Bab1 Phy

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Jawapan Bab 1

BA Teorem Pythagoras
1 Daya dan Gerakan II
Force and Motion II
Pythagoras’ Theorem

5. (a)

1 .1 Daya Paduan FR
Resultant force 10 N

1. jumlah semua daya, daya tunggal

sum of all forces, single force θ
24 N
2. (a) keadaan rehat, halaju malar
stationary, constant velocity
Daya paduan, FR = 102 + 242 = 26 N
(i) pegun
stationary F1 10
(ii) halaju seragam tan θ = =
= 0.4167
constant velocity
F2 24
(b) θ = tan−1 0.4167 = 22.62°
25 N 25 N – 15 N = 10 N
12 N

besar, 10 N / greater, 10 N
16 N FR
= 15 N – 5 N = 10 N

(i) kecil, 10 N
smaller, 10 N
3. (a) Daya paduan, FR = 162 + 122 = 20 N
16 N + 12 N = 28 N
= tan θ =
= 1.333
F2 12
(b) sama / same θ = tan−1 1.333 = 53.13°

16 N – 12 N = 4N 6. kaedah segi empat selari daya, kaedah
= segi tiga daya
the parallelogram of forces method, triangle of forces
4. 7. (a) F2

F1 F

Daya paduan, F = F1 + F2
θ Resultant force
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A (b) A  C

F1 F


Daya paduan, F = F1 + F2
Resultant force

8. (a)
F = 6.1 cm = 24.4 N

F2 = 4 cm = 16 N

O 60°

F1 = 3 cm = 12 N


F = 6.1 cm = 24.4 N
F2 = 4 cm = 16 N

F1 = 3 cm = 12 N

9. (a) Skala 1 cm : 1 N
Scale 1 cm = 1 N

13 cm
8 cm

6 cm

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Magnitud daya paduan 11. (a) ✓ (b) ✓

Magnitude of resultant force
= 13 × 1 = 13 N 12. (a) Daya paduan, F = 0 N
Resultant force, F = 0 N
Arah daya paduan ialah 26° dengan
Berat = Tindak balas normal
arah daya mengufuk. Weight = Normal reaction
The direction of the resultant force is 26° with the
direction of the horizontal force.
Pecutan, a = 0 m s–2
Acceleration, a = 0 m s–2
(b) Skala 1 cm : 1 N / Scale 1 cm = 1 N (b) Daya paduan, F = 0 N
Resultant force, F = 0 N
Berat = Tindak balas normal
Weight = Normal reaction
Tujahan Enjin = Daya geseran
Engine thrust = Frictional force
Pecutan, a = 0 m s–2
8.8 cm Acceleration, a = 0 m s–2
10 cm
(c) Daya paduan F ≠ 0 N
Resultant force, F ≠ 0 N
Objek dalam pecutan
120° Oject in acceleration
Berat = Tindak balas normal
83° Weight = Normal reaction
6 cm Tujahan Enjin > Daya geseran
Magnitud daya paduan Engine thrust > Frictional force
Magnitude of resultant force Pecutan, a ≠ 0 m s–2
= 8.8 × 1 = 8.8 N Acceleration, a ≠ 0 m s–2
Arah daya paduan ialah 83° dengan 3.
1 (a) F = ma
arah daya mengufuk. 12 = 3a
The direction of the resultant force is 83° with the
a = 4 m s−2
direction of the horizontal force.
(b) F = ma
10. (a) 37 – 12 = 5a
Daya ke atas a = 5 m s−2
Upward force (c) F – FR = ma
Daya ke kiri Daya ke kanan F = 14 N
Leftward force Rightward force
(d) (i) Lif itu bergerak ke atas
The lift moves upwards
Daya ke bawah
Downward force F = ma
R – mg = ma
(b) Tindak balas normal, R R = ma + mg
Normal reaction, R = 50 × 4 + 50 × 10
a = 4 m s–2 R = 700 N
Bacaan penimbang
Reading of the weighing
= 700 N
(ii) Lif itu turun ke bawah
The lift goes down
Berat, W
Weight, W

