JIS-Z2371-2000 - Methods For Salt Spray Test and Evaluation
JIS-Z2371-2000 - Methods For Salt Spray Test and Evaluation
JIS-Z2371-2000 - Methods For Salt Spray Test and Evaluation
5 Preparation of specimen The specimen shall be free from stains or flaws. The
preparation of the specimen shall be as follows:
a ) The section of t h e specimen shall be protected by a stable covering material
under test conditions, a s required (2).
Note (2) The covering material includes a tape, paint, paraffin, etc.
b) Metallic and metallic coated specimens shall be suitably cleaned beforehand.
Cleaning shall be carried out by a n appropriate method according to the nature
of surface and the contaminants. Abrasives other than -pasty
- - - - - - -precipitated
- - - - - . . . . . . . . . . .calcium
or detergents causing a
corrosive or protective coating shall not be applied.
The specimen, after cleaning, shall be protected from contamination.
c) The specimen coated with paint and non-metallic coatings shall not be, prior to
test, subjected to cleaning or other treatments. However, the adhering matter
incovenient to test may be removed. ~ur~he-~,-wh-enjtjs-~egui1:ed-t~-mea~ur
development of corrosion from a n abraded area, the coating.............................
-------- ..................................................................... shall be scratched in
order to exJose the underlying metal
-------------- .................................. prior to the test. The method for scratching
shall be subject
---------------- to a n agreement
--------------- between the parties
.............................. concerned with delivery.
........................................ ---
The following...........................
method is a n example: ----
Example: After coating. .about
---_--_-..................... .......5 . . .mm
. . . . . of
. . . t. .h e ~----
e r i p---,-
h e r----.---
yof a specimen for protection
--------------- ------------?
scratch the specimen with shaped like x
----------------- ...................... ---------------------------------------------------.a t 1/2 to 1/3 of the bottom on
the long side. The flaw
---------- .......................................... shall have a depth reaching
the underlying -----.
metal surface and t h e size of t h e incision should greferably
--------------------~tttttttttttttttttt----------------------------------- ----------- -----.be
constant. The tyge
..................... of the cutting ----------------
.................... tool should preferably be a cutter
----------- ----------------.
knife, - -a- - - -raz'or
------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -blade etc
6 Angle and position of specimens during testing The angle and position of
the specimens in the atomizing chamber during testing shall conform to the following
conditions (refer to Annex 3):
a ) The angle of the specimens shall be 20" 5" to the vertical line. In the case of
a member, it shall be placed with its significant surface a t 20" 5O to the vertical +
Other angles may be employed subjecbto t h e agreement between the parties
concerned with delivery.
The surfaces of the specimens shall be exposed to the motion of free atomization,
and shall be placed in the atomizing chamber not to intersect the stream of spray
from the atomizing nozzle a t right angles.
b) The specimens shall contact with nothing other than the support.
C) Each specimen shall be so positioned and spaced as not to interfere with the free
falling of the spray.
d) The salt solution dripping from one specimen shall not fall on other specimens.
7.1 Preparation method of salt solution for testing The preparation method
of salt solution shall be as follows:
a) Salt The salt shall be the sodium chloride of special grade specified in JIS K
8150 or equal to or higher grade(3).
Note (3) The equal to or higher grade means t h a t copper content shall be less
than 0.01 g k g and nickel content shall be less than 0.01 g k g when
sodium chloride i s measured by t h e means of atomic absorption
spectrometry or other analytical method with the same accuracy.
Furthermore, the content of sodium iodide shall not exceed 1.0 g k g or
the total amount of impurities a s converted to dry salt shall not exceed
5.0 g k g .
b) Water The water shall be the deionized water or distilled water not more than
g0 pS/cm in electric conductivity a t 25 OC 2 "C. +
It is recommended that the electric conductivity ought to be not more than 1
C) Preparation method Dissolve the salt in a) in the water in b), and adjust the
saltconcentration to 50 gll 5 gll. As to the adjusted result, measure the~density
using a hydrometer, and confirm that i t is within the range of 1.029 to 1.036 a t
25 "C.
