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Eagle Eye Commodity & Currency

April 10, 2023

Looking Trendy
Day Trader’s Hit list

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For Private Circulation only

Sharekhan Eagle Eye Commodity & Currency

Looking Trendy
Short Term View
Instrument Target View Reversal (on closing basis) Support / Resistance

Gold MCX 63000 á 58000 58000/63000

Silver MCX 73000 á 67000 67000/73000

Crude MCX 4900 â 6000 4900/6000

Copper MCX 738 â 770 738/770

Medium Term View

Instrument Target View Reversal (on closing basis) Support / Resistance

Gold Cash US $ 2075 á 1950 1950/2075

Silver Cash US $ 24.00 á 21.50 21.50/24.00

Crude US $ 59.00 â 73.00 59.00/73.00

Copper $ (comex) 3.75 â 4.25 3.75/4.25

Icon guide

á â
á á

Up Down Sideways Downswing matures Upswing matures

April 10, 2023 2

Sharekhan Eagle Eye Commodity & Currency

Day Trader’s Hit List - (Morning session) - Commodity

Support Levels LTP Resistance Levels
Exchange Contract Instrument Action
S2 S1 (Rs) R1 R2
MCX Apr Bulldex 16319 16434 16517 16600 16715 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Metldex 17493 17582 17670 17758 17847 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Enrgdex 5391 5418 5445 5472 5499 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX Jun Gold 59910 60212 60515 60818 61120 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX May Silver 73808 74181 74554 74927 75300 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Crude Oil 6528 6561 6594 6627 6660 Sideways, Buy Above R1/Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Nat Gas 166.5 167.4 168.2 169.0 169.9 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Copper 762.8 766.6 770.5 774.4 778.2 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Zinc 245.2 246.4 247.65 248.9 250.1 Bearish, Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Lead 178.8 179.7 180.6 181.5 182.4 Sideways, Buy Above R1/Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Aluminium 204.5 205.5 206.55 207.6 208.6 Sideways, Buy Above R1/Sell Below S1

MCX Apr Nickel 1953.6 1963.4 1973.3 1983.2 1993.0 Sideways, Buy Above R1/Sell Below S1

Day Trader’s Hit List - (Morning session) - Currency

Support Levels LTP Resistance Levels
Exchange Contract Instrument Action
S2 S1 (Rs) R1 R2
NSE 26-Apr USD-INR 81.60 81.80 81.9900 82.20 82.40 Bearish, Sell Below S1

NSE 26-Apr EUR-INR 89.10 89.30 89.4575 89.60 89.75 Sideways, Buy Above R1/Sell Below S1

NSE 26-Apr GBP-INR 101.80 102.00 102.1900 102.40 102.60 Sideways, Buy Above R1/Sell Below S1

NSE 26-Apr JPY-INR 62.20 62.35 62.5425 62.70 62.90 Bearish, Sell Below S1

April 10, 2023 3

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