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F = ma Leraian Daya
mg – R = ma 1 .2
Resolution of Forces
R = mg – ma
= 50 × 10 – 50 × 4 1. (a) memecahkan suatu daya
= 300 N breaking up a force
a=4ms –2 R
Bacaan penimbang (b)
Reading of the weighing
machine FY
mg = 300θN θ
F = ma
R – mg = m × 0 2. (a)
(halaju seragam, pecutan F
(constant velocity, zero
4 m s–1 R = mg
= 50 × 10
= 500 N (b) kos θ =
mg Bacaan penimbang F
Reading of the weighing machine FX = F kos θ
= 500 N
(e) (i) R (c) sin θ =
T FY = F sin θ
6 kg
FR 3. (a) Komponen mengufuk:
T Horizontal component
FX = F kos 30°
4 kg = 50(0.866)
= 43.3 N ke kanan / to the right
Komponen menegak:
B Vertical component
(ii) Blok 6 kg / 6 kg block FY = F sin 30°
T – FR = 6a = 50(0.5)
T – 10 = 6a = 25 N ke atas / upward
T = 6a + 10 ....... (1)
Beban 4 kg / 4 kg load
B – T = 4a F = 50 N
40 – T = 4a
T = 40 – 4a ..... (2) 30°
Menggantikan (1) ke dalam (2) FX
Replace (1) into (2) (b) Komponen mengufuk:

6a + 10 = 40 – 4a Horizontal component

10a = 30 FX = F sin 40°
a = 3.0 m s–2
= 25(0.6428)

Maka, / Hence, = 16.07 N ke kiri / to the left
Tegangan tali / Tension of string Komponen menegak:
T = 6a + 10, T = 6(3) + 10 = 28 N Vertical component
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FY = F kos 40° WY = 50 kos 30°

= 25(0.766) = 43.3 N
= 19.15 N ke bawah / downward Daya-daya paduan yang
FX serenjang dengan satah condong
= 43.3 + (–43.3) = 0 N
F = 25 N Resultant of the forces perpendicular to the
FY inclined plane = 43.3 + (–43.3) = 0 N
Daya-daya paduan yang selari
dengan satah condong = 25 +
(–5) = 20 N
4. (a) 80 N Resultant of the forces parallel to the
inclined plane = 25 + (–5) = 20 N
(iii) Daya paduan, / Resultant force,
30 N 30°
F = 20 N
30° Jisim bongkah / Mass of block,
m = 5 kg
F = ma
80 N
Pecutan bongkah / Acceleration of
(i) Jumlah daya ke kanan block
Total force to the right F 20
= jumlah komponen mengufuk a = = = 4 m s–2
m 5
Sum of horizontal component
= 80 kos 30° + 80 kos 30° – 30
= 80(0.866) + 80(0.866) – 30 Keseimbangan Daya
= 69.28 + 69.28 – 30 1 .3
Equilibrium of Forces
= 108.56 N
(ii) F = ma 1. daya paduan sifar
zero resultant force
a = = 7.24 m s–2 2.
(b) Daya ke kanan / Force to the right
= 20 kos 60° Apabila
= 20(0.5) = 10 N keseimbangan daya
Daya bersih / Nett force = 10 – 8 = 2 N berlaku, jumlah
semua komponen- tidak sifar
F = ma not zero
F 2 komponen daya
a= = = 0.04 m s–2 mengufuk dan
m 50 sifar
menegak ialah
(c) (i) When all the forces are in zero
Tindak balas normal
5N Normal reaction equilibrium, then the sum
of all horizontal and vertical
components of the forces are

30° WX 3. (a) berat / weight

WY (b) bertentangan / opposite directions
30° (c) sifar, keseimbangan / zero, equilibrium
(ii) Wx = 50 sin 30° 4. sifar / zero
= 25 N

