(MGP8102) Games Master's Screen

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Combat Actions Difficulty Examples

DEX Combat Actions Situation Skill U s e d Difficulty

6 or less 1 C l i m b i n g a cliff face n e a r a large waterfall Athletics -20%
7-12 2 Travelling b y r o w b o a t across a stormy sea Boating -60%
13-18 3 Accurately steering a r o w b o a t in a swift-flowing but broad river Boating +20%
19 or m o r e 4 Recalling w h i c h plants are edible in farmland L o r e (Plant) +40%
Recalling w h i c h plants are edible in an u n c h a r t e d j u n g l e Lore (Plant) -20%
Damage Modifier
Spotting a shiny gold coin o n the floor in a well-lit a n d uncluttered r o o m Perception +20%
F i n d i n g a g o l d coin in a large refuse d u m p Perception -40%
Total o f S T R a n d S I Z Modifier
Finding food and water in a bleak desert Survival -40%
1-5 -1D8
F i n d i n g food a n d water in a forest Survival +20%
6-10 -1D6
Locating tracks in t h e snow Tracking +60%
11-15 -1D4
Locating tracks o n a busy city street Tracking -40%
16-20 -1D2
Fixing a c o m p l i c a t e d lock of foreign design, with n o t h i n g m o r e than a
21-25 +0
knife, w h i l e b e i n g shot at b y archers Mechanisms -80%
26-30 +1D2
31-35 +1D4 Difficulty and Haste Modifiers
36-40 +1D6 Difficulty Time Taken T e s t Modifier

41-45 +1D8 Very E a s y Ten times n o r m a l t i m e +60%

46-50 +1D10 Easy Five t i m e s n o r m a l t i m e +40%
51-60 +1D12 Simple D o u b l e n o r m a l time +20%

61-70 +2D6 Normal Normal time +0%

71-80 +2D8 Difficult — -20%
81-90 +2D10 Hard Half normal time -40%
91-100 +2D12 Very H a r d — -60%
N e a r l y Impossible A l m o s t instantly -80%
Hit Points Suffocating Substance
Total of S I Z a n d C O N Substance
Location 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 +5 Inhaled D a m a g e T a k e n to C h e s t L o c a t i o n
Each Leg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +1 Water 1D6
Abdomen 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +1 Vacuum 1D6

Chest 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 +1 Thick S m o k e 1D3

Each A r m 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +1 Poison G a s Character is e x p o s e d to the poison.
Head 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +1 If the g a s is also a thick s m o k e , then
1D3 d a m a g e is incurred in addition
to the p o i s o n ' s effect.
Fatigue Levels
L e v e l of F a t i g u e Effects
Fresh None.
Winded All skill tests (including further tests to resist Fatigue) suffer a - 1 0 % penalty.
Tired All skill tests (including further tests to resist Fatigue) suffer a - 2 0 % penalty. M o v e m e n t suffers a - l m penalty.
Wearied All skill tests (including further tests t o resist Fatigue) suffer a - 3 0 % penalty. M o v e m e n t suffers a - l m penalty. Strike
R a n k suffers a - 2 penalty.
Exhausted All skill tests (including further tests to resist Fatigue) suffer a - 4 0 % penalty. M o v e m e n t is halved. Strike R a n k suffers a
- 4 penalty. D E X is considered 5 points lower for the p u r p o s e s of d e t e r m i n i n g C o m b a t Actions.
Character m u s t m a k e a Persistence test every m i n u t e or fall u n c o n s c i o u s for 1 D 3 x 2 hours.
Debilitated All skill tests (including further tests t o resist Fatigue) suffer a - 5 0 % penalty. M o v e m e n t is halved. Strike R a n k suffers a
- 6 penalty. D E X is considered 10 points lower for t h e p u r p o s e s of determining C o m b a t Actions.
Character m u s t m a k e a Difficult Persistence test every C o m b a t R o u n d or fall u n c o n s c i o u s for 1 D 6 x 2 hours.

