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User's Guide To The PGF Package, Version 0.65: Till Tantau November 4, 2004

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User’s Guide to the PGF Package, Version 0.


Till Tantau
[email protected]
November 4, 2004

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Installing Prebundled Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3.1 Temporary Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3.2 Installation in a texmf Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Quick Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Basic Graphic Drawing 6

2.1 Main Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 How to Specify a Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Path Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Stroking and Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 Clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.7 Shape and Line Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.8 Image Inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.9 Text Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.10 Drawing Arrows at Line Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.11 Placing Labels on Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.12 Shadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3 Using Nodes 22
3.1 Node Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Coordinates Relative to Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Connecting Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4 Placing Labels on Node Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Extended Color Support 25

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
This user’s guide explains the functionality of the pgf package. pgf stands for ‘portable graphics format’. It
is a TEX macro package that allows you to create graphics in your TEX documents using a special pgfpicture
environment and special macros for drawing lines, curves, rectangles, and many other kind of graphic objects.
Its usage closely resembles the pstricks package or the normal picture environment of LATEX.
Although pgf is less powerful than pstricks, it has the advantage that it can generate both PostScript
output and pdf output from the same file. The pgf package works together both with dvips and pdftex.
In particular, packages that rely on pdftex or pdflatex (like some packages for creating presentations) can
be used together with pgf.

The package consists of the core style pgf.sty and a number of extension styles that are build on top of
it. Currently, the documented ones are
• pgfarrows.sty, used to draw a large variety of arrows.
• pgfnodes.sty, used to draw nodes in diagrams and to connect them in a convenient way.
• pgfshade.sty, used to create shadings (also called gradients).
In order to use pgf you will have to include the command

at the beginning of your main TEX file. If you also wish to use the extensions, you also have to include them.
For example, you will typically use the following command:

In this guide you will find the descriptions of all “public” commands provided by the pgf package. In
each such description, the described command, environment or option is printed in red. Text shown in green
is optional and can be left out. Note that (currently) many commands take arguments in square brackets
that are not optional. In some future version of pgf it will possible to omit these optional arguments.

1.2 Installation
To use pgf, you just need to put all files with the ending .sty of the pgf package in a directory that is read
by TEX. You need to have the package xcolor installed, version 2.00 or higher. To uninstall pgf, simply
remove these files once more. Unfortunately, there are different ways of making TEX “aware” of files. Which
way you should choose depends on how permanently you intend to use it.

1.3 Installing Prebundled Packages

I do not create or manage prebundled packages of pgf, but, fortunately, nice other people do. I cannot give
detailed instructions on how to install these packages, since I do not manage them, but I can tell you were
to find them. You install them the “usual way” you install packages. If anyone has any hints and additional
information on this, please email me.
For Debian, you need the packages at

For MiKTEX, you need the packages called pgf and xcolor.

1.3.1 Temporary Installation

If you only wish to install pgf for a quick appraisal, do the following: Obtain all files from the directory
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pgf/ (most likely, you have already done this). Place all
files in a new directory. For example, /home/tantau/pgf/ would work fine for me. Then setup the envi-
ronment variable called TEXINPUTS to be the following string (how exactly this is done depends on your
operating system and shell):


Naturally, if the TEXINPUTS variable is already defined differently, you should add the directories to the
list. Do not forget to place a colon at the end (corresponding to an empty path), which will include all
standard directories.

1.3.2 Installation in a texmf Tree

For a more permanent installation, you can place the files of the the pgf package (see the previous subsection
on how to obtain them) in an appropriate texmf tree.
When you ask TEX to use a certain class or package, it usually looks for the necessary files in so-called
texmf trees. These trees are simply huge directories that contain these files. By default, TEX looks for files
in three different texmf trees:

• The root texmf tree, which is usually located at /usr/share/, c:\texmf\, or
c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf\.
• The local texmf tree, which is usually located at /usr/local/share/, c:\localtexmf\, or
c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-local\.
• Your personal texmf tree, which is located in your home directory.
You should install the packages either in the local tree or in your personal tree, depending on whether
you have write access to the local tree. Installation in the root tree can cause problems, since an update of
the whole TEX installation will replace this whole tree.
Inside whatever texmf directory you have chosen, create the sub-sub-sub-directory texmf/tex/latex/pgf
and place all files in it. Then rebuild TEX’s filename database. This done by running the command texhash
or mktexlsr (they are the same). In MikTeX, there is a menu option to do this.
If you want to be really tidy, you can place the documentation in the directory texmf/doc/latex/pgf.

For a more detailed explanation of the standard installation process of packages, you might wish to
consult http://www.ctan.org/installationadvice/. However, note that the pgf package does not come
with a .ins file (simply skip that part).

1.4 Quick Start

This section presents some simple examples. By copying these examples and modifying them slightly, you
can create your first pictures using pgf.
The first example draws a rectangle and a circle next to each other.

