Mechanics of Friction Clutches

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Friction Clutches

The coupling and uncoupling of power to mechanisms is accomplished through the use of
clutches. There are many types of clutches but two general types can be identified as the
most commonly used. Positive engagement clutches are typified by jaw clutches. These
should be engaged at very low speeds only. Friction clutches are designed to couple or
engage two shafts that have great differences in speed. These clutches take on many
different forms. Donnell Hunt and Lester Garver in “Farm Machinery Mechanisms”.

1. Introduction
A clutch is normally used to transmit power from one shaft to another co-axial shaft. The
main advantage in using a clutch, as opposed to a coupling, for instance, is that the clutch
may be readily disengaged, when power is not required to be transmitted, and re-engaged,
when power is required to be transmitted. With friction clutches, another advantage is
that gradual engagement of the clutch is possible, thus allowing for the smooth transfer of
power and avoiding sudden impact torques.

There are numerous designs of clutches, the major categories of which may be classified
as follows:
• Rim types with internal expanding shoes
• Rim types with external contracting shoes
• Band types
• Axial types
• Miscellaneous types

An axial clutch is one in which the mating frictional components are moved in a direction
parallel to the axis of the shafts that are to be connected, in order to engage or disengage
the power flow. An early axial clutch is the cone clutch, which is simple and quite
powerful. However, today the cone clutch has been largely displaced by the disc clutch1,
which employs one or more discs as the operating components. Advantages of the disc
clutch include:
• Freedom from centrifugal effects
• The large effective frictional area that can be installed in a compact unit, through the
use of multiple discs

The disc clutch is also known as the plate clutch.
Friction Clutches

• More effective heat dissipation surfaces

• Favourable pressure distribution.

In flat plate clutches, the clutch plates are usually surfaced with special heat-resistant
material that has a high coefficient of friction when used with pressure plates made of
ferrous metal.

A band type clutch may take the form of a belt drive in which the initial belt tension may
be readily engaged, in order to transmit power, and disengaged in order to stop the power
flow, perhaps by use of an idler pulley/sheave. In practice, band brakes are more
common than band clutches.

A common type of rim clutch is the centrifugal clutch but again rim type brakes are more
common in practice than rim type clutches. Among the miscellaneous types of clutches
are such as the jaw clutch, which is of the positive engagement type and does not utilize
friction to function. Here, we shall restrict our analysis to friction, axial type clutches.

In friction, axial type clutches, an axial actuating force, P , is applied to force flat or
conical surfaces into contact. The components being forced into contact rotate, normally
in the same direction, but not necessarily at the same rotational speed. The requirement
is to be able to transmit a predetermined torque between the co-axial shafts and at the
same time to permit relative slip to occur under circumstances such as:
• A speed change being effected at one of the shafts, as in an automotive transmission,
• Overload protection against excessive torque being transmitted to the driven

Maximum torque will be transmitted when the clutch is “slipping” or when it is just on
the verge of slipping. In practice, in this kind of problem, distinction is not usually made
between static and kinetic friction. When the driving and the driven components rotate at
the same speed, the clutch behaves like a rigid coupling and will transmit any torque, up
to the maximum value, beyond which slipping will occur. The slipping will be
accompanied by the conversion of lost mechanical energy into heat. Thus, in analyzing
the performance of friction clutches, we shall be concerned with:
• The actuating force
• The torque transmitted
• The energy lost
• The temperature rise

The torque transmitted is related to the actuating force, the coefficient of friction and the
geometry of the clutch. Its determination is therefore specific to the type of clutch. On
the other hand, temperature rise is related to energy loss and may be considered without
regard to the type of clutch.

