Influence of Automatic Control of A Tap Changing
Influence of Automatic Control of A Tap Changing
Influence of Automatic Control of A Tap Changing
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A synchronous generator is a source of real and reactive power, which can be conveniently regulated over
Received 4 January 2016 a wide range of values. The real and reactive power of a synchronous generator are limited by the reactive
Received in revised form 22 May 2016 power capability curve, which is determined by the following constraints: stator (armature) current,
Accepted 26 June 2016
rotor (field) current, load angle (owing to steady-state stability), the temperature in the end region of the
Available online xxx
stator magnetic circuit, turbine power, and the terminal voltage of the generator. Large generating units
operate on a high-voltage network by using step-up transformers, which can be equipped with on-load
tap changers. This article discusses how controlling the transformation ratio of step-up transformers
Large synchronous generating units
On-load tap changing control
can enlarge the area surrounded by the reactive power capability curve. Equations suitable for such an
Reactive power capability area analysis are derived, and a numerical example is presented. A new control algorithm for tap changing is
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0378-7796/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),
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EPSR-4765; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 J. Machowski, P. Kacejko / Electric Power Systems Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),
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EPSR-4765; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J. Machowski, P. Kacejko / Electric Power Systems Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3
which corresponds to the circle of the radius and the centre shift
determined by the following formulae:
Eq max Vs Vs2
rf = ; qf = − (9)
ϑ(Xd + XT ) ϑ2 (Xd + XT )
Hence, the circle centre shift is inversely proportional to the
square of the ratio, while the radius is inversely proportional to the
ratio. The circle is crossed by a vertical axis (reactive power for real
power equals zero) at the point:
rf + qf = Eq max − (10)
ϑ(Xd + XT ) ϑ
For given real power, bus voltage and transformation ratio the
reactive power resulting from the field heating limit can be com-
puted form the following formula resulting from above Eq. (8):
Fig. 3. Capability area of a generation unit for a given voltage at bus bars. E 2
q max Vs Vs2
Qs = − Ps2 − , (11)
ϑ(Xd + XT ) ϑ2 (Xd + XT )
Condition C1 assumes that the load current cannot be higher The synchronous electromotive force of a generator is approxi-
than the permissible current of the stator winding (armature heat- mately twice as high as the rated voltage, and it can be assumed that
ing limit). On the plane (P, Q), this condition corresponds to a circle Eq max » Vs . In this case, according to formula (10), the tap changing
whose radius and location of centre result from the following rea- control after increasing the ratio ϑ moves down the arc FG resulting
soning. Real and reactive power in per-unit values is determined from the excitation current limiter (Fig. 3), and therefore reduces
by the following formulae: Ps = Vs Is cosϕ and Qs = Vs Is sinϕ. Consid- the area surrounded by the capability curve. The capability area
ering that Is = Ig /ϑ, and after squaring both formulae on both sides becomes smaller in the upper part.
and summing up, the dependence Ps2 + Qs2 = (Vs Ig /ϑ) is obtained The synchronous electromotive force Eq that occurs in the above
because sin2 ϕ + cos2 ϕ = 1. On the plane (P, Q), the above equation equations depends on the excitation current. The maximum value
corresponds to the circle of radius Vs Ig /ϑ and the centre at the of Eq max corresponds to the permissible current of a rotor winding.
