Blood 2022
Blood 2022
Blood 2022
Blood :
is a specialized type of connective tissue, red in color, syrupy
fluid which has specific gravity 1.055 and the viscosity 2.5 times
that of water. Blood is alkaline (PH=7.4) and appear scarlet red
when taken from arteries and purplish from veins. The difference
in color is due to its content .
In adult blood volume is 5 – 6 L whereas in a new born baby it is
300 ml. In the adult blood constitute 8 % ( or ) of body weight
Blood plays a role in maintaining the cellular environment by
serving as a transport medium of the body. The various functions
of blood result from specialization withen the cellular elements
or the plasma or the interaction between the two .
1- Blood cells (formed elements) : W.B.C , R . B.C & platelets
suspended in the plasma .
The plasma is a straw coloured liquid , its normal volume is about
5 % of body weight or 3.5 L in a 70 kg man, 92 % of plasma is
water and 8 % is solid of which 7% is plasma protein (The
remaining are inorganic salts, pigments, enzymes , non-
nitrogenous substances as glucose, fat etc , and non-protein
nitrogenous sulostances as urea, uric acid , creative etc. ) .
The plasma remain fluid only if anti-coagulant is added to the
whole blood ; but if the blood is allowed to clot and the clot is
removed , the remaining fluid is called Serum.
The serum has the same composition as plasma except that its
clotting factors; fibrinogen (Factor I) Prothrombin ( factor II ) ,
factor v and factor vlll have been removed . and it has a higher
Serotonin content due to the breakdown of platelets during
clotting .
Serum = plasma - fibrin
A high hematocrit reading indicates an increase in the No. of
circulating cells or a reduction in plasma (e.g P.C.V of 65% or
more seen in cases of cholera due to large loss of water ) . A low
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
Neutrophils are the most numerous of the W. B.C types (62 %
of total W. B.C count ; 4300 / cmm of blood ). It is 10-12 u in
diameter , The nuclus compound of 1 – 5 lobes according to the
age of the cell . It granules stain pale violet. Neutrophils function
primarily. as phagocytes. They ingest by phagocytosis foreign
particles or injured cell debris. During an Infection the No. can
increase up to 20,000 / of to hole blood . By means of
amoeboid movement they can pass through the pores of
capillaries (by process of diapedesis) & can move through
intercellular spaces to locate the contaminants. Then life span is
2 - 4 days ( average half life in the circulation is about 6 hour's ) .
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The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
Mast cells
are heavily granulated cells that are found in areas rich in
connective tissue & are abundant beneath epithelial surfaces .
Their granules contain histamine, heparin & many proteases .
They have IgE receptors on their cell membrane & like basophils
they degranulate when IgE-Coated antigens bind to their surface
in addition to produce allergic responses they may play a role in
defense against parasitic infection .
Lymphocytes :
are small mononuclear leukocytes with Large nucleus and
reduced amounts of cytoplasm. Small lymphocytes has a
diameter of 8 u whereas large lymphocytes diameter is between
15 – 20 u. Lymphocytes constitutes about 25 % of total W.B.C
After birth some lymphocytes that originate from the bone
marrow invade Lymphoid tissues (lymph nodes, Spleen, thymus
gland etc) where they establish lymphocyte colonies to produce
additional lymphocytes without involving the bone marrow .
Two types of lymphocytes can be recognized : B cells and T
The B cell lymphocytes ( Bursal lymphocytes) colonize in
lymphoid tissue and carry there functions without involving the
thymus gland. It occurs in bursal equivalent i.e Fetal liver and
after birth in the bone marrow, their life span few hours .
The Thymus glands : is a large gland above the heart in the
space between the lungs. Although the thymus atrophies or
disappear with the onset of puberty , it is involved and play a
major role in cellular immunity before it lost .
The T cell lymphocytes :Around the time of birth the stem cells
(precursors of lymphocytes) are released from the bone marrow
and infiltrate the thymus gland. After exposure to the thymus they
undergo modification to produce T-cell lymphocytes . From the
thymus gland the T-cell invade and establish colonies with in the
lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues.
