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Background Verification in IT Company: An Empirical Study

Article · August 2011


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Anita Singh
Sharda University


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Background Veiificaool

Background Verification in IT Company: An Empirical Study

Ms. Anita 5ingh*


KeyWords: Abstract: In current scenario, involvement of individuals from corporate in various crimes has
led to increased realization about the value for background verifocation of all the employees at all
1. IT Companies levels In the recruitment process. The organisation's reputltion is at stake in case if they hire
2. Background Verification someone with questionable background. Brand equity & brand value can be adversely affected.
Thus, even less number of checks or lack of background verification on ament or potential
employees is something that hampers any organisation -either through reduoad business,
~~~~mpacton its public perception and inabil~~_~in better employees.

Introduction: making background checks Indispensable for this industry.

Security Is one of the key issues to emerge In a globallsed world, Surveys on human resource professionals indicate that SO-90
especially for the Information Technology (m Industry. The percent of large employers In the U.S. now run criminal
Industry Is making a significant positive Impact on the indian background checks on their prospective employees (Society for
economy and the people of this country. The Industry Is expected Human Resource Management, 2004, 2010). Some employers
to employ more than 2.3 million employees currently. With such may conduct criminal background checks on job applicants
large scale hiring, it is extremely challenging even though critical, voluntarily to identify those who may commit criminal acts in the
to track the background of each employee hired by a rompany. workplace in order to minimise loss and legal liability of negligent
Given the growth projections of the industry, human resource hiring that could result from such acts (Bushway, 1998). For some
(HR) departments are under a lot of pressure to recruit In large job positions Involving vulnerable populations, such as children
numbers, and sometimes these time pressures keep them from and the elderly, laws require employers to conduct such
doing due diligence before hiring. Security Is olren said to be a background checks (Hahn, 1991). In addition, employers may use
three-dimensional problem: involving people, process and criminal history records to assess character Haws such as lack of
technology. Employing the best practices on an assured wor1<force honesty and trustworthiness (Kurlychek, Brame, and Bushway,
for better security, background checks have become de rlgueurfor 2007; Pager, 2007). Also, occupational licensing laws could
Indian IT companies, which operate in a globally competitive disqualify many Individuals based on the requirement of "good
environment. moral character" (HarriS and Keller, 2005). As the use of criminal
background checks by employers has become widespread,
According to NASCOM, lack of industry ready talent (the numbers
criminal records could have lingering effects on employment
are available but the skill sets are lacking), the Intensely
prospects as "Invisible punishment" or collateral consequences of
competitive recruitment environment, relatively high attrition rate
contact with the criminal justice system (Travis, 2(02). Many
of the sector, although internal to the industry and possible
employers show considerable reluctance to hire individuals with
fudging of skill sets and salary details by potential employees are
criminal records (Holzer, Raphael, and Stoll, 2003; Pager, 2003;
serious Issues, and given the intense pressure to recruit In large
Schwartz and Skolnick, 1962; Holzer, Raphael, and Stoll, 2004);
numbers, recruitment teams are unable to sieve these 'fake' Dis
others have shown the relationship between criminal records and
and sometimes end up hiring such candidates as well. Against this
poorer employment prospects (Bushway, 1995; Grogger, 1995;
background, even though it is a remote possibility, ignoring
Nagin and Waldfogel, 1995; Western etal., 2001).
background checks of potential employees can unknowingly lead
to Inclusion of individuals with a criminal record, or simply Background Verification:
undesirable elements into the industry's workforce, thereby Background Verification Is the process of looking up or compiling
criminal records, ftnanclal records and commercial records (In
*The author is Area Chairperson- HR & OB at Institute of other words employment verification) of an individual.
Management Studies, Ghaziabad and can be reached at Background verification Is also known as Background check.
