Where Are We

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Where are we?

Activity Type Introduction

Writing, listening and In this fun teaching activity, students write clues in the present
speaking activity, group continuous tense to describe what is happening in a particular
work place. Their classmates then listen to the clues and try to guess
where they are.

Language Focus Procedure

Present continuous
Introduce the activity by writing each of the following clues on the
board one at a time:
Aim 1. We are sitting around a table.
To write clues in the 2. I am switching off my phone.
present continuous, 3. We are being very quiet.
describing what is 4. Some people are reading books.
happening in a particular
place and to then play a After you have written each clue, ask the students to guess where
guessing game with the you are (answer: in a library).
Next, divide the class into groups of ten. If you don't have enough
students, smaller groups are also possible.
Preparation Give each student a card. Instruct the students to keep their cards
Make one copy of the secret.
cards for every ten
students and cut as Tell the students that they are going to write clues in the present
indicated. continuous tense to describe what's happening in the place on
their card.

Explain that the first clue on their card should be the most difficult
to guess and as they write the other clues they should gradually
Elementary make them easier. Tell the students for the first two clues they
should use words that don't relate to the place on their card.

Time Students complete the fourth clue, which is the easiest to guess
by putting the verb in the present continuous and adding the
25 minutes correct form of the verb to be.

As the students are preparing their clues, go around and help as


When the students have finished, they take it in turns to read

their clues to the group. The other students listen and try to guess
where they are.

The first student in the group to guess the place wins and keeps
the card. If a student shouts out a wrong answer, they are out
of that round. The student with the most cards at the end of the
game wins.

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Teach-This.com © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES Where are we?

at the park at home

1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________

2. Some people ______________________ 2. My friend _________________________

3. A man ___________________________ 3. We ______________________________

4. We _________________ (have) a picnic. 4. I __________________ (sit) on the sofa.

in a classroom at a nightclub

1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________

2. Some of us _______________________ 2. Some people ______________________

3. My classmate _____________________ 3. The DJ ___________________________

4. I ______________ (listen) to the teacher. 4. I ______________ (dance) to the music.

at a restaurant at the airport

1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________

2. Some people ______________________ 2. Some people ______________________

3. M
 y friend _________________________ 3. The air hostess ____________________

4. I _____________________ (order) food. 4. I ______________ (get) on an airplane.

at the beach at the cinema

1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________

2. My friend _________________________ 2. Some people ______________________

3. The lifeguard ______________________ 3. I _______________________________

4. I ________________ (swim) in the sea. 4. We __________________ (watch) a film.

at a concert at the zoo

1. We ______________________________ 1. We ______________________________

2. I _______________________________ 2. My friend _________________________

3. Some people ______________________ 3. Some people ______________________

4. The band____________________ (sing). 4. I _______________ (look) at the giraffes.

Teach-This.com © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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