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
Innate Immunity :
Mediated neutrophil macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells A
third type of lymphocyte found in body is the natural killer cell
(NK cell) which is sometimes called the non-T , non-β but are
cytotoxic . The natural killer cells are large lymphocytes that
make up 10 – 15 % of circulating mononuclear cell . They
destroy cells that have undergone malignant transformation & so
help prevent the establishment of cancerous tumors . In addition
they attack viruses & have receptors that permit them to kill
antibody coated viruses. The activated cell produced their effects
through the release of cytokines as well as in some cases
complement and other systems .
Their activity is increased by interleukin 2 (IL - 2) , they
represent an important first line defense against viral infections ,
combating spread of disease while more specific T & B cells
are activated Thus there are 3 types of cytotoxic T cell : α β T ,
γδT & NK . cells .
Cytokines the lymphocytes secrete a variety of hormone
like chemical messengers that affect the immune response these
have been called the lymphokines . However since they are
produced by other cells as well they are now called cytokines .
When the a.a sequence of a factor in humans is known its name is
changed to interleukin .
The complement system :
The effects of circulating antibodies & cellular immunity are
mediated in part by plasma enzymes called complement system.
The enzymes are identified by the No.
The classic pathway for activation occur when binds to
immunoglobulin's that have bound antigen , & this stimulate a
sequent of events that activate .
The Blood 2022
The Blood 2022
The IgE antibody attach to mast cells and basophil then binding
of allergin to reagin change the membrane of mast cells and
basophil resulting in rupture of the membrane with release of
different special agents that cause the allergy (histamine,
Protease,eosinophil chemotactic agent and others.
The Blood 2022
Physiological Function of Hb :
1- Transport of :
Each gm of Hb carry 1.34 ml thus 15 (average 15 g / dL
blood) x 1.34 = 20 ml / dL of blood (when Hb is 100 %
saturated with ) . The real value is 19.8 ml / dL blood
(97.5 % Saturation) in arterial blood . In venous blood 15 ml
/ dL blood (75 % saturation ) . Therefore the released
to the tissue is about 4.8 md / dL blood.
2- Transport of C :
In R.B.C : 93 %
1- 70 % as bicarbonate :
Carbonic anhydrase
The Blood 2022
C + O +
2- 23 % as carbamino Compound (react with protein of Hb).
C + Hb Hb C
In plasma : 7 %
1- dissolved
2- Carbamino compounds with plasma Protein
C + R R.C
3- Hydration : ( no carbonic anhydrase)
Slow reaction
C +
3- Regulation of blood PH :
Hb – oxy Hb buffer system
when the blood passes through active tissue (systemic
circulation) it picks up C that increase its acidity
by the formation of (from ) but as the
R . B . C release to the tissue it becomes less acidic which
allow the Hb to pick-up from the plasma to prevent the PH
becoming too acidic.
In lung capillaries , level are high, Hb loads & loses
. If the remain the lung capillaries become acidic therefore
the combined with HC to form. C + O. The lose
by expiration. Therefore removing extra help to keep blood
PH stable .
Reactions of Hb
1- Hb bind with to form oxy – Hb in which the is
attached to of the heme. The affinity of Hb for is
affected by:
1- PH 2- Temp. 3- concn. of 2,3 BpG
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The Blood 2022
MCV = = 87 FL
MCH = = 29 p.g
p.g =
MCHC = = 34 g / dL blood .
Types of anemia
1- Iron deficiency anemia (micro cytic).
2- Pernicious anemia (macrocytic).
3- Hemolytic anemia .
4- Aplastic anemia .
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The Blood 2022
Higher R . B . C count
1- Physiologic polycythemia : (secondary polycythemia occur
when level in the atmosphere is decreased (high altitude )
that stimulate production , the RBC count rise to about 6-8
m/m .
2- Polycythemia vera (primary polycythemia ) . It may be due to
tumorous conditions that increase R.B.C production up to 8 –
9 m/m and the hematocrit is about 70 – 80 %. The W . B .