If it i s found to be outside this range, adjust the solution again.
7.2 pH control
7.2.1 Neutral salt spray test The salt solution for testing shall be free from
suspended s u b s t a n ~ e ( before
~) atomization and the atomized solution sampled a t
spraying shall be within the range of 6.5 to 7.2 in pH(5).
In regulating pH, 0 . 1 moll1 solution d the sodium hydroxide specified in JIS K
8576 or hydrochloric acid specified in JIS K 8180 shall be used, as required.
The measurement of pH shall be carried out at 25 "C 2 "C in accordance with JIS
Z 8802.
In routine checks, the pH may be examined with a pH test paper readable to the
place of 0.3.
Notes (4) If suspended substance does not disappear by sufficient mixing, the
solution filtered through filter paper or the like is used.
(5) The following methods can be used i n order that the pH of atomized
solution sampled, during atomization of salt solution for testing at 35
"C, is within the range of 6.5 to 7.2.
a) When the pH of salt solution is regulated a t a room temperature
and the solution i s sprayed at 35 "C, pH of the sampled solution
generally becomes higher than t h a t of the original due to the
volatilization of carbon dioxide dissolved in the solution. Therefore,
when the pH of salt solution is regulated at 25 "C 2 "C,it is kept
a t about 6.5 level.
b) After boiling quietly for about 30 s, the salt solution is cooled to 25
"C, or after keeping a t 35 "C for 48 h, the pH is regulated.
C) Salt solution i s prepared by using the water in which carbon
dioxide is not contained by heating at 35 "C or higher (Remarks 4
in 4 of JIS K 0557) and then the pH is regulated.
7.2.2 Acetic acid salt spray test The salt solution for testing shall be free from
suspended s u b ~ t a n c e ( before
~) atomization and the acetic acid specified in JIS K
8355 shall be sufficiently added so that the atomized solution sampled a t spraying
is within the range of 3.1 to 3.3 in pH. The pH of salt solution should be regulated
at 3.0 to 3.1 a t first for the purpose of making the pH of sampled solution fall under
the specified range.
The measurement of pH shall be carried out at 25 "C 2 "C in accordance with JIS
Z 8802 and corrected appropriately by adding the acetic acid specified in JIS K 8355
or sodium hydroxide specified in JIS K 8576, as required.
In routine checks, the pH may be examined with a pH test paper readable to the
place of 0.1.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .For
.Remarks: . . . . acetic
. . . . . . .acid
. . . . . and
. . . . .sodium
. . . . . hydroxide i t is recommended that 0.1 moY
1 solution ought
----------------- to be used.
7.2.3 CASS test Add 0.205 g + 0.015 g of copper (11) chloride (0.26 g + 0.02 g of
copper (11)chloride dihydrate specified in JIS K 8145) per 11 of the salt solution for
testing. Next, regulate the pH in accordance with the method specified in 7.2.2.
8 Supplied air The compressed air to be supplied to the nozzle for atomizing salt
solution shall be free from oil and dust, and i t s pressure shall be kept a t 0.07 MPa
to 0.17 MPa.
I t is recommended t h a t i t ought to be kept a t 0.098 Mpa + 0.010 MPa.
9 Conditions in atomizing chamber The conditions in atomizing chamber shall
be as follows:
a) Temperature The temperature around the specimen holder in the atomizing
chamber shall be kept a t 35 OC + 2 "C for the neutral and acetic acid salt spray
test, and a t 50 "C f 2 "C for the CASS test. The measuring position of temperature
shall be a t least 100 mm apart from the wall.
b) Temperature and water level of salt solution reservoir for testing The
temperature of the salt solution reservoir for testing shall be kept at 35 "C 2 "C +
for the neutral and acetic acid salt spray test and a t 50 OC 2 OC for the CASS +
test. The water level of the salt solution reservoir for testing shall be kept a t
constant level.
c) Spray The sprayed particles shall, a s a rule, fall free, and be baffled from
impinging directly on a specimen by facing the atomizing nozzle to the direction
where the specimen is clear of the direct spray.