[email protected] Background verification is an integral part of HRactivity. Human

© VlShwakarma Institute of Management VlShwakarma Business Review

ISSN : 2229-6514 (Print),223(}.S237(Online ) VOIIrIle I, Issue 2 (Aug 2011), '1+50
Badcground Verification
capital Is being acknowledged as the most Important Investment recruitment cost ,high staff tumover and low employee morale.
for any company. Rnding the right talent in the right job at the Thoroughly pre-verification of job applicants/candidates will help
right time is a humungous challenge that the HR teams are fadng the organisation to save time and money, avoid negligent hiring
In today's scenario. Law suits, detect falsilled employment applications and provide a
Background verification are traditionally administered by a safer work environment.
government agency for a nominal fee, but can also be Background Verification in India:
administered by the private companies. Result of Background
Background verification is still in its nascent phase in India. There
verification includes criminal history, past employment
are many organisations which do share infonnation, with third
verification, credit score, address verification etc. Employers often
parties for verification process or purposes. For some
use these checks as a means of evaluating a candidate's
organisations, which do not mind sharing information, it is a very
qualifications, character, fitness, and to Identify potential hiring
long process as databases are manually maintained &. verification
risks for safety and security reasons.
prooedure involves going through very old data, which is
Background verification is used in various organisation to maintained physically.
thoroughly investigate the potential candidate to be given a
Basically the concept of Background VerifIcation was introduced In
security clearance. However this verification sometimes used for
India about seven years a back. This was triggered by the changed
illegal purposes such as employment discrimination, identify theft
security environment post the 9/11 attacks in the USA. As we all
and violation of privacy.
know that the number of fortune companies is 1000which is
Why Background Verification? initiating business In India either through setting up their own
According to some data, which shows that, Individuals with offices or outsourced work to India and it was expected that their
questionable background tend to join organisations that do not India based partner/entities (especially IT and BPO/ITES
conduct background verification of its employees. companies) followed process that were integral to their
recruitment process or policies. It has been noticed that more than
Hence when these organisations do start background verification 90% of Fortune companies have a formal policy of Background
they found many discrepancies i.e. Number of employees who Verification of their employees as well as their outsourced staff.
have misrepresented facts or figure on their resumes or have a Concept of Background Verification is now no more limited to just
criminal records go through huge attrition (as employees or IT/ITES or the BFSI segments. Growing number of organisations
candidates who have represented facts or have negative in the manufacturing, petroleum, travel, telecom, educational
background they prefer to leave organisation when they institutions, hospitality, health care, retail etc are adopting
announce background verification). Background Verification process. It is also become a part of the
This Is a good proof of how background verification becomes a standard outsourcing contract &. therefore Indian companies
deterrent against prospective employees or any other employees continue to proactively adopt a part of their business process.
who have misrepresented facts on their 01 or employment Espedally booming IT Industry is seeking services for employee
applications. Thus background verification proves to be a good or background verification. l'y'pes of background verification vary
fair Insurance against risk to reputation related to bad hires. Also from organisation to organisation and is determined by the need
according to Cook (1988) background verification Is conducted (mainly the budget)- from ascertaining whether the permanent
less in Britain as compared to United States. There are many address given on 01 is actually trying to find out other details, for
trends, which suggestthat company/organisations have to rely on example the kind of work being done by the candidate:
Background verification of factual information In pre-employment performance standard, verifying qualifications, whether he was
verification. Employers are now more aware of Inaccuracy &. sacked from the previous company or left in his own; any criminal
subjective evaluations given by personal references. records, investigate the entire family background verification of
Employers who have a questionable background were vulnerable the employee whether a womanizer/alcoholic.
to damages as they were failed to check background Information Credible background verification company will ensure that the
relevant to determining the fitness of the applicant for the job. If process will conducted only through the legal route of getting
we take an example of today's liabilities, It Is not surprising that verifications (which may Imply relatively later verification as
most of the companies do some of pre-employment background compared to some other agendes which may not be able to stand
investigation, while few conduct background investigation on the scrutiny of law) through the some offidal channels &. by
consistent basis. For example, according to one recent survey accessing Information In public domain. Excellent way of
(bureau of National affairs, 1988) of 246 U.S companies, 81% of managing background verification anywhere globally is to ensure
the respondent reported that their organisation/company verifies that these are done by organisation which specializes In
the education of some job applicants/candidates, but only 31% conducting background verification. It is better to go for
reported checking education for all applicants. background verification service that have a global coverage as
they would follow local geography specific requirements and
Background Verification process before the hiring Is the key to
would be able to better understand and know the specific sources
avoid high turnover rate, theft, work place violence ,unqualified
of information along with the some related challenges.
