Day 1 and Day 2: CISES2023: Paper Presentation Schedule

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Day 1 and Day 2: CISES2023: Paper Presentation Schedule

DAY – 1: Friday,28th April 2023

Track 1.1: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine

Paper Title of the paper
Optimized Approach for Video Summarization using Transfer Learning
326 and LSTM
665 Detection and Classification of Aggressive Comments and Hate Speech
Application of Deep Neural Networks and Machine Learning for
1082 diagnosis of Brain Tumour
Bifurcation of Depression and Bipolar Disorder through Different
1265 Modalities using Deep Learning
Machine Learning and Deep Learning technique used in Customer churn
1301 prediction :- A Review

8313 Real Estate Property Price Estimator Using Machine Learning

Comparative study of SVM, KNN and Decision Tree for Diabetic
1576 Retinopathy detection
AI Based EEG Analysis for Depression Detection: A Critical Evaluation 2: 00 PM-4:40 PM
1667 of Current Approaches and Future Directions
Analysing Machine Learning Techniques for Diagnosis of Diabetic
1685 Conditions using Balanced and Unbalanced Datasets
SMS Spam Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Comparative
1788 Analysis of DNN Vs LSTM Vs Bi-LSTM
Machine Learning Techniques for Data-Driven Computer-Aided
Diagnostic Method of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) resulting from
1840 Functional Ovarian Hyperandrogenism (FOH)
Analyzing the Forex Trends using RNN and LSTM Models: A Predictive
1923 Analytics through Machine Learning

2019 Mouth Ulcer Detection Using Deep Learning

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DAY – 1: Friday,28th April 2023

Track 1.2: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine Learning
Paper Time
Title of the paper
An Intelligent System for Cultivation and Classification of Mushrooms using
2804 Machine Vision

2838 Automatic Leaf Disease Detection Using Convolution Neural Network

Classification of Online Sentiment Data tweets using Various Approaches in
2866 Machine Learning
Evaluating Performance of Convolution Neural Networks and Their Ensembles
2897 for Face Mask Classification

3156 Improved YOLOV5s for Vehicle Detection

Revitalizing Traditional Health Practices with Healing Hands: An AI powered
3336 Chabot
2: 00 PM-4:40 PM
3417 Advancing Political Bias Detection: A Novel High-Accuracy Model
Machine Learning Approach on Multiclass Classification of Internet Firewall Log
3474 Files

3866 Garbage Classification with Deep Learning Techniques

3905 Predicting Lumpy Skin Disease using Various Machine Learning Models
Emotion Classification of Social Media Posts using Artificial Intelligence and
9389 Machine Learning
Self- Adaptive Glow Warm Swarm Optimization Technique in Optimal Feature
4104 Selection in Grading of Fruit Mango

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DAY – 1: Friday,28th April 2023

Track 1.3: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine Learning
Paper Time
Title of the paper
4431 Improved machine learning algorithms for sentiment analysis.
A Study on Mathematics Modeling using Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural
4473 Network for Medical Decision Making System
Deep learning enabled classification of Cognitive Impairment stages using MRI
4599 images
Accuracy Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques for Indian Liver
5750 Patient Disease
Water Quality Monitoring of Remote-Sensing Data Using Artificial Neural
5919 Networks

6090 Detection of Faulty node with Hybrid Machine Learning using SVM model
2: 00 PM-4:40 PM
6104 Brain Computer Interface for Eye Movement Recognition Using Random Forest
6334 Normal and Abnormal ECG Signal Classification using Deep Learning
Image Processing based Image to Cartoon Generation: Reducing complexity of
6462 large computation arising from Deep Learning
Edge Computing based IDS Detecting Threats using Machine Learning and
6548 PyCaret

6655 Stock Market Price Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review
A Logistic Regression and Decision Tree Based Hybrid Approach to Predict
6980 Alzheimer’s Disease

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DAY – 1: Friday,28th April 2023

Track 1.4: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine Learning
Paper Time
Title of the paper
People Counting in Public Spaces using Deep Learning-based Object Detection and
7318 Tracking Techniques
Integrated System for Vision-based SLAM Implementation and Object Detection using
7336 AKAZE feature descriptor

7409 Extreme Learning Machine: A Comprehensive Survey of Theories & Algorithms

Analysis of behavioral data of customer for the E-commerce Platform by using machine
7535 learning approach

7615 Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Approaches

Indian National Stock Exchange Crude Oil (CL=F) Close Price Forecasting Using LSTM
7742 and Bi-LSTM Multivariate Deep Learning Approaches

7775 Toxic H2s Gases Detection Using Iot and ANN Technique 2: 00 PM-4:40
8175 Classification of Insect Pest Species using CNN based Models PM

8582 Boosting Solar Energy Production of a Building Using New Architectural Design

8611 Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning

8739 Reliance Stock Market Analysis with RBF Kernel using Support Vector Machine

9185 Artificial Intelligence Reducing the Intricacies of Patent Prior Art Search

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DAY – 1 : Friday,28th April 2023

