Flipgrid Rubric
Flipgrid Rubric
Flipgrid Rubric
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
Overall Comments of this Category (please elaborate on your positive and negative. This is NOT an opportunity just to list a feature,
or say "it all works well.")
I believe that Flipgrid is an excellent tool to use in my classroom. This tool allows you to have as many students in your lessons as you
want. It also does not limit the amount of modules or lessons you can make. One thing that is also very helpful is that when you start
a classroom it gives you a starter pack with things such as Weekly check in, General, and introductions. This enables you to start to
set up your own classroom on the website. As for the ease of use it instructs you on each new item you would like to use and
explains what each one is used for. I think the students as well as the teachers will be able to navigate themselves throughout the
website. Tech support on the other hand is not half bad but it could have some improvements such giving more options to questions
that you have about the website. The tool does provide an abundant amount of engagement material but I feel they could add more
material options other than the ones given.
Category Criteria Works Well Minor Concerns Serious Concerns applicable
Accessibility Accessibility The tool meets accessibility The tool has some limited The tool fails meet
standards guidelines (e.g. local capacity to meet accessibility guidelines or no
accessibility legislation accessibility guidelines information of compliance
and/or W3C WCAG 2.0 has been made available for
standards) the tool
User-focused The tool is designed to The tool has some limited The tool is restrictive in
participation address the needs of diverse capacity to address the meeting the diversity of
users, their various literacies, needs of diverse users, their needs reflective in the
and capabilities, thereby various literacies, and student body. The tool likely
widening opportunities for capabilities restricts some learners from
participation in learning fully participating.
Required Proper use of the tool does Proper use of the tool Proper use of the tool
Equipment not require equipment requires specialized requires specialized
beyond what is typically equipment (e.g. unique equipment requiring
available to instructors and
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
students (computer with device) that likely requires moderate to significant
built-in speakers and purchase at a low cost financial investment
microphone, internet
connection, etc.)
Cost of Use All aspects of the tool can be Limited aspects of the tool Use of the tool requires a fee,
used free of charge. can be used for free with membership, or subscription
other elements requiring Use of the tool requires a
payment of a fee, purchase that is likely to pose
membership, or a financial burden on
subscription. students (exceeding $50 for a
single half term course)
Overall Comments of this Category (please elaborate on your positive and negative. This is NOT an opportunity just to list a feature,
or say "it all works well.")
The tool meets all the proper guidelines needed to make an appropriate website for classrooms. Considering the user-focused
participation, flipgrid addresses the needs of all users on the site. Everyone using flipgrid has equal time and volume to share their
beliefs and opinions through the website. The one thing about the website is that not all people have access to cameras on laptops.
Some assignments in flipgrid require you to use your camera to record videos as a submission which may cause students to have to
purchase a webcam to complete the assignment. Although everything on the website is free of charge, students or teachers don’t
have to worry about purchasing things to access the website.
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
Category Criteria Works Well Minor Concerns Serious Concerns Not applicable
Technical Integration/ The tool can be The tool can be embedded
The tool can only be
Embedding embedded (as an within an LMS, perhaps with
accessed in an LMS
within a object via HTML code) limited functionality, but can
through a hyperlink
Learning or fully integrated not be fully integrated.
or static
Management (e.g. LTI- compliant representations of
System (LMS) tools) into an LMS the tool (e.g file
while maintaining full export), rather than a
functionality of the functional version of
tool. the tool itself
Desktop / Users can effectively
Users may encounter limited Users are limited to
Laptop utilize the tool with
or altered functionality using the tool with
Operating any standard, up-to-
depending on the up-to-date one specific,
Systems date operating system.
operating system being used up-to-date operating
Browser Users can effectively Users may encounter limited Users are limited to
utilize the tool with or altered functionality using the tool
any standard, up-to- depending on the up-to-date through one specific
date browser browser being used. browser
Additional Users do not need to The tool uses a browser The tool requires a
Downloads download additional extension or software that past or version of a
software or browser requires a download and / or browser extension or
extensions. user permission to run. software.
Overall Comments of this Category (please elaborate on your positive and negative. This is NOT an opportunity just to list a feature,
or say "it all works well.")
The tool can be embedded into an LMS classroom by copying and pasting the HTML code. The invite link will enable the students to
access the classroom modules and assignments. By putting the link into whatever classroom website you desire it will give the
students an opportunity to access your flipgrid classroom. The students are able to use this tool with any standard up-to-date
browser such as a macbook, HP, or any other accessible laptop. The big plus to this tool is that you don’t need any additional
downloads to complete the assignments given unless your teacher needs you to use a different download for their own needs.