% (0cm,0cm) is the lower left corner,
% (5cm,2cm) is the upper right corner.

% Paint a rectangle (stroke it, do not fill it)
% The lower left corner is at (0cm,0cm)
% The rectangle is 2cm wide and 10pt high.

% Paint a filled circle
% The center is at (3cm,1cm)
% The radius is 10pt

The \pgfpoint command is used to specify a point. It is often more convenient to use the command
pgfxy instead, which lets you specify a point in terms of multiples of a x-vector and a y-vector. They are
predefined to \pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm} and \pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}, but you can change these settings.


% Draws a line from (0cm,0cm) to (1cm,1cm)
% Command \pgfline{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
% would have the same effect.


You can put text into a picture using the \pgfbox command.

Hi! R ∞ xd

% pgfputat places something at a certain position
% pgfbox shows the text ‘hi!’. The horizontal alignment
% is centered (other options: left, right). The vertical
% alignment is also centered (other options: top, bottom,
% base).


% In the following, all lines will end with an arrow that looks like
% the arrow of TeX’s \to command


% You can rotate things like this
\pgfbox[center,center]{$\int_0^\infty xdx$}
In order to draw curves and complicated lines, you can use the commands pgfmoveto, pgflineto, and
pgfcurveto. To actually draw or fill the painted area, you use pgfstroke or pgffill.




1.5 Gallery
In the following, a number of figures are shown that have been created using pgf. Please see the source
code for how they are created.






∗ ∗ ∗ ∈ ∈ ∈
/ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗



∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∈
/ ∈
/ ∈ ∗ ∗ ∗

000 00 1
1 10 110

∈ ∈
/ ∈


w3 ‘∈ B’ w4 ‘∈ A’ w2 w5

w2 ‘∈ A’ w3 ‘∈ A’, ‘∈ B’ w4 ‘∈ A’, ‘∈ B’
0 0 1

w1 ‘∈ A’ w1 ‘∈ A’


 {00, 10, 11}


q= 0

, 1
1 0 y

start z
{00, 11} {00, 01, 10}

x qw


{00, 01, 11}




q2 y q3

1 v
1 {0, 1} {0, 2}
start x
{0, 1} y

0 {0, 1}

2 Basic Graphic Drawing

2.1 Main Environments
In order to draw a picture using pgf, you have to put the picture inside the environment pgfpicture or the
environment pgfpictureboxed.

\begin{pgfpicture}{hlower left x i}{hlower left yi}{hupper right x i}{hupper right yi}

henvironment contentsi
Inserts a pgf-picture into the text. The sizes are used as follows: Think of the henvironment contentsi as
commands that draw something on an infinite two-dimensional plane. After you are done with drawing,
you “cut out” a rectangle from this plane whose lower left corner is at (hlower left x i, hlower left yi) and
whose upper right corner is at (hupper right x i, hupper right yi). The size of this rectangle will hence
be hupper right x i − hlower left x i times hupper right yi − hlower left yi. This rectangle is then inserted
into the normal text at the position where the {pgfpicture} environment is used.
The environment performs no clipping, thus if you draw outside the rectangle what you draw will
protrude outside the area that TEX reserves for the picture.


\begin{pgfpictureboxed}{hlower left x i}{hlower left yi}{hupper right x i}{hupper right yi}

henvironment contentsi
Identical to pgfpicture, except that a frame of the size of the picture is drawn around it.

Inside a picture, you can create nested scopes using pgfscope. Changes made inside a pgfscope are
undone when the scope ends.

henvironment contentsi
All changes made inside a scope are local to that scope.


2.2 How to Specify a Point

pgf uses a two dimensional coordinate system that is local to the current picture been drawn. A point inside
the coordinate system can be specified using the command pgfpoint. You can use all dimensions available
in TEX when specifying a dimension.

Yields the origin.
Example: \pgmoveto{\pgforigin}

\pgfpoint{hx coordinatei}{hy coordinatei}

Yields a point location. The coordinates are given as TEX dimensions.
Example: \pgfline{\pgfpoint{10sp}{-1.5cm}}{\pgfpoint{10pt}{1cm}}

Yields a point location given in polar coordinates.
Example: \pgfmoveto{\pgfpolar{30}{1cm}}

\pgfdirection{hdirection stringi}
Returns the degree that corresponds to the direction. Allowed values for hdirection stringi are n[orth],
s[south], e[east], w[est], ne, nw, se, and sw.
Example: \pgfmoveto{\pgfpolar{\pgfdirection{n}}{1cm}}

