Where Are We
Where Are We
Where Are We
Explain that the first clue on their card should be the most difficult
to guess and as they write the other clues they should gradually
Elementary make them easier. Tell the students for the first two clues they
should use words that don't relate to the place on their card.
Time Students complete the fourth clue, which is the easiest to guess
by putting the verb in the present continuous and adding the
25 minutes correct form of the verb to be.
The first student in the group to guess the place wins and keeps
the card. If a student shouts out a wrong answer, they are out
of that round. The student with the most cards at the end of the
game wins.
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1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________
in a classroom at a nightclub
1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________
1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________
3. M
y friend _________________________ 3. The air hostess ____________________
1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________
1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________