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1940off Processing Summary

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Feed Processing Summary

Number of records processed

Number of records with errors
Number of records with warnings

Type of error

Error message example

A footwear_size#1.size value 'measurement_27_point_0_centimeters' is not less than footwear_size#1.to_size value 'measur
Affected Attribute Names (Excel Column) Number of errors
eters' is not less than footwear_size#1.to_size value 'measurement_27_poin 5
Total number of errors 5

Total errors and warnings 5

Listing Loader
Listing Loader is for uploading listings of products that already exist on Amazon.com. If a product does not exist on Amazon.com, you must first add that product
to the Amazon.com catalog.
Learn more

How to use Listing Loader

Some of the advanced functions in this template require Microsoft Excel macros.
How to enable macros

Step 1 - Enter Listing Information

Enter listing details for your products using one of these options:
• Type your listing details directly into the Listings-Template tab.
• Click the Import File macro button on the Listing Loader menu to import a text file that contains your listing details.
Refer to the Data Definitions tab for information about required and optional listing details.
Step 2 - Perform Product Lookup (optional)
Product Lookup and Bulk Lookup require authorization through Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS).
Learn more

Product Lookup and Bulk Lookup check the Amazon.com catalog for the products you are trying to list, and then fill in the Title and ASIN-hint fields for existing
products. You can use the Title and ASIN to confirm that your product matches to the correct Amazon.com product.

Look up products using one of these options:

• Bulk - Fill in the product-id column for each listing and then click the "Bulk Lookup" macro button on the Listing Loader menu to check the Amazon.com
catalog for all of the products. Depending on the number of listings, this can take a while to complete. If there are more than 1,000 listings, the workbook will
be saved every 1,000 listings.

• Interactive - Click the "Turn On Product Lookup" macro button on the Listing Loader menu to check the Amazon.com catalog for each listing as you enter
the product-id.
Step 3 - Review Product Lookup Results (optional)

If a product does not exist in the Amazon.com catalog, or has multiple matches, your listing information for that product will be put in one of these two tabs for
your further action:
• Products not Found
• Products with Multiple Matches
Follow the instructions in those tabs if any of your listings appear there.

Step 4 - Validate Listings (optional)

Click the Validate macro button on the Listing Loader menu to validate your data. This checks your listing data for completeness and can reduce upload failures
caused by input errors.
Step 5 - Upload Listings to Amazon
Upload your listings to Amazon using one of these options:
• Upload Macro - Click the Upload macro button on the Listing Loader menu and provide your Amazon MWS credentials.
Learn more
• Seller Central - Save the Listings-Template tab as a tab-delimited text file (.txt) and upload that file from the inventory upload section in your seller account.
n Amazon.com, you must first add that product


ll in the Title and ASIN-hint fields for existing


ng Loader menu to check the Amazon.com

are more than 1,000 listings, the workbook will

azon.com catalog for each listing as you enter

oduct will be put in one of these two tabs for

completeness and can reduce upload failures


inventory upload section in your seller account.

Listing Loader Menu – Excel 2003

Listing Loader Menu – Excel 2007

Data Definitions - How to complete your Listing Loader Workbook
Label Name Definition and Use Accepted Values Example Required?
sku A unique identifier for the product, assigned by the An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in 15700 Required
merchant. The SKU must be unique for each product length and 40 characters maximum in length.
listed. After you have established a SKU for a product,
please do not change it without first deleting the
associated product from our systems.

price The price at which the merchant offers the product for A number with up to 18 digits allowed to the left of 249.99 Required
sale, expressed in U.S. dollars. the decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the
decimal point. Please do not use commas or dollar

quantity Enter the quantity of the item you are making available A whole number. 0, 100, or 999 Required
for sale. This is your current INVENTORY commitment.

product-id A standard, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies The product-id must have a specific number of 012345678912 Required
the product. This could be an ASIN, UPC, or EAN. You characters according to type: ASIN (10 digit
can also use barcode scanner to directly input values for number), UPC (12 digit number), or EAN (13 digit
this field. number). Please ensure that leading zeros do not
get lost when the file is exported from excel to text.
This can be accomplished by formatting the
numbers in these cells as text, and double
checking your .txt file to ensure that no errors have
occurred while exporting your file.

product-id-type The type of unique product identifier entered in the Select one of the following options: ASIN, UPC, or UPC Required
product-id field. EAN

condition-type Specifies item condition for the product. Select from the following valid values: UsedLikeNew Required

condition-note Descriptive text explaining the actual condition of the A text string; 1,000 characters maximum in length. In original package Required
item. Required if condition-type is not "New".
ASIN-hint Amazon's Standard Identifier or ASIN for the product that Amazon Standard Identifier also know as ASIN B000ETQTFW Optional
you are selling. You can get the ASIN from the product
detail page on Amazon. This is to resolve ambiguity
when the standard product-id matches to two or more
products on Amazon.

