Enhanced BE LCP SDO Kidapawan City

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Republic of the Philippines

Kidapawan City


Foreword …………………………………………………………………………… 3
Executive Summary …………………………………………………………….. 4
I. Introduction ………………………………………………………. 4
II. Methodologies and Principles …………………………………. 5
III. What The Data Tell Us …………………………………………. 5
i. Local Covid-19 Situation ………………………………. 6
ii. The Epidemiological Picture for
The School Year 2021-2022 …………………………… 7
iii. School’s Readiness for Distance Learning …………. 9
IV. School Calendar and Activities ……………………………….. 13
V. Learning Strategies and Modalities ………………………….. 28
VI. Strategies in preparing our Teachers and School Leaders
for Multiple Learning Delivery Modalities ………………….. 34
VII. Strategies in Operationalizing the
Learning Continuity Program …………………………………. 35
VIII. Strategies in Social, Economic and Security Factors ……. 39
IX. Anchoring on Sulong Edukalidad and
Bridging into the Future ……………………………………….. 41
X. Enhanced Basic Education - Learning
Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) ……………………………………… 42
XI. Commitment of Support ……………………………………….. 51


The Schools Division Office of Kidapawan City presents the Division Basic
Education – Learning Continuity Plan (BE – LCP) for School Year 2021 - 2022.
As threat of COVID – 19 continues to pose as a challenge to the delivery of basic
education for the learners, this BE-LCP will serve a guide for both the Division
and schools to ensure safe learning environment for our learners.

This Learning Continuity Plan is a collaborative effort of the three (3)

functional divisions of the SDO namely: Office of the Schools Division
Superintendent (OSDS), Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) and School
Governance and Operations Division (SGOD). This is also a product of the series
of consultations with our partners and their renewed commitment to put forward
the welfare of the learners despite the pandemic.

This BE – LCP covers the learning strategies, programs, projects, and

activities of the Schools Division Office for the upcoming school year. This also
presents the achievements of the SDO in the implementation of the multiple
learning delivery modalities for teachers and learners for School Year 2020 –

In summary, this Division acknowledges the efforts of every individual who

participated in the crafting of this BE – LCP for School Year 2021 – 2022. With
our desire to ensure that education must continue, let us work together in facing
the challenges to come with vigor and grit. May the Lord God continue to bless
us as we tread on this path hand in hand.


OIC – Schools Division Superintendent

Executive Summary

I. Introduction

President Rodrigo R. Duterte issued on March 8, 2020 the Presidential

Proclamation No. 922 declaring a state of public health emergency throughout
the Philippines. By virtue of Section 23, Article VI of the Philippine Constitution,
Republic Act 11469 was enacted authorizing the President, for a limited period
and subject to restrictions prescribed by law to exercise powers necessary and
proper to carry out a declared national policy. In this scenario, it was urgent to
issue drastic measures and policies as mandated by Section 15, Article II of the
Philippine Constitution in promoting and protecting the right to health of the

After the release of the statement was the immediate suspension of classes
from March 10 to March 14, 2020 in all class levels, both public and private, in
the National Capital Region. Shortly thereafter, classes were suspended overall
the country. Furthermore, DepEd officials in all governance levels, region,
division and schools were directed to facilitate communication among the
teachers with the students and parents to continue the process of learning.

The Department of Education (DepEd) established the Basic Education –

Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) under the Sulong Edukalidad framework.
Under the pretext that “Education must continue”, DepEd identified alternative
delivery modes or distance learning modalities to be implemented in School Year
2020 – 2021. The BE – LCP provided guidance to all governance levels of the
department on how education is to be delivered during this time of crisis.

This Division Basic Education – Learning Continuity Plan is the response

of the Schools Division Office of Kidapawan City to DepEd’s Central Office’s call.
This Division BE – LCP presents the direction of the delivery of basic education
to learners of Kidapawan City in the coming school year, including the strategies
by which we ensure safe learning at home. However, this endeavor will be futile
without the support of our communities. We encourage our DepEd personnel to
move in unison as we direct our attention to the education of our learners and
seek support from their parents and guardians to promote the overall well-being
of their children.

II. Methodologies and Principles

The Department of Education (DepEd) developed the Basic Education

Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) to enable the learners of basic education to
continue learning, and for teachers to be able to deliver instruction in a safe
work and learning environment amidst the threat of COVID-19. The BE-LCP
identified the modes of learning delivery to be used by the schools namely: online
distance learning (ODL), modular distance learning (MDL), television & radio-
based instruction and blended distance learning.

After the survey conducted by the Curriculum Implementation Division

(CID), the mode of learning for the schools in Kidapawan City shall be modular
distance learning (MDL). Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) is also available and the
distribution of transistor radios to learners in far-flung communities. All
Education Program Supervisors (EPSs) and Public School District Supervisors
(PSDSs) took a proactive role in the preparation of the Division Simplified Self-
Learning Modules (SSLMs). Teacher-writers were also tapped by the EPS for
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) in the
preparation and quality assurance of the Regional Self-Learning Modules. The
preparation of the SLMs was made based on the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs) from the K to 12 Curriculum.

The schools were able to print and reproduce the modules from both the
Central Office and those that were locally developed. However, to be cost
efficient, the Schools Division procured OTGs and USBs and distributed to the
schools. The OTG distribution was based on the survey conducted by the SDO
with the goal that those who have smartphones, smart televisions, laptops, and
tablets will have access to the modules. The parents were instructed to return
the OTGs at the end of the school year.

III. What The Data Tell Us

Enrolment in the public schools of Kidapawan City increased for school

year 2020 – 2021. This is due to the transfer of learners from private schools to
the public schools nearest to their homes. Another reason for the transfer was
the cost of tuition fees for enrolment despite the current pandemic and learning

Table 1. Enrolment for School Year 2020 - 2021
Grade Level Sex
Elementary Male Female
Kindergarten 1592 1498
Grade 1 1696 1446
Grade 2 1955 1821
Grade 3 1855 1626
Grade 4 1395 1320
Grade 5 1553 1507
Grade 6 1711 1524
TOTAL 10258 9289
Junior High School
Grade 7 1817 1563
Grade 8 1851 1684
Grade 9 1808 1788
Grade 10 1475 1651
TOTAL 6951 6686
Senior High School
Grade 11 1191 1407
Grade 12 1051 1129
TOTAL 2242 2536
GRAND TOTAL 19451 18511
Source: Schools Division Office – Planning Unit

Table 1 above shows the enrolment in the public elementary and

secondary schools’ segment by grade level and sex. Total enrolment for
elementary is 19,547, junior high school 13,637 and senior high school 4,778.

Local Covid-19 Situation

On June 2, 2021, City Mayor Joseph A. Evangelista addressed the entire

population of Kidapawan City asking their cooperation and strict compliance to
the public health standards. According to DOH data, the COVID-19 cases in the
city are 70% asymptomatic and 30% symptomatic. Some of the schools under
the Schools Division Office were commissioned as barangay isolation centers for
suspected COVID-19 patients and returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).

Unlike other cities, COVID-19 cases in Kidapawan City are not as high as
its neighboring cities and municipalities within the SOCCSKSARGEN Region. A
sudden surge occurred in January 2021, and a gradual increase was seen from

April – June 2021. This was brought by the easing up of community restrictions,
allowing public transportation travelling from Cotabato – Kidapawan – Davao
routes and vice versa and Kidapawan – Tacurong – General Santos City routes
and vice versa. Majority of the cases involved Authorized Personnel Outside
Residents (APORs) working and doing business in the city.

In response to the National Vaccination Program of the government, the

City identified three (3) vaccination sites: City Health Office/City Hospital,
Kidapawan Doctors’ Hospital Incorporated (KDHI) and Notre Dame of Kidapawan
College (NDKC). Currently, KDHI caters all Senior Citizens for vaccination while
the other sites are for the A3 category or Adults with comorbidities. At present,
the Kidapawan City Hospital is at critical level with 83% occupancy rate 1.

