SurfactantsDetergents Abstracts
SurfactantsDetergents Abstracts
SurfactantsDetergents Abstracts
Formulating High Performance Odor interest in products that offer sensory benefits
Neutralizing Carpet Cleaners. Gregory Smith*1, in addition to cleaning. Leveraging sensorial
Scott Jaynes1, and Anita Augustyniak2,1Croda, attributes related to touch and smell enable
Inc., USA; 2Itaconix, USA enhanced consumer enjoyment while doing
Carpet cleaning shampoo formulations laundry and benefit from an extended sensorial
must deliver high cleaning performance, experience after laundering provided by
appropriate foaming levels, and low residues innovative multifunctional sensorial ingredients.
after cleaning. In addition, cleaning One of the key challenges for such
formulations should neutralize persistent odors multifunctional sensorial ingredients for use in
such as those from pet stains, food and smoke 2-in-1 automatic laundry detergent is the
whether in household or institutional settings. delivery of a fabric care benefit through the
Finally, market demands for sustainable wash while minimizing compromise on
products mean that these cleaning products whiteness retention. Current multifunctional
must incorporate highly renewable raw sensorial ingredient technologies typically lead
materials that have acceptable toxicity and to excessive greying and loss of color brightness
biodegradation profiles. We present guidelines of fabrics. Our new cationic cellulosic additive
for producing carpet cleaning formulations that addresses this challenge by offering improved
meet these high performance standards using softness and fragrance deposition with minimal
highly sustainable raw materials. Cleaning greying negatives that renders the experience
surfactants are chosen from a family of high of doing laundry more enjoyable.
bio-based materials with EPA Safer Choice® and
USDA BioPreferred® credentials. Odor Study on Change in Clothing Texture of Clothes
neutralization is provided by zinc polyitaconate, Bought by Depending on Drying Method.
an effective, water soluble and bio-based odor Hiroyuki Masui, Aiko Tai*, Shota Okeda,
neutralizer. Data will be presented showing the Tsuyoshi Terabayashi, Ai Tanaka, Yoichiro
high performance and low residual material left Kohno, Yukari Matsunaga, Lion Corporation,
behind by these formulations, as well as Japan
potential negative effects from residuals of As more Japanese women choose full-time
alternative odor neutralizers such as zinc employment over staying at home and pollen,
ricinoleate. PM2.5, etc. deteriorate the outdoor
environment, drying laundry indoors is
Deliver In-Wash Laundry Care with Minimal becoming more common. However, our
Greying - Smart Cationic Sensorial Enabler. research shows that most Japanese consumers
Yunshen Chen*, Randara Pulukkody, Emmett still want to dry outdoors, and even those who
Partain, John Hayes, Peilin Yang, Michael Clark, own dryers may seldom use them. One major
Sharon Vuong, Daniel Miller, Asghar Peera, and reason is that consumers expect drying
Mariann Clark, Dow Chemical Company, USA outdoors to not only dry their laundry
Cleaning is a primary need when doing completely and eliminate odors but also make it
laundry. While today’s consumers do not want feel good. In this study, we focused on laundry
to compromise on cleaning, there is increased texture after outdoor drying as a new value and
looked at how to achieve it indoors. First, we affective values that this dried-outdoors feeling
interviewed consumers and found fluffiness and provides consumers.
dryness to be important factors for them. We
evaluated the physical properties of towels Elucidation of Softening Mechanism in Rinse
dried under a variety of conditions and Cycle Fabric Softeners. Takako Igarashi*1,
discovered that compared to indoor drying, Masato Hoshi1, Kouichi Nakamura2, Takeshi
towels dried outdoors were thicker and Kaharu2, and Ken-ichiro Murata3,1Kao
transferred less heat. Postulating that this was Corporation, Japan; 2Material Science Research
because the greater thickness contained more Laboratory, Japan; 3Institute of Low
air, reducing heat transfer, our research then temperature Science, Hokkaido University,
revealed a positive correlation between Japan
fluffiness and thickness and a negative We have proposed a new idea that
correlation between dryness and heat transfer. softening mechanism with the use of fabric
In other words, wind and the sun’s heat raised softener that softener has an important role of
the towel piles, increasing fluffiness and inhibition of constructing 3D cross-linkage of
reducing heat loss when touched, increasing the hydrogen bonding network made of non-
feeling of dryness. Based on these findings, we freezing type of bound water. We have
studied how to chemically impart physical understood the detail of effect of softener to
properties to fabric and found that increasing this kind of bound water with new surface
and maintaining fiber bulkiness created the analytical method.
feeling of outdoor drying even when dried
indoors. Finally, we explored what kinds of
compensate and enzymes are key ingredients to engineered fibers, surface treated materials,
address these new challenges. These and highly colored synthetic and blended
developments create new opportunities for fabrics. We present a bio-polymer based
innovation in ADW detergents to deliver on additive for fabric softeners that provides
performance expectations under new measurable improvements in fabric protection
conditions. compared to the use of traditional fabric
softener alone. The bio-polymer is highly
Sustainable Fabric Protection using Bio- substantive to textile fibers, delivering colour
Polymers Gregory Smith*1, Sue Burn2, Scott protection, reduced greying of whites, and
Jaynes1, and Xin Chen1, 1Croda, Inc., USA; 2Croda reduced damage to fabrics through multiple
International Plc, United Kingdom washing and drying cycles. As a result, fabrics
An effective way to provide sustainability to are kept looking newer for longer, reducing the
laundry consumers is to minimize damage to need to replace garments. We will present a
fabrics in the washing and drying process so quantification of the water savings and reduced
that garments last longer and need to be emissions offered through this lifetime
replaced less often. This is particularly true for extension of garments.
