Self-Compacting White Concrete Mix Design Using The Particle Matrix Model
Self-Compacting White Concrete Mix Design Using The Particle Matrix Model
Self-Compacting White Concrete Mix Design Using The Particle Matrix Model
PMM has been applied with mixed success, for self-
Abstract—White concrete facade elements are widely used in compacting concrete (SCC) [5], [6] and high performance
construction industry. It is challenging to achieve the desired concrete (HPC), primarily due to the increasing tendency of
workability in casting of white concrete elements. Particle Matrix the concretes to be matrix dominated as the water-powder
model was used for proportioning the self-compacting white concrete
ratio (w/p) is decreased. The model is based on paste volume,
(SCWC) to control segregation and bleeding and to improve
workability. The paper presents how to reach the target slump flow paste rheology, and aggregate properties. The paste rheology
while controlling bleeding and segregation in SCWC. The amount of is characterized with the flow resistance ratio, which is
International Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:9, No:7, 2015
aggregates, binders and mixing water, as well as type and dosage of measured with the FlowCyl device. The aggregates are
superplasticizer (SP) to be used are the major factors influencing the characterized with the air voids modulus, which depends on
properties of SCWC. Slump flow and compressive strength tests were the aggregate volumes, fineness moduli, and empirically
carried out to examine the performance of SCWC, and the results
determined aggregate parameters. Workability is measured at
indicate that the particle matrix model could produce successfully
SCWC controlling segregation and bleeding. various paste volumes for each flow resistance ratio and air
void modulus. The model is widely and successfully used in
Keywords—Mix design, particle, matrix model, white concrete. Norway for proportioning self- compacting concrete, high
performance concrete, fiber reinforced concrete. Therefore, in
I. INTRODUCTION this study PMM has been used for proportioning self-
compacting white concrete.
T HE white concrete is used to produce concrete elements in
traditional buildings and special items such as customized
edifice created by creative architects. Currently, Norwegian
This paper discusses the application of PMM to design self-
compacting white concrete mixture. Moreover, it also
construction industry shows growing demand for the polished discusses how to achieve desired workability of fresh concrete
facade elements made of self-compacting white concrete. by minimizing segregation and bleeding. In this study, slump
Basically, Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is widely used in flow was used as an indicator for workability and bleeding
industry due to high flow ability and rheological stability, was visually observed.
applicability for elements with complicated shapes and
congested reinforcement, and without a need for vibration and II. PARTICLE MATRIX MODEL FOR SCWC
compaction during the placing process [1], [2]. In general, In general, concrete mixtures may contain 7-8 different
workability of SCC is evaluated using slump flow test, ingredients. Proportioning of concrete involves in selecting the
segregation resistance test and J-ring test. Filling ability is proper combination of materials and mixing them together to
normally evaluated by using slump flow test, passing ability is get target properties with good margin and low production
measured using J-ring test and the ability of the concrete to cost. In addition to that, it is also important to satisfy the
remain uniform in composition during placement and until requirement given in standards while proportioning of
setting is measured using segregation resistance test. To concrete.
produce SCC, the major work involves designing an The Particle Matrix Model (PMM) can be considered as a
appropriate mix proportion and evaluating the properties of widely used simplified model to discuss the properties of fresh
the concrete. In this process, it is a challenge to reach the concrete [3] and to proportioning fresh concrete. The model
required concrete workability by minimizing segregation and was pioneered by Ernst Mortsell for conventionally placed
bleeding. concrete in 1996 [4]. This model is anticipated to be
There are various methods used for proportioning of SCC particularly suitable for self-compacting concrete (SCC) [5],
concrete such as minimum paste volume method, Excess Paste [6] and high performance concrete (HPC), primarily due to the
Theory, Compressible Packing Model, Particle Matrix Model increasing tendency of the concretes to be matrix dominated as
(PMM), etc. Most of these methods establish three things: the the water-powder ratio (w/p) is decreased. The model divides
paste volume, paste composition, and aggregate blend. The the concrete mixture into two phases depending such as matrix
paste volume is set to be greater than the volume of the voids phase and particle phase based on the particle sizes and their
between the compacted aggregates for SCC. Among these, properties. Matrix phase consists of solid particles less than
0.125mm (i.e. cement, silica fume, and filler material), free
Samindi Samarakoon, Ørjan Sletbakk Vie and Remi Kleiven Fjelldal, are water and additives. Particle phase is consisting of particles
with the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials with size larger than 0.125 mm i.e. remaining aggregates [3].