beginning of the coordinate system. For the given network volt- In general, manufacturers do not allow excitation current values
age Vs and the load of the generator with the maximum current above rated values. Assuming that the generator rotor winding is
Ig = Ig max , the following equation is obtained: not overloaded, i.e. permissible current corresponds to rated cur-
2 rent If max = Irf and Eq max = Erq , the rated value of electromotive force
Ps2 + Qs2 = Vs Ig max /ϑ , (4) Erq can be calculated as the multiplicity of the rated voltage of a gen-
erator with the multiplication factor depending on synchronous
which corresponds to the circle of radius rg = Vs Ig max /ϑ. reactance and the power factor. This assumption results from the
In Fig. 3, the fragment of this circle has been dotted. Points corre- reasoning presented below. The following formulae analogous to
sponding to the powers for which the condition Ig < Ig max is fulfilled Eq. (1) can be written for the equivalent circuit diagrams of the
lie inside the circle. The circle radius is inversely proportional to generator (the left side in Fig. 2b):
the ratio ϑ, which means that if a step-up transformer controller
increases the ratio, the radius of the circle gets smaller. If the con- Eq Vg Vg2 Eq Vg
Pg = sin ıge ; Qg + = cos ıge (12)
troller of a step-up transformer reduces the ratio, the radius of the Xd Xd Xd
circle gets larger. The maximum value of the stator current is to where ıge is the difference between the arguments of the generator
be adopted according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, e.g. electromotive force and the generator terminal voltage. By squaring
Ig max = IrG or Ig max = 1, 05 IrG , where IrG is the rated current. the equations on both sides and summing them up, the following
Condition C2 assumes that the excitation current cannot be is obtained:
higher than the permissible current of the rotor winding (field heat- 2 E V 2
ing limit). On the plane (P, Q), this condition corresponds to a circle Vg2 q g
Pg2 + Qg + = (13)
whose radius and location of the centre result from the following Xd Xd
reasoning. Eqs. (2) and (3) can be written as follows:
Eq Vs Qg Pg
sin ı = Ps (5) Eq2 = Vg2 1 + Xd + Xd (14)
ϑ(Xd + XT ) Vg2 Vg2
Eq Vs Vs2 Eq. (14) is correct for any power and, in particular, for rated pow-
cos ı = Qs + 2 (6) ers PrG = SrG cosϕrG , QrG = SrG sinϕrG , and rated voltage VrG , where
ϑ(Xd + XT ) ϑ (Xd + XT )
cosϕrG is a rated power factor. It is known that synchronous reac-
After squaring both the formulae on both sides and summing tance Xd = Xd pu VrG 2 /S , where X
rG d pu is the reactance in per-unit
up, the following equation is obtained: values. After substituting these dependences in Eq. (14), the fol-
2 lowing is obtained:
Ps2 + Qs + 2
Eq Vs
(7) 2 2
2 2
ϑ (Xd + XT ) ϑ(Xd + XT ) Erq = VrG 1 + Xd pu sin ϕrG + Xd pu cos ϕrG (15)
Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),
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EPSR-4765; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 J. Machowski, P. Kacejko / Electric Power Systems Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Therefore, after simple transformations, the following formulae where ıT is the difference between voltage arguments on both sides
are obtained for the synchronous electromotive force of a generator of the transformer impedance. After squaring Eq. (21) on both sides
with a rated load: and summing up, the following equation is obtained:
2 V V 2
Erq = krf VrG , krf = 1 + Xd pu (Xd pu + 2 · sin ϕrG ) (16) V2 s g
Ps2 + Qs + 2s = (22)
ϑ XT ϑXT
The rated electromotive force of a generator is a multiplication
The equation corresponds to a circle whose radius and centre
of the rated voltage.
shift are determined by the following formulae:
Condition C3 concerns the limitation of a load angle (under-
excitation limit also referred to as stability limit). On the plane (P, Vg Vs Vs2
Q), this condition corresponds to a straight line whose location and rT = ; qT = − (23)
ϑXT ϑ2 XT
inclination result from the reasoning presented below. By dividing
Eqs. (5) and (6) on both sides, the following is obtained: By solving Eq. (22) with regard to reactive power, the following
formula is obtained:
Vs2 V V 2
Qs = tan−1 ı · Ps − (17) s g Vs2
ϑ (Xd + XT )
2 Qs = − Ps2 − (24)
ϑXT ϑ2 XT
Therefore, after substituting ı = ımax , the following equation is This formula determines reactive power as a function of real
obtained: power and both voltages.
The characteristics Q(P) given in formula (24) are arcs of a circle
Vs2 determined by Eq. (22). As XT << Xd , both the shift and radius of
Qs = mPs + c; m = tan−1 ımax ; c=− (18)
ϑ2 (Xd + XT ) this circle are many times larger than the shift and radius of the
circle determined by Eq. (8), i.e. rT >> rf and |qT | >> |qf |. There-
On the plane (P, Q), Eq. (18) delineates a straight line that for fore, arcs Vg max and Vg min corresponding to the circles (22) shown
Ps = 0 crosses the reactive power axis Q at an angle ımax at point: in Fig. 3 look almost like straight lines.
