Natural Minerals

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Natural mineral


Majority of natural drugs are derived from plants and animal origins a few of them obtained from
mineral origin are important as pharmaceutical aids as these substances which are of little or no
therapeutic value but are necessary in manufacturing, compounding, storage etc. of pharmaceutical
preparation or dosage form like diluting agents, colouring agents, excipients etc. For examples bentonite
is used as suspending agents and emulsifying agents.

The range of these mineral origin substance from therapeutic agents like chalk as antacid or kaolin as
gastric infection to nutritional supplements like shilajit as effective tonic and stimulant to
pharmaceutical aids like talc in filtration , bentonite in emulsion.

These substances are found as mineral deposit of different types such as terrestrial deposit or fossil
deposition of geological origin.


Synonyms: Amianthus

Source: It is fibrous variety of mineral silicates found in two form serpentine and amphibole. The most
common fibrous form of serpentine is known as chrysotile asbestos and amphibole asbestos which is
subdivided in to anthophyllite, amosite, actinolite and tremolite.


It is white to slight dull greenish material

It is soluble in water and odorless.

It is easily broken in to long fine and flexible fibers.

It can be spun and woven to form a coarse cloth

It is unaffected by heat.

Chrysotile asbestos is affected by acid and amphibole in acid resistant.

Chemical constituents

Asbestos consist of silicates of calcium and magnesium along with iron which gives colour to asbestos.


It is used for bacterial filter and also used as filter for caustic alkalies it is used for making fireproof
articles and clothing. It is used as heat resistant insulator from oven packing material round the bolier
and steam pipe.

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Natural mineral


Synonym: prepared calamine

Source: It is an ore and chemical it contains zinc oxide with small amount of ferric oxide and contains
not less 98 % of zinc oxide after ignition.


It is colourless to pink fine powder, odourlees, it is insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acid.

Chemical constituents

It contains 98% zinc oxide and 0.5 % of ferric oxide which gives pink colour to the calamine.


It is used in skin ointment and lotion as topical protective agent and astringent.


Synonyms: Soap clay, whilkinite

Source: It is natural colloidal hydrated silicates which resemblance clay.


Cream to pale buff odourless and earthy taste.

Very fine powder free from grittiness.

It is insoluble in water alcohol and organic solvent.

Chemical constituents

It contains 80% monmorillonite

Chemical test: Dissolve 1 gm of calamine in 10 ml of Hcl boil and filter to filterate add solution of
ammonium thiocynate red colour produced.

Mount little bentonite in saffranine solution gives permanent deep red colour.

Uses: as suspending agent and emulsifying agent base for cream lipstick.


Synonym: French talc, talcum, purified talc

Source: It is obtained from mineral known as steatite or soapstone.

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Natural mineral

It is natural hydrated magnesium silicates.


Powdered talc is fine white, odourless and tastlees powder. It gives smooth feeling when rubbed on

It is insoluble in water and acidic and alkaline solution.

It is very fine variety of stearite occurring as massive minerals with pearly white luster and nonplastic.

Chemical constituents

It contains mostly hydrated magnesium silicates it contains 1 to 2 % iron oxide and traces of aluminium


Purified talc is used as filteration and purification aid.

It is used as lubricant in tablets, cosmetic powders like talcum powder, shoe powder.


Synonyms: Diatomsceous earth

Source: It consist of silica material with organic matter of fossil diatoms of family bacillariaceae
subdivision of algae.


It is brownish grey to white light powder. It is odourless and soluble in most of acids and tasteless. it
shows highly absorbent nature.

Chemical constituents

It contains about 75-92% silica, 1-6 % of aluminium oxide. Traces of calcium oxide, magnesium oxide and
iron oxide.


It used as filter aids for clarification and decolouration of liquids. It is used in manufacturing of tooth
powder, faces powder and nail polishes etc.

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