Science, University of Stavanger, N4036 Stavanger, Norway (e-mail: In this model, flow resistance ratio is used to describe the
[email protected]).
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Vol:9, No:7, 2015
Properties of Properties of
3) Admixtures
the particles the matrix SP 40 was used as water-reducing admixture for concrete.
Fig. 1 Particle matrix model [3] The product is mainly based on sulfonated melamine
condensate in solution. It gives the concrete a very good
When required strength and durability class of concrete is casting consistency. For optimal effect concrete should be
known, the proportioning procedure of the PMM consists of mixed for at least 2 minutes after dosing. Generally, dosage of
[3], [7]; SP 40 is 0.1-2.5% of cement weight.
Find and evaluate data for constituents: aggregate, cement 4) Additives
and admixtures. The relevant data is grading of particle
size, density, void volume, water absorption, water/solid White silica is used as an additive to control bleeding and
content for admixtures segregation. Silica consists of 90% silicon dioxide. It also has
The composition of aggregates regarding minimizing of a specific surface area of > 15 m² / g.
void volume. 5) Stabilizer
Decide the composition of the matrix from the In this experiment, liquid-based viscosity modifying
requirements for strength and durability, and necessary admixture: Sika stabilizer 4R was used to improve stability
composition and volume of the matrix for the desired and segregation resistance of concrete mixes without
consistency. significant reduction of slump or flow board measurement.
Calculation of the theoretical recipe based on volume and
mass 6) Air content
A typical value of 2% air content was chosen to provide
TV= PV + MV + AC (1) good frost resistance because EN 206-1 has not recommended
air content for concrete of durability class M45.
where, TV = Total volume/ (l); PV = Particle volume/ (l); MV Table II illustrates the properties of different materials.
= Matrix volume/ (l); AC = Air content/ (l).
Trial mixture and correction. TABLE II
Density Water absorbent Water content
(kg/m³) (%) (%)
The experiment was carried out to design self-compacting 0-2 mm sand 2710 0.2 0
white concrete of consistency class SF 2 (see Table I), 3-8 mm sand 2710 0.3 0
characteristic cylindrical strength C35 and durability class 8-16 mm gravel 2710 0.3 0
Aalborg white
M45 using PMM. SF2 (660-750 mm) is suitable for many 3150 0 0
normal applications (e.g. walls, columns) [8]. White silica 3170 <1 0
Water 1000 100 -
Class Slump flow in mm
B. Selection of Matrix Volume
SF1 550 to 650
SF2 660 to 750
The variation of matrix volume with slump flow can be
SF3 760 to 850 plotted as in Fig. 2 [9]. For SCC, the matrix volume is usually
in the range 330-360 l/m3 depending on the void volume in the
particle phase [7]. In addition, it is required to maintain
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water/binder-ratio < 0.6 in SCC according to EN 206-1 [10]. flow was measured and given in Fig. 4. It was found that
Lower the water/binder ratio results larger the matrix volume slump flow dropped exceeding 2% silica content which
and reduced w/b-ratio contributes to increased stability. reduces the workability of concrete. Therefore, optimum value
Therefore, 340 l/m3 matrix volume was chosen to start the trial of silica dosage lay in between 2%-3%.