Sets the TEX-hdimensioni to the x-coordinate of the point.
% \mydim is now 2cm

Like \pgfextractx, except for the y-coordinate.
Coordinates can also be specified as multiples of an x-vector and a y-vector. Normally, the x-vector
points one centimeter in the x-direction and the y-vector points one centimeter in the y-direction, but using
the commands pgfsetxvec and pgfsetyvec they can be changed.
It is also possible to specify a point as a multiple of three vectors, the x-, y-, and z-vector. This is useful
for creating simple three dimensional graphics.
\pgfxy(hsx i,hsy i)
Yields a point that is situated at sx times the x-vector plus sy times the y-vector.
Example: \pgfline{\pgfxy(0,0)}{\pgfxy(1,1)}
\pgfxyz(hsx i,hsy i,hsz i)
Yields a point that is situated at sx times the x-vector plus sy times the y-vector plus sz times the


A point that replaces the current x-vector. The commands \pgfsetyvec and \pgfsetzvec are defined
the same way.
% Same as \pgfline{\pgforigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}

There exist different commands for treating points as vectors.

\pgfdiff{hpoint p1 i}{hpoint p2 i}
Yields the difference vector p2 − p1 .
Example: \pgfmoveto{\pgfdiff{\pgfxy(1,1)}{\pgfxy(2,3)}}
\pgfrelative{hpoint p1 i}{hpoint p2 i}
Yields the the sum p1 + p2
Example: \pgfmoveto{\pgfrelative{\pgfxy(0,1)}{\pgfpoint{1pt}{2pt}}}
\pgfpartway{hscalar ri}{hpoint p1 i}{hpoint p2 i}
Yields a point that is the rth fraction between p1 and p2, that is, p1 + r(p2 − p1 ). For r = 0.5 the middle
between p1 and p2 is returned.
Example: \pgfmoveto{\pgfpartway{0.5}{\pgfxy(1,1)}{\pgfxy(2,3)}}
\pgfbackoff{hdistancei}{hstart pointi}{hend pointi}
Yields a point that is located hdistancei many units removed from the start point in the direction of
the end point.

\pgfcorner[hdirectioni]{hfirst pointi}{hsecond pointi}
Image the rectangle whose corners are hfirst pointi and second hsecond pointi. If you specify se as
hdirectioni you will get the south-east (or lower left) corner of this rectangle. Similarly, ne, nw, and sw
yield the other three corners. If you specify s for south, you get the middle of the lower side of the
rectangle. Similarly for the other three directions n, e, and w.


2.3 Coordinate Systems

Coordinate systems can be translated, rotated, and magnified using two environments. Please note that
these operations are incompatible with the node drawing commands. Note also that the magnify operation
also makes lines appear bigger. If this is not desired, you might wish to enlarge the x- and y-vectors instead.

\begin{pgftranslate}{hnew origini}
henvironment contentsi
Makes hnew origini the new origin within the scope of the environment.

\pgftranslateto{hnew origini}
Makes the parameter the new origin.

\pgfputat{han origini}{hcommandsi}
Executes the commands after having translated the origin to the given location.
Example: \pgfputat{\pgfxy(1,0)}{\pgfbox[center,center]{Hello world}}

\begin{pgfrotateby}{hsin/cos of rotation degreei}

henvironment contentsi
Rotates the current coordinate system by {hsin/cos of rotation degreei} within the scope of the envi-
ronment. Use \pgfdegree to calculate the rotation degree.

\begin{pgfmagnify}{hx magnificationi}{hy magnificationi}

henvironment contentsi

Magnifies everything within the environment by the given factors.

2.4 Path Construction

Lines and shapes can be drawn by constructing paths and by then stroking and filling them. In order
to construct a path, you must first use the command \pgfmoveto, followed by a series of \pgflineto and
\pgfcurveto commands. You can use \pgfclosepath to create a closed shape. You can also use \pgfmoveto
commands while constructing a path.
Makes hpointi the current point.
Example: \pgfmoveto{\pgforigin}
Extends the path by a straight line from the current point to hpointi. This point is then made the
current point.

\pgfcurveto{hsupport point 1 i}{hsupport point 2 i}{hpointi}

Extends the path by a curve from the current point to hpointi. This point is then made the current
point. The support points govern in which direction the curves head at the start and at the end. At
the start it will head in a straight line towards {hsupport point 1 i}, at the destination it will head in a
straight line towards the destination as if it came from {hsupport point 2 i}.
(1, 1) (2, 1)

(2, 0)

Connects the current point to the point where the current path started.
Appends a circle around the origin of the given radius to the current path.
Example: \pgfzerocircle{1cm}
\pgfzeroellipse{haxis vector 1 i}{haxis vector 2 i}
Appends an ellipse with the given axis vectors centered at the origin to the current path.


