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RIPH REVIEWER -Philippine political cartoons gained full expression

during the American era.

WEEK 7 -Filipino artists recorded national attitudes toward
Treaty of Paris 1898- Commissioners from the the coming of the Americans as well as the
United States and Spain met in Paris on October 1, changing mores and times.
1898, to produce a treaty that would bring an end -37 cartoons compiled in this book.
to the war after six months of hostilities. What is a Caricature?
USA: • A picture, description, or imitation of a person in
- Cushman Davis which certain striking characteristics are
- William Frye exaggerated in order to create a comic or ridiculous
- Whitelaw Reid effect.
- George Gray • Can be insulting or complementary and can serve
- William Day a political purpose to be drawn solely for
SPAIN: • Caricature of politician- editorial cartoons
- Eugenio Montero Rios • Caricature of Movie stars- magazines
- Buenaventura Abarzuza
- Jose de Garnica Alfred McCoy
- Wenceslao Ramirez de Villa-Urrutia • Professor of History at the University of
- Gen. Rafael Cerero Wisconsin-Madison who specializes in Southeast
 The Peace Commission met in Paris from • He has written about and testified before
October to December 1898 and Congress on, Philippine political history, opium
negotiations were made. trafficking in the Golden Triangle, underworld
 On December 10, 1898, the treaty of Paris crime syndicates, and international political
was signed. It provided that Spain would surveillance.
cede the Philippines to the US for • With the help of Alfredo Roces, the designer of
20,000,000 dollars. the book, McCoy published the Political Caricature.
Ratifications Philippine Cartoon Achievements:
- The controversial treaty was approved on • PHILIPPINE CARTOONS (1985)
February 6, 1899, by a vote 57 to 27, only one vote • Philippine Catholic Mass Media Award
more than the two-thirds majority required. • Best Books of the Year for 1985
Treaty Provisions • Philippine National Books Award for History 1986
-Gave up all rights to Cuba • Gintong Aklat award (Manila)
-Surrendered Puerto Rico and gave up its • Special Citation For History 1987
possessions in the West Indies. Examples of Caricature during American Era:
-Surrendered the island of Guam to the United
States 1. Is the Police Force Bribed
-Surrendered the Philippines to the United States - Depicts the first of Manila’s periodic police
for a payment of twenty million dollars. scandals. The Cartoonist, Fernando Amorsolo, gives
the illustration a usual racist edge.
LESSON 2: Excerpt from Alfred McCoy and -Cartoon showed the Manila Police protecting
Alfredo Roces’ Political Caricatures of the gambling clubs patronizing Filipino politicians,
American Era. taking bribes from Chinese clubs, or failing to break
up the city's criminal gangs.
-A mysterious informant name Pedro Chua wrote grounds by filling up the standing water hole, such
the Philippines Free Press alleging that senior as the moats around Intramuros, or spraying them
police were accepting bribes from Chinese with petroleum.
gambling houses in Binondo and Quiapo districts. -When the Board of Health had been turned over
Chua’s letter sparked allegations that led eventually to Filipino civil servants who did not administer the
to "the suicide of a police chief." public health programs with the same efficiency or
arbitrary authority.
2. New Bird of Prey
- The cartoon’s caption, “New Bird of Prey” is an 5. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
allusion to the most famous libel case in the history -The Philippine Assembly passed a law authorizing
of Philippine Journalism. all legislators, active or retired, to bear firearms.
-As Manila’s population began to pilot upward The Manila press was outraged, but the legislators
during World War I, housing became scarce and ignored the opposition and promulgated the law
rents escalated. Rising rent combined with high over the screams of protest.
food prices reduced the Manila working class to -In its mocking editorial of February 1921 the Free
sudden poverty. Press commented: "Now, with our Legislators and
-No allocation of government revenues for public officials able to strut around with a gun or two guns
housing construction. Government taxes were used strapped about their manly waists, they will have
to reward the Filipino elite for their loyalty, not to to be respected.
advance the mass. The mass had little access to any
6. The Returning Student
of the new government programs or services.
