Release 0.2.7
1 Introduction 3
1.1 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Installation 5
2.1 Abbreviated requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Installation on Anaconda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Direct pip-based install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Testing the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5 Working with NMRPy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.6 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Quickstart Tutorial 9
3.1 Importing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Apodisation and Fourier-transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Phase-correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.5 Peak-picking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.6 Deconvolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.7 Plotting the time-course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.8 Deleting individual Fid objects from a FidArray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.9 Saving / Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.10 Full tutorial script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5 Plotting Objects 35
Index 41
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
NMRPy is a Python 3 module for the processing and analysis of NMR spectra. The functionality of NMRPy is struc-
tured to make the analysis of arrayed NMR spectra more intuitive.
A particular use case is the bulk processing and integration/deconvolution of arrayed NMR spectra obtained for enzyme
reaction time-courses, with a view to determining enzyme-kinetic parameters for building systems-biology models
1.1 References
1. Eicher, J. J.; Snoep, J. L. & Rohwer, J. M. (2012) Determining enzyme kinetics for systems biology with Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. Metabolites 2:818-843. DOI: 10.3390/metabo2040818
2. Badenhorst, M.; Barry, C. J.; Swanepoel, C. J.; van Staden, C. T.; Wissing, J. & Rohwer, J. M. (2019) Workflow
for data analysis in experimental and computational systems biology: Using Python as ‘glue’. Processes 7:460.
DOI: 10.3390/pr7070460
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
The following are some general guidelines for installing NMRPy, and are by no means the only way to install a Python
NMRPy is a pure Python package that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. In addition to the option of installing
directly from source (https://github.com/NMRPy/nmrpy), we provide binary installers for pip and conda.
NMRPy has a number of requirements that must be met before installation can take place. These should be taken care
of automatically during installation. An abbreviated list of requirements follows:
• A Python 3.x installation (Python 3.6 or higher is recommended)
• The full SciPy Stack (see http://scipy.org/install.html).
• Jupyter Notebook (https://jupyter.org/)
• Matplotlib (https://matplotlib.org) with the ipympl backend
• Lmfit (https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py)
• Nmrglue (https://www.nmrglue.com)
The Anaconda Distribution, which is available for Windows, macOS and Linux, comes pre-installed with many pack-
ages required for scientific computing, including most of the dependencies required for NMRPy.
A number of the dependencies (lmfit, nmrglue and ipympl) are not available from the default conda channel. If you
perform a lot of scientific or bioinformatics computing, it may be worth your while to add the following additional conda
channels to your system, which will simplify installation (this is, however, not required, and the additional channels
can also be specified once-off during the install command):
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
Virtual environments are a great way to keep package dependencies separate from your system files. It is highly
recommended to install NMRPy into a separate environment, which first must be created (here we create an environment
called nmr). It is recommended to use a Python version >=3.6 (here we use Python 3.7). After creation, activate the
First be sure to have Python 3 and pip installed. Pip is a useful Python package management system.
On Debian and Ubuntu-like systems these can be installed with the following terminal commands:
On Windows, download Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows; be sure to install pip as well when
prompted by the installer, and add the Python directories to the system PATH. You can verify that the Python paths are
set up correctly by checking the pip version in a Windows Command Prompt:
> pip -V
On macOS you can install Python directly from https://www.python.org/downloads/mac-osx, or by installing Home-
brew and then installing Python 3 with Homebrew. Both come with pip available.
Note: While most Linux distributions come pre-installed with a version of Python 3, the options for Windows and
macOS detailed above are more advanced and for experienced users, who prefer fine-grained control. If you are starting
out, we strongly recommend using Anaconda!
As for an Anaconda-based install, it is highly recommended to install NMRPy into a separate virtual environment.
There are several options for setting up your working environment. We will use virtualenvwrapper, which works out
of the box on Linux and macOS. On Windows, virtualenvwrapper can be used under an MSYS environment in a native
Windows Python installation. Alternatively, you can use virtualenvwrapper-win. This will take care of managing your
virtual environments by maintaining a separate Python site-directory for you.
Install virtualenvwrapper using pip. On Linux and MacOS:
6 Chapter 2. Installation
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
Make a new virtual environment for working with NMRPy (e.g. nmr), and specify that it use Python 3 (we used Python
The new virtual environment will be activated automatically, and this will be indicated in the shell prompt, e.g.:
(nmr) $
If you are not yet familiar with virtual environments we recommend you survey the basic commands (https://
virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) before continuing.