The entire province of North Cotabato, including Kidapawan City, remains

to be under the General Community Quarantine (GCQ). With this, the Schools
Division Office continues to observe the no face-to-face activities and no contact
policy between clients and Division office personnel. The School Health Section
continues to monitor the weekly health status and vaccination status of DepEd
personnel (both teaching and non-teaching). The Schools Division Office through
the ICT Coordinator provided technological solutions to reduce personal
interaction with the clients. Among these innovations is the unique QR code for
vaccinated personnel. With this, the vaccination status of personnel, and soon
learners, can be monitored by the Schools Division Office without violating the
provision on the Data Privacy Act.

The Epidemiological Picture for The School Year 2021 – 2022.

Since the declaration of the State of Public Health Emergency by President

Rodrigo Roa Duterte in March 2020, the Department of Education (DepEd) has
been proactive in the delivery of basic education. DepEd established guidelines
for the safe return to schools, however, the President did not allow the conduct
of limited face-to-face classes. This is to protect the overall well-being of both
teachers and learners even to communities without incidence of COVID-19
In the Basic Education – Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020 –
2021, the Department of Education expressed two aspects of interest of the
Tabugoc, John Andrew (2021). Kidapawan City opens New COVID-19 Isolation wards. Philippine News Agency. June
2, 2021. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1142272

COVID – 19 epidemiological pictures in relation to school operations and school
opening. First are the general epidemiological projections that will enable DepEd
to ascertain scenarios to prepare for and second, the specific risk factors for
infection among school aged children, especially in a school setting, that will
enable DepEd to come up with sector- specific, evidence-based risk assessment
and risk-mitigation and response measures2.

As of August 8, 2021, there is a total of 5,797 cases. Of this statistical

data, there are 501 active cases receiving treatment from the COVID-19 facilities,
5,173 recovered cases and 123 deaths3. There was a sudden spike in the
transmission of COVID – 19 infections after January 2021. This was attributed
to the easing up of community and border restrictions and gatherings during the
holiday seasons. Due to this scenario, the entire province of North Cotabato was
placed under the General Community Quarantine (GCQ).

Personnel of the Schools Division Office have already undergone the

vaccination against the COVID-19 pandemic. This is in response to the
contextualized initiative of encouraging community members, especially DepEd
personnel, to be vaccinated in preparation for the upcoming school. However,
with the limited supply of the vaccines, majority of the DepEd personnel are still
waiting for their schedules for vaccination.

The table below indicates the number of teaching, non-teaching and

division office personnel already vaccinated and unvaccinated. Data show that
out of 1,746 total number of personnel of Kidapawan City Division, 614 have
been vaccinated or a vaccination percentage of 35.2%.

Table 2. Total number of vaccinated employees in Kidapawan City Division

No. of No. of No. of Percentage

Department of Education (May 2020). Learning Opportunities Shall Be Available: The Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan in the Time of COVID - 19
COVID-19 Tracker (August 2021). Department of Health. https://doh.gov.ph/covid19tracker

Employees Vaccinated Unvaccinated
Teaching 1,492 514 978
Non-Teaching 143 58 85
Division Office 111 42 69
TOTAL 1,746 614 1,132 35.2%

Despite the ongoing National Vaccination Program and DepEd’s support to

the initiative, the Schools Division Office issued stricter guidelines in compliance
to establish public health and safety standards by the Department of Health and
the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF – EID).
Regular disinfections, prohibition of communal eating, proper handwashing and
non-contact policies were implemented to avoid local transmission of COVID-19.

School’s Readiness for Distance Learning.

The School Year 2020 – 2021 proved to be challenging not only for the
learners but for the teachers as well. The Department of Education prepared and
presented the so-called alternative modes of distance learning for education to
continue despite the onslaught of the COVID – 19 pandemic. As such, these
distance learning modalities proved to provide a safe and healthy learning inside
the comfort of their homes.

Last year, it was evident that technology solutions were important to the
distance learning. As cited in DepEd’s Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan
(BE-LCP), the critical challenges presented by technology are as follows:

1. Access to the internet is a major limiting factor to online learning.

2. Teachers would have to be trained in the use of technology for learning
delivery. This meant upskilling of ICT teaching skills with the use of
Google classroom, Moodle, Zoom and other available platforms.
3. Early grade levels need to be closely supervised by the parents in the
use of technology.
4. Senior high school vocational tracks have classes that require hands-on
session in laboratories that may not be applicable in home-based
approaches even with technology.
5. The need to migrate DepEd’s systems into Cloud Servers that can be
scaled up to meet the increasing demand for technology-based

However, with the presence of other modalities, the schools under the
Schools Division Office of Kidapawan City resorted to blended learning modality.
Modular distance learning (MDL) is the chosen learning modality by all
households in the City. This is due to the unavailability of internet connectivity
in some areas in the 40 barangays of Kidapawan City.

To support the printing of Self-Learning Modules, the City Government of

Kidapawan donated Php 4.2 million of printing equipment and materials. The
Schools Division Office received two (2) heavy-duty colored printers, five (5) copy
duplicators/isograph machines and consumables (inks and reams of bond
papers). Other partners like SMART Communications donated a heavy-duty
printer to Kidapawan City Pilot Elementary School with consumables.

DepEd entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with its partner, With

Love Jan Foundation Inc. (WLJFI) to sponsor radio airtime thru the Notre Dame
Broadcasting Network’s DXND 747. The MOA covered 10 months of radio-based
instruction. The program which aired two (2) times daily can be heard even by
learners outside the Province of Cotabato. With the partnership, the radio station
provided free use of its recording studio for teachers to record their radio-based
lessons. This also paved the way for the Schools Division Office to have a regular
weekly radio program (Sulong DepEd Kidapawan) to provide updates for all
learners, parents, community partners, and DepEd personnel in the city.

Despite the clamor among parents and learners alike to return to face-to-
face learning delivery, the Department of Education takes heed from the
instruction of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte during the 2021 State of the Nation
Address (SONA) that there will be no face-to-face classes this school year. Hence
in preparation for School Year 2021 – 2022, the Schools Division Office procured
eight (8) units of copy duplicators for each district – five (5) for elementary and
three (3) for secondary. They will also be given initial reams of bond paper to
commence the printing of Self-Learning Modules for the first quarter this coming
August 16, 2021.

Table 3. Inventory of Self-Learning Modules for SY 2020 – 2021 First Quarter

Table 2 above presents the inventory of modules for kindergarten to Grade

10 learners for quarter 1 for School Year 2020 – 2021. The Schools Division
Office was able to print 23, 859 locally developed SLMs with actual quantity of
2,177,772 modules delivered.

Table 4. Inventory of Self-Learning Modules for SY 2020 – 2021 (Quarter 2)

Table 3 above presents the inventory of self-learning modules for
kindergarten to Grade 10. The inventory for Quarter 2 indicates that the Schools
Division Office was able to print 19,791 locally developed SLMs and 1,469 SLMs
from the Central Office. Based on the data presented in the table, there is a
shortage for 1,061,591 SLMs.

Table 5. Self-Learning Module Inventory for Senior High School

Table 4 above shows the inventory of SLMs for Senior High School.
According to the data, the Schools Division Office reproduced 24, 108 locally
developed modules and 224 from the Central Office. There is a hug difference
between the modules printed for SHS since the printing was based on the area of
specialization of the learner.

Although distance learning is not new to DepEd, last school year was the
first time that efforts were multiplied to produce Self-Learning Modules (SLMs)
and Learning Activity Sheets (LAS). This large-scale production – from the
development, quality assurance, and printing and sorting – took most of the
teachers and non-teaching personnel involved in the process. This coming school
year, it is hoped that with the learning materials from DepEd Central Office and
the SLMs on-hand, there is minimal operational challenges in the
implementation of the blended learning.