-When Manila emerged as the national center for
-Birds of Prey- which attacked the Philippines
university education during the 1920s, the annual
Commission’s secretary of the interior, Dean C.
March ritual of the city-wise student returning
Worcester, for abusing his office to exploit the
home to his village was played out in barrios across
country. Worcester sued for libel and, two years
the archipelago.
later, won a judgment of P60,000 against El
-His clothes are studied, his shoes are studied, his
Renacimiento, a colossal sum that forced the
hat and how he wears it—everything about him
closure of the paper and the sale of its assets.
becomes the object of emulation and envy.
3. While the Priest Lives Alone in a Big Building
7. Brothers Under the Skin
-Vicente Sotto, the publisher of The Independent,
-As social conflict and socialist ideology spread in
never missed a chance to attack the Catholic
Central Luzon during the 1930s, the Free Press was
forced to deal with social substance instead of
-The editorial below this cartoon urged the
bucolic trivia in its provincial reportage.
government to confiscate the large priests’
-This urges Filipinos, in the name of Rizal whose
residence attached to the Santa Cruz parish church.
birthday was the following day, to end social
-The people should not be made to share the
conflict and deal with each other fairly.
painful congestion of Plaza Goiti and Plaza Santa
-As the Depression worsened, Central Luzon
Cruz while a single priest sits midst a sprawling
peasants mounted strikes and demonstrations to
win tenancy reforms. Refusing concessions,
4. Where the Mosquito is King landlords in Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva Ecija
-With their experience in tropical health, Americans provinces responded with goon squad repression.
made major advances in epidemic disease control
8. The Loyalty of the Filipinos
during the first decades of their rule.
-World War I sparked an outburst of pro-American
-The Board of Health distributed millions of doses
loyalty among Filipinos and transformed Uncle
of quinine and eliminated mosquito breeding
Sam’s media image. The prewar cartoons of 1907- • Instead, they appointed Filipino politicians to key
08 showed him as a satanic monster. government positions hoping that by doing so the
-The artist Fernando Amorsolo draws a wise, Filipinos will slowly forget their desire for
handsome Uncle Sam leading little Juan, loyal and independence.
smiling, on the road to war.
Jones Law in 1916 (Philippine Autonomy Law)
9. The Latest- Lo Ultimo • Filipinization of Government Positions
-Throughout 1933 the battle over acceptance or • Except for the Governor General, the Vice
rejection of the Hare-Hawes-Cutting independence Governor, and a few more sensitive positions
bill continued to divide Philippine politics. • also created a bicameral Congress. Manuel
-Through ruthless reprisals against opponents Quezon was Senate President while the House of
Senator Roxas and Speaker Osmeña, Quezon Representatives had Sergio Osmena as Speaker.
gradually broke the opposition, the Philippine
Democrats were defeated in the 1920 US
Legislature, now under his control, voted to reject
Presidential Elections:
the H-H-C Bill in October 1933.
• Republican President Warren Harding took office,
WEEK 8 and he sent Leonard Wood and William Cameron
Lesson 1: Filipino Grievances Against Forbes (Wood Forbes Mission) to the Philippines to
observe if ever the Filipinos have already complied
Governor Wood
with the conditions of the Jones law.
Gregorio Zaide • It exposed the corruption and patronage system.
• Internationally known as Filipino historian, • Filipino leaders were corrupt and incompetent
author, and politician from Pagsanjan, Laguna and therefore do not deserve yet to be given
• Authored 67 books, that are used in schools both independence
secondary and Colleges
Leonard Wood became Governor General
• He has also written beyond 500 articles about
• Leonard Wood retired from the U.S. Army in
History that have been published both national and
1921, US President Harding appointed him as
Governor General of the Philippines.
• He compiled and annotated the petition letter for
• he monitored closely the activities of local
the constitutional representatives of the Filipinos.
officials and checked their misconducts.
Leonard Wood • He also vetoed numerous bills that the Philippine
- a United States Army major general, physician, legislature passed
and public official. He served as the Chief of Staff of • He appointed American military men as officials
the United States Army, Military Governor of Cuba, under the executive branch (known as Khaki
and Governor General of the Philippines. cabinet).