The NMRPy code and its dependencies can now be installed directly from PyPI into your virtual environment using
Various tests are provided to test aspects of the NMRPy functionality within the unittest framework. The tests should
be run from a terminal and can be invoked with nmrpy.test() after importing the nmrpy module.
Only a specific subset of tests can be run by providing an additional argument:
:keyword tests: Specify tests to run (default 'all'). Running only a subset
of tests can be selected using the following arguments:
'fidinit' - Fid initialisation tests
'fidarrayinit' - FidArray initialisation tests
'fidutils' - Fid utilities tests
'fidarrayutils' - FidArray utilities tests
'plotutils' - plotting utilities tests
When testing the plotting utilities, a number of matplotlib plots will appear. This tests that the peak and range
selection widgets are working properly; the plot windows can be safely closed.
Though the majority of NMRPy functionality can be used purely in a scripting context and executed by the Python
interpreter, it will often need to be used interactively. We suggest two ways to do this:
The recommended way to run NMRPy is in the Jupyter Notebook environment. It has been installed by default with
NMRPy and can be launched with (be sure to activate your virtual environment first):
(nmr) $ jupyter-notebook
The peak-picking and range-selection widgets in the Jupyter Notebook require the Matplotlib Jupyter Integration exten-
sion (ipympl). This is installed automatically but the extension needs to be activated at the beginning of every notebook
2.5.2 IPython
If you rather prefer a shell-like experience, IPython is an interactive Python shell with some useful functionalities like
tab-completion. This has been installed by default with NMRPy and can be launched from the command line with:
(nmr) $ ipython
2.6 Documentation
Online documentation is available at https://nmrpy.readthedocs.io. The documentation is also distributed in PDF format
in the docs subfolder of the nmrpy folder in site-packages where the package is installed.
The docs folder also contains an example Jupyter notebook (quickstart_tutorial.ipynb) that mirrors the Quick-
start Tutorial.
8 Chapter 2. Installation
This is a “quickstart” tutorial for NMRPy in which an Agilent (Varian) NMR dataset will be processed. The following
topics are explored:
• Importing
• Apodisation and Fourier-transformation
• Phase-correction
• Calibration
• Peak-picking
• Deconvolution
• Deleting individual Fid objects from a FidArray
• Full tutorial script
This tutorial will use the test data in the nmrpy install directory:
The dataset consists of a time array of spectra of the phosphoglucose isomerase reaction:
fructose-6-phosphate -> glucose-6-phosphate
An example Jupyter notebook is provided in the docs subdirectory of the nmrpy install directory, which mirrors this
Quickstart Tutorial.
3.1 Importing
The basic NMR project object used in NMRPy is the FidArray, which consists of a set of Fid objects, each repre-
senting a single spectrum in an array of spectra.
The simplest way to instantiate an FidArray is by using the from_path() method, and specifying the path of the .fid
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
You will notice that the fid_array object is instantiated and now owns several attributes, most of which are of the
form fidXX where XX is a number starting at 00. These are the individual arrayed Fid objects.
