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The International Journal of Indian Psychology

ISSN 2348-5396 (Online) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (Print)

Volume 8, Issue 3, July- Sep, 2020
DIP: 18.01.036/20200803, DOI: 10.25215/0803.036
Research Paper

A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in

Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

Kharibam Monika Devi1*, Chavi Goyal2, Vismaad Kaur Bindra3,

Suryansh Pandey4, Sameeksha5

The purpose of this research is to find out the Psychological impact (Anxiety, Stress, and
Depression) of COVID-19 amongst two demographic regions (Delhi and Himachal Pradesh).
The data was collected from May 5, 2020 to May 25, 2020 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh.
The data was collected through random sampling from 400 respondents with the ratio of 1:3
of Himachal Pradesh and Delhi respectively, including all age groups. The data had been
collected via an online questionnaire consisting of Socio-demographic details, General
questions (during lockdown), Anxiety scale, Depression scale, Stress scale, and Feedback. It
was validated by two experts specialized in the area of Psychology and Textiles. The level of
anxiety, depression, and, stress was measured by the scale, ADSS-BSPSA developed by
Pallavi Bhatnagar et al., Department of Psychology at Lucknow University. Hypothesis
Testing, Correlation, and z-test were applied for data analysis. The results reveal that there is
a significant impact of anxiety, depression, and stress among people of Delhi and Himachal
Pradesh during COVID-19.

Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Stress, COVID-19, Himachal Pradesh, and Delhi

The novel coronavirus disease that surfaced at the end of 2019 began seriously impacting
the health and survival of millions of people after a few weeks. Extremely contagious with
the likelihood of causing acute respiratory disease, it has rapidly affected public health
systems and governments. These have responded by announcing a public health emergency
of national and international concern, as well as by undertaking certain preventive measures
to stop the contagion and control the outbreak. Millions of lives have been seriously
amended, and a worldwide, multi-level, and challenging stress-coping-adjustment process is
in progress. The COVID-19 disease has now attained pandemic status. The World Health
Organization has provided guidelines for coping with the problem from both biomedical and
psychological aspects. The outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in

Student, National Institute of Fashion Technology, India, Himachal Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Fashion Technology, India, Himachal Pradesh, India
Student, National Institute of Fashion Technology, India, Himachal Pradesh, India
Student, National Institute of Fashion Technology, India, Himachal Pradesh, India
Student, National Institute of Fashion Technology, India, Himachal Pradesh, India
*Responding Author
Received: June 28, 2020; Revision Received: August 04, 2020; Accepted: September 25, 2020
© 2020, Kharibam M D, C Goyal, V K Bindra, S Pandey & Sameeksha; licensee IJIP. This is an Open Access Research
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

December 2019. As of this writing, it has now been confirmed on six continents and in more
than 100 countries. As the world’s health systems are in action studying, managing, and
preventing infections in people, new information is released on a daily basis. The COVID-
19 infection is communicated from one person to others through tiny droplets generated
from the respiratory system of infected people, mainly during coughing or sneezing. As per
the current data, time from exposure to the beginning of symptoms is around two to fourteen
days, with an average of five days.

India reported around 49,000 cases of the coronavirus as of May 5, 2020 out of which Delhi
and Himachal Pradesh reported around 5100 and 45 cases of coronavirus respectively. The
number of people infected with the virus was growing across the south Asian country and
the government had swung into action to curtail further spread of the outbreak. The Indian
government has taken several measures to control the spread of the virus in the country such
as Nation-wide lock-down, welfare package for the poor, travel restrictions, necessary drug
availability, screening and testing at airports, and planned evacuation from other affected
countries. As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly sweeps across the world, it is causing a
considerable degree of fear, worry, and concern in the population at large and among certain
groups in particular, such as the elderly, essential workers, and people with chronic health
conditions. In terms of the mental health of the public, the major psychological impact to
date is enhanced rates of stress or anxiety. But as new preventive measures and impacts are
initiated – particularly lockdown and its effects on many people’s usual activities, routines
or livelihoods – levels of loneliness, depression, harmful alcohol, and drug use, and self-
harm or suicidal behavior are also expected to increase. It can even be concluded that the
whole population experiences stress and anxiety to some degree. Thus, it is estimated that
there is a rise in the incidence of psychological disorders (between one-third and one-half of
the exposed population may suffer some psycho-pathological manifestation, depending on
the intensity of the event and the degree of vulnerability). However, it should be noted that
not all the psychological and social problems that occur can be described as diseases;
majorly they are normal responses to an unusual situation.

1. To analyze the psychological impact of Pandemic (COVID-19) in two demographic
regions (Delhi and Himachal Pradesh).
2. To find the overall level of anxiety, depression, and stress.
3. To find the effect of Region (Delhi and Himachal Pradesh) on anxiety, depression,
and stress.

