Theatre Handbook 2015-16

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Margaret Marrs
[email protected]
6th Grade Exploratory Theatre
7th-8th Grade Theatre Arts
Theatre Production

Table of Contents
Letter from the Director ................................................................................................... 3

Class Syllabus..................................................................................................................... 4

Eligibility .............................................................................................................................. 6

Conduct............................................................................................................................. 7

Rehearsals.......................................................................................................................... 8

Performances .................................................................................................................... 9

Rehearsal and Event Dress ............................................................................................ 10

Auditions .......................................................................................................................... 11

Communication is the Key ............................................................................................ 12

Theatre Fundraiser .......................................................................................................... 13

Sample Forms .................................................................................................................. 14

Theatre Calendar of Important Dates ......................................................................... 16

Signature Page ............................................................................................................... 18

Charles M. Blalack Middle School
Theatre Department
1706 Peters Colony
Carrollton, Texas 75007
Margaret Marrs—[email protected]
Remind 101
6th Grade Theatre: text @6theatre to 469-208-6451
7th/8th Grade Theatre: text @78theatre to 469-208-6451
8 Grade Theatre Production: text @tharprod to 469-208-6451

Theatre Phone
Margaret Marrs—972-968-3574

August 2015

Dear Families,

I would like to welcome you and your child to the Blalack Middle School Theatre
Department. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!

As your child’s Theatre Arts teacher, my commitment is to create a safe,

enriching, and positive learning environment. I have many challenging, exciting
shows and classroom activities planned this year. Because we would like all
students to experience theatre and the collaboration of this art form, there may
be times when we call on you for extra assistance. If you are skilled in the areas
of ticket sales, carpentry, sewing and/or painting, please let me know. I would
like to work together to help your child achieve success in the theatre

I encourage you to email me or call the school, should you have any questions
or concerns.

Attached you will find a copy of our theatre discipline plan, as well as policies
and procedures designed to help the classroom run smoothly. Your child has
already seen the plan, as we discussed this plan as a class, and s/he has a copy
in his/her theatre folder.

Once again, if you have any questions about this letter, the handbook or the
theatre department, please do not hesitate to ask. I know this marks the
beginning of a wonderful middle school theatre experience for you and your

Thank you,

Mrs. Margaret Marrs

[email protected]

Class Syllabus
When you enter my classroom:
 Enter the room, get your journal, and go straight to your seat.
 Open your journal to a new page and begin the journal activity
o Put the date in the top right corner
o Write the question or journal statement on the first line
o Remember to use at least 20 words and complete sentences

My classroom policies follow the PAWS program:

Practice Respect
Act Responsible
Work Hard
Stay Safe

Remember! This is a creative and artistic atmosphere. No one has a right or

wrong idea or interpretation of ideas. Please be open-minded to others’ points
of view and performances.

Discipline Consequences:
I follow the Blalack discipline policy set by the principal.
Offense Consequence Conduct Grade
1 Warning Conduct Grade maybe lowered
2 Sign Discipline Book/Loss of Trust Card B
3 Sign Discipline Book/Loss of Trust Card B
4 Sign Discipline Book, Parent Contact, C
Loss of Trust Card, 20 Minute Detention
5 Sign Discipline Book, Parent Contact, C
Loss of Trust Card, 40 Minute Detention
6 Sign Discipline Book, Loss of Trust Card,Office Referral F

Supply Requirements:
 1 folder for journal, filled with notebook paper
 Pen or pencil to write with EVERYDAY
 Notes from previous class period (in your folder)

During lectures, discussions, performances, and presentations:

 Students should show the speaker respect by listening
 Students should raise their hands to ask questions
 Students should not be visually or verbally distracting
 Students should be able to see the person(s) speaking (or miming)

Off Limit My desk, supplies on my desk, and the area behind my desk are
Areas OFF LIMITS to students. Students must have permission to enter
supply cabinets. Also, the dry erase board should not be used
unless you have permission.

Tardies I follow the school policy on tardies. If you have any questions,
please refer to the Student Handbook.

Absences If you are absent from my class, please contact me after class
about missed assignments, homework, etc.

Late Work Please turn in work on the assigned day. Late points will be
deducted for both formative and summative assignments turned
in after the assigned due date. Please refer to the district grading

Make-up If you fail a major grade performance, you may make the grade
Performances up to passing by attending tutorials to watch a video of the
performance. Then write a two-page performance critique
analyzing the positive and negative aspects of your performance.
NOTE: You will only receive credit if the critique is well-written and
thoughtful in content.