To quickly visualise the imported data, we can use the plotting functions owned by each Fid instance. This will not
display the imaginary portion of the data:
>>> fid_array.fid00.plot_ppm()
We now perform apodisation of the FIDs using the default value of 5 Hz, and visualise the result:
>>> fid_array.emhz_fids()
>>> fid_array.fid00.plot_ppm()
Finally, we zero-fill and Fourier-transform the data into the frequency domain:
>>> fid_array.zf_fids()
>>> fid_array.ft_fids()
>>> fid_array.fid00.plot_ppm()
3.3 Phase-correction
It is clear from the data visualisation that at this stage the spectra require phase-correction. NMRPy provides a number
of GUI widgets for manual processing of data. In this case we will use the phaser() method on fid00:
>>> fid_array.fid00.phaser()
Dragging with the left mouse button and right mouse button will apply zero- and first-order phase-correction, re-
spectively. The cumulative phase correction for the zero-order (p0) and first-order (p1) phase angles is displayed at the
bottom of the plot so that these can be applied programatically to all Fid objects in the FidArray using the ps_fids()
Alternatively, automatic phase-correction can be applied at either the FidArray or Fid level. We will apply it to the
whole array:
>>> fid_array.phase_correct_fids()
>>> fid_array.plot_array()
3.3. Phase-correction 13
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Zooming in on the relevant peaks, changing the view perspective, and filling the spectra produces a more interesting
At this stage it is useful to discard the imaginary component of our data, and possibly normalise the data (by the
maximum data value amongst the Fid objects):
>>> fid_array.real_fids()
>>> fid_array.norm_fids()
3.4 Calibration
The spectra may need calibration by assigning a chemical shift to a reference peak of a known standard and adjusting
the spectral offset accordingly. To this end, a calibrate() convenience method exists that allows the user to easily
select a peak and specify the PPM. This method can be applied at either the FidArray or Fid level. We will apply it
to the whole array:
>>> fid_array.calibrate()
Left-clicking selects a peak and its current ppm value is displayed below the spectrum. The new ppm value can be
entered in a text box, and hitting Enter completes the calibration process. Here we have chosen triethyl phosphate
(TEP) as reference peak and assigned its chemical shift value of 0.44 ppm (the original value was 0.57 ppm, and the
offset of all the spectra in the array has been adjusted by 0.13 ppm after the calibration).
3.4. Calibration 15
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3.5 Peak-picking
To begin the process of integrating peaks by deconvolution, we will need to pick some peaks. The peaks attribute
of a Fid is an array of peak positions, and ranges is an array of range boundaries. These two objects are used in
deconvolution to integrate the data by fitting Lorentzian/Gaussian peak shapes to the spectra. peaks and ranges may
be specified programatically, or picked using the interactive GUI widget:
>>> fid_array.peakpicker(fid_number=10)
Left-clicking specifies a peak selection with a vertical red line. Dragging with a right-click specifies a range to fit
independently with a grey rectangle:
Inadvertent wrongly selected peaks can be deleted with Ctrl+left-click; wrongly selected ranges can be deleted with
Ctrl+right-click. Once you are done selecting peaks and ranges, these need to be assigned to the FidArray; this is
achieved with a Ctrl+Alt+right-click.
Ranges divide the data into smaller portions, which significantly speeds up the process of fitting of peakshapes to the
data. Range-specification also prevents incorrect peaks from being fitted by the fitting algorithm.
Having used the peakpicker() FidArray method (as opposed to the peakpicker() on each individual Fid in-
stance), the peak and range selections have now been assigned to each Fid in the array:
>>> print(fid_array.fid00.peaks)
[ 4.73 4.63 4.15 0.55]
>>> print(fid_array.fid00.ranges)
[[ 5.92 3.24]
[ 1.19 -0.01]]
Sometimes peaks are subject to drift so that the chemical shift changes over time; this can happen, e.g., when the pH of
the reaction mixture changes as the reaction proceeds. NMRPy offers a convenient trace selector, with which the drift
of the peaks can be traced over time and the chemical shift selected accordingly as appropriate for the particular Fid.
>>> fid_array.peakpicker_traces(voff=0.08)
As for the peakpicker(), ranges are selected by dragging the right mouse button and can be deleted with Ctrl+right-
click. A peak trace is initiated by left-clicking below the peak underneath the first Fid in the series. This selects a point
and anchors the trace line, which is displayed in red as the mouse is moved. The trace will attempt to follow the highest
peak. Further trace points can be added by repeated left-clicking, thus tracing the peak through the individual Fids in
the series. It is not necessary to add an anchor point for every Fid, only when the trace needs to change direction. Once
the trace has traversed all the Fids, select a final trace point (left-click) and then finalize the trace with a right-click.
The trace will change colour from red to blue to indicate that it has been finalized.
Additional peaks can then be selected by initiating a new trace. Wrongly selected traces can be deleted by Ctrl+left-
click at the bottom of the trace that should be removed. Note that the interactive buttons on the matplotlib toolbar for
the figure can be used to zoom and pan into a region of interest of the spectra.
3.5. Peak-picking 17
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As previously, peaks and ranges need to be assigned to the FidArray with Ctrl+Alt+right-click. As can be seen
below, the individual peaks have different chemical shifts for the different Fids, although the drift in these spectra is not
significant so that peakpicker_traces() need not have been used and peakpicker() would have been sufficient.