high value garments that incorporate
distribution has been studied. The alkyl chain differentiation. Once key factors were
length was varied from C6 to C20. Different determined, the method was challenged for
types of alkyl chain structures were studied precision and accuracy. Market trends in hard
including linear, C2 monobranched, random surface, performance data with detailed
chain branching and multiple methylbranched analysis and method parameter
hydrophobes. The degree of ethoxylation was recommendations will be presented.
varied to span a range of HLB values and the
oligomer distribution was also peaked using a The Interaction of Hydrophobe-Terminated
narrow range alkoxylation catalyst. Dynamic Nonionic Surfactants with Silica Eric P.
interfacial tension between surfactant solution Wasserman*, Kebede Beshah, Sara Klamo, Junsi
and soil components was measured by drop Gu, Fang Yuan, and Robert Campbell, The Dow
volume and correlated with soil removal. Soil Chemical Company, USA
removal depends on a number of different Low cloud-point nonionic surfactants are
factors. In general, soil removal increases with often included in automatic dishwashing
decreasing alkyl chain length. Shorter chain detergent formulations to improve the
lengths give lower IFT values and faster wetting appearance of glassware and other surfaces.
kinetics. Soil removal increases with increasing Analytical and computational techniques were
branching in the hydrophobe. Branching at the brought to bear on a series of capped
C2 position lowers the effective chain length surfactants with varied ethylene oxide (EO) and
and lowers IFT values. The optimum degree of 1,2-epoxybutane (BO) block lengths in order to
ethoxylation depends on the alkyl chain length. evaluate how they function in wash liquor of
For the oily particulate soil studied, the varying temperature. Clouding out, an
optimum surfactant HLB is around 11. Peaking endothermic phenomenon, is surprisingly
the oligomer distribution decreases IFT and uncorrelated with significant changes to the
improves soil removal. Learning’s can be used local environment of the surfactant molecules
to formulate better hard surface cleaners for as viewed by NMR. At low surfactant loadings,
different applications. silica suppresses the signal from the EO blocks
to an extent that defies explanation by
Limiting Variance: Exploring Primary Cleaning fractionation, and indicates that the initial
Evaluations for Hard Surface Cleaners Kevin M. monolayer is strongly anchored by hydrogen
Salmon*, BASF Corporation, USA bonds. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate
In this presentation, best practices of that both EO and BO blocks can participate in
primary cleaning evaluations for products hydrogen bonding to an amorphous silica
intended for use on assorted hard surfaces will surface. However, robust multilayer structures
be explored along with a critical assessment of form at higher surfactant:silica ratios, and this
the currently implemented industry standards. process appears to be endothermic overall.
Method parameters (e.g., substrate selection Thus BO appears to have a dual nature:
and preparation, soil composition and hydrophobe and promoter of adhesion to
application techniques, mechanical action, etc.) surfaces with active protons.
were trialed under controlled, but practical,
hard surface cleaning conditions to optimize for
Effect of Reservoir Parameters and Surfactant designing surfactant molecular structures that
Structures on Surfactant – Rock Adsorption in minimize adsorption to rock surfaces, while
Various Rock Types Daniel F. Wilson*1, Laurie A. maintaining desired fluid performance for
Poindexter1, Carla Morgan2, and Thu Nguyen2, effective oil recovery.
Sasol North America, USA; 2Sasol Performance
Chemicals, USA Rapid Identification of Surfactants to Improve
Role of both the adsorbent and surfactant Rheological Compatibility and Cleaning of Oil-
molecule are individual characteristics that Based Drilling Muds Carol Mohler*1, Thiago
combine to affect how adsorption of surfactant Alonso1, Robert Sammler1, Valeriy Ginzburg1,
occurs onto rock surfaces. Surfactant Stephanie Hughes1, Brian Nickless1, Anatoly
adsorption capacity in crude oil reservoirs is Medvedev2, and Yan Gao2,1Dow Chemical
variable and dependent upon a number of Company, USA; 2Schlumberger, USA
unique parameters specific to each reservoir, During oil well completion, aqueous-based
adding complexity to these relationships. spacer fluids are used to remove the drilling
Considering that surfactant based fluid (mud) from the casing prior to cementing.
unconventional means to improve oil recovery The spacer is intended to displace the drilling
are strongly dependent on the liquid/liquid mud from the well, invert the emulsion, and
interface between soluble surfactant solution transform casing surfaces from oil-wet to
and crude oil, loss of surfactant to liquid/solid water-wet. However, many mud-spacer
interfaces can create negative effects for these mixtures exhibit significant rheological
applications in terms of performance and incompatibility, which could generate viscosity
economics. Alcohol propoxy sulfate and ether spikes and lead to incomplete cleaning.
