Background Verification Research 8 Pages
Background Verification Research 8 Pages
Background Verification Research 8 Pages
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1 author:
Anita Singh
Sharda University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Anita Singh on 27 September 2016.
KeyWords: Abstract: In current scenario, involvement of individuals from corporate in various crimes has
led to increased realization about the value for background verifocation of all the employees at all
1. IT Companies levels In the recruitment process. The organisation's reputltion is at stake in case if they hire
2. Background Verification someone with questionable background. Brand equity & brand value can be adversely affected.
Thus, even less number of checks or lack of background verification on ament or potential
employees is something that hampers any organisation -either through reduoad business,
~~~~mpacton its public perception and inabil~~_~in better employees.
Verification COmments:
After verification is completed, the EBCs record tI1elr findings in
df 78 A4 1.000 .723
Exhibit 4 shows that which variables are to be clubbed together to Honesty and Integrity:
form a common factor. The initial extraction using principal
This factor has emerged as the second most important
component analysis revealed 4 factors having Eigen values more
determinant of research with a total variance of 15.272. Major
than one .About 67.329 % of the total variance in the 13 variables
elements of this factor include, the employee of the organisation
is atlributable to the first four components. Also we can judge
feels that EBV helps in getting the information about employee's
how well the four-component model describes the original
honesty & integrity and it is an integral partofHRactivity. Itshould
variables, by examine the Exhibit 3 and concluded that
be made mandatory requirement of the organisation because
Component 1 explains a variance of 3.051, which is 23.4692% of
nowadays job seekers present false data to make their profile
total variance of 13; Component 2 explains a variance of 2.633,
which is 20.254% of total variance. Similarly, same kind of
conclusion can be drawn for other components. The varimax Effective Hiring:
rotation was applied (Refer to Exhibit 5) and the rotated matrix This factor emerged as the third important determinants of
also extracted 4 factors which captures 67.329 of the total research with a variance of 11.B47. Major elements of this factor,
variation. From Exhibit 6 (Factor Analysis) following 4 factors have highlights the requirement of the Background check for positions
been extracted as explained below: classified as interim and also suggests that EBV helps in reducing
Ethics and Information: turnover rates as HR sua:essfully compete for and hire the most
qualified staff.
This factor has emerged as a most important determinant of
research with a total variance of 31.234. Major element of this Profitability. productivity:
factor include appropriate employee information, Organisation This factor has also emerged as the effective factor of research
makes clear to the candidate about each type of verification and with a total variance of 8.976. The first element in this factor
organisation has a right to know about the employee, which they shows that employees are the most effective resource who
are bringing in the organisation. This factor depicts that employee contributes to company success and productivity and EBV helps to
background verification (EBV) reduces reputation risk associated increase profitability by reducing internal theft and fraud.
with employee related wrongdoing and helps the organisation to
provide ethical environment
Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4
Productivity .309 .144 .604 .498
Information through interview and C.V .532 -.539 .276 .002
Increase profitability .429 -.145 .322 .553
Mandatory requirement .778 .019 -.338 .054
Rights to know about employee .785 -.128 -.312 .106
Clear to the candidate about verification .707 -.240 -.223 -.386
Possessions classified as interim .359 .240 .581 -.593
Hire the most qualified staff .174 .820 .3B4 -.173
Integral part of HR .413 .531 -.219 .129
False data to make profile impressive .653 .413 -.113 .094
Employees honesty and integrity .735 -.282 .137 -.185
Reduce risk.471.457-.319.088Ethical environment .508 -.329 .260 -.042
Extraction Method: Principal ComponentAnaiysis.
Annexure 1
Please indicate your preferences on the basis of following scaling:
1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree
SNo. Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1 Employees are the resource who contributes to company success and productivity.
2 Appropriate Employee information cannot be gathered through interview or C.V.
3 Background Verification of Employee is mandatory required by the company/organisation.
4 Background verification isan integral part of HRactivity.
5 Employee background verification (EBV) is a need of the hour as nowadays job seekers
present false data to make their profile impressive.
6 Organisation/Company has a right to know about the employee which they are bringing in
the organisation.
7 Organisation makes clear to the candidate about each type ofverification.
8 Background check is required for positions classified as interim.
9 EBV helps to increase profitability by reducing internal theft and fraud.
10 EBV trim turnover rates as HR successfully compete for & hire the most qualified staff.
11 EBV reduces reputation risk associated with employee related wrongdoing.
12 EBV helps in getting the information about employee's honesty & integrity.
13 Background verification provide ethical environment in the organisation.