Draft 1 Essay 2
Draft 1 Essay 2
Draft 1 Essay 2
Ivy Lara
Trishia Briones
Music Draft 1
Music has been growing and developing for many years. Its evolving and becoming
something that everyone listens to and an everyday thing to someone’s ritual. Music has proven
to show that it is a vital tool in our culture and in our everyday lives. There are many genres and
types of music all over the world. Many of these genres have been proven to show results for
helping people. Overtime people have shown that music can help with many things like in the
medical field, psychologically and has shown that it can help with emotional support. Many of
these findings have a positive effect on what music can do to people who are sick, the elderly, or
even getting surgery. It can also cause emotion for example listening to sad music can be
peaceful for people or happy music can cause excitement. Overall music is a vital part in our
everyday lives and can help people all over the world.
Most people like listening to upbeat and well-known music, but there is a good amount of
others who love the slow and sad music like said here “people sometimes “lose themselves” in
the beautiful sounds of sad music and even enjoy listening to it” (Ai Kawakami et al. pg 1).
Music is arguably a good thing for people to enjoy and even to help with emotions, and anxiety.
This can also help with depression. Depression is a type of mental health and music has been
proven to help with the effects that it gives. “Studies have shown that it has lowered stress and
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the emotional responses that it gives. Music therapy, when added to treatment as usual, seems to
improve symptoms of depression. Music therapy seems to be beneficial also for anxiety which is
a comorbidity of depression.” (Aalbers S et al. Pg 26). This proves that emotions can be
controlled or can be helped by music. On the other hand, music can also be an effect for happy
responses in people. It can create creativity in people and help people feel happy. With happy
music, people can feel the same as people who listen to sad music. It just depends on the person
and how they think. People can be persuaded by happy music to create creative thinking or as
said here “Music listening can be easily integrated into daily life and may provide an innovative
means to facilitate creative cognition in an inexpensive and efficient way in various scientific,
educational and organizational settings” (Simone M. Ritter et al. Pg 2). This proves that happy
thinking is caused by happy music which produces cognitive thinking. Music can also bring
people to be empathetic and show emotion. The ability to put oneself in the shoes of another’s
empathy (Mareike C. Sittler et al. Pg 10). Singer use music to express themselves and this can be
a way out from the world and can be a coping mechanism. Music is a tool that people use for
their advantage and well being in this world. People all over have studied how it creates emotion
but what really happens in one’s head when listening to music. How does music work
We as people have shown that we respond well to music. Part of that is because most
people love to hear music. It creates cognitive thinking and helps with our emotions, but one of
the main things we need to think about is how it helps us psychologically. Most of these are
usually proven by tests on people to see how it affects humans and its functions of music like
said here “Works that refer to only one single functional aspect of music include possible
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therapeutic functions for music in clinical setting” (Thomas Schäfer et al. Pg 3). There are many
functions to the psychological part of music such as social functions, emotional functions,
cognitive or self-related functions, and arousal-related functions (Thomas Schäfer et al. Pg 5).
These are functions we can use to see how music stimulates our brain. Music can also be
psychologically proven to help athletes with their game. “Many studies have shown that music
has an impact on sports performance and can improve sports performance” (Peijie Pang Pg 3-4).
It is proven to show that music helps athletes feel less anxiety and show wakefulness because
they are focused. The music stimulates the athlete and makes the less anxious and more focused
on their game rather than being with no music. Other studies have shown to help people in with
medical conditions psychologically. People with cancer for example have been proven to show
that when going through treatment listening to music can reduce pain and change their focus on
the music. It also provides them with less stress and anxiety when going through this terminal
condition. It has also been proven that music therapy has been more effective that regular therapy
and has shown better results for the cancer patients. “There are inherent elements of music —
such as rhythm and tempo, mode, pitch, timbre, melody and harmony — that are known to
influence physiological and psycho-emotional responses in humans.” (Bradt J et al. Pg 7). This
proves that music helps stimulate the brain and holds emotional responses to humans. It has
helped many people today in this world especially people suffering form medical conditions.
People all over the world have been suffering from medical conditions that can be helped
by music therapy or listening to music in general. People like the elderly, have been proven to
show better signs when they listen to music before surgery. It affects their heart rate, blood
pressure and anxiety levels. When listening to music their anxiety levels were shown to be lower
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than an elderly who did not listen to music. ”Perioperative psychological and music interventions
can reduce anxiety and postoperative pain in elderly patient” (Yisha Wang et al. Pg 1101). Other
studies prove that music help people who have suffered from substance abuse. Music therapy
was found that it helps people with this problem and helps take their mind of the substance and
put it in music. “There is evidence of beneficial impact of MT/ MBI on mood, stress, self-
esteem, motivation, emotional expression, and social cohesion.” (Louisa Hohmann et al. Pg 2) It
can help with all of these effect listed above. These have been proven to help with music therapy.
Another way music has helped is by listening to music postpartum. Mothers have it hard when
they are giving birth and it’s not over after the birth because they still have pain due to their
ovaries coming back to normal. That must hurt and music has been proven to help with that.
Listening to music after giving birth can reduce anxiety and pain because it causes comfort
postpartum like said here “Mozart adagio classical music, affects reducing anxiety levels and
reducing pain intensity so that it can provide a sense of comfort to postpartum mothers.” (Diffa
Risqa Arisdiani et al. Pg 72). It can be very helpful in the medical side of things and works to
help people.
People find music exciting, sad, happy and overall good for mental stimulation. It has
done so much for people all over the world like medical conditions, emotional responses and the
psychological parts of things. It is so important to have music in our lives because of the benefits
it brings people. All over the world people use music as entertainment but it can be used for
Works Cited
Aalbers, Sonja, et al. “Music Therapy for Depression.” Cochrane Database of Systematic
Arisdiani, Diffa Risqa, et al. “Music Therapy as Nursing Intervention in Improving Postpartum
Mothers Comfort.” Media Keperawatan Indonesia, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 72–82,
Bradt, Joke, et al. “Music Interventions for Improving Psychological and Physical Outcomes in
Cancer Patients.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, vol. 2016, no. 8, 2016, pp.
CD006911–CD006911, https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD006911.pub3.
Hohmann, Louisa, et al. “Effects of Music Therapy and Music-Based Interventions in the
Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: A Systematic Review.” PLoS ONE, vol. 12, no.
Kawakami, Ai, et al. “Sad Music Induces Pleasant Emotion.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 4,
and Physiological Signals.” Scientific Programming, vol. 2022, 2022, pp. 1–7,
Ritter, S. .., and S. Ferguson. “Happy Creativity: Listening to Happy Music Facilitates Divergent
Sittler, Mareike C., et al. “Is Empathy Involved in Our Emotional Response to Music? The Role
of the PRL Gene, Empathy, and Arousal in Response to Happy and Sad Music.” Psych
Wang, Yisha, et al. “Perioperative Psychological and Music Interventions in Elderly Patients
Postoperative Pain.” Yonsei Medical Journal, vol. 55, no. 4, 2014, pp. 1101–05,