When you leave my classroom:

 Make sure your area is clean, supplies are put away, and chairs are
pushed in
 You will remain seated until the teacher dismisses you
 You will exit the classroom in an orderly fashion

Additional Notes:
 The words “Shut up” (or any form with a similarly harsh meaning) are not
allowed in my classroom and will result in a conduct mark.
 No food or drinks in the classroom. Bottled water is allowed as long as
students keep up with their bottle and take it away when class is over.
 NO CHEWING GUM! This is a Blalack rule! There is no reason you should
even have it with you in the classroom. Leave it at home.
 Students may NOT use the bathroom during the first 15 minutes and last 15
minutes of class. Go during the passing period or wait.
 Extra credit options will be available throughout the semester.

The State of Texas has in place the Eligibility Law “No Pass/No Play.” All students involved in extra
curricular and co-curricular activities are required to have a passing grade of 70 for all subjects
in order to participate in competitions and contests. A single failing grade in any class on report
cards and designated progress reports will deny you the privilege of performing with the theatre
group. Your grades have a direct influence on every other student in the play. This problem can
devastate all of our hard work, both individually and as a production team. The teamwork
needed for a successful performance is based on the responsibility of each student to pass
his/her classes.

Here are a couple of hints in order to stay eligible:

Do all of your homework and turn it in on time! The incredible fact is the majority of ineligibles fail
simply because they do not complete their work. A single zero on any assignment can cause
your overall grade to drop drastically.

Do not be afraid to ask for help! Check with your teachers to find out when tutorials sessions are
available. Every teacher at Blalack Middle School is willing to help any student willing to put
forth the effort.

Common Questions/Answers about Eligibility:

Are ineligible students permitted to travel to competitive events with the school group? No.
Students must be eligible to travel to competitive events.

When a student fails a course at the end of a grading period, is that course the only subject the
student must pass to regain eligibility within three weeks? No, the student must be passing all
courses other than identified honors classes at the end of the three school week evaluation
period in order to regain eligibility. (TEC §33.081 [d].)

Under what conditions may a student receive an incomplete grade and how does it affect
eligibility? A student with an “Incomplete” grade is ineligible at the end of the seven day grace
period unless the “Incomplete” was replaced with a passing grade prior to the end of the seven
day grace period. Students with an “Incomplete” grade either within or beyond the end of the
seven day grace period may regain eligibility if the work is made up in accordance with district
policy in regard to time allowed for make-up work and the conditions under which make-up
work are allowed.

Can a student’s grade be changed for eligibility? After a failing grade has been recorded, the
situations in which a student’s grade may be changed to passing and eligibility restored are only
as follows: (a) an examination or course grade issued by a classroom teacher is final and may
not be changed unless the grade is arbitrary, erroneous, or not consistent with school district
grading policy, as determined by the board of trustees. The board’s decision may not be
appealed.Extra credit work or work (including re-test) turned in after the grading period or
evaluation has ended may not be considered when determining a student’s eligibility for
extracurricular activities except in the case of an “Incomplete” grade discussed above.

NOTE: Eligibility plays an important part in the casting process. All student grades are
reviewed during casting. If a student is failing or in jeopardy of failing, even if only on a
progress report, the student may not be cast. Please remember to work with your
students on keeping their grades eligible.

Rehearsal time, both during class and after school, is extremely valuable. The
director(s) high expectations of performance levels require that every rehearsal
minute be utilized to its fullest. Only through quality rehearsal time in class and
after school can quality performance be achieved.

Theatre Guidelines – Rehearsals on stage and in class:

1. Come prepared to rehearse. Bring your script and a pencil EVERYDAY! Do
not lose your script.
2. Stay on task. Pay attention to what is going on backstage and what is
happening on stage. This will enable you to enter for your cue on time,
and will reduce accidents backstage.
3. There are no critics here! We are all learning together, so be respectful of
each other. While others are performing, please be supportive and
4. Only touch YOUR props and costumes. If you have not been assigned to
move set pieces for a scene change, do not move set pieces or props
that have been placed in specific areas.
5. No food or drink on stage! Only bottled water. Clean up your mess! If you
have bottled water on stage, make sure you throw it away.
6. It is everyone’s job to help strike the set after rehearsal. We can leave only
when everything is put back in its place.
7. Always be working on improving your performance. After every rehearsal,
the directors will give you notes. You need to pay attention because
notes are meant to make you a better actor or technician. Listen and put
into practice what was said to you because that will help make the show

Conduct Expectations:
1. Follow directions the first time given. We must maintain theatre safety at
all times.
2. Respect your fellow actors and technicians.
3. When working in the classroom, follow classroom rules and procedures
(theatre syllabus).
4. Be positive! Positive attitudes will take us far!