d) Atomization sampling solution After a n operation of consecutive 24 h under
a state where the inside of the atomizing chamber i s filled up with specimens of
specified dimensions and shape, the sampling amount of atomized solution
collected shall average 1.5 ml 0.5 ml per 1 h for each 80 cm2 of horizontal
sampling area. In this case, the salt concentration of sampled atomized solution
shall be 50 gll 5 gll. Further its pH shall be 6.5 to 7.2 for the neutral salt spray
t e s t and 3.1 to 3.3 for the acetic acid s a l t spray test a n d CASS test. The
measurement of pH shall be carried out in accordance with the method specified ,,
i n 7.2.
Informative reference: If the density is in the range of 1.029 to 1.036 a t 25 OC
when measured using a hydrometer in the case of t h e
neutral salt spray test, the salt concentration of atomizing
solution i s considered t o conform t o t h e specified
10 Reuse of apparatus When t h e apparatus h a s been used for the spray test
with a different salt solution for testing or for other purpose, the apparatus shall be
cleaned before use.
When the test is started again, the apparatus shall be operated a t least for 24 h
before the specimen is placed in the chamber and i t shall be verified that the pH of
sampled solution is within the specified value throughout the entire spraying period.
11 Evaluation method of reproducibility of testing apparatus In order to
verify the reproducibility of test results by one s e t of testing apparatus or by the
same type of apparatus in different laboratories, the apparatus shall be required to
verify the motions periodically in accordance with 11.1 to 11.3.
11.1.1 Reference specimens In order 'to verify the motions of apparatus, use four
pieces of the reference specimens of Grade SPCE steel sheets specified in JIS G 3141
of which the dimensions are 7 0 mm x 150 mm and 1 mm f 0.2 mm in thickness and
the surface is free from defects [roughness (arithmetic mean) deviation: R,=0.8 k0.3
pm, the value along the rolling direction]. These reference specimens shall be taken
by cutting from cold-rolled steel sheets.
The reference specimens shall be carefully cleaned immediately before testing.
The dirt, oil and other impurities capable of influencing the test results shall be
removed by cleaning. In such a case, either of the following methods shall be used.
The dirt, oil and other impurities capable of influencing the test results shall be
removed. In such a case, either of the following methods shall be used.
Limit 0.005 max. 0.005 max. 0.1 max. 0.03 max. 98.0 min.
15 Treatment of specimen after test The specimen after the test shall be
treated a s follows:
a) The_spf_c_imEn-
!&_a _bec - ~ _ e _ f ~ I-!&en-~~t-fi.p_m-tl?e-
!y_ test _chamber-andimmediately
I dried for 0.5 h t o 1.0 h.
b) . In order to remove the sodium chloride adhering to the surface of the specimen,
the specimen shall be washed with water a t ordinary temperature of 15 "C to 40
"C and dried immediately.
Informative reference: The drying may be carried out by blowing the air of not
exceeding 200 kPa in pressure a t a distance of approxi-
mately 300 mm.
c) -In
- - - -the
- - - - -case
- - - - - .of
- - - -removing
- - - - - - - - - - -corrosion
- - ------- - - - p o - - - -y_ -shall
- -d- -u- -c- -t-s- 2 -the - - - - - - -be
- - - -removed
- - - - - - - - - - - - by
- - - mechanical
-- -- -- --- - --- - -
methods such
.................................. a s brushing ultrasonic
2--------------.--------------irradiation,-p-ainj-njection --------z-----------injection
water --------2
- - - - R -chemical
- - - - - - - - - - - - - method
- , - - - - - - - - - -or
- - - -electrolytic method (refer
- - - - - - - - - - - --.-------------- -- to Informative reference
....1 . .or. .Informative
. . . . . . . . . reference . . . . . . . .Table . . . . 2) . . .or. .otherwise
. . . . . by..............................
combination of these
a ) Classification of test
b) Name and type
---------------- of test azparatus
- -------------- and system
------------------ - - - - - - -of
- - atomizer.
Shape and dimensions of specimens and members, or otherwise number or type
of parts.