This is merely for illustrative purposes.
>>> print(p.fid00.peaks)
[4.73311164 4.65010807 0.55783899 4.15787759]
>>> print(p.fid10.peaks)
[4.71187817 4.6404565 0.5713512 4.16366854]
>>> print(p.fid20.peaks)
[4.73311164 4.63466555 0.57907246 4.16366854]
3.6 Deconvolution
Individual Fid objects can be deconvoluted with deconv(). FidArray objects can be deconvoluted with
deconv_fids(). By default this is a multiprocessed method (mp=True), which will fit pure Lorentzian lineshapes
(frac_gauss=0.0) to the peaks and ranges specified in each Fid.
We shall fit the whole array at once:
>>> fid_array.deconv_fids()
>>> fid_array.fid10.plot_deconv()
In this case, peaks 0 and 1 belong to glucose-6-phosphate, peak 2 belongs to fructose-6-phosphate, and peak 3 belongs
to triethyl-phosphate.
We can view the deconvolution result for the whole array using plot_deconv_array(). Fitted peaks appear in red:
Peak integrals of the entire FidArray are stored in deconvoluted_integrals, or in each individual Fid as
3.6. Deconvolution 19
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
The acquisition times for the individual Fid objects in the FidArray are stored in an array t for easy access. Note
that when each Fid is collected with multiple transients/scans on the spectrometer, the acquisition time is calculated
as the middle of its overall acquisition period.
We could thus easily plot the time-course of the species integrals using the following code:
integrals = fid_array.deconvoluted_integrals.transpose()
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for k, v in species.items():
ax.plot(fid_array.t, v, label=k)
ax.legend(loc=0, frameon=False)
Sometimes it may be desirable to remove one or more Fid objects from a FidArray, e.g. to remove outliers from
the time-course of concentrations. This can be conveniently achieved with the del_fid() method, which takes as
argument the id of the Fid to be removed. The acquisition time array t is updated accordingly by removing the
corresponding time-point. After this, deconv_fids() has to be run again to update the array of peak integrals.
A list of all the Fid objects in a FidArray is returned by the get_fids() method.
The gaps left by the deleted Fid objects are clearly visible in the plotted FidArray:
The current state of any FidArray object can be saved to file using the save_to_file() method:
>>> fid_array.save_to_file(filename='fidarray.nmrpy')
The filename need not be specified, if not given the name is taken from fid_path and the .nmrpy extension is appended.
If the file exists, it is not overwritten; a forced overwrite can be specified with:
import nmrpy
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#fid_array.fid10.plot_deconv(upper_ppm=5.5, lower_ppm=3.5)
#fid_array.fid10.plot_deconv(upper_ppm=0.9, lower_ppm=0.2)
#fid_array.plot_deconv_array(upper_ppm=6, lower_ppm=3)
integrals = fid_array.deconvoluted_integrals.transpose()
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for k, v in species.items():
ax.plot(fid_array.t, v, label=k)
ax.legend(loc=0, frameon=False)
#fid_array = nmrpy.from_path(fid_path='fidarray.nmrpy')
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
Newton-CG (newton)
property deconvoluted_integrals
An array of integrals for each deconvoluted peak.
Apply exponential line-broadening to data array data.
Parameters lb – degree of line-broadening in Hz.
classmethod from_data(data)
Instantiate a new Fid object by providing a spectral data object as argument. Eg.
fid = Fid.from_data(data)
Fourier Transform the data array data.
Calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform using the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm as implemented in
NumPy (Cooley, James W., and John W. Tukey, 1965, ‘An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex
Fourier series,’ Math. Comput. 19: 297-301.)
Attempt to automatically identify peaks. Picked peaks are assigned to peaks.
Parameters thresh – fractional threshold for peak-picking
Instantiate a peak-picking GUI widget. Left-clicking selects a peak. Right-click-dragging defines a range.
Ctrl-left click deletes nearest peak; ctrl-right click deletes range. Peaks are stored in peaks; ranges are
stored in ranges: both are used for deconvolution (see deconv()).
property peaks
Picked peaks for deconvolution of data.
Automatically phase-correct data by minimising total absolute area.