The basic drawing commands also come in ‘quick’ versions. These versions get plain numbers as input
that represent TEX points. These commands are executed much quicker than the normal commands. They
are useful if you need to do construct very long or numerous paths.
\pgfqmoveto{hx bpi}{hy bpi}
Makes the given point the current point. The real numbers given are interpreted as TEX “big points,”
which are a 1/72th of an inch (as opposed to TEX points, which are a 1/72.27th of an inch).
Example: \pgfqmoveto{10}{20}
\pgfqlineto{hx bpi}{hy bpi}
Extends the path by a straight line from the current point to the parameter point. The parameter point
is then made the current point.

\pgfqcurveto{hs1x bpi}{hs1y bpi}{hs2x bpi}{hs2y bpi}{hx bpi}{hy bpi}

Quick version of the \pgfcurveto command.

2.5 Stroking and Filling

Once you have constructed a path, you can use the commands \pgfstroke and \pgffill to paint the path.
How the path is painted depends on a number of parameters: For filling, the fill color is important (the fill
color is the same as the stroke color and it set by using the standard \color commands from the color
package or any compatible package). For stroking, the line width, the line dashing, the miter join, and the
cap form are furthermore of importance.
Draws the current path with current color, thickness, dashing, miter, and cap. If an arrow type is set
up, arrows are drawn at the beginning and at the end.

Like \pgfstroke, except that no arrows are drawn.
Closes the current path and then draws it.

Closes the current path, if necessary, and then fill the area with the current color.

Same as \pgffill, except that the even-odd rule is used.

Strokes the current path, the closes the current path, if necessary, and then fills the area with the current

Same as \pgffillstroke, except that the even-odd rule is used.

\pgfsetlinewidth{hline widthi}
Sets the line width for subsequent stroking commands to hline widthi. A dimension of 0pt corresponds
to the thinnest drawable line. On high resolution printers these will be impossible to see.
Example: \pgfsetlinewidth{3pt}

\pgfsetdash{hlist of even length of dimensionsi}{hphasei}

Sets the dashing of a line. The first entry in the list specifies the length of the first solid part of the list.
The second entry specifies the length of the following gap. Then comes the length of the second solid
part, following by the length of the second gap, and so on. The hphasei specifies where the first solid
part starts relative to the beginning of the line.


Set a butt line cap for subsequent stroking commands.

Set a round line cap for subsequent stroking commands.

Set a rectangular line cap for subsequent stroking commands.

Set a bevel line join for subsequent stroking commands.

Set a round line join for subsequent stroking commands.

Set a miter line join for subsequent stroking commands.

\pgfsetmiterlimit{hmiter limiti}
Sets the miter limit for subsequent stroking commands. See the pdf manual for details on what the
miter limit is.
Example: \pgfsetmiterlimit{3pt}

2.6 Clipping
Paths can also be used to clip subsequent drawings. Executing the clip operator intersects the current
clipping area with the area specified by the path. There is no way of enlarging the clipping area once more.
However, if a clipping operations is done inside a pgfscope environment, the end of the scope restores the
original clipping area.

Closes the current path and intersect it with the current clipping path to form a new clipping path.



Stroke the current path, then close it, and intersect it with the current clipping path to form a new
clipping path.



Close the current path, strokes it, and intersect it with the current clipping path to form a new clipping



Closes the current path, fills it, and intersect it with the current clipping path to form a new clipping

Closes the current path, fills it, strokes it, and intersect it with the current clipping path to form a new
clipping path.

2.7 Shape and Line Drawing
There are several commands that make drawing shapes and lines easier. However, in principle these could
be implemented using the path construction and stroking and filling commands introduced above.
\pgfline{hstart pointi}{hend pointi}
Draws a line from hstart pointi to hend pointi. This command is equivalent to constructing a path from
the start to the end point and then stroking it.
Example: \pgfline{\pgfxy(0,0)}{\pgfxy(1,1)}
\pgfxyline(hx1 i,hy1 i),(hx2 i,hy2 i)
Like the \pgfline command, except the start and end points are given in xy-coordinates.
Example: \pgfxyline(0,0)(1,1)
\pgfcurve{hstart pointi}{hsupport point 1 i}{hsupport point 2 i}{hend pointi}
Draws a curve from the start to the end point with given support points.
Example: \pgfcurve{\pgfxy(0,0)}{\pgfxy(0,1)}{\pgfxy(1,1)}{\pgfxy(1,0)}
\pgfxycurve(hx1 i,hy1 i),(hx01 i,hy10 i),(hx02 i,hy20 i),(hx2 i,hy2 i)
Like the \pgfcurve command, except that all points are given in xy-coordinates.
Example: \pgfxycurve(0,0)(0,1)(1,1)(1,0)
\pgfrect[hdrawing typei]{hlower left corner i}{hheight/width vector i}
Draws a rectangle. The hdrawing typei can be stroke, fill, fillstroke, or clip.
% Draw a filled rectangle with corners (2,2) and (3,3)

