ) * ( 1 - 0.85 )
= 5.503 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 12.5 ) * ( 11 - 0.39 ) * 0.85
= 2.262 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Wp²*fr4
= (0.88 ) * 0.85 + (0 ) * 0.85 + 102² * 1
= 0.910 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 268 - 168 ) * 6 * 1
= 6.000 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.3910 mm
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 4.1555 mm
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 6.2200 mm

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 6.22, max( 5.5, 5.5 ) ]
= 5.5000 mm

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.39, 5.5 )
= 5.5000 mm

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 10.973 = 9.601 mm🠖OK

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 183.7, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2821.8 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 19.9, Allowable : 1598.9 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 117.6, Allowable : 841.5 kgf/cm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 71
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, min( Curve:B, Curve:A)

Govrn. thk, tg = 9.6, tr = 0.39, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.041, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.23, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.23, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.23, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 1.16, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.23, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Nozzle : -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -104 °C
Gov. MDMT of the nozzle to shell joint welded assembly : -104 °C

Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ASME B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -18 °C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -104 °C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 6.40/52.11 = 0.123
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 72
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Weld Size Calculations, Description: T1-6" In

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.0000 mm

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 5.0000 mm

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 4.2000 = 0.7 * tmin. 7.0700 = 0.7 * Wo mm
Pad Weld 2.5000 = 0.5*TminPad 2.8280 = 0.7 * Wp mm

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0, (1.73 - 5.5 + 2 * 11 * 0.85 *
(1 * 5 - 1.16 ) )1406 )
= max( 0, -4294.97) kgf

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 2.26 + 6 + 0.91 - 0 * 0.85 ) * 1406
= 12897.09 kgf

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 2.26 + 0 + 0.85 + ( 0.94 ) ) * 1406
= 5701.70 kgf

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 2.26 + 0 + 0.91 + 6 + ( 0.94 ) ) * 1406
= 14216.24 kgf

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * 10 * 0.49 * 1202
= 15571. kgf

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 268 * 4 * 0.49 * 1406
= 11614. kgf
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 73
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.14 * 78.7 ) * ( 11 - 0 ) * 0.7 * 1202
= 22816. kgf

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.14/2 ) * 168 * 6 * 0.74 * 1406
= 16503. kgf

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * ( T - cas ) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * ( 8 - 3 ) * 0.74 * 1406
= 13752. kgf

See UG-41 and UW-15 for clarification of allowable stresses.

Strength of Failure Paths:

Failure Path [Path 1-1]:

= ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 11614 + 22816 ) = 34430 kgf

Failure Path [Path 2-2]:

= ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 15571 + 16503 + 13752 + 0 ) = 45825 kgf

Failure Path [Path 3-3]:

= ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 11614 + 13752 + 0 ) = 25366 kgf

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 34430 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W1 = 12897 kgf
Path 2-2 = 45825 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W2 = 5701 kgf
Path 3-3 = 25366 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W3 = 14216 kgf

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 23.3 kgf/cm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 14.5836 mm

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 222.5836 mm

Input Echo, WRC107/537 Item 1, Description: T1-6" In :

Diameter Basis for Vessel Vbasis ID

Cylindrical or Spherical Vessel Cylsph Cylindrical
Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.0000 mm
Vessel Diameter Dv 500.000 mm
Vessel Thickness Tv 8.000 mm

Design Temperature T1 150.0 C

Vessel Material SA-516 70
Vessel UNS Number K02700
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-516 70

Attachment Type Type Round

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 74
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Diameter Basis for Nozzle Nbasis ID

Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Can 0.0000 mm
Nozzle Diameter Dn 146.329 mm
Nozzle Thickness Tn 10.973 mm
Nozzle Material SA-106 B
Nozzle UNS Number K03006
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 1202.20 kgf/cm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 1202.20 kgf/cm²

Thickness of Reinforcing Pad Tpad 6.000 mm

Diameter of Reinforcing Pad Dpad 268.275 mm

Design Internal Pressure Dp 6.404 kgf/cm²

Include Pressure Thrust No

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:

Radial Load (SUS) P -362.9 kgf
Longitudinal Shear (SUS) Vl 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Shear (SUS) Vc 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment (SUS) Mc -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment (SUS) Ml 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment (SUS) Mt 340.1 kgf-m.

Use Interactive Control No

WRC107 Version Version March 1979

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No

Compute Pressure Stress per WRC-368 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".

WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 168.275 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 255.5 ( 8.0 - 3.0 ) )
= 286.224 mm

WRC 107 Stress Calculation for SUStained loads:

Radial Load P -362.9 kgf
Circumferential Shear VC 453.6 kgf
Longitudinal Shear VL 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment MC -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment ML 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment MT 340.1 kgf-m.

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 23.50

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Attachment Junction:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 4C 3.079 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 3C 1.871 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.285 2C1 0.028 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.285 1C ! 0.060 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 3A 1.014 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 75
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 1A 0.078 (A,B,C,D)

N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 3B 2.251 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 1B 0.022 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 3C 1.871 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 4C 3.079 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.285 1C1 0.055 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.285 2C ! 0.031 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 4A 1.920 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 2A 0.035 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 4B 0.978 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 2B 0.037 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 39.3| 39.3| 39.3| 39.3| 23.9| 23.9| 23.9| 23.9|
Circ. Bend. P | 50.2| -50.2| 50.2| -50.2| 108.8| -108.8| 108.8| -108.8|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 102.5| 102.5| -102.5| -102.5|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 1110.1| -1110.1| -1110.1| 1110.1|
Circ. Memb. ML | -288.4| -288.4| 288.4| 288.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -401.5| 401.5| 401.5| -401.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -600.5| 102.2| 779.5| -124.0| 1345.3| -1092.5| -1080.0| 922.8|
Long. Memb. P | 23.9| 23.9| 23.9| 23.9| 39.3| 39.3| 39.3| 39.3|
Long. Bend. P | 99.0| -99.0| 99.0| -99.0| 56.3| -56.3| 56.3| -56.3|
Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 194.0| 194.0| -194.0| -194.0|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 499.0| -499.0| -499.0| 499.0|
Long. Memb. ML | -125.4| -125.4| 125.4| 125.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -664.3| 664.3| 664.3| -664.3| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -666.9| 463.9| 912.6| -614.1| 788.6| -322.0| -597.4| 288.0|
Shear VC | 15.6| 15.6| -15.6| -15.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -15.6| -15.6| 15.6| 15.6|
Shear MT | 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5|
| |
Tot. Shear| 85.1| 85.1| 53.9| 53.9| 53.9| 53.9| 85.1| 85.1|
Str. Int. | 725.0| 482.9| 931.7| 620.0| 1350.4| 1096.3| 1094.6| 934.0|

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 51.10

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Pad Edge:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 4C 3.339 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 3C 1.199 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.459 2C1 0.005 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.459 1C ! 0.065 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 3A 1.069 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 1A 0.057 (A,B,C,D)
N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 3B 1.803 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 76
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 1B 0.004 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 3C 1.199 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 4C 3.339 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.459 1C1 0.013 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.459 2C ! 0.034 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 4A 4.614 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 2A 0.023 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 4B 1.114 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 2B 0.007 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Edge of Reinforcing Pad (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 94.8| 94.8| 94.8| 94.8| 34.1| 34.1| 34.1| 34.1|
Circ. Bend. P | 45.5| -45.5| 45.5| -45.5| 568.6| -568.6| 568.6| -568.6|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 150.8| 150.8| -150.8| -150.8|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 2476.9| -2476.9| -2476.9| 2476.9|
Circ. Memb. ML | -322.5| -322.5| 322.5| 322.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -222.6| 222.6| 222.6| -222.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -404.8| -50.6| 685.4| 149.3| 3230.4| -2860.7| -2025.1| 1791.6|
Long. Memb. P | 34.1| 34.1| 34.1| 34.1| 94.8| 94.8| 94.8| 94.8|
Long. Bend. P | 113.5| -113.5| 113.5| -113.5| 291.8| -291.8| 291.8| -291.8|

Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 650.9| 650.9|

-650.9| -650.9|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 981.2| -981.2| -981.2| 981.2|
Long. Memb. ML | -199.3| -199.3| 199.3| 199.3| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -362.4| 362.4| 362.4| -362.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -414.1| 83.7| 709.3| -242.6| 2018.8| -527.3| -1245.5| 133.3|
Shear VC | 21.5| 21.5| -21.5| -21.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -21.5| -21.5| 21.5| 21.5|
Shear MT | 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2|
| |
Tot. Shear| 81.7| 81.7| 38.6| 38.6| 38.6| 38.6| 81.7| 81.7|
Str. Int. | 491.3| 211.5| 737.8| 399.5| 3231.6| 2861.3| 2033.6| 1795.6|


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 77
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Vessel Stress Summation at Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 144.2| 150.6| 144.2| 150.6| 144.2| 150.6| 144.2| 150.6|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -249.2| -249.2| 327.7| 327.7| 126.4| 126.4| -78.6| -78.6|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -351.3| 351.3| 451.7| -451.7| 1218.9| -1218.9| -1001.4| 1001.4|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 72.1| 72.1| 72.1| 72.1| 72.1| 72.1| 72.1| 72.1|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -101.5| -101.5| 149.2| 149.2| 233.3| 233.3| -154.7| -154.7|
Long. Q (SUS) | -565.4| 565.4| 763.3| -763.3| 555.3| -555.3| -442.7| 442.7|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 15.6| 15.6| -15.6| -15.6| -15.6| -15.6| 15.6| 15.6|
Shear Q (SUS) | 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5|
Pm (SUS) | 144.2| 150.6| 144.2| 150.6| 144.2| 150.6| 144.2| 150.6|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 108.1| 101.9| 472.9| 479.2| 311.3| 312.2| 151.4| 157.7|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 635.3| 559.6| 1016.1| 578.7| 1494.0| 946.1| 952.8| 1083.3|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 150.57 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 479.24 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 1494.02 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

Vessel Stress Summation at Reinforcing Pad Edge (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 320.9| 327.3| 320.9| 327.3| 320.9| 327.3| 320.9| 327.3|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -227.7| -227.7| 417.4| 417.4| 184.8| 184.8| -116.7| -116.7|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -177.1| 177.1| 268.1| -268.1| 3045.6| -3045.6| -1908.3| 1908.3|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 160.4| 160.4| 160.4| 160.4| 160.4| 160.4| 160.4| 160.4|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -165.2| -165.2| 233.3| 233.3| 745.8| 745.8| -556.1| -556.1|
Long. Q (SUS) | -248.9| 248.9| 476.0| -476.0| 1273.0| -1273.0| -689.4| 689.4|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 21.5| 21.5| -21.5| -21.5| -21.5| -21.5| 21.5| 21.5|
Shear Q (SUS) | 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2|
Pm (SUS) | 320.9| 327.3| 320.9| 327.3| 320.9| 327.3| 320.9| 327.3|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 107.0| 112.9| 739.6| 746.0| 907.4| 907.4| 601.3| 607.7|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 286.6| 343.7| 1016.5| 564.1| 3552.4| 2534.1| 1714.8| 2122.6|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 78
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6" In Nozl: 13 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 327.29 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 907.38 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 3552.37 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 79
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: Intermediate 1" Nozl: 14 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Input, Nozzle Desc: Intermediate 1" From: 20

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 6.417 kgf/cm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 150 °C

Parent Material SA-516 70

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 500.00 mm

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 15.00 cm

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature 0.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inside

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 1.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 40

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Slip on

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 150.0000 mm

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 10.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 3.3782 mm

Flange Class 150

Flange Grade GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Abutting/Set-on Nozzle No Pad

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: Intermediate 1"

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.049 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.133 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 80
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: Intermediate 1" Nozl: 14 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.42*253/(1406*1-0.6*6.42)
= 1.1578 mm

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.42*13.3/(1202*1-0.6*6.42)

= 0.0713 mm

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement: [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 53.2892 mm
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 26.6446 mm
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 8.4455 mm

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: Intermediate 1".