Parameters method – The fitting method to use. Default is ‘leastsq’, the Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm, which is usually sufficient. Additional options include:
Nelder-Mead (nelder)
L-BFGS-B (l-bfgs-b)
Conjugate Gradient (cg)
Powell (powell)
Newton-CG (newton)
Instantiate a phase-correction GUI widget which applies to data.
Plot data with deconvoluted peaks overlaid.
• upper_ppm – upper spectral bound in ppm
• lower_ppm – lower spectral bound in ppm
• lw – linewidth of plot
• colour – colour of the plot
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
ft_fids(mp=True, cpus=None)
Fourier-transform all FIDs.
• mp – parallelise over multiple processors, significantly reducing computation time
• cpus – defines number of CPUs to utilise if ‘mp’ is set to True
Return an Fid object owned by this object, identified by unique ID. Eg.:
fid12 = fid_array.get_fid('fid12')
Return a list of all Fid objects owned by this FidArray.
Returns a dictionary of integral values for all Fid objects calculated from trace dictionary
After peakpicker_traces() and deconv_fids() this function returns a masked integral array.
property integral_traces
Returns the dictionary of integral traces generated by select_integral_traces().
Normalise FIDs by maximum data value in data.
peakpicker(fid_number=None, assign_only_to_index=True, voff=0.02)
Instantiate peak-picker widget for data, and apply selected peaks and ranges to all Fid objects owned
by this FidArray. See peakpicker().
• fid_number – list or number, index of Fid to use for peak-picking. If None, data array is
• assign_only_to_index – if True, assigns selections only to Fid objects indexed by
fid_number, if False, assigns to all.
• voff – vertical offset for spectra
peakpicker_traces(voff=0.02, lw=1)
Instantiates a widget to pick peaks and ranges employing a polygon shape (or ‘trace’). This is useful for
picking peaks that are subject to drift and peaks that appear (or disappear) during the course of an experi-
• voff – vertical offset fraction (0.01)
• lw – linewidth of plot (1)
phase_correct_fids(method='leastsq', mp=True, cpus=None)
Apply automatic phase-correction to all Fid objects owned by this FidArray
• method – see phase_correct()
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
• mp – parallelise the phasing process over multiple processors, significantly reducing com-
putation time
• cpus – defines number of CPUs to utilise if ‘mp’ is set to True
Plot data.
• upper_index – upper index of array (None)
• lower_index – lower index of array (None)
• upper_ppm – upper spectral bound in ppm (None)
• lower_ppm – lower spectral bound in ppm (None)
• lw – linewidth of plot (0.5)
• azim – starting azimuth of plot (-90)
• elev – starting elevation of plot (40)
• filled – True=filled vertices, False=lines (False)
• show_zticks – show labels on z axis (False)
• labels – under development (None)
• colour – plot spectra with colour spectrum, False=black (True)
• filename – save plot to .pdf file (None)
Plot all data with deconvoluted peaks overlaid.
• upper_index – upper index of Fids to plot
• lower_index – lower index of Fids to plot
• upper_ppm – upper spectral bound in ppm
• lower_ppm – lower spectral bound in ppm
• data_colour – colour of the plotted data (‘k’)
• summed_peak_colour – colour of the plotted summed peaks (‘r’)
• residual_colour – colour of the residual signal after subtracting deconvoluted peaks
• data_filled – fill state of the plotted data (False)
• summed_peak_filled – fill state of the plotted summed peaks (True)
• residual_filled – fill state of the plotted residuals (False)
• figsize – [x, y] size of plot ([15, 7.5])
• lw – linewidth of plot (0.3)
• azim – azimuth of 3D axes (-90)
• elev – elevation of 3D axes (20)
ps_fids(p0=0.0, p1=0.0)
Apply manual phase-correction to all Fid objects owned by this FidArray
• p0 – Zero order phase in degrees
• p1 – First order phase in degrees
Discard imaginary component of FID data sets.
save_to_file(filename=None, overwrite=False)
Save FidArray object to file, including all objects owned.
• filename – filename to save FidArray to
• overwrite – if True, overwrite existing file
select_integral_traces(voff=0.02, lw=1)
Instantiate a trace-selection widget to identify deconvoluted peaks. This can be useful when data are subject
to drift. Selected traces on the data array are translated into a set of nearest deconvoluted peaks, and saved
in a dictionary: integral_traces.