• In 1923, he came to the Philippines after his
Cabinet Crisis of 1923
ministration in Cuba.
• Governor General reinstate Ray Conley, chief of
• Authorized governor of the Moro province,
the vice squad of the Manila police force who was
comprising Southern Island and Mindanao.
accused of receiving money from gambling lords.
Historical Background: • Senate President Quezon and Speaker Manuel
• From the time of the American arrival in the Roxas resigned as members of the Council of State
Philippines in 1898, Filipinos persistently in support of Laurel.
demanded their independence. Their colonial • various accusations were raised against Wood.
officials could not say no, because it would only Quezon and his allies also communicated with
derail their effort for pacification.
President Harding informing him of the reasons justice.
why they resigned en masse. • He has refused to obtain the advice of the Senate
in making appointments where such advice is
Filipino Grievances Against Governor required by the Organic Act.
Leonard Wood • He has refused to submit to the Senate
• Usurpation of power with the issuance of appointment for vacancies occurring during the
Executive Order No. 37, by which Gov. Wood recess of the Legislature in contravention of the
attempted to nullify laws creating the Board of Organic Act.
Control and assumed the functions of that body. • He has continued in office nominees whose
• He has refused his assent to laws which were the appointments had been rejected by the Senate.
most wholesome and necessary for the public • He has usurped legislative power by imposing
good. conditions on legislative measures approved by
• He has set at naught both the legal authority and him.
responsibility for the Philippine heads of • He has, in the administration of affairs in
departments. Mindanao, brought about the condition which has
• He has substituted his constitutional advisers for given rise to discord and dissension between
a group of military attaches without legal standing certain groups of Christian and Mohammedan
in the government and not responsible to the Filipinos.
people. • He has by his policies created strained relations
• He has reversed the policy of Filipinizing the between resident Americans and Filipinos.
service of the government by appointing Americans • He has endeavored, on the pretext of getting the
even when Filipinos of proven capacity were government out of business, to dispose of all the
available. companies capitalized by the government worth
• He has obstructed the carrying out of national many millions of the people’s money to powerful
economic policies duly adopted by the Legislature, American interest.
merely because they are in conflict with his • He has sanctioned the campaign of insidious
personal views. propaganda in the United States against the
• He has rendered merely perfunctory by the Filipino people and their aspirations.
power of Legislature to pass the annual • He has attempted to close the Philippine National
appropriation law by reviving items in the law of Bank so necessary to the economic development of
the preceding years, after vetoing the the country.
corresponding items of the current appropriation • He has adopted the practice of intervening in,
act, in flagrant violation of the Organic Law. and controlling directly, to its minute details, the
• He has made appointments to position and affairs of the Philippine Government, both insular
authorized the payment of salaries therefore after and local, in violation of self-government.
having vetoed the appropriations for such salaries. • He has insistently sought the amendment of our
• He has used certain public funds to grant land laws approved by the Congress of the United
additional compensation to public clear States, which amendment would open up the
violation of law. resources of our country to exploitation by
• He has arrogated unto himself the right of predatory interests.
exercising the powers granted by law to the • the Governor-General has destroyed the theory
Emergency Board after abolishing said board on of separation of powers, when he recently
the ground that its powers involved an unlawful promulgated Executive Order No.37, declaring that
delegation of legislative authority the laws creating and defining the powers of the
• He has unduly interfered in the administration of Board of Control which is authorized to vote the
stocks owned by the government in certain private WEEK 9
corporations, are absolute nullities.
• In the same order the Governor-General also Raiders of the Sulu Sea
announced his purpose to exercise solely and by - Based on the documentary about the pirates of
himself the powers and duties developing upon the Sulu Seas from Mindanao.
said board. - The documentary demonstrates how these
raiders were plying their trade before and during
Lesson 2: President Corazon Aquino’s the Spanish Colonization.