carboxylate were the two anionic surfactant Surfactants may be added to the spacer to
types studied. Focus was on investigating static promote fluid compatibility and cleaning
adsorption mechanisms of surfactants onto effectiveness, but it is challenging to screen
sandstone, limestone, and shale reservoir surfactants for these properties in complex
media. Besides quantifying how much mixtures using conventional rheology
surfactant is adsorbed, emphasis on the effect techniques. A new approach is described to
of surfactant parameters on adsorption capacity identify spacer fluid surfactants and solvents
was evaluated. Notwithstanding specific that are effective in cleaning and promote
surfactant parameters, a number of other rheological compatibility. An automated total
mechanisms involved in surfactant loss from aspiration and dispense viscometry method
aqueous solutions to varied porous media add (TADM) is combined with a standard rotor
to the complexity of this phenomenon. Effects cleaning test to rapidly identify effective
of temperature, pH, and salinity on adsorption surfactants or other additives. The relationship
capacity of surfactants to solid surfaces also between surfactant properties and rheological
play strong roles. These parameters were compatibility is described, and a model
isolated and evaluated to determine their proposed for rheological incompatibility based
influence on static surfactant-rock adsorption on the formation of co-continuous phases and
capacity. Therefore, this study attempts to disruption by surfactants. The best performing
investigate effects of reservoir environments, surfactants identified by TADM measurements
including temperature, formation water pH and are further tested for mud cleaning
salinity on the adsorption capacity of the two effectiveness using a rotor test. The addition of
anionic surfactant types. This may help enhance co-solvent to the spacer formulation further
improves its cleaning ability, and cleaning observed in mud-spacer mixtures, and guides
efficacy is related to solvent properties. The new approaches for rheology control and
combination of high-throughput technology and cleaning effectiveness.
rheology gives insight into the viscosity spikes
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soluble anionically charged polymers are known do you know the correct chemistries were
to deliver adsorbed layers which are used? How can you monitor the cleanliness of
fundamentally different from mixed surfactant multiple surfaces? What new technologies exist
adsorbed layers. The utility of this approach to to aid in measuring compliance to disinfection
controlling the efficacy of quats will be regimens? Research has shown that immediate
reviewed. feedback to cleaning crews improves
compliance, but this typically takes direct
Beyond the Blindfold – Conquering the Unseen observations or multiple room visits by the IC. A
Enemy Gina P. Sloan*, Microban International, new technology exists that will aid in
Ltd., USA compliance measurements and immediate
Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs) feedback loops to create a better outcome for
are an increasingly prevalent issue for hospitals, patients.
care homes and other healthcare facilities
worldwide. Despite the efforts of global public A Brief Overview of the Continuum of Care:
health organizations to raise awareness of the The Cleaning Touchpoints Doe Kley*, Clorox
importance of hand hygiene, compliance Company, USA
remains low, indicating the need for additional This presentation will review the
preventative measures. The patient environment in different healthcare settings,
environment has been highlighted as a from clinic to hospital to long term care. You
potential source of pathogen contamination will learn about the priorities, the staff, and the
and transmittance, focused mainly on implications on cleaning and disinfection in the
inanimate objects surrounding the patient. In different departments and settings. You will
many cases, infection control (IC) professionals also learn about the staff that makes the
set standards for disinfection regimens but decisions on disinfectant selection for different
there are limited indirect measuring techniques. health care settings.
This leaves the IC to operate in the blind. How
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huge potential in high salinity high temperature to overcome the phase instability issue can
carbonate reservoirs. compromise the ability of the surfactant
formulation to reduce the oil/water IFT to
Secondary Alcohol Ethoxylate - Process and ultralow values for effective oil mobilization and
Applications Revisited David Li*,Jiangsu Secol therefore, oil recovery. The objective of this
Chemical Company, China study was to identify appropriate co-surfactants
Secondary alochol ethoxylates (SAE) are a that can help overcome the aqueous instability
series of non-ionic surfactants that have been of alkyl propoxylate sulfates at high
around for more than half a century. Due to temperature/high salinity conditions and
limited manufacturing capacity, the applications maintain ultralow IFT for crude oils. A group of
are limited despite its unique physicochemical high mole ethoxylates of various structures was
and biodegradation properties. Jiangsu Secol systematically investigated as co-surfactants in
Chemical Company (China) will add 18kta SAE formulations with APS at temperatures up to 60
capacity in 2019 and 160kta in 2022 with °C and salinities up to 22 % total dissolved solid
improved process technology and product containing divalents. The formulations that
propeties, e.g. 4~5% higher yield from normal meet both aqueous stability and IFT reduction
paraffin, narrower EO distribution of high-mole criteria were identified. The studied parameters
ethoxylates. Combining lower cost and better are the co-surfactant structure and the
low-temperature properties, SAE will see wider surfactant/co-surfactant ratio. The static
applications from high-concentration homecare adsorption of the promising formulations on
to industrial cleaning. This talk will describe the three types of sands (Berea, limestone and
improved SECOL process technology and shale) was also evaluated. The finding of this
demonstrate the improved physicochemical study is advantageous in overcoming the
properties of the SAEs thus made. challenges in EOR for HT/HS reservoirs.
