Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Cover Sheet.................................................................................................................................................................................2
Vessel Design Summary:......................................................................................................................................................3
Nozzle Summary:.......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle Schedule:.....................................................................................................................................................................6
Bill of Material:..................................................................................................................................................................8
MDMT Summary:............................................................................................................................................................................9
Warnings and Errors:.........................................................................................................................................................11
Input Echo:...............................................................................................................................................................................12
XY Coordinate Calculations:........................................................................................................................................19
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange.................................................................................................................................20
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla............................................................................................................................25
Internal Pressure Calculations:...............................................................................................................................30
Element: Bottom Dish.........................................................................................................................................................31
Element: Bottom Channel..................................................................................................................................................34
Element: Main Shell............................................................................................................................................................36
Element: Top Channel She................................................................................................................................................38
Element: # 7............................................................................................................................................................................40
Pressure Test Results: Shop Test............................................................................................................................42
External Pressure Calculations:...............................................................................................................................44
Element and Detail Weights:........................................................................................................................................45
Nozzle Flange MAWP:............................................................................................................................................................48
Natural Frequency Calculation:.................................................................................................................................50
Wind/Earthquake Shear, Bending:...............................................................................................................................51
Longitudinal Stress Constants:.................................................................................................................................52
Longitudinal Allowable Stresses:............................................................................................................................53
Longitudinal Stresses due to:....................................................................................................................................54
Stress due to Combined Loads:....................................................................................................................................56
Center of Gravity Calculation:.................................................................................................................................62
Sup. Lug Calcs: Ope:.........................................................................................................................................................63
Sup. Lug Calcs: Test:.......................................................................................................................................................66
Nozzle Calcs.: T1-6 in. In........................................................................................................................................68
Nozzle Calcs.: Intermediate 1 in.........................................................................................................................79
Nozzle Calcs.: S-1 -6 in. -Out...............................................................................................................................82
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-6 in. In........................................................................................................................................93
Nozzle Calcs.: T2-6 in.-Out....................................................................................................................................104
Nozzle Calcs.: Vent- Interm,1 in.......................................................................................................................115
ASME TS Calc:........................................................................................................................................................................118
Cover Page 2
Analysis Performed by : #
Materials of Construction:
Normalized is determined based on the UCS-66 material curve selection and Figure UCS-66.
Impact Tested is based on material selection and material data properties.
N/S in the Creep Range column specifies that the Creep Range Temperature was not specified in the
ASME Code Section II Part D for this material.
Element |"To" Elev | Element | Nominal | Finished | Reqd Thk | Reqd Thk | Long | Circ |
| | Length |Thickness |Thickness | Internal | External | Eff | Eff |
Type | cm | cm | mm | mm | mm | mm | | |
Ellipse | 0.0 | 5.0 | 8.0 | 6.0 | 5.5 | ... | 1.00 | 0.85 |
Cylinder | 50.0 | 50.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 5.5 | ... | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Body Flg | 50.0 | 6.1 | 49.0 | 53.0 | 52.5 | 52.5 | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Cylinder | 354.8 | 300.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 5.5 | ... | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Body Flg | 365.6 | 6.1 | 55.0 | 53.0 | 52.4 | 52.4 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Cylinder | 409.5 | 50.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 5.5 | ... | 0.85 | 0.85 |
Ellipse | 414.5 | 5.0 | 8.0 | 5.0 | 4.5 | ... | 1.00 | 0.85 |
The Wind and Seismic loads were not load factored in this analysis.
Wind and Earthquake moments include the effects of user defined forces and moments if any exist in
the job and were specified to act (compute loads and stresses) during these cases. Also included
are moment effects due to eccentric weights if any are present in the input. Shear forces
and moments due to nozzle loads are also included, but not in the Test Case results.
Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 1436.4 kg
Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 2207.8 kg
Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 1436.4 kg
Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 1436.4 kg
Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 1436.4 kg
Operating - Empty + Operating Liquid (No CA) 2214.1 kg
Field Test - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 2207.8 kg
[*] - This was a small opening and the areas were not computed or
the MAWP of this connection could not be computed because
the longitudinal bending stress was greater than the hoop stress.
Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.
Multiple output lines for the same nozzle indicates required Code calculations in both the
longitudinal and circumferential planes of reinforcement where applicable.
ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction
Nozzle Schedule:
Nominal or| Schd| Flg| Nozzle| Wall| Reinforcing Pad | Cut| Flg|
Actual| or FVC| Type| O/Dia| Thk| Diameter Thk | Length| Class|
Description Size| Type| | in| mm| mm | mm| |
Intermediate 1" | 1.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 1.315| 3.378| ... | ... | 158.56| 150|
Vent- Interm,1"t| 1.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 1.315| 3.378| ... | ... | 208.56| 150|
T1-6" In | 6.000 in| 80 |SlipO| 6.625| 10.973| 268.27 | 6.00 | 222.58| 300|
S-1 -6" -Out | 6.000 in| 80 |SlipO| 6.625| 10.973| 270.00 | 8.00 | 222.58| 300|
S2-6" In | 6.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 6.625| 7.112| 241.30 | 12.00 | 222.58| 300|
T2-6"-Out | 6.000 in| 40 |SlipO| 6.625| 7.112| 268.27 | 6.00 | 222.58| 300|
The cut length is the outside projection + inside projection + drop + in-plane shell
thickness. This value does not include weld gaps, nor does it account for shrinkage.
In the case of oblique nozzles, the outside diameter must be increased. The re-pad width
around the nozzle is calculated as follows:
Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2
For hub nozzles, the thickness and diameter shown are those of the smaller and thinner section.
Note: The Outside projections below do not include the flange thickness.
Weld Sizes for Slip On/Socket Weld Nozzle Flanges per UW-21:
The Nozzle Wall thicknesses shown below are in the corroded condition. Hubs
are considered to be straight.
Bill of Materials:
[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.
[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.
[ 4] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c).
[ 5] - ASME Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b).
[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.
[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.
[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.
[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.
[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.
[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.
[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3
[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable
[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable
[15] - Nozzle Material
[16] - Shell or Head Material
[17] - Impact Testing required
[18] - Impact Testing not required, see UCS-66(b)(3)
[20] - Cylinder/Cone Junction MDMT based on Longitudinal Stress considerations
[21] - Body Flange Bolting Material
[22] - Nozzle Flange Bolting Material
[23] - Stiffening Ring to Shell Weld
[24] - Saddle to Shell Weld
Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.
UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and
UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).
The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.
• Nozzle loadings typically have little influence on the equilibrium of the structure.
• Bending moments applied on nozzles are neglected in the resolution of the support reaction.
• Positive or negative vertical loads on nozzles increase or decrease the support reaction.
• Horizontal loads on nozzles are resolved algebraically around the horizontal axes.
• The final resolved moment at the support is the SRSS of the computed moments.
• Stresses due to combined loads do not change based on use of this feature.
• Local nozzle loads are converted to global nozzle loads.
• Nozzle loads on nozzles on sump heads are not considered.
• Nozzle loads on nozzles on nozzles are not considered.
• On heads, the maximum shear load is determined and applied in both directions.
• Nozzle Loads are considered to act in the operating condition.
• For support lugs, the moment arm is taken from the base of the lug plus 1/2 of its height.
• Lateral nozzles are taken as radial.
• For transfer of loads, the geometry is taken to be completely rigid (no flexibility).
Configuration Directives:
XY Coordinate Calculations:
| | | | | |
From | To | X (Horiz.)| Y (Vert.) | DX (Horiz.)| DY (Vert.) |
| | cm | cm | cm | cm |
Bottom Dish| ... | 5 | ... | 5 |
Bottom Channel| ... | 55 | ... | 50 |
Bottom Body fla| ... | 55 | ... | -6.1 |
Main Shell| ... | 359.768 | ... | 300 |
Top Body Flange| ... | 370.635 | ... | 6.1 |
Top Channel She| ... | 414.535 | ... | 50 |
80 | 90| ... | 419.535 | ... | 5 |
PV Elite includes an 1/8 inch (3.175mm) raised face and gasket thicknesses for girth
flanges and tubesheet thicknesses where applicable in the Tangent to Tangent length calculation.
The calculated dimensions are based on the given element lengths. Due to variability in
manufacturing (weld gaps etc.), the Tangent to Tangent length may not be exact.
ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 22.2 + 6 * 53/(3 + 0.5)
= 135.307 mm
ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )
= max( sqrt( 78.3/( 2 * 22.2 + 53 )), 1 )
= 1.0000
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 22
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: New Flange Flng: 5 12:43pm Apr 26,2023
Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 64.9 * 1758/(703 * pi(560 + 540 ) )
= 4.693 mm
Factor f 1.434
Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.284
T = 1.804 U = 8.698
Y = 7.915 Z = 4.087
e = 0.0182 1/mm d = 22416.332 mm³
Stress Factors Alpha = 1.964
Beta = 2.286 Gamma = 1.089
Delta = 6.641 Lambda = 7.730
ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:
= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
= 2 * 22.2 + 6 * 53/(3 + 0.5)
= 135.307 mm
ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:
= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )
= max( sqrt( 78.3/( 2 * 22.2 + 53 )), 1 )
= 1.0000
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 27
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Flg Calc [Int P]: Top Body fla Flng: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023
Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * pi(Go + Gi) )
= 64.9 * 1758/(703 * pi(560 + 540 ) )
= 4.693 mm
Factor f 1.414
Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.285
T = 1.804 U = 8.675
Y = 7.894 Z = 4.076
e = 0.0179 1/mm d = 24232.826 mm³
Stress Factors Alpha = 1.948
Beta = 2.264 Gamma = 1.080
Delta = 6.144 Lambda = 7.223
For Exchanger designs, the following values include MAWPs that
consider the tubesheet, tubes, tube/tubesheet joint etc. These
values were determined by iteration. Review the tubesheet analysis
report for more information.
Elliptical Head Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 6.445 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 5.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 535.7 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 6.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 3696.7 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 26179.9 cm³ | Weight of Contents 26.2 kgf
Empty Weight 24.1 kgf | Operating Weight 50.3 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1174.1 kgf/cm²
| Aspect Ratio 2.00
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
Head inner surface maximum deviation inside the specified shape, 0.625% of D: 0.123 mm
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 33
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Bottom Dish Step: 6 12:43pm Apr 26,2023
MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 9.397 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.340 | Temperature Difference 75 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -104 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C
| Joint Efficiency E* 100 %
Note: Temperature values displayed above are for the location with the highest basic MDMT
Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 6.427 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 50.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 387.2 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 8.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 8105.3 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 98174.8 cm³ | Weight of Contents 98.1 kgf
Empty Weight 74.2 kgf | Operating Weight 172.3 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1316.5 kgf/cm²
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 85 %
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
MDMT Design Information: |
MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 9.397 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.425 | Temperature Difference 19 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -48 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C
| Joint Efficiency E* 85 %
Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 6.287 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 300.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 378.7 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 8.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 48631.9 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 309441.1 cm³ | Weight of Contents 386.2 kgf
Empty Weight 754.7 kgf | Operating Weight 1140.9 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1316.5 kgf/cm²
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 85 %
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
MDMT Design Information: |
MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 17.075 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.620 | Temperature Difference 19 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -48 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C
| Joint Efficiency E* 85 %
Cylindrical Shell Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 6.077 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-516 70 | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 50.000 cm | External Pressure Chart CS-2
| UNS Number K02700
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1406.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 366.1 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 8.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 8105.3 cm² | SG of Contents 1.200
Element Volume 98174.8 cm³ | Weight of Contents 0.0 kgf
Empty Weight 131.7 kgf | Operating Weight 131.7 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 1316.5 kgf/cm²
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 85 %
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 2.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 39
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Element: Top Channel She Step: 9 12:43pm Apr 26,2023
MDMT Design Information: |
MDMT Curve B | Press. at MDMT 9.397 kgf/cm²|
UCS-66(b) red. Yes | Min. Des. Mtl. Temp. 0 °C
Governing Thk. 8.000 mm | Basic MDMT -29 °C
Stress/Thk. Ratio 0.425 | Temperature Difference 19 °C
UCS-66(c) red. No | Computed Min. Temp. -48 °C
| MDMT per UG-20(f) -29 °C
| Joint Efficiency E* 85 %
Elliptical Head Design Information: |
Design Pressure P 6.012 kgf/cm² | Int. Design Temperature 150 °C
Material SA-240 316L | Ext. Design Temperature 0 °C
Length 5.000 cm | External Pressure Chart HA-4
| UNS Number S31603
Int. Corr. All. c 3.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (ope) S 1172.7 kgf/cm²
Ext. Corr. All. ce 0.0000 mm | Allowable Stress (amb) Sa 1174.1 kgf/cm²
Inside Diameter Di 500.000 mm | Actual Stress 749.4 kgf/cm²
Spec. Min. Thk t or e 5.0000 mm | Spec. Nominal Thk. 8.000 mm
Surface Area 3696.7 cm² | SG of Contents 1.000
Element Volume 26179.9 cm³ | Weight of Contents 117.8 kgf
Empty Weight 81.0 kgf | Operating Weight 198.7 kgf
| Comp. All. Ope. Stress 617.4 kgf/cm²
| Aspect Ratio 2.00
Radiography Information: |
User Defined | User Defined
Circ. Joint Efficiency 85 % | Long. Joint Efficiency E 100 %
Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.
