Developmental Milestones Record
Developmental Milestones Record
Developmental Milestones Record
Developmental milestones record - 3 years With physical and motor skills, a typical 3-year-old:
Gains about 5 pounds Grows about 3 inches Has improved balance Has improved vision May have daytime control over bowel and bladder functions (may have night time control as well) Can briefly balance on one foot May walk up the stairs with alternating feet Can construct a block tower of more than 9 cubes Can easily place small objects in a small opening
Has a vocabulary of many hundreds of words Composes sentences of 3 to 4 words Frequently asks questions Can dress self, only requiring assistance with laces, buttons, and other fasteners in awkward places Has longer attention span Feeds self without difficulty Acts out social encounters through play activities Has some decrease in separation anxiety for short periods of time
Developmental milestones record - 4 years PHYSICAL AND MOTOR During the 4th year, a child typically:
Gains weight at the rate of about six grams per day Grows to a height that is double the length at birth Shows improved balance Hops on one foot without losing balance Throws a ball overhand with coordination Can cut out a picture using scissors May not be able to tie shoelaces May still wet the bed (normal)
Easily composes sentences of four or five words Can use the past tense Can count to four Will ask the most questions of any age May use words that aren't fully understood May begin using vulgar terms, depending on their exposure Learns and sings simple songs Tries to be very independent May show increased aggressive behaviour Talks about personal family matters to others Commonly has imaginary playmates Has an increased comprehension of time Is able to distinguish between two objects based on simple criteria such as size and weight Lacks moral concepts of right and wrong Is rebellious if expectations are excessive
Developmental milestones record - 5 years Physical and motor skills milestones for a 5-year-old may include:
Erupting the first permanent teeth (the majority of children do not get their first permanent teeth until age 6) Developing increased coordination Skipping, jumping, and skating with good balance Maintaining balance while standing on one foot with eyes closed Tying own shoelaces Showing increased skill with simple tools and writing utensils
Increasing vocabulary to over 2100 words Composing sentences of six to eight words, and with all parts of speech Identifying coins Properly naming the primary colours and possibly many more Questioning more deeply, addressing meaning and purpose Behaving more responsibly Decreasing aggressive behaviour Outgrowing earlier childhood fears Accepting the validity of other points of view (while possibly not understanding them) Demonstrating increased mathematical skill Questioning others, including parents Strongly identifying with the parent of the same sex