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
Category Criteria Works Well Minor Concerns Serious Concerns applicable
Mobile Access The tool can be accessed, The tool offers an app, but only Access to the tool is
Design either through the for a limited set of mobile limited or absent on a
download of an app or via a operating systems. Tool is not mobile device.
mobile browser, regardless accessible through a mobile
of the mobile operating browser. Design of the mobile
system and device. Design tool constrained by the
of the mobile tool fully limitations of the mobile
takes into consideration the device.
constraints of a
smaller-sized screen.
Functionality There is little to no Core features of the main tool The mobile app functions
functional difference are functional on the mobile poorly such that core
between the mobile and app but advanced features are features are not reliable
the desktop version, limited. Some difference in or non-existent.
regardless of the device functionality between apps Significant difference in
used to access it. No designed for different mobile functionality depending
difference in functionality operating systems, but has on the mobile device’s
between apps designed for limited impact on learners’ use operating system used to
different mobile operating of the tool. access the tool.
Offline Offers an offline mode: Core Offers a kind of offline mode, The mobile platform
Access features of the tool can be where the tool can be used cannot be used in any
accessed and utilized even offline but core functionality capacity offline.
when offline, maintaining and content are affected.
functionality and content.
Overall Comments of this Category:
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
By looking through the app store on your phone or tablet you are able to access this website on the go. The app is very functional
and the smaller-size of the phone or tablet doesn’t make it any less useful. The design of the website and the app are quite similar.
The core features that are on the website you can find it on the app so that is an excellent attribute to have. The app allows you to do
offline access and you are still able to utilize the tools and look upon the content provided to you.
Category Criteria Works Well Minor Concerns Serious Concerns e
Privacy, Sign Up/ Use of the tool does not Either instructors are the All users (instructors and
Data Sign In require the creation of an only users required to learners) must provide
Protection, external account or provide personal personal information to a third
and Rights additional login, such that information to set up an party in creating an account
no personal user account; or the tool has and there is some question or
information is collected and been vetted through concern of the adherence to
shared. appropriate channels to local, institutional, or personal
ensure strict adherence to policies/standards for
local, institutional, or protecting the collection and
personal policies/standards use of such data by the third
for protecting the party group.
collection and use of
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
student personal data by a
third party group.
Data Users maintain ownership Users maintain ownership Users forfeit ownership and
Privacy and copyright of their and copyright of their copyright of data; data is
and intellectual property/data; intellectual property/data; shared publicly and cannot be
Ownership the user can keep data data is shared publicly and made private, or no details
private and decide if / how cannot be made private provided.
data is to be shared
Archiving, Users can archive, save, or
There are limitations to Content and activity data
Saving, import and export content
archiving, saving, or cannot be archived, saved, or
and or activity data in a variety
importing/exporting imported exported
Exporting of formats content or activity data
Overall Comments of this Category (please elaborate on your positive and negative. This is NOT an opportunity just to list a feature,
or say "it all works well.")
When signing up for the website all the information it asks you is to make an with a name, email, and password. It doesn't go into
your privacy concerns so you don't have to worry about your information being public. By looking on the “help” part of the website it
says that students and teacher privacy is very important to their company. They even have a student privacy pledge that keeps
privacy and security as private as possible. As for data you can hide whatever data you would like as long as you were the one that
has made the information
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
Category Criteria Works Well Minor Concerns Serious Concerns e
Social Collaboration The tool has the capacity The tool has the capacity Communication, interactivity,
Presence to support a community of to support a community and transfer of meaning between
learning through both of learning through users is not supported or
asynchronous and asynchronous but not significantly limited
synchronous opportunities synchronous
for communication, opportunities for
interactivity, and transfer communication,
of meaning between users interactivity, and transfer
of meaning between
User Instructors can control Instructors cannot control
Instructors cannot control
Accountability learner anonymity; the learner anonymity but
learner anonymity and there is
tool provides technical the tool provides some
no technical solution for holding
solutions for holding solution for holding
users accountable to their
learners accountable for learners accountable for
their actions their actions
Diffusion The tool is widely known Learners’ familiarity with
The tool is not well
and popular, it’s likely that the tool is likely mixed,
known/foreign, it is likely that
most learners are familiar some will lack basic
learners are not familiar with the
with the tool and have technical competence
tool and lack basic technical
basic technical with its functions
competence with its functions
competence with it
Overall Comments of this Category (please elaborate on your positive and negative. This is NOT an opportunity just to list a feature,
or say "it all works well.")
From the research I have conducted this website seems to be mostly used for synchronous and asynchronous classrooms. It can be
used for in-person classroom as well but mostly for online. As for in-person classrooms it gives the teachers an opportunity to give
students assignments online instead of papers in the classroom. It also provides the students with an opportunity to express
themselves individually which may help the teacher be able to connect with them better. Although instructors of the website aren't
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
able to meddle with the learner anonymity, meaning the condition of things being anonymously posted. I have seen that the tool is
not widely known among a lot of people, especially people my age and above so I think introducing it to more people would make
the website even better. Some learners may not be able to operate the tool but like I said in the previous comments the tool provides
thorough instructions for any material used.