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variations reduce the ability of the adsorbed reaction. The water is also a critical parameter,
layers to pack well and exclude water. Through 30% w/w of added water allowing the highest
the use of a model surface, namely pillars with yield. When testing for cleaning efficiency the
varying dimensions, we are able to show that products having the highest soap content, those
topological variations can affect adsorption from individual by-products give a low microbial
when the variations are on the order of tens of count reduction after hand-washing (30-37%).
nanometers removed from the adsorbing But a much better score (74%) is obtained when
surfactant. using SBC:PFAD soap mixtures. This
improvement could be due to abrasive and
Solvents and Surfactants for Cleaning absorption effects of the clay, combined to the
Applications in Oil and Gas Jorge M. Fernandez, high soap content. The acceptability through a
and Cornell Stanciu*, Sasol North America, USA panel test is good for all soaps when formulated
The choice of surfactants or surfactant- with citrus oil. The most active product
solvent blends proves to be critical in corresponds to a SBC:PFAD ratio close to the
successfully solving various challenges the production one in refining plants. Therefore
Oilfield industry is facing. Further complications these results provide an easy way for co-
arise from the ever-changing parameters that valorising these by-products, after further
need to be accounted for, such as different optimizing the saponification reaction in this
crude oil compositions, different additives, complex triphasic medium (aqueous solution,
compatibility issues of treatment formulations, oil, clay).
chemical and geological differences between
the rocks in different reservoirs, etc. This paper Controlling the Physical Properties of Softener
presents some case studies involving cleaning in a Continuous Manufacturing Process Fumiya
formulations developed by authors in the Yamagishi*, Tatsuo Nagano, and Taku Nishio,
recent years in applications ranging from drill Lion Corporation, Japan
cuttings cleaning, to asphalt or bitumen Diversification of consumer needs based on
cleaning off metal surfaces. The challenges recent lifestyle changes is altering the softener
between fine tuning the applied science market structure. Consumers not only want
knowledge and economic viability of a solution more particular types of softness, the
on industrial scale will also be discussed. conventional function, but also lifestyle-
accommodating functions such as fragrance and
Cleaning Efficiency of soap Spent Bleaching hygiene, resulting in a diversity of product
clay and Palm Fatty acid Distillate Daniel variants. Efficiently producing a wide range of
Pioch1, and Teerasak Punvichai*2,1CIRAD, UR functions to meet these market needs is not
114 Biowooeb, TA-B 114/16, France; 2Prince of only a matter of the formula; the manufacturing
Songkla University, Thailand process also plays a major role. Adding
This study deals with the co-valorization of ingredients with different physicochemical
spent bleaching clay (SBC) and palm fatty acid properties corresponding to this diversification
distillate (PFAD) –by-products of palm oil of functions affects product qualities such as
refining plants- through soap manufacture. viscosity, homogeneity and stability as well as
When mixing SBC and PFAD (ratio 1:3), the consumer usability. Therefore, we researched
reaction completion (92.5%) is surprisingly how to control these physical properties in the
higher than expected, indicating a synergistic manufacturing process, specifically the
effect on the course of the saponification continuous manufacturing process of liquid
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crystal phase inversion emulsification, in which emulsifying performance. Herein, the meso-
liquid crystals containing cationic surfactant are structure of citrus pectin was modulated by
formed and then dispersed. We were able to reducing molecular weight (hydrolysis for 0-240
establish a technique to ensure stable product min) and changing environmental condition (pH
viscosity and homogeneity by controlling 2-7 and 0-100 mM NaCl). The meso-structure of
conditions such as stirring and water content citrus pectin and the various interfacial
during liquid crystal formation according to the capacities were determined to illustrate the
physical properties of the ingredients. This relationship between meso-structure and the
makes it possible to efficiently produce a variety emulsifying performance. Compared with the
of formulas, for example various fragrances and initial one, the aggregates of low molecular
functional ingredients as well as microcapsules weight citrus pectin, obtained by hydrolysis,
containing them, within the same presented smaller size (from 1600 nm to 750
manufacturing process. nm) and better interfacial ability (interfacial
tension reduction 1 mN/m more), but the
The Role of Meso-structure of Citrus Pectin for emulsifying performance became poorer with
its Emulsifying Performance Shaojie Zhao1, the reduction of molecular weight. In contrast,
Guifang Tian*, David Julian McClements2, Hang decreasing pH and increasing ionic strength not
Xiao3, and Jinkai Zheng1,1Institute of Food only reduced aggregate size and improved the
Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of interfacial ability, but also promoted
Agricultural Sciences; 2Department of Food emulsifying performance. From the SEM, it was
Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst; found that acid and ionic strength resulted in
Department of Food Science and Technology, compact meso-structure of citrus pectin in
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA solution and at the interface, which brought
There is a growing interest in using pectin about compact interfacial layer resisting
as an emulsifier to deliver functional ingredients coalescence of emulsion droplets during
due to its natural source and good emulsifying homogenization. In summary, the compact
capacity. Citrus pectin molecules assemble to meso-structure of citrus pectin was vital for its
aggregates in solution under multi- emulsifying performance. The results provided
intermolecular interactions, and the meso- a better understanding of the meso-structure,
structure was important for the emulsifying which may facilitate the utilization of citrus
performance. However, little information was pectin as emulsifier.
known about the relationship between citrus
pectin meso-structure parameter and its
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Evolving Trends and their Influence on the Attendees will come away with a better
Design of Fabric, Air and Home Care Products understanding of the power of fragrance
Mary B. Johnson*, P&G Fabric and Air Care, USA beyond its ability to enhance lives.
