The School Planning Team’s aspirations and understanding on the Vision, Mission and Core
Values are: The state, community and family hold a common vision for the Filipino child with special
needs. By the 21st century, it is envisioned that he/she could be adequately provided with basic
education. This education should fully realize his/her own potentials for development and
productivity as well as being capable of self-expression of learners’ rights in society. More
importantly, it shall promote, provide and equip the youth with knowledge, skills, dynamic and quality
education through Christian values and holistic development. It shall develop hands on experience
in striving the good life for them. Establish a union with God to attain our goal of invigorating the
learners heart, mind and body so that the succeeding generation brings forth an over improving
DepEd mission outlines what we ought to do and how the different actions are to behave to
bring us closer to the vision. We are deeply committed to equip every learner with competencies for
productive and active involvement in opportunities that aim to improve the quality of learner’s life.
Cultivate a climate of shared responsibilities through School –Based Management (SBM) that will
enhance empathy, sensitivity and synergy among stakeholders; and
DepEd Core Values states our national motto. The Mission, Vision and Values of the
department are fully shared by the internal and external stakeholders of the school. In relation to
these the School Planning Team has joined to discuss issues, activities, programs and projects,
planning process, interactions and decision making for the improvement of the school. Every
initiative among the school planning team is planned well. Every process is significantly improved
and each successful activity in the school leads greatly for the benefit of learners.
In the meeting, our LGU Representative emphasizes that each one of us should share his
time and effort in the realization of our goals for the school children is to improve the key-result
areas in basic education which are access, quality and governance. It was seconded by our PTA
President and committed himself for the betterment of the school children so that before he leave
his officership this year he has contributed something. Then, the SPG Representative will help in her
simple way to lift up the literacy and numeracy rate of the school by creating programs with her co-
SPG Officers. The Faculty Representative promised of unconditional commitment to help the school
children with all her might.
Truly, no task is difficult in the same way as no target is impossible to achieve with proactive
people who work from the heart for the good of the service.
Preparatory Activities
Prepare necessary data September 16, 2019
Organize data using the SCDT
Phase 1: ASSESS
Analyze data
Conduct FGD with SPT and Stakeholders September 17-18, 2019
Discuss Root Causes
Consolidate Identified PIA’s
Phase 2: PLAN
Write the SIP
September 19, 2019
Brainstorm solutions
Organize different committees
Phase 3: ACT
Presentation of SIP to Stakeholders September 25, 2019
Orientation of Working Committees
Implementation of Planned Activities January 2020-January 2022
2. C. Targets
Table 5. Targets
Low Literacy Skills Attain a zero non-reader target from 7.8% after 3
Non-reader: Frustration 5.2% 2.6% 0%
Grade 1 – 5 8 years
Grade II – 3 7
Grade III – 2 5
Attain a zero frustration level from 33.59% after 3
Grade IV - 0 9 22.39% 11.19% 0%
Grade V - 0 8 years
Grade VI – 0 6
Low Numeracy Skills Attain a zero non-numerates learners in Grade 1
Grade I – 18 58.33 29.16 0%
Grade II – 11 to Grade III from 87.5% after 3 years
Grade III – 20
Low Academic
English – 61.25 Increase overall academic performance from a
Filipino – 62.94 67.28% 71.14% 75%
Math – 63.42 range of 45.53-63.42 to 75% in 3 years
Science – 45.53
AP – 58.53
2. E. Root Causes
1. Literacy Skills
The most common problem in school which is the presence of non-readers in spite of the
efforts exerted by the teachers, school heads, parents and other stakeholders can be characterized
to a good number of causes poor reading comprehension/limited vocabulary, lack of reading
materials, poor reading habits, teachers lack of teaching strategies in teaching literacy skills.
Illustration 1.B. Root Cause Analysis of the Presence of Frustration Level Learners
h 2. Numeracy Skills
Based on Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) for Grade I-III, the result shows
that there are 86% non-numerates learners. This problem is really multi-causal, yet cannot be
denied that one big factor is the non-mastered basic numeracy skills of learners because of the
teachers irregular conduct of drill on the four basic operation. If this will be addressed the low
academic performance will be addressed in the long run.