Cleaning method of specimen before and after test
Number of the specimens to be supplied for testing
preparation method of s2ecimen
----- ---------.
Existence and size of scratch, and device for scratching.
Supporting angle of specimen. In the case of members, its supporting angle and
~ ~ p ofe salt
s and water used for preparation of salt solution for testing
Temperature around the specimen holder in the atomizing chamber
Daily records of numerical.values obtained from each sampling container on the
following items.
1) Volume (ml) of atomized solution sampled per hour for approximately 80 cm2
2) Salt concentration of sampled atomized solution and its measured value of
density by hydrometer (25 "C)(in the case of neutral salt spray test)
3) pH of sampled atomized solution
When the test is carried out intermittently, the duration of atomization and the
---- time of atomization.
When the test is interrupted, its reason and duration of interruption
Period of test
Specification of reference specimens used for the evaluation method of reproducibility
of testing apparatus
Nitric acid (JIS K 8541) 1 min to 20 "C to In order to prevent a reaction inducing
5 min 25 "C excessive removal of underlying metal,
peripheral extraneous matter and bulky
corrosion products are removed.
Anodic oxide Add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid (JIS K 1 min to 20 to The fi1m.i~washed with using of nylon-brush
film of 8180) into distilled water to make up to 5 min 25 OC etc. immersed in solution, washed with water
aluminium 110 ml. and then dried by ventilation. When the
corrosion products remain, this operation is
Copper and Add 500 ml of hydrochloric acid (JIS K 1 min to 20 "C to Removal of air in solution with highly pure
copper alloy 8180) into distilled water to make up to 3 min 25 "C nitrogen controls the removal of underlying
1 000 ml. metal.
Add 4.9 g of sodium cyanide (JIS K 8447) 1 min to 20 "C to Corrosion product which is not likely to be
into distilled water to make up to 1000 3 min 25 "C removed by hydrochloric acid treatment
ml. mentioned above is removed. For example,
copper sulphide.
Add 100 ml of sulfuric acid (JIS K 8951) 1 min to 20 "C to Bulky corrosion product is removed, prior to
into distilled water to make up to 1 000 3 min 25 "C treatment, to prevent copper from adhering
ml. again to the surface of specimen.
Add 120 ml of sulfuric acid (JIS K 8951) 5 s to 10 s 20 "C to Re-adhesion of copper resulting from the
and 30 g of sodium bichromate bihydrate 25 "C above-mentioned sulfuric acid treatment is
(JIS K 8518) into distilled water to make removed.
up to 1 000 ml.
Informative Table 1 (continued)
Iron and steel 1000 ml of hydrochloric acid (JISK 8180), 1 min to 20 "C to Solution is sufficiently stirred, or otherwise
20 g of antimony trioxide (111)(JISK 25 min 25 OC specimen is brushed. When occasion
8407)and 60 g of tin (11)chloride demands, the process may be carried out for
dihydrate (JISK 8136) a longer time.
Add 50 g of sodium hydroxide (JISK 30 min to 80 "C to Since zinc powder may naturally ignite by
8576)and 200 g of thin strip of granular 40 min 90 "C contact with air, care shall be taken a t using
zinc (JISK 8012)into distilled water to zinc powder.
make up to 1 000 ml.
Add 50 g of sodium hydroxide (JISK 30 min to 80 OC to Since zinc powder may naturally ignite by
8576)and 20 g of chip of granular zinc 40 min 90 OC contact with air, care shall be taken a t using
(JISK 8012)into distilled water to make zinc powder.
up to 1000 ml.
Add 500 ml of hydrochloric acid (JISK 10 min 20 "C to When occasion demands, the process may be
8180)and 3.5 g of hexamethylenetetramine 25 "C carried out for a longer time.
(JISK 8847)into distilled water to make
up to 1 000 ml.
Magnesium Add 100 g of chromium (VI)oxide (Cr03) 1 min Boiling The purpose of silver chromate is to
and and 10 g of silver chromate (Ag2CrOr)into precipitate chloride.
magnesium distilled water to make up to 1 0 0 0 ml.