Layout: Ian Belcher Artwork: Tony Parker Production Director: Alexander Fennell
RuneQuest Games Master's Screen ©2006 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of of this work by any means without the written permission of the
publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. To learn more about the
Open Game License, please go to www.mongoosepublishing.com.

This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places
or events is purely coincidental.

RuneQuest is a trademark (TM) of Issaries. Produced under license from Issaries. All rights reserved. Printed in China.
T i m e Period M o v e m e n t 1m Movement 2m Movement 3m Movement 4m Movement 5m Movement 6m
Combat Action 1m ( 2 m if running) 2 m ( 4 m if running) 3 m ( 6 m if running) 4 m ( 8 m if running) 5 m ( 1 0 m if running) 6 m ( 1 2 m if running)
Minute 12 ( 2 4 m if running) 2 4 m ( 4 8 m if 3 6 m ( 6 2 m if 4 8 m ( 9 6 m if 6 0 m ( 1 2 0 m if 7 2 m ( 1 4 4 m if
running) running) running) running) running)
Hour 0.7km 1.4km 2.2km 2.9km 3.6km 4.3km
D a y (12 hours) 8.4km 16.8km 26.4km 34.8km 43.2km 51.6km

Basic Skills Advanced Skills

Base Base
Skill Characteristic(s) Skill Characteristic(s)
Acrobatics DEX Craft INT
Athletics STR+DEX Dance DEX
Boating STR Disguise CHA Weapon Skills
Dodge 10+DEX-SIZ Engineering INT Skill Base Characteristic(s)
Driving 10+POW Healing INT+POW Close C o m b a t W e a p o n Skill STR+DEX
Evaluate INT Language INT R a n g e d W e a p o n Skill DEX
First A i d INT Lore INT
Influence 10+CHA Martial Arts DEX Magical Skills
Lore (Animal) INT Mechanisms DEX+INT Skill Base Characteristic(s)
Lore (Plant) INT Play Instrument CHA Runecasting POW+CHA
Lore (World) INT Shiphandling INT
Perception INT+POW Streetwise POW+CHA Casting Modifiers Situational Modifiers

Persistence 10+POW Survival INT+POW Situation Skill Modifier

Resilience CON+POW Tracking INT Spellcaster is unable to hold runes A u t o m a t i c Failure

Riding DEX+POW Spellcaster is g a g g e d or silenced A u t o m a t i c Failure
Falling Distance
Sing CHA Spellcaster is restrained (but still -30%
able to hold runes)
Sleight DEX Fallen Damage Taken
Spellcaster is p r o n e -20%
Stealth 10+DEX-SIZ 1m or less N o d a m a g e .
Throwing DEX Spellcaster is o n unstable ground -20%
2 m to 5 m D 6 d a m a g e to a r a n d o m 2
Partially obscured target -20%
Unarmed STR location 2
Heavily obscured target -40%
6 m to 2 D 6 d a m a g e , each D 6
Illuminating Items Totally obscured target A u t o m a t i c Failure
10m applied to a r a n d o m l y 1
Example Radius These modifiers are cumulative - a prone spellcaster casting
rolled location
Candle or embers 1m at a partially obscured target decreases their Runecasting skill
10 to 15m 3 D 6 d a m a g e , each D 6
by - 4 0 % .
F l a m i n g b r a n d or 3m applied to a r a n d o m l y 2
These modifiers only apply if the spell has a target other than
lantern rolled location
the spellcaster, his immediate location, his carried possessions
Campfire 5m 16m to 4 D 6 d a m a g e , as above or a touched object/individual.
Bonfire 10m 20m
+5m +1D6 damage
Inanimate Objects
Illumination & Darkness Armour Hit Brute Force
Environment is... Effects Object Points Points Modifier

