Strengthening and Retrofitting Techniques To Mitigate Progressive Collapse: A Critical Review and Future Research Agenda
Strengthening and Retrofitting Techniques To Mitigate Progressive Collapse: A Critical Review and Future Research Agenda
Strengthening and Retrofitting Techniques To Mitigate Progressive Collapse: A Critical Review and Future Research Agenda
Abnormal events, that are unforeseeable low-probability and high-impact events, cause local failure(s)
to structures that can lead to the collapse of other members and, eventually, to a disproportionate progres-
sive collapse. Ordinary design procedures, which are usually limited to gravity and seismic/wind loads, are
inadequate for preventing the progressive collapse. Therefore, a focus on strengthening and retrofitting tech-
niques to mitigate progressive collapse is necessary. Parameters such as topology of the structure, nature of
the triggering event, size of the initial failure, typology of the collapse and seismic design requirements affect
the strengthening and retrofitting strategy. A discussion on the impact of these parameters on strengthen-
ing strategy is first presented. Then, a comprehensive review on strengthening and retrofitting techniques
to mitigate progressive collapse is provided. The paper concludes with an ambitious comprehensive list of
issues covering different aspects of future research agenda.
Progressive collapse, Strengthening, Retrofitting, Extreme event, Local failure
1. Introduction
The GSA guideline defines progressive collapse as a situation where local failure of a primary structural
component leads to the collapse of adjoining members which, in turn, leads to additional collapse. Hence,
the total damage is disproportionate to the original cause [1]. While different definitions are suggested for
the phenomenon, the underlying characteristic is the disproportionate nature of the final collapse compared
with the initial local failure. A list of selected definitions of progressive collapse can be found in [2] and a
deeper discussion on the nomenclature is reported in [3].
Although the term “progressive collapse” was used few times to dissect the some types of structural
failure before 1968 [4, 5, 6], the first special focus on the phenomenon, as generally known until now, was
just after partial collapse of Ronan Point Tower in London [7, 8] in the mentioned year. After 9/11 events,
scientists and engineers have refocused on the phenomenon and related topics. The first research works were
case studies devoted to the failure of well-known structures [9, 10]. Thenceforth, different aspects of the
phenomenon have been investigated in different structural systems and initial failure scenarios. The results
have been reflected in modern buildings codes and newly developed dedicated guidelines [1, 11, 12, 13]. The
literature on progressive collapse and related topic has progressively increased and a well-accepted framework
for analysis and design under threat-independent scenarios is available now [14].
I Journal Pre-proof. To cite: Kiakojouri, F., De Biagi, V., Chiaia, B., Sheidaii, M.R., (2022) Strengthening and retrofitting
techniques to mitigate progressive collapse: A critical review and future research agenda, Engineering Structures 262:114274
DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114274
Email address: [email protected] (Valerio De Biagi)
Progressive collapse is among the most relevant topics in structural engineering today. Heretofore, at
least four books [15, 16, 17, 18] and several wide-ranging review papers [2, 8, 14, 19, 20] are devoted to
the topic. However, as highlighted in [14], there is a real need to focus specifically on different aspects of
the topic, since such a approach can shed light on future needs more clearly. While several review papers
devoted to the specific aspect of the phenomenon, e.g., experimental investigation on reinforced concrete
(RC) structures [21, 22], fire-induced progressive collapse [23, 24], RC slabs subjected to punching shear
failure [25, 26], steel beam-to-column connections [27], robustness of timber buildings [28] and quantitative
measures of structural robustness [20], no comprehensive survey has been reported on strengthening and
retrofitting techniques to mitigate progressive collapse. This review paper focuses on this shortage. In this
regard, initially, discussions on affecting parameters on strengthening and retrofitting strategy, including
collapse typology, structural topology, seismic design requirements, nature of triggering event and initial
failure are presented. Then, a comprehensive review on strengthening and retrofitting techniques to mitigate
progressive collapse is provided. Finally, a future research agenda is outlined.
Affecting factors on strengthening and retrofitting strategy are neither well-understood nor even deeply
discussed. The majority of the available published literature, implicitly or explicitly, focuses on the redistribution-
type collapse under single member loss, i.e., static or dynamic column removal scenarios. The suggested
strengthening and retrofitting techniques, therefore, are usually effective only for such scenarios and gener-
alization should be avoided. Some recent studies reveal that collapse resisting mechanisms can be different
for different structural systems and initial damage regimes [3, 14]. In this regard, in this section, a review
of affecting factors on strengthening and retrofitting strategy is presented. First, the influences of collapse
typology, structural topology, type and size of the initial failure are discussed. Then, interaction between
seismic and progressive collapse design is highlighted. Finally, unwanted dual effects of some strengthening
and retrofitting techniques are outlined, since such simple issues can unleash major problems.
Slender tall building
Collapse spreads in vertical direction
Pancake-type mechanism is predominant
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Interaction between collapse typology and structural topology; (a) slender mega-structure and (b) non-slender mega
and stiff beams act as a mediating element transmitting the propagating action of the collapse and, therefore,
the initial partial failure leads to the total progressive collapse of the entire building. On the other hand, in
Figure 2(b) the plastic region formed in the long beams can act as fuse elements and mitigate the collapse
propagation; therefore, the final collapse is partial. It should be noted that, especial design requirements
are not considered in these examples. This means that, although such scenarios can occur in real structures,
they are not the most frequently occurred scenarios. Therefore, strengthening and retrofitting measures,
without careful consideration of collapse typology and structural topology, not only are ineffective, but can
also lead to more collapse potential.
Especial care should also be given to the system irregularities. The irregularities of the structure have
a meaningful impact on the vulnerability to progressive collapse. Several studies shed light to effects of
irregularities on the progressive collapse performance, e.g., plan irregularities [31, 32], vertical irregularity
[33], torsional irregularity [34]. Kim et al., in several studies focused on the tilted and twisted buildings
and highlighted the differences in progressive collapse response compared with common regular buildings
[35, 36, 37]. Based on the results, the formation of plastic regions and the increase in load can extend
to other bays in irregular buildings, compared with regular buildings in which plastic hinges and overload
are usually limited to the damaged bay(s). However, especial care should be given to threat-dependent
progressive collapse, namely fire-induced progressive collapse scenarios, since some inconsistent results are
reported in the literature, i.e., the local and global collapse of regular frames occur earlier than irregular
frames [38]. As reviewed, irregularities should be considered in strengthening and retrofitting schemes, since
the especial configuration of the structure can affect its progressive collapse response.
there is no such a limit in real structural failure. As highlighted in [3], the size of the initial failure can
affect the propagation of the local collapse and, by consequence, the design strategies. In other words,
while there is no natural limit for the size of the initial “local failure”, there are technical and economical
limitations for strengthening and retrofitting strategies. Moreover, the impact of the initial failure location,
i.e., positions of the column removal in the plan and height, on progressive collapse response of the frame
system is widely investigated and the results discussed in the term of the affected area, active alternate
load path, redundancy and structural reserve strength [39, 40, 41]. Not only the size and location, but also
the possible types should be carefully checked. While the body of the current literature is devoted to the
column failure as initial failure, few have focused on beam removal instead [42, 43, 44]. Such a phenomenon
is observed in several earthquake and fire scenarios, e.g., it suggested as the most probable cause of initial
local failure in the Plasco Building [45]. It should also be noted that, such special type of initial failure
can lead to different types of final collapse (pancaking, buckling of the column, etc.), based on the active
mechanisms and topology of the system. Different triggering events tend to produce different types and
sizes of initial failure, e,g., while the size of the damage is usually limited to a member (or few members) in
a vehicle collision, in fire scenarios an entire story or even several stories can be involved. Such a situations
were observed during a high-rise fire, namely Plasco Building [46] and Windsor Tower [47]. Obviously,
different strengthening and retrofitting philosophies (regardless the specific characteristics of the triggering
event, e.g., overload to other members, heat, etc.) should be utilized for each initial failure scenario.
Figure 3 compares two well-known strategies, i.e., ALP method and compartmentalization, referring to
the initial failure size. In ALP method, with the increase in the initial failure size, it becomes progressively
difficult to provide alternate paths for the remaining structure. In a frame system subjected to multiple
columns loss, strengthening measures to provide alternate paths can be very expensive, if technically possible.