and Incompetent staff, fraud and dishonesty by employees,
negligent hiring law suits, escalating training cost ,ballooning

© VlShwakarma institute of Management VlShwakarma Business Review

ISSN : 2229-6514 (Print),2230-8237(Onllne ) VOl..,., I. Issue 2 (Aug 2011). '1+50
Background Veiificaool

Infinite saeening: It1e form of verification comments against It1e professional's

details on NSR system. These comments can be seen by tI1e
Infinite screening is It1e new concept. Companies are exploring
professional, his / her employer and tI1e company authorized by
tI1e newly Introduced concept of "Infinite screening", particularly
such professional.
for criminal record verification, for all their current employees.
Trends and Experience prove that background verification acts as Few entities have been empanelled to provide background
detenrent & thus remain a strong effective risk mitigation strategy. checking services on Natlonal Skills Registry (NSR) like, Autl1
Just by Introducing the concept of Infinite screening, concerned Bridge Research Services Private Limited, CRP Technologies
organisations or companies will have candidates with criminal [India] Private Limited, EV Aluationz India Private Limited,
records leave their jobs rather than get exposed. It is also Footprints Collateral Services Private Limited, First Advantage
recommended tI1at criminal records of employees be conducted at Private Limited, Integrlty Verification Services Pvt. LtD, and KPMG,
least once a year. Matrix Business Services India Private limited PAMAC Finserve
Private Limited, ONICRA Credit Rating Agency of India limited,
Background VerirlClltion Process In IT COmpany: PINKERTON Consulting & Investigations (India) Pvt LtD, Premier
Background verification process either is requested bylt1e present Shield Private limited, TOPS Security limited ,Vibrant Screen
employer of It1e company or by a National SkIlls Registry (NSR) Private Limited etc.
subscriber of tI1e company which Is auttlorized by tI1e
Purpose of the study:
professionals. If an Organisation has requested background
verification, its tenn & conditions, reporting requirements are also Many organisations In India do not maintain online databases or
determined by tI1e company. A background check or background records for temporary employees which later on lead to
Investlgatlon is tI1e process of looking up and compiling criminal unavailability of such appropriate or crucial information. Criminal
records, commercial records and financial records (In certain background Information, which is available tI1rough online
Instances such as employment screening) of an Individual. databases in US & UK, is not comparable with other geographies,
which is available. But In India where 15-24% of resumes are fake
In addition to reporting the results to the company, the EBC will
andl in 3 CVs misinterpret facts (source KPMG India Fraud survey)
also record the results of background verification on NSR against
and where 75% of IT security Incidents are caused within tI1e
tI1e details of the professional. This creates a permanent verified
company not by the hackers (Gartner group) criminal background
profile oftl1e professional. In order to keep tI1elr NSR profile ready
information need to be sought locally in It1e concemed
wltl1 background check results, the professional can also request
jurisdictions. Online databases Involves all parties concerned I.e.
for a background check on details recorded by tI1em on NSR.
the candidate, the verifier, It1e recruiter and also the verifying
Verification request can be for personal details like date of birth,
authorities, which wlll help In developing a pre -qualified & pre-
father's name, passport number, Permanent Aa:oont Number
checked ready to hire the talent candidate which is tI1e need of the
(PAN) or for present and permanent address, academic
hour in today's scenariO.
qualification, technical qualification and employment details. In
tI1is case, verification request of tI1e professional is referred by The purpose of the study is to identify tI1e importance of
NSR system to one of tI1e EBCs. In this case as the verification is background verification and also to highlight tI1e factors fostering
requested by the professional, the verification charges will be background verification .The risk of hiring a wrong candidate Is far
payable by him/her to the EBC directly. The EBC will get in touch more expensive than conducting employment background
with him / her for collecting the required documents and fee for verification/background check.
processing tI1e verification. The EBCs crosscheck the information Research Methodology:
submitted by professional from tI1e source of the information e.g.
address Is verified by personal visit, qualifications with the The research Is exploratory In nature. The sample element for tI1ls
concerned organisation and employment details witl1 tI1e paper is tI1e employees working In tI1e IT firms at different levels
employer companies. and sample size taken was 100. Source of information are primary
as well as secondary Data was collected by personal investigation
Baseline Verification: tI1rough Interview metI10d and questionnaire only from the office
In order to fadlitate tI1at professionals registered In the database located in the NCR. The metI10d of purposive sampling was used
are verified for important details, a concept of 'Baseline to identify the respondents In the organisation.