title You are not expected to provided the product title. This Product title that is automatically populated when Palm Zire Handheld Optional
field is automatically populated with the product title from you use product lookup. The value in this field will
Amazon's catalog when you perform product lookup. Its not be used to update the product title in Amazon's
purpose is to provide you feedback on the product your catalog.
identifier will match to on Amazon's site.

product-tax-code Amazon.com's standard code to identify the tax Enter the product tax code supplied to you by A_GEN_NOTAX Optional
properties of a product. Use the Product Tax Code only if Amazon.com. If no entry is provided, the default is
you are sure that you are tax-enabled in Seller Central "A_GEN_NOTAX".
and you have Amazon tax codes for all your products.

operation-type Specifies the type of operation (Update, Delete) to be Select one of the following options: Update, or Update Optional
done on the data provided. If left blank, the default Delete.
behavior is "Update." Use "Delete" when you wish to
remove listing completely and permanently from the
sale-price The sale price at which the merchant offers the product A number with up to 18 digits allowed to the left of 24.99 Optional
for sale, expressed in U.S. dollars. The site will the decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the
strikethrough the item's normal price and indicate that the decimal point. Please do not use commas or dollar
item is on sale at the sale price. signs.

sale-start-date The date that the sale price will begin to override the A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd 2004-01-22 Optional
item's normal price
sale-end-date The last date that the sale price will override the item's A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd 2004-03-05 Optional
normal price; the item's normal price will be displayed
leadtime-to-ship Indicates the time, in days, between when you receive an A positive integer. 3, 5, or 10 Optional
order for an item and when you can ship the item. The
default leadtime-to-ship is one to two business days. Use
this field if your leadtime-to-ship is greater than two
business days.

launch-date Specify the Date for when this listing can become A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd. 2008-04-15 Optional
available on the site.
is-giftwrap-available Is this gift wrap supported for this particular product? If Select: true or false false Optional
left blank, defaults to 'false'.
is-gift-message- Is gift messaging supported for this particular product? If Select: true or false true Optional
available left blank, defaults to 'false'.
fulfillment-center-id Amazon-fulfilled products: For those merchants using AMAZON_NA, DEFAULT AMAZON_NA Required for
Amazon fulfillment services, this designates which Amazon-
fulfillment network will be used. Specifying a value other fulfilled
than ‘DEFAULT’ for fulfillment-center-id will cancel the products.
Merchant-fulfilled offering. Resubmitting with a blank or
‘DEFAULT’ value for the fulfillment-center-id, along with
quantity, will switch the item back to Merchant-fulfilled.
Merchant-fulfilled products: Do not enter fulfillment-
center-id, as it is not applicable.

main-offer-image The URL where the main listing photo of the product is Photos should be at least 500 pixels in length on Optional
located. The main listing photo will be displayed as a the longest side. The preferred file format is JPEG
thumbnail on the offer listing page. (.jpg). When naming your image, please use the
following convention: Product SKU + View
This column is available for listings in certain conditions Indicator (i.e., .main) + File Extension (i.e., .jpg). An
and for listings in a limited number of categories. Learn example would be: "15774.main.jpg". Save the
more: image to your Web server and supply the URL to
http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/? the image in this field. There cannot be any spaces
nodeId=200397130 or high ASCII characters in the image URL.