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.0713 mm
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 4.1578 mm
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 2.9464 mm

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 2.95, max( 5.5, 5.5 ) ]
= 2.9464 mm

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.071, 2.95 )
= 2.9464 mm

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 3.378 = 2.956 mm🠖OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, min( Curve:B, Curve:A)

Govrn. thk, tg = 2.96, tr = 0.071, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.024, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 °C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 81
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: Intermediate 1" Nozl: 14 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 2.96, tr = 0.071, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.024, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the nozzle to shell joint welded assembly : -104 °C

Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ASME B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -18 °C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -104 °C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 6.42/19.99 = 0.321

Weld Size Calculations, Description: Intermediate 1"

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 3.3782 mm

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 2.3647 = 0.7 * tmin. 7.0700 = 0.7 * Wo mm

Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 23.3 kgf/cm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.5584 mm

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 158.5584 mm

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 82
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Input, Nozzle Desc: S-1 -6" -Out From: 40

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 6.012 kgf/cm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 150 °C

Parent Material SA-516 70

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 500.00 mm

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 334.77 cm

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature 0.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inside

Layout Angle 90.00 deg
Diameter 6.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Minimum

Nominal Thickness 80

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Slip on

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 200.0000 mm

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 8.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 8.0000 mm
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 270.0000 mm
Thickness of Pad te 8.0000 mm
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 6.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 8.0000 mm
Reinforcing Pad Width 50.8625 mm

Flange Class 300

Flange Grade GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 83
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S-1 -6" -Out

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 5.869 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.378 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.01*253/(1406*1-0.6*6.01)
= 1.0845 mm

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.01*74.5/(1202*1-0.6*6.01)
= 0.3739 mm

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement: [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 298.1452 mm
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 149.0726 mm
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 12.5000 mm

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 1406/1406 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 0.86, 1 )
= 0.855

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 1.647| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 5.728| NA| NA|
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 1.972| NA| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.802| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 8.138| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 degs.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 84
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

The area available without a pad is Sufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (149*1.08*1+2*9.6*1.08*1*(1-0.86))
= 1.647 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 149 ( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.08 ) - 2 * 9.6
( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.08 ) * ( 1 - 0.86 )
= 5.728 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 12.5 ) * ( 9.6 - 0.37 ) * 0.86
= 1.972 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Wp²*fr4
= (0.52 ) * 0.86 + (0 ) * 0.86 + 152² * 1
= 0.802 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 270 - 168 ) * 8 * 1
= 8.138 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.3739 mm
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 4.0845 mm
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 6.2200 mm

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 6.22, max( 5.5, 5.5 ) ]
= 5.5000 mm

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.37, 5.5 )
= 5.5000 mm

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 9.6012 mm🠖OK

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 204.5, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2801.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 21.9, Allowable : 1599.0 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 130.0, Allowable : 841.6 kgf/cm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 85
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, min( Curve:B, Curve:A)

Govrn. thk, tg = 9.6, tr = 0.37, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.039, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.22, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.22, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 1.08, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.22, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 1.08, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.22, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Nozzle : -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -104 °C
Gov. MDMT of the nozzle to shell joint welded assembly : -104 °C

Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ASME B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -18 °C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -104 °C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 6.01/52.11 = 0.115
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 86
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S-1 -6" -Out

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 8.0000 mm

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 5.0000 mm

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 5.6000 = 0.7 * tmin. 5.6560 = 0.7 * Wo mm
Pad Weld 2.5000 = 0.5*TminPad 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wp mm

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0, (1.65 - 5.73 + 2 * 9.6 * 0.86 *
(1 * 5 - 1.08 ) )1406 )
= max( 0, -4834.50) kgf

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 1.97 + 8.14 + 0.8 - 0 * 0.86 ) * 1406
= 15344.91 kgf

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 1.97 + 0 + 0.55 + ( 0.82 ) ) * 1406
= 4697.13 kgf

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 1.97 + 0 + 0.8 + 8.14 + ( 0.82 ) ) * 1406
= 16499.21 kgf

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * 8 * 0.49 * 1202
= 12457. kgf

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 270 * 6 * 0.49 * 1406
= 17533. kgf
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 87
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.14 * 79.3 ) * ( 9.6 - 0 ) * 0.7 * 1202
= 20139. kgf

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.14/2 ) * 168 * 8 * 0.74 * 1406
= 22003. kgf

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * ( T - cas ) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * ( 8 - 3 ) * 0.74 * 1406
= 13752. kgf

See UG-41 and UW-15 for clarification of allowable stresses.

Strength of Failure Paths:

Failure Path [Path 1-1]:

= ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 17533 + 20139 ) = 37672 kgf

Failure Path [Path 2-2]:

= ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 12457 + 22003 + 13752 + 0 ) = 48213 kgf

Failure Path [Path 3-3]:

= ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 17533 + 13752 + 0 ) = 31285 kgf

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 37672 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W1 = 15344 kgf
Path 2-2 = 48212 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W2 = 4697 kgf
Path 3-3 = 31285 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W3 = 16499 kgf

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 23.1 kgf/cm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 14.5836 mm

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 222.5836 mm

Input Echo, WRC107/537 Item 1, Description: S-1 -6" -Out :

Diameter Basis for Vessel Vbasis ID

Cylindrical or Spherical Vessel Cylsph Cylindrical
Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.0000 mm
Vessel Diameter Dv 500.000 mm
Vessel Thickness Tv 8.000 mm

Design Temperature T1 150.0 C

Vessel Material SA-516 70
Vessel UNS Number K02700
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-516 70

Attachment Type Type Round

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 88
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Diameter Basis for Nozzle Nbasis ID

Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Can 0.0000 mm
Nozzle Diameter Dn 149.073 mm
Nozzle Thickness Tn 9.601 mm
Nozzle Material SA-106 B
Nozzle UNS Number K03006
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Thickness of Reinforcing Pad Tpad 8.000 mm

Diameter of Reinforcing Pad Dpad 270.000 mm

Design Internal Pressure Dp 6.012 kgf/cm²

Include Pressure Thrust No

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:

Radial Load (SUS) P -362.9 kgf
Longitudinal Shear (SUS) Vl 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Shear (SUS) Vc 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment (SUS) Mc -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment (SUS) Ml 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment (SUS) Mt 340.1 kgf-m.

Use Interactive Control No

WRC107 Version Version March 1979

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No

Compute Pressure Stress per WRC-368 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".

WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 168.275 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 255.5 ( 8.0 - 3.0 ) )
= 286.224 mm

WRC 107 Stress Calculation for SUStained loads:

Radial Load P -362.9 kgf
Circumferential Shear VC 453.6 kgf
Longitudinal Shear VL 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment MC -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment ML 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment MT 340.1 kgf-m.

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 19.96

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Attachment Junction:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.284 4C 2.740 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.284 3C 1.782 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.284 2C1 0.033 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.284 1C ! 0.063 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.284 3A 0.857 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 89
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.284 1A 0.080 (A,B,C,D)

N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.284 3B 2.009 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.284 1B 0.025 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.284 3C 1.782 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.284 4C 2.740 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.284 1C1 0.061 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.284 2C ! 0.035 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.284 4A 1.614 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.284 2A 0.038 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.284 4B 0.826 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.284 2B 0.042 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 29.5| 29.5| 29.5| 29.5| 19.2| 19.2| 19.2| 19.2|
Circ. Bend. P | 42.6| -42.6| 42.6| -42.6| 81.4| -81.4| 81.4| -81.4|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 73.0| 73.0| -73.0| -73.0|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 819.5| -819.5| -819.5| 819.5|
Circ. Memb. ML | -216.9| -216.9| 216.9| 216.9| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -323.8| 323.8| 323.8| -323.8| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -468.7| 93.8| 612.8| -120.0| 993.1| -808.8| -791.9| 684.3|
Long. Memb. P | 19.2| 19.2| 19.2| 19.2| 29.5| 29.5| 29.5| 29.5|
Long. Bend. P | 78.2| -78.2| 78.2| -78.2| 44.8| -44.8| 44.8| -44.8|
Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 137.4| 137.4| -137.4| -137.4|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 389.0| -389.0| -389.0| 389.0|
Long. Memb. ML | -89.2| -89.2| 89.2| 89.2| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -536.9| 536.9| 536.9| -536.9| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -528.7| 388.6| 723.5| -506.7| 600.7| -266.9| -452.2| 236.2|
Shear VC | 13.2| 13.2| -13.2| -13.2| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -13.2| -13.2| 13.2| 13.2|
Shear MT | 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8|
| |
Tot. Shear| 72.0| 72.0| 45.6| 45.6| 45.6| 45.6| 72.0| 72.0|
Str. Int. | 576.7| 405.2| 739.9| 512.0| 998.4| 812.6| 806.5| 695.6|

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 51.10

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Pad Edge:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.462 4C 3.310 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.462 3C 1.187 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.462 2C1 0.005 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.462 1C ! 0.065 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.462 3A 1.060 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.462 1A 0.057 (A,B,C,D)
N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.462 3B 1.786 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 90
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.462 1B 0.004 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.462 3C 1.187 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.462 4C 3.310 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.462 1C1 0.013 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.462 2C ! 0.034 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.462 4A 4.601 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.462 2A 0.023 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.462 4B 1.104 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.462 2B 0.007 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Edge of Reinforcing Pad (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 94.0| 94.0| 94.0| 94.0| 33.7| 33.7| 33.7| 33.7|
Circ. Bend. P | 44.8| -44.8| 44.8| -44.8| 568.6| -568.6| 568.6| -568.6|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 148.5| 148.5| -148.5| -148.5|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 2460.2| -2460.2| -2460.2| 2460.2|
Circ. Memb. ML | -317.4| -317.4| 317.4| 317.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -218.4| 218.4| 218.4| -218.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -397.0| -49.8| 674.7| 148.2| 3211.0| -2846.6| -2006.4| 1776.8|
Long. Memb. P | 33.7| 33.7| 33.7| 33.7| 94.0| 94.0| 94.0| 94.0|
Long. Bend. P | 111.7| -111.7| 111.7| -111.7| 291.8| -291.8| 291.8| -291.8|
Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 644.9| 644.9| -644.9| -644.9|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 975.0| -975.0| -975.0| 975.0|
Long. Memb. ML | -196.2| -196.2| 196.2| 196.2| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -355.8| 355.8| 355.8| -355.8| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -406.6| 81.6| 697.4| -237.5| 2005.8| -527.9| -1234.0| 132.3|
Shear VC | 21.4| 21.4| -21.4| -21.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -21.4| -21.4| 21.4| 21.4|
Shear MT | 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4|
| |

Tot. Shear| 80.8| 80.8| 38.0| 38.0| 38.0| 38.0|

80.8| 80.8|
Str. Int. | 482.7| 208.2| 725.7| 393.1| 3212.2| 2847.2| 2014.8| 1780.7|