With the increase in the number of the failed columns, the strengthening will be impossible, both technically
and economically. Long spans are very popular from serviceability and architectural point of view. In
this regard, special focus should be put on the special floor systems, e.g., prestressed or different novel
voided biaxial slabs. On the other hand, compartmentalization measures are very uneconomical for a small
initial failure, namely a column loss. With the increase in the size of the initial failure, the desirability of
the compartmentalization strategies increase both technically and economically. As suggested and deeply
discussed by Starossek [17], a hybrid methodology can also be adopted, since the size of the initial failure is
depends on the unknown threat.
Such comparisons can also be adopted for other strengthening and retrofitting techniques. For example,
member-level measures aimed to prevent or decrease initial damage are usually useful for limited small
triggering event e.g., car impact or small near-field blast. For a larger event, e.g., debris impact or large
far-field external blast, focus on the overall robustness and integrity of the structure is necessary and global
strengthening schemes should be adopted alternatively.
Efficiency of strengthening techniques
Adding or improving ALPs Compartmentalization
Figure 4: Vertical cables parallel to columns connected at the ends of the beams and hanged from a steel braced frame seated
on the top of the building, as reported in [54]
Figure 5: Strengthening of RC structures without interfering seismic performance; (a) external relaxed cable, (b) extra catenary
reinforcement and (c) kinked rebar configuration.
Figure 6: Seismic and progressive collapse resistant composite frame (SPCRCF) as reported in [64]. Reprinted with permission.
With strengthening and retrofitting techniques the Authors are herein referring to any especial measure
that is used to improve the progressive collapse performance of a structure. Such measures can be applied in
design and construction phase, or to an exiting structure. While in the seismic design of the buildings, almost
clear distinction between the terms strengthening, retrofitting, repair, rehabilitation, etc., can usually be
drawn, such distinctions are ignored in the current paper and the strengthening and retrofitting techniques
refer to any measure that specially (in addition or in combination to conventional gravity and lateral design)
aims to prevent the progressive collapse or alleviating its consequences.
The strengthening and retrofitting techniques are categorized based on the three criteria definition of
progressive collapse provided by the Authors in [3]. Each strengthening and retrofitting measure fundamen-
tally targets or mainly affects on one of the criteria (while can act on others positively or negatively) to
prevent the progressive collapse, i.e., (i) preventing initial failure, (ii) controlling collapse propagation and
(iii) controlling the final collapse status. While such a classification can be also performed based on the
structural type, triggering event, etc., the above mentioned rationale is more brightening and helpful.
Referring the categorization of the each applied method to the subsections of the paper, it should be noted
that the herein presented classification has been preferred by the Authors, although other categorization
approaches can also be adopted. It is not always possible to classify some strengthening and retrofitting
techniques into specific categories, since they have dual effects, or the performance depends on the acting
threat, the load level or the initial failure size. For example, some techniques that basically aim at preventing
initial damage can actually provide more strong alternate load path. Moreover, the distinctions between
techniques categorized as “adding new alternate load paths” and “improving the exiting ones” is not always
very clear, since the performance is related to the loading regime [74]; for some levels the added member
may act as a separated element, while for other levels it acts as single element with the exiting member.
Furthermore, measures like sagged cable and unbonded bar and strip contribute only in some resisting
mechanisms (mainly catenary action) and not in others (namely flexural action); therefore, considering
these measures either as “adding new alternate load paths” or as “improving the exiting ones” is debatable.
However, as long as the rationale is understood, there is no emphasis on the selected classification and some
techniques can actually be included in several categories.
3.1.1. Fire
Fire effects on the structures are well-known phenomena and fire protection systems have a long history in
structural engineering. However, especial focus on fire-induced progressive collapse only emerged after major
fire-induced collapse disasters in the last decades. While some studies suggest that it might be possible,
through proper design, to eliminate fire protection for steel in the system [81], the body of the literature
emphasises on the fire protecting techniques. In RC structures, using suitable type and combination of
aggregates [82] and sufficient nominal cover [83] usually provide desirable fire resistance against large variety
of fire scenarios.
Concrete structures are inherently more fire-resistant compared to their steel equivalents. While nu-
merous research works on member-level fire response of RC members (e.g., fire-induced spalling [84] or
Figure 7: Intumescent coatings thickness evolution against steel temperature as reported in [95]
Figure 8: Installation of three different reinforcing meshes in fibre-reinforced intumescent fire protection coatings as reported
in [94]
multi-hazard scenarios such as corrosion-fire [85, 86] and blast-fire [87] scenarios) as well as few studies on
fire-induced progressive collapse of precast or reinforced concrete structure [88] are reported in the literature,
the majority of the published literature is devoted to steel structures.
Intumescent coating is the most common fire protection system for steel structures. When exposed to
elevated temperature, intumescent material expands due to the formation of gaseous compounds developed
during the decomposition of organic matrix [89](see 7). The key factors in the intumescent formulations,
flame retardants, fillers, modifiers, nano-dimensional additives, and the weathering that affects the properties
and performance of intumescent coatings are reported and deeply discussed in [90]. The effects of partial
loss of fire protection on the column have been investigated in several studies [91, 92, 93]. Intumescent fire
protection coatings can also play a dual role; as reported in [94], fibre-reinforced intumescent fire protection
coatings can also provide effective confinement to RC column, achieving ultimate axial strength that are even
comparable to those of conventional fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) wraps (see Figure 8). Such techniques
can potentially be used for other threats, namely blast and impact, however, to date, no study devoted to
this interesting topic.
Other member-based fire protection techniques are fire protection boards [96, 97], full or partial concrete
encasement [98, 99, 100], membrane protections using board products and thermal insulation blankets [101]
and plug-and-play fire protection system [102](see Figure 9).
In choosing the strengthening strategy, some newly discovered phenomena should be carefully considered,
namely cooling effect and fire-induced creep strains. Based on the findings, structures may collapse in the
cooling phase of compartment fires or under travelling fire scenarios [24]. Tension built-up in the fire-
exposed column due to heating-cooling sequence can lead to an overload in the adjacent columns, and
Figure 9: Plug-and-play fire protection system for steel columns as reported in [102]. Reprinted with permission.
potentially to progressive collapse [103]. Temperature-induced creep strains affect the onset of instability
in frame structures under fire-induced progressive collapse scenarios. Neglecting these effects can lead to
underestimation of global failure times [104]. Such effects, also, may have unwanted effects similar to those
discussed in Section 2.3. For example, using strong-column weak-beam theory, in particular, and adding
excessive stiffness, in general, should be very carefully checked before incorporation into a final strengthening
strategy. In traveling fire, the travelling speed meaningfully affects the failure sequence of columns, damage
range and collapse mode [105]; while a slow travelling fire leads to a partial, the fast one may lead to global
collapse. Moreover, as discussed in [105], high fire protection may prevent collapse, but may still allow
collapse in the cooling phase.
3.1.2. Impact
A rich literature can be found on strengthening and retrofitting of structures against impact loads. The
majority of these research works are member-based and are not directly devoted to global collapse aspects,
however, the reported results are useful for progressive collapse design. Two main philosophies are used for
strengthening and retrofitting against impact loads: the first focuses on extra strength and stiffness for the
structural members by installing additional material, e.g., supplemental layer of RC or FRP material. The
second philosophy puts the emphasis on sacrificial elements to protect the main structural members. Similar
approaches can also be applied to the blast scenarios, as discussed in Section 3.1.3. It should be noted that
these philosophies can be used separately or simultaneously; sacrificial elements can be designed in a way
that increase the system stiffness and strength for some load levels, before final failure under extreme loads.
Impact-induced damage in structures can be categorized into two main groups:
• impacts due to the interaction between an external entity (say, vehicle, airplane, natural hazards, etc.)
and structural members;
• impacts of failed structural members when structure undergoes impact-type collapses, i.e., domino-
and pancake-type collapses.
The active mechanisms of these to groups can be completely different, therefore, different strengthening and
retrofitting techniques should be adopted for each one. In the former, columns are usually considered as
critical members. In the latter, floor system usually receives the impact loads.
Figure 10: Details of the impact tests on a RC column protected by aluminum foam as reported in [107]. Reprinted with
The retrofitting measures to protect from impacts account for the fact that kinetic energy can be dissi-
pated through large deformations. For example, foams are well-known for energy dissipation under extreme
loading conditions. Experimental studies on the performance of frame structure strengthened with foamed
aluminum under debris flow impact are reported in [106]. The installation of protective closed-cell aluminum
foam layer on the surfaces of RC columns as well as utilizing the combination of the closed-cell aluminum
foam layer and ultra-high-performance concrete for important structures is suggested in [107] (see Figure 10).
