17.vinay Chaitanya Ganta
17.vinay Chaitanya Ganta
17.vinay Chaitanya Ganta
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review Vol - 3, Issue- 12, December 2015
Inno Space (SJIF) Impact Factor : 4.618(Morocco) ISI Impact Factor : 1.259 (Dubai, UAE)
Dept. of Commerce and applicant. Background checking ensures the employer that the candidate
has the background and experience he or she claims. Background Deals
Management Studies
with the management of people in an organization. It is a management
Andhra University
function that helps manager’s recruit, select, train and develops
Visakhapatnam, members for organizations. Background is related to the promotions
Andhra Pradesh, India. and transfers from within the organization to jobs for which the existing
personnel are suitable. The focus of the current study is to understand
the importance of Employee Background Check Process and
implementation in the organizations. Through empirical study we
analyzed the Employee Background Check in selected organization in
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The back bone of the present study
is both the secondary and primary data.
KEYWORDS: Employee Background Check, Importance, Need, Objective, Scope, Findings and
Su gge st ion s.
17. How do you think about BG Check and selection procedure in your company?
BG Checks No. of Respondents Percentage
Satisfactory 72 96
Unsatisfactory 3 4
Total 75 100
The Overall percentage is 96 say satisfactory, and 4% are says not satisfactory.
FINDINGS 6. Employee screening programs also lays more
1. The data collected and analyzed and general emphasis in finding out a professional who has
observation has proven that organization has got the knowledge of problem solving skills.
done remarkable job in its Human resource 7. The organization must give encouragement in
development. career planning of employee with a view to attain
2. Each and every employee is well prepared to organizational Goals.
meet today’s challenges. 8. Employment screening programs in a nutshell
3. The Employees Recruited from through the provides the overall satisfaction for both the
employee screening programs are well employees and Management.
documented as the company requires various 9. There are employees in all experience level in
types of personnel to meet the job related the organization.
programmers behavioral programs and Quality 10. The internal department of core competencies
related programs. and continuous process improvements has
4. The Management most of the times responds made in organization. One of the most exciting
to the agencies to conduct survey on employee IT staffing companies to work for.
Background screening. 11. The management is showing their full efforts
5. Employee Screening program not only provides for the growth of organization.
the Family Background of the personal to be SUGGESTIONS
recruited but also provides information’s on 1. Create awareness about Clients requirements
latest strengths and changes such as among the employees by maintaining high level
convergence concepts scenario in the coming of motivation and focus.
years. 2. Design an effective system & Agency for
conducting Employee Background checks.