SA-240 316L, Min Metal Temp without impact per UHA-51: -196 °C
Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered
when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based
on the MAWP of the vessel.
Weight of Details:
Liquid 564.2
Nozzles 117.8
Lugs 42.4
Exchanger Components 717.9
Liquid in Tubes 213.5
Sum of the Detail Weights 1655.8 kg
Weight Summary:
The cumulative operating weights no liquid in the column above are the cumulative operating
weights minus the operating liquid weight minus any weights absent in the empty condition.
Selected Method for Derating ASME B16.5 Flange MAWP: ASME UG-44(b)
The UG-44(b) Method is based on the paper PVP 2013-97814. PV Elite uses the maximum loads
from each load category to determine ME and FE. In many cases, the computed maximum
allowable pressure will be greater than the flange rating. In these cases, the minimum of the
rating from the table and the UG-44(b) method will be used. SA-193 B8 Cl. 2 bolts or ones
with higher allowable stresses at the specified bolt size shall be used.
The axial force FE must put the nozzle in tension (-P for 107/297; +Fr for PD 5500 AnnexG)
to be considered.
The Natural Frequencies for the vessel have been computed iteratively
by solving a system of matrices. These matrices describe the mass
and the stiffness of the vessel. This is the generalized eigenvalue/
eigenvector problem and is referenced in some mathematical texts.
The Wind Shears/Moments and the Earthquake Shears/Moments calculated
and printed in the Wind/Earthquake Shear and Bending report have
been factored by the input Scalar/Load reductions factors of;
Wind: 1.000; Earthquake: 1.000.
Review the Vessel Design Summary for the cumulative shear force
and bending moment on the support.
| | | Hydrotest | | Hydrotest |
From| To | Tensile | Tensile | Compressive | Compressive |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1174.13 | -1364.12 |
20| 30| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
30| 40| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1307.66 | -1419.98 |
40|Lugs| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
Lugs| 60| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
60| 70| 1687.37 | 2193.58 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
70| 80| 1434.26 | 1864.54 | -1316.55 | -1419.98 |
80| 90| 1196.19 | 1556.89 | -617.436 | -949.792 |
| | Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. |Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. | Wght. Str. |
From| To | Empty | Operating |Hydrotest | Emp. Mom. | Opr. Mom. |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| 0.30022 | 0.62624 | 0.39371 | 0.059489 | 0.059489 |
30| 40| 1.26868 | 2.87285 | 1.74352 | 0.061583 | 0.061583 |
40|Lugs| 2.83967 | 4.38823 | 2.75884 | 1.07057 | 1.07057 |
Lugs| 60| -5.12423 | -2.97292 | -3.22155 | 1.01725 | 1.01725 |
60| 70| -2.9609 | -2.9609 | -1.86149 | 1.01725 | 1.01725 |
70| 80| -1.31977 | -1.31977 | -0.82972 | 1.01725 | 1.01725 |
80| 90| -0.78195 | -0.78195 | -0.31464 | ... | ... |
Longitudinal Stresses due to Weight Loads and Bending for these Conditions:
| | Wght. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. | Bend. Str. |
From| To | Hyd. Mom. | Oper. Wind | Oper. Equ. | Hyd. Wind | Hyd. Equ. |
| | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
20| 30| 0.037837 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
30| 40| 0.037837 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
40|Lugs| 0.68093 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Lugs| 60| 0.64701 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
60| 70| 0.64701 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
70| 80| 0.64701 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
80| 90| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| | Bending |
From| To | Stress |
| | kgf/cm² |
10| 20| ... |
20| 30| ... |
30| 40| ... |
40|Lugs| ... |
Lugs| 60| ... |
60| 70| ... |
70| 80| ... |
80| 90| ... |
General Notes:
A blank stress and stress ratio indicates that the corresponding stress comprising
those components that did not contribute to that type of stress.