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Tindak balas normal (c) (i) Berat objek = 6 × 10 = 60 N

Geseran Weight of object
Friction Normal reaction
30° 60°

W sin θ
W kos θ Berat, W
Weight, W 6N
θ Jumlah komponen mengufuk
= 0,
Pada keseimbangan : Sum of horizontal component = 0,
At equilibrium : T kos 60° = P kos 30°
(a) Tindak balas normal = W kos θ T(0.5) = P(0.866)
Normal Reaction = W cos θ T = 1.732P …………. 1
(b) Geseran = W sin θ Jumlah komponen menegak = 0,
Friction = W sin θ Sum of vertical component = 0,
60 = P sin 30 + T sin 60°
5. (a) 60 = 0.5P + 0.866T …………. 2
9N 9N Persamaan 1 dalam 2
Equation 1 in 2
= 60 = 0.5P + 0.866(1.732P)
6N 18 N 18 N – 6 N = 12 N
O 60 = 0.5P + 1.5P
9N 2P = 60
F P = 30 N
Maka T = 1.732P = 1.732(30) =
12 N 51.96 N
Magnitud daya paduan (d)
Resultant force magnitude FR
= F = 92 + 122 = 15 N


T 60° 60° T 50 N


Jumlah komponen mengufuk untuk

landasan condong = 0,
Sum of horizontal component for inclined
Jumlah komponen menegak = 0, plane = 0
Sum of vertical component = 0, FR = 50 sin 45
T kos 60° + T kos 60° = 5 N FR = 50(0.7071)
T(0.5) + T(0.5) = 5 N = 35.36 N
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Perbincangan / Discussion:
1 .4 berkadar terus, x α F / directly proportional, x α F
Kesimpulan / Conclusion:
1. (a) asalnya, dialihkan berkadar terus / directly proportional
original, removed.
(b) (i) dialihkan / removed 3. berkadar terus, had kekenyalan
directly proportional, limit of elasticity
(ii) dialihkan / removed
(iii) regangan / Stretching 4. x = Pemanjangan spring
(iv) mampatan / Compression Extension of the spring
k = Pemalar spring / Spring constant
2. Inferens / Inference:
Pemanjangan / extension 5. daya maksimum / maximum force
Hipotesis / Hypothesis: 6. F/ N Kawasan tak kenyal
besar, besar / greater, longer Inelastic region
Tujuan / Aim: Kawasan kenyal
pemanjangan / extension Elastic region Had kekenyalan
Elastic limit
Pemboleh ubah / Variables:
(a) Daya / Berat beban, F
Force / Weight of load, F
(b) Pemanjangan spring / Extension of spring O x / cm
(c) Jenis spring / Type of spring
Keputusan / Results: 7. Pemalar spring, k = F mempunyai unit
N m–1 atau N cm–1. x
Jisim, m (g) 0 50 100 150 200 250 F
Mass, m (g) Spring constant, k = with units N m–1 or N cm–1.
Daya, F (N) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 8. (a) Pemalar spring = kecerunan graf =
Force, F (N) 20 N = 2.5 N cm–1
Panjang, L (cm) 6.0 7.5 9.20 10.5 12.0 13.5 8 cm
Length, l (cm)
The spring constant = gradient of the graph =
Pemanjangan, 20 N
0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 = 2.5 N cm–1
x (cm) 8 cm
Extension, x (cm)
(b) 2.5 N, 1 cm / 2.5 N, 1 cm
Pemanjangan, x (cm)
Extension, x (cm) 9. (a) Pemanjangan / Extension,
x = 12 cm – 10 cm = 2 cm = 0.02 m
8 Pemalar spring / Spring constant,
F 0.4 × 10 N
k= = = 200 N m–1
x 0.02 m
6 (b) Pemanjangan / Extension
F 0.6 × 10
x= = = 0.03 m = 3 cm
5 k 200
Panjang spring / Length of the spring
= 13 cm
10. Dengan membandingkan Rajah (b) dan
Rajah (c), / Comparing Diagram (b) and
Diagram (c)
1 Beban sebanyak 20 g (30 g – 10 g)
memanjangkan spring sebanya 4 cm
Daya, F (N)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Force, F (N)
(16 cm – 12 cm)
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Load of 20 g (30 g – 10 g ) extends the spring by 4 cm