Eq. (22) can be also transformed to the following bi-quadratic
Vs2 equation:
qf = c = − (19)
ϑ2 (Xd + XT )
aϑ4 + bϑ2 + c = 0 (25)
It is noteworthy that the point corresponds to the circle centre where:
shift determined by Eq. (9). In Fig. 3, the straight line corresponding
to Eq. (18) is a dash-dotted line. Vs2 Vg2 Vs2
a = Ps2 + Qs2 ; b= 2Qs − ; c= (26)
According to Eq. (9), the circle centre shift, and thus the straight XT XT XT
line (18), is inversely proportional to the squared ratio. Therefore,
it can be stated that with the transformation ratio reduced by the For given values of voltages on both sides of step-up transformer
tap changing control, the straight line (18) gets lower, and thus the Vg , Vs and real and reactive power Ps , Qs injected to transmission
limitation of reactive power (section AB in Fig. 3) moves down, i.e. network Eq. (25) enables to compute the value of the transforma-
the capability area gets bigger in the lower part. tion ratio ϑ.
Condition C4, concerning the limitation of temperature in the If a step-up transformer has a constant ratio ϑ = ϑ0 = const,
end region of the stator magnetic circuit, cannot be expressed in for the given values of network voltages, the limitations Vg max
simple mathematical dependencies (end region heating limit). A and Vg min resulting from condition (20) may lie within the area
relevant curve must be determined by the generator manufacturer. ABCDEFG (Fig. 3). In this case, the capability area is limited only
In Fig. 3, this curve is BC. to the area HIEDKJ. As a result, the decisive limitation in reactive
Condition C5, concerning the mechanical power of a prime power generation may be the limitation of generator voltage rather
mover (turbine), depends on the turbine type and its adaptation than the limitation of exciting current. A similar observation was
to the operation across a broad range of real power changes (prime mentioned in [7].
mover limit). In Fig. 3, the relevant limitations have been marked The location of the abovementioned arcs Vg max and Vg min
with straight vertical lines corresponding to Pmax and Pmin . depends on network voltage Vs and is not constant. Fortunately,
Condition C6 concerns the following limitation of the generator the impact of network voltage changes is favourable and compli-
terminal voltage (generator voltage limit): ant with the needs of the power system. The arcs cross a vertical
axis (reactive power for zero real power) for the following values:
Vg max ≤ Vg ≤ Vg (20) Vs
Q (Vg max ) = rT + qT = Vg max − (27)
ϑXT ϑ
For currently used generators, permissible changes in terminal
voltage and frequency are small [8]. For a rated frequency, the per- Q (Vg min ) = rT + qT = Vg min − (28)
missible range of the generator terminal voltage changes is ±5% of ϑXT ϑ
the rated value VrG . For positive reactive power (lagging side in Fig. 3), the differ-
The formula of characteristic Q(P) for the given value Vg can be ence between voltages on the right side of formula (27) is positive
derived in the simplest way by using the circuit diagram presented and increases when network voltage Vs drops owing to the deficit
in Fig. 2a, or, strictly speaking, with the part of the circuit diagram of reactive power in the system. As a consequence, arc Vg max that
that concerns the step-up transformer. Likewise, for Eqs. (2) and (3) limits reactive power rises, making it possible to return the grow-
for the middle part of the circuit diagram from Fig. 2b, the following ing volume of reactive power. The increase in ratio ϑ has a similar
can be written: influence, i.e. results in raising the arc Vg max .