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2. The Mechanics of the Flat Plate Clutch

Illustrations to be used in the analysis of the flat plate clutch are given in Fig. 1, below.
When the clutch is engaged, the axial force, P , which in this case is the actuating force,
produces pressure across the contacting surfaces. The relation between P and the
transmitted torque, T , depends on the distribution of this pressure across the contacting

Driver Driven


Clutch Plate
Friction Lining

Clutch Disengaged Clutch Engaged

R1 r


Clutch Plate Clutch Plate

Diametral Section Side View
Fig. 1 – Flat Plate Clutch Illustrations
In Fig. 1, due to the symmetry of the contacting surfaces, it is convenient to consider the
forces acting on an infinitesimally thin annular ring, on the clutch plate, at radius r and
of thickness dr . On this ring, pressure variation will be negligible. The axial force on
the annulus will be as follows:
dP = 2πprdr (1)

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Thus, the total axial force on the contacting surfaces is obtained as follows:
P = 2π ∫ prdr (2)

The moment of the frictional forces on the annulus, as slipping impends, is as follows:
dT = 2μπpr 2 dr (3)

Hence, the maximum torque transmissible by a single pair of contacting frictional

surfaces is as follows:
T = 2μπ ∫ pr 2 dr (4)

Equations (2) and (4) can be evaluated provided that the variations of both μ and p with
r are known. In the absence of more exact information, it is usual to assume that μ will
be constant for all points on the contacting surfaces.

As for variation in p , if the fit between the contacting surfaces were perfect, then p will
remain constant everywhere (uniform pressure). This may approximate well the situation
of a new clutch. But with a worn clutch, the rate of wear of the contacting surfaces
depends, not only on the contact pressure, but also on the velocity of rubbing between the
surfaces, such that:
rate of wear = f ( p, v ) = g( p, r , ω)

If it is assumed that the rate of wear is actually directly proportional to the product
pv = ωpr (with ω being constant), then:
rate of wear ∝ pr

If it is now assumed that the rate of wear is uniform throughout the contacting friction
surfaces then:
pr = a constant

This is the basis of the uniform wear theory.

The distribution of pressure against radius for the case of uniform wear is illustrated in
Fig. 2, below.

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Friction Clutches

Pressure on R2
Clutch Plate


Radius of Clutch Plate

Fig. 2 – Distribution of Pressure on Clutch Plate With Respect to Radius of

Plate, Under Uniform Wear Condition

Uniform Pressure Theory

If the assumption of uniform pressure is applicable, as may be the case for a new clutch,
equation (2) may be evaluated as follows:

( )
P = 2πp ∫ rdr = πp R2 − R1 = πp(R2 − R1 )(R1 + R2 )
2 2

Moreover, still under the assumption of uniform pressure, equation (4) may be evaluated
to give the following:

( )
T = 2μπp ∫ r 2 dr = μπp R2 − R1
3 3

But, from equation (5):

πp = (7)
R2 − R1
2 2

Equations (6) and (7) may now be combined to yield the following:

2μP ⎛⎜ R2 − R1 ⎞⎟
3 3 ⎫
T= ⎪
3 ⎜⎝ R2 2 − R12 ⎟⎠ ⎬ (8)
3 3
R2 − R1 = (R2 − R1 ) R1 + R1 R2 + R2
2 2

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Equations (8) gives the maximum torque transmissible by a single pair of contacting
friction surfaces of the clutch, provided that the geometry of the clutch, the coefficient of
friction and the actuating force are known. If the clutch consists of n pairs of contacting
friction surfaces then the maximum transmissible torque will be given by:

2μnP ⎛⎜ R2 − R1 ⎞⎟
3 3
T= (9)
3 ⎜⎝ R2 2 − R12 ⎟⎠

Uniform Wear Theory

For the case of uniform wear, which will be closer to reality in a used clutch, we may
pr = k = a constant

Then, equation (2) may be evaluated as follows:

P = 2πk ∫ dr = 2πk (R2 − R1 ) (10)

Further, equation (4) may be evaluated to give the maximum transmissible torque by a
single pair of contacting friction surfaces, as follows:

( )
T = 2μπk ∫ rdr = μπk R2 2 − R12 (11)

But, from equation (10):

πk = (12)
2(R2 − R1 )

Equations (11) and (12) may be combined to give the following expression for the
maximum torque transmissible by a single pair of contacting friction surfaces, as
predicted by the uniform wear theory:
⎛ R + R2 ⎞
T = μP ⎜ 1 ⎟ (13)
⎝ 2 ⎠
Note that, whether we use the uniform pressure or the uniform wear theory, the
transmitted torque will be zero if P = 0 (clutch disengaged). Thus, both theories are
consistent with this boundary condition.