40 148.73 1434.26
1316.55 0.1037
Element From : 80 to : 90
Governing Load Case 14 : IP+WF+CW
Bending Stress in bottom Plate (Unif. Load) Per Bednar p.156 [Spl2]:
= Beta1 * Flug/Ba * Wfb² / Tpl² per Roark & Young 5th Ed.
= 0.41 * 1086/300 * 200²/20²
= 148.93 kgf/cm²
If using the AD Code recommendations, the force bearing width (Wfb) must
be greater than or equal to 1/3 of the bottom plate radial width (Wpl)
plus the pad thickness (Padthk), if there is a pad.
Dimension [Gtp]:
= 2 * Wgp - Wpl
= 2 * 150 - 200
= 100.0 mm
Angle [Alpha_G]:
= pi / 2 - tan-1 ( ( Wpl - Gtp )/Hgp )
= pi/2 - tan-1 ( ( 200 - 100 )/306 )
= 71.9 deg
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 65
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Sup. Lug Calcs: Ope: Lugs: 3 12:43pm Apr 26,2023
There was no uplift. Please choose an appropriate bolt size for this support design.
Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.
Bending Stress in bottom Plate (Unif. Load) Per Bednar p.156 [Spl2]:
= Beta1 * Flug/Ba * Wfb² / Tpl² per Roark & Young 5th Ed.
= 0.41 * 1083/300 * 200²/20²
= 148.49 kgf/cm²
PV Elite 25 Licensee: # 67
FileName : VCE-EDS-498-001-----------------------------------
Sup. Lug Calcs: Test: Step: 23 12:43pm Apr 26,2023
If using the AD Code recommendations, the force bearing width (Wfb) must
be greater than or equal to 1/3 of the bottom plate radial width (Wpl)
plus the pad thickness (Padthk), if there is a pad.
Dimension [Gtp]:
= 2 * Wgp - Wpl
= 2 * 150 - 200
= 100.0 mm
Angle [Alpha_G]:
= pi / 2 - tan-1 ( ( Wpl - Gtp )/Hgp )
= pi/2 - tan-1 ( ( 200 - 100 )/306 )
= 71.9 deg
There was no uplift. Please choose an appropriate bolt size for this support design.
Review notes about nozzle loadings and supports in the Warnings report.
Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.20 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.20 kgf/cm²
Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 183.7, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2821.8 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 19.9, Allowable : 1598.9 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 117.6, Allowable : 841.5 kgf/cm² Passed
The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.
Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".
WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²
= 0.0713 mm
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 204.5, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2801.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 21.9, Allowable : 1599.0 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 130.0, Allowable : 841.6 kgf/cm² Passed
The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.
Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".
WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 302.2, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2703.5 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 37.7, Allowable : 1599.0 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 185.4, Allowable : 841.6 kgf/cm² Passed
The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.
Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".
WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Stresses on Nozzle due to External and Pressure Loads per the ASME B31.3 Piping Code,
(see 319.4.4 and 302.3.5):
Sustained : 266.6, Allowable : 1202.2 kgf/cm² Passed
Expansion : 0.0, Allowable : 2739.1 kgf/cm² Passed
Occasional : 31.3, Allowable : 1599.0 kgf/cm² Passed
Shear : 165.6, Allowable : 841.6 kgf/cm² Passed
The number of cycles on this nozzle was assumed to be 7000 or less for the determination of
the expansion stress allowable.
Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
WRC Bulletin 537 provides equations for the dimensionless curves found in bulletin 107. As noted
in the foreword to bulletin 537, "537 is equivalent to WRC 107". Where 107 is printed in the
results below, "537" can be interchanged with "107".