IV. School Calendar and Activities


SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022

1 Sunday 
2 Monday 
3 Tuesday  Orientation for School Supply Officers
3-23  Summer Reading Camp
 Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik

4 Wednesday 
5 Thursday  Bid and Awards Committee Meeting
6 Friday 
7 Saturday 
8 Sunday 
9 Monday 
10 Tuesday  Muslim Holiday
11 Wednesday 
12 Thursday 
13 Friday  Start of Enrolment Period
 School Personnel and Stakeholders
14 Saturday 
15 Sunday 
16 Monday 
17 Tuesday  Division-Wide Psychological First Aid
Training of Trainers
18 Wednesday  Orientation on the Accomplishment,
Submission and Monitoring of Data
Collection System of RPMS-IPCRF for SY
19 Thursday 
20 Friday 
21 Saturday  Ninoy Aquino day

22 Sunday 
23 Monday  ELLN Digital SLAC and M&E Activity for
SY 2020-2021
24 Tuesday 
25 Wednesday  Orientation on PPSS and PPSH
26 Thursday  Orientation on PPSS and PPSH
27 Friday 
28 Saturday 
29 Sunday 
30 Monday  National Heroes Day
31 Tuesday  Orientation on the Customized of Online
QATAME Tools and Utilization of
QATAME Results


1 Wednesday 
1-30  Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik
1-30  Brigada Pagbasa
2 Thursday 
3 Friday  Capacity Training for Kindergarten
4 Saturday 
5 Sunday 
6 Monday 
7 Tuesday  Orientation on School Site Training
8 Wednesday  Orientation on Record Management
9 Thursday  Seminar Workshop on the Basics of
Videography and Video Editing for Video
Lesson (Elementary)
10 Friday  Seminar Workshop on the Basics of
Videography and Video Editing for Video
Lesson (Secondary)
11 Saturday 
12 Sunday 
13 Monday  End of Enrolment Period
 Opening of Classes

 Start of Academic Quarter I
14 Tuesday 
15 Wednesday 
16 Thursday 
17 Friday 
18 Saturday 
19 Sunday 
20 Monday 
21 Tuesday 
22 Wednesday  Capacity Training for Edukasyon sa
Pagpapahalaga (ESP) Teachers in the
New Normal
 Capacity Training for Mathematics
Teachers in the New Normal
 Capacity Training for Filipino Teachers
in the New Normal
 Capcity Training for Science Teachers in
the New Normal
23 Thursday  Orientation on the School Improvement
Planning 3rd Cycle Project Monitoring
and Evaluation for Continuous
24 Friday  Orientation on the School Improvement
Planning 3rd Cycle Project Monitoring
and evaluation for Continuous
25 Saturday 
26 Sunday 
27 Monday  PCSA 121st Celebration of CSC Cum
 Blood Letting Activity
28 Tuesday  Capacity Training for SPED Teachers
29 Wednesday  Capacity Training for Secondary MAPEH
Teachers in the New Normal
30 Thursday  Capacity Training for MG Teachers
TBA  Accreditation and Equivalency Test
TBA  Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd

1 Friday 
2 Saturday 
3 Sunday 
4 Monday 
4-17  SPG/SSG Election (First to Second
5 Tuesday  World Teachers Day
6 Wednesday 
7 Thursday 
8 Friday  Capacity Building for Grades 4 to 6
Teachers Teaching EPP
9 Saturday 
10 Sunday 
11 Monday  Capacity Building for LR Developers,
Illustrators and Evaluators
12 Tuesday  Training Workshop for Instructional
13 Wednesday  Capacity Training for TLE/EPP Teachers
in the New Normal
14 Thursday  3rd Quarter DMEPA
15 Friday  3rd Quarter DMEPA
16 Saturday 
17 Sunday 
18 Monday  Teachers Adviser Meeting
19 Tuesday  Orientation on Action Research
20 Wednesday  DEDP Mid-Year Review
21 Thursday  DEDP Mid-Year Review
22 Friday  DEDP Mid-Year Review
23 Saturday 
24 Sunday 
25 Monday  PCSA 121st Celebration of CSC Cum
 Blood Letting Activity
26 Tuesday 
27 Wednesday 
28 Thursday 
29 Friday  Capacity Training for Elementary
MAPEH Teachers in the New Normal

30 Saturday 
31 Sunday 
TBA  Administration of PEPT (Regular)
TBA  Start of Career Guidance Orientation for
Grades 9 10, 11 and 2


1 Monday  All Saints Day (Regular Holiday)
2 Tuesday  All Souls Day (Special Working Day)
3 Wednesday 
4 Thursday 
5 Friday 
6 Saturday 
7 Sunday 
8 Monday  Orientation on Finance and MOOE
9 Tuesday 
10 Wednesday 
11 Thursday 
12 Friday  End of Academic Quarter I
13 Saturday 
14 Sunday 
15 Monday  Start of Academic Quarter 2
16 Tuesday 
17 Wednesday 
18 Thursday 
19 Friday 
20 Saturday 
21 Sunday 
22 Monday 
23 Tuesday  Division Awarding of 2021 Outstanding
Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees
24 Wednesday 
25 Thursday 
26 Friday 
27 Saturday  Parent-Teacher Conference and

Distribution of Report
 Araw ng Pagbasa
28 Sunday 
29 Monday 
30 Tuesday  Bonifacio Day (Regular Holiday)
TBA  Accreditation and Equivalency Test


1 Wednesday 
2 Thursday 
3 Friday 
4 Saturday 
5 Sunday 
6 Monday 
7 Tuesday  Regional Awarding of 2021 Outstanding
Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees
8 Wednesday  Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion
(Special Non-Working Day)
9 Thursday  PRAISE Award Cum Awarding of Schools
SBM Level 3 of Practice
10 Friday 
11 Saturday 
12 Sunday 
13 Monday  4th Quarter DMEPA
14 Tuesday  4th Quarter DMEPA
15 Wednesday
16 Thursday  Gender and Development Training for
SDO Personnel
17 Friday  Gender and Development Training for
SDO Personnel
18 Saturday 
19 Sunday 
20 Monday  Start of Christmas Break
21 Tuesday  SGOD Year End Performance Review of

22 Wednesday  OSDS Year End Performance Review of
23 Thursday  CID Year End Performance Review of
24 Friday 
25 Saturday  Christmas Day (Regular Holiday)
26 Sunday 
27 Monday 
28 Tuesday 
29 Wednesday 
30 Thursday  Rizal Day (Regular Holiday)
31 Friday  Last Day of the Year

1 Saturday New Year’s Day (Regular Holiday)
2 Sunday Resumption of Classes
3 Monday
4 Tuesday
5 Wednesday
6 Thursday
7 Friday
8 Saturday
9 Sunday
10 Monday
11 Tuesday
12 Wednesday
13 Thursday
14 Friday
15 Saturday
16 Sunday
17 Monday
18 Tuesday
19 Wednesday Capacity Building on Conflict Resolution,
Peace Building for School Heads and School
Based ELCAC Focal Persons
20 Thursday Innovations in Teaching and Learning
Mathematics and Sciences in Senior High
School with ICT Application" Duration 2 days
Jan. 20-21

21 Friday Innovations in Teaching and Learning
Mathematics and Sciences in Senior High
School with ICT Application" Duration 2 days
Jan. 20-21
22 Saturday
23 Sunday
24 Monday
25 Tuesday
26 Wednesday
27 Thursday Strategies in Teaching Remedial Reading
28 Friday End of Academic Quarter 2
29 Saturday
30 Sunday
31 Monday Mid-Year Break
1 Tuesday Chinese New Year (Special Non-Working
2 Wednesday
2-5 Mid-Year Break
3 Thursday
4 Friday
5 Saturday
6 Sunday
7 Monday Start of Academic Year Quarter 3
8 Tuesday
9 Wednesday
10 Thursday
11 Friday
12 Saturday Parent-Teacher Conference and
Distribution of Report Card
13 Sunday
14 Monday Orientation of School Dental Health Care
15 Tuesday SIP/AIP MPRE
16 Wednesday Division Training-Workshop of ALS
Implementers on the Development of Learning
Materials in the New Normal
17 Thursday Capacity Building on Crafting Remediation
Activities to Struggling Math Learners
Division Training-Workshop of ALS

