7 VI June 2019
7 VI June 2019
7 VI June 2019
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.177
Volume 7 Issue VI, June 2019- Available at www.ijraset.com
Abstract: Concrete mix design is art of civil engineering, which is most widely use in construction work in the world. A good
quality of concrete starts with proper quality of materials, cost effective design which results the valuable construction practice.
A concrete mix design mainly carried out the characteristics of workability, durability and strength of concrete in fresh and
hardened state.
This study investigates for determining most suitable concrete mix in order to achieve the target mean strength. In this research
work 43 grade of ordinary Portland cement, the locally available fine aggregate i.e. sand, 20mm and 10mm graded coarse
aggregate were selected based on IS:456-2000 and IS 10262-2009 standard for determining quantities and proportions for
concrete having grade M25.
A total of six trial mixes were carried out for getting suitable selection for M25 grade of concrete in a better way of
proportioning. Each mix were tested by slump instantly and a set of 6 numbers of cubical specimen having size 150mm X
150mm X 150mm were casted and kept in curing tank after 24 hours from casting time period. After age of 7 days of curing, the
specimens of 3 numbers and after 28 days of curing, the specimens of remaining 3 numbers of each mix were tested. After
observing of the variation of each mix design, the appropriate mix proportion were selected for further construction.
Keywords: Mix design, Compressive strength, Water/cement ratio, Curing, Target mean strength, Aggregates, IS method.
A mix design is mostly economically, preparing with raw materials such as cement, fine aggregate or river sand, coarse aggregate,
water, in a proper batching and mixing proportion which results the better quality of concrete work of required strength, durability
workability, and prevent from failure of construction practice which is termed as concrete mix design. In mix design of concrete, the
basic ingredients compare with nominal concrete are slightly same but their proportioning may vary. A fresh concrete which is
workable and cohesive at its initial setting time.
When it becomes hardened, it should be strong enough and durable. Sometimes, concrete fails due to low quality of materials, more
silt content, improper batching and mixing, transporting, placing, compacting and curing, etc. Concrete mix design is very useful in
quality control in construction.
Improper or without curing of concrete results plastic shrinkage cracking as well as drying shrinkage and other side effects.
Characteristics strength of concrete is the value of compressive strength which must be satisfy for concrete grade selection with
respect to its ingredients properties. Different mix design methods carried out for target mean strength or design strength in a
different way. Here, the concrete mix design of M25 grade is use to estimate parameters like compressive strength, cost effective at
the stage of design for a given target strength, in addition to ingredients of concrete to carried out the R.C.C work for construction
and modification of terminal building at Silchar Airport.
3) Water: Water is using in mix design as a ingredients. Potable water is important for batching and mixing to produce concrete as
because it reacts with cement and hence results in hydration.
4) Fine Aggregate: Normally river sand is use in here as fine aggregate from Madura river, Silchar local area. The sand is tested as
per IS 383:1970 requirement. In addition, sieve analysis has also carried out.
5) Coarse Aggregate: Normally crushed stone with having 10mm and 20mm sizes are taken for construction work from Madura
river, locality of Silchar area. The aggregate is also tested as per IS 383:1970 standard.
6) Admixture: Admixture are manufactured from super plasticizer based chemicals naphthalene formaldehyde sulphate polymer
are used. Mainly admixtures is used as air-entraining agents, water reducers, water reducing retarders and accelerators. Here,
admixture uses as per IS 9103-2003 standards.
Table 7: Properties of Admixture
Sl. No Particulars Value Specification
1. Brand SWC
2. Form Liquid
3. Specific Gravity 1.121 As per IS 9103-2003
4. PH value 7.3
5. Chloride Nil
6. Colour Brown
As per IS:456-2000, characteristics compressive strength for M25 grade of concrete and its proportion are mentioned below the
table 8. Abram’s water/cement ratio states that for any given condition of test, the strength of workability of concrete mix is mainly
depending upon of its water/cement ratio. Applicable of lower water/cement ratio results the greater accuracy of compressive
strength as well as durability of concrete. Utilization of maximum cement content which avoid shrinkage cracks. Also to be focus
for maximum aggregate/cement ratio which can also be economically in nature.
Table 11: The above trail mix 1 are in tabulated form as-
Sl. No. Cement Fine Aggregate Coarse aggregate Water Admixtur Slump
(Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (Litre) e (ml) (mm)
Trial 360 502.164 10mm 20mm 157.32 0.82
Mix1 752 501.34
Sample1 25 34.87 52.22 34.82 10.925 0.06 Nil
Similarly, for other trail mixes, same procedure has been carried out.
2) Trial Mix 2,3,4,5 and 6: Similarly, it has followed in the same manner for 370 Kg/m3, 380 Kg/m3, 390 Kg/m3, 400 Kg/m3 and
410 Kg/m3 with having 25Kg of each cement sample weighted with respect to its other ingredients-
Table 14: Cube test results for 390 Kg/m3, trial mix-4, sample-4
Sl. No Cube Id 7 Days Cube Strength 28 Days Cube Strength Selection
2 2
(N/mm ) (N/mm )
Individual Average Individual Average Yes No
Trial 39/22/1 23.15
Mix 4 39/22/2 24.10 23.38 ---
and 39/22/3 22.90 Yes
39/22/4 26.19
39/22/5 26.50 26.67
39/22/6 27.25
The present study was undertaken to develop the strength characterises from the variation of different strength in design mix
methodology for M25 grade of concrete. The appropriate selection of mix design of proper proportion of ingredients of concrete
results the better way in construction practices rather than structural failure. We should keep in mind that concrete strength is not
only depends upon the water content in a mix proportion but several factors effects on it for the selection of any grade of concrete.
Practically, each and every materials’ properties is necessary to obtain and should test for quality of work. Admixture as well as
increasing of aggregate with decreasing of water content results the good compressive strength of concrete to the satisfactory target
mean strength. We should follow up IS provisions while selecting of mix design of concrete.
Abdul Aziz was bron in 1994 at Nilambazar town in Karimganj district, Assam. He received his Bachelor of Technology in Civil
Engineering from Holy Mary Institute of Technology, under Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad in 2017.
Currently, he is a final year student of Master of Technology in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering and
Construction Management from Golden Valley Integrated Campus, previously B.E.S Group of Institution, Angallu, Chittoor district
under Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur. His research interest lies in “A Case Study on Modification of
Terminal Building at Silchar Airport”.
A Ramakrishnaiah working as associate professor cum HOD in Civil Engineering Department of Golden Valley Integrated Campus
Angallu, Chittor district, Andhra Pradesh. His major research work lies in Structural Engineering, Concrete Technology, Analysis
and design of structure.
[1] IS:456-2000 “Plain and reinforce concrete” code of practice.
[2] IS 10262-2009 “Guide lines for concrete mix design”
[3] IS 383-1970 “Specifications for coarse and fine aggregate”
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