Speech before the US Congress -A Historiography documentary film focusing on
Zamboanga City depicting how the Spaniards
• When former President Corazon Aquino spoke defended the city with the Fort Pilar as Spain’s last
before a joint session of the United States Congress stronghold and bastion of defense and economic
in September 18, 1986, the dust was only expansion in the South of the Philippines.
beginning to settle. -It depicts the Southeast Asian flourishing free
• It was her first visit to America since the dictator trading in the area and the adverse effects and
Ferdinand Marcos had been deposed in February of repercussions when Europeans such as the English,
the same year, and the Philippines was reckoning Dutch and Spanish who wanted to control the
with everything his administration had inflicted. economy as well to colonize and Christianize.
• That included $26 billion in total foreign debt, -The documentary centers on the activities of the
and a communist insurgency that grew, throughout slave raiders as a way of retaliation to the
the Marcos era, from 500 armed guerillas to colonizers and a way to defend their way of life
16,000. against oppression.
• So Aquino lodged an appeal for help. Addressing -The Sulu and Maguindanao sultanates were then
the House, she delivered a historic speech that the two main kingdoms controlling the Muslim
managed to sway in our favor the vote for an colonies of the southern Philippines. With the king
emergency $200-million aid appropriation. of Maguindanao, Rajah Dalasi, at the helm, they
• In the moving speech written by the current launched a bloody attack on Fort Pilar.
ambassador to the United Nations that time Mr.
Teddy Locsin, Jr., Former President Aquino The Reason behind Raiders of the Sulu Sea
defended her reconciliatory stand on the Attacking
communist insurgency, a sensitive issue in the U.S., ✓The Three Tribes which are the Balangingi Samal,
given that this was 1986—and asked for financial Illanun, Tausugs started to attack the Fort Pilar to
aid towards rebuilding the Philippine economy. opposed the changes that Spaniards want them to
• The speech was impassioned, deeply personal, follow.
and effective; interrupted 11 times by applause and ✓The three tribes didn’t like the idea of the
bookended with standing ovations. Spaniards forcing them to convert into Christianity.
• House Speaker Tip O'Neill called it the "finest ✓They want to fight for their identity, traditions,
speech I've ever heard in my 34 years in Congress." and religion.
• Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole told her,
The Fort Pilar
"Cory, you hit a home run."
• Located on the Southern tip of Mindanao in
• And House Minority Whip Trent Lott said, "Let's
just say the emotion of the moment saved the
• Established by Spaniards.
• Constructed with 10 high meter wall fortification
• It would go down in the annals of our history as
all around.
one of the former President's finest speeches.
• Used as base of the Spaniards to facilitate their
trade. -They land in different shores posing as fishermen
• Requested by Jesuit Priest and Bishop Fray Pedro and without any warning they draw their 1-meter-
of Cebu upon the approval of the Spanish Governor long swords and take many slaves as they can.
of the Philippines Juan Cerezo de Salamanca. Once captured, the slaves’ palms are punctured
and tied to each other, then they are loaded in a
Three Different Tribes of Seafaring Filipino
25-27 meter by 6 meter boats that has 30 to 34
oarsmen and sails.
• Tawi-Tawi and Sulu group of islands and the
Maguindanao area is where the three tribes sails. The Three Boats that the Raiders of the Sulu Sea
• The three tribes were known as the; Used
1. Balangingi Samal ✓LANONG – the biggest boat that is used by the
2. Illanuns slave raiders.
3. Tausug ✓GARAY – the fastest among the boats and can
The Three Tribes carry 60 – 80 men.
✓SALISIPAN – the smallest of all the boats
1. Balangingi Samal Tribe designed for coastal raids and is used to monitor
✓Occupied the chain of islands between Basilan the sea shores and carry men who pretend to be
and Sulu island fishermen.
✓originally inhabited The Tongkil Island Group.
-The History Documentary was actually focusing on
✓They were relocated to Zamboanga Peninsula
how the tribes were able to organize a FLOTILLA
coast and Islands as a result of the 1848 military
with of a hundred ships or more with more than
3,000 men. This happened when the three tribes
2. Illanuns or Iranuns connived to Fort Pilar.
✓The one which was very important in piracy
How the tribes gathered?
✓The three tribes had some sort of a pact on how
✓Known as merciless
to go about their business and employing Tausugs
✓Inhabited the Illana Bay Area in Southern as their warriors.