\pgfcircle[hdrawing typei]{hcenter i}{hradiusi}

Draws a circle centered at hcenter i of radius hradiusi. The hdrawing typei can be stroke, fill, or
Example: \pgfcircle[stroke]{\pgfxy(1,1)}{10pt}
\pgfellipse[hdrawing typei]{hcenter i}{haxis vector 1 i}{haxis vector 2 i}
Draws an ellipse at a given position. The drawing type can be stroke, fill, or fillstroke.
Example: \pgfellipse[fill]{\pgforigin}{\pgfxy(2,0)}{\pgfxy(0,1)}
\pgfgrid[hoptionsi]{hlower lefti}{hupper righti}
Draws a grid. The origin is part of the grid and the grid is clipped to the rectanlge specified by the
hlower lefti and the hupper righti corner. Allowed hoptionsi are:
stepx=hdimensioni Sets the horizontal steping to hdimensioni. Default is 1cm.
stepy=hdimensioni Sets the vertical steping to hdimensioni. Default is 1cm.
step=hvector i Sets the horizontal stepping to the x-coordinate of hvector i and the vertical steping its


2.8 Image Inclusion
The pgf package offers an abstraction of the image inclusion process, but you can still use the usual image
inclusion facilities of the graphics package. The main reason why you might wish to use pgf’s image
inclusion instead is that file extensions are added automatically, depending on whether .pdf or .dvi is
requested (this is important for packages that must work with both).
The general approach to including an image is the following: First, you use \pgfdeclareimage to declare
the image. This must be done prior to the first use of the image. Once you have declared an image, you can
insert it into the text using \pgfuseimage. The advantage of this two-phase approach is that, at least for
pdf, the image data will only be included once in the file. This can drastically reduce the file size if you use
an image repeatedly, for example in an overlay. However, there is also a command called \pgfimage that
declares and then immediately uses the image.

\pgfdeclareimage[hoptionsi]{himage namei}{hfilenamei}
Declares an image, but does not paint anything. To draw the image, use \pgfuseimage{himage namei}.
The hfilenamei may not have an extension. For pdf, the extensions .pdf, .jpg, and .png will auto-
matically tried. For PostScript, the extensions .eps, .epsi, and .ps will be tried.
The following options are possible:
• height=hdimensioni sets the height of the image. If the width is not specified simultaneously, the
aspect ratio of the image is kept.
• width=hdimensioni sets the width of the image. If the height is not specified simultaneously, the
aspect ratio of the image is kept.
• page=hpage number i selects a given page number from a multipage document. Specifying this
option will have the following effect: first, pgf tries to find a file named
hfilenamei.pagehpage number i.hextensioni
If such a file is found, it will be used instead of the originally specified filename. If not, pgf inserts
the image stored in hfilenamei.hextensioni and if a recent version of pdflatex is used, only the
selected page is inserted. For older versions of pdflatex and for dvips the complete document is
inserted and a warning is printed.
• interpolate=htrue or falsei selects whether the image should “smoothed” when zoomed. False
by default.
• mask=hmask namei selects a transparency mask. The mask must previously be declared using
\pgfdeclaremask (see below). This option only has an effect for pdf. Not all viewers support


\pgfuseimage{himage namei}
Inserts a previously declared image into the text. If you wish to use it in a picture environment, you
should put a \pgfbox around it.
If the macro \pgfalternateextension expands to some nonempty halternate extensioni, pgf will first
try to use the image names himage namei.halternate extensioni. If this image is not defined, pgf will
next check whether halternate extensioni contains a ! character. If so, everythings up to this exclamation
mark and including it is deleted from halternate extensioni and the pgf again tries to use the image
himage namei.halternate extensioni. This is repeated until halternate extensioni no longer contains a
!. Then the original image is used.
The xxcolor package sets the alternate extension to the current color mixin.



\pgfputat{\pgfxy(1,0)}{\pgfbox[left,base]{Some text.}}

Some text.

The following example demonstrates the effect of using \pgfuseimage inside a color mixin environment.
... % as above

Some text.

You should redefine this command to install a different alternate extension.
Example: \def\pgfalternateextension{!25!white}

\pgfaliasimage{hnew image namei}{hexisting image namei}

The {hexisting image namei} is “cloned” and the {hnew image namei} can now be used whenever
original image is used. This command is useful for creating aliases for alternate extensions and for
accessing the last image inserted using \pgfimage.
Example: \pgfaliasimage{image.!30!white}{image.!25!white}

Declares the image under the name pgflastimage and immediately uses it. You can “save” the image
for later usage by invoking \pgfaliasimage on pgflastimage.