Add 200 g of chromium (VI)oxide (CrOB), 1 min 20 "C to The purpose of barium nitrate is to
10 g of silver nitrate (JIS K 8550) and 20 g 25 "C ' precipitate sulfide.
of barium nitrate (JIS K 8565) into
distilled water to make up to 1 000 ml.
Stainless steel Add 100 ml of nitric acid (JIS K 8541) into 20 min 60 "C -
distilled water to make up to 1 000 ml.
Add 200 g of sodium hydroxide ( J I S K 20 min Boiling Since powdery zinc naturally ignites by
8576) and 50 g of powdery zinc (JIS K contact with air, care shall be taken.
8013) into distilled water to make up to
1 000 ml.
Tin and tin Add 150 g of trisodium phosphate 12-water 10 min Boiling
alloy ( J I S K 9012) into distilled water to make -
up to 1000 ml.
Zinc and zinc Add 150 ml of ammonia solution (JIS K 5 min 20 octo Silver nitrate is dissolved in water, and add
alloy 8086) into distilled water to make up to 25 "C boiling chromium oxide water solution to
1 000 ml. prevent a n excess of crystallization of silver
chromate. In order to avoid the attack by
Then, add 50 g of chromium (VI) oxide 15 s to 20 s Boiling zinc on the underlying metal, chromium oxide
(Cr03) and 10 g of silver nitrate ( J I S K shall not contain sulfate.
8550) into distilled water to make up to
1 000 ml.
Add 85 ml of hydriodic acid (JIS K 8917) 15 s 20 "C to The underlying metal of zinc may be
into distilled water to make up to 1 000 25 "C removed. Controlled specimen shall be used.
Add 100 g of ammonium peroxodisulfate 5 min 20 "C to Especially effective for electroplated
(JIS K 8252) into distilled water to make 25 OC specimen:
u p to 1 000 ml.
Add 28 ml of sulfuric acid (JIS K 8951) 3 min 75 "C Cathodic treatment is carried out a t 2 000 A/
and 0.5 g of inhibitor (diorthotolylthiourea, m2 in current density. Carbon or platinum
quinoline ethiodide, or P-naphtholquinoline) is used a s a n anode.
into distilled water to make up to 1 000 ml.
Add 100 g of diammonium hydrogen citrate 5 min 20 "C to Cathodic4reatment is carried out a t 100 A/
(JIS K 8284) into distilled water to make 25 "C m2 in current density. Carbon or platinum
up to 1 000 ml. is used as a n anode.
Lead and lead Add 28 ml of sulfuric acid (JIS K 8951) 3 min 75 "C Cathodic treatment is carried out a t 2 000 A/
alloy and 0.5 g of inhibitor (diorthotolylthiourea, m2 in current density. Carbon or platinum
quinoline ethiodide, or P-naphthol- is used a s a n anode.
quinoline) into distilled water to make up
to 1 000 ml.
Copper and Add 7.5 g of potassium chloride (JIS K 1 min to 20 "C to Cathodic treatment is carried out a t 100 A/
copper alloy 8121) into distilled water to make up to 3 min 25 "C m2 in current density, Carbon or platinum
1 000 ml. is used a s a n anode.
Zinc and Add 50 g of disodium hydrogenphosphate 5 min 70 "C Cathodic treatment is carried out a t 110 A/
cadmium (JIS K 9020) into distilled water to make m2 in current density. Prior to dipping, a
up to 1 000 ml. specimen is activated. Carbon, platinum, or
stainless steel is used as an anode.
Add 100 g of sodium hydroxide ( J I S K 1 min to 20 OC to Cathodic treatment is carried out a t 110 A/
8576) into distilled water to make up to 2 min 25 OC m2 in current density. Prior to dipping, a
1 000 ml. specimen is activated. Carbon, platinum, or
stainless steel is used as a n anode.
Remarks: The JIS numbers in parentheses in column of chemicals refer to the reagents specified in Japanese Industrial
Z 2371 : 2000
Annex 1 (normative) R a t i n g n u m b e r m e t h o d
1 Scope This Annex specifies the rating number method used for evaluation of
test results of salt spray testing.
