2. 3 Nobles and 6 Crescents: The Three Noble 三奇

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Qi Men Dun Jia Essentials


2. 3 Nobles 三奇 and 6 Crescents 六儀 門

The goal of Qi Men is to protect the Jia 甲 Stem, the Grand Marshall 寶
– the leader of the Ten Stems - from being attacked by Geng 庚 Metal 鑑
(based on the Five Elements relationship, Geng Metal counters the
Jia Wood). There are three components that can protect Jia from an
attack from Geng. Collectively, these 3 components are known as the 3
Nobles, or San Qi 三奇 in Chinese. The 3 Nobles consist of 3 Heavenly
Stems which are Yi (Yin Wood), Bing (Yang Fire) and Ding (Yin Fire).
Whenever, these 3 Nobles appear in a Qi Men Chart, special attention
needs to be paid.

The 6 Crescents, or Liu Yi 六儀 in Chinese, refer to the Heavenly

Stems which are Wu (Yang Earth), Ji (Yin Earth), Geng (Yang Metal),
Xin (Yin Metal), Ren (Yang Water) and Gui (Yin Water).

The Three Noble 三奇

The 3 Noble 三奇 Other Name

1. 乙 Yi Sun Noble 天德 Heavenly Virtue

2. 丙 Bing Moon Noble 天威 Heavenly Charisma

3. 丁 Ding Star Noble 玉女 Jade Maiden

The Six Yi 六儀 (Six Crescents)

戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸
Wu Ji Geng Xin Ren Gui

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門 3. Lead Star and Envoy

甲 Lead Star 值符:

This indicates the domain of the 9 Stars in a Qi Men chart. To obtain
Lead Star 值符, first you need to find out who the Six Jia Group Leader
is from the Hour Pillar, and from that Group, you can find out the location
of the 6 Yi 六儀 – Wu 戊, Ji 己, Geng 庚, Xin 辛, Ren 壬 and Gui 癸. Refer
to the Dun Jia Plate for the related Yin or Yang Structure, and you can
determine the location of the Lead Star.

For example:

For Ding Hai 丁亥 Hour, the Group Leader is Jia Shen 甲申. Jia Shen
is hidden under Geng 庚 (refer to the Six Jia Streams Leader Table
六甲旬符首表 on page 143), and if Geng 庚 ’s location is at the 3 Zhen
(East) Palace, the Destructor 沖 would be the Lead Star.

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丁亥 遁
陽一局 乙 庚 Ding Hai 甲
Yi Geng
YANG ONE Yin Wood Yang Metal
Fire Pig 寶
(9pm - 10.59pm) 鑑


馬 馬星 空 空亡
符首 Lead Stem 庚 Geng HS DE
Horse Star Death & Emptiness
值使 Envoy 傷門 Harm Door
午 Wu Horse
巳 Si Snake
值符 Lead Star 天沖星 Heavenly Destructor 未 Wei Goat

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門 Envoy 值使:

甲 The Envoy (Zhi Shi 值使) is also known as the Lead Door 值使門. This
寶 means, in every Qi Men chart, the Envoy is one of the 8 Doors. The
鑑 location of the Envoy (Zhi Shi 值使) will depend on the Yin or Yang
Structure’s Hour Pillar and the location of the Lead Star 值符.

For example:

A Yin Nine Structure and Yi Mao 乙卯 Hour. The Group leader of

Yi Mao 乙卯 Hour is Jia Yin 甲寅 (refer to the Six Jia Stream Leader Table
六甲旬符首表) at 4 Xun Palace. Therefore, the Lead Star 值符 is Assistant
天輔, and the Envoy 值使 is Door of Delusion 杜門.

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乙卯 遁
陰九局 戊 癸 Yi Mao 甲
Wu Gui
YIN NINE Wood Rabbit 寶
Yang Earth Yin Water (5am - 6.59am) 鑑


馬 馬星 空 空亡
符首 Lead Stem 癸 Gui HS DE
Horse Star Death & Emptiness
值使 Envoy 杜門 Delusion Door
子 Zi Rat
巳 Si Snake
值符 Lead Star 天輔星 Heavenly Assistant 丑 Chou Ox

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門 4. The Seven Stars Path™


The Seven Stars Path™ (Qi Xing Bu Gang Fa 七星步罡法) is based

on the movement and positioning of the Seven Stars of the Northern
Dipper at any moment in time. The movement of these seven stars
on the Nine Palaces reflect a path. This path can be virtually walked
out or physically performed. It can be also used to identify degrees of
influence on the Palaces. The intensity of the Spiritual Qi affecting the
Palaces in which they appear is based on a scale of 0 to 7; 0 Stars
being the weakest and 7 Stars being the strongest. For example, a
Palace in which 7 Stars appear is deemed more likely to have the best
outcome (though bear in mind other factors within the Chart will still
have to be taken into consideration) compared to a Palace in which
only 1 Star appears.