WRC 107/537 has dimensional limitations that can be found in the bulletin's Foreword
and which can also be inferred by review of the non-dimensional curve limits.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Note - The ! mark next to the figure name denotes curve value exceeded.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Because only sustained loads were specified, the Pm+Pl+Q allowable was 3 * Smh.
Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 1202.25 kgf/cm²
Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations. Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles
exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a) (small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.
Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.
Shell Data:
Main Shell Description: Main Shell
Shell Maximum Design Pressure Psd,max 6.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Maximum Operating Pressure Psox,max 5.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Minimum Operating Pressure Psox,min 5.00 kgf/cm²
Shell Thickness ts 8.0000 mm
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance cas 3.0000 mm
Shell External Corrosion Allowance caext 0.0000 mm
Inside Diameter of Shell Ds 500.000 mm
Shell Circumferential Joint Efficiency Esw 0.850
Shell Temperature for Internal Pressure Ts 150.00 °C
Shell Material SA-516 70
Tube Data:
Number of Tube Holes Nt 327
Tube Wall Thickness et 1.2000 mm
Tube Outside Diameter D 19.0500 mm
Total Straight Tube Length Lt 3000.00 mm
Straight Tube Length (bet. inner tubsht faces) L 2920.00 mm
Design Temperature of the Tubes 150.00 °C
Tube Material SA-179
Tube Material UNS Number K01200
Is this a Welded Tube No
Tube Material Specification used Smls. tube
Tube Allowable Stress at Temperature 942.11 kgf/cm²
Tube Allowable Stress At Ambient 942.11 kgf/cm²
Tube Yield Stress At design Temperature Syt 1615.95 kgf/cm²
Tube Pitch (Center to Center Spacing) P 23.8200 mm
Tube Layout Pattern Triangular
Tubesheet Data:
Bolting Information:
Diameter of Bolt Circle C 600.000 mm
Nominal Bolt Diameter dB 22.2250 mm
Type of Thread Series TEMA Thread Series
Number of Bolts n 24
Bolt Material SA-193 B7
Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 1757.68 kgf/cm²
Weld between Flange and Shell/Channel 5.0000 mm
The Elasticity and Alpha values are taken from Tables in ASME II D.
Please insure these properties are consistent with the
type of Material for the tubes, shell, channel etc.
Detailed Results for load Case D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max)
UHX-13.5.1 Step 1:
UHX-13.5.2 Step 2:
= 458.4053 kgf/mm
UHX-13.5.3 Step 3:
UHX-13.5.4 Step 4:
= -0.081122346
UHX-13.5.5 Step 5:
UHX-13.5.6 Step 6:
UHX-13.5.7 Step 7:
UHX-13.5.8 Step 8:
Tubesheet Shear Stress is probably low, use the following req. thk:
Tubesheet thickness (Incl. Corr.)= 3.8100 mm
Tubesheet Shear Stress = 143.3723 kgf/cm²
UHX-13.5.9 Step 9:
First Extreme Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat1]:
= ( (Ps * xs - Pt * xt) - Pe * Ftmin ) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( (6 * 0.52 - 6 * 0.63 ) - (0.64 ) * -8.35 )/
(0.63 - 0.52 ) )
= 40.9036 kgf/cm²
Second Extreme value of Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat2]:
= ( (Ps * xs - Pt * xt) - Pe * Ftmax ) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( (6 * 0.52 - 6 * 0.63 ) - (0.64 ) * 5.32 )/
(0.63 - 0.52 ) )
= -35.8568 kgf/cm²
For a given Shell thickness of 8 mm, the minimum Shell
length adjacent to the tubesheet should be 113.842 mm
With or Without Thermal Expansion, Tt,mx & Ts,mx
With or Without Corrosion Allowance
Design Load Case using the Minimum (Vacuum) Pressures (if specified)
---- Shell Stresses ---- : ---- Shell Band Stress ---- : Pass
Case# Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd : Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd : Fail
D1uc 56 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D2uc 45 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D3uc 102 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O1uc 103 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O2uc 105 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O3uc 141 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O4uc 67 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D1c 95 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D2c 71 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
D3c 165 1195 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O1c 183 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O2c 184 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O3c 242 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
O4c 125 4721 ... ... ... ... ... ... Ok
Max RATIO 0.138 ... ... ...
(*) Only the design load cases were analyzed to compute the MAWP for determining the test pressure.