Implementers on the Development of Learning
Materials in the New Normal
18 Friday
19 Saturday
20 Sunday
21 Monday Division Education Development Plan Review
22 Tuesday Division Education Development Plan Review
23 Wednesday Division Education Development Plan Review
24 Thursday
25 Friday People Power Anniversary (Special Non-
Working Day)
26 Saturday
27 Sunday
28 Monday Values Reorientation Workshop and Public
Service Ethics and Accountability

1 Tuesday SBM Validation (Division Level)
2 Wednesday
3 Thursday
4 Friday Pagsasanay sa Pagtuturong Panliterasi sa
Filipino - March 4, 2022
5 Saturday
6 Sunday
7 Monday
8 Tuesday First Quarter DMEPA
9 Wednesday First Quarter DMEPA
10 Thursday
11 Friday
12 Saturday
13 Sunday
14 Monday Enhancement Training for the Division
Coordinating Team (DCT) and Members
15 Tuesday
16 Wednesday Enhancement Training-Workshop on the Use
of MS Teams for Collaborative Work for
Writers, Illustrators and Evaluators
17 Thursday Enhancement Training-Workshop on the Use
of MS Teams for Collaborative Work for
Writers, Illustrators and Evaluators

18 Friday Enhancement Training-Workshop on the Use
of MS Teams for Collaborative Work for
Writers, Illustrators and Evaluators
19 Saturday
20 Sunday
21 Monday SBM Validation (Division Level)
22 Tuesday Capacity Building of Alive Teachers on
Teaching Strategies in the New Normal
23 Wednesday Capacity Building of Alive Teachers on
Teaching Strategies in the New Normal
24 Thursday
25 Friday PIR (SBFP)
26 Saturday
27 Sunday
28 Monday Salamat Mabuhay Program
On Boarding Program for Non-Teaching
28-30 Administration of PISA in Selected Schools
29 Tuesday Capacity Building of TLE/EPP Teachers
30 Wednesday
31 Thursday SDO First Quarter Earthquake Drill
Cum Consultation of Earthquake Contingency
For Kidapawan City Division

1 Friday Early Registration
2 Saturday
3 Sunday
4 Monday SBM (Validation Division Level)
5 Tuesday
6 Wednesday
7 Thursday
8 Friday End of Academic Year Quarter 3
9 Saturday Day of Valor (Regular Holiday)
10 Sunday
11 Monday Start of Academic Year Quarter 4
12 Tuesday
13 Wednesday

14 Thursday Maundy Thursday (Regular Holiday)
15 Friday Good Friday (Regular Holiday)
16 Saturday Black Saturday (Regular Holiday)
17 Sunday
18 Monday
19 Tuesday
20 Wednesday Training-Workshop on the Transition and
Pedagogy for SPED Teachers and Receiving
21 Thursday 1stQuarter DMEPA
22 Friday 1st Quarter DMEPA
23 Saturday Parent-Teacher Conference and
Distribution of Report Cards
24 Sunday
25 Monday SBM Validation (Division Level)
26 Tuesday
27 Wednesday
28 Thursday
29 Friday
30 Saturday
TBA Administration of ELLNA, NAT 6 & 10

1 Sunday Labor Day (Regular Holiday)
2 Monday
2-6 National Elections-Related Activities
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday
8 Sunday
9 Monday National Elections
10 Tuesday
10-13 National Elections-Related Activities
11 Wednesday
12 Thursday
13 Friday Division Orientation on the Implementation of
the Proposed Mandatory ROTC in SHS
14 Saturday

15 Sunday
16 Monday SBM Validation (Division Level)
17 Tuesday Training Workshop of Teachers on the
Integration of Comprehensive Sexuality
Education in
Araling Panlipunan Grades 1-10 and
Personality Development for SHS 11-12
18 Wednesday Training Workshop of Teachers on the
Integration of Comprehensive Sexuality
Education in
Araling Panlipunan Grades 1-10 and
Personality Development for SHS 11-12
19 Thursday Training Workshop of Teachers on the
Integration of Comprehensive Sexuality
Education in
Araling Panlipunan Grades 1-10 and
Personality Development for SHS 11-12
20 Friday Division Training in Revitalizing Core Values in
Teaching 21st Century Learners Cum Teaching
Education Initiative
21 Saturday
22 Sunday
23 Monday
24 Tuesday
25 Wednesday
26 Thursday
27 Friday
28 Saturday
29 Sunday
30 Monday
31 Tuesday
 Every FRIDAY Starting MAY: TAYO
Naman! Mental Health and Psychosocial
Support Service for DepEd Personnel

1 Wednesday
2 Thursday
3 Friday

4 Saturday
5 Sunday
6 Monday
7 Tuesday
8 Wednesday
9 Thursday
10 Friday
11 Saturday
12 Sunday Independence Day
13 Monday
14 Tuesday
15 Wednesday
16 Thursday
17 Friday
18 Saturday
19 Sunday
20 Monday
21 Tuesday
22 Wednesday
23 Thursday DepEd Founding Anniversary
24 Friday End of Academic Year Quarter 4 and School
25 Saturday
26 Sunday
27 Monday
27-July 2 End of School Year Rites
28 Tuesday
29 Wednesday
30 Thursday Induction Program for the Newly Hired
Teaching Employees and Oath Taking

Division Enhancement Training of Teachers

Teaching MAPEH 7-10 on the Teaching
Strategies in the New Normal

1 Friday Second Quarter Earthquake Drill
1-2 End of School Year Rites
2 Saturday

3 Sunday
4 Monday Start of Remedial/Advancement Classes
5 Tuesday Second Quarter DMEPA
6 Wednesday Second Quarter DMEPA
7 Thursday
8 Friday SGOD Mid-Year Performance Review of RPMS-
9 Saturday
10 Sunday
11 Monday
12 Tuesday Division Awarding for Outstanding SPG and
SG Advisers
13 Wednesday
14 Thursday
15 Friday
16 Saturday
17 Sunday
18 Monday Strengthening the School Planning Team on
the Enhanced School Improvement Planning
Cum SBM Implementation, Performance
Review and Harvest of SBM Practices
19 Tuesday
20 Wednesday
21 Thursday Orientation on Tahhdereya Curriculum
22 Friday
23 Saturday
24 Sunday
25 Monday
26 Tuesday Orientation of RPMS IPCR Data Collection
System for School Year 2021-2022
27 Wednesday OSDS Mid-Year Performance Review of RPMS-
28 Thursday CID Mid-Year Performance Review of RPMS-
29 Friday
30 Saturday
31 Sunday

1 Monday
2 Tuesday

3 Wednesday Orientation on Implementation of ALIVE
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
8 Monday
9 Tuesday
10 Wednesday
11 Thursday
12 Friday End of Remedial/Advancement
Classes during Summer
13 Saturday
14 Sunday
15 Monday Enrollment SY 2022-2023
16 Tuesday Enhancement Training on the Leadership
Standards for School Heads and Supervisors
17 Wednesday
18 Thursday
19 Friday
20 Saturday
21 Sunday
22 Monday Orientation on Action Research
23 Tuesday
24 Wednesday
25 Thursday
26 Friday
27 Saturday
28 Sunday
29 Monday
30 Tuesday
31 Wednesday

V. Learning Strategies and Modalities

a. Streamlining the K to 12 Curriculum into the Most Essential Learning


In preparation for the Distance Learning Modalities for Kidapawan City,
the following are the strategies for the streamlining of the K to 12 Curriculum to
the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs):

1. As prescribed by the Department of Education (DepEd), the Most

Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) served as the basis in
ensuring that competencies expected under the K to 12 curriculum
were aligned and appropriately merged in a specific week.
2. Upon consultation, a maximum of 8 modules for 8 weeks are crafted for
a whole quarter with consideration to the weight of activities required in
a given competency. This means the learner is expected to accomplish
one (1) module per week for eight (8) weeks.
3. The locally developed modules prepared by SDO Kidapawan City are
still anchored in the MELCs prescribed.

b. Learning Delivery Modalities

With the Basic Education – Learning Continuity Plan identifying the

learning delivery modalities for School Year 2020 – 2021, the Schools Division
Office aligned with the learning delivery modalities based on the technology
available in the city.