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For a given actuating force and clutch dimensions, equation (13) gives a slightly lower
value of maximum transmissible torque than equation (8). It is therefore less likely to
overestimate the maximum transmissible torque.

For a clutch with n pairs of contacting friction surfaces:

⎛ R + R2 ⎞
T = μnP⎜ 1 ⎟ (14)
⎝ 2 ⎠
The figure below shows the components of a typical automotive clutch, which has a
single clutch plate of 180 mm outer diameter with two friction surfaces.


Clutch Plate
Pressure Plate
Automotive Clutch Components

When the clutch is assembled, the clutch plate is sandwiched between the pressure plate
and the engine flywheel. The normal force is applied through the diaphragm spring to the
pressure plate. The clutch then transmits power from the engine to the transmission
gearbox. The six coil springs around the centre of the clutch plate provide cushioning
against shock load during engagement of the drive.

A typical clutch for light automotive applications will have two pairs of contacting
friction surfaces with the ratio of radii lying in the following range:
1.4 ≤ ≤ 1.7

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3. Alternative Notation for Use in Plate Clutch Theory

So long as R1 > 0 , for convenience, we may introduce the following notations2:

⎛ R + R2 ⎞
r1 = (R2 − R1 ), r2 = ⎜ 1
⎟ , r3 = 2 and r4 = R1R2
⎝ 2 ⎠ R1

Uniform Pressure Theory

Then, equation (5), which relates the axial force to clutch dimensions, under the
assumption of uniform pressure, may be rewritten as follows:
P = 2πpr1r2 (15)

Moreover, equation (8), which relates the maximum transmissible torque to the axial
force, the coefficient of friction and clutch dimensions may now be re-written as follows:
⎛ 4r2 2 − r4 2 ⎞
T = μP ⎜⎜ ⎟

⎝ 3 r2 ⎠
The above equation may be re-written in dimensionless form as follows:

1 ⎛⎜ 4r2 − r4 ⎞⎟ 4 ⎛⎜ r2 − r4 4 ⎞⎟ 4 ⎛⎜ R1 + R1 R2 + R2 ⎞⎟
2 2 2 2 2 2
= ⎟ = 3⎜ ⎟ = 3 ⎜ R 2 + 2R R + R 2 ⎟
μPr2 3 ⎜⎝ r2
⎠ ⎝ r2
⎠ ⎝ 1 1 2 2 ⎠

Now, by dividing both the numerator and the denominator of the right hand side of the
above expression by R12, one readily obtains the following:

4 ⎛⎜ 1 + r3 + r3 ⎞⎟
= (16)
μPr2 3 ⎜⎝ 1 + 2r3 + r3 2 ⎟⎠

Equation (8) will give meaningful results when R1 = 0 but equation (16) will not. On the
other hand, equation (16) will give meaningful results for the hypothetical though
impractical case of R1 = R2 but equation (8) will not. However, equation (16) provides
us with useful insight into what happens to the maximum transmissible torque as
R1 → R2 . In the more likely case, in practice, when R2 > R1 > 0 , both equations (8) and
(16) will give meaningful results.

The quantities r1, r2, r3 and r4 may be termed the arithmetic difference, the arithmetic mean, the
geometric difference and the geometric mean, respectively.