For small impact loads, foams usually act as energy absorbers, for larger impact loads hardened foam can
potentially restrain the concrete and enhances its performance [106].
A new protective structure based on ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete and energy-absorbing
member of corrugated steel tubes to protect bridge columns against vehicle collisions and to reduce vehi-
cle damage is suggested in [108]. The performance of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete-
strengthened bridge columns subjected to vehicle collisions reported and discussed in [109]. Ultra-high
performance fiber reinforced concrete jacket is suggested for column subjected to low-velocity impacts [110].
Superior performances were observed for the strengthened column with two-end, i.e., plastic hinge zone
under lateral impacts [110].
The application of FRP composites has progressively gained popularity in rehabilitation and retrofitting
of structures against impact loading over the last two decades [111, 112, 113]. A review of concrete struc-
tures strengthened with FRP against impact loading is presented in [114]. The response of carbon FRP-
strengthened bridge piers struck with lightweight and medium-weight vehicles is investigated in [115]. Carbon
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strengthened full scale concrete filled steel tubular columns subjected
to vehicular impact is reported in [116]. In shear deficient columns, the use of CFRP wrapping with the
same scheme as in seismic application can change the damage mode from shear- to flexural-dominant [117].
The effect of CFRP-shear strengthening on existing circular RC columns under impact loads is reported in
[118] (see Figure 11). The assessment of FRP-strengthened full-scale circular-hollow-section steel columns
subjected to vehicle collisions is reported in [119]
Sandwich structures are also widely used for impact mitigation. A review of the recent trends on core
structures and impact response of sandwich panels is reported in [120]. Impact resistance of sandwich
structures with prismatic and foam cores is reviewed in [121]. A survey on foldcore sandwich structures and
their impact behaviours is reported in [122]. However, studies on real application of sandwich structures
as protective structure, e.g., to protect a structural column, is very limited. A vehicle collision impact
response of bridge pier strengthened with aluminum foam protection devices is reported in [123]. The
damage mitigation of a steel column subjected to automobile collision using a honeycomb sandwich panel
Figure 11: The effect of CFRP-shear strengthening on existing circular RC columns under impact loads as reported in [118].
Reprinted with permission.
is reported in [124]. Aluminium foam-filled circular-triangular nested tube energy absorber under impact
loading is proposed in [125].
In addition to the normal techniques to protect the main structural members against impact, innovative
methods that are widely diffused in other fields, e.g., defence science and marine structures can also be
considered. Reactive armour [126] can be applied in critical and exposed members of very important
structures in special conditions. In such cases, local strengthening may be necessary to decrease unwanted
structural damages.
The body of the literature adopts threat-independent approach (mainly dynamic column removal) for
study of impact-induced progressive collapse. The finding of these studies should be very carefully used
for strengthening and retrofitting purposes, since as highlighted in several studies [127, 128, 129, 130],
structural response in impact-induced progressive collapse can be very different compared with threat-
independent dynamic column removal. The structures that meet the code-based requirements may collapse
when subjected to impact of a vehicle. Similar consideration should be given to impact of failed structural
members, namely in pancake- and domino-type progressive collapse, since our knowledge is mainly limited
to simple concentrated drop tests and reckless generalization should be strongly avoided [14].
3.1.3. Blast
Blasts and explosions are usually considered as primary abnormal extreme events against civil structures.
A very rich and prolific literature developed in recent decades, especially after terrorist attacks in late 20th
century. An important potion of this literature devoted to strengthening against blast both at member and
at global level [131]. However, threat-dependent blast-induced progressive collapse study is still an ongoing
research field, and different aspects, including blast response in progressive collapse scenarios, requires more
research focus.
Considering the similar nature of blast and impact, that include rapid and usually local extreme loading
on structure, two basic strategies can also be perceived for blast scenarios, as previously explained for impact
in Section 3.1.2. The first one focuses on extra strength and stiffness for the structural members by installing
additional (usually high strength) material. The second philosophy puts the emphasis on sacrificial devices
to protect the main structure usually by energy dissipation mechanism. Obviously, the techniques focus on
the overall improvement and global strengthening and do not belong to the preventing or decreasing initial
damage strategies; they are discussed in the Section 3.2 as collapse propagation control techniques.
Steel jacketing is repeatedly used for retrofitting of RC members under blast loading scenarios [132,
133] that meaningfully leads to significant improvement both at the member and system level. Sandwich
structures are also widely used for blast protection. Different materials including metals and composites
are usually used for sandwich structures. Blast response and energy dissipation of sandwich structures
are studied and influences of different core, namely I-core [134, 135], Y-core [136, 137], honeycomb core
[138, 139], auxetic core [140, 141] etc., are investigated. Some of these forms are shown in Figure 12. These
types are sometimes used in foam filled or multilayered [142, 141] configurations. Sandwich structures are
well-known and usually suggested for blast protection. However, studies especially focusing on sandwich
Honeycomb Corrugated Auxetics Concrete-filled Foam-filled Fluid-filled
Figure 12: Different sandwich panels that can be used for blast protection.
(a) (b)
Figure 13: Preventing the failure of RC members under close-in blast loadings; (a) reinforcement of polyurethane bricks and
(b) reinforced polyurethane bricks installed on the member as reported in [148]. Reprinted with permission.
structures as scarified element, namely to protect a structural column, are really limited and the majority of
experimental and numerical studies are devoted to member-level performance of separated sandwich panels.
FRP materials are commonly applied in retrofitting structures against blast loads due to the advantages
of high strength and light weight [143]. Several experimental and numerical studies are devoted to blast
response of FRP-retrofitted column [144]. Based on the results, retrofitting with FRP can effectively mitigate
the damage and deformation of the columns under blast scenarios [145, 146]. Blast protection of concrete
columns with thin strips of glass FRP overlay is investigated in [147]. Based on the results, retrofitting
improved the residual compressive strength of the columns. The overall fragmentation/spalling effects for
concrete were also reduced [147].
Sacrificial cladding consisting of reinforced resin panels with an insulation layer for the reduction of
blast damage in reinforced concrete structures is suggested in [149] (see Figure 13). 3D printed polylactic
acid sacrificial honeycomb cladding is also suggested and experimentally and numerically investigated in
[150]. Hybrid-multi cell tubes as sacrificial cladding for improving blast performance of reinforced concrete
structures is discussed in [151]. Circular–triangular nested tube as sacrificial cladding is proposed in [152],
which can reduce transmitted forces by 50.1%–74.3% by employing the energy absorber mechanism.
Dual effects of strengthening against blast should be carefully considered. Increasing the connectivity
between structural members, namely between frame and walls, may lead to larger area that accepting blast
pressure and eventually more blast induced damage. Inattentive increase in member strength, namely a
column, may lead to the transmission of the blast loads to other parts of the structure that can cause larger
failure even compared with complete column removal. Such dual effects should be attentively investigated
before implementation of any strengthening and retrofitting strategy (see Section 2).
Additional beams. Adding new beams, for obvious technical reasons, is not a suitable approach for progres-
sive collapse strengthening (an interesting exception can be found in [155]). One important exclusion is
RC flat slab buildings in which addition of perimeter beams as progressive collapse strengthening method
is suggested [156, 157, 158]. Based on the a case study, perimeter beams improve the progressive collapse
resistance of the studied structure by reducing demand-capacity ratio (DCR) of critical columns by up to
67.0% and reducing the vertical displacements at column removal point by up to 81.0% depending on the
different initial failure scenarios [156].
Bracing. Several progressive collapse studies are devoted to steel braced frames and the influences of dif-
ferent brace types are assessed. Among the different types of braces, eccentrically braces usually show
higher strength against progressive collapse [159, 160, 161]. However, the use of additional braces for pro-
gressive collapse mitigation is a recent idea. Considering successful experiences in seismic strengthening
and retrofitting, bracing is now also widely suggested for progressive collapse performance enhancement.