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5. 64 Hexagrams 門

64 Hexagrams

The incorporation of Yi Jing 64 Hexagrams makes the Qi Men Chart

more informative and provides it with a pictorial reference or snapshot.
The Joey system combines the powerful tool of Qi Men Dun Jia with the
time tested methodologies of Yi Jing through one unified Chart. With the
addition of the Seven Stars Path, we are also able to derive the moving
Yao of the Hexagram. Each Palace in a Qi Men Chart is associated with
a specific Hexagram that describes a strategy or course of action to be
taken. Users can follow the steps below to select the right Hexagram:

1. Review all the Hexagrams in the Chart, and based on your situation,
choose the right strategy to undertake

2. Look into how the Hexagram can be transformed, if needed. The

transformation Yao is based on the Seven Stars Path position

3. Based on the Hexagram, the Chart can be used in tandem with

Qi Men Warcraft and a suitable strategy can be employed

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門 6. Useful God

甲 The most important step in Qi Men Forecasting is to determine the

鑑 Useful God or Yong Shen 用神 in the Qi Men Chart. The Useful God
is also known as the reference or focus point for a particular forecast.
Different situation calls upon a different Useful God. As such, the
outcome will also vary.

The selection of the Useful God is one of the key practice methods of
Qi Men Forecasting. There are the traditional Useful Gods as written by
the original classics. However, as society has evolved, the criteria of
the Useful God has also changed. The Joey Yap system takes this into
account in order to be relevant to 21st century practices.

7. Host & Guest Relationship

A Qi Men Chart can be good or bad, depending on which side a user

is represented. This is where the concept of Host & Guest Relationship
comes to forefront. One of them is proactive and the other is reactive.
The Host and Guest concept answers the question of “Who is affecting
who?” in a forecast.

In Qi Men we can classify the 9 Stars of the Heaven Plate as the

Guest 客, and the 9 Stars of the Earth Plate as the Host 主. It is important
to distinguish between the Host and Guest in a Qi Men analysis.

This principle of object and subject is prevalent throughout the entire

practice of Qi Men. For instance, in a battle, will you actively assault or
will you exhaust your enemy and wait for the right time to strike? Will
you consider an open attack or a sneak attack in a business dealing?

主 The quiet one, always passive; it is a defender,

Host favours proximity, and internal environment.
客 Is always moving and takes initiative; the attacker,
Guest favours distance, and external environment.

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8. Death & Emptiness 門

In Qi Men, there is a concept known as Kong Wang 空亡 or ‘Death

& Emptiness’. Within every Qi Men Dun Jia Chart, there are Palaces 鑑
which are said to be ‘solid’ or of ‘substance’ and there are Palaces
which are ‘void’. Solid palaces are those which are not affected
by Death & Emptiness. Palaces which are affected by the Death &
Emptiness are known as ‘void’ Palaces. These Palaces are marked
with ‘DE’ on a Qi Men Chart:

Death & Emptiness

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門 When a Palace is affected by Death & Emptiness it indicates that the
遁 results of the action in question will be compromised, reduced or
甲 diminished in some way. In Qi Men parlance, it is said that the contents

of the Palace (and what it represents) have ‘entered into Emptiness’.

Although this sounds scary and ominous, it does not necessarily mean
a negative outcome. Death & Emptiness renders any positive formation
in the Palace moot but it can also render any negative formation moot
as well. It basically neutralises the implication of the Palace.

Palaces which ‘enter into Emptiness’ are seen as weak positions (or
directions) in a Qi Men Dun Jia Chart. The influence of Death & Emptiness
can be a help or hindrance depending on other characteristics of the
forecast or reading.

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9. Sky Horse Star 門

Sky Horse Star is denoted by HS in a Qi Men Chart.


Sky Horse

It indicates speed, mobility and the possibilities of travel. When HS is

seen, the outcome or results will happen very quickly. This is regardless
of whether the result is positive or negative.

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門 10. Fu Yin and Fan Yin 伏吟,反吟

甲 Fu Yin 伏吟 and Fan Yin 反吟 are specific arrangements of certain

鑑 components in a Qi Men Chart that denote different outcome in the

Fu Yin is where the components such as 10 Stems, 8 Deities, 9 Stars

and 8 Doors fall into their natural positions in the Palaces of the Natal
Chart. When this happens, it denotes stagnancy and inactivity. It is
inauspicious. Nothing is going to change or nothing is going to happen
in a Fu Yin Chart.

A Fan Yin formation indicates a situation where the components are

in their opposite Palace in the Natal Chart. When the components
are in the Palaces opposite to their original Natal Chart positions, it
denotes that everything is inauspicious even though there are positive
formations in place. Outcome will happen but not in the desired way. In
other words, it denotes opposite results or outcomes.

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