Sub- Objectives
1. To find the impact of Gender on anxiety, depression, and stress.
2. To find the impact of Age-group on anxiety, depression, and stress.
3. To find the impact of Employment Status on anxiety, depression, and stress
4. To find the impact of Monthly Household Income on anxiety, depression, and
5. To find the impact of Marital Status on anxiety, depression, and stress.

1. A significant impact of Region on anxiety, depression, and stress.
2. A significant impact of Gender on anxiety, depression, and stress.
3. A significant impact of Age-group on anxiety, depression, and stress.
4. A significant impact of Employment Status on anxiety, depression, and stress.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 289
A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

5. A significant impact of Monthly Household Income on anxiety, depression, and

6. A significant impact of Marital Status on anxiety, depression, and stress.

The locale of the study was Delhi and Himachal Pradesh, it was chosen as per our
feasibility. The sample consisted of 400 people which comprise 100 from Himachal Pradesh
and 300 from Delhi (including NCR). The cluster sampling method was used overall;
random sampling method was applied to further filter out the responses. All age groups were

In this research, we analyzed the impact of six experimental variables (age, gender, monthly
income, region, employment status, and marital status) on three criterion variables (stress,
anxiety, and depression).

The data collection for our research was done via an online questionnaire, it was open from
May 5, 2020 - May 25, 2020. The sample consisted of 400 people which comprise 100 from
Himachal Pradesh and 300 from Delhi (including NCR). The cluster sampling method was
used overall; to further filter out the responses random sampling method was applied. All
age groups were considered. After establishing rapport, informed consent was taken. An
online questionnaire was then circulated via Google Forms. The ADSS is calculated by
assigning scores of 0, 1, 2, and 3, to the response categories of 'not at all', 'several days',
'more than half the days', and 'nearly every day', respectively. Adding together the score of
17 questions in Anxiety Scale, the score of 10 questions in Depression Scale and score of 14
questions in Stress scale.

Anxiety Scale: Out of a total of 51, scores of 8, 16, and 27 are taken as the cut-off points for
mild, moderate, and severe anxiety, respectively.

Depression Scale: Out of a total of 30, scores of 5, 10, and 15 are taken as the cut-off points
for mild, moderate, and severe depression, respectively.

Stress Scale: Out of a total of 42, scores of 7, 14, and 21 are taken as the cut-off points for
mild, moderate, and severe stress, respectively.

Measuring Tools
Online Questionnaire: A specially designed questionnaire was used for collecting
information about various details of the study sample. The Questionnaire is divided into 5
major sections i.e. Socio-demographic details, General questions (Quarantine), Anxiety
scale, Depression scale, and Stress scale (Appendix A).
Socio-Demographic Details

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 290
A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

Age Group: <18 years, 18-25 years, 26-50 years, 50-65 years, and >65 years
The intervals are non-uniform since the most affected age-group is 26 – 50 years, while the
maximum death rate is above 65 years. Therefore, to accommodate the statistics, proper
segregation, and efficient analysis we have opted for the aforementioned intervals.
Employment Status
Type of Industry
Monthly Household Income
Marital Status

General Questions (Quarantine): Questions regarding concentration, sleep cycle, strain,

productivity, and overall well-being.

Anxiety Scale: This section is divided into 3 categories i.e. Physical symptoms,
Apprehensions, and Dryness of mouth.

Depression Scale: This section is divided into 2 categories i.e. Inertia - Loss of Interest &
Worth and Poor Emotional Control.

Stress Scale: This section is divided into 2 categories i.e. Emotional Arousal and Negative
Life Events.

Anxiety Depression Stress Scale (ADSS): To assess the levels of anxiety, depression, and
stress among people of Himachal Pradesh and Delhi, ADSS constructed by Megha Singh
and Pallavi Bhatnagar (2016) was used. The scale consists of 41 items with three subscales
designed to measure the level of anxiety, depression, and stress with 17, 10, and 14 items
respectively. 4-point Likert scale scored as 0, 1, 2, and 3 was used.

Statistical tools: The statistical analysis of the data was performed on MS Excel software.
We examined group differences using a two-tailed z-test and correlation analysis. The
percentage method was used to analyze the data since the homogeneity of variances was not
there. The data was converted into a tabular form which was further used to graphically (bar
graphs) represent the data. A comparative analysis was done to attain a result.

The interpretation and description of the analytical data in an attempt to present the result of
the study entitled - A comparative analysis of the psychological impact of Pandemic
(COVID-19) in two demographic regions (Delhi and Himachal Pradesh). The result of the
whole data analysis involved both descriptive as well as inferential statistics.