Slump flow(mm)
Slump flow (mm)
International Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:9, No:7, 2015
slump flow(mm)
0 2 3 4 5
White silica (% of mass of cement)
Matrix volume (mm)
Fig. 4 White silica percentage vs. Slump flow
Fig. 2 Variation of Matrix volume vs slump flow [9]
C. Trial Batches and Tests on SCWC Properties The aim of this experiment was to prepare white concrete
with consistency class SF2, which gives slump flow 660-750
Initially, an experiment was carried out to understand the mm by controlling segregation and bleeding. To get the higher
behavior of SP 40. Samples were prepared with different consistency, it was required to increase the matrix volume.
percentages of SP 40 i.e. 0.5%, 1.3%, 1.5%, 1.8%, 1.9% and The experiments were carried out increasing matrix volume of
2.0%( within normal dosage: 0.5% to 2% according to EN 340 l/m3 to 360 l/m3 and 370 l/m3 with white silica percentage
934-2:2001( admixtures quantity should not more than 5% by 2%-3% and with SP 40 percentage of 1.9%. Table III shows
mass of the cement content of the concrete) and results shown the materials for matrix volume 340 l/m3, 360 l/m3 and 370
in Fig. 3. It could be found that the mixture was not meeting at l/m3 with white silica percentage 2%-3% and SP 40
least SF1 consistency class when the SP 40 content was less percentage of 1.9%.
than 1.9% of cement weight. Therefore, SP 40 was chosen as
1.9% of cement weight for further experiment. However, with TABLE III
1.9% of SP 40, the slump flow was 540mm. To prepare MIX DESIGN FOR DIFFERENT MATRIX VOLUMES
SCWC, it was required to have at least 650mm of concrete Matrix volume
slump flow. Material Type 340 (l/m3) 360 (l/m3) 370 (l/m3)
Amount of material (kg/m )
600 Cement Aalborg White 408 420 441.14
Sand 0-2 mm 1038 1005.6 989.4
Sand 3-8 mm 301 291.6 286.86
Slump flow(mm)
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increase consistency of the mixture by reaching higher slump mixture was not good enough at this stage. Therefore, 0.12%
flow, the experiment was carried out for matrix volume 370 of stabilizer R4 was used to get more stable mixture with
l/m3 as well by starting with silica dosage 2.2% and the slump minimum bleeding of water. As a result of this, slump flow
flow was 690 mm. By increasing silica content up to 2.8%, it was reduced to 690 mm.
could be reached 710mm slum flow. However, stability of the
Matrix volume Silica percentage SP 40% Slump flow Stabilizer R4 %
Consistency class
(l/m3) (% of mass of cement) (% of mass of cement) (mm) (% of mass of cement)
340 0 1.9 540 - SF1
2 1.9 560 - SF1
3 1.9 400 - -
360 2 1.9 670 - SF2
2.2 1.9 690 - SF 2 (unstable, bleeding of water)
2.2 1.9 670 0.1 SF 2 (Stable and no bleeding)
370 2.2 1.9 690 - SF 2
International Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:9, No:7, 2015
Considering the results of trials of experiments and making
adjustments focusing on minimizing separation/bleeding of
water(visual observation), while achieving a consistency class
SF 2, the mix design given in Table V was proposed to
produce SCWC controlling bleeding and segregation. In this
case, the consistency class was SF 2 with 690 mm slump flow
achieved. The mixture was tested by casting a flat floor tile to
investigate the surface finish as shown in Fig 5. After curing
of 28 days, it was observed that surface was very few defects.
In addition to that, 28 days average strength was found 64.1
Material Type
Cement Aalborg White 441.14
Sand 0-2 mm 1016
Sand 3-8 mm 299.2
Gravel 8-16 mm 448.8
Water 189.23
Admixture SP 40 (1.9%) 8.38
Silica Hvit (2.8%) 12.35
Stabilizer 4R (0.12%) 0.53
Water/binder = 0.44 Water/cement = 0.45
Total amount of water 198.5 kg
Fig. 5 (a) Casting of facade element; (b) Slump flow
The self-compacting white concrete mixture was designed
to achieve slump flow of 690 mm using PMM. The proposed
mix design is given in Table V. One of the main challenges to
achieve higher degree of workability is to control segregation
and bleeding. In this context, addition of 2.8% of silica and
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The authors convey their sincere thanks to Trond Obrestad
(AS Betong, Norway) for the extended support in
accomplishing the experimental work.
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