Horizontal [53, 162], vertical bracing [163] and combined horizontal/hat and vertical bracing [163, 164] are
suggested using different type of braces, including inverted-V bracing [165, 166] and X-bracing [167]. In
addition to conventional bracing, buckling restrained braces are also suggested to improve the progressive
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 14: Improving progressive collapse behavior of RC Frames through steel bracings. Failure modes of specimens as
reported in [172]; (a) SF1, (b) SF2, (c) SF3 and (d) SF4. Photo by courtesy of Kai Qian (Guilin University of Technology).
collapse performance [168, 169, 170]. The results illustrated that buckling restrained braces can significantly
improve catenary action and progressive collapse behavior. While the majority of the literature is devoted to
the steel structures, a few one focuses on steel bracing in RC structures [171, 172] (see Figure 14). Although
these research works are mainly threat-independent, some studies are also devoted to bracing effects in
threat-dependent fire-induced progressive collapse [163, 164, 173]. In a travelling fire scenarios, application
of bracing, i.e., horizontal, vertical or combined bracing systems, can prevent collapse of structures under a
slow travelling fire, but not for a fast travelling fire [105].
Roof level modifications. Roof level modifications refer to adding extra structural members at top story
level, such as truss, girder and bracing. This technique is very efficient for short and mide-rise multi-story
building. For high-rise buildings, the impact of roof level modification on the damage occurred in the
ground level (or lower floors) is negligible. Repetition of similar modification at several levels can improve
the progressive collapse performance.
Horizontal top story bracing is one of the most widely suggested roof level modification [53, 162]. Cap
truss and steel strut to resist progressive collapse is also suggested in [52]. Steel truss system added at the
building rooftop level to define an alternative load path is suggested in [174]. Vierendeel truss is proposed
at the top floor level in a multi-storey building to redistribute the load due to sudden column loss [175]. Hat
truss is repeatedly suggested for fire-induced progressive collapse mitigation [176, 177]. However, hat truss
tends to constrain the thermal expansion of gravity columns and therefore, during fire events can lead to
premature buckling of gravity columns [178]. Roof level modifications can work with exiting frame member
to develop robust load path, or can work with additional members, namely cable [179] or additional vertical
and horizontal bracing [176].
While roof-element usually allow a more uniform distribution of axial forces in the columns after after
initial local failure, as well as decrease in the dynamic amplification effects [174], the stiffness of the roof-
element should be be carefully calibrated in order to provide the redistribution capacity and also to control
the tension forces induced in columns above the removal region. A very stiff roof-element may generate a
significant increase in axial forces in some columns [174]. As discussed in [180] for roof-truss, this point
could potentially turn in a critical aspect of the roof level modification as retrofit measure.
Cable, strip and rope. Cables, strips and ropes, in different forms and configurations are repeatedly suggested
for progressive collapse strengthening. Relaxed cables can be used in both steel and RC structures without
interfering the seismic performance as shortly reported in the Section 2.3, and also in company of roof level
modifications as discussed earlier in this section.
Improving progressive collapse resistance of RC beam–column subassemblages using external relaxed
steel cables is reported in [50]. Cables are also successfully used for strengthening long-span entrance of
steel moment resisting frames [181]. In addition of steel cables, FRP strips are also suggested for retrofit of
RC frames. In the study reported in [182], by adding the external CFRP strip cables, the frame structure
sustained the applied gravity load without a transition to catenary action. To further demonstrate the effects,
the CFRP strip cables were released, causing the frame structure to deflect downward and eventually to
progressively collapse [182]. External unbounded FRP cables attached to the beam at anchorage locations
and deviators/saddle point(s) only, without being posttensioned is suggested and numerically investigated in
[183]. A straightforward method for progressive collapse design has been proposed using relaxed steel cables
underneath reinforced concrete frame rectangular [50] and T-beams [66] (see Figure 15). A modified catenary
model with application to the analysis and design of retrofit cables for progressive collapse is reported in
[184]. Progressive collapse strengthening of precast RC frame using externally anchored (different anchorage
techniques are tested) carbon fiber rope is suggested and discussed in [51].
Dampers. Dampers are well-accepted devices to control and improve the seismic response of structures.
A very wide literature is devoted to the application of dampers in earthquake engineering field [185, 186].
However, application of dampers for progressive collapse mitigation is limited to handful of papers. Dampers
can act as an energy absorber device, as well as load limiter for compartmentalization. In a more technical
way, the damper first provides a new load path (thus an additional alternate path is generated). Then,
its specific purpose is achieved. Different types of dampers, including rotational friction dampers [187],
cylindrical friction dampers [188], viscoelastic dampers [189], viscous dampers [190, 191] and magneto-
rheological dampers [192] are suggested for improving the progressive collapse performance. Based on
the results, different types of dampers can improve progressive collapse performance. However, current
knowledge on application of damper as progressive collapse mitigation devices is very limited and much
more research focus is necessary on different structural systems equipped with dampers under different
initial failure regimes.
Beam strengthening. Beam strengthening is a basic approach for mitigating progressive collapse potential
in frame systems, since beams, especially those directly located above failure region, are the first and usually
most important elements that control system collapse behavior. Beam strengthening can be performed at
different heights and locations, based on the height of the structure and purpose of the strengthening scheme.
Increasing strength of the beams, increasing the stiffness of the beams, and increasing both strength and
stiffness of the beams as retrofitting approaches are techniques suggested in [195].
Adding extra reinforcement bars is a classic technique in RC structures to improve the progressive
collapse behavior. A mitigation scheme involving the provision of additional reinforcement bars in the mid-
layer of reinforced concrete beams to increase resistance against progressive collapse is proposed in [49]. The
special detailing, say placing an additional reinforcement layer at the midheight of beam sections, partially
debonding bottom reinforcing bars in the joint region, and setting partial hinges at one beam depth away
from the adjacent joint interfaces is suggested in [196]. Interactions and connectivity between beam and
slab are also very important in progressive collapse behavior. Existence of a beam flange could meaningfully
enhance the progressive collapse resistance [197].
In RC structures, Textile-Reinforced Mortar (TRM) and Near-Surface-Mounted (NSM) reinforcement
techniques are suggested for the strengthening of existing reinforced concrete frames against progressive
collapse [198]. Strengthening of precast RC frame to mitigate progressive collapse by externally bonded
CFRP sheets anchored with hybrid fibre-reinforced polymer anchors is also reported in [199]. Steel-FRP
composite bar with controllable post-yield stiffness, and hybrid reinforcements including both steel bars and
FRP bars is suggested for progressive collapse capacity enhancement and the post-yield stiffness plus com-
pressive arch action is monitored [200]. The use of High-Performance Ferrocement Laminate and Bond Steel
Plate (HPFL-BSP) techniques is suggested for improving the progressive collapse resistance of multistory
RC frames [201]. While the method increases initial stiffness, crush of mortar and fracture of steel strands
happened at a relatively smaller displacement giving an earlier warning, and much time to escape [201].
However, unconditional beam strengthening, even directly on the local damage region, can be harmful
to the collapse behaviour, and such strengthening as a general recommendation should be avoided. As
highlighted in [202], when the governing collapse mode is triggered by a column buckling failure, beam
strengthening techniques are harmful for the progressive collapse capacity of the structures. When beam
strengthening and retrofitting measures are adopted, especial care should be given to height of the building
and active progressive collapse resisting mechanisms, since, the contribution of members and active mecha-
nism for each member can be different at different building heights [203]. Moreover, the obtained results on
strengthening and retrofitting of substructures (that include the majority of available literature) should be
very scrupulously generalized [204, 205].
Infill Walls. Focus on the infill walls contribution on the progressive collapse resistance of frame structures
has recently become very popular. Different types of infilled, i.e., concrete, masonry and 3D panel are
considered in these studies [206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213]. In some recent studies, more advanced
scenarios are considered including the influence of infill walls on fire-induced progressive collapse potential
[214, 215] and the effects of infilled wall opening on load resisting capacity [212, 216, 217]. The infill walls
not only changed the load resisting path, but also can effectively improve the load redistribution ability of
the frame [218].
However, in these studies no special measures are taken for strengthening the infills against progressive
collapse. On the other hand, a rich literature is available concerning the wall strengthening against blast
and seismic loads. The majority of the literature focuses on out-of-plane or horizontal loads, while some
documents refer to vertical loading due to loss of gravity support [219].