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 91
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Vessel Stress Summation at Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 114.1| 120.1| 114.1| 120.1| 114.1| 120.1| 114.1| 120.1|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -187.5| -187.5| 246.4| 246.4| 92.1| 92.1| -53.8| -53.8|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -281.3| 281.3| 366.4| -366.4| 901.0| -901.0| -738.1| 738.1|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 57.0| 57.0| 57.0| 57.0| 57.0| 57.0| 57.0| 57.0|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -70.1| -70.1| 108.4| 108.4| 166.9| 166.9| -108.0| -108.0|
Long. Q (SUS) | -458.6| 458.6| 615.1| -615.1| 433.8| -433.8| -344.2| 344.2|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 13.2| 13.2| -13.2| -13.2| -13.2| -13.2| 13.2| 13.2|
Shear Q (SUS) | 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8| 58.8|
Pm (SUS) | 114.1| 120.1| 114.1| 120.1| 114.1| 120.1| 114.1| 120.1|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 76.2| 70.4| 361.4| 367.4| 231.0| 232.5| 114.3| 120.2|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 505.9| 466.2| 806.6| 458.9| 1111.8| 693.0| 695.1| 814.3|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 120.09 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 367.37 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 1111.78 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

Vessel Stress Summation at Reinforcing Pad Edge (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 301.2| 307.2| 301.2| 307.2| 301.2| 307.2| 301.2| 307.2|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -223.4| -223.4| 411.5| 411.5| 182.2| 182.2| -114.8| -114.8|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -173.6| 173.6| 263.3| -263.3| 3028.8| -3028.8| -1891.6| 1891.6|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 150.6| 150.6| 150.6| 150.6| 150.6| 150.6| 150.6| 150.6|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -162.5| -162.5| 229.9| 229.9| 738.9| 738.9| -550.9| -550.9|
Long. Q (SUS) | -244.1| 244.1| 467.4| -467.4| 1266.8| -1266.8| -683.2| 683.2|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 21.4| 21.4| -21.4| -21.4| -21.4| -21.4| 21.4| 21.4|
Shear Q (SUS) | 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4| 59.4|
Pm (SUS) | 301.2| 307.2| 301.2| 307.2| 301.2| 307.2| 301.2| 307.2|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 99.4| 104.9| 714.1| 720.1| 890.7| 890.7| 588.2| 594.2|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 289.6| 326.6| 986.4| 547.6| 3513.4| 2540.0| 1715.5| 2087.6|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 92
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6" -Out Nozl: 15 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 307.25 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 890.69 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 3513.35 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 93
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Input, Nozzle Desc: S2-6" In From: 40

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 6.257 kgf/cm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 150 °C

Parent Material SA-516 70

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 500.00 mm

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 89.77 cm

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature 0.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inside

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 6.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Minimum

Nominal Thickness 40

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Slip on

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 200.0000 mm

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 10.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 5.0000 mm
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 241.3000 mm
Thickness of Pad te 12.0000 mm
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 10.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 6.0000 mm
Reinforcing Pad Width 36.5125 mm

Flange Class 300

Flange Grade GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 94
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S2-6" In

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 6.135 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.245 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.26*253/(1406*1-0.6*6.26)
= 1.1288 mm

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.26*77.9/(1202*1-0.6*6.26)
= 0.4068 mm

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement: [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 311.6580 mm
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 155.8290 mm
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 12.5000 mm

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 1406/1406 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 0.86, 1 )
= 0.855

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 1.779| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 5.963| NA| NA|
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 1.243| NA| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 1.083| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 8.763| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 degs.

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Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

The area available without a pad is Sufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (156*1.13*1+2*6.22*1.13*1*(1-0.86))
= 1.779 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 156 ( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.13 ) - 2 * 6.22
( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.13 ) * ( 1 - 0.86 )
= 5.963 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 12.5 ) * ( 6.22 - 0.41 ) * 0.86
= 1.243 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Wp²*fr4
= (0.097 ) * 0.86 + (0 ) * 0.86 + 254² * 1
= 1.083 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 241 - 168 ) * 12 * 1
= 8.763 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.4068 mm
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 4.1288 mm
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 6.2200 mm

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 6.22, max( 5.5, 5.5 ) ]
= 5.5000 mm

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.41, 5.5 )
= 5.5000 mm

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 6.2230 mm🠖OK

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 302.2, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2703.5 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 37.7, Allowable : 1599.0 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 185.4, Allowable : 841.6 kgf/cm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 96
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, min( Curve:B, Curve:A)

Govrn. thk, tg = 6.22, tr = 0.41, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.065, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6.22, tr = 0.41, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.065, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6.22, tr = 0.41, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.065, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 8, tr = 1.13, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.23, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6.22, tr = 0.41, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.065, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Nozzle : -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -104 °C
Gov. MDMT of the nozzle to shell joint welded assembly : -104 °C

Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ASME B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -18 °C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -104 °C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 6.26/52.11 = 0.120
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 97
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S2-6" In

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.2230 mm

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 5.0000 mm

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 4.3561 = 0.7 * tmin. 7.0700 = 0.7 * Wo mm
Pad Weld 2.5000 = 0.5*TminPad 7.0700 = 0.7 * Wp mm

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0, (1.78 - 5.96 + 2 * 6.22 * 0.86 *
(1 * 5 - 1.13 ) )1406 )
= max( 0, -5302.90) kgf

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 1.24 + 8.76 + 1.08 - 0 * 0.86 ) * 1406
= 15593.48 kgf

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 1.24 + 0 + 0.86 + ( 0.53 ) ) * 1406
= 3698.54 kgf

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 1.24 + 0 + 1.08 + 8.76 + ( 0.53 ) ) * 1406
= 16341.64 kgf

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * 10 * 0.49 * 1202
= 15571. kgf

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 241 * 10 * 0.49 * 1406
= 26116. kgf
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 98
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.14 * 81 ) * ( 6.22 - 0 ) * 0.7 * 1202
= 13331. kgf

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.14/2 ) * 168 * 6 * 0.74 * 1406
= 16503. kgf

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * ( T - cas ) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * ( 8 - 3 ) * 0.74 * 1406
= 13752. kgf

See UG-41 and UW-15 for clarification of allowable stresses.

Strength of Failure Paths:

Failure Path [Path 1-1]:

= ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 26116 + 13331 ) = 39447 kgf

Failure Path [Path 2-2]:

= ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 15571 + 16503 + 13752 + 0 ) = 45826 kgf

Failure Path [Path 3-3]:

= ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 26116 + 13752 + 0 ) = 39868 kgf

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 39446 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W1 = 15593 kgf
Path 2-2 = 45826 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W2 = 3698 kgf
Path 3-3 = 39867 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W3 = 16341 kgf

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 23.3 kgf/cm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 14.5836 mm

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 222.5836 mm

Input Echo, WRC107/537 Item 1, Description: S2-6" In :

Diameter Basis for Vessel Vbasis ID

Cylindrical or Spherical Vessel Cylsph Cylindrical
Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.0000 mm
Vessel Diameter Dv 500.000 mm
Vessel Thickness Tv 8.000 mm

Design Temperature T1 150.0 C

Vessel Material SA-516 70
Vessel UNS Number K02700
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-516 70

Attachment Type Type Round

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 99
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Diameter Basis for Nozzle Nbasis ID

Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Can 0.0000 mm
Nozzle Diameter Dn 155.829 mm
Nozzle Thickness Tn 6.223 mm
Nozzle Material SA-106 B
Nozzle UNS Number K03006
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Thickness of Reinforcing Pad Tpad 12.000 mm

Diameter of Reinforcing Pad Dpad 241.300 mm

Design Internal Pressure Dp 6.257 kgf/cm²

Include Pressure Thrust No

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:

Radial Load (SUS) P -362.9 kgf
Longitudinal Shear (SUS) Vl 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Shear (SUS) Vc 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment (SUS) Mc -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment (SUS) Ml 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment (SUS) Mt 340.1 kgf-m.

Use Interactive Control No

WRC107 Version Version March 1979

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No

Compute Pressure Stress per WRC-368 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".

WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 168.275 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 255.5 ( 8.0 - 3.0 ) )
= 286.224 mm

WRC 107 Stress Calculation for SUStained loads:

Radial Load P -362.9 kgf
Circumferential Shear VC 453.6 kgf
Longitudinal Shear VL 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment MC -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment ML 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment MT 340.1 kgf-m.

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 15.38

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Attachment Junction:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.282 4C 2.302 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.282 3C 1.668 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.282 2C1 0.040 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.282 1C ! 0.067 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.282 3A 0.652 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 100
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.282 1A 0.084 (A,B,C,D)

N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.282 3B 1.690 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.282 1B 0.029 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.282 3C 1.668 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.282 4C 2.302 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.282 1C1 0.068 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.282 2C ! 0.040 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.282 4A 1.216 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.282 2A 0.042 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.282 4B 0.628 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.282 2B 0.048 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 18.8| 18.8| 18.8| 18.8| 13.6| 13.6| 13.6| 13.6|
Circ. Bend. P | 30.1| -30.1| 30.1| -30.1| 50.7| -50.7| 50.7| -50.7|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 42.1| 42.1| -42.1| -42.1|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 498.3| -498.3| -498.3| 498.3|
Circ. Memb. ML | -138.5| -138.5| 138.5| 138.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -217.6| 217.6| 217.6| -217.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -307.2| 67.8| 404.9| -90.3| 604.7| -493.2| -476.1| 419.1|
Long. Memb. P | 13.6| 13.6| 13.6| 13.6| 18.8| 18.8| 18.8| 18.8|
Long. Bend. P | 51.5| -51.5| 51.5| -51.5| 29.9| -29.9| 29.9| -29.9|
Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 78.6| 78.6| -78.6| -78.6|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 252.5| -252.5| -252.5| 252.5|
Long. Memb. ML | -51.5| -51.5| 51.5| 51.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -361.0| 361.0| 361.0| -361.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -347.4| 271.7| 477.6| -347.5| 379.8| -185.0| -282.4| 162.8|
Shear VC | 10.1| 10.1| -10.1| -10.1| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -10.1| -10.1| 10.1| 10.1|
Shear MT | 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0|
| |
Tot. Shear| 55.1| 55.1| 34.9| 34.9| 34.9| 34.9| 55.1| 55.1|
Str. Int. | 385.9| 285.6| 491.7| 352.1| 610.0| 497.1| 490.6| 430.4|