Track 2.1: AI-driven Industrial Process Automation and Intelligent Communication

Paper Time
Title of the paper
Enhancing the resolution of Brain MRI images using Generative Adversarial
232 Networks (GANs)
A Review of Machine Learning Frameworks for Predicting Adverse Events in
487 Cloud-based Healthcare Systems
961 Classification and Detection of Malware in Android: An Analysis
Assessing the Landscape of Mobile Data Vulnerabilities: A Comprehensive
0994 Review
Implementation of Generic algorithm for Detecting and elliminating Black Hole
1481 attack in vehicular Ad-hoc Network
Building ML workflow for malware images classification using machine learning
2: 00 PM-4:40
2459 services in leading cloud platforms
A Review on Optimality Investigation Strategies for the Balanced Assignment
2684 Problem
3010 IoT Based AID And Health Monitoring for Physically Disabled Person
3021 Cloud Security Using The Smart Contracts
3737 Improved Facial Biometric Authentication Using MobileNetV2
3742 Image Generation from Random Noise using Generative Adversarial Networks
4607 Digitalized Infrastructure of Smart Homes Using IoT and Cloud Computing
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DAY – 1 : Friday,28th April 2023

Track 2.2: AI-driven Industrial Process Automation and Intelligent Communication

Paper Time
Title of the paper
7644 DDoS Detection and Prediction Techniques - A Survey
Nature-Inspired Load Balancing Algorithms for Resource Allocation in Cloud
7679 Computing
Comprehensive Assessment of Resource Allocation Techniques for Leading V2V
8115 Network Technologies
Future’s Backbone Network Monitoring With Metadata in Data Warehouse for
8885 Telecom Industry

9158 Role of Artificial Intelligence to address Cyberbullying and Future Scope

9506 Towards the Applications of Generative Adversarial Networks Beyond Images

9994 Design of Intelligent Spectrum Sensing and Sharing Algorithm for Massive MIMO
2: 00 PM-4:40
8244 Impact Of Social Media Apps On Public Health : An Overview With Analysis PM
A Comprehensive Review of QoS Aware Load Balancing Techniques in Generic
9328 & Specific Fog Deployment Scenarios
A Review on Smart Fuel Theft Prevention And Monitoring System Using Mobile
6153 Application
Enhancing Web Application Efficiency: Exploring Modern Design Patterns within
642 the MVC Framework
646 Machine Learning based model to Detect Anomaly in the Water

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DAY – 1 : Friday,28th April 2023

Track 3.1: Intelligent and Sustainable Engineering Solutions/Application

Paper Time
Title of the paper
0223 A decentralized data sharing model using block chain with fine grained access control
6539 Customized Transformer for Confident Browse Node Classification on Imbalanced Product Data
6498 A Novel Automatic Garbage Collector Tool for C/C++ Programs

5374 Education 4.0: Exploring the Potential of Disruptive Technologies in Transforming Learning

5245 Cyber Security Architecture for Safe Data Storage and Retrieval for Smart City Applications

4765 Exploratory Testing of Software Product Lines using Distance Metrics

2: 00 PM-4:40
4350 Data Delivery Incorporating Blockchain in VANET Simulation Environment
3475 Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Honeypots In Opposing Flooding Attack
4982 Design of CueAid: An Indian Sign Language Recognition Application for Differently Abled

5810 Causal analysis of factors contributing to food wastage in restaurants of India

3450 Automated Surveillance and Bomb Diffusing System for Military Applications

8929 StoryGenAI: An Automatic Genre-Keyword Based Story Generation

9991 Sustainable drinking water system for rural areas powered by non-conventional energy sources
4606 Performance Analysis of 16PSK-OFDM-FSO in Diverse Weather Conditions

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DAY – 2: Saturday,29th April 2023

Track 1.1: Evolutionary Algorithms, Intelligent, Soft Computing and Machine

Paper Title of the paper
Comparative study of SVM, KNN and Decision Tree for Diabetic
1576 Retinopathy detection
Research Trends in Supply Chain Management : A Machine Learning
9347 Perspective

9359 Uncovering Spam in Twitter: A Machine Learning Approach

9533 Language identification using MLP

Performance Analysis of Air Pollution Prediction using Machine Learning
110 Algorithms
Data Augmentation Based Brain Tumor Detection Using CNN and Deep
297 Learning
Towards Personalized Job Recommendations: A Natural Language
7179 Processing Perspective
Effective Automated Drowsiness Detection System based on Machine
7234 Intelligence Techniques
Performance Comparison of Feature Extraction Optimization Techniques 10: 30 AM-12:40
7309 using ECG signals PM
Machine Learning based Self Driving Car Simulator along with Graphic
0981 User Interface (GUI)
Efficient machine learning algorithms for sentiment analysis in car rental
4360 service.
Automated Skin Cancer Detection using Deep Learning with Self-
4361 Attention Mechanism
ADAM optimizer and CATEGORICAL CROSSENTROPY loss function-
4365 based CNN method for diagnosing colorectal cancer
Detection of Plant Disease and Pests using Coherent Deep Learning
0177 Algorithms
Effectiveness of Digital Marketing to Protect Customer's Through
2129 Artificial Intelligence
2483 Facial Emotion Based Song Recommendation System
Real-Time Heartbeat Sensing with face video Using a Webcam and
9742 OpenCV