Much of the world relies on commercially
manufactured products for their laundry, indoor Green Chemistry and Noncovalent
air management, and home cleaning needs. To Derivatization in Fabrics and Home Care
ensure that these products continue to provide Products John C. Warner*, Warner Babcock
meaningful benefits it is crucial to understand Institute for Green Chemistry, USA
the latest trends that influence consumer needs The defining text “Green Chemistry:
and challenges. This presentation uniquely Theory and Practice” and the 12 principles of
combines decades of consumer research with a Green Chemistry were published twenty years
detailed analysis of evolving trends in consumer ago in 1998 by John Warner and Paul Anastas.
lifestyles, occupations, and habits and practices, There are now dozens of Green Chemistry
textile fiber and hard surface composition, and textbooks, journals, conferences, university
advances in consumer appliance technology. courses and degree programs around the world
The surprising conclusion of our analysis is that documenting molecular level mechanistic
today’s consumers face substantially more approaches to reducing or eliminating negative
sophisticated and multi-facetted cleaning impacts of materials and products on human
challenges than they did 10 or more years ago. health and the environment. In the early days of
Green Chemistry, Warner, as an industrial
Commercialization Opportunities for Printed, chemist, develop the concepts of Noncovalent
Flexible, Stretchable and Functional Fabric Derivatization, a first-principles approach to
Sensors and IoT. What does it mean to have a designing multimolecular complexes to control
functional fabric? Eric Spackey*, Advanced chemical and physical properties. In 2014 he
Functional Fabrics of America, USA received the Perkin Medal (consider the highest
Abstract not available. honor in US Industrial Chemistry) for this work.
This presentation will discuss Warner’s basic
Promoting Fragrance’s Ability to Enhance Lives concepts of Green Chemistry and Noncovalent
— People, Perfume & the Planet Farah K. Derivatization. Examples of technologies
Ahmed1, and Lia K. Dangelico*2,1Fragrance developed and commercialized at the Warner
Creators Association, USA; 2Fragrance Creators Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry will be
Association, United States presented with an emphasis on approaches that
In addition to increasing enjoyment of are most relevant to fabric and home care
everyday tasks, such as laundry and dishes, products.
fragrance and scent often play a vital role in our
fondest memories, emotions, and connections. Product Manufacturers Approach to Ingredient
This session will illuminate fragrance and the Transparency and Sustainability Nancy Falk*,
fragrance industry, including how Fragrance Clorox, USA
Creators Association is translating the story of Clorox is a pioneer in ingredient
fragrance for diverse audiences, educating on transparency. Ten years ago, we pioneered
how fragrances are regulated, and advocating online ingredient disclosure in cleaning
for sound science, innovation, and more. products with Ingredients Inside. With
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deadlines approaching for the New York and depletion of finite resources at all stages of the
California ingredient disclosure legislation product lifecycle are minimized by slowing,
requirements, this presentation will talk about closing, and narrowing energy and material
Clorox’s efforts has effort to take ingredient loops during the design of new products.
transparency to the next level for both Biomaterials, that is materials made from
nonregistered and registered cleaning products, renewable rather than fossil-based resources,
including the implementation of a fully can play an important role in moving towards
integrated data system to aid in ingredient this ideal state. This talk will give an innovator’s
selection and disclosure and partnering with perspective on specific examples of success
suppliers for accurate raw material stories as well as some of the challenges that
compositions. remain for Biomaterials.
Biomaterials and the Circular Economy Michael Appliance Manufacturers Trends and Approach
A. Saltzberg*, DuPont Industrial Biosciences, to Sustainability Brigitte Mader-Urschel*, GE
USA Appliances, USA
One of the most important trends in This session explores sustainability trends
household cleaning is the demand by for major appliances products. Consumer trends
consumers and governments around the world call for deeper definition of materiality in the
to reduce the environmental impact of appliances industry, to go beyond regulatory
products, packaging and processes. Over the drivers to an expanded view of environmental
past few years, this thinking has evolved to and human impact. This session will review the
include all aspects of a product’s life cycle, from materiality in the appliances sector, and how
the raw materials that go into a product, to its consumer trends and behavior patterns on
manufacturing process, to how it is used by components and detergent selection, lifecycle
consumers, and finally to what happens to the assessment and other areas can drive changes
product when its useful life is over. As described in environmental footprint and result in a
by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the ideal broader view of impact as manufacturer.
system is a Circular Economy where waste and
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S&D 3.1: General Surfactants II: Surfactant Synthesis and Fundamental Properties
Chairs: George A. Smith, Sasol, USA; and Sanja Natali, ExxonMobil Chemical, USA
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Tuning Structuring in Aqueous Media via from 5 to >20. We then compare the properties
Surfactant-polymer Interactions Paschalis of formulations to existing theories, including
Alexandridis* and Marina Tsianou, University of hydrophile-lipophile deviation (HLD), to
Buffalo, SUNY, USA elucidate structure/performance relationships
Mixtures of surfactants and polymers afford for emulsion and microemulsion directed
great flexibility in conferring structure and applications. These relationships are then
function in waterborne formulations applied to validated through experiments using high
coatings, home and personal care products, throughput experimentation techniques to
food and drinks, pharmaceutics, and enhanced formulate, measure, and analyze emulsion
oil recovery. Underlying such structure and phase behavior at varying temperatures and
function are inter- and intra-molecular surfactant, oil, and salt type and concentration.