✓One tribe could set out to sea with a few boats
✓They were a fierce marine force of the Sultanate then drop-by each of the several bases of the tribes
of Sulu. along the shores.
3. Tausug ✓They would call upon all available seafarers to
✓A tribe without maritime experience, but known join the expedition.
for its fierce warriors and widespread political The Slavery Trade Ended
✓When the Spaniards ordered three steamboats
✓“Tau” means people from England.
✓ “Sug” means current ✓Steamboats were faster, easier to navigate and
✓Constituted the people of Sultanate of Sulu or has various armament to take on the tribes.
Lupah Sug. ✓Spaniards were now able to chase and follow the
✓Speaks in Tausug Language that is related to the boats to their bases and conduct raids.
Butuan Dialect.
The Documentary of Raiders of the Sulu Sea
-The Three Tribes are not really pirates during the ✓The documentary addresses Moro resistance
times, instead they were plying their trade of versus Spanish and American rules in Southern
capturing people and selling them as slaves. Philippines.
✓Moro raids on coastal areas demonstrated carried by slave raiders into battle but also by
resistance versus Spanish Rule. nobles and high-ranking officials of the southern
✓The much-feared Dalasi attack in December 1720 sultanates
failed, although Zamboanga was under siege. -Double-edged and with either a smooth or wavy
✓These raids were sanctioned by the Sultan for blade
Political and economic motives.
Lesson 2: The Battle of Bataan and
✓Spanish policy was to stop raids, participate and
monopolize trade and propagate Christianity.
✓Slave raiding was part of the bigger regional trade Battle of Bataan (January 7- April 9, 1942)
in Islands Southeast Asia. Location: Bataan Peninsula near Manila Bay in
✓Moro defiance against America imposition Luzon Island, Philippines United States and
dramatized resistance versus American Rule. Philippine Commonwealth against Japan during
✓Colonial rule and armed conflicts in this region World War II. The battle represented the most
cause the impoverishment of Muslim Areas. intense phase of the Japanese invasion of the
Sulu in Spanish Times -Ended on April 9, 1942
✓Jolo was a “slave market” in the 18th to 19th -76,000 soldiers surrendered
Century. -Japanese victory
✓Panglima Taupan, from Balanguingui Tribe was a -Beginning of Bataan Death March
notorious Slave Raider.
General Douglas Mcarthur
✓Spain wanted to control maritime trade in Sulu
-was a career American army officer and the
Sea in addition to its goal of Christianizing the
Commander of Allied forces in the Philippines at
the time of their surrender to the Empire of Japan
✓“Money and Mission can go together” they
during the World War II.
-Consolidated all of his Luzon-based units on the
Weapons used by the Raiders Bataan Peninsula to fight against the Japanese
army. In Australia, he made his famous speech in
Kalis – Sword with a mystical side
which he declared “I shall return”.
✓used by Tausug and Balanguingui Tribe.
Cherished for its symbolic connection and General Edward P. King
continuity with ancestors’ struggle. -Commander of the Bataan forces. He was forced
Barong – A single-edged leaf-shaped blade made of to surrender together with his men when the
thick tempered steel. Filipino and American soldiers could no longer
✓This approximately one-meter-long weapon was defend the Bataan peninsula from the invasion of
used in close hand-to-hand battle to cut Spanish Japanese troops.
firearms down to size. General Masaharu Homma
✓also used by Tausug and Balanguingui Tribe. It is -Lieutenant general in the Imperial Japanese Army
valued for its steely cutting strength in cutting into during World War II. After the war, Homma was
halves modern riffles. convicted of war crimes relating to the actions of
Kampilan – used by illanuns. Described as long and troops under his direct command. He was executed
sharp, used to decapitate his opponent and cut the by firing squad.
opponent’s head.
Kris - Weapon of warfare and ceremony. FOUR FORTIFIED ISLANDS PROTECTING MOUTH
Measuring up to 1.2 meters in length, was not only OF MANILA BAY:
•Fort Mills - General Samuel Meyers Mills Jr.