\pgfdeclaremask[hoptionsi]{hmask namei}{hfilenamei}
Declares a transparency mask named hmask namei (called a soft mask in the pdf specification). This
mask is read from the file hfilenamei. This file should contain a grayscale image that is as large as
the actual image. A white pixel in the mask will correspond to “transparent,” a black pixel to “solid,”
and grey values correspond to intermediate values. The maks must have a single “color channel.” This
means that the maks must be a “real” grayscale image, not an rgb-image in which all rgb-triples
happen to have the same components.
You can only mask images the are in a “pixel format.” These are .jpg and .png. You cannot mask
.pdf images in this way. Also, again, the mask file and the image file have to have the same size.
The following options may be given:
• matte={hcolor componentsi} sets the so-called matte of the actual image (strangely, this has to be
specified together with the mask, not with the image itself). The matte is the color that has been
used to preblend the image. For example, if the image has been preblended with a red background,
then hcolor componentsi should be set to {1 0 0}. The default is {1 1 1}, which is white in the
rgb model.
The matte is specified in terms of the parent’s image color space. Thus, if the parent is a grayscale
image, the matte has to be set to {1}.

% Draw a large colorful background
color(2cm)=(green); color(4cm)=(blue); color(6cm)=(red);
color(8cm)=(green); color(10cm)=(blue); color(12cm)=(red);
color(14cm)=(green); color(16cm)=(blue)}

To speedup the compilation, you may wish to use the following class option:
In draft mode boxes showing the image name replace the images. It is checked whether the image files
exist, but they are not read. If either height or width is not given, 1cm is used instead.

2.9 Text Drawing

In order to draw text, you must use the pgfbox command. It draws some text with a given alignment at
the origin. Typically, you will use a pgfputat to put the text at some other location instead.

\pgfbox[hhorizontal alignmenti,hvertical alignmenti]{hTEX texti}
Draws the given text with the given alignment at the origin. Allowed alignments are left, center, and
right horizontally; and bottom, base (the base line of the text), center, and top vertically.

left lovely bottom lovely base lovely center lovely top


\pgfputat{\pgfxy(3,1)}{\pgfbox[left,bottom]{lovely bottom}}
\pgfputat{\pgfxy(5.5,1)}{\pgfbox[left,base]{lovely base}}
\pgfputat{\pgfxy(8,1)}{\pgfbox[left,center]{lovely center}}
\pgfputat{\pgfxy(10.5,1)}{\pgfbox[left,top]{lovely top}}

2.10 Drawing Arrows at Line Ends

When you stroke a line or curve, pgf can append arrows at the start and at the end of the line or curve.
There is a wide variety of arrows available.

\pgfsetstartarrow{harrow typei}
Henceforth, the specified harrow typei is added to all stroked lines and curves. This does not apply
to lines constructed using quick commands or lines that are stroked using \pgfqstroke. The allowed
arrow types are listed below.


\pgfsetendarrow{harrow typei}
Like \pgfsetstartarrow, except that the type of arrow at the end is specified.

Clears the setting for the start arrows.

Clears the setting for the end arrows.

The arrow types are explained below. Some arrow types take a parameter that govern its size.

You can build more complicated arrow types by applying the following modifiers.

\pgfarrowswap{harrow typei}
Yields an arrow type that has a swapped direction.


\pgfarrowdouble{harrow typei}
Yields an arrow type that doubles the given arrow.


\pgfarrowtriple{harrow typei}
Yields an arrow type that triples the given arrow.


\pgfarrowcombine{hfirst arrow typei}{hsecond arrow typei}

Yields an arrow type that is made up from the two given arrow types, one after the other. The command
\pgfarrowcombineloose does the same, but gives more spacing.


2.11 Placing Labels on Lines
Two commands can be used to place labels on lines.

\pgflabel{hfractioni}{hstart pointi}{hend pointi}{horthogonal offseti}

This command yields a position for placing a label on a straight line between two points. Note that
this command does not draw a line; it only yields a position. The hoffseti is orthogonal to the line. A
hfractioni of 0 means hstart pointi, 1 means hend pointi, and 0.5 means the middle.


\pgfputlabelrotated{hfractioni}{hstart pointi}{hend pointi}{horthogonal offseti}{hcommandsi}

This command executes the graphics commands, after having translated are rotated the coordinate
system to the label position on a straight line between the two end points.


2.12 Shadings
The package pgfshade can be used to create shadings. A shading is an area in which the color changes
smoothly between different colors. Note that you need a recent version of pdflatex for the shadings to work
in pdf. Note also that ghostview may do a poor job at displaying shadings when doing anti-aliasing.
Similarly to an image, a shading must first be declared before it can be used. Also similarly to an image,
a shading is put into a TEX-box. Hence, in order to include a shading in a pgfpicture, you have to place
it in a \pgfbox.
There are three kinds of shadings: horizontal, vertical, and radial shadings. However, you can rotate
and clip shadings like any other graphics object, which allows you to create more complicated shadings.
Horizontal shadings could be created by rotating a vertical shading by 90 degrees, but explicit commands
for creating both horizontal and vertical shadings are included for convenience.
Once you have declared a shading, you can insert it into text using the command \pgfuseshading.
A horizontal shading is a horizontal bar of a certain height whose color changes smoothly. You must at
least specify the colors at the left and at the right end of the bar, but you can also add color specifications
for points in the middle. For example, suppose you which to create a bar that is red at the left end, green
in the middle, and blue at the end. Suppose you would like the bar to be 4cm long. This could be specified
as follows:
rgb(0cm)=(1,0,0); rgb(2cm)=(0,1,0); rgb(4cm)=(0,0,1)