Although no exclusive research work is devoted to strengthening the infills against progressive collapse,
it can be assumed that techniques developed against blast and seismic loads, with some modifications, can
also be effective here. A review of different available techniques is reported in [220]. However, especial
care should be given to seismic design hypothesis and seismic performance of the structures. From the
progressive collapse point of view, continuity between the structural frame and infill panel can be favorable,
since the vertical loads are predominant. But, this configuration has large shortcomings for seismic design,
especially when disconnection of the infill panels from the frame and high ductility of the frame structure
Figure 16: Failure modes of a sheathed light-gauge steel wall specimen at different stages as reported in [221]. Reprinted with
were assumed in seismic design phase. In such a case, the overall seismic strengthening is also necessary,
that is obviously very expensive.
Developing an infill panel system that is seismically isolated under lateral loads and that can resist large
vertical displacement could solve the problem. In this regard, more experimental and numerical studies are
necessary, because the research is over-focused on masonry infills. Other infills, like sheathed light-gauge
steel walls [221], have not received adequate attention so far (see Figure 16). Infill steel panels technique
described in [222] as strengthening method can be merged with masonry or an innovative infill to provide
better performance. Such infills not only provide more reliable alternate load path, but hypothetically can
act as energy absorber device in impact-type collapses (see Section 3.3.1). Therefore, special focus should be
put on developing innovative infills that possibly improve both progressive collapse (different mechanisms)
and seismic performance.
Impact of the infills located on both sides of the local failure, i.e., removed column, is usually neglected
and the focus is put on the infills located in upper stories. Since it is assumed that the threats cause column
failure, they can also completely destroy the infills. This is completely true for threats like blast. However,
other threats like fire and corrosion can cause column failure without any major infill damage. Therefore,
some research focuses for this scenario are also needed.
Slab strengthening. Contribution of slabs in load distribution and collapse resistance is usually ignored in
the earlier progressive collapse studies in frame structures. However, recent studies have highlighted the huge
beneficial impact of the slabs in the progressive collapse scenarios [41, 223, 224]. A comprehensive review of
current research on the slab performance in RC and precast concrete structures to resist progressive collapse
is reported in [225]. Larger area compared to the beams provides the possibility of diverse and versatile
strengthening schemes. For some structural systems, namely RC flat slabs, strengthening the slabs is the only
rational way for improving the exiting alternate load paths, for the others, it is more acceptable technically
and economically. Slab strengthening can serve two purposes: first, to develop strong slab against impact
type collapses (this strategies is discussed in the Section 3.3.1); second, to improve the load distribution
capacity and provide more reliable load paths. Here, focus is put on the later.
Enhancing post-punching performance of flat plate-column joints by different reinforcement configura-
tions is discussed in [226] when two different reinforcement configurations to enhance flat plate-column joints
were proposed. A review on FRP strengthening of RC slabs against punching shear failure is reported in
[25]. Different types of FRPs, namely GFRP and CFRP, in different forms including strips, laminates and
bars are usually used in strengthening and retrofitting schemes. Externally Bonded CFRP laminates for
strengthening and retrofitting of RC flat slabs to mitigate progressive collapse is suggested in [227]. Strength-
ening of slab-column connections against punching shear failure with Near-Surface Mounted (NSM) carbon
fibre-reinforced polymer bars is suggested and experimentally investigated in [228]. Progressive collapse
strengthening of slab with NSM glass FRP bars and engineered cementitious composites (ECC) layer are
suggested in [229].
Strengthening of multi-bay reinforced concrete flat slabs to mitigate progressive collapse using GFRP
strips is suggested and discussed in [230]. Externally bonded GFRP strips for strengthening and retrofitting
Figure 17: GFRP-strengthened RC beam–slab subassemblages in a corner column–removal scenario as reported in [232]. Photo
by courtesy of Peng Feng (Tsinghua University).
precast concrete buildings to mitigate progressive collapse is suggested in [231] (see Figure 17). Two tech-
niques including externally bonded GFRP laminates and NSM GFRP bars to strengthen the RC subassem-
blages in column removal scenario is suggested in [232].
The majority of the published research works are devoted to conventional two-way RC slabs. More focus
on one-way slabs and possible strengthening techniques is necessary, especially because hinge boundary
conditions are usually adopted in the design phase, and some strengthening strategies can change this
assumption and, consequently, change the load transferring mechanisms. More emphasis is also needed for
special and less common floor systems, namely hollow-core slab and voided biaxial slab, such systems usually
span larger area, and possibly more pron to progressive collapse. The effect of opening should also receive
more attention, since openings in slabs are very common in the real constructions. Heretofore, very limited
studies focus on this issue [233]. Moreover, more focus is required on the details of floor system, e.g., in a
recent study the huge impact of transverse beam in progressive collapse performance is highlighted [234].
Connections and joints region strengthening. Connections and joint area have a major role in load distri-
bution after initial local failure. Several studies devoted to the performance of different steel connections
in progressive collapse scenarios [27, 70, 235, 236]. SidePlate connection is recommended in several litera-
ture [27, 237] to improve the progressive collapse performance. In this connection, separation between the
face of the column flange and the end of the beam mitigates the triaxial stress concentrations and reduces
local buckling [238]. Anti-collapse performance and catenary action of reduced web section connections in
progressive collapse scenarios was reported in several recent studies [239, 240]. Several strengthening and
retrofitting strategies are suggested to enhance the connections’ performance in progressive collapse scenar-
ios. Among them, increasing the joint rotation capacity, energy dissipation concepts and forming alternate
load paths within the connection region are the most effective approach in the current literature.
For improvement of progressive collapse resistance for steel frame systems, web opening is recommended
to enhance the rotation capacity, and kinked reinforced bars are suggested in the beam–column joint to
realize a second path [241]. Two retrofit strategies, aiming at increasing the collapse resistance of simple
steel connections by adding seat angles and steel plates with long-slotted holes, are proposed in [242] to
address the vulnerability of steel frames under column loss scenarios. Nominally-pinned steel joint equipped
with novel structural details for progressive collapse mitigation that can enhance both the tie force and the
rotational capacity of a vulnerable steel joint is reported in [243, 244] (see Figure 18). A modified steel frame
structure with corrugated steel plates based on the partially out-shift plastic zone principle is suggested in
[245] for improving progressive collapse performance. Full-scale tests of two different connection details
under the progressive collapse scenario is reported and discussed in [246], and a new connection with slotted
holes at the shear tab was developed. A passive connection concept, based on the moments which are created
Figure 18: Joint configuration for nominally-pinned joints: (a) individual components; (b) assembly for full depth end plates
joint; (c) assembly for fin plates joint as reported in [244]. Reprinted with permission.
after the column removal, is suggested in [247]. This connection enables the structure to tolerate the added
loads after failing of the vertical element, i.e., columns. Retrofitted moment-resisting connections with steel
strands is proposed and discussed in [248] to enhance the steel frame buildings robustness by providing a
second line of defense.
Self-centering techniques are also suggested for progressive collapse mitigation in steel frame structures
[249] as they are very effective and, as discussed in the Section 2.3, they can potentially improve both
progressive collapse and seismic performance [64]. Retrofitted simple connections by dampers and bracket-
tendon system, that are very effective in reduction of vertical displacement and enhances the performance,
are suggested in [250, 251]. A fully welded connection with energy dissipation cover-plates, which enhances
the catenary mechanism and delays the failure of the connection, was proposed in [252]. Novel retrofitting
schemes for strengthening the simple steel joints of existing tall steel frame structures, by changing the
partial-strength shear-resisting joints to the full-strength moment-resisting joints, ensuring the full devel-
opment of catenary action are suggested and discussed in [253, 254]. While the majority of strengthening
techniques for steel connections are focusing on the stiffness of the beam or the end plate to improve the
connection robustness, in a new approach reported in [255], the robustness is enhanced by improving the
contribution of the bolts to the rotational capacity of connections. For that purpose, steel sleeve with a
designated length, thickness, and wall curvature between the end plate and the washer is applied [255].
Such a concept can be utilized to increase the rotational capacity of the order of three times the standard
connection [256].
