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Comparing Waterfall and Agile approaches

Now that you know more about some of the different approaches and frameworks
associated with project management, let's compare specific aspects of Waterfall (also
commonly called traditional) and Agile approaches.

Understanding the fundamentals of—and differences between—these common project

management approaches can help you demonstrate your project management knowledge
during an interview. It can also help you evaluate a project to determine the right approach
when working on the job.

Waterfall and Agile are implemented in many different ways on many different projects,
and some projects may use aspects of each. The chart below briefly describes and
compares Waterfall and Agile approaches. You can use it as a quick reference tool, but be
aware that in practice, the differences between these two approaches may not always be
clearly defined.

Waterfall and Agile Comparison

Waterfall Agile

Agile project manager (or Scrum

Project manager serves as an Master) acts primarily as a
Project active leader by prioritizing and facilitator, removing any barriers
manager's role assigning tasks to team the team faces. Team shares
members. more responsibility in managing
their own work.

Project deliverables and plans Planning happens in shorter

are well-established and iterations and focuses on
documented in the early stages d e l i v e r i n g v a l u e q u i c k l y.
of initiating and planning. Subsequent iterations are
Changes go through a formal adjusted in response to
change request process. feedback or unforeseen issues.

Time is organized into phases

Follows a mostly linear path
called Sprints. Each Sprint has
through the initiating, planning,
Schedule a defined duration, with a set list
executing, and closing phases
of deliverables planned at the
of the project.
start of the Sprint.

Costs are kept under control by

careful estimation up front and Costs and schedule could
close monitoring throughout change with each iteration.
the life cycle of the project.
Te a m s o l i c i t s o n g o i n g
Project manager makes plans
stakeholder input and user
and clearly defines criteria to
Quality feedback by testing products in
measure quality at the
the field and regularly
beginning of the project.
implementing improvements.

Project manager continually

communicates progress toward
Team is customer-focused, with
milestones and other key
Communicati consistent communication
indicators to stakeholders,
on between users and the project
ensuring that the project is on
track to meet the customer’s
Te a m f r e q u e n t l y p r o v i d e s
Project manager continually
deliverables to stakeholders
manages and monitors
Stakeholders throughout the project. Progress
stakeholder engagement to
toward milestones is dependent
ensure the project is on track.
upon stakeholder feedback.

Now that you better understand the differences between Waterfall and Agile project
management approaches, you can use this understanding to determine which is most
effective for your projects.

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