Improper conduct during class and/or after school rehearsals my

result in disciplinary consequences and/or removal from rehearsal.

Rehearsals are a key part of the production process. Practice makes perfect—
and rehearsal are how we practice. We cannot produce a quality show
without quality rehearsals. With that said, it is easy to understand why rehearsal
expectations are extremely high. After the casting of each show, a “Rehearsal
Contract” will be reviewed with students and sent home for parents to sign and
return (see attached sample on page 14).

Rehearsal Attendance Policy

Rehearsal schedules will be sent home upon casting each performance.
Attached to each schedule will be a “Conflict Form” (see attached sample on
page 15).
1. Conflicts/Appointments must be shared with the director as soon as
possible. Please return the “Conflict Form” or you may email or send a
handwritten note to notify the director in advance.
2. In case of illness and/or family emergency, the parents should call the
director as soon as they are aware that the situation exists. You may call
the director’s room and leave a message or you may follow up with a
written note. This is the only category where absences will be excused the
same day or after the event.

Please remember that no matter the role in a production, every student is a

valuable part of the process and will be missed if he/she is absent. Please let
the director(s) know of absences as soon as possible.

Performances are the tangible outcome of the hard work and effort of the
students and director(s). The only outcome sought is that of excellence. When
performing, students should always remember that they represent our school
and community and should behave accordingly.

Performance Guidelines:
1. Be on time—early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.
2. Be courteous and polite—Be respectful of all cast and crew members.
3. Thank those who offer support and assistance—They make your hard work
4. Maintain a performance atmosphere at all times—Be still and quiet. Do
not distract the other performers backstage or onstage.
5. No costumes/make-up in the “lobby” or audience—Students are to
remain back stage during productions and intermission.
6. Ride buses in a mature manner—No shouting, standing or switching seats,
especially when the bus is in motion.
Performance Attendance Policy
Performance attendance is mandatory! All Theatre Arts classes are
performance-based, so performances are a large percentage of a student’s
grade. If for some reason you cannot attend a performance date you MUST let
the director know before casting! If there comes a time during the production
process when a scheduling conflict is discovered, please let the director(s) know
immediately so a solution may be worked out. An alternative assignment may
be given ahead of time, but without prior knowledge of the absence a student
will not be able to make up the grade(s).

Performance Departure
After the show ends, students are to return to the dressing rooms to change out
of costume and remove make-up. The dressing rooms must also be cleaned of
all trash, food, etc. and set up for the next school day before anyone leaves.
Please see the “Rehearsal and Event Dress” section for costume guidelines.
After the dressing room has been cleared, students will check out with a
director. After an after-school rehearsal or performance, students may not
leave until they have been dismissed by a director.

Performance dates are listed in the rehearsal calendars, the Blalack Website
calendar, on the Blalack Theatre webpage, and in the Blalack Theatre Arts
Handbook. If you have any questions or concerns about dates, please contact
the director.
Again, please remember that no matter the role in a production, every student is
a valuable part of the process and will be missed if he/she is absent. Please let
the director(s) know of absences as soon as possible.

Rehearsal and Event Dress

The Blalack Theatre Department takes great pride in projecting professional,
uniformed appearance at all rehearsals and theater events.

Rehearsal Attire:
You may wear school appropriate attire that follows the C-FB dress code. Be
sure you bring additional clothing if the rehearsal requires movement
(remember to remain within dress code standards). You want to be
comfortable at rehearsal. Please see that closed-toe shoes are worn to every
rehearsal for safety reasons.

Field Trips:
We represent Blalack Middle School and the Theatre Department when
attending theatre field trips. Please make sure you dress appropriately and
professionally for and theatre event or field trip.

Special Events/UIL One-Act Play:

Students are to wear comfortable, presentable clothing during the day of the
UIL One-Act Play Competition. Students will also be asked to bring a “dressy”
change of clothing for the awards ceremony following the competition. More
information will follow closer to the competition date.