Based on the survey conducted by the Schools Division Office, learning in

Kidapawan City in general is under the Modular Distance Learning (MDL). This
is the learning with the use of individualized instruction using self-learning
modules in print or digital format/electronic copy.

Twenty (20) out of 85 schools employed blended distance learning which

combined modular distance learning with supplemental online classes or with
the use of radio-based instruction broadcasted via Notre Dame Broadcasting
Corporation (DXND 747) and can be watched via DXND’s Facebook Page or
DepEd Tayo Kidapawan Official Page.

With the partnership of the Schools Division Office and With Love Jan
Foundation, Inc. (WLJFI), all learners can tune to the radio-based instruction
aired via DXND 747.

Table 1. Summary of Learning Delivery Modes for Kidapawan City Division

Distance Learning Quarter 1 Quarter 2
Delivery Mode Male Female Total Percentage Male Female Total Percentage
Online Distance “Supplementary Only”
Modular Distance                
Printed Modular 21,415 20,318 41,733 99.34% 21,42 20,330 41,755 99.44%
Distance Learning 5
Digitized Modular 83 80 163 0.42% 86 73 159 0.38%
Distance Learning-
TV-Based Instruction “Supplementary Only”
(Educational TV)
Instruction (blended)
Blended Distance 33 41 74 0.24% 33 41 74 .18%
  21,531 20,439 41,970 100% 21,54 20,444 41,988 100%

Table 1 above presents the total of learners based on the distance learning
delivery modality. Based on the data provided, a total of 41, 773 learners or
99.34% were under the printed modular distance learning. The other learners
opted digitized or electronic copies of the modules with the OTGs provided by the
Schools Division Office. Finally, 0.24% of learners were under the blended
distance learning modality.

c. Learning Resources

Table 2. Inventory of 1st Quarter Self-Learning Modules

Table 2 above indicates the inventory of self-learning modules for quarter
1 from Kindergarten to Grade 10. The table shows that a total of 2,177,772
modules were distributed to the learners. For the modules printed, a total of
1,136 modules were printed from the Self-Learning Modules from the Central
Office and 23,859 locally developed modules were printed.

Table 3. Inventory of 2nd Quarter Self-Learning Modules

Table 3 above shows the inventory of 2 nd quarter self-learning modules

from the Learning Resource Management and Development Systems office.
Based on the data above, the schools and the Schools Division Office were able
to print a total of 1,961,897 modules.

Table 4. Inventory of Self-Learning Modules for Senior High School

Table 4 above shows the inventory of Self-Learning Modules for Senior
High School (SHS). Based on the data presented, there were 27, 537 SLMs with
138,243 total number of SLMs printed. Of the printed modules, 134,766 were
delivered to learners. 65, 406 of the SLMs are reusable and returned to schools.

d. Strategies for Kindergarten to Grade 3

For Kindergarten to Grade 3 learners, the following strategies were

adopted by the Schools Division Office:

1. Provision of contextualized SLMs & Learning Activity Sheets (LAS);

2. Conduct of Online Orientation to parents/guardians on how to utilize
SLMs & LASs;
3. Conduct of Home Visitation;
4. One-on-One Engagement with the learner and parent;
5. Provision of Contextualized Video Lessons to learners with instruction
to parents/guardians;
6. Use of contextualized monitoring tools on the performance of learners;
7. Employment of Learning Support Aides (LSAs) for the indigenous
peoples (IP) learners.

e. Adaptation for Learners with Disabilities

For learners with disabilities, the following learning strategies were


1. Video Recording and Use of Assessment Forms/Tools as Means of

Verification (MOVs) for promotion and transition;
2. Video recording showcasing the Learners with Special Educational
Needs (LSEN) talents as performance output the Schools Division
Office’s group chat for Special Education (SPED);
3. Launching of Adopt-a-Learner Project where each teacher adopted a
learner for supervised learning of SPED pupils; and
4. Provision of school supplies for SPED learners.

Interventions and Proposed Programs for K to 3 Learners

Below are the interventions and proposed programs by the Schools

Division Office:

1. Capacity-Building of Teachers in making interactive video lessons on
literacy and numeracy;
2. Strengthening of Division-Initiated Reading Intervention dubbed as 4B’s
(Brigada, Bawat Bata Bumabasa); and,
3. Implementation of Online Interactive Learning on basic counting and
fundamental operations in Mathematics

f. Assessment

For the periodic assessment, the following contextualized strategies were


1. School-based/teacher-made summative assessments will continue in

the form of written works (WW) and performance tasks (PT)

2. Written works were administered to assess level knowledge and

understanding of learners through quizzes, and long tests distributed
to learners during the schedule module distribution and retrieval.

3. Performance Tasks allowed learners to show through innovating

products, doing performances including skill demonstration, group
work, multimedia presentation or research projects.

g. Alternative Learning Systems

For the Alternative Learning Systems (ALS), a total of learners for 1,494
learners were assessed and 1,158 learners were revalidated for School Year 2020
– 2021.

h. Establishing a Committee for the Development, Acquisition, and

Deployment of Learning Resources



CID Chief BAC Division Supply Officer
Subject Specialists Finance and Budget Supply Office Personnel

vision Test Writers PSDS’s Inspectorate Team

nal and LR QA Team School Heads School Property Custodians

Figure 1. Organization Chart for the Committee for the Development,

Acquisition, and Deployment of Learning Resources

Figure 1 above presents the organizational chart of the Schools Division

Office’s committees on the development, acquisition, and deployment of learning
resources. Under the Committee on Development, the CID Chief takes the lead
as chairperson with subject specialists, division test writers and internal and
learning resource quality assurance teams as members.

Under the Committee on Acquisition, the Bids and Awards Committee,

finance office and budget offices from the Division Office and the Public Schools
District Supervisors and all school heads of the schools are involved in the
acquisition of learning materials. This involves efforts for partnership
engagement to generate learning resource materials.

For the deployment of the learning materials and distribution, the Division
Supply Officer and Supply Office personnel, Division Inspectorate Teams and the
School property custodians are involved.

VI. Strategies in preparing our Teachers and School Leaders for Multiple
Learning Delivery Modalities

A. Schools Division Office’s strategies:

1. Online Reorientation of Teachers on the different learning delivery

2. Strengthening of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E)
3. Orientation of stakeholders on the different modalities to be used for SY
4. Establishment of production studios for instructional materials for TV
and Radio-Based Instruction (RBI)
5. Enhancement Training for ALS Mobile Teachers, ALIVE, IPEd and SpEd
Teachers on the teaching approaches and motivational skills in the new
normal education

B. Development of Learning Management System

To maximize the use of technology and facilitate ease of submission,
tracking and inventory of SLMs, the following are the initiatives of the schools
division office to install and develop the Learning Management System:
1. Developed a Centralized SLM Repository for Division-based SLM Access
and Downloading;
2. Integrated Cloud-based App (MS Teams and Google Drive) for Fast-
Tracking of QA Process of Locally-Developed SLMs and LASs;
3. Real-time Centralized Online Learning Resource Situational Report
Retrieval System;
4. Real-time Centralized Online SLM/LAS Inventory Report Feedbacking
Portal; and
5. On-going SLM/LAS Inventory Report Consolidation through the
Submission to the Portal.