In RC structures, additional reinforcement bars in the mid-layer of beams is suggested for progressive
collapse improvement. Similar philosophy is also discussed for beam strengthening strategies in which
additional bars continue in the full length of the beam, that can be considered as a beam strengthening
strategy. Additional bars can also be limited to the joint region. Such a configuration usually enhances
catenary actions, as discussed for embedded locally debondeed rebars at the half-height of beams near beam
ends [58]. The test result of the specimen with steel side plates in beam-column joints showed that the
force–displacement curve increased without fracture of re-bars [257]. A novel and interesting approach for
enhancing the robustness and improving the progressive collapse performance of RC structures through
local debonding of tensile reinforcing bars at the joints, where significant cracking usually occurs after a
column removal, is reported and discussed in [258], in which, an significant improvement in the peak vertical
load-carrying capacity under a column loss scenario is observed [258].
Some strategies are devoted to the precast concrete frames, such as new moment-resisting beam-column
joints to increase progressive collapse resistance of precast concrete buildings [61, 62, 259] (see figure 19).
The adoption of innovative FRP/steel hybrid technique using near-surface mounted steel rebars along with
fiber reinforced polymer for progressive collapse prevention in precast RC beam-column joints is suggested
in [260]. The use of precast dry connections constructed away from beam–column junction under progressive
collapse scenario is suggested and discussed in [261]. It was concluded that building having precast elements
connected away from the beam–column junction with adequate connection detailing behaves similar to that
Figure 19: Precast concrete beam-to-column connections strengthened with steel plates as reported in [62]. Reprinted with
of monolithic construction and can be a sustainable alternative of cast-in-place construction [261]. Optimized
configurations for beam-column substructures with wet connection, in precast reinforced concrete frame are
suggested and discussed in [262]. These optimizations are applied to the arrangements of the mechanical
sleeves, levels of the unbonded prestressed strands, and strength of the cast-in-situ concrete, to improve
their performance in resisting progressive collapse [262].
FRP materials in different shapes, namely sheet and warp, are also widely suggested for retrofitting
and strengthening of reinforced concrete frames [263]. The applied approaches are usually very similar to
well-known techniques that are already used in seismic retrofitting. Progressive collapse performance of
shear strengthened RC frames by FRP material, i.e., nano CFRP retrofitting beam ends, is experimentally
investigated and reported in [264].
The majority of the discussed literature has threat-independent approach, i.e, focus on the structural
response after a static or dynamic column loss. However, connections behavior under specific threat is also
widely investigated. Nevertheless, limited numbers of these studies focus on the progressive collapse aspects.
Dynamic performance of retrofitted steel beam-column connections subjected to impact loadings is discussed
in [265] and the effect of retrofitted methods on transformation of catenary action under impact load are
revealed. A study on the structural performance of a ductile connection under fire conditions is reported in
[266]. The behavior of slide hinge joints with a symmetric friction damper under drop weight impact tests
is studied in [267]. Dynamic response of monolithic and precast concrete joints with wet connections (with
various wet joint configurations) under impact loads is numerically and experimentally studied in [268].
Figure 20: Double-span beam-column structure with PT connections under a vertical load as reported in [274]. Reprinted with
structures, e.g., resilience of post-tensioned steel frames under column loss scenarios is investigated in [274]
(see Figure 20).
Figure 21: Progressive collapse punching shear failures; (a) partial collapse of the Pipers Row Car Park at Wolverhampton in
1997 and (b) Harbor Cay Condominium building collapse in Cocoa Beach Florida in 1981 as reported in [282]. Reprinted with
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 22: Heavy energy absorber devices; (a) square honeycomb configuration [29], (b) telescoping tube configuration [17] and
(c) heavy floor sandwich panel.
(a) (b)
Figure 23: Blast-loaded concrete slab; (a) unstraightened and (b) aluminum foam straightened as reported in [293]. Reprinted
with permission.
studies on similar devices with different applications can be found in the literature. In these studies metallic
[285, 286], FRP [287, 288], foam-filled [289, 290] and hybrid [291, 292] tubes are used as energy absorber
devices (see Figure 22). The application of such devices in larger-scale multi-story buildings requires much
more research focuses. For example, the additional weight, interactions between device and frame, boundary
conditions of the device and the influences on seismic performance should be carefully considered. Moreover,
the distribution (which story and how many devices for each story, see Section 3.3.2) in the frame system
needs more investigations. To date, available literature is limited to conceptual and theoretical publications,
e.g., as reported in [17].
In the framework of energy absorber devices, a very rich literature on impact response of structures,
namely beams and slabs, is available. However, the majority of the current studies focused on concentrated
impact scenarios, i.e., a drop hammer. While the requirement of more realistic scenario are partially discussed
in [282, 294, 295, 296, 297], distributed impacts are almost completely ignored in the current practice.
Moreover, in a real collapse scenario, floor systems may undergo repeated impacts, strengthening strategies
for such loading regimes need more research focuses [298, 299]. Some strengthening techniques based on
the energy dissipation concepts initially developed for blast mitigation, can also be used for absorption
of impacts energy. An example of aluminum foam straightened RC slab that reported in [293] for blast
mitigation is shown in Figure 23.
3.3.2. Compartmentalization
Mother nature uses “compartmentalization” to let the species to survive. The sacrifice-for-survival
mechanisms can be observed in many living organisms. Examples can be found in [300] and [301], where
Figure 24: Collapsed zone of Terminal 2E at Charles de Gaulle Airport [310]. Reprinted with permission.
the “triggering events” were pathogen ingression and chilling stress, respectively. Moreover, the concept of
structural compartmentalization is historically very well-known to the builders, e.g., it has been used in the
construction of long walls, and also was suggested for the structures under extreme loading conditions [302,
303]. Lin [302] in 1985 stated that “A lunar structure could be compartmentalized to prevent catastrophic
destruction in case of any local damage”. However, modern use of this idea for progressive collapse design is
related to the several works by Starossek that finally integrated in [17], in which, the term “segmentation”
is used for the concept.
Compartmentalization is originally a design philosophy and has been successfully used in real construc-
tions, especially for multi-span bridges [304]. The related literature is very limited and mainly consist of
theoretical studies. Compartmentalization techniques for bridges and skyscrapers are suggested and dis-
cussed in [17]. Zipper-stoppers as segmentation devices for long-span cable-supported bridge subjected to
sudden rupture of some of its cables are proposed in [305]. Analogy between redundancy and compart-
mentalization is discussed in [306]. Quantitative measures of compartmentalization, based on the stiffness
matrix nondimensionalization, is reported in [307]. A framework for designing for structural robustness in
tall timber buildings with especial focus on compartmentalization is discussed in [308].
Unintentional compartmentalization helped structures (without any on purpose robustness-oriented de-
sign) to survive total collapse in several incidents. This is discussed for Siemens Arena in Denmark in [309],
for the Pentagon headquarters building in [17] and for Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2E (see Figure 24)
in [17]. This concept can also be used as a strengthening and retrofitting technique to mitigate progressive
collapse, but heretofore, no numerical and experimental research works are devoted to this field.
For vertical compartmentalization, combination of high strength materials and energy absorbers (devices
and/or materials) can be applied. It should be noted that, in these approaches, the structure is not physically
separated and segmented. Instead, the systems is compartmentalized via the boundaries with different
stiffness, strength and energy dissipation properties. These boundaries, in a building frame system, can
be the floor system or the story. The main concepts are suggested and discussed in [17]. The design
philosophy, originally developed based on the previous observed pancake-type progressive collapse incidents,
is to isolate collapsing section, and therefore, to limit the extent of final collapse, by means of a vertical
compartmentalization of the overall structure [17].
Two main concepts for vertical compartmentalization are strong story (floor) and giant sandwich story.
In the former, the floor plate is strengthen in a way that can survive the impact of the upper floor, that
can be achieved either via design of stronger slabs, or with additional protective materials, or even both of
Figure 25: Strong slab concept; selected floor are also equipped with extra protective layers.
them. Steel plate, rubber, carbon FRP layer, and polyurea as protective layer for RC slab against impact
is proposed in [311]. In a recent study [281], the strong floor concept is further highlighted and a design
approach is proposed. It was shown that the intact lower section in a pancake collapse scenario could
potentially has survived in the presence of a strong floor [281]. In the later, i.e., giant sandwich story, energy
absorber devices are installed in the story, so the impact of the falling floor can be dissipated. Possible
energy absorber devices are shown in Figure 22. Obviously, these two concept can be used together at
different levels and configurations.