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 51.10

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Pad Edge:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.413 4C 3.820 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.413 3C 1.430 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.413 2C1 0.007 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.413 1C ! 0.065 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.413 3A 1.215 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.413 1A 0.058 (A,B,C,D)
N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.413 3B 2.107 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 101
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.413 1B 0.005 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.413 3C 1.430 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.413 4C 3.820 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.413 1C1 0.017 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.413 2C ! 0.034 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.413 4A 4.807 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.413 2A 0.023 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.413 4B 1.285 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.413 2B 0.008 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Edge of Reinforcing Pad (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 108.5| 108.5| 108.5| 108.5| 40.6| 40.6| 40.6| 40.6|
Circ. Bend. P | 57.4| -57.4| 57.4| -57.4| 568.6| -568.6| 568.6| -568.6|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 190.6| 190.6| -190.6| -190.6|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 2770.1| -2770.1| -2770.1| 2770.1|
Circ. Memb. ML | -419.1| -419.1| 419.1| 419.1| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -312.9| 312.9| 312.9| -312.9| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -566.1| -55.0| 897.9| 157.3| 3569.8| -3107.5| -2351.4| 2051.5|
Long. Memb. P | 40.6| 40.6| 40.6| 40.6| 108.5| 108.5| 108.5| 108.5|
Long. Bend. P | 146.8| -146.8| 146.8| -146.8| 291.8| -291.8| 291.8| -291.8|
Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 753.9| 753.9| -753.9| -753.9|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 1100.6| -1100.6| -1100.6| 1100.6|
Long. Memb. ML | -255.5| -255.5| 255.5| 255.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -489.9| 489.9| 489.9| -489.9| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -558.0| 128.1| 932.9| -340.6| 2254.9| -530.0| -1454.2| 163.4|
Shear VC | 23.9| 23.9| -23.9| -23.9| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -23.9| -23.9| 23.9| 23.9|
Shear MT | 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4|
| |

Tot. Shear| 98.3| 98.3| 50.4| 50.4| 50.4| 50.4|

98.3| 98.3|
Str. Int. | 660.4| 268.7| 968.8| 507.9| 3571.8| 3108.5| 2362.0| 2056.6|


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 102
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Vessel Stress Summation at Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 90.1| 96.3| 90.1| 96.3| 90.1| 96.3| 90.1| 96.3|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -119.7| -119.7| 157.3| 157.3| 55.7| 55.7| -28.5| -28.5|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -187.5| 187.5| 247.6| -247.6| 548.9| -548.9| -447.6| 447.6|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -37.9| -37.9| 65.1| 65.1| 97.4| 97.4| -59.8| -59.8|
Long. Q (SUS) | -309.5| 309.5| 412.6| -412.6| 282.4| -282.4| -222.6| 222.6|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 10.1| 10.1| -10.1| -10.1| -10.1| -10.1| 10.1| 10.1|
Shear Q (SUS) | 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0| 45.0|
Pm (SUS) | 90.1| 96.3| 90.1| 96.3| 90.1| 96.3| 90.1| 96.3|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 42.0| 36.6| 248.1| 254.4| 154.4| 158.4| 79.0| 85.0|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 329.4| 334.5| 546.4| 316.2| 699.2| 401.5| 404.2| 525.0|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 96.35 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 254.36 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 699.21 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

Vessel Stress Summation at Reinforcing Pad Edge (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 313.5| 319.8| 313.5| 319.8| 313.5| 319.8| 313.5| 319.8|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -310.6| -310.6| 527.6| 527.6| 231.2| 231.2| -149.9| -149.9|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -255.5| 255.5| 370.3| -370.3| 3338.7| -3338.7| -2201.5| 2201.5|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 156.8| 156.8| 156.8| 156.8| 156.8| 156.8| 156.8| 156.8|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -214.9| -214.9| 296.2| 296.2| 862.4| 862.4| -645.4| -645.4|
Long. Q (SUS) | -343.0| 343.0| 636.7| -636.7| 1392.4| -1392.4| -808.8| 808.8|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 23.9| 23.9| -23.9| -23.9| -23.9| -23.9| 23.9| 23.9|
Shear Q (SUS) | 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4| 74.4|
Pm (SUS) | 313.5| 319.8| 313.5| 319.8| 313.5| 319.8| 313.5| 319.8|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 77.6| 82.6| 842.6| 848.8| 1020.4| 1020.4| 654.0| 660.2|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 450.1| 373.6| 1229.6| 668.5| 3885.1| 2788.8| 2050.7| 2376.0|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 103
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6" In Nozl: 16 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 319.76 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 1020.39 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 3885.07 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 104
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Input, Nozzle Desc: T2-6"-Out From: 70

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 6.043 kgf/cm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 150 °C

Parent Material SA-516 70

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 500.00 mm

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 393.54 cm

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature 0.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inside

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 6.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 40

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Slip on

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 200.0000 mm

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 6.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 3.0000 mm
Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm

Pad Material SA-516 70

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 268.2750 mm
Thickness of Pad te 6.0000 mm
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 6.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 6.0000 mm
Reinforcing Pad Width 50.0000 mm

Flange Class 300

Flange Grade GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 105
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: T2-6"-Out

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 6.065 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.280 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.04*253/(1406*1-0.6*6.04)
= 1.0900 mm

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.04*77/(1202*1-0.6*6.04)
= 0.3883 mm

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement: [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 308.1020 mm
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 154.0510 mm
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 12.5000 mm

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 1202/1406 )
= 0.855

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 1406/1406 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 0.86, 1 )
= 0.855

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (cm²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 1.702| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 5.943| NA| NA|
Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 1.437| NA| NA|
Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.668| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 6.000| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 degs.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 106
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

The area available without a pad is Sufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (154*1.09*1+2*7.11*1.09*1*(1-0.86))
= 1.702 cm²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 154 ( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.09 ) - 2 * 7.11
( 1 * 5 - 1 * 1.09 ) * ( 1 - 0.86 )
= 5.943 cm²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 12.5 ) * ( 7.11 - 0.39 ) * 0.86
= 1.437 cm²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= Wo² * fr3 + (Wi-can/0.707)² * fr2 + Wp² * fr4
= 6² * 0.86 + (0 )² * 0.86 + 6² * 1
= 0.668 cm²

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4
= ( 268 - 168 ) * 6 * 1
= 6.000 cm²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.3883 mm
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 4.0900 mm
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 6.2200 mm

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 6.22, max( 5.5, 5.5 ) ]
= 5.5000 mm

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.39, 5.5 )
= 5.5000 mm

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 7.112 = 6.223 mm🠖OK

Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 266.6, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2739.1 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 31.3, Allowable : 1599.0 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 165.6, Allowable : 841.6 kgf/cm² Passed

The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 107
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, min( Curve:B, Curve:A)

Govrn. thk, tg = 6.22, tr = 0.39, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.062, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.22, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.22, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6, c = 3 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.22, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C
Attachment governing, Attachment stress = Shell stress per Code

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 6.22, tr = 0.39, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.062, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Nozzle : -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -104 °C
Gov. MDMT of the nozzle to shell joint welded assembly : -104 °C

Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ASME B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -18 °C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -104 °C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 6.04/52.11 = 0.116
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 108
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Weld Size Calculations, Description: T2-6"-Out

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 6.0000 mm

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 5.0000 mm

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 4.2000 = 0.7 * tmin. 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wo mm
Pad Weld 2.5000 = 0.5*TminPad 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wp mm

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0, (1.7 - 5.94 + 2 * 7.11 * 0.86 *
(1 * 5 - 1.09 ) )1406 )
= max( 0, -5294.78) kgf

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 1.44 + 6 + 0.67 - 0 * 0.86 ) * 1406
= 11396.73 kgf

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 1.44 + 0 + 0.31 + ( 0.61 ) ) * 1406
= 3308.73 kgf

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 1.44 + 0 + 0.67 + 6 + ( 0.61 ) ) * 1406
= 12251.77 kgf

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * 6 * 0.49 * 1202
= 9343. kgf

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 268 * 6 * 0.49 * 1406
= 17421. kgf
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 109
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.14 * 80.6 ) * ( 7.11 - 0 ) * 0.7 * 1202
= 15152. kgf

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.14/2 ) * 168 * 6 * 0.74 * 1406
= 16503. kgf

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wgnvi * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.14/2.0 ) * 168 * ( 3 - 0 ) * 0.74 * 1406
= 8251. kgf

See UG-41 and UW-15 for clarification of allowable stresses.

Strength of Failure Paths:

Failure Path [Path 1-1]:

= ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 17421 + 15152 ) = 32573 kgf

Failure Path [Path 2-2]:

= ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 9343 + 16503 + 8251 + 0 ) = 34097 kgf

Failure Path [Path 3-3]:

= ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 17421 + 8251 + 0 ) = 25672 kgf

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 32573 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W1 = 11396 kgf
Path 2-2 = 34096 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W2 = 3308 kgf
Path 3-3 = 25672 kgf, must exceed W = 0 kgf or W3 = 12251 kgf

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 23.3 kgf/cm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 14.5836 mm

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 222.5836 mm

Input Echo, WRC107/537 Item 1, Description: T2-6"-Out :

Diameter Basis for Vessel Vbasis ID

Cylindrical or Spherical Vessel Cylsph Cylindrical
Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 3.0000 mm
Vessel Diameter Dv 500.000 mm
Vessel Thickness Tv 8.000 mm

Design Temperature T1 150.0 C

Vessel Material SA-516 70
Vessel UNS Number K02700
Vessel Cold S.I. Allowable Smc 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Vessel Hot S.I. Allowable Smh 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (Div 2,, Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-516 70

Attachment Type Type Round

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 110
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Diameter Basis for Nozzle Nbasis ID

Corrosion Allowance for Nozzle Can 0.0000 mm
Nozzle Diameter Dn 154.051 mm
Nozzle Thickness Tn 7.112 mm
Nozzle Material SA-106 B
Nozzle UNS Number K03006
Nozzle Cold S.I. Allowable SNmc 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Nozzle Hot S.I. Allowable SNmh 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Thickness of Reinforcing Pad Tpad 6.000 mm

Diameter of Reinforcing Pad Dpad 268.275 mm

Design Internal Pressure Dp 6.043 kgf/cm²

Include Pressure Thrust No

External Forces and Moments in WRC 107/537 Convention:

Radial Load (SUS) P -362.9 kgf
Longitudinal Shear (SUS) Vl 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Shear (SUS) Vc 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment (SUS) Mc -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment (SUS) Ml 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment (SUS) Mt 340.1 kgf-m.

Use Interactive Control No

WRC107 Version Version March 1979

Include Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2 No

Compute Pressure Stress per WRC-368 No
Local Loads applied at end of Nozzle/Attachment No

WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".

WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.

Stress Attenuation Diameter (for Insert Plates) per WRC 297:

= NozzleOD + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( Rmean( t - ca ) )
= 168.275 + 2 * 1.65 * sqrt( 255.5 ( 8.0 - 3.0 ) )
= 286.224 mm

WRC 107 Stress Calculation for SUStained loads:

Radial Load P -362.9 kgf
Circumferential Shear VC 453.6 kgf
Longitudinal Shear VL 453.6 kgf
Circumferential Moment MC -211.5 kgf-m.
Longitudinal Moment ML 268.2 kgf-m.
Torsional Moment MT 340.1 kgf-m.