VII. Strategies in Operationalizing the Learning Continuity Program

a. Required Health Standards

Aside from the mandated health and safety protocols prescribed by the
Department of Health and the Inter-Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious
Diseases (IATF- EID), the Schools Division Office implemented a stricter
standard in each unit, section and offices of the SDO. Among the strict
guidelines are as follows:

a. Use of face masks and face shields inside the offices

b. Prohibition of communal eating in the office
c. Contactless/window transactions
d. Regular general disinfection

Other than those mentioned Division Office guidelines, the following

programs and activities were conducted by the SDO and its partners:

1. Stationed Medical personnel during the conduct of the Computer-

based English Proficiency Test (EPT);
2. Division-based Advocacy campaign for VACC 2 School;
3. Partnership with With Love Jan Foundation and DXND Radyo Bida
747; FM to raise awareness on the government’s Vaccination Program
in line with DepEd’s VACC 2 School Campaign every Friday and
Saturday at 11:00am – 12 noon;

4. Setting-up of QR Codes for teaching and non-teaching personnel for
intensified Contact Tracing and Health Monitoring; and
5. Conduct of Online Weekly Health Monitoring of teaching and non-
teaching personnel.

Also, all School Health personnel of the SDO were fully vaccinated with
Aztra Zeneca Oxford by the City Government of Kidapawan. This is also in
preparation for the vaccination program for teachers and non-teaching personnel
once the vaccines are ready and available.

b. Contextualizing Learning Strategies and Modalities in the Division

Aside from the use of regional and locally developed self-learning modules
(SLMs) and the supplemental radio-based instruction, the following strategies
were also established by selected schools:

Learning Strategy Modality Used School

“Panagtapok sa Purok, Arun Limited Face-to-Face Lapan Elem.
Mabansay ang Utok” (Reading strictly following the School
Sessions conducted by the minimum health
community-based Learning protocols
Support Aides)
Peer Feedback Mechanism Using Blended Modality Saniel-Cruz
Rubrics (Limited F2F, Online National HS
Platform – Messenger,
SMS and Call)
“Pagkatuto Ko, Premyo Ko” Blended Modality Lapan ES
  (Modular and Recorded
Mastering the SHS Competencies Two-Way Radio Paco National
through the Use of Two-Way Communication High School
Radio Communication
Provision of Enhancement Modular Kidapawan
Learning Activity Sheets to SPED, Home-bound for SPED City Pilot
SPJ and SSES Learners Learners Elem. School
Enhancement of Reading Skills Video-based Lessons Kidapawan
through Video Presentation City Pilot
Elem. School
Supplementary Video Lessons for Video-Based Lessons Kidapawan
SLMs in Mathematics  City Pilot
  Elem. School

Creation of Reading Pantry and Limited Face-to-Face Felipe Suerte
Conduct of Story Telling MES
“Guro at Magulang Ko, Sa Pag- Home Schooling Kalasuyan
aaral Katuwang Ko”  ES

c. Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela

With the issuance of OU-LAPP Memorandum No. Q-267, s. 2021 entitled

“Guidelines on the Utilization of Program Support Funds for the Building
Partnership and Linkages Program (BPLP) for Fiscal Year 2021” and DepEd
Memorandum 48 s. 2021 entitled “2021 Brigada Eskwela Implementing
Guidelines”, the following activities will be conducted from August 3 – September
30, 2021.

1. Online Division Kick-Off and Launching of Brigada Eskwela 2021 and

Brigada Pagbasa
2. Virtual Stakeholders convergence to generate support for the Division
Learning Continuity Plan
3. Establish Division-Based School Needs Data System (SNDS) for
contactless partnership engagement
4. Reorganization of the Division Oplan Balik Eskwela Committee
5. Reactivation of Division OBE Hotlines
6. Setting-up of Division and School-based OBE Information Desks

d. Legal Context

The Schools Division Office complies with the legal and IATF standards for
the following:

1. Compliance to Standards and Processes in Opening a New IP School

2. Compliance to the Minimum Health Protocols
3. Coordination with the Barangay Officials for the Conduct of Barangay-
based Activities

All the procurement activities of the Schools Division Office adhere to the
policies, rules, regulations and procedures embodied in RA 9184 or the
Government Procurement Reform Act.

e. Finance

The SDO – Finance and Budget Offices are proactive in monitoring for any
financial and budgetary allocations in line with the procurement of supplies and
the “Bayanihan” Recovery Acts.

1. Facilitate the immediate dissemination of information on funds received

in line with the adoption/ implementation of Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan and provide advice on how to maximize use of those
2. Provide on-time updates on fund utilization to the management.
3. Provide financial data needed by the Division Office, Regional Office and
Central Office.
4. Facilitate on time release of funds (School MOOE) to help in the
implementation of Modular Learning (procurement of supplies).

f. Communications

Under the supervision of the Division Information Officer, Dr. Gina Fe B.

Patenio, the division office created teams for the DepEd Dose sa Ere weekly
airing. Also, the following innovations to improve the communications and public
service of the SDO were conducted or established:

1. Airing of District-Based News updates:

 Distrito 3 sa Ere by District III Secondary
 Balitang Oruwa by District II Secondary
 Distrito 4 sa Ere by District IV Secondary
 Balitang High Five by District 5 Elementary
2. Airing of Sulong DepEd Kidapawan every Sunday from 10-11 AM via
3. Posting of education updates through news publication at DepEd Tayo
Kidapawan FB Page
4. Posting of Division Memoranda and Advisories at DepEd Kidapawan
City Division FB Page

g. Monitoring and Evaluation

The Schools Division Office has the following mechanisms and measures
to intensify the conduct of monitoring and evaluation of all the programs,
projects and activities:

1. Creation and Provision of Online Link for M & E for Division-led

2. Conduct of Quarterly SMEPA and DMEPA;
3. Establishment of Customer/Client Satisfaction Survey (CCSS);
4. Assigning of District Adopters; and
5. Crafting and Use of Localized M&E Tools;

VIII. Strategies in Social, Economic and Security Factors

The Schools Division Office prepared the following strategies under the
Social, Economic and Security Factors.

a. Social Factors

1. Institutionalization of “DepEd sa Barangay” as a platform to
communicate with learners, teachers, and the community. This
program also encouraged external partners and stakeholders to
propound questions directly to the top management of the Schools
Division Office of Kidapawan City especially on how they can further
contribute to the school’s management.

2. Use of available technology and office hotline numbers to address

queries and concerns from learners and parents. As previously
presented under the Oplan BaliK Eskwela section, the Schools Division
Office already established its hotline numbers and DepEd Tayo
Kidapawan Facebook Page which the official page for social media
engagement. Queries related to enrolment, modules, and even the
teacher hiring process is addressed through the hotlines and Facebook

3. Use of Division and School Facebook pages to disseminate

information to the public. Aside from the DepEd Tayo Kidapawan
Facebook page, the IT Officer also manages a separate Facebook page
where all announcements and administrative concerns are addressed.
The schools were also encouraged to establish their own Facebook
pages as a tool to communicate with their community, partners,
parents, and learners.

b. Economic Factors

1. Conduct of Training on Financial Literacy for Division Personnel

2. Setting up of Division Community Pantry for DepEd Personnel and
their families who tested positive for COVID-19 or have high risk
3. Giving of subsidies and allowance through Bayanihan for Basic
Education 2. For Batch 1, 74 learners and 150 for Batch 2.

c. Security Factors

1. Stricter health standards implemented in both the Schools Division

Office and Schools
2. Organization of Division ELCAC Representatives

3. Coordination with the Barangay for BPAT Assistance during module
distribution and retrieval and other activities.

IX. Anchoring on Sulong Edukalidad and Bridging into the Future

DepEd’s Sulong Edukalidad framework prompted the School Division

Office to prepare the following activities in preparation for School Year 2021 –

1. Inventory of available learning modules both at the division and schools

for the upcoming school year;
2. Migration to Digital MDL through provision and use of OTG for learners
with stored Self-Learning Modules (SLMs);
3. Provision of risograph machines and printing materials per district;
4. Capacitating teachers on the use of online platforms (Google
Classroom, Google Meet, Zoom and Moodle);
5. Contextualization of learning resources;
6. Partnering with parents to support their children’s learning at home;
7. Developing the culture of reading at home with Brigada: Bawat Bata
Bumabasa (4 B’s)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


SY 2021 – 2022

Protocols to be observed: Strict compliance on physical distancing, wearing of face masks, functional
washing area within the premises of the division office, taking of temperature through thermal scanner,
provision of alcohol, hand sanitizer, multi-vitamins and face masks, daily disinfection of offices, provision
of drop boxes for documents, etc.)

