JBK Courses Information en
JBK Courses Information en
JBK Courses Information en
state cer tified
Johannes-Brahms-Konservatorium in Hamburg
Ebertallee 55 – D-22607 Hamburg
Beginning of studies:
• Summer semester: 1st April
• Winter semester: 1st October
Graduation and duration of studies: conservatory internal graduation examination for the
following courses of studies:
state cer tified
Johannes-Brahms-Konservatorium in Hamburg
Ebertallee 55 – D-22607 Hamburg
The study comprises an additional education for chorus conduction which also is useful for
ensemble conducting of chamber orchestras, big bands or other instrumental groups.
In addition knowledge in popular music is a teaching subject, -as this is more and more being
asked for by music pedagogues – with the minor subjects:
For students from abroad who want to complete a full course (MP or KR), two preparatory
semesters are necessary (does not concern postgraduate courses).
state cer tified
Johannes-Brahms-Konservatorium in Hamburg
Ebertallee 55 – D-22607 Hamburg
The fees are amounting to EUR 3.240,-- per year, Payment by instalments is possible.
German with professional language music EUR 960,-- per year, supplementary for students
from abroad who are in need of these lessons.
Entrance examination:
Audition in the main course. Demanded: a program of different epochs or stylistic elements,
among those a contemporaneous work, with a total duration of maximal 20 minutes.
For the course of study elementary music pedagogics (primary music education/basic
education) an audition in an instrumental or vocal accompanying course is demanded –
maximal 20 minutes.
• Auditon in the minor subject piano –maximal three works of free choice
• Theoretic-practical examination on the piano. Audition of simple four-part cadences.
• After registration at the conservatory before beginning of studies knowledge of the
students in music theory, aural training, music history and musical forms are being
tested by examination paper or verbal examination.
• Not necessary for the entrance examination of artistic examination as postgraduate
The following documents are to be submitted to the conservatory till 15th March or 15th
September respectively at the latest:
For postgraduate study certified copy of graduation of music studies (preferably German
translation). Confirmation of registration of the actual place of residence. Two pass port
photos. Applicants wanting a preparation for an entrance examination are being asked to sign
up for a one-or two-semester preparatory course.
Application Form
I herewith apply for the
Course of study:
F Music pedagogics
F Artistic examination
F Music pedagogics/postgraduate study
F Artistic examination/postgraduate study
I am herewith enclosing:
Copy of certificate of birth, final report of school (optional:
certificate about completion of a music study), registry office
confirmation of the latest place of residence, if living in
Germany, two passport photos.
Johannes-Brahms-Konservatorium in Hamburg
– Secretariat –
Ebertallee 55
D-22607 Hamburg
Date: .....................................................................................
Signature: .............................................................................