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DAY – 2: Saturday,29th April 2023

Track 3.1: Intelligent and Sustainable Engineering Solutions/Application

Paper Title of the paper
Comprehensive Review and Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches
7391 for Solar PV Output Power Forecasting
Recent Developments and Challenges in Strained Junctionless MOSFETs:
1123 A Review
Impact of solar panels on the environment and its analysis at various
3615 mounting conditions
Performance Analysis of Speed Control System using Voice Command
5467 based Control and UltraSonic Sensor based Control

7040 A Metaheuristic Approach for the Design of Linear Phase FIR Differentiator
An Object Detection Framework using Spatial Distribution and
7613 Segmentation

8950 Robust Model Predictive Control of a Buck Converter with Constraints

Clustering of Hyperspectral Images using Entropy based Multiple Features 10:30 AM-12:45
7910 (Bands) Set Selection PM
Designing Transmit Radar Waveforms for Pulse Compression Using
8504 Classical Orthogonal Polynomials to Mitigate Side-Lobes
Floor planning and Comparative Analysis of 16-bit Synchronous Up/Down
8205 Counter in Different CMOS Technology

8561 Stub-based Monopole Antenna for RFID Reader and Wireless Applications

8709 Shot segmentation and replay detection for cricket video summarization

9970 A Fast RNS Processor for Moduli Set {2n+1, 2n, 2n-1}
A Review of Earth or land surface use and cover Classification using the
3812 Landsat8 Remote Sensing data for Dehradun Region
A testosterone pattern-based sEMG signal classification method using
1520 Singular Spectrum Analysis

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DAY – 2 : Friday,29th April 2023

Track 3.2: Intelligent and Sustainable Engineering Solutions/Application

Paper Time
Title of the paper
7716 Bioinformatic Analysis of BRCA for Breast, Ovary and Lung Cancer
Molecular docking studies of flavonoid's pattern of inhibition against Wnt/B-
5176 catenin signaling
9989 Repurposing of anti-viral compounds against HDAC6 in Alzheimer’s therapeutics
TDP-43 Inhibitors in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: An Application of Drug
1851 Repurposing Approach Using FDA Approved Drugs
Virtual screening and Molecular docking Analysis of phytochemicals derived from
2982 Woodfordia fruticosa to sdelineate Acinetobacter baumannii OXA-23 antagonists
In-silico analysis of phytochemical profile of Capparis decidua evince substitutive
4324 approach against inhibition of acetycholinesterase in Alzheimer’s
An Exhaustive Analysis of Waste Segregation and Hand Sanitization in Post-
8256 Covid Era 10:30 AM-12:45
Soft Computing Techniques Implication for the Exhaustive Intelligent Review PM
6997 Analysis for Electric Vehicle Charging System
Analyzing Emotional Impact of Speech Balloons on Comic Characters: A Study of
1971 Arousal Levels
Analysis of Land Surface Temperature at 10- meter Pixel size (Spatial Resolution)
1278 for Ahmedabad City
Designing Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Lighting Solutions for Campus Safety:
811 The Role of Concentrated Solar-powered Light Poles
6712 Deep Learning: The Future of Medical Image Processing
7011 A Comprehensive review on Digital Image Watermarking Techniques
9799 Vision-Based Locomotion Control for Humanoid Robots: A Study on Vision-
Guided Walking Strategies
1029 Artificial Intelligence-Enabled regression model for used car price prediction
1063 Unified View of Damage leaves Planimetry & Analysis Using Digital Images
Processing Techniques
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DAY – 2 : Saturday ,29th April 2023

Track 2.1: AI-driven Industrial Process Automation and Intelligent Communication

Paper Time
Title of the paper

6855 A Study of 5G and Edge Computing Integration with IoT-A Review

3359 Security Models of cloud computing using Machine Learning & Network Security
An Overview of Video Tampering Detection Techniques: State-of-the-Art and
1588 Future Directions
Data Science – A Compendious Study on Statistical Methods and Visualization
2451 Techniques
Scalable and Security Framework to Secure and Maintain Healthcare Data using
3980 Blockchain Technology
4665 Revolutionizing Plant Disease Management through Image Processing Technology
10:30 AM-12:45
5055 Load Balancing in Cloud Computing: A Simulation-Based Evaluation PM
6581 Securing your network with Honeypot, Canerytokens and Docker on AWS
Land Area Measurement System Design using Fastrax UP501 GPS Receiver
6990 Module
6946 IoT and AI Technological Empowered Covid-19 Control Approaches
A high Gain Wideband Inverted E-shaped antenna array for 5G mmWave
8463 applications
2600 IoT based Machine Learning Framework for COVID-19 Management
4874 Methods to Detect Breast Cancer Using Traditional Machine Learning
SEEMA: An Automation Framework for Vulnerability Assessment and
4909 Penetration Testing
7049 IoT and AI Technological Empowered Covid-19 Control Approaches
1101 Pixellayer- A novel approach for stitching digital Images and Videos
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