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Equations (16) gives the maximum torque transmissible by a single pair of contacting
friction surfaces of the clutch, provided that the geometry of the clutch, the coefficient of
friction and the actuating force are known. If the clutch consists of n pairs of contacting
friction surfaces then the maximum transmissible torque will be given by:

4 ⎛⎜ 1 + r3 + r3 ⎞⎟
= (17)
μnPr2 3 ⎜⎝ 1 + 2r3 + r3 2 ⎟⎠

Uniform Wear Theory

Equation (10), which expresses the relationship between the actuating force and clutch
dimensions, under the condition of uniform wear, may now be re-written as follows:
P = 2πk ∫ dr = 2πk (R2 − R1 ) = 2πkr1 (18)

Moreover, equation (13), which expresses the relationship involving the actuating force,
the coefficient of friction, and clutch dimensions, under the condition of uniform wear,
may now be re-written as follows:
⎛ R + R2 ⎞
T = μP ⎜ 1 ⎟ = μPr2 (19)
⎝ 2 ⎠
which may be re-written in dimensionless form, as follows:
=1 (20)

Thus, for a clutch with n pairs of contacting friction surfaces:

⎛ R + R2 ⎞
T = μnP⎜ 1 ⎟ = μnPr2 (21)
⎝ 2 ⎠
=1 (22)

Equations (17) and (22) are compared in Fig. 3, overleaf. It can be seen that, for the
range of values of r3 plotted in this figure, the difference in maximum transmissible
torque between the two theories is not much (maximum difference of about 6%).

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1.04 Uniform Pressure


Uniform Wear

0.99 r3
1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5

Fig. 3 – Maximum Transmissible Torque for Uniform Pressure and

Uniform Wear Conditions

4. The Mechanics of the Cone Clutch (Conical Clutch)

The cone clutch is illustrated in Fig. 4 overleaf. Consider the thin annular conical ring at
a radius r from the centre of rotation of the clutch. The width of this ring on the conical
surface is dl . The projection of this width onto a plane that is perpendicular to the axis
of the cone is dr , such that:
d r = d l sin α (23)

The actual surface area of the annular conical ring may be expressed as follows:
dA = 2πrdl (24)

The area of the annular conical ring, projected onto a plane that is perpendicular to the
axis of the cone is:
2πrdr = 2πrdl sin α = dA sin α (25)

The total normal contact force on the annular conical ring is given by:
pdA = 2πprdl (26)

The component of this force in the direction of the cone axis is given by:
dP = pdA sin α = 2πprdl sin α = 2πprdr (27)

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and the total axial load is given by:

P = 2π ∫ prdr (28)



R1 r


Inner Cone Front End View Inner Cone Side View

Fig. 4 – Cone Clutch Illustrations

Now, when slipping is just impending, the frictional force on the annular conical ring will
μpdA = 2μπprdl = 2μπpr (29)
sin α

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and the moment of this force about the axis of rotation of the clutch is:
dT = μprdA = 2μπpr 2 dl = 2μπpr 2 (30)
sin α
Hence, the total frictional moment that resists the rotation of the two clutch cones relative
to each other is given by:

2μπ 2 2

sin α R∫1
T= pr dr (31)

Equations (28) and (31) can be evaluated provided that the variations of both μ and p
with r are known. In the absence of more exact information, it is usual to assume that μ
will be constant for all points on the contacting surfaces.

Uniform Pressure Theory

The axial load will be:

( )
P = 2πp ∫ rdr = πp R2 − R1
2 2

which is the same expression as was found for the plate clutch.

The torque capacity of the clutch will be:

2μπp 2 2 2μπp
( )
T= ∫ r dr = R2 − R1
3 3
sin α R1 3 sin α

Now, by using equations (32) and (33), it is readily found that:

2μP ⎛⎜ R2 − R1 ⎞⎟
3 3
T= (34)
3 sin α ⎜⎝ R2 2 − R12 ⎟⎠

Uniform Wear Theory

The axial load will be:
P = 2πpr ∫ dr = 2πk (R2 − R1 ) (35)

which again is the same expression as was found for the plate clutch.

