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Gender and Socialization


Gender Roles and Socialization


- The family is the primary social unit of human life.

- The family sets a social norm that the father is the head and breadwinner and a
wife takes care of household chores of the family.
- Children imbibe the value system of the society and put it into practice.
- Parson and Bales (1995) mentioned that parents perform among many other
functions not only familial roles but also roles related to the structure of society.
- In modern life today, the culture and tradition in the family have changed and
diverted to creating an equal society.


- Is a transitional stage of physical, emotional, and psychological development

preparing individuals to play the roles of adults. This is closely related to teenage
- This is also the time when adolescents start to explore gender identity and
sexuality comprehensively.


Adolescents define themselves in accordance with their values thoughts and

opinions. It is in this stage when they begin to conceptualize on what they would like to
become as a result of their choices in exploring possibilities or opportunities in
Socialization. To socialize, researchers have adopted (3) general approaches to
understanding identity development, namely;
German Psychologist and Psychoanalyst Erik Erikson (1902-1994) describe
Adolescence as the stage during which individuals ponder the questions: Who am
I and What can I be?

Female teenagers enjoy high self-esteem when being reinforced by friends
around to give them social and moral support. On the other hand, the male assert
their authority and raw high self – esteem when they are able to reach out their
friends successfully.

Peer formation becomes important part during adolescence. This is a period in
which more time spent with peers less in adult supervision.

With the presence of peer pressure, the teenager must conform his or her behavior with
his peers regardless of gender in order to belong and be accepted and recognized in the


Different cultures of individuals affect how males and females communicate with
others. In most cases, females tend to self-disclose intimate particular facts more often
and communicate with fondness and confidence than males.
Conventionally, males and females communicate with people of their own gender in
different ways.
• Men tend to talk more than women in public situations but women tend to talk
more than men at home.
• Women are more inclined to face each other and make eye contact when
talking which men are more likely to look away from each other.
• Men tend to jump from topic to topic, women tend to talk at length about one
• When listening women make more noise such as “mm.hmm”, and “uh-huh”
which men are more likely to listen silently.
• Women are inclined to express agreement and support, while men are more
inclined to debate.


- The school is the second home of children where they learn how to deal and adjust
with people of different qualities and family orientation.
- Teachers equip them with knowledge and skills in preparation for life, and reinforce
what parents have failed to do in educating the young men and women.
- The varied experiences that they engage in school life would serve as a foundation
for the development of strong character and respectability.
- Boys are expected to be more disciplined and care for others, while girls are
encouraged to go for home caring, dressmaking, and other less analytical skills.-
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

- suggests that learning takes place when one person observes and then imitates
the behavior of others, resulting in many forms of social behavior being learned
through imitation. Learners do not simply do what adults tell them to do but instead
what they see adults do.


• Boys and girls differ in ways on how sexes behavior at school and in class.
• Their differences include physical behavior, style of social interaction,
academic situations and choices.
• They are occasionally being influence by parents, peers and TV
commercial and likewise teachers who are the Front liners of the student
exert effort towards gender differences

When it comes to social interactions styles in classroom,

• boys are more likely to speak up during a class recitation even if not called
upon and even if they do not know as much about the topic as the other(
sadker and sadker , 2002), meanwhile, when working on a project in a small
co- Ed group they have the tendency to ignore girls comments and
contribution to the group( Tannen, 2001).
• Generally girls are more motivated than boys to perform well in school
during their elementary years. However, some may try down play their own
academic ability in order to make themselves likeable by both sexes.(
When in high school,
• It is observe that the youth are given the leeway to pursue courses which
are associated with their gender.
• The boys would still choose science, technology and math, while girls
would still go for the arts and literature.
• At the end of school year the difference in course selection makes a
distinction in their respective areas of specialization.
• In effect , it shows that achievement depends on factors like interest,
cognitive, capabilities, teachers and family support.



- Language is a system of symbols that we use to communicate with each other.

- According to Dorothy Smith a Canadian sociologist, Language is vehicle of idea
that has existed for years which has been influenced greatly by dominant male
groups who have enjoyed power.
- For Spender,D 1980 , language is sexist because men who are in a position of
power, dominate and control it .
Sexism Language

- These are the vocal characteristics from people around referring to member of a
certain gender. This language has surfaced because of the belief that language
is powerful medium through which the world is both reflected and constructed .The
English noun and pronoun ,This promotes the idea than women are generally less
important .
- To help advocate gender equality, the use of gender biased terminologies or sexist
language which is merely based on trivia aspect must not be reinforced so that
women will not be deprived of the chance to join in the information and structure
Most feminist agreed that there are differences in language in terms of the way men and
women are represented in the language. The way they use language differs in terms of
what and how they perceive those differences. Researchers in the field of gender and
language have interpreted male-female linguistic in the three ways:
1. Women’s powerlessness and subordinate status.
2. Male dominance and control of the language.
3. Men and Women’s language differences are equally valid communication
Lakoff identified differences between the language use and speech styles of men and
women such as:
1. Women use a wider range color terms than men and discriminate more
precisely between different shades of the same color.
2. Women tend to avoid speaking in a way that convey strong emotions and
generally use “weaker ” expletives than men (eg) oh dear and men “shit”
- The linguistic disparities maybe explained with reference to women’s socialization.
Women sound inferior not because they one naturally deficient in some ways but
because they have been trained to be so.
- According to Muriel Schulz, Language reflect thought, attitudes and culture of
those who make it and use it.


Law and justice are important for promoting gender equality and reducing inequalities
in social, economic, and political provisions.
Gender inequality has been a long-standing issue in society, with women being weak,
emotionally unstable, give birth, and often going on maternity leave, hindering their
production opportunities and preventing them from fully realizing their potential.
Republic Act 7192 which was passed on November 18, 1992 mandates that all
national government entities allocate 5% of their budgets to Women and Development
Strategies have been proposed to motivate more women to seek political careers and
generate money to support women’s for social causes, leading to an increase in
gender equality.
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
(CEDAW) Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), signed in July 1980 and ratified
on August 5, 1981, imposes an obligation on governments to adhere to gender
equality by encouraging women to assume leadership positions in business, politics,
and society.
Law reinforces the idea of acknowledging gender sensitivity in order to limit the
capacity to perform, which hinders women’s opportunities in the workplace. Women
are now seen as strong, submissive, and emotional, and are able to take on leadership
roles just like men.
This allows women to gain influence and change the roles of men in terms of capability
to run out the home, politics, career development, or engage in professional
In today’s society, there is a growing acceptance of women as leaders because they
are open to skill development in leadership as well as exposure to capacity building
opportunities to perform as well as men.

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