(16 cm – 12 cm)
F 0.02 × 10 N 16. (a) Spring lebih
Pemalar spring, k =
= x / cm panjang
Spring constant
x 0.04 m Longer spring
= 5 N m–1 Spring lebih
F pendek
Pemanjangan untuk Rajah (a), x = = Shorter spring

0.01 × 10 k
= 0.02 m = 2 cm
Extension in Diagram (a)
Panjang asal = l = (12 – 2) cm = 10 cm
Initial length
11. dipanjangkan, dimampatkan O F/N
lengthened, compressed
12. Tenaga keupayaan kenyal (b) Diameter gegelung yang
Elastic potential energy: x / cm lebih besar
Larger diameter of coil
1 x / cm
EP = Fx Diameter gegelung yang
2 lebih kecil
Smaller diameter of coil
Jika / If F = kx
EP = (kx)x
1 EP
EP = kx2
0 F/N O F/ N

3. Pemampatan spring / Spring compression, x

(c) Diameter dawai yang
= 15 cm – 12 cm = 3 cm = 0.03 m x / cm lebih halus
Pemalar spring / Spring constant, Smaller diameter of wire
F 0.5 × 10 N Diameter dawai yang
k= = = 166.67 N m–1
x 0.03 m lebih besar
Bigger diameter of wire
Tenaga keupayaan kenyal,
Elastic potential energy
1 2
EP = kx
EP = (166.67)0.032
EP = 0.075 J O

14. Tenaga keupayaan kenyal, EP
Elastic potential energy
(d) x / cm Kuprum
1 1
= Fx = (20)(0.08) = 0.8 J
2 2 Keluli
15. (a) EP = Fx
4.0 = (100) x
x = 0.04 m = 4 cm
(b) F = kx
F 100 O
k= = = 2500 N m–1
x 0.04
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17. Bersiri / Series, nx

Selari / Parallel,
n x
18. (a) (i) Pemanjangan sistem spring cm
Extension of system of springs
= 2 × 6 = 12 cm
Jumlah panjang sistem spring
Total length of the spring system x cm

= 10 + 10 + 12 = 32 cm 0.4 kg

(iv) Pemanjangan sistem spring
Extension of system of springs
x cm 6 6
= + = 6 cm
2 2
Jumlah panjang sistem spring
Total length of the spring system
x cm
= 10 + 10 + 6 = 26 cm
0.4 kg

(ii) Pemanjangan sistem spring
Extension of system of springs x
= = 3 cm
Jumlah panjang sistem spring x
Total length of the spring system 2
= 10 + 3 = 13 cm
0.4 kg

(b) Jisim 300 g memanjang spring = 6 cm
Mass of 300 g extension of spring
Jisim 450 g memanjang spring
Mass of 450 g extension of spring
cm 6 × 450
2 = = 9 cm

0.4 kg

(iii) Pemanjangan sistem spring x
Extension of system of springs 2
=6+ = 9 cm
Jumlah panjang sistem spring
Total length of the spring system x cm

= 10 + 10 + 9 = 29 cm 450 g

Pemanjangan sistem spring
Extension of system of springs
= + 9 = 13.5 cm

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PRAKTIS SPM 1 (c) (i) s = ut +

1 2
5 = 0 + (10)t2
Bahagian A t=1s
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C (ii) v2 = u2 + 2 gs
v2 = 0 + 2(10)5
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C v =10 ms–1
11. C 12. B 13. B (iii) Gunakan pasu bunga plastik.
Use plastic flower pot.
KERTAS 2 (d) (i) Sudut antara kabel perlu kecil.
Bahagian A Daya bersih yang bertindak ke
atas kereta lebih besar.
1. (a) Rajah 1.1 / Diagram 1.1 The angle between the cables should be
(b) Tindak balas normal, R small. The net force acting on the car is
Normal reaction, R
(ii) Kabel perlu kuat dan tidak kenyal.
Kabel tidak putus dan daya yang
besar dikenakan untuk menarik
The cable should be strong and not elastic.
The cables do not break and a large force is
applied to pull the car.

