Panorama Elementary School PTA Job Descriptions: Executive Board

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Panorama Elementary School PTA Job Descriptions

Executive Board
President Leads the PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members; Attends workshops offered by council or district PTA and urges incoming board members to attend; Confers with officers and chairpersons regarding plans for the year and progress toward set goals; Makes certain membership enrollment activities are approved by the principal and does not interfere with school activities; Schedules a budget committee meeting with the principal and officers and has the proposed budget presented to the executive board; Verifies that programs and fundraising activities comply with insurance guidelines; Attends the district meetings; Appoints Parliamentarian; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Assists the president and helps lead the PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Raises the amount needed to meet the proposed unit budget; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year; Also holds the Fundraising Chairperson position. Keeps an accurate, concise, and permanent record of the proceedings of all PTA and Executive Board meetings; Prepares the minutes and gives a copy to the president soon after each meeting; Enters minutes into a bound book for recordkeeping; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Receives all monies collected by the PTA and deposit all monies promptly in the PTA bank account; Keeps a record of all payments received so they can be researched, as necessary; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Keeps financial records and prepares reports to comply with local, state and federal laws; Issues a receipt for all monies received and works with the Financial Secretary to deposit all monies promptly in the PTA bank account; Pays by check all duly authorized bills; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Provides the members and the executive board with training on simple parliamentary procedures -- how to state a motion, rules of debate, quorums; Advises presiding officer, when requested, on questions of parliamentary procedure; The parliamentarian should become familiar with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th Edition; At the end of the school year, coordinates the Honorary Service Award, which is the recognition of deserving volunteers for outstanding service to children and youth; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year; This role is appointed by the PTA President. Audits PTA books semi-annually to ensure all financial transactions are correct (receipts have been properly accounted for and expenditures made as authorized in the minutes and in conformity with unit PTA bylaws, standing rules and budget limitations); Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Assembles and preserves the record of activities and achievements of the PTA and assists the president in preparing the Unit Annual Report; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year.

Vice President Vice President - Ways & Means Secretary

Financial Secretary





Panorama Elementary School PTA Job Descriptions

Disaster Preparedness Provides information for the school community on emergencies which might arise and the importance of being prepared; Coordinates the student's disaster kits and water collection at the beginning of the school year. Determines the year's fundraising events and enlists event coordinators; Oversees all fundraising events; Chaired by the PTA Vice President Ways & Means. Coordinates the Barnes & Noble Book Fair in the Fall and the Scholastic Book Fair during the week of Open House (in May); Works in conjunction with the Library League/Birthday Book Club Coordinator. Communicates details of the Box Tops contests (held in Oct and Feb) and tallies the box tops received from each classroom in a timely manner; Coordinates awarding the contest prize. Determines the theme and organizes Carnival in the Fall; Committee positions include: Ticket Sales/Flyers, Game Coordinator, Prize Coordinator, Food Sales, Donation Coordinator and Treasurer. Communicates details of the programs to the parents; Enrolls the school in the Fresh & Easy program prior to the school year; Schedules a Fresh & Easy shopping night during the Fall, solicits volunteers and promotes the collection of receipts. Acts as a liaison between the PTA and Library; Collects forms and money for book club; Coordinates placement of Book Club dedications in books selected by the student; Purchases books and posts photos in the Library; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year; Works with the Book Fair Coordinator. Organizes the Pancake Breakfast at the beginning of the school year; Solicits volunteers and donations; Coordinates receipt of funds for the event. Organizes the Panther Challenge jog-a-thon held in the Fall; Coordinates receipt of monetary donations for the event. Organizes 2 - 4 restaurant nights during the school year and communications details to parents. Coordinates the Silent Auction held during Open House in May by communicating information to the Room Parent Chairperson (each classroom is responsible for donating a gift basket for the auction); Solicits additional donations for Silent Auction and the Kiddie Korner Raffle. Serves as the official host of the PTA unit and has the responsibility of establishing a friendly, comfortable atmosphere at PTA meetings and events; Helps to create a sense of belonging that invites members to become involved in PTA activities; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Plans the membership promotion campaign to promote the value of PTA; Tracks PTA membership and coordinates receipt of membership dues; Ensures each member is provided with a membership card; Creates a bulletin board to motivate classroom participation; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year.