Costumes are a very important part of a production. Many costumes belong to
the school, but some are also rented or personally owned. At the end of a
rehearsal, costumes should be taken off and neatly hung on the costume rack
in an organized fashion. Any accessories (including shoes, hats, jewelry, etc.)
should also be removed and stored with other costume pieces. You may
choose to bring a bag of some sort. Before students leave after a performance,
they must return to the dressing room and change out of their costumes.
Costumes should be neatly hung on the costume rack in an organized fashion
including all accessories.

Costumes should NOT be taken home for any reason.

Following an after-school rehearsal or performance, students may not leave until

they have been dismissed by a director.

Theatre Production
The Theatre Production group is selected from performance-based auditions the
spring semester of each year. Students will be informed of auditions early in the
spring semester so they may receive an audition packet. Students will also be
informed of the audition date. There will not be make-up auditions for Theatre
Production auditions. In addition to the audition performance, selections will be
made based on attendance, academic performance, dedication, teacher
recommendation, and student interview essays.

This group performs three main stage shows a year, including a performance at
a district high school for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Middle School One-
Act Play Competition. Auditions for the main stage shows will be during the
Theatre Production class period. All Theatre Production students are expected
to audition for some aspect of a show. All Theatre Production students will
participate in a role of every production (as cast or crew) to ensure a rewarding
theatrical experience for the entire Theatre Production team.

7th-8th Grade Theatre Arts

This group works in class to rehearse and prepare performances for in-class
grades. There is not a “7th-8th Grade Theatre Show” scheduled at this time, but
these students have other opportunities for performances outside of class.

All 7th and 8th grade theatre students have the option to audition for two of the
main stage productions—the Dinner Theatre and the Spring Show. These
students may also choose to audition for the Monologue Showcase, performed
in conjunction with the public One-Act Play performance, or the Blalack Fine
Arts Talent Show (see the calendar for dates). Auditions for the above
mentioned events will be after school on a designated date. An audition
application with parent’s permission must be turned in at the time of the
audition. The involvement in these additional shows is completely voluntary.
Students who participate as cast or crew members will be held to the same
expectations of the Theatre Production students, and may receive extra credit
for their work. NOTE: Rehearsals for these shows will be after-school.

6th Grade Exploratory Theatre

Students in 6th Grade Theatre will have the opportunity to perform a class play
during their semester. Auditions for the class plays will take place in class.
Rehearsals will be in class, as well as the performance.

In addition to the class plays, students involved in 6th grade theatre may also
audition for the Dinner Theatre and the Spring Show. The audition information
for 6th graders interested in these shows is the same as the other theatre levels.
Auditions for the above mentioned events will be after school on a designated

date. An audition application with parent’s permission must be turned in at the

time of the audition. The involvement in these additional shows is completely
voluntary. Students who participate as cast or crew members will be held to the
same expectations of the Theatre Production students, and may receive extra
credit for their work. NOTE: Rehearsals for these shows will be after-school.

Audition Process
All performances are cast by audition. Students will be asked to perform a “cold
reading” from the script to be performed. Auditions will be closed to the public
with only the directors present. The students will be asked to add character,
mood, and an efficient use of space in their audition. Students will be cast as
director(s) sees fit, allowing all students opportunity to audition for many roles for
growth in performance. The student’s creative and theatrical growth is the
primary concern of the director(s).

The primary objective for each student at school should be to obtain the highest
quality overall education possible. Academic performance and success fall
hand in hand with theatrical success. Blalack takes pride in knowing theatre
students are among the highest achieving students in the school and are also
among the most active in other organizations. Education research shows that
students involved in extra curricular activities perform at a consistently higher
academic level!

Students must be academically eligible for performance in these top-performing

groups. A student ineligible cannot participate in the performance and their role
will be assigned to another student.

Communication is the Key!

The Blalack Theatre Department wants to keep students and parents informed!
In addition to this handbook, we provide calendars and notes home. You can
also access materials online as well as communicate with the director(s). Please
detach the calendar in this handbook and post it for future reference.

Be involved in your student’s theatre education. There are many volunteer

opportunities for parents!!

Pertinent information sheets will be sent home with each student at least one
week prior to any major event. If you have any questions or concerns, please do
not hesitate to call or email the director(s).

Thank you for your support!


To help raise money for the Blalack Theatre Department and the shows and projects we are
putting on this year, I am calling all Theatre students! As an activity relating to theatre, for raising
money, I am asking you to put in your hard work. We are going to be selling ADVERTISEMENT
SPACE in our programs (the One-Act show in the Fall, the Dinner Theatre in February, and the
Spring Show in the Spring). If you sell an ad it WILL appear in ALL programs!

