ICIC 2018 - Prosiding Dan Paper
ICIC 2018 - Prosiding Dan Paper
ICIC 2018 - Prosiding Dan Paper
Strengthening Nation Competitiveness
through Intelligent Computing
in the Current Digital Disruption Era
Our understanding of the shifts that disrupt businesses, industries, and sectors has profoundly improved over
the past 30 years: We know far more about how to identify the shifts and what dangers their pose in the
Disruption technology, although, there is still a need to better understand the nature of disruptions and their
relationship to emerging technology. A disruptive technology displaces an established technology and shakes
up the ground-breaking product and innovation that creates a completely new industry. “Emerging
technology”, “disruptive innovation”, and “disruptive technology” have evolved as frequently used concepts
in scientific literature on Science, Technology and Innovation. In many contexts, including academic and
professional literature, the usage of these concepts may obfuscate their meaning to researchers and
Considering these intelligent computing innovation and disruptive innovation, the The 3rd International
Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC 2018) has its theme as "Strengthening Nation
Competitiveness through Intelligent Computing in the Current Digital Disruption Era”. Our goal is to bring
together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their
experiences and research results on all aspects of Informatics Engineering, Computing Science, Information
Science, and Software Engineering, in relation to disruptive technology. The hot topics such as Artificial
Intelligence, Internet of Thing, Blockchain, 5G using Massive MIMO, Wireless Sensor Network, e-Commerse,
etc. will be discussed in 5 sessions and 6 parallel tracks of ICIC 2018.
The ICIC 2018 received a total of 312 submitted papers and each paper went through a thorough reviewing
process to get at least three independent reviews. After a careful and rigorous selected process, we decided
to accept 151 papers for the presentation in the main technical program. The acceptance rate of the paper for
the conference was thus 50%. The paper presentations are organized into 30 sessions in total, on the 17-18
Oktober 2018. On top of the regular paper presentations, ICIC 2018 also features three keynote speeches
delivered by internationally-renowned researchers: Dr. Gerard Borg from the Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia, Dr. Thomas from Germany, and Prof. Dr. Zainal. A. Hasibuan from University of
Indonesia, who is also the Chair of APTIKOM.
ICIC 2018 attrack researchers from 15 countries as authors and reviewers. i.e. Australia, France, Germany,
Greece, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Nigeria, Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia,
and Sweden. ICIC 2018 has received submisision from 919 authors, and we also supported by 91 reviewers.
As a general chair, I cordially welcome all participants to ICIC 2018. We are blessed to have competent and
dedicated organisers, so I would like to thanks to APTIKOM and Unviersity of Bina Darma as the host of ICIC
2018 and also to 12 co-hosts and co-sponsors from higher education institutions, i.e. Sampoerna University,
STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Universitas BSI, Universitas Budi Luhur, STMIK Bina Insani, Universitas Dian
Nuswantoro, STIKOM Bali, STMIK Dipanegara, Universitas Parahiyangan, Universitas Gunadarma, STMIK
Tasikmalaya, and Universitas Pasundan.
In ICIC 2018, the participants can find new colleagues and new opportunity to make this conference as a
fruitful conference. We trust that all participants will enjoy an intellectual and stimulating discussion during
the conference that allow them to move forward in contributing their research work to the body of knowledge
in Computer Engineering, Computing Science, Information Science, and Software Engineering.
Thank you.
TS-1 1 114 Texture Feature Extraction Based On GLCM and DWT for Beef
Tenderness Classification
10:30- 119 Data Mining Classification of Intelligence Quotient in High School
12:00 Students
Session 134 Feature Extraction Using Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Hu
Chair: Invariant Moment for Face Recognition
148 Deep Learning Long-Short Term Memory for Indonesian Speech
Digit Recognition using LPC and MFCC Feature
152 Development Of Heartbeat Measures And Arrythmia Premonitory
Based on Time Sampling
2 280 Educational Data Mining (EDM) as a Model For Students’s
Evaluation in Learning Environment
289 Critical Success Factors for Project Management Office: an Insight
from Indonesia
Session 293 Webuse Usability Testing for Farmer and Farmer Group Data
Chair: Collection System
296 Comparison of Two Methods Between TOPSIS and MAUT In
Determining BIDIKMISI Scholarship
301 Evaluation of User Engagement in E-learning Standardization and
Conformity Assessment Using Subjective and Objective
3 236 Integration of Region-based Open Data Using Semantic Web
Abstract - Based on Article 56 Act No. 20 of 2014 come face to face directly although his place far from each
concerning Standardization and Conformity Assessment; other. While asynchronous is student can access materials
BSN and an expert team developed an e-learning provided either in the form of text or multimedia every day
Standardization and Conformity Assessment (E-learning (24 hours/7 days) and can also be accessed anywhere. In
Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian). User order to make implementation of e-learning can run as
engagement is the quality of the user experience (UX) that expected, at least have three fundamental building blocks of
stresses the positive aspects of the interaction, and e-learning as follows [1]: E-learning infrastructure, Systems
especially the occurence related with being attracted by a and e-learning applications, and E-learning Content.