• voff – vertical offset fraction (0.01)
• lw – linewidth of plot (1)
property t
An array of the acquisition time for each FID.
Zero-fill all Fid objects owned by this FidArray
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
Interactive selector widget. can inherit from various mixins for functionality: Line selection:
LineSelectorMixin Span selection: SpanSelectorMixin Poly selection: PolySelectorMixin
This class is not intended to be used without inheriting at least one mixin.
class nmrpy.plotting.DataTraceRangeSelector(fid_array, peaks=None, ranges=None, voff=0.001, lw=1,
Interactive data-selection widget with traces and ranges. Traces are saved as self.data_traces (WRT data) and
self.index_traces (WRT index). Spans are saves as self.spans.
class nmrpy.plotting.DataTraceSelector(fid_array, extra_data=None, extra_data_colour='b', voff=0.001,
lw=1, label=None)
Interactive data-selection widget with traces and ranges. Traces are saved as self.data_traces (WRT data) and
self.index_traces (WRT index).
class nmrpy.plotting.FidArrayRangeSelector(fid_array, ranges=None, y_indices=None, voff=0.001, lw=1,
title=None, label=None)
Interactive data-selection widget with ranges. Spans are saved as self.ranges.
class nmrpy.plotting.FidRangeSelector(fid, title=None, ranges=None, y_indices=None, voff=0.001, lw=1,
Interactive data-selection widget with ranges. Spans are saved as self.ranges.
class nmrpy.plotting.IntegralDataSelector(data, params, extra_data=None, extra_data_colour='k',
peaks=None, ranges=None, title=None, voff=0.001,
class nmrpy.plotting.LineSpanDataSelector(data, params, extra_data=None, extra_data_colour='k',
peaks=None, ranges=None, title=None, voff=0.001,
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
• genindex
• modindex
• search
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nmrpy.data_objects, 27
nmrpy.plotting, 35
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
add_fid() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 29 emhz() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 28
add_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 29 emhz_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method),
baseline_correct() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid F
method), 27 Fid (class in nmrpy.data_objects), 27
baseline_correct_fids() (nm- FidArray (class in nmrpy.data_objects), 29
rpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 29 FidArrayRangeSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35
baseliner() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 27 FidRangeSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35
baseliner_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray from_data() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid class method), 28
method), 29 from_data() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray class
method), 30
C from_path() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray class
calibrate() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 27 method), 30
calibrate() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), ft() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 28
29 ft_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 30
Calibrator (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35
clear_peaks() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 27 G
clear_peaks() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), get_fid() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 31
30 get_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 31
clear_ranges() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 27 get_integrals_from_traces() (nm-
clear_ranges() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray rpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 31
method), 30 get_masked_integrals() (nm-
rpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 31
data (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid property), 27 I
data (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray property), 30 integral_traces (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray prop-
DataPeakRangeSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35 erty), 31
DataPeakSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35 IntegralDataSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35
DataSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35
DataTraceRangeSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35 L
DataTraceSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35 LineSpanDataSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35
deconv() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 27
deconv_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), M
30 module
deconvoluted_integrals (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid nmrpy.data_objects, 27
property), 28 nmrpy.plotting, 35
deconvoluted_integrals (nm-
rpy.data_objects.FidArray property), 30 N
del_fid() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 30
NMRPy Documentation, Release 0.2.7
module, 27
module, 35
norm_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method),
PeakDataSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 35
peakpick() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 28
peakpicker() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 28
peakpicker() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method),
peakpicker_traces() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray
method), 31
peaks (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid property), 28
PeakTraceDataSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 36
phase_correct() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 28
phase_correct_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray
method), 31
Phaser (class in nmrpy.plotting), 36
phaser() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 28
Plot (class in nmrpy.plotting), 36
plot_array() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method),
plot_deconv() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 28
plot_deconv_array() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray
method), 32
plot_ppm() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 29
ps() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 29
ps_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 32
RangeCalibrator (class in nmrpy.plotting), 36
ranges (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid property), 29
real() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 29
real_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method),
save_to_file() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray
method), 33
select_integral_traces() (nm-
rpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 33
SpanDataSelector (class in nmrpy.plotting), 36
t (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray property), 33
zf() (nmrpy.data_objects.Fid method), 29
zf_fids() (nmrpy.data_objects.FidArray method), 33
42 Index