The torque capacity of the clutch will be:

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Friction Clutches

2μπpr 2 μπpr 2
( )
T= ∫ rdr = R2 − R1
sin α R1 sin α

Now, by using equations (35) and (36), it is readily found that:

T= (R1 + R2 ) (37)
2 sin α

It should be evident from equations (34) and (37) that for the same values of μ , P , R1
and R2 , the cone clutch will have a higher torque capacity than a plate clutch with a
single pair of contacting friction surfaces, since sin α < 1. In deed, the cone clutch
behaves like a plate clutch with a higher effective coefficient of friction, given by
μ1 = μ sin α . However, the torque capacity of the plate clutch is easily multiplied by
using a number of pairs of contacting friction surfaces. Thus the plate clutch is now more
commonly used in practice.

The plate clutch may be considered as a special case of the cone clutch in which
α = π 2.

As to which of the two theories (uniform pressure and uniform wear) should be used in a
given situation is largely a matter of opinion. It should be prudent to use the theory that
yields results on the safe side. Therefore, in determining the torque or power that can be
transmitted by a friction clutch, it should be preferable to use the uniform wear theory,
which is the more conservative. It does not overestimate the torque or power capacity of
the clutch. On the other hand, if we were to prevent possible failure of components
located “downstream” of the clutch we might be better off designing these components to
withstand the torque capacity of the clutch as predicted by the uniform pressure theory.
This way, we do not underestimate the possible maximum torque that may be transmitted
by the clutch and we are therefore not in danger of under-designing the components
located downstream of the clutch.

5. Worked Examples
A plate clutch with two pairs of friction surfaces transmits a maximum torque of 120 Nm
at 1,500 rpm. The maximum allowable pressure intensity between contacting friction
surfaces is 100 kN/m2. The outer diameter of the friction surfaces is 1.5 times the inner
diameter and the coefficient of friction between each pair of contacting friction surfaces
is 0.225. Assuming the uniform pressure theory applies, determine:
• The inner and outer diameters of the friction surfaces,
• The axial force required to fully engage the clutch.

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• What would be the maximum power transmissible by the clutch (at 1,500 rpm) if the
uniform wear theory were assumed to be applicable?

The following data are given:
Tmax = 120 Nm ⎫

pmax = 100,000 N/m 2 ⎪
D2 = 1.5 D1 ⎪⎪

μ = 0.225 ⎪
ω = 1,500 rpm = 157.08 rad/s ⎪

p = pmax (uniform pressure distribution )⎪⎭

Where: Tmax is the maximum torque that can be transmitted by the clutch,
pmax is the maximum allowable pressure intensity on the contacting
friction surfaces,
p is the pressure intensity at an arbitrary point on the contacting friction
D1 , D2 are the inner and outer diameters, respectively, of the contacting
friction surfaces,
ω is the rotational velocity at which the power is transmitted by the clutch,
expressed either in revolutions per minute (rpm) or in radians per second
μ is the coefficient of friction between the contacting friction surfaces.

Under the uniform pressure theory:

P = πp R2 − R1 =
2 πp
) (
D2 − D1
2 2
= μπnp R2 − R1 =
3 μπnp
) (
D2 − D1
3 3
where P is the axial force required to fully engage the clutch, R1 , R2 are the inner and
outer radii of the friction surfaces, respectively, and n is the number of pairs of
contacting friction surfaces. In the present case n = 2 .