Verificatlon" is introduced. Baseline Verification of a profile Analysis and Discussion:
indudes verifying date of birth, fatl1er's name, passport number,
PAN, present and permanent address, one academic and one As tI1e purpose of the study Is to highlight tI1e importance of
technical qualification and one employment details. The fee is to background verlficatlon and also to identify tI1e factors fostering
be paid by the verification requesting professional directly to the background verification In an IT Company, an exploratory factor
concerned EBC and will be paid before EBC starts verification analysis has been camed out after editing 100 questionnaires
process. comprising of 13 statements (Refer to Annexure 1)

Verification COmments:
After verification is completed, the EBCs record tI1elr findings in

© VlShwakarma Institute of Management VlShwakarma Business Review

JSSN : 2229-6514 (Print),223(}.8237(Online ) VOIIrIle I. Issue 2 (Aug 2011). '1+50
Background Verification

Exhibit 1: KMO and Bartlett's Test Exhibit 2: Communalities

KMO and Bartlett's Test Communalities

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Initial Extraction

Measure of Sampling Al 1.000 .729

Adequacy. .596 A2 1.000 .649

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 562.415 A3 1.000 .614

df 78 A4 1.000 .723

sig .000 AS 1.000 .742

A6 1.000 .755
The KMO and Bartlett's Test indicates the suitability of the data for A7 1.000 .876
factor analysis. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
AS 1.000 .880
Adequacy's value is 0.596 which is greater than 0.500. This
indicates that a factor analysis will be useful with our data. The A9 1.000 .518
value of significance level is 0.000 that is less than 0.05. So there is
a significant relationship among the variables. (Refer to Exhibit 1) Ala 1.000 .619
Principal component Analysis with varimax rotation is employed All 1.000 .672
for extracting factors (Refer Exhibit 4 and Exhibit 5). The factors
having Eigen value greater than one are considered Significant, all A12 1.000 .541
other factors are considered insignificant& disregarded. Exhibit A13 1.000 .436
2 shows that after factor extraction, the communality is 0.729 for
variable 1, 0.649 for variable 2 and so on. Extraction Method: Principal ComponentAnalysis.

Exhibit 3: Total Variance Explained

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of variance Cumulative % Total % ofvariance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 4.060 31.234 31.234 4.060 31.234 31.234 3.051 23.469 23.469
2 1.985 15.272 46.507 1.985 15.272 46.507 2.633 20.254 43.724

3 1.540 11.847 58.354 1.540 11.847 58.354 1.596 12.275 55.999

4 1.167 8.976 67.329 1.167 8.976 67.329 1.473 11.331 67.329
5 .947 7.288 74.617
6 .765 5.882 80.499
7 .702 5.403 85.902
8 .592 4.557 90.460

9 .405 3.119 93.579

10 .322 2.475 96.054
11 .247 1.903 97.957
12 .165 1.270 99.227
13 .100 .773 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal ComponentAnalysis.

© Vishwakarma Institute of Management Vishwakarma Business Review

ISSN : 2229-6514 (Print),2230-8237(Online ) VOlume I , Issue 2 (Aug 2011), '14-50
Background Verification

Exhibit 4 shows that which variables are to be clubbed together to Honesty and Integrity:
form a common factor. The initial extraction using principal
This factor has emerged as the second most important
component analysis revealed 4 factors having Eigen values more
determinant of research with a total variance of 15.272. Major
than one .About 67.329 % of the total variance in the 13 variables
elements of this factor include, the employee of the organisation
is atlributable to the first four components. Also we can judge
feels that EBV helps in getting the information about employee's
how well the four-component model describes the original
honesty & integrity and it is an integral partofHRactivity. Itshould
variables, by examine the Exhibit 3 and concluded that
be made mandatory requirement of the organisation because
Component 1 explains a variance of 3.051, which is 23.4692% of
nowadays job seekers present false data to make their profile
total variance of 13; Component 2 explains a variance of 2.633,
which is 20.254% of total variance. Similarly, same kind of
conclusion can be drawn for other components. The varimax Effective Hiring:
rotation was applied (Refer to Exhibit 5) and the rotated matrix This factor emerged as the third important determinants of
also extracted 4 factors which captures 67.329 of the total research with a variance of 11.B47. Major elements of this factor,
variation. From Exhibit 6 (Factor Analysis) following 4 factors have highlights the requirement of the Background check for positions
been extracted as explained below: classified as interim and also suggests that EBV helps in reducing
Ethics and Information: turnover rates as HR sua:essfully compete for and hire the most
qualified staff.