No Activity Timeline Persons/Office Learning Expected Amount Responsible

. Involved Resources Outputs Needed Person
1 Merging of July 1 – EPSs, PSDSs, e-copies of the Number of 25,000 Dr. Hazel
MELCs-based Aug. 13, Development SLMs, List of copies of Aparece
SLMs into 8 2021 and Quality LMs, RIS, PR, printed Engr. Adolf
Modules for First Assurance Allocation List modules John
Quarter in all Team, e-copies of the procured Montero
Subject Areas and identified merged SLMs, and Alea
Grade Levels writers in all printers, bond delivered Narciso
subject areas paper, ink Number of
copies of
2 Translation and July 5 to EPSs, LREs, e-copies of the Number of 25,000 Dr. Hazel

Quality Assurance 10, 2021 all assigned SLMs, printer, copies of Aparece
of K to 3 Mother translators for bond paper, ink translated Dr. Alma
Manuscript to K to 3 in and Microsoft and quality Belarmino
Sinugbuanong identified 0365 assured
Binisaya in Math 2, subject areas ready-to-
Science 3 -Q1, AP print
1-3, ESP 1- Q2 & modules
ESP 3-Q1-Q2 and
MTB 2-

3 Installation of October – Division ITO, Set of Number of 100,000.00 Zenon

Instructional Radio December Division ALS accessories for radio Daquio
System per District 2021 Focal Person mini radio systems
for RBI purposes station installed

4 Capacity Building August- Division ALS Activity Number of 30,000.00 Zenon

for ALS Mobile March Focal Person, Proposal mobile Daquio
Teachers on 2022 EPSAs teachers
Portfolio capacitated
5 Development and August - EPSs, ICT Gadgets, Number of 35,000 Dr. Gina Fe
Quality Assurance Septembe Teachers, ICT copy of MELCs developed Patenio
of Interactive r 2021 experts and quality- Dr. Ronela
Video Lessons for assured Molina
Enhancement of interactive Dr.
Literacy and video Madonna
Numeracy Skills lessons Along
for K to 3
6 Capacity Building August – EPSs, Activity Number of 30,000 Antonio
on the Septembe Selected Proposal teachers Pasigado
Development and r 2021 elementary trained
Editing of and secondary
Interactive Video
Lessons for the
Development of
Higher Order
Thinking Skills
(HOTS) for Grades
7 Establishment of August - SDS, ASDS, Proposal Established 4.0M Dr. Gina Fe
Production Studio March Division Letter, POW, production Patenio
for TV-Based 2022 Information office supplies, studio for Dr.
Instructional Officer, LR camera, laptop, TV-based Rosalinda
Materials Team, KCNHS TV, lapel IMs, RBI Lonzaga
Principal microphone, recorded
microphone, lessons and
portable video
prompter, lessons

switcher, mixer,
8 Capacity Building August - EPSs, PSDSs, Activity Number of 10,000 Engr.
for Teachers in October LR Team, SHs Proposal, teachers Manuel
Preparation for 2021 Memorandum, capacitated Phillip
Migration from Inventory of Caoile
Modular to Digital ICT Equipment Engr. Adolf
Learning Modality and OTG John
Bryan Joey
9 Development, August – CID Chief, Guidelines in Number of 20,000 Dr. Hazel
Quality Assurance October EPSs, PSDSs, the SLMs Aparece
and Reproduction 2021 LR Team, Development of developed, 50,000 Citivodor
of Division-initiated Division ALIVE LRs, copies of quality (ALIVE Usman
Self-Learning Coordinator, MELCs, paper, assured and Funds)
Modules (SLMs) in Division ink, laptop, reproduced
all subject areas Writers and USB, printer
including ALIVE for Illustrators and ink,
the 1st and 2nd photocopier,
Quarter of SY camera

10 Capability-Building July - CID Chief, Activity Number of 20,000.00 Engr.

of Teachers and Septembe EPSs, PSDSs, Proposal, school Manuel
School Heads on r 2021 LR Team, Division heads and Phillip
the Utilization of Division ITO, Memorandum, teachers Caoile
Various Online ICT Technical internet load, trained Engr. Adolf
Platforms, Working internet John
Educational Group, School connection Montero
Technologies and Heads, Bryan Joey
ICT-Based Teachers Jayag
Activities Edmundo
(Instructional and Gasatan
11 Inventory of July - LR Team Logbook, Number of - Dr. Hazel
Learning Septembe Inventory learning Aparece
Resources r 2021 Report resources Engr. Adolf
Available in the inventorized John
Division LR Portal Montero
– online and offline
12 Provision of July – CID Chief, Division Number of 10,000.00 Dr. Lourdes
Technical October EPS Focal Technical schools Kahulugan
Assistance to 2021 Persons, Assistance provided Dr.
Schools that will PSDSs Plan, Checklist with Madonna
offer Special of technical Along

Interest Programs Requirements assistance Antonio
(Special Science Pasigado
for Elementary Eliezer
School, SPJ, etc.) Elman
and Senior High
School (SHS)
Program including
additional track
13 Development and Last Subject Area MELCs, Test Number of - Dr.
Quality Assurance month of Supervisors, Bank TQs Reynaldo
of Test Questions every identified pool developed Pascua
for Summative quarter of writers and quality
Assessment assured
14 Monitoring and Year- ASDS, CID Monitoring and Number of 100,000.00 Dr.
Evaluation of round and SGOD Evaluation PPAs Reynaldo
Programs, Projects Chiefs, EPSs, Checklist monitored Pascua
and Activities PSDSs, AO V, Remegio
SEPS and Orias
EPS II for Johannah
SMME Bantas
15 Establishment of Year- Division ICT equipment, Monitoring 10,000.00 Dr. Exequiel
Monitoring System round Health and internet system Dimaano
of the Health Nutrition connection established
Condition of Personnel,
Learners PSDSs, SHs
16 Sustained Year- CID Chief, Activity Number of 40,000 Dr. Gina Fe
Implementation of round Division Proposal, instructional Patenio
Division-initiated Reading Division and
Reading Program Coordinator, Memorandum independent
– Brigada:Bawat EPSs and readers
Bata, Bumabasa PSDSs
17 Printing of Division August – BAC, LR e-copies of the Number of 47,760,384 Dr. Hazel
SLMs for Grades Septembe Team, Supply SLMs, copies of Aparece
4-12 in all Subject r 2021 Office, printers, bond printed Engr. Adolf
Areas for Quarter 1 PSDSs, All paper, ink and modules John
Grade 4 to 12 master roll Montero
18 Printing of Division August – LR Team, e-copies of the Number of 24,989,440 Dr. Hazel
SLMs for K to 3 in Septembe School Heads, SLMs, copies of Aparece
all Subject Areas r 2021 K to 3 printers, bond printed Engr. Adolf
for Quarter 1 teachers, paper, ink and modules John
master roll Montero
19 Procurement and August – BAC, LR 143, Dr. Hazel
Delivery of SLMs December Team 281,152 Aparece