Thus, considering the torque equation:

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Tmax = 120 =
D2 − D1 =
3 3
0.225π × 100,000
× (1.5 D1 ) − D1 ⎪
3 ⎫
720 = 70,685.83471 × 2.375D1

D1 = 0.1625 m = 162.5 mm ⎪

D2 = 1.5 D1 = 0.2437 m = 243.7 mm ⎪⎭

Next, by considering the axial force equation:

D2 − D1 =
2 2
π × 100,000
× (1.5 D1 ) − D1
2 2
= π × 25,000 × 1.25 × 0.16252 ⎬
= 2,592.43 N ⎪


According to the uniform wear theory, the maximum torque transmissible by a plate
clutch is given by:

Tmax = μπkn R2 2 − R12 = ) μπkn
D2 2 − D12 )
Correspondingly, the maximum power transmissible by the clutch in question would be:

Tmax ω = μπωkn R2 − R1 =
2 2
μπωpmax D1
2.25 D1 − D1

0.225 × π × 157.08 × 100,000 ⎪
= × 1.25 × 0.16253 ⎬
4 ⎪
= 14,889 watts = 14.889 kW ⎪

A power source whose shaft rotates at 250 rpm is used to drive a machine through a disc
type friction clutch that has two pairs of contacting friction surfaces. The outer and inner
diameters of the friction surfaces are 300 mm and 180 mm, respectively. The coefficient
of friction between the contacting friction surfaces is 0.2. The maximum allowable
pressure between contacting friction surfaces is 100 kN/m2 and a state of uniform wear
may be assumed. If the moment of inertia of the rotating machine components is 15 kg
m2, determine the time duration from clutch engagement to attainment of full speed of the
driven machine and the energy lost during slipping of the clutch.

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Hint: Under the uniform wear theory: Tmax = μπkn R2 − R1 ( 2 2

The following data are given:
250 × π ⎫
ω 1 = 250 rpm = = 26.18 rad/s⎪

R 2 = 150 mm = 0.15 m ⎪
R 1 = 90 mm = 0.09 m ⎪

pmax = 100 000 N/m 2 ⎪

μ = 0.2 ⎪

I 2 = 15 kgm 2 ⎭

Where: ω 1 is the rotational speed of the power source,

R 2 is the outer radius of the contacting friction surfaces,
R 1 is the inner radius of the contacting friction surfaces,
pmax is the maximum allowable normal pressure between contacting
friction surfaces,
μ is the coefficient of friction between the contacting friction surfaces.
I 2 is the mass moment of inertia of the rotating components of the driven

Under a state of uniform wear, it follows that:

pmax R1 = pmin R 2 = pr = k ⎫

= 100 000 × 0.09 = 9 000 N/m ⎭
where k is a constant.

The maximum torque transmissible by the clutch is:

T = μπnk R 2 − R 1
2 2
) ⎫
= 0.2 × π × 2 × 9 000 × 0.152 − 0.09 2 ⎬ )
= 162.86 Nm ⎪

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This torque is used to accelerate the rotating parts of the machine uniformly from a speed
of 0 rad/s to 26.18 rad/s . Thus, the uniform acceleration is obtained as follows:
T 162.86
α= = = 10.8573 rad/s 2
I2 15

If the time required to accelerate the rotating parts of the driven machine is denoted t a ,
then since the motion is uniformly accelerated, it follows that:
ω 2 = ω 1 = 0 + αt a ⎫

ω1 26.18 ⎪
ta = = ⎬
α 10.8573 ⎪
= 2.4113 s ⎪

During slipping of the clutch, the energy input into the system is:
U 1 = Tω 1t a = 162.86 × 26.18 × 2.4113⎫

= 10281 Joules ⎭
Over the duration of acceleration, the mean rotational speed of the rotating parts of the
driven machine will be (see figure below):
αt a 10.8573 × 2.4113 ⎫
ω2 m = = ⎪
2 2 ⎬
= 13.09 rad/s ⎪


ω 2 = 26.18

ta t
Graph of Uniformly Accelerated Rotational Motion

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The energy actually expended in accelerating the driven machine is:

U 2 = Tω 2 mt a = 162.86 × 13.09 × 2.4113⎫

= 5140.5 Joules ⎭
Thus, the energy lost during slipping of the clutch:
U1 − U 2 = 10281 − 5140.5⎫

= 5140.5 Joules ⎭

6. Example Problems
1. Based on the geometry of contacting friction surfaces, name two types of friction
Two circular plates, each of radius R, are in contact over their circular faces, the
centres of which are coincident. If the contacting friction surfaces are pressed
together by a normal force P, and the unit pressure (force per unit area) between
these contacting surfaces is uniformly distributed throughout their areas of contact,
show that the maximum frictional torque that can be transmitted by the contacting
surfaces is given by:
T = μPR
where μ is the limiting coefficient of friction between the contacting friction
What would be the maximum frictional torque that could be transmitted by the
contacting friction surfaces if these surfaces were in a state of uniform wear?