The relation between the rating number (RN)and the corrosion area ratio (A) shall
be as shown in the following formula.
RN = 3 ( 2 - 10gloA)
However, when the rating number (RN)is in the range between 9.3 to 9.8, i t shall
be as shown in the following formula.
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 1 Standard drawings for rating number 9.8
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 2 Standard drawings for rating number 9.5
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 3 Standard drawings for rating number 9.3
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 4 Standard drawings for rating number 9
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 5 Standard drawings for rating number 8
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 6 Standard drawings for rating number 7
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 7 Standard drawings for rating number 6
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 8 Standard drawings for rating number 5
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 9 Standard drawings for rating number 4
Annex 1 Attached Fig. 10 Standard drawings for rating number 3
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This Annex supplements the matters related to the requirements of the text of this
Standard and Annex, and does not constitute a part of this Standard.
The structures of apparatus conforming to the requirements specified in this
Standard are given in this Annex.
In order to eliminate t h e fluctuation of the salt concentration of salt spray,
supplied air shall have a relative humidity of 95 % to 98 % when spray is emitted.
For this purpose, the temperature of air saturator is kept a t 47 OC 2 OC when the
pressure of supplied air is 0.098 MPa in neutral salt spray test. The water in the air
saturator shall be replaced every specified period so that it may remove the impurities
in the air.
Further, A2 or A3 of water specified in JIS K 0557 shall be used.
The apparatus shall have a structure taking heat insulation into consideration so
that the atomizing chamber and the specimen are not influenced by the changing
temperature of the open air. Sensors for regulating temperature, and indicating
temperature and humidity shall be positioned in a place a t least 100 mm from the
wall of the atomizing chamber, and shall be so arranged as to facilitate reading the
temperature and humidity from the outside. Exhaust gas, not to be forced out,
should preferably be discharged through an exhaust processing equipment which is
not influenced by the wind pressure of the open air.
Drainage should preferably be discharged through a drainage processing equipment.
A salt water supply t a n k i s preferably equipped with a n automatic salt water
supplier to ensure a long operation.
Unit: mm
1 Atomizing
2 Cover
3 Atomizing
4 Atomizer
5 Specimens
6 Atomizing
chamber heater
7 Air saturator
8 Compressor
9 Pressure
regulating valve
10 Pressure gauge
(Front view) 11 Salt water
supply tank
12 Temperature
1 3 Exhaust
Atomizing nozzle equipment
14 Exhaust gas
Inside diameter
@ 0.508 to 0.533
Inside diameter
@ 0.737 to 0.762
(Side view) f Salt solution for testing
This Annex supplements the matters related to the requirements of the text of this
Standard and Annex, and does not constitute a part of this Standard.
Unit: mm
About //
Sampling container
for atomized solution
Related standards:
JIS C 0023 Basic environmental testing procedures Part 2: Tests - Test Ka: Salt
JIS H 8502 Methods of corrosion resistance test for metallic coatings
JIS H 8681-1 Test methods for corrosion resistance of anodic oxide coatings on
aluminium and aluminium alloys Part 1: Alkali resistance test
JIS H 8681-2 Test methods for corrosion resistance of anodic oxide coatings on
aluminium and aluminium alloys Part 2: CASS test
JIS K 2246 Rust preventive oils
JIS K 5400 Testing methods for paints
JIS Z 0304 Outdoor exposure test for protected metals
I S 0 4611 Plastics - Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water
spray and salt mist
I S 0 7253 . Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to neutral salt
spray (fog)
IS0 8407 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Removal of corrosion products from
corrosion test specimens
I S 0 8993 Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys - Rating system for the
evaluation of pitting corrosion - Chart method
IEC 60068-2-11 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests. Test Ka: Salt mist
IEC 60068-2-52 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests. Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic
(sodium, chloride solution)
Errata for JIS (English edition) are printed in Standardization Journal, published monthly
by the Japanese Standards Association, and also provided to subscribers of JIS (English
edition) in Monthly Information.