Fundraising Book Fair

Box Tops

Carnival (5 positions)

Fresh & Easy / Ralphs

Library League / Birthday Book Club

Pancake Breakfast Panther Challenge Restaurant Nights Silent Auction



Panorama Elementary School PTA Job Descriptions

Outreach Outreach is the PTAs commitment to include the entire community (relatives, students, school staff, law enforcement officers, governmental services and agencies, and businesses) in membership and in activities; Promotes diversity in school through events and also communicates opportunities beyond PTA activities so students appreciate and learn more about cultures from around the world. Plans the years complete PTA program, which may include parent education, health/safety presentations, study groups, special events and student activities; Chaired by the PTA President and the Executive Board. Determines the artists studied for the Art Masters program and coordinates training classes; Enlists parent volunteers from each classroom to train; Preps materials. Coordinates five awards assemblies (Nov, Feb, Apr, June and Promotion); Solicits award recipients from the teachers and prepares the award certificates. Coordinates 1 - 2 community services events. Organizes 2 - 4 Family Fun Nights (ex. Skate Party) during the school year and communications details to parents. Coordinates with a local charity to organize the Food Drive in November. Organizes Foundation Games in the Spring; Coordinates practices, collection of forms, and t-shirt orders; Attends all events. Coordinates all activity and any communication regarding Red Ribbon Week (held in October/November). Coordinates the registration packet and mailing of notices to parents; Organizes the Registration Event held prior to the beginning of the school year; Chaired by the Executive Board, Membership, Volunteer, Directory, Hospitality, Library League/Birthday Book Club and Room Parent. Determines the theme and organizes Staff Appreciation Week in May; Coordinates any other events throughout the year to show appreciation to the faculty. Determines the theme and organizes the Talent Show (usually in Feb), which includes securing the venue, reviewing acts, coordinating receipt of funds and planning the Talent Show agenda. Responsible for public relations, any publications and communication for the PTA; Ensures the Publications Team (Bulletin Board, Marquee, and Blog) communicates consistent messages; Publishes a quarterly Panorama PTA newsletter in Sept, Dec, Mar and Jun to keep parents/faculty informed. Coordinates the use of the school's bulletin boards; Ensures communication on the boards is updated timely and on a 4 - 6 week basis (at a minimum). Gathers contact information and is responsible for the publication and distribution of the directory (usually in October); Coordinates receipt of funds for the directory; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Checks the red PTA mailbox daily and distributes the contents to the correct Chairpersons in the PTA, usually putting the mail in their hanging file in the office or putting any payments into the locked file box.

PTA Programs

Art Masters

Awards Assembly Community Service Family Fun Nights Food Drive Foundation Games Red Ribbon Week Registration

Staff Appreciation

Talent Show

Public Relations

Bulletin Boards Directory

Mailbox Coordinator

Panorama Elementary School PTA Job Descriptions

Marquee Panorama Blog Yearbook Coordinates the weekly updates to the marquee; Posts the PTA Meeting banner on the Monday of a PTA meeting. Updates the blog on a timely basis. Coordinates the publication of the yearbook (deadline is during the 1st quarter of the year), which includes cover design, taking pictures and soliciting photographs from parents/school staff. The National PTA Reflections Program is an arts recognition and achievement program for students. The Reflections Program provides opportunities for students to express themselves creatively and to receive positive recognition for original works of art inspired by a pre-selected theme while increasing community awareness of the importance of the arts in education. The Reflections Chairperson would coordinate, publicize and organize student submissions for the PTA Reflections program; Coordinates student submission of the following year's Reflections theme. Oversees the Room Parents and acts as a liaison between the PTA and the Room Parents; Organizes and hosts a Room Parent Orientation (occurs within the first 2 weeks of school); Coordinates and organizes the Ice Cream Social usually scheduled on Field Day in June; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year. Assesses the need for volunteers at the school and publicizes volunteer opportunities; Organizes the volunteer program by soliciting volunteer interest at the beginning of the school year and communicating the information to the appropriate chairperson; Oversees the activities of the school volunteers; Promotes the value of the school volunteer program with the community; Volunteers at the Registration Event at the beginning of the year.


Room Representative (Room Parent)


Optional Positions
Education The California State PTA believes it is important for parents and community members to be knowledgeable about education issues affecting student learning/achievement. The PTA education chairman promotes understanding of the purposes and needs of public schools and encourages participation by parents and community members in working towards, improvements in public education. Provides PTA members with information about PTA positions on current legislation and issues to help members carry out their responsibilities; Responsible for demonstrating leadership on childrens issues at the local level by educating PTA members, community members and elected officials about PTA's issues of concern and legislative priorities and goals. Assists parents and other adults with issues they face in nurturing the development of children in their care. Programs should help parents and other caregivers strengthen their parenting skills and family involvement in their childrens lives. Identifies and promotes awareness of safety problems in the school community and, in collaboration with others, helps develop solutions.


Parent Involvement


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