Table 1 Showing correlation among anxiety, depression, and stress

Anxiety scale Depression scale Stress scale
Anxiety scale 1
Depression scale 0.688081188 1
Stress scale 0.733915305 0.796596382 1

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A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

Table 2 Showing two tailed z-test summaries of anxiety with socio-demographic details
Z critical
p(z<=z) two Z critical two-tail conditi
Z tail two-tail negative on
State 1.75575245 0.079130687 1.959963985 -1.959963985 FALSE
Gender -4.05243218 0.000050688 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
Age group 15.6624333 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
status 15.3525772 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
income 31.7402372 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
Marital status -0.08167144 0.93490799 1.959963985 -1.959963985 FALSE
*significant at 0.05 level

Table 3 Showing two tailed z-test summaries of depression with socio-demographic details
p(z<=z) two- z critical z critical two
z tail two-tail tail negative condition
STATE -3.209171015 0.00133118 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
GENDER -8.075589454 0.00000000 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
AGE GROUP 11.02489313 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
STATUS 11.54888034 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
INCOME 28.27840744 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
STATUS -4.001192352 0.00006302 1.959963985 -1.959963985 TRUE
*significant at 0.05 level

Table 4 Showing two tailed z-test summaries of stress with socio-demographic details
p(z<=z) two- z critical two- z critical two condit
z tail tail tail negative ion
State -4.113980657 0.00003889 1.959963985 -1.959963985 True
Gender -8.891921337 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 True
Age group 10.23456249 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 True
status 10.87740635 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 True
income 27.68960852 0 1.959963985 -1.959963985 True
Marital status -4.758385374 0.000001951 1.959963985 -1.959963985 True
*significant at 0.05 level

Table 5 Showing frequency and percentage distribution of state wrt anxiety

Delhi (n=300) Himachal (n=100)
State/ scale Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
No Anxiety 168 (56%) 54 (54%)
Mild Anxiety 67 (22%) 40 (40%)
Moderate Anxiety 50 (17%) 4 (4%)
Severe Anxiety 15 (5%) 2 (2%)

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 292
A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

Table 6 Showing frequency and percentage distribution of state wrt depression

Delhi (N=300) Himachal (N=100)
State/ Scale Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
No Depression 136 (45%) 53 (53%)
Mild Depression 67 (22%) 28 (28%)
Moderate Depression 56 (19%) 14 (14%)
Severe Depression 41 (14%) 5 (5%)

Table 7 Showing frequency and percentage distribution of state wrt stress

Delhi (N=300) Himachal (N=100)
State/ Scale Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
No Stress 135 (45%) 44 (44%)
Mild Stress 68 (23%) 31 (31%)
Moderate Stress 50 (17%) 20 (20%)
Severe Stress 47 (16%) 5 (5%)

The main objective of the study was to analyze the psychological impact of Pandemic
(COVID-19) in two demographic regions (Delhi and Himachal Pradesh). For this purpose
data was collected via an online questionnaire in the above-mentioned regions. The results
reveal that there is a significant impact of anxiety, depression, and stress among people of
Delhi and Himachal Pradesh during COVID-19. A significant difference was found at 0.05

In Table 1, it shows a strong positive correlation between the three main psychological
parameters i.e. Anxiety, Depression, and Stress. Also, the three parameters have a strong as
well as positive interrelation with the degree of the coefficient being 0.68 between anxiety
and depression, 0.73 between anxiety and stress, and 0.79 between depression and stress.

In Table 2, 3, and 4 depicts that the z-values and p-values of respondents which covers
Gender, Age-group, Employment Status, Monthly Household Income, and Marital Status.
The results in tables show that in Region the p-value < 0.05, which signifies the significant
impact of Depression and Stress with Region, and not with Anxiety (p-value > 0.05). Thus,
our hypothesis - A significant impact of Region on anxiety, depression, and stress is partially

The results in tables show that in Gender, Age-group, Employment Status, and Monthly
Household Income the p-value < 0.05 indicating that there is a significant impact of
Anxiety, Depression, and Stress with Gender, Age-group, Employment Status, and
Household Income. Thus our hypothesis - A significant impact of Gender, Age-group,
Employment Status, and Monthly Household Income on anxiety, depression, and stress is

The results in tables show that in Marital Status the p-value < 0.05, which signifies the
significant impact of Depression and Stress with Marital Status, and not with Anxiety (p-
value > 0.05). Thus our hypothesis - A significant impact of Marital Status on anxiety,
depression, and stress is partially true.

In Table 5, findings suggest that out of 300 respondents (Delhi), 132 (44 percent) have
anxiety symptoms, among them 67 (22 percent) have Mild, 50 (17 percent) Moderate, and

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 293
A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

15 (5 percent) Severe. While out of 100 respondents (Himachal Pradesh), 46 (46 percent)
have anxiety symptoms, among them 40 (40 percent) have Mild, 4 (4 percent) Moderate,
and 2 (2 percent) have Severe level of anxiety.