2. A flat-plate friction clutch with two pairs of friction surfaces has inner and outer
radii of R1 and R2, respectively. The total axial load on the clutch is W and the
limiting coefficient of friction between the contacting friction surfaces is μ.
Assuming uniform wear and using the usual notations, show that the total axial load
may be expressed as follows:
P = 2πkr1
and that the maximum torque that the clutch can transmit without slipping may be
expressed as follows:
T = 2μPr2

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⎛ R1 + R2 ⎞
where r1 = (R2 − R1 ) , r2 = ⎜ ⎟ and k is a constant.
⎝ 2 ⎠

3. A clutch with two pairs of contacting friction surfaces is designed to transmit a

maximum torque of 9 Nm without slipping. The maximum normal pressure
between the contacting friction surfaces is limited to 100 000 N/m2. The inner
diameter of the clutch plate is 130 mm and the limiting coefficient of friction
between the contacting friction surfaces is 0.3. Assuming uniform wear, determine
the required outer diameter of the clutch plate and the axial thrust that must be
applied in order for the clutch to transmit the maximum design torque.
For a clutch of the same dimensions as above, given that the contacting friction
surfaces are a perfect match, that the limiting normal pressure between the friction
surfaces is the same, and that the maximum torque that should be transmitted
without the clutch slipping remains the same, what will be the required axial thrust
and the limiting coefficient of friction?

4. Friction clutches can function as overload protection devices. Explain the

theoretical basis of this statement.
A friction plate clutch has a single pair of mating friction surfaces of 200 mm inside
diameter and 300 mm outside diameter. The mean value of the coefficient of
friction is 0.3 and the applied axial force is 4 712.4 N. Assuming uniform wear,
determine the maximum and minimum normal contact pressures between the friction
surfaces and the torque capacity of the clutch.
What will be the values of the maximum normal contact pressure, the minimum
normal contact pressure and the torque capacity of the clutch, if normal contact
pressure is assumed to be uniform, with all other factors remaining unchanged?

5. Give two circumstances in which relative slip in friction clutches would be

Show that, under conditions of uniform wear, the torque capacity of a friction plate
clutch is given by:
μP(D2 + D1 )
where T is the torque capacity per pair of contacting friction surfaces
μ is the mean value of the coefficient of friction across the contacting
friction surfaces
P is the axial force pressing the friction surfaces together

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D1, D2, are the inner and outer diameters of the friction surfaces,

6. Name three common designs of friction clutches.

A plate clutch has four pairs of mating friction surfaces whose outside diameter is
130 mm and inside diameter is 75 mm. The mean coefficient of friction between
mating surfaces is 0.10. Assuming that the uniform pressure theory applies, find the
pressure between the mating surfaces and the corresponding transmissible torque,
given that the actuating axial force is 5 kN.

For the same actuating force and the same clutch dimensions, what would be the
maximum contact pressure between the mating friction surfaces, assuming that the
uniform wear theory applied?

7. Briefly discuss the two most commonly used theories of pressure distribution across
the friction surfaces of a plate clutch.
A plate clutch with two pairs of contacting friction surfaces is designed to transmit a
maximum torque of 165 Nm. The ratio of the maximum transmitted torque to the
applied axial torque is to be 55mm. The maximum diameter of the friction linings is
to be 300 mm. Given that the limiting coefficient of friction is 0.25 and that the
uniform wear theory applies to this clutch, determine:
(a) The minimum diameter of the friction linings
(b) The maximum contact pressure on the friction surfaces.