in all Subject Areas 2021 Grace
and Grade Levels Bolasa
for Quarters 2-4
20 Reproduction of October Division ALS ALS modules Number of 48,000.00 Zenon
ALS Modules 2021 Focal Person, LS 1-6 ALS Daquio
Mobile modules
Teachers, reproduced
Supply Office
21 Establishment of Sept Division Program of Number of 1,200,000.0 Engr.
Permanent CLCs 2021- Engineer, Work CLCs 0 Yousoph
for ALS Learners June Division ALS constructed Lintongan
2022 Focal Person, Zenon
Mobile Daquio
22 Application for August Division LAC Activity Number of 20,000.00 Dr. Ronela
NEAP 2021- Focal Person, Proposal CPD Molina
Accreditation for March Program accredited
CPD Units through 2022 Holders, SLAC LACs
Learning Action Coordinators
Cell (LAC)
23 Conduct of BERA- Year- SEPS for Activity Number of 500,000.00 Arnel
based, SDO- round Planning and Proposal SBAR Alcosaba
supported School- Research, conducted
Based Action School Heads
Research (SBAR) and Teachers
24 Establishment of August SDS, ASDS, Implementation Number of 1.0M Antonio
the TVL 2021- CID and Guidelines, established Pasigado
Assessment March SGOD Chiefs, Letter of Intent assessment Ma. Rosalyn
Venues 2022 SHS venue Garcia
Officer, School
25 Opening of Agri- August SDS, ASDS, Implementation Number of 1.0M Antonio
Industrial /Eco- 2021- CID and Guidelines, approved Pasigado
Tourism Track for March SGOD Chiefs, Letter of Intent application Ma. Rosalyn
SHS 2022 SHS Garcia
Coordinator, Naima
Division Abdula
Planning Gerardo
Officer, School Manalo
26 Application for August – SDS, ASDS, Guidelines, Number of - Eliezer
Special Program in Septembe CID and Letter of Intent approved Elman
Sports at KCPES r 2021 SGOD Chiefs, application
School Head,

School Sports
27 Application for August - SDS, ASDS, Guidelines, Number of - Dr. Gina Fe
Special Program in October CID and Letter of Intent approved Patenio
Journalism at 2021 SGOD Chiefs, application Dr.
KCPES EPS- Madonna
English/Filipin Along
School Head,
28 Hiring of Learning Sept. – SDS, ASDS, List of schools Number of 1,225,728.0 Dr. Alma
Support Aides Dec. Budget needing LSA’s hired LSAs 0 Belarmino
2021 Officer,
IPED Focal
29 Enhancement August- EPSs, Division Activity Number of 30,000 Dr. Hazel
Training of Writers, October ITO, LR Team Proposal, writers, Aparece
Illustrators and 2021 Memorandum illustrators Engr. Adolf
LREs on the Use and LREs John
of Microsoft 0365 trained Montero
in Evaluating
30 Inventory of ICT July – Division ITO, Inventory ICT 10,000.00 Engr.
Equipment and August PSDSs, Checklist equipment Manuel
Computer 2021 School Heads, inventorized Phillip
Laboratory in School ICT and internet Caoile
Schools, including Coordinators connection Engr. Adolf
Internet checked John
Accessibility Montero
Bryan Joey
31 Stakeholders’ Year- CID and Division Number of 50,000.00 Dr. Marissa
Engagement for all round SGOD Chiefs, Memorandum, stakeholder Bernaldez
DepEd PAPs: EPSs, PSDSs, flyers and s’
1. SBM SEPS and handouts engagement
2. SPEED EPSII - Social conducted
3. Brigada Mobilization
Eskwela and 10 schools
and Networking, validated for
Oplan LGU, PTA and SBM Level
Balik other 3 of Practice
Eskwela stakeholders by the

4. Others Regional
g Team
32 Monitoring and August CID and Inventory Number of 5,000.00 Cherry Anne
Assessment of 2021 - SGOD Chiefs, Checklist schools Galanto
Public and Private January Private School monitored
Schools’ 2022 Coordinator, and
Enrolment, PSDSs, assessed
Teachers, Division
Equipment and Planning
Offerings Officer, School
33 Monitoring of Year- EPSs and Monitoring and Number of 5,000.00 Dr.
Compliance to round PSDSs, Evaluation monitoring Reynaldo
Daily Completion School Heads, Checklist conducted Pascua
Schedule of Teachers All EPSs
Modules and PSDSs
34 Provision of Year- ASDS, EPSs Division Number of 20,000.00 Dr.
Technical round and PSDSs Technical TA and IS Reynaldo
Assistance and Assistance provided Pascua
Instructional Plan (DTAP), All EPSs
Supervision to Division and PSDSs
School Heads and Technical
Teachers Assistance
Report (DTAR),
Needs Analysis
35 Establishment, August SDS, ASDS, Requirements Radio P2.5M (to Ryan
Use and Operation 2021- Division (such as station be charged Tampus
of a Radio Station December Information franchise/permi established, against
through LGU 2023 Officer, t) as stipulated used and SEF/LGU
Kidapawan Cityh Division ITO, in RA 3846 and operated funds and
SEPS - Social other related other
Mobilization legal provisions available
Unit, LGU, resources)
36 Establishment of August – Division ITO, ICT equipment, E-DOTS 50,000.00 Engr.
E-DOTS and E- January Records capacity and E-DMS Manuel
DMS 2022 Officer, SBM building for established Phillip
Coordinator division Caoile
personnel Engr. Adolf
Bryan Joey

Mira Rose
Dr. Marissa

37 Printing of July – Division Soft copies of Number (c/o School Dr. Madonna
Homeroom August Homeroom modules, printing of MOOE) Along
Guidance Modules 2021 Guidance materials modules
Program Focal printed
Person, School
Heads, School
38 Capacity-Building of August CID Chief, Activity Proposal, Number 10,000.00 Dr. Madonna
School Heads and 2021 Division Division of school Along
Guidance Homeroom Memorandum heads
Designates on the Guidance and
Implementation of Program guidance
Homeroom Coordinator, designat
Guidance School Heads, es
School capacitat
Guidance ed
39 Capacity-Building of October CID Chief, EPS- Activity Proposal, Number 10,000.00 Dr. Madonna
School Paper 2021 English and Division of school Along
Advisers on Filipino, School Memorandum paper
Campus Journalism Paper Advisers advisers
in the 21st Century traine
40 Capacity-Building of Septembe CID Chief, EPS- Activity Proposal, Number 10,000.00 Dr. Madonna
Teachers in Filipino r 2021 Filipino, Filipino Division of Filipino Along
in Ortograpiyang Teachers Memorandum teachers
Pambansa at capacitat
Masinop na ed
1. Bayanihan sa Bakunahan for SDO Kidapawan City Division Personnel in Coordination with LGU and DOH
Region 12
2. Bayanihan sa Pandemya Radio Program
3. Weekly CoVid-19 Virtual Check
4. CoViD-19 Vaccination Verification System (Web-based + mobile app)
5. Online SBM Validation and Giving of Technical Assistance
6. Online Chikahan for Youth Formation and KALAMBAG in partnership with E-NET
7. Paperless Submission of Workweek Plan and Individual Daily Log and Accomplishment Report
8. Sustaining Community Pantry
9. Maintenance of Teen Centers
10. Monitoring of Schools used as Quarantine/ Isolation Facilities
11. District Online Broadcasting through FB Platform
12. Implementation of the Integration of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the K to 12 BEC
13. Sustaining the District Engagement through the DepEd sa Barangay
14. Rewards and Recognition through PRAISE
15. PRIME-HRM Journey towards Bronze Award

16. Tech-Talk
17. DCP Inventory and Tracking Device System
18. Document Status Information System
19. Automated Election System for the SPG and SSG
20. TeleMedicine
21. Technology-based Reading Aide for IP Learners
22. Construction of TLS for 6 IP Schools sponsored by With LOVE JAN Foundation, Inc.
MODALITIES OF LEARNING for School Year 2021-2022
(Approaches to Learning)
1. Online Delivery Learning (ODL) – for schools and learners with strong internet connectivity, with computer
equipment and other gadgets
2. Modular Delivery Learning (MDL) – for learners who do not have internet connection
3. Blended Learning (Ex. MDL and ODL)
4. Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) – to serve as support learning modality

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:


OIC-Chief, CID

Chief, SGOD

Recommending Approval:


OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



OIC-Schools Division Superintendent

JP Laurel corner Quirino Drive, Brgy. Poblacion, Kidapawan City Telephone No.:
(064) 572-4144/ (064) 5779654
Website: depedkidapawancity.com Email: [email protected]
FB Page: DepEd City Schools Division of Kidapawan



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