This factor has emerged as a most important determinant of
research with a total variance of 31.234. Major element of this Profitability. productivity:
factor include appropriate employee information, Organisation This factor has also emerged as the effective factor of research
makes clear to the candidate about each type of verification and with a total variance of 8.976. The first element in this factor
organisation has a right to know about the employee, which they shows that employees are the most effective resource who
are bringing in the organisation. This factor depicts that employee contributes to company success and productivity and EBV helps to
background verification (EBV) reduces reputation risk associated increase profitability by reducing internal theft and fraud.
with employee related wrongdoing and helps the organisation to
provide ethical environment

Exhibit 4: Component Mabix before Rotation

Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4
Productivity .309 .144 .604 .498
Information through interview and C.V .532 -.539 .276 .002
Increase profitability .429 -.145 .322 .553
Mandatory requirement .778 .019 -.338 .054
Rights to know about employee .785 -.128 -.312 .106
Clear to the candidate about verification .707 -.240 -.223 -.386
Possessions classified as interim .359 .240 .581 -.593
Hire the most qualified staff .174 .820 .3B4 -.173
Integral part of HR .413 .531 -.219 .129
False data to make profile impressive .653 .413 -.113 .094
Employees honesty and integrity .735 -.282 .137 -.185
Reduce risk.471.457-.319.088Ethical environment .508 -.329 .260 -.042
Extraction Method: Principal ComponentAnaiysis.

© Vishwakarma Institute of Management Vishwakarma Business Review

ISSN : 2229-6514 (Print),2230-8237(Online ) VOlume I , Issue 2 (Aug 2011), '14-50
Background Verification

Exhibit 5: Rotated Component Matrix

Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4
Productivity .046 .079 .221 .820
Information through interview and C.V .738 -.131 -.042 .293
Increase profitability .267 .122 -.124 .716
Mandatory requirement .522 .659 -.128 .022
Rights to know about employee .602 .571 -.217 .078
Clear to the candidate about verification .763 .324 .042 -.259
Possessions classified as interim .348 -.022 .869 -.006
Hire the most qualified staff -.276 .386 .795 .152
Integral part of HR -.067 .702 .128 .068
False data to make profile impressive .200 .720 .184 .163
Employees honesty and integrity .779 .181 .137 .118
Reduce risk.024.733.057-.011Ethical environment .607 -.019 .081 .246
Extraction Method: Principal ComponentAnaiysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Extraction Method: Principal ComponentAnaiysis.
4 components extracted.
Exhibit 6: Rotated Component Matrix
Factors Variables
1. Ethicsand Information 1. Appropriate Employee information cannot be gathered through interview or C.V.
2. Organisation makes clear to the candidate about each type ofverification.
3. Organisation/Company has a right to know about the employee, which they are bringing in the
4. EBV reduces reputation risk associated with employee related wrongdoing.
5. Background verification provide ethical environment in the organisation
2. honesty and integrity 1. EBV helps in getting the information about employee's honesty & integrity
2. Background verification is an integral part of HR activity.
3. Employee background verification (EBV) is a need of the hour as nowadays job seekers present
false data to make their profile impressive.
4. Background Verification of Employee is mandatory required by the company/organisation.
3. Effective hiring 1. Background check is required for positions classified as interim.
2. EBV trim turnover rates as HR successfully compete for & hire the most qualified staff.
4. Profitability & productivity 1. Employees are the resource who contributes to company success and productivity.
2. EBV helps to increase profitability by reducing internal theft and fraud.

Conclusion: in case if they hire someone with questionable background. Brand

Human capital in today's scenario is being acknowledged as the equity & Brand value can be adversely impacted. Overall response
most important investment for any company. Finding the right of the employees regarding the Background verification is
talent in the right job at the right time is a humungous challenge positive, they agree that it should be conducted in an organisation
that the HR teams are facing in the today's hiring scenario. as it provide safe or ethical environment, helps in productivity &
Actually the reality is that the organisation's reputation is at stake profitability, reduces the reputation risk associated with employee
related wrong doing.