This line means that at 0cm (the left end) of the bar, the color should be red, which has red-green-blue (rgb)
components (1,0,0). At 2cm, the bar should be green, and at 4cm it should be blue. Instead of rgb, you can
currently also specify gray as color model, in which case only one value is needed, or color, in which case

you must provide the name of a color in round brackets. In a color specification the individual specifications
must be separated using a semicolon, which may be followed by a whitespace (like a space or a newline).
Individual specifications must be given in increasing order.

\pgfdeclarehorizontalshading[hcolor listi]{hshading namei}{hshading heighti}{hcolor specificationi}

Declares a horizontal shading named hshading namei of the specified hheighti with the specified colors.
The length of the bar is automatically deduced from the maximum specification.

{rgb(0cm)=(1,0,0); color(2cm)=(green); color(4cm)=(blue)}

The effect of the hcolor listi, which is a comma-separated list of colors, is the following: Normally, when
this list is empty, once a shading is declared it becomes “frozen.” This means that even if you change a
color that was used in the declaration of the shading later on, the shading will not change. By specifying
a hcolor listi you can specify that the shading should be recalculated whenever one of the colors listed in
the list changes (this includes effects like color mixins). Thus, when you specify a hcolor listi, whenever
the shading is used, pgf first converts the colors in the list to rgb triples using the current values of
the colors and taking any mixins and blendings into account. If the resulting rgb triples have not yet
been used, a new shading is internally created and used. Note that if the option hcolor listi is used,
then no shading is created until the first use of \pgfuseshading. In particular, the colors mentioned in
the shading need not be defined when the declaration is given.
When a shading is recalculated because of a change in the colors mentioned in hcolor listi, the complete
shading is recalculated. Thus even colors not mentioned in the list will be used with their current values,
not with the values they had upon declaration.

\pgfdeclarehorizontalshading[mycolor]{myshading}{1cm}{rgb(0cm)=(1,0,0); color(2cm)=(mycolor)}

\pgfdeclareverticalshading[hcolor listi]{hshading namei}{hshading widthi}{hcolor specificationi}

Declares a vertical shading named hshading namei of the specified hwidthi. The height of the bar is
automatically deduced from the maximum specification. The effect of color list is the same as for
horizontal shadings.

{rgb(0cm)=(1,0,0); rgb(1.5cm)=(0,1,0); rgb(2cm)=(0,0,1)}

\pgfdeclareradialshading[hcolor listi]{hshading namei}{hcenter pointi}{hcolor specificationi}

Declares an radial shading. A radial shading is a circle whose inner color changes as specified by the
color specification. Assuming that the center of the shading is at the origin, the color of the center will
be the color specified for 0cm and the color of the border of the circle will be the color for the maximum
specification. The radius of the circle will be the maximum specification. If the center coordinate is not
at the origin, the whole shading inside the circle (whose size remains exactly the same) will be distorted

such that the given center now has the color specified for 0cm. The effect of color list is the same as for
horizontal shadings.


\pgfuseshading{hshading namei}
Inserts a previously declared shading into the text. If you wish to use it in a pgfpicture environment,
you should put a \pgfbox around it. Like \pgfuseimage, alternate extensions are tried before the
actual shading is used.

\pgfaliasshading{hnew shading namei}{hexisting shading namei}

The hexisting shading namei is “cloned” and the shading hnew shading namei can now be used whenever
original shading is used. This command is mainly useful for creating aliases for environments that use
alternate extensions.
Example: \pgfaliasshading{shading!30}{shading!25}

3 Using Nodes
The package pgfnodes allows you to draw all sorts of graphs in a convenient way. You draw them by first
defining nodes. Once you have defined a node, you can connect nodes using lines or curves. The advantage of
using nodes is that if, later on, you decide to move a node slightly, all connecting lines ‘follow’ automatically.

3.1 Node Creation

In all of the following command, the possible drawing types are stroke, fill, fillstroke, and virtual
(draws nothing).

\pgfnodecircle{hnode namei}[hdrawing typei]{hcenter i}{hradiusi}

Creates a circular node with the given radius at the given position.



\pgfnoderect{hnode namei}[hdrawing typei]{hcenter i}{hwidth/height vector i}
Creates a rectangular node with the width and height that is centered at the given position.