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 23.50

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Attachment Junction:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 4C 3.079 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 3C 1.871 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.285 2C1 0.028 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.285 1C ! 0.060 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 3A 1.014 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 111
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 1A 0.078 (A,B,C,D)

N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 3B 2.251 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 1B 0.022 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 3C 1.871 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.285 4C 3.079 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.285 1C1 0.055 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.285 2C ! 0.031 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 4A 1.920 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 2A 0.035 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.285 4B 0.978 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.285 2B 0.037 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 39.3| 39.3| 39.3| 39.3| 23.9| 23.9| 23.9| 23.9|
Circ. Bend. P | 50.2| -50.2| 50.2| -50.2| 108.8| -108.8| 108.8| -108.8|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 102.5| 102.5| -102.5| -102.5|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 1110.1| -1110.1| -1110.1| 1110.1|
Circ. Memb. ML | -288.4| -288.4| 288.4| 288.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -401.5| 401.5| 401.5| -401.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -600.5| 102.2| 779.5| -124.0| 1345.3| -1092.5| -1080.0| 922.8|
Long. Memb. P | 23.9| 23.9| 23.9| 23.9| 39.3| 39.3| 39.3| 39.3|
Long. Bend. P | 99.0| -99.0| 99.0| -99.0| 56.3| -56.3| 56.3| -56.3|
Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 194.0| 194.0| -194.0| -194.0|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 499.0| -499.0| -499.0| 499.0|
Long. Memb. ML | -125.4| -125.4| 125.4| 125.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -664.3| 664.3| 664.3| -664.3| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -666.9| 463.9| 912.6| -614.1| 788.6| -322.0| -597.4| 288.0|
Shear VC | 15.6| 15.6| -15.6| -15.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -15.6| -15.6| 15.6| 15.6|
Shear MT | 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5|
| |
Tot. Shear| 85.1| 85.1| 53.9| 53.9| 53.9| 53.9| 85.1| 85.1|
Str. Int. | 725.0| 482.9| 931.7| 620.0| 1350.4| 1096.3| 1094.6| 934.0|

Dimensionless Parameters used : Gamma = 51.10

Dimensionless Loads for Cylindrical Shells at Pad Edge:

Curves read for 1979 Beta Figure Value Location
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 4C 3.339 (A,B)
N(PHI) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 3C 1.199 (C,D)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.459 2C1 0.005 (A,B)
M(PHI) / ( P ) 0.459 1C ! 0.065 (C,D)
N(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 3A 1.069 (A,B,C,D)
M(PHI) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 1A 0.057 (A,B,C,D)
N(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 3B 1.803 (A,B,C,D)
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 112
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

M(PHI) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 1B 0.004 (A,B,C,D)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 3C 1.199 (A,B)

N(x) / ( P/Rm ) 0.459 4C 3.339 (C,D)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.459 1C1 0.013 (A,B)
M(x) / ( P ) 0.459 2C ! 0.034 (C,D)
N(x) / ( MC/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 4A 4.614 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( MC/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 2A 0.023 (A,B,C,D)
N(x) / ( ML/(Rm**2 * Beta) ) 0.459 4B 1.114 (A,B,C,D)
M(x) / ( ML/(Rm * Beta) ) 0.459 2B 0.007 (A,B,C,D)

Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.

Stress Concentration Factors: Kn = 1.00, Kb = 1.00

Stresses in the Vessel at the Edge of Reinforcing Pad (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Memb. P | 94.8| 94.8| 94.8| 94.8| 34.1| 34.1| 34.1| 34.1|
Circ. Bend. P | 45.5| -45.5| 45.5| -45.5| 568.6| -568.6| 568.6| -568.6|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 150.8| 150.8| -150.8| -150.8|
Circ. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 2476.9| -2476.9| -2476.9| 2476.9|
Circ. Memb. ML | -322.5| -322.5| 322.5| 322.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Circ. Bend. ML | -222.6| 222.6| 222.6| -222.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Circ. Str.| -404.8| -50.6| 685.4| 149.3| 3230.4| -2860.7| -2025.1| 1791.6|
Long. Memb. P | 34.1| 34.1| 34.1| 34.1| 94.8| 94.8| 94.8| 94.8|
Long. Bend. P | 113.5| -113.5| 113.5| -113.5| 291.8| -291.8| 291.8| -291.8|

Long. Memb. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 650.9| 650.9|

-650.9| -650.9|
Long. Bend. MC | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 981.2| -981.2| -981.2| 981.2|
Long. Memb. ML | -199.3| -199.3| 199.3| 199.3| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Long. Bend. ML | -362.4| 362.4| 362.4| -362.4| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
| |
Tot. Long. Str.| -414.1| 83.7| 709.3| -242.6| 2018.8| -527.3| -1245.4| 133.3|
Shear VC | 21.5| 21.5| -21.5| -21.5| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear VL | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -21.5| -21.5| 21.5| 21.5|
Shear MT | 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2|
| |
Tot. Shear| 81.7| 81.7| 38.6| 38.6| 38.6| 38.6| 81.7| 81.7|
Str. Int. | 491.3| 211.5| 737.8| 399.5| 3231.6| 2861.4| 2033.5| 1795.6|


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 113
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Vessel Stress Summation at Attachment Junction (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 136.0| 142.1| 136.0| 142.1| 136.0| 142.1| 136.0| 142.1|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -249.2| -249.2| 327.7| 327.7| 126.4| 126.4| -78.6| -78.6|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -351.3| 351.3| 451.7| -451.7| 1218.9| -1218.9| -1001.4| 1001.4|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 68.0| 68.0| 68.0| 68.0| 68.0| 68.0| 68.0| 68.0|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -101.5| -101.5| 149.2| 149.2| 233.3| 233.3| -154.7| -154.7|
Long. Q (SUS) | -565.4| 565.4| 763.3| -763.3| 555.3| -555.3| -442.7| 442.7|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 15.6| 15.6| -15.6| -15.6| -15.6| -15.6| 15.6| 15.6|
Shear Q (SUS) | 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5| 69.5|
Pm (SUS) | 136.0| 142.1| 136.0| 142.1| 136.0| 142.1| 136.0| 142.1|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 116.1| 110.3| 464.7| 470.8| 306.8| 307.5| 147.4| 153.3|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 640.1| 555.2| 1011.0| 574.4| 1485.9| 954.6| 960.8| 1074.9|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 142.07 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 470.76 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 1485.91 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.


WRC 107/537 Stress Summations:

Vessel Stress Summation at Reinforcing Pad Edge (kgf/cm²)

| Stress Intensity Values at |

Type of | |
Stress Load | Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl|
Circ. Pm (SUS) | 302.8| 308.8| 302.8| 308.8| 302.8| 308.8| 302.8| 308.8|
Circ. Pl (SUS) | -227.7| -227.7| 417.4| 417.4| 184.8| 184.8| -116.7| -116.7|
Circ. Q (SUS) | -177.1| 177.1| 268.1| -268.1| 3045.6| -3045.6| -1908.3| 1908.3|
Long. Pm (SUS) | 151.4| 151.4| 151.4| 151.4| 151.4| 151.4| 151.4| 151.4|
Long. Pl (SUS) | -165.2| -165.2| 233.3| 233.3| 745.8| 745.8| -556.1| -556.1|
Long. Q (SUS) | -248.9| 248.9| 476.0| -476.0| 1273.0| -1273.0| -689.4| 689.4|
Shear Pm (SUS) | 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|
Shear Pl (SUS) | 21.5| 21.5| -21.5| -21.5| -21.5| -21.5| 21.5| 21.5|
Shear Q (SUS) | 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2| 60.2|
Pm (SUS) | 302.8| 308.8| 302.8| 308.8| 302.8| 308.8| 302.8| 308.8|
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 98.8| 104.3| 721.5| 727.5| 898.3| 898.3| 592.3| 598.3|
Pm+Pl+Q (Total)| 297.0| 329.1| 999.0| 554.8| 3534.3| 2552.6| 1732.8| 2104.1|

Vessel Stress Summation Comparison (kgf/cm²):

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 114
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6"-Out Nozl: 17 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Type of | Max. S.I. S.I. Allowable | Result |

Stress Int. | | |
Pm (SUS) | 308.81 1406.14 | Passed |
Pm+Pl (SUS) | 898.29 2109.21 | Passed |
Pm+Pl+Q (TOTAL)| 3534.27 4218.42 | Passed |

Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 115
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: Vent- Interm,1" Nozl: 18 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Input, Nozzle Desc: Vent- Interm,1"top From: 70

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 6.059 kgf/cm²

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 150 °C

Parent Material SA-516 70

Parent Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Parent Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 500.00 mm

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 379.54 cm

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature 0.00 °C

Type of Element Connected to the Parent : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) Inside

Layout Angle 90.00 deg
Diameter 1.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness 40

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Slip on

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 200.0000 mm

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 10.0000 mm
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 3.0000 mm

Flange Class 150

Flange Grade GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Abutting/Set-on Nozzle No Pad

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: Vent- Interm,1"top

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2021, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.049 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.133 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 116
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: Vent- Interm,1" Nozl: 18 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Cylindrical Shell, tr [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.06*253/(1406*1-0.6*6.06)
= 1.0931 mm

Reqd thk per UG-37(a) of Nozzle Wall, trn [Int. Press]

= P*R/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= 6.06*13.3/(1202*1-0.6*6.06)
= 0.0673 mm

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement: [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 53.2892 mm
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 26.6446 mm
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 8.4455 mm

Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: Vent- Interm,1".

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.0673 mm
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 4.0931 mm
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 5.5000 mm
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 2.9464 mm

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 2.95, max( 5.5, 5.5 ) ]
= 2.9464 mm

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.067, 2.95 )
= 2.9464 mm

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 3.378 = 2.956 mm🠖OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, min( Curve:B, Curve:A)

Govrn. thk, tg = 2.96, tr = 0.067, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.023, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 °C

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 2.96, tr = 0.067, c = 0 mm, E✱ = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * E✱/(tg - c) = 0.023, Temp. Reduction = 78 °C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 °C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 °C

Gov. MDMT of the nozzle to shell joint welded assembly : -104 °C

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 117
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Nozzle Calcs.: Vent- Interm,1" Nozl: 18 12:43pm Apr 26,2023

Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ASME B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -18 °C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -104 °C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 6.06/19.99 = 0.303

Weld Size Calculations, Description: Vent- Interm,1"

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 3.3782 mm

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 2.3647 = 0.7 * tmin. 7.0700 = 0.7 * Wo mm

Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Maximum Allowable Pressure in the Operating case: 23.3 kgf/cm²

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.5584 mm

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 208.5584 mm

PV Elite is a trademark of Hexagon AB, 2023, All rights reserved.

PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 118
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
ASME TS Calc: Case: 1 12:43p Apr 26,2023

Input Echo, Tubesheet Number 1, Description: Tube sheet

Shell Data:
Main Shell Description: Main Shell
Shell Maximum Design Pressure Psd,max 6.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Maximum Operating Pressure Psox,max 5.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Minimum Operating Pressure Psox,min 5.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Thickness ts 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance cas 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance caext 0.0000 mm
Inside Diameter of Shell Ds 500.000 mm
Shell Circumferential Joint Efficiency Esw 0.850
Shell Temperature for Internal Pressure Ts 150.00 °C
Shell Material SA-516 70

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (UG-23(e)), Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-516 70

Shell Material UNS Number K02700

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Ss 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Shell Allowable Stress at Ambient 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Channel Description: Bottom Channel

Channel Type: Cylinder
Channel Maximum Design Pressure Ptd,max 6.00 kgf/cm²
Channel Maximum Operating Pressure Ptox,max 5.00 kgf/cm²
Channel Minimum Operating Pressure Ptox,min 5.00 kgf/cm²
Channel Thickness tc 8.0000 mm
Channel Corrosion Allowance cac 3.0000 mm
Inside Diameter of Channel Dc 500.000 mm
Channel Design Temperature TEMPC 150.00 °C
Channel Material SA-516 70

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (UG-23(e)), Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-516 70
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 119
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
ASME TS Calc: Case: 1 12:43p Apr 26,2023

Channel Material UNS Number K02700

Channel Allowable Stress at Temperature Sc 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Channel Allowable Stress at Ambient 1406.14 kgf/cm²

Tube Data:
Number of Tube Holes Nt 327
Tube Wall Thickness et 1.2000 mm
Tube Outside Diameter D 19.0500 mm
Total Straight Tube Length Lt 3000.00 mm
Straight Tube Length (bet. inner tubsht faces) L 2920.00 mm
Design Temperature of the Tubes 150.00 °C
Tube Material SA-179
Tube Material UNS Number K01200
Is this a Welded Tube No
Tube Material Specification used Smls. tube
Tube Allowable Stress at Temperature 942.11 kgf/cm²
Tube Allowable Stress At Ambient 942.11 kgf/cm²
Tube Yield Stress At design Temperature Syt 1615.95 kgf/cm²
Tube Pitch (Center to Center Spacing) P 23.8200 mm
Tube Layout Pattern Triangular

Fillet Weld Leg af 1.6800 mm

Groove Weld Leg ag 1.6800 mm
Tube-Tubesheet Joint Weld Type Partial Strength
Method for Tube-Tubesheet Jt. Allow. App. A
Tube-Tubesheet Joint Classification a
Is Tube-Tubesheet Joint Tested Yes
ASME Tube Joint Reliability Factor fr 1.00

Radius to Outermost Tube Hole Center ro 238.808 mm

Largest Center-to-Center Tube Distance Ul 0.0000 mm
Length of Expanded Portion of Tube ltx 30.0000 mm
Distance from Channel Side where Exp. Starts 5.0000 mm
Min. Distance from Shell Side where Exp. Stops 5.0000 mm
Tube-side pass partition groove depth hg 7.0000 mm
Area of Tube Layout Ap 1662.4 cm²
Perimeter of Tube Layout Cp 1487.4 mm

Tubesheet Data:

Tubesheet TYPE: Fixed Tubesheet Exchanger, Conf B

Tubesheet Design Metal Temperature T 150.00 °C

Tubesheet Material SA-516 70

Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (UG-23(e)), Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-516 70

Tubesheet Material UNS Number K02700

Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Temperature S 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Ambient Tt 1406.14 kgf/cm²
Thickness of Tubesheet h 40.0000 mm
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Shell side) Cats 3.0000 mm
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Channel side) Catc 3.0000 mm
Tubesheet Outside Diameter A 650.000 mm

Additional Data for Stepped Tubesheets:

Is the Tubesheet Stepped? NO

Area of the Untubed Lanes AL 12.0 cm²

Additional Data for Fixed/Floating Tubesheet Exchangers:

Unsupported Tube Span under consideration l 0.800 mm
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 120
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
ASME TS Calc: Case: 1 12:43p Apr 26,2023

Tube End condition corresponding to Span (l) k 0.60

Ignore Radial Thermal Exp. effects (UHX-13.8/14.6) YES

Perform Differential Pressure Design N

Run Multiple Load Cases YES

Mean Shell Metal Temp. along Shell len. Tsm 0.00 °C

Mean Tube Metal Temp. along Tube length Ttm 0.00 °C
Junction Stress Reduction option None

Additional Data for Gasketed Tubesheets:

Tubesheet Gasket on which Side Channel
Flange Outside Diameter A 650.000 mm
Flange Inside Diameter B 500.000 mm
Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 570.000 mm
Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 518.000 mm
Gasket Outside Diameter Go 560.000 mm
Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 540.000 mm
Small end Hub thk. g0 8.0000 mm
Large end Hub thk. g1 10.0000 mm
Gasket Factor, m 3.00
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 703.07 kgf/cm²
Flange Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1a
Column for Gasket Seating Code Column II
Gasket Thickness tg 4.5000 mm
Full face Gasket Flange Option Program Selects

Bolting Information:
Diameter of Bolt Circle C 600.000 mm
Nominal Bolt Diameter dB 22.2250 mm
Type of Thread Series TEMA Thread Series
Number of Bolts n 24
Bolt Material SA-193 B7
Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Weld between Flange and Shell/Channel 5.0000 mm

Tubesheet Integral with Shell

Tubesheet Extended as Flange Yes
Thickness of Extended Portion of Tubesheet Tf 30.0000 mm
Is Bolt Load Transferred to the Tubesheet Yes

Is Exchanger in Creep range (skip EP, Use 3S for Sps) NO

ASME TubeSheet Results per Part UHX, 2021

Elasticity/Expansion Material Properties:

Shell - TE-1 Carbon & Low Alloy Steels, Group 1

Shell - TM-1 Carbon Steels with C<= 0.3%
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. along Len 0.0 °C 0.0000112153 /°C
Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 150.0 °C 0.19891E+07 kgf/cm²
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. at Tubsht 21.1 °C 0.0000115190 /°C
Elastic Mod. at Metal Temp. along Len 0.0 °C 0.20812E+07 kgf/cm²
Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 °C 0.20670E+07 kgf/cm²

Channel - TE-1 Carbon & Low Alloy Steels, Group 1

Channel - TM-1 Carbon Steels with C<= 0.3%
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. at Tubsht 21.1 °C 0.0000115190 /°C
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 121
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
ASME TS Calc: Case: 1 12:43p Apr 26,2023

Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 150.0 °C 0.19891E+07 kgf/cm²

Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 °C 0.20670E+07 kgf/cm²

Tubes - TE-1 Carbon & Low Alloy Steels, Group 1

Tubes - TM-1 Carbon Steels with C<= 0.3%
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. along Len 0.0 °C 0.0000112153 /°C
Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 150.0 °C 0.19891E+07 kgf/cm²
Elastic Mod. at Metal Temp. along Len 0.0 °C 0.20812E+07 kgf/cm²
Elastic Mod. at Tubsht. Design Temp. 150.0 °C 0.19891E+07 kgf/cm²
Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 °C 0.20670E+07 kgf/cm²

TubeSheet - TE-1 Carbon & Low Alloy Steels, Group 1

TubeSheet - TM-1 Carbon Steels with C<= 0.3%
Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 150.0 °C 0.19891E+07 kgf/cm²
Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 °C 0.20670E+07 kgf/cm²

The Elasticity and Alpha values are taken from Tables in ASME II D.
Please insure these properties are consistent with the
type of Material for the tubes, shell, channel etc.

Tube Required Thickness under Internal Pressure (Tubeside pressure):

Thickness Due to Internal Pressure:
= (P*(D/2-CAE)) / (S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (6*(19/2-0)/(942*1+0.4*6)
= 0.0605 + 0.0000 = 0.0605 mm

Tube Required Thickness under External Pressure (Shellside pressure) :

External Pressure Chart CS-1 at 150.00 °C

Elastic Modulus for Material 2037513.88 kgf/cm²

Results for Max. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp):

1.2000 19.05 2920.00 15.87 50.0000 0.0043648 963.39
EMAWP = (4*B)/(3*(D/T)) = ( 4 *963 )/( 3 *15.9 ) = 80.9 kgf/cm²

Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext. Pressure (Tca):

0.3028 19.05 2920.00 62.91 50.0000 0.0002779 283.12
EMAWP = (4*B)/(3*(D/T)) = ( 4 *283 )/( 3 *62.9 ) = 6 kgf/cm²

Summary of Tube Required Thickness Results:

Total Required Thickness including Corrosion all. 0.3028 mm
Allowable Internal Pressure at Corroded thickness 124.99 kgf/cm²
Required Internal Design Pressure 6.00 kgf/cm²
Allowable External Pressure at Corroded thickness 80.91 kgf/cm²
Required External Design Pressure 6.00 kgf/cm²
Required Thickness due to Shell Side pressure 0.3028 mm

Detailed Results for load Case D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max)

Intermediate Calculations For Tubesheets Extended As Flanges:

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 2021

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Goc-Gic) / 2 10.000 mm

Basic Gasket Width, b0 = N / 2 5.000 mm
Effective Gasket Width, b = b0 5.000 mm
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 122
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
ASME TS Calc: Case: 1 12:43p Apr 26,2023

Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = (Go+Gi) / 2 550.000 mm

Results for ASME Fixed Tubesheet Calculations for Configuration b:

Results for Tubesheet Calculations Original Thickness:

UHX-13.5.1 Step 1:

Compute the Tube Expansion Depth Ratio [rho]:

= ltx / h ( modified for corrosion if present )
= 30/40 = 0.75 ( must be 0 <= rho <= 1 )

Compute the Effective Tube Hole Diameter [d^✱]:

= max( dt - 2tt( EtT/E )( StT/S )( rho ), dt - 2tt)
= max( 19 -2*1.2 (1989132/1989132 )*
( 942/1406 )*(0.75 ), 19 -2*1.2 )
= 17.8440 mm

Compute the Equivalent Outer Tube Limit Circle Diameter [Do]:

= 2 * ro + dt = 2 * 239 + 19 = 497 mm

Determine the Basic Ligament Efficiency for Shear [mu]:

= (p - dt)/p = (23.8 - 19 )/23.8 = 0.2

Compute the Equivalent Outer Tube Limit Radius [ao]:

= Do/2 = 497/2 = 248 mm

Compute the Effective Tube Pitch [p✱]:

= p / sqrt( 1 - 4 * min( AL * CNV_factor, 4*Do*p)/(pi * Do²) )
= 23.8/sqrt( 1 - 4 * min( 12 *100, 4*497 *23.8 )/( pi * 497²) )
= 23.8941 mm

Compute the Effective Ligament Efficiency for Bending [mu✱]:

= (p✱ - d✱)/p✱ = (23.9 - 17.8 )/23.9 = 0.25

Compute the Ratio [Rhos]:

= as/ao = 250/248 = 1.00671279

Compute the Ratio [Rhoc]:

= ac/ao = 275/248 = 1.10738409

Compute Parameter [xt]:

= 1 - Nt(( dt - 2 * tt )/( 2 * ao ))2
= 1 - 327 ((19 - 2 * 1.2 )/(2 * 248 ))2 = 0.63

Determine Parameter [xs]:

= 1 - Nt( dt/(2*ao) )2
= 1 - 327 ( 19/(2*248 ) )2 = 0.52

Determine the Value [h'g]:

= max(( hg - CATC ), 0 ) (For pressure only cases)
= max(( 7 - 0 ), 0 ) = 7 mm

UHX-13.5.2 Step 2:

Determine the Axial Shell Stiffness [Ks]:

= pi * ts( Ds + ts )Es/L
= pi * 8 ( 500 + 8 )1989132/2920
= 86972.8672 kgf/mm

Determine the Axial Tube Stiffness [Kt]:

= pi * tt( Dt - tt )Et/L
= pi * 1.2 ( 19 - 1.2 )1989132/2920
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= 458.4053 kgf/mm

Compute the Stiffness Factor [Ks,t]:

= Ks/( Nt * Kt ) = 86973/( 327 * 458 ) = 0.58

Rigidty Ratio [J]:

= 1 / ( 1 + Ks/Kj )
= 1/(1 + 86973/0 ) = 1.000 (= 1 if No Exp. Jt.)