For negative reactive power (leading side in Fig. 3), the dif-
Vg Vs Vs2 Vg Vs ference between voltages on the right side of the formula (28) is
Ps = sin ıT ; Qs + = cos ıT (21)
XT ϑ ϑ2 XT XT ϑ negative, and its absolute value increases when network voltage
Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),
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EPSR-4765; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J. Machowski, P. Kacejko / Electric Power Systems Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5
4. Example
Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),
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EPSR-4765; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 J. Machowski, P. Kacejko / Electric Power Systems Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
Fig. 5. a. Power capability area in case of step-up transformer with a constant trans-
Fig. 6. a Power capability area in case of step-up transformer with a constant trans-
formation ratio for Vs = 1, 00 and ϑ = 1, 05 = const b. Power capability area in case of
formation ratio for Vs = 0, 95 and ϑ = 1, 05 = const ϑ = 1, 05 = const b. Power capability
tap changing step-up transformer for Vs = 1, 00 and 0, 930 ≤ ϑ ≤ 1, 105
area in case of tap changing step-up transformer for Vs = 0, 95 and 0, 930 ≤ ϑ ≤ 1, 105
Fig. 5a and b have been prepared for the case where network need to be lowered. In this case, the control of the transformation
voltage Vs = 1, 00. In this case, in the option with a constant trans- ratio (Fig. 5b) moves the limitations Vg max and Vg min outside the
formation ratio, condition (20) limits the upper part of the area area resulting from the field heating limit and the underexcitation
less, and the capabilities of increasing reactive power generation limit.
are greater than in the case indicated in Fig. 4a. As a consequence, Fig. 6a and b are presented for the case where network voltage
it is possible to increase the voltage in the network. The limitation Vs = 0, 95. In this case, for the option with a constant transformation
of the lower part of the area is larger. It is not possible to absorb ratio, condition (20) limits the lower part of the area, which is not
reactive power from the transmission network, which is irrelevant significant, as with such low voltage in the network the absorption
for the voltage assumed here, as the voltage in the network does not of reactive power from transmission network by generator would
Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),
G Model
EPSR-4765; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J. Machowski, P. Kacejko / Electric Power Systems Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7
Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),
G Model
EPSR-4765; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 J. Machowski, P. Kacejko / Electric Power Systems Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
6. Optimal range of transformation ratio it is assumed that Qs = 0 for PV node and Vg = VrG for generator
From above consideration it can be concluded that optimal
range of changes of the step-up transformer ratio should satisfy 8. Conclusions
two conditions:
Because of the growing number of intermittent sources of
(a) For lagging current (upper part of power capability area) maxi- energy in power systems, conventional large generating units are
mal transformation ratio ϑmax should guarantee that generator expected to have greater regulation capabilities with regard to both
voltage limit is shifted behind the field heating limit. real and reactive power.
(b) For leading current (lower part of power capability area) mini- The main limitation in the abilities of a generating unit in the
mal transformation ratio ϑmin should guarantee that generator generation or absorption of reactive power is the low permissi-
voltage limit is shifted below the underexcitation limit. ble range of generator voltage changes (generator voltage limit).
The application of step-up transformers with an on-load controlled
Condition (a) is satisfied when for Vs = Vs max and Vg = Vg max the ratio has the positive influence on the power capability area shif-
value given by (27) is larger than the value given by (10). Solving ting the generator voltage limit behind the field heating limit (for
such inequality leads to the following value: lagging current) or behind the underexcitation limit (for leading
x · Vs max current). The transformation ratio of a step-up transformer may be
ϑmax ≥ (33) controlled by a local and/or central control system or by an auto-
(x + 1) · Vg max − Eq max
matic controller that operates in voltage control mode with a dead
where x = Xd /XT . zone and time delay. The controlled voltage should be the voltage
Condition (b) is satisfied when for Vs = Vs min and Vg = Vg min the on the primary side of a step-up transformer, i.e. on the generator
value given by (28) is smaller than the value given by (19). Solving side.
such inequality leads to the following value: The formulae derived in this article make it possible to deter-
Vs min x mine the capability area of a generator-transformer unit, taking into
ϑmin ≤ (34) account the value of the step-up transformer ratio. The presented
Vg min x + 1
numerical example shows the impact of ratio changes on the shift
For generating unit with data described in Section 4 it is obtained of relevant capability curves that limit the power capability area.
ϑmin ≤ 0.927 and ϑmax ≥ 1.159. It means that range 0, 930 ≤ ϑ ≤ 1,
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Please cite this article in press as: J. Machowski, P. Kacejko, Influence of automatic control of a tap changing step-up transformer on
power capability area of generating unit, Electr. Power Syst. Res. (2016),