interactions that depend on the (i) polymer This approach combines three specific tools: 1)
chemistry, architecture and concentration, (ii) a multichannel liquid handler, 2) a custom-built
surfactant type and concentration, (iii) solvent image-capture station that captures images
conditions (e.g., pH, ionic strength, presence of under well-controlled, uniform lighting
cosolvents or cosolutes), (iv) interfaces and conditions, and 3) a custom data-analysis
surfaces (e.g., presence of colloidal particles), algorithm to identify and determine the
and (v) external stimuli (e.g., temperature, volumes of each phase. Overall, the results
shear). The presentation will highlight examples presented here will enable rapid formulation of
from our research on the formation and emulsions for each of the above mentioned
structure of complexes by commercially applications.
available anionic surfactants and nonionic
poly(ethylene oxide)-based polymers in water, Effect of Alkyl Chain and Oligomer Distribution
as affected by the ability of the polymer to on Performance of Ziegler Alcohol Ethoxylates
associate upon incorporation of hydrophobic Tamra Weemes*1, and George A. Smith2, 1Sasol
poly(propylene oxide) segments, the Performance Chemicals, USA; 2Sasol North
hydrophobicity of the surfactant (aliphatic America, USA
hydrocarbon vs fluorocarbon chain), and the The effect of alkyl chain length and
hydrophobicity of the solvent (added ethanol, oligomer distribution of nonionic surfactants on
salt or ionic liquids). physiochemical and performance properties has
been investigated. The effect of peaking the
Characteristic Curvature of Secondary Alcohol oligomer distribution on micellization was
Ethoxylates and Emulsion Stability Michael determined by equilibrium and dynamic surface
Tate*1, Daniel Miller2, Emily Bellairs1, Bethany tension measurements. Pendant drop and drop
Karl1, and Christopher J. Tucker1, 1The Dow volume measurements were used to measure
Chemical Company, USA; 2Dow Chemical the interfacial tension against different types of
Company, USA oils. The effect of narrow range oligomer
Secondary alcohol ethoxylates enable distribution on performance was determined by
performance driven differentiation across rheology, foam measurements and detergency
multiple applications from cleaning and oilfields in laundry and hard surface cleaning
to agrichemicals. Here we study the impact of applications. Peaking the oligomer distribution
changes to the structure of secondary alcohol increases the critical micelle concentration
ethoxylates on the formation and stability of (CMC) and the surface tension at the CMC by
emulsions, including variation of the EO length reducing the amount of unreacted alcohol and
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low mole ethoxylates. Peaking the distribution showed that only surfactant formulations with
also increases the rate at which the surfactant added octanols and S* revealed a promising
diffuses from the bulk solution to the interface. solubilization result, and that in these systems
Narrow range ethoxylates show lower the solid coconut oil was softened by
interfacial tension against polar and nonpolar surfactant/octanols penetration. This insight
oils. This increases the solubilization capacity of showed that good cold water detergency could
the surfactant and improves cleaning properties be attributed to semisolid soil-softening process
in laundry and hard surface applications. required as a preparing semisolid soil removal
step which allowed surfactant/octanols to wet
The Effect of Surfactant Systems, Alcohol the semisolid soil easier resulting in increasing
Types and Salinity on Cold Water Detergency solubility and also wettability.
of Triglyceride Semisolid Soil Parichat
Phaodee*, and David A. Sabatini, University of On the Oil-like and Surfactant-like
Oklahoma, USA Characterization of Polar Oils Edgar Acosta*,
In previous work, the detergency results and Amir Ghayour, University of Toronto,
showed that 0.1 w/v% C14-15-8PO-SO4Na with Canada
100% branching /90 mM 1-octanol/4%NaCl (the Polar oils such as long chain alcohols and
previous best surfactant formulation) removed fatty acids are quite relevant in detergency, the
semisolid coconut oil as high as 95.4±0.2% at alcohols present as the unreacted fraction in
10C corresponding to lower interfacial tension alcohol ethoxylates, the fatty acids present as a
(IFT) and contact angle. The present work fraction of cooked oils. Alcohols, esters and
attempts to further investigate the effect of ethers are also present in formulations as
different anionic extended surfactant systems fragrances. Their polarity gives them a
and branching octanols on cold water surfactant-like behavior along with their oil-like
detergency of solid coconut oil at washing behavior. This presentation describes an
temperature of 10C. In this work, three more approach that introduce both of these
anionic extended surfactants were studied; 50% characteristics within the hydrophilic-lipophilic
branching LC14-15-8PO-SO4Na, 50% branching difference (HLD) framework. The surfactant-like
LC14-15-8PO-3EO-SO4Na and 50% branching segregation of the polar oils to the oil-water
LC14-15-8PO-7EO-SO4Na. The detergency interface is accounted for using a Langmuir-type
results of all 50% branching anionic surfactants model. The proposed framework can account
did not improve upon the 100% branching C14- for changes in formulation conditions as a
15-8PO-SO4Na; this could be attributed to function of the polar oil concentration. The
higher minimum IFTs. Furthermore, 2-octanol implication of the findings for detergent and
and 2-ethyl-hexanol were selected as branching hard surface cleaning formulations will be
octanols to further study the effect of branching discussed.