Compute Shell Coefficient [betas]:

= (( 12(1 - nu_s²))0.25 )/sqrt((Ds + ts)ts )
= (( 12(1 - 0.3²) )0.25 )/sqrt(( 500 + 8 )8 )
= 0.0285 1/mm

Determine Shell Coefficient [ks]:

= betas * Es * ts³ / ( 6 * (1 - nu_s²) )
= 0.029 * 1989132 * 83/( 6 * (1 - 0.3²) )
= 5318875.0000 kgf/cm²*mm²

Determine Shell Coefficient [Lambdas]:

= (6*Ds*ks)/(h³) * (1 + h*betas + 0.5*(h*betas)²)
= 6*500 *5318875/(40³) * ( 1 + 40 *0.029 + 0.65 )
= 695887.1875 kgf/cm²

Determine Shell Coefficient [deltaS]:

= Ds2/(4 * Es * Ts) * ( 1 - nu_s/2 )
= 5002/( 4 * 1989132 * 8 ) * ( 1 - 0.3/2 )
= 0.0033384534 mm/kgf/cm²

Intermediate parameters for Tubesheet Gasketed on the Channel Side:

betaC, kc, lambdaC, deltaC are all = 0

UHX-13.5.3 Step 3:

E✱/E and nu✱ for Triangular pattern from Fig. UHX-11.5.2-1.

h/p = 1.679261 ; mu✱ = 0.253205 ; E✱ = 460554 kgf/cm²
E✱/E = 0.231535 ; nu✱ = 0.379620

Compute the Tube Bundle Stiffness Factor [Xa]:

= ((24(1 - nu✱2)Nt*Et*tt*(dt-tt)ao²)/( E✱ * L*H3))0.25
= ((24(1-0.382)*327*1989132*1.2*
= 3.7842

Values from Table UHX-13.1

Zd = 0.028158 ; Zv = 0.069908 ; Zm = 0.388487
Za = 0.532098E+01 ; Zw = 0.069908

UHX-13.5.4 Step 4:

Compute the Diameter Ratio [K]:

= A/Do = 650/497 = 1.31

Compute Coefficient [F]:

= (1 - nu✱)/(E✱)( Lambdas + Lambdac + E * ln(K) )
= (1-0.38)/(460554)(695887+0+1989132*ln(1.31))
= 1.6583

Compute Parameter [Phi]:

= (1 + nu✱)F = (1 + 0.38 )1.66 = 2.29

Compute Parameter [Q1]:

= (Rhos - 1 - Phi * Zv)/(1 + Phi * Zm)
= (1.01 - 1 - 2.29 *0.07 )/(1 + 2.29 *0.39 )
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= -0.081122346

Compute Parameter [Qz1]:

= (Zd + Q1 * Zw)/2 * Xa4
= (0.028 + -0.081 * 0.07 )/2 * 3.784 = 2.31

Compute Parameter [Qz2]:

= (Zv + Q1 * Zm)/2 * Xa4
= (0.07 + -0.081 * 0.39 )/2 * 3.784 = 3.94

Compute Parameter [U]:

= (Zw + (Rhos - 1)Zm)Xa4 / (1 + Phi*Zm)
= (0.07 + (1.01 - 1)*0.39 )3.784/(1 + 2.29 *0.39 )
= 7.8729

UHX-13.5.5 Step 5:

Determine factor [gammab]:

= ( Gc - C ) / Do (config b)
= (550 - 600 )/497 = -0.1

Compute Parameter [gamma]:

= 0.000 mm (For Pressure only cases)

Calculate Parameter [OmegaS]:

= rhos * ks * betas * deltaS( 1 + h * betas )
= 1.01 * 5318875 * 0.029 * 0.003338453 ( 1 + 40 * 0.029 )
= 1091.1587 mm²

Calculate Parameter [Omega✱S]:

= Ao²( Rhos² - 1 ) * ( Rhos - 1 ) / 4 - OmegaS
= 248²( 1.01² - 1 ) * ( 1.01 - 1 )/4 - 1091
= -1089.7645 mm²

Calculate Parameter [OmegaC]:

= rhoc * kc * Betac * deltaC( 1 + h * Betac )
= 1.11 * 0 * 0 * 0.000 ( 1 + 40 * 0 )
= 0.0000 mm²

Calculate Parameter [Omega✱C]:

= ao²[( Rhoc²+1 )*( Rhoc-1 )/4 -(Rhos-1)/2]- OmegaC
= 248²[( 1.11²+1 )*( 1.11 -1 )/4 -(1.01 -1)/2]- 0
= 3478.8186 mm²

Compute the Pressure [P✱S]:

= 0 For Pressure only cases or Configurations d,e,f,A,B,C,D

Compute the Pressure [P✱C]:

= 0 For Pressure only cases or Configurations b,c,d,B,C,D

UHX-13.5.6 Step 6:

Compute the Pressure [P's]:

= Ps{xs + 2( 1 - xs )nu_t + [2/Kst(Ds/Do)²]nu_s -
= 6 {0.52 + 2( 1 - 0.52 ) 0.3 +
[(1 - 1 )/(2 * 1 * 0.58 )][(0²-(500 )²)/497²]}
= 10.9943 kgf/cm²

Compute the Pressure [P't]:

= [ xt + 2(1 - xt)nu_t + 1/(J * Kst) ]Pt
= [ 0.63 + 2(1 - 0.63 )0.3 + 1/(1 * 0.58 ) ]6
= 15.4591 kgf/cm²
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Compute the Pressure [P_(gamma)]:

= Nt * Kt * gamma / ( pi * ao² )
= 327 * 458 * 0/(3.14 * 248²) = 0 kgf/cm²

Compute the Pressure [Pw]:

= -gammab * U * W^✱ / (2 * pi * ao²)
= --0.1 * 7.87 * 17365/(2 * pi * 248²)
= 3.5520 kgf/cm²

Calculate the Pressure [Prim]:

= -( U/ao²)(Omega✱S * Ps - Omega✱C * Pt )
= -( 7.87/248²)(-1090 * 6 - 3479 * 6 )
= 3.4994 kgf/cm²

Calculate the Pressure [POmega]:

= U/ao²(OmegaS * P✱s - OmegaC * P✱c )
= 7.87/248²( 1091 * 0 - 0 * 0 )
= 0.0000 kgf/cm²

Determine the Effective Pressure [Pe]:

= J * Kst/(1 + J * Kst(Qz1 + (Rhos - 1)Qz2)) *
( P's - P't + Pgama + Pomega + Pw + Prim )
= 0.1000E+01 * 0.58/(1 + 1 * 0.58 (2.31 + (1.01 -
1)3.94 )) * ( 11 - 15.5 + 0 + 0 + 3.55 + 3.5 )
= 0.6378 kgf/cm²

UHX-13.5.7 Step 7:

Determine Factor [Q2]:

= [((Omega✱S*Ps - Omega✱C*Pt) - (Omegas*P✱s - Omegac*P✱c))CNV_FAC +
W✱ * gammab/(2*pi)]/(1 + Phi*Zm)
= [( ( -1090 * 6 - 3479 * 6 ) -
( 1091 * 0 - 0 * 0 )) * 0.01 +
17365 * -0.1/(2 * pi)]/(1 + 2.29 * 0.39 )
= -292.433898926 kgf

Calculate Factor [Q3]:

= Q1 + 2 * Q2 / ( Pe * ao2 )
= -0.081 + 2 * -292/( 0.64 * 2482 )
= -1.568076

Fm Value from Table UHX-13.1 = 0.784038

The Tubesheet Bending Stress - Original Thickness [Sigma]:

= (1.5 * Fm / mu✱) * (2 * ao/(H - h'g)2 * Pe
= (1.5 * 0.78/0.25 ) * (2 * 248/(40 - 7 ))2 * 0.64
= 671.0405 kgf/cm²

The Allowable Tubesheet Bending Stress [Sigma allowed]:

= 1.5 * S = 1.5 * 1406 = 2109 kgf/cm²

The Tubesheet Bending Stress - Final Thickness [Sigmaf]:

= (1.5 * Fm / mu✱) * (2 * ao/( h - h'g)² * Pe
= (1.5 * 0.29/0.25 ) * (2 * 248/(24.5 - 7 ))² * 1.54
= 2109.2100 kgf/cm²

Reqd Tubesheet Thickness, for Bending Stress (Including CA ) [HReqB]:

= h + Cats + Catc = 24.5 + 0 + 0 = 24.5 mm

UHX-13.5.8 Step 8:

Shear Stress check [Tau_(limit)]:

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= 2 * mu * h / ao * min( 0.8S, 0.533Sy )

= 2 * 0.2 * 40/248 * 1125
= 72.5689 kgf/cm²

The Shear Stress is not required to be computed; [Pe] <= Tau_limit

Tubesheet Shear Stress is probably low, use the following req. thk:
Tubesheet thickness (Incl. Corr.)= 3.8100 mm
Tubesheet Shear Stress = 143.3723 kgf/cm²

Reqd Tubesheet Thickness for Given Loadings (Including CA) [Hreqd] :

= max( HreqB, HreqS ) = max( 24.5, 3.81 ) = 24.5 mm

UHX-13.5.9 Step 9:

The Ftmin and Ftmax Coefficients from Table UHX-13.2:

Ftmin = -8.35, Ftmax = 5.32

First Extreme Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat1]:
= ( (Ps * xs - Pt * xt) - Pe * Ftmin ) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( (6 * 0.52 - 6 * 0.63 ) - (0.64 ) * -8.35 )/
(0.63 - 0.52 ) )
= 40.9036 kgf/cm²

Second Extreme value of Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat2]:
= ( (Ps * xs - Pt * xt) - Pe * Ftmax ) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( (6 * 0.52 - 6 * 0.63 ) - (0.64 ) * 5.32 )/
(0.63 - 0.52 ) )
= -35.8568 kgf/cm²

Maximum Tube Axial Stress [Sigmat,max]:

= max( abs(Sigmat,1), abs(Sigmat,2) ) = 40.9 kgf/cm²

The Allowable Tube Stress, [Sigmat,A]:

= Sot = 942.1138 kgf/cm²

Check for Buckling as some of the Tubes are in Compression

Determine the Factor of Safety [Fs]:

= max( (3.25 - 0.25*(Zd + Q3*Zw)*Xa^4 ), 1.25 )
= max((3.25 - 0.25*(0.028 + -1.57 *0.07 )*3.78^4), 1.25 )
= 2.0000 (Should be <= 2 )

Determine the Factor [rt]:

= ( sqrt( dt2 + ( dt - 2*tt )2 ) )/4
= ( sqrt( 192 + ( 19 - 2*1.2 )2 ) )/4 = 6.33 mm

Determine the Factor [Ct]:

= sqrt( 2 * pi2 * Et/Syt )
= sqrt( 2 * pi2 * 1989132/1616 ) = 156

Determine the Factor [Ft]:

= k * L/r = 0.6 * 0.8/6.33 = 0.076

The Buckling Allowable Stress [Stb]:

= Sy,t/Fs*( 1 - Ft/(2*Ct) )
= 1616/2 *( 1 - 0.076/(2*156 ) )
= 807.778 kgf/cm² (Never greater than Sot)

Note: The Axial Compressive stress in Tubes is within limits.