offer-image1 - offer- The URL where a listing photo of the product is located. Photos should be at least 500 pixels in length on Optional
image5 the longest side. The preferred file format is JPEG
This column is available for listings in certain conditions (.jpg). When naming your image, please use the
and for listings in a limited number of categories. Learn following convention: Product SKU + View
more: Indicator (i.e., .main) + File Extension (i.e., .jpg). An
http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/? example would be: "15774.main.jpg". Save the
nodeId=200397130 image to your Web server and supply the URL to
the image in this field. There cannot be any spaces
or high ASCII characters in the image URL.
TemplateType=Offer Version=2014.0703
Number of attributes with errors Number of attributes with suggestions sku
Number of attributes with errors Number of attributes with suggestions sku
SUCCESS 1940MA -22
1 0 1940MA -23
1 0 1940MA -24
1 0 1940MA -25
1 0 1940MA -26
1 0 1940MA -27
price quantity product-id product-id-type condition-type
price quantity product-id product-id-type condition-type
799 5 B08DVGHDTL ASIN Nuevo
800 5 B08DW3MFLK ASIN Nuevo
801 5 B08DVG8JSM ASIN Nuevo
802 5 B08DVG85BC ASIN Nuevo
803 5 B08DVZF7SS ASIN Nuevo
804 5 B08DW5L6MS ASIN Nuevo
805 5 B09369KFG3 ASIN Nuevo
806 5 B0936R9NHK ASIN Nuevo
807 5 B09366XMJ4 ASIN Nuevo
808 5 B0936NBQTV ASIN Nuevo
809 5 B0936119C9 ASIN Nuevo
condition-note ASIN-hint title product-tax-code operation-type
condition-note ASIN-hint title product-tax-code operation-type
sale-price sale-start-date sale-end-date leadtime-to-ship launch-date is-giftwrap-available
sale-price sale-start-date sale-end-date leadtime-to-ship launch-date is-giftwrap-available
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
679 2023-04-11 2023-04-17 2 2023-04-11 false
is-gift-message-available fulfillment-center-id main-offer-image offer-image1 offer-image2
is-gift-message-available fulfillment-center-id main-offer-image offer-image1 offer-image2
offer-image3 offer-image4 offer-image5 batteries_required are_batteries_included
offer-image3 offer-image4 offer-image5 batteries_required are_batteries_included
battery_cell_composition battery_type number_of_batteries battery_weight
battery_cell_composition battery_type number_of_batteries battery_weight
battery_weight_unit_of_measure number_of_lithium_metal_cells number_of_lithium_ion_cells
battery_weight_unit_of_measure number_of_lithium_metal_cells number_of_lithium_ion_cells
lithium_battery_packaging lithium_battery_energy_content
lithium_battery_packaging lithium_battery_energy_content
lithium_battery_energy_content_unit_of_measure lithium_battery_weight
lithium_battery_energy_content_unit_of_measure lithium_battery_weight
lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measure supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation1
lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measure supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation1
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation2 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation3
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation2 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation3
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation4 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation5
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation4 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation5
hazmat_united_nations_regulatory_id safety_data_sheet_url item_weight
hazmat_united_nations_regulatory_id safety_data_sheet_url item_weight
item_weight_unit_of_measure item_volume item_volume_unit_of_measure flash_point
item_weight_unit_of_measure item_volume item_volume_unit_of_measure flash_point
ghs_classification_class1 ghs_classification_class2 ghs_classification_class3
ghs_classification_class1 ghs_classification_class2 ghs_classification_class3
These products could not be found in the Amazon.com catalog using the product-id alone. Search A
Listings-Template  tab, and then upload the template again. If a product does not exist on Amazon.
Learn more

sku price quantity product-id product-id-type condition-type

e product-id alone. Search Amazon.com for the products, enter the ASINs in the product-id column of the
ct does not exist on Amazon.com, you must first add that product to the Amazon.com catalog.

condition-note ASIN-hint title

e product-id column of the
n.com catalog.

product-tax-code operation-type sale-price sale-start-date sale-end-date

leadtime-to-ship launch-date is-giftwrap-available is-gift-message-available
fulfillment-center-id main-offer-image offer-image1 offer-image2
offer-image3 offer-image4 offer-image5 batteries_requi
are_batteries_included battery_cell_composition
battery_type number_of_batteries
battery_weight battery_weight_unit_of_measure
number_of_lithium_metal_cells number_of_lithium_ion_cells
lithium_battery_packaging lithium_battery_energy_content
lithium_battery_energy_content_unit_of_mea lithium_battery_weight
lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measure supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation1
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation2 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation3
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation4 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation5
hazmat_united_nations_regulatory_id safety_data_sheet_url
item_weight item_weight_unit_of_measure
item_volume item_volume_unit_of_measure
flash_point ghs_classification_class1
ghs_classification_class2 ghs_classification_class3
ConditionType LookupIndex OperationType ProductTaxCode
New Apparel Update A_GEN_NOTAX
UsedLikeNew Automotive Delete A_GEN_TAX
UsedGood Baby
CollectibleLikeNew Beauty
CollectibleVeryGood Electronics
CollectibleGood GourmetFood
CollectibleAcceptable HealthPersonalCare
RefurbishedClub HomeGarden
These products had multiple matches in the Amazon.com catalog. Click the button next to a particu
added to the Listings-Template tab, and you can then upload the template again for those listings.

sku price quantity productid

Click the button next to a particular product to select that product as the match for your listing. Your selecti
template again for those listings.

product-id-type condition-type condition-note ASIN-hint

oduct as the match for your listing. Your selections will be

title product-tax-code operation-type

sale-price sale-start-date sale-end-date leadtime-to-ship launch-date
is-giftwrap-available is-gift-message-available fulfillment-center-id
main-offer-image offer-image1 offer-image2 offer-image3
offer-image4 offer-image5 batteries_requireare_batteries_included
battery_cell_composition battery_type
number_of_batteries battery_weight
battery_weight_unit_of_measure number_of_lithium_metal_cells
number_of_lithium_ion_cells lithium_battery_packaging
lithium_battery_energy_content lithium_battery_energy_content_uni
lithium_battery_weight lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_meas
safety_data_sheet_url item_weight
item_weight_unit_of_measure item_volume
item_volume_unit_of_measure flash_point
ghs_classification_class1 ghs_classification_class2

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