Berat, W
(iii) Kabel dengan tegangan yang
Weight, W maksimum tinggi. Kabel dapat
(c) (i) 500 N menarik kereta dengan daya
(ii) W – R = ma yang besar
W – R = 50(3) Cable with high maximum tension. The
cable can pull the car with great force.
500 – 150 = R
R = 350 N (iv) Letakkan papan kayu di bawah
(d) 0 N tayar kereta. Supaya tayar
(e) R – W = 50(2) kereta dapat bergerak di atas
R = 500 + 100 = 600 N permukaan yang keras.
Place a wooden board under the car tyre.
So that the car tyres can move on hard
Bahagian B surfaces.
2. (a) Berat suatu objek ialah daya graviti Bahagian C
yang bertindak ke atas objek itu.
The weight of an object is the force of gravity 3. (a) Daya yang bertindak menentang
acting on that object. pergerakan antara dua permukaan
(b) 2Tkos30o = 60 yang bersentuhan.
60 Force that acts against the motion of two contact
T = surfaces.
2 × 0.866
(b) (i)
T = 34.64 N
Tegangan 34.64 N yang dikenakan
oleh pasu bunga melebihi tegangan
maksimum kabel iaitu 30 N.
The 34.64 N tension exerted by the flower pot
exceeds the maximum cable tension of 30 N.

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WX = 300 cos 45° = 299.3 N (d) (i) Mesin penanda garisan ditolak
(ii) Daya paduan = (daya ke bawah supaya ia boleh mengenakan
selari dengan landasan curam) daya ke bawah yang lebih besar.
– (daya ke atas selari dengan Line painter machine is pushed so that it
can mark the line with greater force.
landasan curam)
Resultant force = (downward force parallel (ii) Jisim mesin penanda garisan
with the slope) – (upward force parallel lebih besar supaya mesin
with the slope) penanda garisan lebih stabil.
= WX – Daya Geseran Larger mass of the line painter machines
Frictional Force to make the line painter machines more
= 299.3 – 100 stable.
= 199.3 N (iii) Saiz bekas cat lebih besar untuk
(iii) F = ma menanda garis yang lebih
199.3 = 30(a) panjang dan lama
The size of the paint container is larger to
a = 6.64 m s–2
mark longer line and last longer.
(c) • Objek boleh meluncur turun
(iv) Sudut antara pemegang dengan
pada sudut condong 45° kerana
garis tegak lebih kecil untuk
komponen daya ke bawah yang
menghasilkan daya ke bawah
selari dengan landasan curam lebih
yang lebih besar.
besar dari daya geseran. Smaller angle between the handle and the
The object can slide downwards at an vertical line to produce bigger downward
inclination angle of 45° because the downward force.
force component parallel to the inclined plane
is greater than the frictional force.
• Mesin penanda garisan yang
• Maka objek itu memecut ke bawah. paling sesuai ialah P sebab
Therefore, the object accelerates downwards. mesin penanda garisan P lebih
• Objek itu pegun pada sudut condong berat, ditolak pada sudut antara
15° kerana komponen daya ke bawah pemegang dengan garis tegak
yang selari dengan landasan curam yang lebih kecil dan saiz bekas
adalah kurang dari daya geseran. cat yang besar.
Object stays stationary at angle of inclination The most suitable line painter machine is
15° because the downward force component P because the P line marking machine is
parallel to the inclined plane is smaller than the heavier, it is pushed at an angle between
frictional force. the handle with a smaller angle with
vertical line and a large paint container

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