The Largest tube-to-tubesheet Joint Load [Wt]:

= Sigmat,max * Tube Area = 40.9 * 0.67 = 27.5 kgf
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Tube Metal Area [At]:

= pi( do - t )t
= pi( 19 - 1.2 )1.2
= 0.673 cm²

Allowable Tube-To-Tubesheet Load per ASME App. A [Lmax]:

= At * Sa * fr
= 0.67 * 942 * 1
= 634.0 kgf

Tube Weld Size Results per UW-20:

Tube Strength [Ft]:

= pi * t( do - t )Sa
= pi * 1.2 ( 19 - 1.2 )942
= 633.975 kgf

Weld Strength Factor [fw]:

= Sa / Sw where Sw = min( Sa and St )
= 942/942
= 1.000

Design Strength Ratio [fd]:

= Fd / Ft
= 27.5/634
= 0.043

Minimum Length of Weld [ar]:

= 2( sqrt((0.75 * do)² + 1.07*t*(do - t)fw * fd)) - 0.75 * do)
= 2( sqrt((0.75 * 19 )² + 1.07*1.2 *(19 - 1.2 )1 * 0.043 )) -
0.75 * 19 )
= 0.070 mm

Minimum Required Fillet Weld Leg [afr]: 0.0348 mm

Minimum Required Groove Weld Leg [agr]: 0.0348 mm

UHX-13.5.10 Step 10:

Shell Axial Membrane Allowable Stress:

= Ss * Esw = 1406 * 0.85 = 1195 kgf/cm²

Axial Membrane Stress in Shell [Sigmas,m]:

= ao²/((Ds+ts)ts) * [Pe + (Rhos²-1)(Ps-Pt)] + as²*Pt/((Ds+ts)ts)
= 248²/((500+8)8)*[0.64+(1.01²-1)
= 101.9521 kgf/cm²

UHX-13.5.11 Step 11:

For a given Shell thickness of 8 mm, the minimum Shell
length adjacent to the tubesheet should be 113.842 mm

The Shell Membrane Stress due to Joint Interaction [Sigmas,m]:

= ao²/((Ds+ts)*ts)[Pe + (rhos²-1)(Ps-Pt)]+ as²*Pt/((Ds+ts)ts)
= 248²/((500 +8 )*8 )[0.64 + (1.01²-1)
= 101.9521 kgf/cm²

The Shell Bending Stress due to Joint Interaction [sigmas,b]:

= 6*ks/ts² {betas[deltaS*Ps + as²*P✱S/(Es*ts)] +
6(1 - nu✱²)/(E✱)(ao/h)³(1+h*betas/2)[Pe(Zv+Zm*Q1)+2/ao²*Zm*Q2]}
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= 6 * 5318875/8² {0.029 [ 0.0033 * 6 + 250²

* 0/(15913058 ) ] +
6(1 - 0.38²)/(460554 )(248/40 )³(1 + 40 *
0.029/2)[ 0.64 ( 0.07 + 0.39 * -0.081 ) +
2/248² * 0.39 * -292 ] }
= -433.7781 kgf/cm²

Shell Stress Summation vs. Allowable

:: abs(sigmas,m) + abs(sigmas,b) <= 1.5 * Ss
:: abs(102 ) + abs(-434 ) <= 2109 kgf/cm²
:: 536, must be <= 2109 kgf/cm²

Computations Completed for ASME Tubesheet Configuration b

Stress/Force Summary for Loadcase D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max):

Stress Description Actual Allowable Pass/Fail
Tubesheet Bend. Stress 671.0 <= 2109.2 kgf/cm² Ok
Tubesheet Shear Stress 9.9 <= 1124.9 kgf/cm² Ok
Maximum Tube Stress 40.9 <= 942.1 kgf/cm² Ok
Minimum Tube Stress (Buckling) -35.9 <= -807.8 kgf/cm² Ok
Maximum Force on any one Tube 27.5 <= 634.0 kgf Ok
Axial Membrane Stress in Shell 102.0 <= 1195.2 kgf/cm² Ok
Shell Stress (jt. inter.) 535.7 <= 2109.2 kgf/cm² Ok

Thickness Results for Loadcase D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max):

Thickness (mm) Required | Actual P/F |

Tubesheet Thickness : 24.512 | 40.000 Ok |
Tube-Tubesheet Fillet Weld Leg : 0.035 | 1.680 Ok |
Tube-Tubesheet Groove Weld Leg : 0.035 | 1.680 Ok |

Fixed Tubesheet results per ASME UHX-13 2021

Results for 14 Load Cases:

--Reqd. Thk. + CA ---- Tubesheet Stresses Case Pass/

Case# Tbsht Extnsn Bend Allwd Shear Allwd Type Fail
D1uc 21.614 23.167 553 2109 35 1125 Ps+Pt-Th D1 Ok
D2uc 14.832 ... 234 2109 45 1125 Ps+Pt-Th D2 Ok
D3uc 24.512 ... 671 2109 10 1125 Ps+Pt-Th D3 Ok
O1uc 18.403 ... 1300 4722 28 1125 Ps+Pt+Th O1 Ok
O2uc 18.870 ... 1394 4722 106 1125 Ps+Pt+Th O2 Ok
O3uc 19.502 ... 1433 4722 65 1125 Ps+Pt+Th O3 Ok
O4uc 17.744 ... 1261 4722 68 1125 Ps+Pt+Th O4 Ok
D1c 27.636 23.167 797 2109 38 1125 Ps+Pt-Th-c D1 Ok
D2c 15.842 ... 175 2109 49 1125 Ps+Pt-Th-c D2 Ok
D3c 29.106 ... 877 2109 11 1125 Ps+Pt-Th-c D3 Ok
O1c 28.555 ... 2111 4722 47 1125 Ps+Pt+Th-c O1 Ok
O2c 28.128 ... 2098 4722 135 1125 Ps+Pt+Th-c O2 Ok
O3c 29.043 ... 2225 4722 88 1125 Ps+Pt+Th-c O3 Ok
O4c 27.623 ... 1984 4722 94 1125 Ps+Pt+Th-c O4 Ok
Max: 29.1059 23.167 mm 0.471 0.120 (Str. Ratio)

Load Case Definitions:

[Ps & Pt]:

Shell-side and Tube-side Design or Operating Pressures
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derived from Psd,min Ptd,max, Psox,min, Ptox,max etc. per the

Load Case Tables

With or Without Thermal Expansion, Tt,mx & Ts,mx

With or Without Corrosion Allowance

[D1, D2, D3]:

Design Load Cases using the Maximum and Minimum Design Pressures

Design Load Case using the Minimum (Vacuum) Pressures (if specified)

[O1, O2, O3, O4]:

Operating Load Cases using the Maximum and Minimum Operating Pressures and
Operating Temperatures

Shell Axial Membrane Stress Summary:

---- Shell Stresses ---- : ---- Shell Band Stress ---- : Pass
Case# Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd : Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd : Fail
D1uc 56 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D2uc 45 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D3uc 102 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O1uc 103 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O2uc 105 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O3uc 141 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O4uc 67 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D1c 95 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D2c 71 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D3c 165 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O1c 183 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O2c 184 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O3c 242 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O4c 125 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
Max RATIO 0.138 ... ... ...

Tube, Shell and Channel Stress Summary:

---- Tube Stresses Tube Loads Shell Stress Channel Stress Pass
Case# Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd Ld Allwd Stress Allwd Stress Allwd Fail
D1uc 69 942 -69 -942 46 633 918 2109 ... ... Ok
D2uc 33 942 -25 -807 22 633 473 2109 ... ... Ok
D3uc 41 942 -36 -807 28 633 536 2109 ... ... Ok
O1uc 113 1884 -113 -807 76 1267 2154 4721 ... ... Ok
O2uc 63 1884 -63 -807 43 1267 1346 4721 ... ... Ok
O3uc 92 1884 -92 -807 62 1267 1835 4721 ... ... Ok
O4uc 76 1884 -76 -807 51 1267 1665 4721 ... ... Ok
D1c 95 942 -73 -942 64 633 1203 2109 ... ... Ok
D2c 38 942 -33 -811 26 633 741 2109 ... ... Ok
D3c 63 942 -40 -807 42 633 603 2109 ... ... Ok
O1c 166 1884 -131 -807 111 1267 2875 4721 ... ... Ok
O2c 81 1884 -81 -807 55 1267 1745 4721 ... ... Ok
O3c 138 1884 -111 -807 93 1267 2376 4721 ... ... Ok
O4c 103 1884 -95 -807 70 1267 2245 4721 ... ... Ok
Max RATIO 0.101 0.162 0.101 0.609 ...

Summary of Thickness Comparisons for 14 Load Cases:

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Thickness (mm) Required | Actual P/F |

Tubesheet Thickness : 29.106 | 40.000 Ok |
Tubesheet Thickness Flanged Extension : 23.167 | 30.000 Ok |
Tube Thickness : 0.303 | 1.200 Ok |
Tube-Tubesheet Fillet Weld Leg : 0.140 | 1.680 Ok |
Tube-Tubesheet Groove Weld Leg : 0.140 | 1.680 Ok |

Min Shell length of thk, (8.000) adj. to tubesheet: 113.842 mm

Summary of Axial Differential Expansion between Shell and Tubes :

Due to Thermal Expansion Shell Extends by : +.000 mm
Due to Pressure Shell Compresses by : -0.016 mm
Due to Pressure + Thermal Shell Compresses by : -0.016 mm

Tubesheet MAWP used to Compute Hydrotest Pressure:

Stress / Force | Tubeside |0 shellside| Shellside |0 tubeside |

Condition | MAWP |Stress Rat.| MAWP |Stress Rat.|
Tubesheet Bending Stress | 15.871 | 1.000 | 54.062 | 1.000 |
Tubesheet Shear Stress | 166.219 | 1.000 | 140.211 | 1.000 |
Tube Tensile Stress | 59.434 | 1.000 | 146.847 | 1.000 |
Tube Compressive Stress | 47.796 | 0.607 | 149.445 | 1.000 |
Tube-Tubesheet Joint load | 59.434 | 1.000 | 146.847 | 1.000 |
Shell Stress (Axial, Junction)| 10.519 | 1.000 | 17.075 | 1.000 |
Tube Pressure Stress | 124.989 | 1.000 | 80.914 | 1.000 |
Tubesheet Extension Stress | 39.400 | ... | No Calc | No Calc |
Minimum MAWP | 10.519 | | 17.075 | |

Tubesheet MAPnc used to Compute Hydrotest Pressure:

Stress / Force | Tubeside |0 shellside| Shellside |0 tubeside |

Condition | MAPnc |Stress Rat.| MAPnc |Stress Rat.|
Tubesheet Bending Stress | 22.880 | 1.000 | 54.062 | 1.000 |
Tubesheet Shear Stress | 191.056 | 1.000 | 149.278 | 1.000 |
Tube Tensile Stress | 82.296 | 1.000 | 169.342 | 1.000 |
Tube Compressive Stress | 82.296 | 1.000 | 221.869 | 1.000 |
Tube-Tubesheet Joint load | 82.296 | 1.000 | 169.342 | 1.000 |
Shell Stress (Axial, Junction)| 13.786 | 1.000 | 26.746 | 1.000 |
Tube Pressure Stress | 124.989 | 1.000 | 81.065 | 1.000 |
Tubesheet Extension Stress | 39.400 | ... | No Calc | No Calc |
Minimum MAPnc | 13.786 | | 26.746 | |

(*) Only the design load cases were analyzed to compute the MAWP for determining the test pressure.

Summary of Exchanger Pressure and Thermal Displacements: (mm)

Load | Due to Pressure | Due to Thermal Exp. | Computed Delta Ms |

Case# | UnCorroded | Corroded | UnCorroded | Corroded | UnCorroded | Corroded |
1 | 0.0088 | 0.0089 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2 | -0.0163 | -0.0164 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3 | -0.0075 | -0.0075 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5 | 0.0074 | 0.0074 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6 | -0.0136 | -0.0136 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7 | -0.0062 | -0.0063 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
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