alcohol on detergency. Interestingly, detergency
with 0.1 w/v% C14-15-8PO-SO4Na/90 mM 2- Characteristic Curvature of Various
octanol/2%NaCl (an optimum surfactant Commercial Laundry Formulations Jeff Harwell,
formulation) was 98.3±2.4% removal which was Brian P. Grady, and Michael T. Warren*
comparable to the previous best detergency University of Oklahoma, USA
formulation. The detergency results showed The hydrophilic-lipophilic difference (HLD)
that detergency correlated with lower contact equation is a semi-empirical equation that was
angle reflecting higher wettability. It also originally developed to correlate the formation
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improvement on the degree of skin dryness and Aspartic Acid-based Ampholytic Amphiphiles:
skin itchiness of patients after two weeks of Synthesis, Characterization, and pH-Dependent
use. It can be concluded that the combined Properties at Air/Water and Oil/Water
effect of soap and sophorolipids in the Interface Weiwei Cheng1, Sampson
developed mild body wash provide cleansing Anankanbil2, Liu Guoqin3, and Zheng
action that is also safe and soothing, even for Guo*4,1South China University of Technology,
patients with sensitive skin. China; 2Dept. of Engineering, Aarhus University,
Denmark; 3School of Food Science and
Optimal Regulation of Oxygenation for Engineering, South China University of
Coordination of Rhamnolipid Productivities Technology, China; 4Aarhus University, Denmark
and Residual Fatty Acid Content in A facile and two-step strategy was
Fermentation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Qin employed to synthesize two series of novel
Meng*,Zhejiang University, China aspartic acid-based ampholytic amphiphiles
Rhamnolipids are multipurpose surface- from sustainable and commercially viable
active molecules produced by the bacterium substances as starting materials. The molecular
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Despite the high structures of the synthetic compounds were
reputation of biosurfactants, such as low well identified by MS and 1H/13C analysis, and
toxicity, biodegradability and high stability, the physicochemical, pH-dependent foaming
these compounds have not been widely used and emulsifying properties were evaluated by
because of the high cost of production and the the use of multiple techniques such as FTIR,
difficulty on purification. Vegetable oil is DSC, Langmuir−Blodgett study, and
believed to be the best raw material for fluorescence microscopy imaging. Due to the
rhamnolipid fermentation. The rhamnolipid coexistence of amino and carboxyl groups in the
synthesis from oil prefer to a medium aeration, synthetic compounds, the compounds
which provide an inhibition of the microaerobic presented varying charges (cationic,
denitrification. Nevertheless, the severe ampholytic, and anionic) depending on the pH
foaming become a big problem in aerobic of the medium compared to the dissociation
rhamnolipid fermentation, decreasing the constants (pKa). Compounds with cationic (pH
rhamnolipid yield. Meanwhile, the residual fatty 1.0) and anionic (pH 9.0) forms had significantly
acid with similar lipid tails as rhamnolipids higher γ0.1 and CMC values than that with
usually exacerbate the difficulties on the final ampholytic forms (pH 7.0). Sn-1-lauroyl-sn-3-
separation and purification which are critical for aspartic acid (compound 3) at neutral and
the bioprocess of biosurfactant detergent. alkaline conditions displayed comparable
Hence, dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) will foaming properties including foaming, calcium-
be extremely important in coordination of tolerance, and temperature-resistance ability
foaming, denitrification and β-oxidation in with commercial sulfonate SDS, and thus might
biosynthesis of rhamnolipids by fermentation. be a promising alternative to SDS, applied in
This study will monitor the rhamnolipid personal care products and detergent formula.
productivity and residual fatty acid content Sn-1-palmtoyl-sn-3-aspartic acid (Compound
using different oxygenation level which was 5a) with ampholytic structure was proved as the
represented by the oxygen transfer coefficient most excellent stabilizer for the preparation of
(KLa) as a result of agitation and aeration. oil-in-water nanoemulsions compared with
palmityl aspartic acid (compound 5b),
commercial food ingredient DATEM, and
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glyceride monopalmitate at aqueous phase pH the reliance on soap has declined. Fatty acid
7.0. Thus, it has promising use as a pH- ethoxylates (FAE) are prepared by reacting fatty
dependence emulsifying agent in various fields. acids with ethylene oxide or polyethylene glycol
(PEG). Both reactions produce a mixture of
Antimicrobial Efficacy of Oxygen-Based Bleach ethoxylated fatty acid, bis fatty acid ester and
Systems Sam Adamy*, Church & Dwight Co. PEG. FAE can be used in neutral pH and is
Inc., USA relatively insensitive to hard water ions but
Systems which generate oxidative suffers from low yields due to the
molecules in the form of a peroxide or a peracid transesterification reaction. Methyl ester
are attractive for use in a number of ethoxylates (MEE) were originally developed to
applications, not only from the standpoint of improve the efficiency of fatty acid ethoxylates.