•Fort Hughes - Major General Robert P. Hughes courtesan or a prostitute representing "fallen
•Fort Drum - General Richard C. Drum womanhood", who was about to rise from a sofa
•Fort Frank - Brigadier General Royal T. Frank overshadowing three men placed at the far left
corner of the painting.
-Forcible transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army of Blood Compact 1896- The Blood Compact portrays
60,000-80,000 American and Filipino prisoners of the blood compact ritual between Rajah Sikatuna
war from Saysayin Point, Bagac, Bataan and and Miguel Lopez de Legazpi who is accompanied
Mariveles to Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac via San by other conquistadors.
Fernando, Pampanga.
The Tampuhan 1895- Tampuhan is a 1895 classic
-Forced to March 65 miles in 6 days. The march
oil on canvas painting. It depicts a Filipino man and
was characterized by severe physical abuse and
a Filipino woman having a lovers' quarrel.
wanton killings, and was later judged by an Allied
military commission to be a Japanese war crime. Fernando Amorsolo y Cueto (1892-1972)
Hundreds of Americans and Filipinos had died. • First National Artist in Painting (1972) of the
Philippines, and is also referred to as the "Grand
Important Dates:
Old Man of Philippine Art”
May 5, 1942- Japanese finally secured a beachhead
• Amorsolo graduated from both Liceo de Manila
on the island of the Corregidor and landed tanks.
Art School in 1909 and the University of the
1945- End ow war and the liberation of Luzon to Philippines School of Fine Arts.
Japanese colonization. • He also graduated from U.P. with honors in 1914,
and received a study grant in Madrid, Spain.
May 6, 1942- The remaining US troops on
• While in New York, his art was influenced with an
Corregidor in the Philippines surrender to the
encounter with postwar impressionism and cubism.
Japanese. Japanese troops scream, “Banzai”.
The following are some of the most historically and
Lesson 3: Works of Juan Luna and culturally significant masterpieces of Fernando
Fernando Amorsolo Amorsolo:
Juan Luna y Novicio (1857 – 1899) -Rice Planting
▪ A great Filipino painter, and occasionally a -Tinikling in Barrio
sculptor. -The Blind Man
▪ He was a prominent propagandist who pushed for -The Palay in Maiden
political reforms along with Jose Rizal. WEEK 10-11
▪ His victory taking the gold medal in the 1884
Madrid Exposition of Fine Arts for his “Spoliarium”, Lesson 1: The site of the First Mass in the Philippine
along with the 2nd prize silver of fellow Filipino Antonio Pigafetta
painter Felix Hidalgo, created a celebration that - Around 1491 when he was born Vicenza, Republic
would be a highlight in the memoirs of members of of Venice or was known now as Italy and died at
the Propaganda Movement. the aged of 39-40 around 1531.
-Spoliarium depicts bloody carcasses of slave - He studied astronomy, geography and
gladiators being dragged away from the arena cartography
where they had entertained their Roman masters, - Italian scholar and explorer from Republic of
with their lives. Venice.
- He traveled with the Portuguese explorer
Parisian Life 1892- It portrayed a scene inside a Ferdinand Magellan and his crew on their first
café in Paris with a woman identified as a
Voyage around the world. First Mass, Solemn planting of the cross and the
-He was one of the 18 men who returned to Spain formal taking possession of the Islands in the name
in 1522. of the Crown of Castile happened in Butuan on
Easter Sunday of 1521.
First Mass
• Historia de Mindanao y Jolo (Father Francsico
• According to Pigafetta, the first mass happened
Combes)- Magellan landed on Butuan and planted
on March 31, 1521 which is Eastern Sunday on
the cross in a solemn ceremony. Information about
Southern Leyte.
the First Mass is not mentioned.
• Father Pedro de Valderrama held the mass.
• Colin and Combes both pictured that Magellan
• Rajah Kulambu of Limasawa and Rajah Siagu of
visited Butuan and Limasawa.
Butuan were present.