web application, and so being encouraged to use it. Besides the forming components, the readiness of
Successful web applications are not just used, they are users in utilizing e-learning should also be considered.
engaged with. In this research, there are a number of When using e-learning, students are required to be able to
variables that are used to evaluate user engagement in e- learn by itself (self-learning). But in the fact, most of the
learning Standardization and Conformity Assessment. student depended on the instructor. According to the study
Those variables are Task Success, Novelty, Aesthetics, in year 2000 conducted by Forrester Group to 40 large
Happiness, and Endurability which measured subjectively companies, showed that most workers (over 68%) refused to
and objectively. The assessment results showed that both participate in training that uses the concept of e-learning.
of these measurements produce different results. All When e-learning was required of them, 30% refused to
variables were assessed subjectively indicate that e- follow [2].
learning Standardization and Conformity Assessment have Study about engagement, that engaging interactions
a good engagement, but from an objective measurement take place throughout or following user uses computer
only variable task success which has a good engagement. system or applications is interesting. To recognize users’
The other variable has a quite engagement. views, actions, and behaviour about how to create a system
functional and instinctive to use, it has to focus on notion
Keywords - Evaluation, User Engagement, E-learning,
how to develop a particular systems more engaging. There
Subjective Measurement, Objective Measurement
are several ways to measure user engagement including the
use of subjective and objective measurement. Subjective
I. INTRODUCTION measures are based on the users’ perceptions, while
objective measure based on users’ behavior when using the
Nowadays role of standardization is become
application. So it can be made problem definition for this
increasingly recognized, especially in the era of study that is “How is the user engagement in e-learning of
regionalization or economic integration. For example, the Standardization and Conformity Assessment when
ASEAN Economic Community (Masyarakat Ekonomi
evaluated using subjective and objective measurement?”
ASEAN - MEA) 2015. Therefore the competence
This paper consist of five (5) sections, starts with
standardization is become increasingly important to be
introduction which explained the motivation, background
owned by the community, especially the labor/professional.
and problem definition, followed by literature review that
But, based on survey results of perception level on 2013 and related with this research, the third section depict the
2014, public awareness of standardization in Indonesia is research method, the fourth section is about result and
low i.e. 67.67% - 72%.
discussion and the last section conclude the work.
To resolve the problem, then BSN made an online
learning portal (e learning) concerning in Standardization
and Conformity Assessment. The method used in the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
implementation of e-learning adapted to its function.
Function of e-learning Standardization and Conformity
A. User Engagement
Assessment is as a substitute (replacement), because the
learning activity is done entirely using internet, so the
User engagement is a main construct in designing
delivery methods of teaching materials that are used can be
user-centered web applications. It point to the quality of the
both of synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous is by
user experience that stresses the positive aspects of the
utilizing teleconference, where teachers and students can
B. Engagement Measurement
c. Related Works
HEART method is a measurement method developed 1. This research is begin by conducted the pretest to
by Google UX. This method has been used to measure the the 15 respondents. Pretest is used to known the
user experience in the use of Academic Information System validity and reliability from statements that
that combined the HEART method with PULSE method [4]. contained in the questionnaire. The statements that
HEART method is an acronym for five components of itself not valid and reliable will be eliminated.
are happiness, engagement, attitude, retention, and task
success so this method can be used to measure emotion
Table 3.1: Variables and Indicators Used in This Study
Based on the results of the subjective measurements, To improve the level of users’ engagement in e-
when using e-learning Standardization and Conformity learning Standardization and Conformity Assessment, one
Assessment users do not feel depressed and scared to of the most obvious is by always updating the content
operate the features contained in it, because users feel quite contained on it regularly. So users will curious and return to
happy and proud after using e-learning Standardization and access this site again. In addition, for the further research
Conformity Assessment. In addition there are factors that about evaluation of user engagement, can be added other
must be noticed, i.e. when using the e-learning variables or by applying the same variable in this research
Standardization and Conformity Assessment, users also feel and try it with different research objects.
quite nervous.