Riph Reviewer1 1
Riph Reviewer1 1
Riph Reviewer1 1
Lesson 2: The Cavite Mutiny and the A Response to Injustice: The Filipino
Rebellion Case Against Gomburza Version of the Incident
-The Martyrdom of the three martyr priests in the - Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera, a
person of Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Filipino scholar and researcher, wrote the Filipino
Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA) version of the Filipino incident in Cavite.
-All Filipino must know the different sides of the - In his point of view, the incident was a mere
story since this event led to another tragic yet mutiny by the native Filipino soldiers and laborers.
meaningful part of our history.
- On January 20, 1872, about 200 men comprised
1872 Cavite Mutiny: Spanish Perspective of soldiers, laborers of the arsenal and residents of
Cavite headed by Sergeant La madrid rose in arms
Jose y Montero- a Spanish historian documented
and assassinated the commanding officers and
the event and highlighted it as an attempt of indios
Spanish officers in sight.
to overthrow the Spanish government in the
Philippines. - Tavera believed that the Spanish friars and Gen.
Izquierdo used Cavite Mutiny as a powerful lever
Gen. Rafael Izquierdo’s official report magnified
by magnifying it as a full blown Conspiracy.
the event and made use of it to implicate the
native clergy. - Central Government of Spain welcomed an
educational degree authored by Segismundo Moret
- Izquierdo and Montero scored out that the main
promoted the fusion of sectarian schools run by
reason of the revolution are the abolition of
the friars into a schools called “Philippine
privileges of the worker of Cavite.
-Izquierdo reported to the King of Spain that the
‘rebels’ wanted to overthrow the Spanish - Convicted educated men who participated in the
government to install a new ‘hari’ in the likes of mutiny were sentenced life imprisonment while
Father Gomez, Burgos and Zamora members of the native clergy headed by the
GOMBURZA were executed by garrote.
January 20, 1872
- The district of Sampaloc celebrated the feast of - This leads to the awakening of Nationalism and
the Virgin of Loreto. eventually to the outbreak of Philippine Revolution.
- The participant celebrated it with the fireworks
display. Lesson 3: The First Cry of Revolution
- Those in Cavite mistook it as the sign for the
- The 200 men contingent headed by Seargent
Fernando Lamadrid launched an attack targeting
Spanish officers at sight and seized the arsenal.
February 17, 1872
- Attempt of the Spanish government and
Frailocracia to instill fear among Filipinos so that
Gregoria de Jesus’s Version of the First “Cry”
❑ August 25, 1896
❑ “Lakambini of the Katipunan”
❑ Custodian of the secret documents, seal, and
weapons of the Katipunan.
❑ While Bonifacio and his men gathered in the
hills of Balintawak for the war, the Spanish
authorities were coming to arrest her so she fled to
manila and later joined his husband.
❑ When the Katipunan had been discovered and
some of the members were arrested, she
immediately returned to Caloocan.
❑ Through her friend, she learned that the Spanish
were coming to arrest her so at 11 o’clock at night,
secretly going through the rice fields in La Loma
with intention of returning to Manila.
Santiago Alvarez’s The “Cry of Bahay Toro”
Pío Valenzuela’s “Cry of Pugad Lawin”
❑ August 24, 1896
❑ August 26, 1896
❑ Son of Mariano Alvarez and relative of Gregoria
❑ “Cry of Balintawak” as the staging point of the
de Jesus.
Philippine Revolution.
❑ Unlike Masangkay, Samson and Valenzuela,
❑ He surrendered to General Ramon Blanco
Alvarez was not an eyewitness of the historic
onSeptember 3, 1896 and was imprisoned in Fort
event. Hence, His version cannot be accepted as
Santiago, where upon investigation, he told
equal in weight to that given by actual participants
Francisco Olive, the Spanish investigator that the
of the event.
“Cry” was staged at Balintawak on Wednesday,
❑ Sunday, August 23, 1896 at 10 o’clock in the August 26, 1896.
morning at the barn of Kabesang Melchora, about
❑ On August 22, 1896 in the house of Apolonio
500 of the katipuneros met together and were
Samson at Kangkong.
ready and eager to join Bonifacio and his men.
❑ It was at Pugad Lawin, in the house of Juan
❑ Monday, August 24, 1896, Bonifacio hold a
Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino where over 1000
meeting inside a big barn began at 9 o’clock in the
of katipuneros met and carried out debate on
morning were about 1000 katipuneros present.
August 23 whether or not the revolution start on
❑ 12 o’clock of the same day when the meeting August 29, 1896.
adjourned, the loud cries of “Long Live Sons of the
❑ Only Teodoro Plata protested.
Country!” (Mabuhay ang mga Anak ng Bayan!)
were heard. ❑ After the meeting, the katipuneros tore their
cedulas and shouted “Long Live the Philippines!”
Guillermo Masangkay’s The “Cry of Balintawak”
❑ August 26, 1896
❑ The historic first rally of the Philippine
Revolution occurred at the rustic barrio of
Balintawak, a few kilometers north of the city of
❑ At about 9 o’clock in the morning of August 26,
1896, a big meeting was held in Balintawak by
❑ Teodora Plata, Briccio Pantas and Pio Valenzuela
opposed to start the uprising early.
❑ The people then agreed to Bonifacio and
screamed “Revolt!”
❑ Bonifacio then asked the people to give pledge
by destroying their cedulas as it is the sign of
slavery of the Filipinos by the Spaniards.
❑ At about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, while the
gathering of Balintawak was celebrating the
decision of the Katipuneros to start the uprising,
the guards outside gave warning that the Spaniards
were coming. Shot were exhanged between the
Katipuneros and Spaniards thus the start of the