• After the mass party, a cross was planted on a • Mazaua is located 9 and 1/3 latitude, south of
summit of a little hill. The First Mass marked the Seylani which is 10 latitude. This could mean that it
birth of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines. can be nearly located Butuan City or in the
municipality of Agusan del Norte
Father Joesilo Conalla
-believed that the site of the first mass was in WHY IN LIMASAWA:
Butuan, not in Limasawa. • Limasawa is a small island now occupied by the
-People who attended the mass harvested rice for province of Leyte
two days, meaning that the place was a huge • Historically important because Ferdinand
agricultural area. Magellan left after first landing and resting in
-Limasawa island was not an agricultural area, Homonhon, in March 1521.
therefore there is nothing to harvest there.
Important Events took in Limasawa Island:
Joelito Monzon Ramirez Jr.
• Ferdinand Magellan’s alliance with Raha Kulambu
-A local historian and writer.
• The First Mass
-There was no island named limasawa in 1521.
• According to Francisco Albo’s account, he didn’t
- On that event, Pigafetta recorded today’s
mention the First Mass in the Philippines but only
Limasawa as Gatighan Island, between Bohol and
the planting of the cross.
Panaon south of Leyte. Magellan never landed in
Gatighan Island. Witness: Antonio Pigafetta wrote Mazaua as the
- The name Limasawa appeared only in 1667, name of the island.
Historia de Mindanao, by Combes.
-The National Historical Commission also studied
THE MONUMENT ERECTED NEAR THE MOUTH OF the 1895 journal articles of historians Trinidad
AGUSAN RIVER WHICH HAS AN INSCRIPTION: Pardo de Tavera and Pablo Pastells, SJ, which
revisited Pigafetta’s accounts and emphasized that
To the Immortal Magellan: the People of Butuan
Limasawa, not Butuan, as the site of the first
with their Parish Priest and the Spaniards resident
Catholic mass in the country.
therein, to commemorate his arrival and the
celebration of the First Mass on this site on the 8th Republic ACT No. 2733- An Act to Declare the Site
of April 1521. Erected in 1872, under the District in Magallanes, Limasawa Island in the Province of
Governor Jose Ma. Carvallo. Leyte, Where the First Mass in the Philippines.
-The NHCP Board of Commissioners signed
• The date of the First Mass may be an error due to
Resolution No. 2 last July 15, 2020, adopting the
the use of Gregorian Calendar in the translation of
report submitted by the investigating panel on the
the original date
issue surrounding the 1521 Easter Sunday Mass in
• Labor Evangelista (Father Francisco Colin)- The
the Philippines.
• Limasawa is the original site of the First Catholic they may never commit such daring act again, the
Mass in the Philippines, according to a 2-year study GOMBURZA were executed.
of National Historical Commission in the - The execution of the Gomburza is one of the
Philippines. moving forces that shaped Filipino Nationalism.

Lesson 2: The Cavite Mutiny and the A Response to Injustice: The Filipino
Rebellion Case Against Gomburza Version of the Incident
-The Martyrdom of the three martyr priests in the - Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera, a
person of Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Filipino scholar and researcher, wrote the Filipino
Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA) version of the Filipino incident in Cavite.
-All Filipino must know the different sides of the - In his point of view, the incident was a mere
story since this event led to another tragic yet mutiny by the native Filipino soldiers and laborers.
meaningful part of our history.
- On January 20, 1872, about 200 men comprised
1872 Cavite Mutiny: Spanish Perspective of soldiers, laborers of the arsenal and residents of
Cavite headed by Sergeant La madrid rose in arms
Jose y Montero- a Spanish historian documented
and assassinated the commanding officers and
the event and highlighted it as an attempt of indios
Spanish officers in sight.
to overthrow the Spanish government in the
Philippines. - Tavera believed that the Spanish friars and Gen.
Izquierdo used Cavite Mutiny as a powerful lever
Gen. Rafael Izquierdo’s official report magnified
by magnifying it as a full blown Conspiracy.
the event and made use of it to implicate the
native clergy. - Central Government of Spain welcomed an
educational degree authored by Segismundo Moret
- Izquierdo and Montero scored out that the main
promoted the fusion of sectarian schools run by
reason of the revolution are the abolition of
the friars into a schools called “Philippine
privileges of the worker of Cavite.