Category Criteria Works Well Minor Concerns Serious Concerns able
Teaching Facilitation The tool has easy-to-use features The tool has limited The tool has not been
Presence that would significantly improve an functionality to effectively designed to support an
instructor’s ability to be present support an instructor’s instructor’s an
with learners via active ability to be present with instructor’s ability to be
management, monitoring, learners via active present with learners via
engagement, and feedback management, monitoring, active management,
engagement, and feedback monitoring,
engagement, and
Customization the tool is adaptable to its Limited aspects of the tool The tool cannot be
environment: easily customized to can be customized to suit customized
suit the classroom context and the classroom context and
targeted learning outcomes learning outcomes
Learning Instructors can monitor learners’ Instructor can monitor The tool does not
Analytics performance on a variety of learners’ performance on support the collection of
responsive measures. These limited measures; or data learning analytics
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
measures can be accessed through a is not presented in a
user-friendly dashboard format that is easily
Overall Comments of this Category (please elaborate on your positive and negative. This is NOT an opportunity just to list a feature,
or say "it all works well.")
This tool is extremely useful for presenting any type of project or presentation. Flipgrid provides an option to create a slide to
introduce a topic and or a announcement, it lets you record a video of yourself, and it allows you to record your own voice if you
would rather present in that way. For customization purposes it allows you to change your display screen and each of your modules
so that it may fit your classroom accordingly. For learning analytics the instructors are able to view each response and reply to the
students post. These posts are accessible through whatever module the instructor decides to post them in.
Category Criteria Works Well Minor Concerns Serious Concerns applicable
Cognitive Enhancement The tool enhances The tool enables functional The tool acts as a direct
Presence of Cognitive engagement in targeted improvement to engagement tool substitute with no
Task(s) cognitive task(s) that in the targeted cognitive task(s) functional change to
were once overly engagement in the
complex or targeted cognitive task(s)
inconceivable through
other means
Higher Order Use of the tool easily The tool may engage learners The tool likely does not
Thinking facilitates learners to in higher order thinking skills engage learners in higher
exercise higher order (given significant consideration order thinking skills
thinking skills (given to design, facilitation, and (despite significant
consideration to design, direction from instructor) consideration to design,
facilitation, and facilitation, and direction
direction from from instructor)
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
Metacognitive Through the tool, Opportunities for receiving
There are no
Engagement learners can regularly formative feedback on learning
opportunities for
receive formative are available, but infrequent or
formative feedback on
feedback on learning limited (i.e. poor opportunities
learning (i.e. lacking
(i.e. they can track their for tracking performance,
opportunities for tracking
performance, monitor monitoring improvement,
performance, monitoring
their improvement, test testing knowledge on a regular
improvement, testing
their knowledge) basis) knowledge on a regular
Overall Comments of this Category (please elaborate on your positive and negative. This is NOT an opportunity just to list a feature,
or say "it all works well.")
This tool isn’t widely used to engage the students in more cognitive tasks and more importantly that is not what this tool is targeting.
Flipgrid doesn’t not engage learners in higher order thinking because it is targeting mainly on post and response assignments. This
website is best used for presentations, giving the students a voice on a topic, and communicating better with the students. For
metacognitive engagement as I have said in previous comments this tool was created to provide learners with proper feedback on
certain assignments given in the classroom.
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference
Student Name: Julia Prewitt
Section: EDCI 501,503 11:10
Digital Tool: Flipgrid
Overall Evaluation of your Digital Tool or Resource
This should be a brief paragraph explaining your overall evaluation, noting why you rated items in a certain manner. This is NOT a
number evaluation (say 8 out of 10). Please include a relevant paragraph of findings, similar to my example. Note how it would apply
to your specific future content area and/or grade level in a specific example.
Overall, I believe that Flipgrid is very overlooked and I am surprised that by asking multiple teachers over half of them have said they
have never heard of it. I think that by looking at the tool as a whole it is perfect for my future classroom. Some examples of how I
would use it would be for things such as discussion posts, announcements, and maybe some video presentations for my kiddos. After
grading the website with the rubric I was really able to see the negative and positive attributes it provided. Teachers are able to post
modules that students can respond to by creating their own video or picture posts. This tool gives the students and teachers an
opportunity to communicate on a different level. Although it does require you to have a camera on your computer to complete full
video responses which could be a problem for students who may not own a computer with a camera on it. This is a minor problem
but it still needs to be addressed. I think that if teachers use this tool they can really expand the way they carry their classroom. If
teachers are looking to use this for some of their assignments I do believe that overall they will be satisfied with this tool.
Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Adapted from above reference