The idea is very simple…

There are 3 different sizes of ad space (see diagram below) and each has a different price:


Almost anything can go in the advertisement space. As you may have picked up on, most
people can use this space to advertise something. If you have a parent or a family member
who works for a company or owns a business, they can put in a business card or advertisement.
There are other ways to use the advertisement space though! This space can be used to wish a
family member or friend good luck on the performance or on the show or just a happy phrase in
general. It can be used to post upcoming sports games or programs that are going on at our
school or any other. In fact, this space can be used for pretty much anything that is positive in
nature and school appropriate. You can sell to parents, siblings, grandparents, other family
members, friends, neighbors, former teachers, current teachers, clubs, organizations, etc.
Contact Mrs. Marrs if you have questions about formatting. Programs are printed in black and

Please have ads and money turned in to Mrs. Marrs in D-6 or by

email ([email protected]) by _______________________. (See the due
date on the calendar for each show).
Checks can be made payable to Blalack Middle School, as long as

5½” x 4¼”
=an 8½”x11” 5½” x 8½”
sheet of paper
2¾” x 4¼”

SAMPLE Rehearsal Contract

By signing this contract, you are agreeing to the following expectations and consequences:

1. Theatre Production is a class specifically for the purpose of producing shows. Students are
there to work hands on in the process, from casting to rehearsals to the final curtain call.
Students should be committed to the production process and use all time as effectively as

2. To make rehearsals effective, students are expected to stay focused on what they should be
doing—running through lines, preparing for scenes, rehearsing, preparing for entrances, etc.
Students are also expected to follow the normal classroom rules that were introduced at the
beginning of the year: be respectful, be responsible, be on time, be prepared and be safe..
These expectations will be followed during all rehearsals, in or out of class.

3. When in rehearsals and during the show you will try your hardest to make things happen.
This means attempting to say the lines you might not know at all and singing the songs even
when you are off key. You are expected to perform in rehearsals just as if you would for the

4. Disrespect will not be tolerated—“Show respect” is one of the class expectations. Students
will not show disrespect for the director or their classmates. Disrespect includes not trying
your hardest in the rehearsals/shows (being lazy and socializing). When you are asked to do
something, you need to do it then without talking back.

5. Class time is Rehearsal time. Every bit of class should be used for rehearsal. Even when
you are not “on stage,” you can still be preparing by reading over lines to yourself or quietly
with a partner. When you are “off stage,” you should still be prepared for your entrances and
anything else that may come up. Rehearsal time is not limited to class time. After school
rehearsals (and possible before school rehearsals) will be scheduled. You should attend all

6. Appropriate conduct during rehearsals, both in school and after school is expected.
Inappropriate conduct during rehearsals will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary
consequences and/or removal from the show.

7. If you cannot follow these expectations, then you cannot be in this show.
a. If you have to be continuously asked to get back on task during a rehearsal, you will
be asked to leave rehearsal to complete an alternative assignment. It will be your
responsibility to get any notes and rehearse on your own at home that night.
b. If off-task behavior and not following expectations becomes a daily problem, you will
be removed from the show and your part will be given to someone else. You will be
given alternative assignments for the rest of the year.
c. Regular behavior consequences (signatures on cards, detentions, parent phone calls,
office referrals) will be enforced more strictly. Breaking classroom expectations and
school rules will result in behavior consequences.

_______________________________________ _________________
Teacher Signature Date

________________________________________ _________________
Student Signature Date

_________________________________________ _________________
Parent Signature Date

Blalack Middle School

SAMPLE Rehearsal Conflict Form
Performance: SAMPLE SHOW Date/Time:
Student Name: _______________________________________________

A copy of the proposed rehearsal schedule is attached. Please review this schedule with
your student. At this time, please not any conflicts with the proposed rehearsal schedule
(sports practice, dance lessons, sectionals, etc.) in the space provided

Note: The director will cast the show as seen fit, allowing all students the opportunity to
audition for many roles in order to grow in performance, voice and diction, and many other
areas of theatre production. All students will receive a role in the production (onstage
and/or backstage) to ensure a rewarding theatrical experience for the entire Theatre
Production Team.

**As noted on the rehearsal schedule: The backstage crew (techies) are required to attend
noted rehearsals/performances. All techies should wear ALL BLACK the day of final
rehearsals and the day of the actual production.