Brightly Illuminated + 1 0 % to Perception tests to spot h i d d e n characters or Boulder 4 40 -

items. Castle gate 4 120 -40%
Illuminated None. Castle wall ( 2 m section) 5 250 -
Partial Darkness - 2 0 % to vision-based Perception tests. Chain 4 8 -30%
Dark - 4 0 % to vision-based Perception tests. M o v e m e n t Club 2 4 -
penalised b y - 1 m . Dagger 4 4 -
Pitch Black Perception tests reliant on vision impossible, as Hut wall (2m section) 2 15 +0%
are ranged attacks. - 6 0 % to close c o m b a t attacks. Iron door 4 75 -30%
M o v e m e n t halved.

Rope 1 +0%
Fire and Heat War sword 4 10 -
Damage Source Example Damage W o o d e n chair 2 6 -
Flame Candle 1 point W o o d e n door (normal) 2 25 +10%
Large F l a m e F l a m i n g brand D 4 points W o o d e n door 3 30 -10%
Small Fire C a m p fire, cooking fire D 6 points (reinforced)
Large Fire Scolding steam, large bonfires, burning r o o m s 2 D 6 points W o o d e n fence ( 2 m 2 5 +10%
Inferno Lava, inside a blast furnace 3 D 6 points section)
Close Combat Weapons Armour
Damage Armour AP E N C Locations
Weapon Skill Dice STR/DEX ENC AP/HP Chainmail coif 5 1 Head
Ball & chain 1H Flail 1D6+1 9/11 2 4/8 Chainmail shirt 5 4 A b d o m e n , A r m s , Chest
1H S w o r d 1D8 13/9 Chainmail skirt 5 2 Legs
Bastard sword 2 4/12
2 H Sword 1D8+1 9/9 Chainmail trews 5 3 Legs
1H A x e 1D6+1 11/9 Full h e l m 6 1 Head
Battleaxe 1 3/8
2H Axe 1D6+2 9/9 H e a v y leather hauberk 2 1 A b d o m e n , Chest
Bill Polearm 1D6+1 7/9 2 2/8 H e a v y leather cap 2 1 Head
Buckler Shield 1D4 -/5 1 5/8 Helmet 5 1 Head
Club 1H H a m m e r 1D6 7/- 1 2/4 Leather h a u b e r k 2 1 A b d o m e n , Chest
Dagger Dagger 4
1D4+1 -/- - 4/6 Leather shirt 1 1 A b d o m e n , A r m s , Chest
Glaive Polearm 1D8+1 7/9 3 2/10 Leather trews 1 1 Legs
Great axe 2H Axe 2D6+2 13/9 2 3/10 Plate (breast and back) 6 4 A b d o m e n , Chest
Great h a m m e r 2H Hammer 1D10+3 11/9 3 3/10 Plate leggings 6 4 Legs
Great sword 2H Sword 2D8 13/11 4 4/12 Plate (suit) 6 12 All
2H Axe 1D8+2 13/7 Plate v a m b r a c e s 6 3 Arms
Halberd Polearm 1D8+1 9/9 4 3/10 R i n g m a i l shirt 3 2 A b d o m e n , A r m s , Chest
Spear 1D8 7/7 R i n g m a i l skirt 3 2 Legs
Hatchet 1H A x e 1D6 -/9 1 3/6 Scalemail shirt 4 3 A b d o m e n , A r m s , Chest
1H H a m m e r 1D8 11/7 Scalemail skirt 4 3 Legs
Heavy mace 3 3/10
2H Hammer 1D8+1 9/7
Improvised Unarmed 1D6-1 -/- - -/-
Close Combat Situational Modifiers
Kite shield Shield 1D6 13/- 3 10/18

