Day 1 and Day 2: CISES2023: Paper Presentation Schedule
Day 1 and Day 2: CISES2023: Paper Presentation Schedule
Day 1 and Day 2: CISES2023: Paper Presentation Schedule
Track 1.2: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine Learning
Paper Time
Title of the paper
An Intelligent System for Cultivation and Classification of Mushrooms using
2804 Machine Vision
3905 Predicting Lumpy Skin Disease using Various Machine Learning Models
Emotion Classification of Social Media Posts using Artificial Intelligence and
9389 Machine Learning
Self- Adaptive Glow Warm Swarm Optimization Technique in Optimal Feature
4104 Selection in Grading of Fruit Mango
Track 1.3: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine Learning
Paper Time
Title of the paper
4431 Improved machine learning algorithms for sentiment analysis.
A Study on Mathematics Modeling using Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural
4473 Network for Medical Decision Making System
Deep learning enabled classification of Cognitive Impairment stages using MRI
4599 images
Accuracy Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques for Indian Liver
5750 Patient Disease
Water Quality Monitoring of Remote-Sensing Data Using Artificial Neural
5919 Networks
6090 Detection of Faulty node with Hybrid Machine Learning using SVM model
2: 00 PM-4:40 PM
6104 Brain Computer Interface for Eye Movement Recognition Using Random Forest
6334 Normal and Abnormal ECG Signal Classification using Deep Learning
Image Processing based Image to Cartoon Generation: Reducing complexity of
6462 large computation arising from Deep Learning
Edge Computing based IDS Detecting Threats using Machine Learning and
6548 PyCaret
6655 Stock Market Price Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review
A Logistic Regression and Decision Tree Based Hybrid Approach to Predict
6980 Alzheimer’s Disease
Track 1.4: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine Learning
Paper Time
Title of the paper
People Counting in Public Spaces using Deep Learning-based Object Detection and
7318 Tracking Techniques
Integrated System for Vision-based SLAM Implementation and Object Detection using
7336 AKAZE feature descriptor
7775 Toxic H2s Gases Detection Using Iot and ANN Technique 2: 00 PM-4:40
8175 Classification of Insect Pest Species using CNN based Models PM
8582 Boosting Solar Energy Production of a Building Using New Architectural Design
9185 Artificial Intelligence Reducing the Intricacies of Patent Prior Art Search
9994 Design of Intelligent Spectrum Sensing and Sharing Algorithm for Massive MIMO
2: 00 PM-4:40
8244 Impact Of Social Media Apps On Public Health : An Overview With Analysis PM
A Comprehensive Review of QoS Aware Load Balancing Techniques in Generic
9328 & Specific Fog Deployment Scenarios
A Review on Smart Fuel Theft Prevention And Monitoring System Using Mobile
6153 Application
Enhancing Web Application Efficiency: Exploring Modern Design Patterns within
642 the MVC Framework
646 Machine Learning based model to Detect Anomaly in the Water
5374 Education 4.0: Exploring the Potential of Disruptive Technologies in Transforming Learning
5245 Cyber Security Architecture for Safe Data Storage and Retrieval for Smart City Applications
3450 Automated Surveillance and Bomb Diffusing System for Military Applications
9991 Sustainable drinking water system for rural areas powered by non-conventional energy sources
4606 Performance Analysis of 16PSK-OFDM-FSO in Diverse Weather Conditions
7040 A Metaheuristic Approach for the Design of Linear Phase FIR Differentiator
An Object Detection Framework using Spatial Distribution and
7613 Segmentation
8561 Stub-based Monopole Antenna for RFID Reader and Wireless Applications
8709 Shot segmentation and replay detection for cricket video summarization
9970 A Fast RNS Processor for Moduli Set {2n+1, 2n, 2n-1}
A Review of Earth or land surface use and cover Classification using the
3812 Landsat8 Remote Sensing data for Dehradun Region
A testosterone pattern-based sEMG signal classification method using
1520 Singular Spectrum Analysis