Figure 25 and Figure 26, show two possible configurations (hybrid approaches) for vertical compartmen-
talization. Selection of the story/floor to act as strong story can be a complicated issue. Special care should
be given to design purposes, interaction with seismic and architectural design, serviceability aspects and
also economy. Moreover, strong slab capacity and energy absorber devices distribution can not be equal for
each selected story/floor level, since its related to the falling floor sizes. For example, as shown in Figure 26,
three giant sandwich stories are considered in the system, but number of devices are not equal in all of them;
the energy dissipation capacity is highest for the lower floor. For the highest level, instead of arrangement
of heavy energy absorber devices, floor sandwich panels are utilized, since, the size of the possible falling
upper part, and consequently energy dissipation demand, are much smaller. Such a concept should also be
applied to strong floor method. However, very limited studies, specially numerical and experimental studies,
are devoted to the topic. More discussion is provided in [17].
For horizontal compartmentalization, a good placement of construction joints can serve both purposes,
and such availability can be considered in design and construction phase. However, when construction joints
can not be used for compartmentalization, problems raise, since compartmentalization of a structure that is
intentionally connected based on the primary design philosophy is difficult, and can lead to vulnerability with
respect of seismic performance and even serviceability of the building. However, unintentional discontinuity
in the rebars (e.g., in splices or due to construction errors) can save the structure from total collapse. A
famous example of such a scenario is shown in Figure 27 in which rebar discontinuity in the transfer girder
arrested the collapse propagation. More details and discussion is available in [17]. However, application of
such techniques as design strategy is not received sufficient research attentions and obviously, much more
Figure 26: Giant sandwich story concept.
This review paper deeply discusses strengthening and retrofitting techniques to prevent progressive col-
lapse. To provide a complete analysis of the available studies, some points are first detailed. Hence, the
parameters affecting strengthening and retrofitting approaches, i.e., the configuration of the structure, the
nature of the triggering event, the size of the initial failure, the typology of the collapse and the additional
seismic design requirements are deeply debated, since these parameters can control the overall strengthening
strategy. Then, based on a three-criterion definition of progressive collapse [3], a detailed list of strengthening
and retrofitting techniques is provided and critically discussed.
Figure 27: Exterior view of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building after partial progressive collapse collapse [312]; the collapse
stopped at reinforcement bars’ discontinuity in the main transfer girder.
Figure 28: Ideas for horizontal compartmentalization in RC structures; (a) decreasing the flexural strength of the section by
re-positioning the reinforcement bars and (b) using fuse-type element in reinforcement bars.
Progressive collapse field, in general, and strengthening and retrofitting techniques to mitigate progressive
collapse in particular, are young research fields in structural engineering discipline. Therefore, there are
points that need developments and more attention. These points for progressive collapse studies are listed in
the Authors previous review paper [14]. That list can be consulted first, since where the progressive collapse
studies are lacking, obviously, there is a gap in strengthening and retrofitting techniques too. However,
especial focus on future needs in collapse mitigation measures is also useful, therefore, this review paper
concludes with a reasoned list of open questions and issues that, in the opinion of the Authors, should be
addressed in the near future. For each point, a short discussion is provided.
• The majority of reported strengthening and retrofitting techniques focuses on redistribution-type
progressive collapses, only few studies are devoted to impact-type collapses, namely pancaking. In
this regard, more emphasis should be put on the possible techniques to overcome the impact-type
progressive collapses, namely, heavy energy absorbing devices. In particular, strong slab philosophy
is introduced theoretically [17, 281], however, no experimental or numerical research is reported on
strengthening exiting slabs to act as strong slabs in impact-type progressive collapse scenarios.
• Current strengthening techniques to mitigate the progressive collapse, implicitly or explicitly, focus on
specific collapse type (e.g., compare re-distributional collapse with impact-type collapses) and specific
collapse mechanism (e.g., catenary mechanism). The development of a new technique that is useful
and effective for wider range of mechanisms and more collapse types can improve the efficiency of
the strengthening techniques, since, the structures may undergo different threats and subsequently
different collapse types during the service time.
• In a multi-story building, all members above failure region contribute in load distribution after initial
failure. However, in the large number of research works on strengthening and retrofitting techniques
to mitigate progressive collapse, specially in experimental studies, single-story or substructure models
are adopted. The reliability of such models to study progressive collapse behaviour is under question.
As highlighted in [204, 205] the load transfer mechanism of each story is not identical. More research
works are needed to clarify such issues and throw light on the limitations of substructure models, that
can provide safer basis for the generalization of the results.
• Structures during structural retrofitting are very vulnerable to structural failure. Hitherto, very limited
research works, mainly case-studies, are consecrated to such a situation [313, 314]. In this regard, the
impact of different retrofitting scenarios in different structural systems (during structural retrofitting
phase) on possible progressive collapse response should be carefully checked. Such studies provide
valuable rules for practitioners in retrofitting and strengthening industry.
• It is well-known that infill walls can improve the progressive collapse resistance capacity of building
frame structures [207, 208, 209, 210]. However, for considering the infill walls as strengthening elements
in a collapse scenario much more research focus is necessary. The effects of retrofitting the infills,
namely by FRPs, on the collapse performance of frames are not well-understood. Moreover, infills can
reduce the ductility of system and can change the failure modes. In this regard, the affecting parameter,
i.e., type of the infill, connections between infill and the frame, techniques for strengthening the infill
and possible influence on seismic performance, should be addresses more clearly in the future research
• Different type of timber structures are increasing in height, size and complexity. Recently, it has
become no wonder to see timber buildings with ten or more stories (for example see [315]). However,
the robustness and progressive collapse response of such systems has not received sufficient attention.
Some recent studies reveal that activating ALPs and collapse resistant mechanisms in timber buildings
is not the same as in steel and RC structures [308, 309, 316]. Therefore, especial strengthening and
retrofitting methods should be developed for these structures.
• Survey of contemporary practices, e.g., as reported in [317] for disproportionate collapse prevention in
buildings, can provide deeper insight to engineering practice in the real world and can shed light to the
details and possible problems. Such surveys should focus on different materials, different structural
systems and different regions around the world, since the skill, workmanship, standards and common
practice for strengthening and retrofitting are different.
• In experimental studies, pseudo-static tests on substructures are predominant. The obtained results
are not necessarily applicable to dynamic column removal (and absolutely not for threat-dependent
progressive collapses) on multi-story multi-span models. Therefore, more emphasis should be put on
strengthening and retrofitting techniques in dynamic progressive collapse tests and multi-story models.
The results of such experimental programs may lead to a safer framework for design the strengthening
and retrofitting schemes.
• Drop and impact tests on RC slabs and beams are usually limited to single impact on a very concen-
trated region, such approach is not a good representative for falling floor impact. Only very limited
recent studies [282, 294, 295] have focused specially on falling floor impact and it’s special requirement.
However, the different aspects are not well-understood. Strengthening techniques for RC slabs under
impact loads are usually based on FRPs [318, 319], and cementitious materials [320, 321]. The effec-
tiveness of such techniques against real falling floor scenario is debatable. Therefore, more research
is vital; first to detailed assessment of distributed impact on floor system, and second to develop a
strengthening measure to improve floor systems performance to act as strong floor against impact-type
progressive collapses.
• Cladding and other façade elements may undergo progressive collapse [322]. Failure of façade elements
usually does not disturb structural integrity, but it is important from economical and human safety
points of view. Therefore, developing the methods to prevent the initial failure of façade elements or
stop the failure propagation to other elements can be important.
• Seismic strengthening and retrofitting discipline, being much older than progressive collapse field,
is richer and more mature. Therefore, concepts and methods can be adopted, modified and used
in progressive collapse strengthening and retrofitting fields. While several methods, namely using
different types and shapes of FRPs, are widely adopted as progressive collapse mitigation measures,
other methods received less attentions. For example, shape-memory alloy is widely suggested and used
in seismic strengthening and also performance enhancement in extreme loading conditions, namely
blast scenarios [323, 324], can potentially be useful for progressive collapse performance improvement.
However, more research emphasis is required to enlighten the details.
• Construction phase is one of the most critical as regards to structural safety. Several famous structural
failure occurred during construction, as recently observed in Lagos, Nigeria in the November 2021
[325]. However, limited studies are devoted to the collapse of buildings under construction [326, 327].
A deeper focus on the progressive collapse of structures under construction may lead to an upgrade to
the buildings code to reflect the real risk in their acceptance criteria. More focus on the damaged but
survived structures and techniques to retrofit such structures is also necessary.