For this same clutch, what would be the maximum transmitted torque, as predicted
by the uniform pressure theory, if the applied axial force remained the same?

8. Compare and contrast the friction plate clutch and the rigid coupling.

Motor Load

Fig. Q8

Figure Q8 illustrates a constant torque, variable speed motor coupled to a load by

way of a friction plate clutch. The clutch has two pairs of contacting friction

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Friction Clutches

surfaces. The load requires 50 kW at 1 500 rpm. The clutch begins to slip if it is
made to transmit 100 kW at 1 500 rpm. The total axial thrust applied to the clutch
when it is fully engaged is 8488 N, and the inner and outer diameters of the friction
surfaces are 200 and 300 mm, respectively.
(a) Assuming uniform wear, determine the coefficient of friction for the contacting
friction surfaces.
(b) Before the motor is coupled to the stationary load, through engagement of the
clutch, the motor speed is 3 500 rpm, but eventually the two speeds equalize at
the operating speed of 1 500 rpm. Determine the ratio of the effective motor
inertia to that of the load.
(c) If it takes two seconds for the motor and the load speeds to equalize after clutch
engagement, what is the effective motor inertia?

In all calculations, neglect clutch inertia.

9. A motor is to drive a load through a friction plate clutch. When the load is being
driven at its operational constant speed of 1800 rpm, it required a driving torque of
320 Nm. The maximum torque that can be transmitted by the clutch without
slipping is 640 Nm. The inner diameter of the friction surfaces is 200 mm and the
outer diameter is 300 mm. If the maximum axial pressure between the friction
surfaces is to be 270 kN/m2, and uniform wear may be assumed, then:
• Determine the required axial thrust
• The suitable number of pairs of friction surfaces, given that the effective motor
inertia is 0.75 times that of the load, if the limiting coefficient of friction is
approximately 0.3
• Given that before clutch engagement the load is stationary, what is the speed of
the motor before clutch engagement?
• Given that motor inertia is 3 kgm2, how long will it take, after clutch
engagement, for motor and load speeds to equalize? Assume the motor to be a
constant torque, variable speed motor

7. Resources
• BUDYNAS, RICHARD G. and J. KEITH NISBETT. Shigley’s Mechanical
Engineering Design, 8th Edition, Chapter 16 – Clutches, Brakes, Couplings, and
Flywheels. McGraw-Hill International, 2008.

• DIMAROGONAS, ANDREW D. Machine Design. A CAD Approach, Chapter

10 – Design of Dry Friction Elements. John Wiley and Sons Incorporated, 2001.

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Friction Clutches

• WILSON, CHARLES E. Computer Integrated Machine Design, Chapter 12 –

Clutches. Prentice Hall, 1997.

• BURR, ARTHUR H. and JOHN B. CHEATHAM. Mechanical Analysis and

Design, Second Edition, Chapter 3 – Friction Theory and Applications. Prentice
Hall, 1995.

• SPOTTS, M. F. Design of Machine Elements, 6th Edition, Chapter 6 – Belts,

Clutches, Brakes, and Chains. Prentice Hall, 1991.

• JUVINALL, ROBERT C. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design,

Chapter 18 – Clutches and Brakes. John Wiley and Sons, 1983.

• BLACK, PAUL H. and O. EUGENE ADAMS Jr. Machine Design, 3rd Edition,
Chapter 17 – Clutches and Brakes. McGraw-Hill International, 1981.

• DEUTSCHMAN, A. D., W. J. MICHELS and C. E. WILSON. Machine Design:

Theory and Practice, Chapter 13 – Brakes and Clutches. Collier Macmillan,


• Many standard texts on engineering mechanics include chapters on friction, which

may deal with disc friction and clutch theory.

• Many standard texts on the theory of machines include chapters dealing with clutch

• Other Internet Resources.

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