-Izquierdo reported to the King of Spain that the
‘rebels’ wanted to overthrow the Spanish - Convicted educated men who participated in the
government to install a new ‘hari’ in the likes of mutiny were sentenced life imprisonment while
Father Gomez, Burgos and Zamora members of the native clergy headed by the
GOMBURZA were executed by garrote.
January 20, 1872
- The district of Sampaloc celebrated the feast of - This leads to the awakening of Nationalism and
the Virgin of Loreto. eventually to the outbreak of Philippine Revolution.
- The participant celebrated it with the fireworks
display. Lesson 3: The First Cry of Revolution
- Those in Cavite mistook it as the sign for the
- The 200 men contingent headed by Seargent
Fernando Lamadrid launched an attack targeting
Spanish officers at sight and seized the arsenal.
February 17, 1872
- Attempt of the Spanish government and
Frailocracia to instill fear among Filipinos so that
Gregoria de Jesus’s Version of the First “Cry”
❑ August 25, 1896
❑ “Lakambini of the Katipunan”
❑ Custodian of the secret documents, seal, and
weapons of the Katipunan.
❑ While Bonifacio and his men gathered in the
hills of Balintawak for the war, the Spanish
authorities were coming to arrest her so she fled to
manila and later joined his husband.
❑ When the Katipunan had been discovered and
some of the members were arrested, she
immediately returned to Caloocan.
❑ Through her friend, she learned that the Spanish
were coming to arrest her so at 11 o’clock at night,
secretly going through the rice fields in La Loma
with intention of returning to Manila.
Santiago Alvarez’s The “Cry of Bahay Toro”
Pío Valenzuela’s “Cry of Pugad Lawin”
❑ August 24, 1896
❑ August 26, 1896
❑ Son of Mariano Alvarez and relative of Gregoria
❑ “Cry of Balintawak” as the staging point of the
de Jesus.
Philippine Revolution.
❑ Unlike Masangkay, Samson and Valenzuela,
❑ He surrendered to General Ramon Blanco
Alvarez was not an eyewitness of the historic
onSeptember 3, 1896 and was imprisoned in Fort
event. Hence, His version cannot be accepted as
Santiago, where upon investigation, he told
equal in weight to that given by actual participants
Francisco Olive, the Spanish investigator that the
of the event.
“Cry” was staged at Balintawak on Wednesday,
❑ Sunday, August 23, 1896 at 10 o’clock in the August 26, 1896.
morning at the barn of Kabesang Melchora, about
❑ On August 22, 1896 in the house of Apolonio
500 of the katipuneros met together and were
Samson at Kangkong.
ready and eager to join Bonifacio and his men.
❑ It was at Pugad Lawin, in the house of Juan
❑ Monday, August 24, 1896, Bonifacio hold a
Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino where over 1000
meeting inside a big barn began at 9 o’clock in the
of katipuneros met and carried out debate on
morning were about 1000 katipuneros present.
August 23 whether or not the revolution start on
❑ 12 o’clock of the same day when the meeting August 29, 1896.
adjourned, the loud cries of “Long Live Sons of the
❑ Only Teodoro Plata protested.
Country!” (Mabuhay ang mga Anak ng Bayan!)
were heard. ❑ After the meeting, the katipuneros tore their
cedulas and shouted “Long Live the Philippines!”
Guillermo Masangkay’s The “Cry of Balintawak”
❑ August 26, 1896
❑ The historic first rally of the Philippine
Revolution occurred at the rustic barrio of
Balintawak, a few kilometers north of the city of
❑ At about 9 o’clock in the morning of August 26,
1896, a big meeting was held in Balintawak by
❑ Teodora Plata, Briccio Pantas and Pio Valenzuela
opposed to start the uprising early.
❑ The people then agreed to Bonifacio and
screamed “Revolt!”
❑ Bonifacio then asked the people to give pledge
by destroying their cedulas as it is the sign of
slavery of the Filipinos by the Spaniards.
❑ At about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, while the
gathering of Balintawak was celebrating the
decision of the Katipuneros to start the uprising,
the guards outside gave warning that the Spaniards
were coming. Shot were exhanged between the
Katipuneros and Spaniards thus the start of the

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