© Vishwakarma Institute of Management Vishwakarma Business Review

ISSN : 2229-6514 (Print),2230-8237(Online ) VOlume I , Issue 2 (Aug 2011), '14-50
Background Verification

Limitations: their determinants. In Imprisoning America: The Social Effects of Mass

Incarceration, eels. Mary Patillo, David F. Weiman, and Bruce Western. New
As the study is empirical in nature it cannot be generalized. The York: Russell Sage Foundation.
sample was collected from a single organisation and a single office
Kurlychek Megan C., Robert Brame, and Shawn D. Bushway. 2007.
only and therefore it cannot be applied to all IT companies even if Enduring risk? Old aiminal records and predictions of Mure criminal
the sample size is more. However this preliminary investigation involvement. Crime & Delinquency 53:64-83.
provides some direction for conducting detailed studies in future. Nagin, Daniel 5. and Joel Waldfogel. 1995. The effects of criminality and
References: conviction on the labor market status of young British offenders.
Bureau of National Affairs (BNA, 1988). Recruiting and Selection International Review of Law and Economics 15: 109-126.
Procedures. PPF Survey No. 146. Washington: Bureau of National Affairs. Pager, Devah. 2007. Marked: Race, Crime, and Finding Work in an Era of
Bushway, Shawn D. 1998. The impact of an anrest on the job stability of Mass Incarceration. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
young white American men. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Schwartz, Richard D. and Jerome H. Skolnick. 1962. Two studies of legal
35:454-479. stigma. Social Problems 10: 133-142.
Grogger, Jeffrey. 1995. The effect of arrests on the employment and Society for Human Resource Management. 2005. 2004 Reference and
earnings of young men. Quarteriy Journal of Economics 110:51-71. Bad<ground Checking - Survey Report. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human
Hahn, Jeffrey M. 1991. Pre-employment information services: employers Resource Management.
beware? Employee Relations Law Journal 17:45-69. Society for Human Resource Management. 2010, January. Background
Checking: Conducting Criminal Background Checks.
Harris, Patricia M. and Kimberly S. Keller. 2005. Ex-<lffenders need not
apply: The Ciminal background check in hiring decisions. Journal of
ndCheckCriminaIChecks.aspx(accessed March 10,2010).
ContemporaryCriminal Justice 21:6-30.
TraviS, Jeremy. 2002. Invisible punishment: An instrument of social
Holzer, Harry Jy Steven Raphael, and Michael A. Stoll. 2003, March.
exclusion. In Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass
Employer demand for ex- offenders: Recent evidence from Los Angeles.
Imprisonment, eds. Marc Mauer and Meda Chesney-Und. New York: The
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market consequences of incarceration. Crime & Delinquency47:41G-427.
hire former offenders? Employer preferences, background checks, and

Annexure 1
Please indicate your preferences on the basis of following scaling:
1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree
SNo. Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1 Employees are the resource who contributes to company success and productivity.
2 Appropriate Employee information cannot be gathered through interview or C.V.
3 Background Verification of Employee is mandatory required by the company/organisation.
4 Background verification isan integral part of HRactivity.
5 Employee background verification (EBV) is a need of the hour as nowadays job seekers
present false data to make their profile impressive.
6 Organisation/Company has a right to know about the employee which they are bringing in
the organisation.
7 Organisation makes clear to the candidate about each type ofverification.
8 Background check is required for positions classified as interim.
9 EBV helps to increase profitability by reducing internal theft and fraud.
10 EBV trim turnover rates as HR successfully compete for & hire the most qualified staff.
11 EBV reduces reputation risk associated with employee related wrongdoing.
12 EBV helps in getting the information about employee's honesty & integrity.
13 Background verification provide ethical environment in the organisation.

© Vishwakarma Institute of Management Vishwakarma Business Review

ISSN : 2229-6514 (Print),2230-8237(Online ) VOlume I , Issue 2 (Aug 2011), '14-50

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