- Situation Skill Modifier

Knife Dagger 1D3 -/- 4/4
1,2 Target is helpless Automatic
Lance Spear 1D10+2 9/9 3 2/10
Critical Hit
Light m a c e 1H H a m m e r 1D6 7/7 1 3/6
Target surprised 2
Longspear Spear 1D10 5/5 2 2/10
Target p r o n e or attacked from behind +20%
Military flail 2 H Flail 1D10+2 13/11 3 3/10
Attacking or defending while on higher +20%
Military pick 1H H a m m e r 1D6+1 11/5 3 3/10
ground or on m o u n t
Natural w e a p o n r y — A s noted -/- - -
Attacking or defending while p r o n e -30%
Quarterstaff Staff 1D8 7/7 2 3/8
Attacking or defending w h i l e on unstable -20%
Rapier Rapier 1
1D8 7/13 1 3/8
Scimitar 1H Sword 1D6+1 7/11 2 4/10
Free m o t i o n of w e a p o n a r m obstructed (for -10%
1 , 2 , 4
Shortspear Spear 1D8 5/5 2 2/5 example, a wall on the right side of a right-
Shortsword 1H S w o r d 1
1D6 5/7 1 3/8 handed swordsman)
Target shield Shield 1D6 9/- 2 8/12 Attacking or defending while u n d e r w a t e r -40%
Unarmed Unarmed 1D3 -/- - -/- Defending while on lower g r o u n d or against - 2 0 %
War m a u l 2H Hammer 2D6 13/7 3 3/12 m o u n t e d foe
War h a m m e r 1H H a m m e r 1D8+1 11/9 2 3/8 Fighting in partial darkness -20%
War sword 1H Sword 1D8 9/7 2 4/10 Fighting in darkness -40%
This w e a p o n will impale an opponent u p o n a critical hit. See p a g e 4 6 for Fighting while blind or in pitch black -60%
details on impalement. 1
T h e s e modifiers are cumulative - attacking a character
This w e a p o n m a y be set against a charge. See p a g e 33 for details on setting attacking a surprised target which is o n lower ground increases
w e a p o n s against a charge. their W e a p o n skill b y 4 0 % .
This w e a p o n m a y parry ranged w e a p o n s . 2
A surprised character m a y only use Reactions against
This w e a p o n suffers n o penalty w h e n thrown. attackers with a Strike R a n k lower than their own.

First Aid Actions

Injury Treatment
Impalement A successful First Aid test r e m o v e s the impaling item without causing m o r e d a m a g e to the victim.
Unconsciousness A successful First Aid test can revive a character from unconsciousness, t h o u g h drugged patients m a y inflict a penalty o n
the First A i d test.
Injured location A successful First Aid test on an injured location (but not one b e l o w 0 hit points) will heal 1D3 hit points to that location.
Serious Injury A successful First Aid test o n a location suffering from a Serious Injury will restore the location's hit points to 0. A limb is
n o longer considered useless and an A b d o m e n , Chest or H e a d location will n o longer require tests to stay conscious.
Major Injured A successful First A i d test on a location suffering from a Major Injury will not restore the location's hit points. This First
A i d merely stabilises the patient e n o u g h so that they will not die of b l o o d loss.
Ranged Weapons Ranged Attack Situational Modifiers
Weapon Skill Damage Range Load STR/DEX ENC AP/HP Skill
Atlatl 1
Spear or +2 +10m 2 5/11 1 2/4 Situation Modifier
Throwing Wind 1

Blowgun Blowgun 1D2 15m 1 -/9 - 1/4 Strong wind -10%

Dagger 2
D a g g e r or 1D6 10m - -/9 - 4/6 High wind -20%
Throwing Fierce w i n d -40%
Dart 1
Throwing 1D4 20m - -/9 - 1/1 Hurricane Attack
Hatchet 2
1H A x e or 1D8 10m - 7/11 1 3/6 automatically
Throwing fails
H e a v y crossbow Crossbow 2D8 150m 3 7/9 2 2/8 Target Movement 1