Low Numeracy Rate
Implement Planned
Percentage of Plan/Design Appropriate
Numerates Intervention Materials
Because the learners are poor in Because the school doesn’t have enough LM’s, IM’s, Library
comprehension/literacy and numeracy skills and limited learning resources
FURNITURES AND ROOT CAUSE Purchase chairs from
FIXTURES Why? Why? Low Quality of Why? School Funds and Ask
Damaged Chairs
Materials Used Donations from
Illustration 5. Root Cause Analysis on Lack of School Library and Computer Laboratory
y School Improvement Plan: Linut-od Elementary School
6. School Safety and Security
In terms of safety and security, there is a portion of the school fence that has been
dilapidated and need major repair including the school gate that’s why other people and stranger
can easily get in to the school.
AND SECURITY OF CAUSE School to look for funding
LEARNERS Dilapidated fence and ROOT CAUSE aside from MOOE to
Why? school gate is not Why? Why? totally repair the
Insufficient Funds
repaired perimeter fence and
3.A. Solutions
Table 6. Solutions
1. Project Title:
“Learn To Read, Read to Learn”
Problem Statement:
There are 11 pupils under the category of non-reader from Grade I to III and 43 number of pupils under
Frustration level from Grade I to Grade VI out of 128 pupils’ total population
Project Objective Statement:
To attain a zero non-reader target from 7.8% after 3 years
Root Causes:
Poor reading comprehension/limited vocabulary, Lack of reading materials, poor reading habits, teachers lack
of teaching strategies in teaching Literacy skills
2. Project Title:
Math-Talino Program
Problem Statement:
Based on the EGMA Result the number of non-numerates pupils in Grade I were 18 out of 21, Grade II were
11 out of 13 and grade III were 20 out of 22
Project Objective Statement:
To attain zero non-numerates learners in Grade III to Grade III from 87.5% after 3 years and to eliminate non-
numerates in Grade IV to Grade VI as a whole.
Root Causes:
Irregular conduct of drill on four basic operations
3. Project Title:
Oplan Pagpalambo sa Kaalam!
Problem Statement:
Based on the 4A’s Result the academic performance mean percentage score in the core subject area of
in English was 61.25, Filipino was 62.94, Math was 63.42, Science was 45.53 and AP was 58.53
Project Objective Statement:
To increase overall academic performance from a range of 45.53 -63.42 to 75% in 3 years
Root Causes:
No sufficient facilities/ resources to support learning and teachers are not performing well in teaching literacy
and numeracy skills of the learners
5. Project Title:
Pagpanday sa sukaran sa Kaalam: Kalambuan sa Tulunghaan
Problem Statement:
The school utilizes the multi-purpose building for Computer Laboratory, Mini-Library, School Laboratory,
Guidance Office, Clinic and School Principal
Project Objective Statement:
To acquire school library and computer laboratory from zero to at least one school building or makeshift
to improve the delivery or services of the School Library and Computer Laboratory
Root Causes:
Lack of Funds, no building was given to school since 1997
6. Project Title:
Seguridad Mo, Totokan Ko!
Problem Statement: The school fence and school gate was damaged due to not sturdy when built since the barangay
council was in charge of it with limited budget yet built it to suffice the need of school to avoid stray animals
eating gulayan sa paaral and avoid unknown people to enter without permission.
Project Objective Statement:
To repair school fence and school gate from 80% damage to 100% sturdy
Root Causes:
No funds available
Reporting and
Project Name Objectives and Target Schedule
Mechanism to
Attain a zero non-reader
target from 7.8% after 3
Learn to Read, Read to years
June to March 2020
Learn Attain a zero frustration
level from 33.59% after 3
Attain a zero non-
numerates learners in
Math-Talino Program June to March 2020
Grade 1 to Grade III from
87.5% after 3 years
Increase overall academic
Oplan Pagpalambo sa performance from a range
June to March 2020
Kaalam! of 45.53-63.42 to 75% in 3
Acquire 90 pieces of arm
Naglilingkod sa
chairs from 81 pieces June to March 2020
damaged arm chairs
Acquire school library and
Pagpanday sa sukaran sa
computer laboratory from January 2020 to
Kaalam: Kalambuan sa
zero to at least one school December 2022
building/makeshift building
Repair school fence and
Seguridad Mo, Totokan school gate from 80% January 2020 to
Ko! damage to 100% sturdy December 2022
and well-build
School Head