stain removal, but for antimicrobial action as Reacting fatty acid methyl ester with ethylene
well. Such systems additionally exhibit favorable oxide using a calcium or magnesium based
environmental and toxicity profiles, thus making catalyst or esterification of fatty acids with
them well-positioned for consumer and polyethylene glycol methyl ether (MPEG)
regulatory acceptance. For example, two produces MEE high yeilds. MEE is soluble at
components associated with oxygen-based neutral pH and shows favorable detergency but
bleaching, sodium percarbonate and suffers from hydrolytic stability issue in alkaline
tetraacetylethylenediamine (TAED), have been solution and does not build viscosity in low
safely employed in the marketplace for many active formulations through the salt effect.
years, and produce relatively benign waste Vegetable oil ethoxylates (VOE) are made by
streams. Achievement of required efficacies for direct ethoxylation of triglycerides or
sanitization and/or disinfection claims can be transesterficiation of tryglycerides with
challenging, however. In this presentation, ethoxylate glycerin. VOE show good surface
examples of oxygen-based bleaching systems activity and are exceptionally mild to skin and
and associated efficacies in laundry and other eyes. VOE is used primarily in personal care as
home care applications will be presented, along emollients and foam boosters in rinse off
with comments around the applicability to products.
claims of disinfection and sanitization. Data will
be presented on both antibacterial and antiviral Biobased Surfactants: An Overview Douglas G.
outcomes. Hayes*, University of Tennessee, USA
Biobased surfactants continue to gain
Fatty Acid, Methyl Ester and Vegetable Oil increased attention and employment, despite
Ethoxylates George A. Smith*, Sasol North the relatively low cost of fossil fuels in today's
America, USA world. In this paper, I will provide a review of
Soap is the first and oldest example of a biobased surfactants, providing information on
biobased surfactant. Soap is prepared by underlying trends relating to biobased
saponifying fats and oils with caustic. Soap has surfactants, particularly in terms of
been used for over 4500 years for personal environmental sustainability, and describe new
cleaning and washing of clothes. In personal and emerging biobased surfactants.
cleaning products, the high pH of soap can Laundry Sustainability vs. Laundry Sanitization:
irritate the skin and eyes and soap also suffers The Tension and the Solutions Nancy
from sensitivity to salinity and hard water ions. Falk*,Clorox, USA
With the advent of modern industrial chemistry, Most of the laundry process carbon
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1. Amide Types of Gemini Surfactants one of the techniques, water retention was
Derived from Diethyl Tartrate. Daisuke Ono*, measured through collagen swelling. In the
Keisuke Yoshida, Yuki Morimoto, Shintaro other complementary method, the water
Kawano, Hirofumi Sato, Motohiro Shizuma, and retention of the pig skin* was assessed with a
Araki Masuyama, Osaka Research Institute of Raman spectroscopy technique. In the study,
Industrial Science and Technology, Japan pig skin samples were subjected to D2O and
The development of surfactants with formulation mixture. The Raman spectral peaks
excellent surface-active properties or additional representing D2O were accounted for
functions has become desired. Therefore, it has estimating the water retention capability of the
come to be interest to develop "gemini" skin. In addition, Critical Micelle Concentration
surfactants which are synthesized by (CMC) curves were measured for these
connection of the traditional monomeric formulations to gain fundamental insights on
amphipihilic molecules with a spacer. They have their performance. All three methods resulted
a high performance such as good water in a consistent ranking of the product mildness.
solubility, excellent micelle-forming property * pig skin was sourced from the food chain
and high ability to lower surface tension. Low
molecular-weight gelator is also attractive 3. Monoglyceride-stabilized Pickering
materials. In this work, amide types of gemini Emulsions as Vehicles for Controlled Release.
surfactants were prepared by a reaction of Malek El-Aooiti*, Auke de Vries, and Dérick
diethyl tartrate with long chain amine, and Rousseau, Ryerson University, Canada
subsequent sulfation without any expensive Water-in-oil emulsions (W/O) can be
reagents and special equipment. We discussed stabilized by interfacially adsorbed glycerol
about their surface-active properties and gel- monostearate (GMS) crystals. This is achieved
forming properties in various solutions. The by melting the GMS wax in the oil phase of the
viscosity of the toluene solution containing the emulsion followed by shear-cooling to induce
surfactant were higher than blank solvents. crystallization of interfacially adsorbed GMS.
Emulsions formulated using this method have
2. Assessment of Skin Mildness of Personal shown to be robust, stable during storage, and
Care Cleansers. Brajesh Jha*1, Aixing Fan1, can encapsulate aqueous material with high
Hongwei Shen1, Derek Kim2, Irina Chernyshova2, efficiency. Previous efforts from our group
Ponisseril Somasundaran2, and Parta Patra2, demonstrated that W/O emulsions with
Colgate Palmolive Co., USA; 2Dept. of Earth and interfacially bound glycerol monostearate
Environmental Engineering, Columbia (GMS) crystals can be destabilized by the
University, USA addition of a secondary surfactant. Addition of
For personal care cleansing products, the the surfactant, sorbitan monooleate (SMO),
nature of the skin-surfactant interactions subsequently resulted in destabilization of
determines the mildness of the product. To emulsion droplets followed by release of
study the mildness of four personal care aqueous cargo. In the current study, it was
cleansers, we assessed the skin-surfactant found using microscopy, that droplets undergo
interactions by determining the water retention rapid coalescence and decomposition upon
capability of the skin using two techniques. In exposure to SMO. The current study explores
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