Javelin 1
Spear or 1D6 40m - 5/9 1 1/8 Target has m o v e d 10m or m o r e -10%
Throwing since attacker's last C o m b a t
Light crossbow 1
Crossbow 2D6 100m 2 5/9 1 2/5 Action
Long bow 1
Bow 2D8 175m 1 13/11 1 2/7 Target has m o v e d 3 0 m or m o r e -20%
Nomad bow 1
Bow 1D10 120m 1 11/11 1 2/5 since attacker's last C o m b a t
Rock/improvised Throwing 1D4 10m 5/9 1 3/5
1 Target Visibility
Short b o w Bow 1D8 60m 1 9/11 1 2/4
1,2 Target obscured by s m o k e , mist -20%
Shortspear Spear or 1D8 25m 5/9 2 2/5
or is in partial darkness
- Target obscured by thick s m o k e , -40%
Sling Sling 1D6 50m 1 -/11 1/2
fog or is in darkness
Staff sling Sling 1D8 60m 2 -/11 2 2/6 1
Target Size
T h r o w i n g star Throwing 1D4 15m - -/13 - 4/1
Per 1 SIZ target is u n d e r SIZ 5 -10%
This w e a p o n will impale an opponent upon a critical hit. See p a g e 4 6 for details on
Per 10 SIZ target is above SIZ 2 0 - 1 0 %
2 Target Condition
This w e a p o n suffers n o penalty w h e n used in close combat.
Target is helpless + 10%

Dodge Target surprised +10%

Target p r o n e -20%
D e f e n d e r ' s Roll ( D o d g e Skill)
Attacker Condition
A t t a c k e r ' s Roll
( W e a p o n Skill) Failure Success Critical Result Attacker is p r o n e -20%

Attack succeeds as Attack fails; attacker Attacker is u n d e r w a t e r -20%

Failure normal Attack fails Overextended Attacker is on unstable ground -20%
Attack succeeds but Attacker is blinded -40%
inflicts m i n i m u m 1
Modifiers within these sections are not
Attack succeeds as d a m a g e ; defender cumulative. However, modifiers from different
Success normal forced to Give G r o u n d Attack fails sections are cumulative. Therefore, shooting at
Attack succeeds but a target within a mist that has m o v e d m o r e than
inflicts m i n i m u m 10m since the attacker's last C o m b a t Action
Attack succeeds and Attack succeeds as d a m a g e ; defender imparts a - 2 0 % penalty.
Critical Result b e c o m e s critical hit normal forced to Give G r o u n d A surprised character m a y only use Reactions
against attackers with a Strike Rank lower than
Party their own.
Attacker condition modifiers are cumulative.
D e f e n d e r ' s Roll ( W e a p o n or Shield Skill) 4
O n l y thrown w e a p o n s m a y be used underwater.
A t t a c k e r ' s Roll
B o w s and other projectile w e a p o n s will
( W e a p o n Skill) Failure Success Critical Result
automatically miss if fired underwater.
Attack succeeds but 2 x A P
Attack succeeds of parrying weapon/shield Attack fails; defender
Failure as n o r m a l is deducted from d a m a g e m a y Riposte Food & Lodging
Attack succeeds but Item Cost
2 x A P of parrying Lodging, p o o r 2 CP
Attack succeeds but A P of weapon/shield is Lodging, average 1 SP
Attack succeeds parrying weapon/shield is deducted from d a m a g e ;
L o d g i n g , superior 5 SP
Success as normal deducted from d a m a g e defender m a y Riposte
F o o d & drink, poor, 1 day 1 CP
Attack succeeds but A P
Food & drink, average, 1 day 5 CP
Attack succeeds Attack succeeds but ½A P of parrying w e a p o n /
F o o d & drink, superior, 1 day 2 SP
and b e c o m e s o f parrying weapon/shield shield is deducted from
Critical Result critical hit is deducted from d a m a g e d a m a g e Trail rations, 1 day 5 CP

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