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Water Sealed Drainage

Gembok Salir Alir

dr. Ngakan Putu Parsama Putra, SpP (K)

Departemen Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi

One Bottle System Two Bottle System

Commercial Units Three Bottle System

Drainage and collection systems
One Bottle System
• Bottle served as both a collection container and as
underwater seal
• Prevent air from entering the pleural space on
• Sterile saline/water to keep tip of rigid cannula 2-3
cm below surface

Disadvantage: when there is also fluid draining out of the chest, harder to drain out air as
water level rises
Drainage and collection systems
Two Bottle System
• One bottle as collection for fluid and
the other serving as underwater seal
• Fluid accumulates in first bottle, air
passes thru’ the first bottle into a
shorter cannula and into a second
bottle which is the water seal chamber
• Suction pump can be applied to second
• Fluctuation in water seal cannula same
significance as one-bottle system
Disadvantage: amount of negative pressure applied during aspiration not well controlled
Drainage and collection systems
Three Bottle System
3rd bottle (suction control bottle)

eliminates risk of parenchymal lung
injury from over-suction as many
units uses wall-suction rather than
dedicated pleural suction units
• Suction control bottle has 3
1. From the water seal bottle
When chest drain suction is 2. To wall suction
required, a high volume/ low 3. Passes into the bottle with its
pressure system should be tip resting below an
used. [C] adjustable level of water
(usually 10-20 cm
Drainage and collection systems
Three Bottle System

adjustable level of water specified by the physician. This level limits

the suction applied to the chest tube.
If 15 cm saline is placed in the bottle, negative pressure will be 15
cm regardless of the amount of wall suction applied.
Any wall negative pressure > 15 cm will draw air in thru’ the open
cannula. The 3rd bottle should always be bubbling; otherwise less
than the specified amount of suction is being applied from the wall)
Three Bottle System

Commercial Units
Drainage and collection systems
Commercial Units
• 3-bottle system in one plastic enclosure
• Advantages: compact, non-breakable,
convenient, disposable
• Water seal chamber
– air leak, pleural pressure level and
respiratory tidal can be followed just as in
the bottle systems. 2 cm of coloured fluid.
Can apply negative suction from 0 to -40 cm
H2O. Bubbling = continuous leak.
• Water height during inspiration = pleural
pressure. Check patency of chest tube
by observing for respiratory tidal after
turning off suction
• Suction control chamber must always
be bubbling
Drainage and collection systems
Commercial Units

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