C and platelet counts also increases. The viscosity of blood
(50% of viscously is related to the R.B.C) increases from the
normal which is 3 times that of water to about 15 times so
many of the capillaries become plugged by the viscous blood
as a result the total blood volume may be increases to twice
normal .
The Blood 2022
Platelets : ( Thrombocytes )
are active unrucleated cells formed by fragmentation of
megakaryocytes of the bone marrow .
Bone marrow committed stem cell ( Progenitor cell that form all
cellular elements )
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Beneath the coat is the plasma membrane that contain actin and
myosin in its protein portion, and glycoprotein on the outer
Blood vessel wall and platelets contain von wille brand factor
which is a large molecule secreted by endothelial cells activate
the platelet to release the content of their granules. The released
ADP act on ADP receptor on platelet membrane to produce more
accumulation of platelet (platelet aggregation) .
Platelet aggregation occur when blood vessel wall is injured .
Aggregation is also increased by platelet activating factor (PAF)
secreted by platelet , neutrophils and monocycles. It has
inflammatory activity. It increase the production of arachidonic
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The Blood 2022
Blood groups
Blood groups is based on the presence of blood group antigens
(agglutinogen on the surface of the R . B . C which are inherited.
The Blood 2022
Universal O AB universal
Donar B Recipient
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85 % of population R
15 % of population R
Unlike the ABO system no performed Rh agglutinin (Anti D)
is found. However R person can make Anti – D Following
sensitization with R blood .
The R individual cannot form Anti – D & for them it is
immaterial . whether the receive R or R
The Blood 2022
Later the baby develop its own R cell & by that time all the
anti-D will have disappeared from the circulation
Since sensitization of (R ) mother by carry first child is
usually normal . However hemolytic fetuses born to (R )
mothers who have previously been pregnant one or more times
with R fetus Fortunately it is possible to prevent sensitization
from occurring the first time by giving a single does of anti – Rh
antibodies in the form of Rh immune globulin (Rho GAM)
during the postpartum period (72 hours after delivery ) . Such
passive immunization does not harm the mother & has been
demonstrated to prevent retinue antibody formation by the
mothers .
In obstetric clinics , such treatment is a routine to unsensitiznel (
R woman who have delivered an (R baby. this
treatment reduce the incidence of hemolytic disease by more
than 90 % . treatment with a small dose during pregnancy will
also prevent sensitization due to fetal – meternal hemorrhage
before delivery . If the baby is (R ) the R.B.C are not
affected by the anti – D in the mother .
If the father is (R ) , then all the babies are negative .
The Blood 2022
Blood transfusion
The Principle is to ensure the cell of the donor should not be
agglutinated by the plasma of the recipient . For this purpose the
Blood groups & the Rh factor of both the donor & recipient
should have the same blood group & Rh factor .
Furthermore a cross matched test is carried between the cells of
donor and the serum of recipient and visa versa to detect any
evidence of agglutination .
Effects of Incompatible blood Transfusion :
1- agglutination of R.B.C & hemolysis .
2- Hemolytic jaundice by R.B.C break down .
3- Renal Failure due to precipitation of Hb .
4- Death in severe cases .
process of stopping the loss of blood from injured blood vessel
it involves :
1- Local constriction of blood vessel (vascular spasm) . The
irregularities in injured blood vessel wall cause the platelet
to rupture & release serotonin which is a vasoconstrictor , it
cause the muscle in blood vessel to contract this will narrow
the diameter of the vessel around the site of injury.
2- The temporary Hemostatic plug . In injured blood vessel ,
the underlying layer of collagen is exposed attracting
platelet that adhere together and liberate serotonin , ADP &
The Blood 2022
Fibrinogen Fibrin monomer Fibrin (loose)
factor Xlll
Fibrin ( tight )
The Blood 2022
X Xa
PL (phospholipid )
V 𝐶𝑎
Prothrombin liver Thrombin active