In Table 6, findings suggest that out of 300 respondents (Delhi), 164 (55 percent) show
symptoms of depression, among them 67 (22 percent) have Mild, 56 (19 percent) Moderate,
and 41 (14 percent) Severe. While out of 100 respondents (Himachal Pradesh), 47 (47
percent) have symptoms of depression, among them 28 (28 percent) have Mild, 14 (14
percent) Moderate, and 5 (5 percent) have Severe level of depression.

In Table 7, findings suggest that out of 300 respondents (Delhi), 165 (55 percent) have stress
symptoms, among them 68 (23 percent) have Mild, 50 (17 percent) Moderate, and 47 (16
percent) Severe. While out of 100 respondents (Himachal Pradesh), 56 (56 percent) have
stress symptoms, among them 31 (31 percent) have Mild, 20 (20 percent) Moderate, and 5
(5 percent) have Severe level of stress.

Based on our findings we can say that Himachal Pradesh has higher levels of anxiety and
stress in comparison with Delhi. Whereas in the case of depression, Delhi has a higher level
in comparison with Himachal Pradesh.

To sum up, considering the results of our research, we might conclude that there is a
significant impact of anxiety, depression, and stress among people of Delhi and Himachal
Pradesh during COVID-19. Since the onset of one of the largest lockdowns in the world, the
two regions have witnessed a significant increase in psychological disorders like anxiety,
depression, and stress due to the pandemic. Some of the reasons being lack of sleep, lack of
concentration, and distress. The rapid increase in COVID-19 cases as well as the overall
uncertainty can also be accounted for this.

Findings suggest that out of 300 respondents (Delhi), 132 (44 percent) have anxiety
symptoms, among them 67 (22 percent) have Mild, 50 (17 percent) Moderate, and 15 (5
percent) Severe. While out of 100 respondents (Himachal Pradesh), 46 (46 percent) have
anxiety symptoms, among them 40 (40 percent) have Mild, 4 (4 percent) Moderate, and 2 (2
percent) have Severe level of anxiety. Out of 300 respondents (Delhi), 164 (55 percent)
show symptoms of depression, among them 67 (22 percent) have Mild, 56 (19 percent)
Moderate, and 41 (14 percent) Severe. While out of 100 respondents (Himachal Pradesh), 47
(47 percent) have symptoms of depression, among them 28 (28 percent) have Mild, 14 (14
percent) Moderate, and 5 (5 percent) have Severe level of depression.

Out of 300 respondents (Delhi), 165 (55 percent) have stress symptoms, among them 68 (23
percent) have Mild, 50 (17 percent) Moderate, and 47 (16 percent) Severe. While out of 100
respondents (Himachal Pradesh), 56 (56 percent) have stress symptoms, among them 31 (31
percent) have Mild, 20 (20 percent) Moderate, and 5 (5 percent) have Severe level of stress.
Based on our findings we can say that Himachal Pradesh has relatively higher levels of
anxiety and stress in comparison with Delhi, though the difference is a minor one. Whereas
in the case of depression, Delhi has a higher level in comparison with Himachal Pradesh.

If we compare the levels of anxiety, depression, and stress i.e. mild, moderate, and severe,
the percentage of the moderate and severe level is quite high in Delhi. The intensity of

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 294
A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh

psychological disorders is alarmingly high, which is a matter of serious concern and requires
immediate attention.

In present circumstances anxiety, depression, and stress have become quite common. Active
steps at the personal and central level are necessary to tackle this situation. The government
should come forward to provide a platform for NGOs and essential service providers.
COVID-19 has hampered our lifestyles in various ways, but we must learn to adapt and act
accordingly. Following the lockdown regulations and attentively taking care of overall
hygiene. Physical activities, yoga, meditation, and acquiring a new hobby during this time
can be extremely productive as well as refreshing.

We all should join hands to help ourselves endure times like these. Proper sleep cycle and
diet can surely help minimize the mental damage caused by the deadly virus. A daily to-do
list and productivity challenges can also help divert the mind and engross it more into self-
care. Further studies are needed to explore the attitude of students, working-class, and
essential workers towards these issues on a large scale.

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The author appreciates all those who participated in the study and helped to facilitate the
research process.

Conflict of Interest
The author declared no conflict of interest.

How to cite this article: Kharibam M D, C Goyal, V K Bindra, S Pandey & Sameeksha (2020).
A comparative study on psychological impact of COVID-19 in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh.
International Journal of Indian Psychology, 8(3), 288-296. DIP:18.01.036/20200803,

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 296

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