• Progressive collapse of temporary structures, e.g., shoring and scaffolding, is a very common problem
in construction sites. However, research works on these structures and on techniques for strengthening
the temporary structures are very limited. The load limiter device and fuse-type element for temporary
shoring structures are reported in [328, 329]. Special research focus is still needed in this area, since
the collapse of temporary structures is not only expensive and time-consuming, but also can lead to
the partial or total collapse of the main structure.
• Seismic strengthening and retrofitting is very common in earthquake prone areas. However, the effects
of seismic retrofitting on progressive collapse potential neither well-understood nor deeply investigated,
and only very few studies dedicated attention to this important topic [330]. In this regard, more
emphasis should be put on the impact of the seismic strengthening and retrofitting on progressive
collapse resistance. It is predictable that majority of the methods that aim at increasing ductility
and stiffness can be useful for both threats. However, special care should be given to the unwanted
effects and special cases in which seismic strengthening and retrofitting weaken the structure against
progressive collapse.
• The majority of the current strengthening and retrofitting measures (except for the methods focused
on preventing or decreasing initial damage) are based on the threat-independent design philosophy.
Only few research work devoted to specific threat, i.e., fire, and its especial requirements [177]. More
focus on threat-specific strengthening and retrofitting measure is completely necessary, since the initial
failure and collapse propagation can be different under various threats.
• The majority of threat-dependent progressive collapse studies, as well as strengthening and retrofitting
techniques, focus on extreme events such as blast, impact and fire. Other triggering events, namely
corrosion, are not deeply investigated. While rich literature on corrosion and aging effects on different
structures are available, very few studies are put emphasis on progressive collapse aspects of the
phenomenon [331, 332, 333, 334]. In this regard, much more efforts are needed to understand corrosion
effects on collapse resisting mechanisms and techniques to overcome this problem. Corrosion can
solely trigger a progressive collapse, or can act as a factor in a multi-hazard scenario. For the later,
our knowledge is mainly limited to member-based studies, therefore, more focus on the corrosion
effects on the global collapse response, especially in multi-hazard scenarios, is needed. Other simple
problem, such as inefficient hydraulic system as reported in [335], can lead to more problem and
finally to progressive collapse. While several techniques to overcome such problems can be found in
the literature, special focus on such phenomena as triggering event is still required.
• Current literature on strengthening of shell-type structural elements, namely walls and slabs, is limited
to idealized geometry and boundary conditions, i.e., rectangular element without any openings. In real
construction, on the other hand, these elements can be found in different geometries and including
openings in various sizes at different locations. However, floor openings impact on the response of
buildings against progressive collapse has received less attention [336]. Boundary conditions, also,
have decisive impact on the dynamics of such structures. As an example, freedom of one or more
edges, that is common in construction, can meaningfully change the structural response. To generalize
the current findings on strengthening techniques, more experimental and numerical studies on irregular
wall and slabs, to include opening and boundary effects, are necessary.
• Unwanted and unplanned structural failures are common during the deconstruction and demolition,
and usually lead to casualties, as recently observed in Didcot power stations [337] in UK and Saint
Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex [338] in Russia. In demolition and deconstruction programs,
temporary and partial strengthening measures may be necessary to ensure the safety of the plan. To
date, our knowledge in this field is limited to case studies and obviously more research work is needed.
• More emphasis should be put on progressive collapse strengthening of large public buildings. Such
structures not only are the primary target for terrorist attacks, but also are inherently more vulnerable
to local failure, since their span are larger than residential buildings. An example of long-span entrance
problem in a steel frame and suitable strengthening techniques including cable and diagonal braces
is discussed in [181]. Obviously, the problem can be more complicated in the case of long-spans in
the entire building. In such cases, it is economically very expensive to provide alternate paths in the
double span after local failure, even if technically possible. On the other hand, compartmentalization
techniques can not be easily adopted, since these buildings usually accommodate a large population,
and partial collapse is also unaccepted. Therefore, more research focus in these fields is vital to find
better strengthening strategies for large public buildings.
• Multi-hazard strengthening and retrofitting techniques are usually limited to the seismic and threat-
independent progressive collapse hazards. While some recent interesting researches are published on
multi-hazard mitigation techniques, the body of the literature is lacking in this area. Some new
material and techniques [94], have potential capability to be used as mitigation measure for several
threats, namely fire, earthquake and blast, simultaneously. These finding are usually separated and
new focus is necessary to integrate these findings in a multi-hazard strengthening frameworks.
• Masonry structures are still very common around the world. While a very rich literature and code-
based recommendations on seismic strengthening and retrofitting techniques are available for these
structure, progressive collapse behavior does not received much attention [339, 340, 341, 342, 343] and
especial view on progressive collapse strengthening and retrofitting is really rare [344]. Since the load
bearing mechanisms and initial local failure possibility are completely different in masonry structures,
compared with steel and RC frame structure, more focus to strengthening and retrofitting techniques
especially developed for masonry is necessary.
• The majority of the published research works are devoted to conventional two-way RC slabs or flat
slabs. Other floor systems, namely one-way slab, hollow-core slab, voided biaxial slab, etc., received
almost no attention. Since the load bearing mechanisms and fracture modes in these systems are not
equal, more experimental and numerical research works are needed; first to shed light to these mecha-
nism, and then, to provided specific strengthening and retrofitting techniques to mitigate progressive
collapse. In these studies, several aspects should be taken into account; punching behavior, horizontal
spreading of the failure and impact response.
• Different types of irregularities have a meaningful impact on the vulnerability to progressive collapse
and corresponding structural response. While several studies shed light to effects of irregularities on
the progressive collapse performance, e.g., plan irregularities [31, 32], vertical irregularity [33], torsional
irregularity [34], the focus on strengthening and retrofitting techniques to mitigate progressive collapse
in irregular system is quit limited. In this regard, more focus on different types of irregular buildings
and specific mitigation measures is required. especial emphasis should also put on the strengthening
and retrofitting techniques for irregular structures in threat-dependent damage scenarios.
• Several recent studies are allocated to different types of space structures in progressive collapse sce-
narios [345, 346, 347, 348]. However, strengthening and retrofitting techniques that are exclusively
devoted to the space structures are rare [349]. Since techniques usually used in frame systems cannot
directly adopted in space structures, more research focus to develop a new method or modify the ex-
iting ones is necessary. Future studies should also focus on especial conditions and possible mitigation
techniques such as non-uniform snow loads and buckling of several members instead of single member
• The absolute majority of available literature on progressive collapse mitigation measures, adopts a
well-design model structure with satisfied gravity and seismic regulations based on the modern codes.
However, significant portion of the exiting structure are non-code conforming or based on the com-
pletely out of date regulations. Special focus for these types of structures and dedicated strengthening
and retrofitting techniques is required, since such systems are more prone to initial local failure.
• Additional members and devices used in strengthening and retrofitting schemes can also suffer failure,
either due to reaching their ultimate capacity, or design and construction errors or even direct impact
of a specific triggering event. The effect of such a failure on the overall performance of the system
should be carefully checked. However, the current literature is lacking in this area (an example of
damper failure impact on the seismic loss of retrofitted steel moment-resisting frames is reported in
[350]) and more research focus is necessary. The findings of such studies may lead to an update for
definition of the key element in threat-independent progressive collapse analysis, since such additional
members and devices can also act as critical members.
• Modular construction is a recent innovatory and game changing technology. In recent years, more
and more researchers have paid attention to the study on different aspects of modular construction.
However, our knowledge on the robustness and progressive collapse response of these structure is
limited to a handful of recent studies [351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358]. More emphasis should
be put on different failure modes and its specific characteristics, namely inter-module connections and
possible strengthening techniques.
• The majority of available published literature focuses on single or few functionally similar (e.g., dif-
ferent types of braces) strengthening and retrofitting techniques for progressive collapse mitigation.
Therefore, our knowledge is lacking in comparison of different strengthening and retrofitting techniques
in different structural systems under different initial damage scenarios (an interesting exception is re-
ported in [191]). In addition to structural aspect, more emphasis should put on economic evaluation
[359, 360, 361] of different collapse mitigation measures. To date, very limited studies are devoted to
such important issues.
Foad Kiakojouri: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
Valerio De Biagi: Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Bernardino Chiaia: Writing - review
& editing. Mohammad Reza Sheidaii: Writing - review & editing.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that
could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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