Business Statistics Social Impact of Covid-19
Business Statistics Social Impact of Covid-19
Business Statistics Social Impact of Covid-19
Dr Abbas's Class
This study is related to Covid-19, which is a new study and started to be studied by researchers in
various fields around the world starting in 2020. Accordingly, the social field that encompasses aspects
of society becomes a research problem in this writing. In this study Quantitative methods were used to
discuss and analyse the social effects on covid-19. The outbreak of covid-19 has resulted in the
community being limited to social activities and becoming the new norm in daily life. Accordingly, this
study is to analyse the effect of COVID-19 in terms of social activity in the sociology of Malaysian
society.Accordingly, this study aims to examine the impact of new societal norms in terms of social
activities. The study was conducted through the distribution of online questionnaires to the local
The results of the study shown prove the impact faced by the community in facing the new norms to
perform social activities as usual. The COVID-19 epidemic affects all segments of the population and
severely harms members of such social groups in the most vulnerable situations, further affecting the
population, including people living in poverty situations, the elderly, the disabled, youth and indigenous
peoples. For example, health impact, impact of interrupted education, mood changed, exercising
changed, refugees, migrants or displaced people will also suffer disproportionately both from the
epidemic and its consequences. either due to limited movement and fewer job opportunities.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing crisis exacerbated the deep social inequalities in our society.
therefore, in this study we want to study about the effect of covid-19 on society.
According to Lisbeth Schorr, social impact can be defined as the net effect of an activity on a
community and the well-being of individuals and families.
The term “social impact” is used to define actions which have a positive impact on communities.
It’s similar to “social good”, but the change is more drastic and something we should all be
striving for.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and
recover without special treatment.
The COVID-19 pandemic has evolved into a health, socioeconomic and humanitarian crises of
unprecedented scale and impact.
The situation in Malaysia is compounded by the fact that the Government came into power with
facing a heavy debt problem, financial constraints, plummeting oil prices and knock-on effects
on trade and tourism from the global shut down.
The government has received international recognition for its efforts regarding testing, contact
tracing, quarantine, and treatment, while keeping first responders safe and providing reliable
information and advice to the public.
Daily updated information on the numbers and rates of infection, fatalities and recoveries and
identification of ‘hot spots’ track progress in ‘flattening the curve’.
To break the transmission by restricting movement and contact, the Government imposed a
Movement Control Order (MCO).
The MCO imposed stay-at-home orders, banned outdoor activities including interstate travel and
shut down all businesses except a few designated essential services and the natural resource
The COVID-19 pandemic has enormously affected the psychological well-being, social and
working life of millions of people across the world. This study aimed to investigate the
psychological distress, fear, and coping strategies because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its
associated factors among Malaysian residents. The economic and social disruption caused by the
pandemic is devastating by tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty
Research has been conducted with
a focus on the following effects on
Covid-19 to the society and the
current condition of society in
RESEARCH general
Will be used as a abasis for future
research and development of new
methods and techniques.
Used to measure the
Quantitative data are
level of confidence in
collected from the
the validity of each
respondents and
question and to
analysed to determine The method used for
Sampling method that evaluate the validity
whether the results of the analysis of the
is used in this research, of other methods, also
the study were collection of data are
is a non-probability used for determining
statistically significant, histogram and pie
sampling technique if there was any
by preparing a survey chart.
difference in the
form which is a series
responses between
questions of a
different groups of
Questionnaire consists of the following questions;
3 questions of the respondents details which is age, state lived in and the current
location risk
3 questions of respondents’ concerns specifically in social ties impacts, interrupted
educations schedule
10 questions of respondents’ situation since the introduction of covid-19 restrictions
which in details are lifestyle, health condition, work condition and financial
2 questions of respondents’ opinions in covid types of sickness and information used
to stay informed about covid-19.
4 How concerned are you about your own health impacts of COVID-19?
5 How concerned are you about maintaining social ties impacts of COVID-19 ?
11 If Yes, did you normally work from home before introduction of Covid-19 restrictions?
If No, after Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, would you like to remain working from home or return to
your place of work?
Which of the following best describes the impact of Covid-19 of on your household's ability to meet
financial obligations (loan repayments, household bills etc)?
16 If you were to become infected with COVID-19, do you believe that you would have
18 Which of the following sources of information do you use to stay informed about Covid-19?
Section B :
Section A : Concerned
the following
AND Section C:
Section D :
DISCUSSIONS the situation
since the
Your state of
introduction of
health since
Section A : Demographic Data
Recommendations are often included with the solutions that can be found after
results of the research is collected and analysed. Here are some of the
recommendations on
solving the problems faced by the society in this pandemic situation: -
o For students, they need to consider on the time management and dedication
the flow of education schedules and teaching methods, in order to strive for
educations in this pandemic.
o The government needs to support the variety of society that is struggling to
on thriving in this pandemic.
o People need to take good care of their own health in order to avoid the
Thank You!
We appreciate your
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