\pgfnodebox{hnode namei}[hdrawing typei]{hcenter i}{hTEX texti}{hhoriz. margini}{hvert. margini}

Creates a rectangular node that is centered at hcenter i. The size of the node is calculated from the size
of the box that is placed inside. The margins can be used to leave a little space around the text.

Hi! You



3.2 Coordinates Relative to Nodes

\pgfnodecenter{hnode namei}
Yields the center of a node. This command is especially useful for placing nodes relative to other nodes.


\pgfnodeborder{hnode namei}{hanglei}{hborder offseti}

Returns a position on the border of the node named hnode namei at an angle of hanglei (in degrees).
For a positive offset, the position is removed from the border by the amount of the offset.

hello world
\pgfnodebox{Node1}[stroke]{\pgfxy(1,0.5)}{hello world}{2pt}{2pt}



\pgfconnstart[hborder offseti]{hstart nodei}{hend nodei}

Returns a position on the border of the first node for a line in the direction of the second node.
hello world 3
\pgfnodebox{Node1}[stroke]{\pgfxy(1,0.5)}{hello world}{2pt}{2pt}


3.3 Connecting Nodes

Sets the offset for the start of lines that are drawn using the below node connection commands. Use
\pgfnodesetsepend for setting the end offset.

hello world 2
\pgfnodebox{Node1}[stroke]{\pgfxy(1,0.5)}{hello world}{2pt}{2pt}



\pgfnodeconnline{hstart nodei}{hend nodei}

Draws a straight line from the border of the first node to the border of the second node.
Example: \pgfnodeconnline{A}{B}

\pgfnodeconncurve{hstart nodei}{hend nodei}{hstart anglei}{hend anglei}{hd1 i}{hd2 i}

Draws a curve from the hstart nodei to the hend nodei. The curve will start at the hstart anglei on
the border of the hstart nodei. It ends at angle hend anglei on the border of the {hend nodei}. The
parameters d1 and d2 are the distances of the first, respectively second, support point from the border
of the first, respectively second, node.

hello world lovely





3.4 Placing Labels on Node Connections

\pgfnodelabel{hstart nodei}{hend nodei}{hfractioni}[hvertical offseti]{hcommand i}
This command places a label at the given hfractioni of a straight line between two nodes.

Hi! world




\pgfnodelabelrotated{hstart nodei}{hend nodei}{hfractioni}[hvertical offseti]{hcommand i}

This command places a rotated label at the given hfractioni of a straight line between two nodes. The
label is rotated according to the slope of the line.

Hi! world




4 Extended Color Support

This section documents the package xxcolor, which is currently distributed as part of pgf. This package
extends the xcolor package, written by Uwe Kern, which in turn extends the color package. I hope that
the commands in xxcolor will some day migrate to xcolor, such that this package becomes superfluous.
The main aim of the xxcolor package is to provide an environment inside which all colors are “washed
out” or “dimmed.” This is useful in numerous situations and must typically be achieved in a roundabout
manner if such an environment is not available.

\begin{colormixin}{hmix-in specificationi}
henvironment contentsi

The mix-in specification is applied to all colors inside the environment. At the beginning of the environ-
ment, the mix-in is applied to the current color, i. e., the color that was in effect before the environment
started. A mix-in specification is a number between 0 and 100 followed by an exclamation mark and a
color name. When a \color command is encountered inside a mix-in environment, the number states
what percentage of the desired color should be used. The rest is “filled up” with the color given in the
mix-in specification. Thus, a mix-in specification like 90!blue will mix in 10% of blue into everything,
whereas 25!white will make everything nearly white.
\color{red}Red text,%
washed-out red text,
\color{blue} washed-out blue text,
dark washed-out blue text,
\color{green} dark washed-out green text,%
back to washed-out blue text,%
and back to red.
Red text, washed-out red text, washed-out blue text, dark washed-out blue text, dark washed-out green
text, back to washed-out blue text, and back to red.

Note that the environment only changes colors that have been installed using the standard LATEX \color
command. In particular, the colors in images are not changed. There is, however, some support offered by
the commands \pgfuseimage and \pgfuseshading. If the first command is invoked inside a colormixin
environment with the parameter, say, 50!black on an image with the name foo, the command will first check
whether there is also a defined image with the name foo.!50!black. If so, this image is used instead. This
allows you to provide a different image for this case. If you nest colormixin environments, the different mix-
ins are appended as a comma-separated list. For example, inside the inner environment of the above example,
\pgfuseimage{foo} would first check whether there exists an image named foo.!50!white!25!black.

Expands to the current accumulated mix-in. Each nesting of a colormixin adds a mix-in to this list.
\colorcurrentmixin is now ‘‘25!white’’
\colorcurrentmixin is now ‘‘75!black!25!white’’
\colorcurrentmixin is now ‘‘50!white!75!black!25!white’’


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