Rehearsal Date Time Student leaving early? What time?

NO CONFLICTS: Please check the following box

(Parents) I understand the importance of my child’s presence at theatre rehearsals. I have

reviewed the attached rehearsal calendar and have noted proposed conflicts.

Parent Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________

Number where you may be reached (in case of emergency): _________________

Please return to Mrs. Marrs upon completion. Thank you!


2015-2016 Theatre Calendar of Important Dates

August 2015
24 First day of School and beginning of 1st 9-weeks

September 2015
7 Labor Day!--School Holiday
1 Theatre Supplies Due! – 2 pocket folders with brads, Elmer’s glue, handouts
3 Meet the Teacher Night, 6:30-8:00pm
3 8th Grade Theatre Production Parent Meeting, 8:00pm in Mrs. Marrs' room
18 7/8th Grade Fine Arts at Main Event, 6:00-8:00pm

October 2015
1 Talent Show Auditions – 4:15-7:00pm in the Cafetorium
9 District Middle School Theatre Playfest – 6:00-9:00pm at Blalack MS
12 Fair Day!--School Holiday
16 End of the 1st 9-weeks
19 Beginning of 2nd 9-weeks

November 2015
5 POSSIBLE 6th Grade Class Play Rehearsal – 4:15-5:00pm in the Cafetorium
6 6th Grade Class Play Performance – in-school, time TBA
11 ADVERTISEMENTS DUE for One-Act Play& Monologue Showcase
Program by 4:30pm
18 One-Act Play Dress Rehearsal (after school) and Picture Call (6:00pm)
19 One-Act Play & Monologue Showcase Performance 6:30pm in the Blalack
Cafeteria ADMISSION $3.00 at the door
23-27 Thanksgiving Holiday!

December 2015
3 UIL One Act Play Rehearsal, TBA
4 Middle School UIL One-Act Play Contest at Newman Smith High School,
time TBA
17-18 Early Release Days
18 End of 2nd 9-weeks

January 2016
5 Beginning of 3rd 9-weeks
18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day--School Holiday
26 Middle School Theatre WinterFest – 5:30-7:30pm at Long MS
26 Dinner Theatre Tickets on sale to CAST AND CREW ONLY! (4:15pm)

February 2016
2 Dinner Theatre Tickets on SALE to the public! (4:15pm)
10 ADVERTISEMENTS DUE for Dinner Theatre Program by 4:30pm
11 Middle School Theatre Freshman Night at Newman Smith HS, time TBA
17 Dinner Theatre Dress Reh. (after school) and PICTURE CALL (6:30pm)
18 Dinner Theatre Performance 6:00pm, in the Blalack Cafetorium,
19 Dinner Theatre Performance 6:00pm, in the Blalack Cafetorium,

March 2016
18 End of 3rd 9-weeks
21 Beginning of 4th 9-weeks

April 2016
14 7th Grade Auditions for 2016-17 Theatre Production, 4:15pm in D6
14 PTA Fine Arts Showcase, 6:30pm
21 POSSIBLE 6th Grade Class Play Rehearsal – 4:15-5:00pm in the cafetorium
22 6th Grade Class Play Performance – in-school, time TBA
23 Musical Workday, time TBA
27 ADVERTISEMENTS DUE for Spring Show Program by 4:30pm
30 Musical Rehearsal, time TBA

May 2016
4 Spring Show Dress Reh. (after school) and PICTURE CALL (6:30pm)
5 Spring Show Performance, 6:30pm in the Blalack Cafetorium,
ADMISSION $5.00 at the door
6 Spring Show Performance, 6:30pm in the Blalack Cafetorium,
ADMISSION $5.00 at the door
30 Memorial Day!--NO SCHOOL!

June 2016
1-2 Early Release

Specific dates on rehearsals will be on the Rehearsal Calendar for each

production. See the appropriate class or contact the director for more

2015-2016 Theatre Handbook

Please sign and return to your child’s Theatre Arts teacher.

Go to the Theatre page on

and review the 2015-2016 Blalack Theatre
Department handbook (located under “Content.”)

I have reviewed a copy of the Blalack Theatre Arts

Handbook. My student and I have discussed the
handbook and understand the policies and
guidelines stated therein.

___________________________________ ______________
Parent Signature Date

___________________________________ ______________
Student Signature Date

___________________________________ ______________
Student Name Printed Class Period

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