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For every Nigeria citizens

Peace be unto us


Poems and citation

1. What is vote buying

 Definition of vote buying
 Consequences of vote buying
2. Concept of vote buying
 Perception behind vote buying
 What causes vote buying
3. Theories of vote buying
4. Why we must get through
5. We must all do the needful

A last love,
Proper in conclusion

Should snip the wings

Forbidding further flight

But I, now

Reft of that confusion

And lifted up

And speeding the light

Maya Angelou "Recovery"


Vote buying is a disaster,

Growing wings in Nigeria

Who is to blame for our fate?

Is it leader or follower?

Vote buying is deteriorating the state

Put people in abject poverty

Scorching sun is destroying the flower

The beauty of giant is fading away

Detest from vote buying

Voters should hold to their right

You should extricate yourself from bondage

And bounce back to become freedom

Politicians use not our disadvantages,

To be their advantages .

We should break away from bondage,

And cross the bridge.

We should all ignore the polular saying

"Vote and cook a pot of stew"

Politicians are few

We should liberate ourselves from their wooing

Because our hope is in our hands.


Why are we all yawning for better tommorow

When we are all neglecting the needful

The precendence and antecedence

Theories and assumptions

Can never solve our problems.

Stop being sentiment

Vote for your conscience

Hausa, Igbo or Yoruba

Muslim, Christain or Traditionalist

Can never solve our problems

We should all embrace tranquility,

And admire unity.

We should all engages in peace

Admonish and adore others

Because tolerance can only solve our problems


Vote-buying is a contentious issue in contemporary discourse on the

sustainability of democratic development in Nigeria. Vote buying is a disastrous
act that should not be accommodate in any nation in the world. This menace is
gradually crippling electoral processes and undermining the efforts of the
electoral umpire in conducting competitive, free and fair, credible, and
transparency elections for the sustenance of democratic development in
Nigeria. therefore, investigates the effects of vote-buying on the sustainability
of democratic development and good governance in Nigeria. It argues that vote-
buying compromises the well-being of the populace by entrenching bad
governance and poor service delivery

This disastrous act is contaminating and obstructing the glory of a great

nation Nigeria. A noble politician can not win or secure position of power, the
influence of those buying vote will obstruct him or her. The act of vote buying
leads the nation to a very unavoidable circumstance found herself. However,
Those in power are deliberately impeovised people of the nation with poverty
knowing fully that a hunger man would deliberately doing anything for money
thinking that aleast he will get food to eat. Furthermore, They are providing
amunitions for tout and assasins because they want to use their to win an
election whereas they could not buy enough amunitions for the arm forces and
they could not pay their allowances. For every police in Nigeria, they believe
they have to collect bribe before they can also cater for their family and buy
another uniform.
Furthermore, maybe the politicains are happy because of the poverty and the
rate of unemployment in the country. The body language of the government did
not seem like they are concerned about vote buying vote selling in Nigeria.
There are some cases in Nigeria election especially the last Osun Gubernatorial
election, some political party were given ten thousand naira (10,000#) naira to
a single voter because they know they can not win election without buying
electorate consience, whereby the electorate did believe even if he did not
collected money from those politicians they will do their minds, that happen
because of the attitude of government.

However, People should not imbibe with the act of selling their vote or
collecting money before casting their vote. Vote is a citizens responsibility act to
choose their leaders that will represent their interest. Howsoever, the
politicians must act according to their promise, if we all must a better Nigeria.

We all can make a change, a change we have been clamouring for.


Vote means the official choice that you make in an election, meeting, etc., by

casting a ballot either by direct or indirect means.

Buy means to get something by paying money for it.

If we now combine "vote" and "buy" together it means "vote" casting your vote

which is your constitutional right that is legitimate or officially but "buy" you

exchange it for money i.e. you sell your vote for money.

What is vote buying

Vote Buying is define as a simple economic transaction: parties and

candidates distribute materials or benefits to individual or citizens in exchange

for support at the ballot box. Vote-buying, otherwise known as "voters-

inducement", "vote-trading", "vote-selling" or "money exchangehand politics"

has become a recurring feature in Nigeria electoral process. Vote buying can

also means the act of using money to induce or engage the voters or electorates

in order to win their hearts for certain candidate or political party as define by


Why are we all yawning for a better tommorow, when we are not do the

needful. Vote buying in Nigeria has become rampant and escalate in Nigeria
society that even every citizens of the republic of Nigeria are ready to sell their



As Yoruba will say "ti ounje ba kuro ninu ise, is buse" in English it literally means

" if someone at least sees in poverty sees something to eat, he or she will be

relieved a bit from the pain of poverty" that is the simplest translation for

everybody to understand.

Nigeria case is not different from the above saying, 23% of Nigeria citizens are in

abject poverty, so you can not even urge them not to involve in vote exchange

for money .

Vote buying is happening crucially in Nigeria because of the extreme rated of

poverty and illiteracy in Nigeria. Nigeria policians and their masterminds that

are occupied the seats of power are not doing the needful. They improvised po

erty on people , so that in the time of election or when election approaches,

since they were ones that caused poverty for the citizens, they will use money

to induce people to win election. Whereas the promise they made for the

people is to eradicate people from poverty, perhaps that is happening in Nigeria

of today. They occupied office only to enrich their pockets but themselves and

to has connections and are not doing the needful for the people they promised.

Let take Osun State and Ekiti State both in Western part of Nigeria gubernatorial

election for example: in Ekiti the ruling party were given people ten thousand
naira to an individual for a vote and in osun they gave a pooling unit two million

and one hundred thousand naira each. Atleast each party spend nothing less

than four billion naira in Osun and Ekiti State gubernatorial election, what do

you think will happen to such a state that a political party spend that sum of

money will happen to such a state. Nothing good will not come from their

Nazareth. The unimproved state that Nigeria is mainly because of the

deteriorating act we are imbibed with.

However, politicians believe people will not vote for them it perhaps they will

not come out to vote because of their attitude towards people, so they

monetize election by using money to induce voters.


Largely citizens of Nigeria believe that the politicians would not be fair in office

so everybody admonish the art of vote buying because of the attitude of

politicians. According to some investigations, widely everybody in North or

South even more than ninety percent of voters are ready to collect money

before casting they can vote for any political party. They believe that they didn't

have any choice than to collect money in time of election.

Therefore, citizens have ways of saying some term for vote buying according to

their views.

1. whether they collect money or they (politicians) will do their mind.

2. In South Western Nigeria people will say "dipo ko sepe" in English"vote

and cook a pot of steel".


As general knowledge of bussiness, when you put one into something you will

be expecting two or more two in return. No businessman will invest in any

business without looking for a large profit or profits. The case goes on to
everybody that involves in vote buying, politicians invest in election because

they want to earn profit on it. We should all divert from the act of vote buying

and vote selling if we want to change this country. If we as citizens of this great

nation do not abide by the constitutional rights and vote those we trust without

selling our vote we are doing ourselves.

It is our responsibility to change this country from this mess, and we can only

change it if we divert from vote buying.

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