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Free-form RPG support on IBM i

Overview of recent RPG compiler free-form changes

Scott Hanson ([email protected]) 09 January 2014

Software Engineer

Jing Li ([email protected])
Staff Software Engineer

This article explains the free-form RPG function supported on IBM i, its advantages, and how
to program for H, F, D and P specs within free-form. The support is intended to allow RPG
to be easier to write and understand for programmers who are familiar with other high-level

RPG programming on IBM i was greatly improved on IBM i 7.1 in the Technology Refresh 7 (TR7)
time frame. Additional free-form support for the RPG language and embedded SQL precompiler
was provided for H, F, D, and P specs. Free-form C specs were previously supported, and now all
RPG specs have free-form support except I and O specs.

Each free-form statement begins with an operation code and ends with a semicolon. Here is a list
of the new operation codes:

• CTL-OPT for control specs (H)

• DCL-F for file specs (F)
• DCL-S, DCL-DS, DCL-SUBF, DCL-C, DCL-PR, DCL-PI, DCL-PARM for data specs (D)
• DCL-PROC for procedure specs (P)

RPG syntax in free form is similar to other modern languages and can be understood easily. It
allows programmers who are familiar with other languages such as Microsoft® Visual Basic,

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Java™, and PHP to be trained more easily in RPG and with lower cost. The new syntax also
makes programming easier for existing RPG programmers. As such, the free-form syntax is
beneficial for both existing RPG programmers and new RPG programmers.

• Free-form RPG allows code to be specified as free-form statements rather than in specific
fixed columns.
• Free-form code is still restricted to columns 8 – 80.
• The /FREE and /END-FREE compiler directives are tolerated, but are no longer required for free-
• Multiple line definitions are easier to code, easier to maintain, and easier to understand.
• Defining data items with long symbol names is no longer problematic. Table 1 contains a long
symbol name definition in fixed form and free form.

Table 1. Long symbol name definition

Fixed-form entry Free-form equivalent

D thisisalong... DCL-S thisisalongname CHAR(10);

D name S 10A or
DCL-S thisisalong...
name CHAR(10);

• Free-form definitions can have /IF, /ELSEIF, /ELSE, and /ENDIF within the statement. Example
1 illustrates the compiler directives within a declaration statement.

Example 1. Compiler directives within a declaration statement

DCL-S salary
/IF DEFINED(large_vals)

Changes for control specifications (H spec)

This section describes the changes for a control specification (H spec). The free-form keyword is
CTL-OPT (Control Option). The free-form control statement starts with CTL-OPT, followed by zero or
more keywords, and ends with a semicolon. Allowed keywords are the same keywords as an H
spec. Multiple control statements are allowed and free-form control statements can be intermixed
with fixed-form H specs. Each statement must be a complete statement. Example 2 illustrates an
empty control statement.

Example 2. Empty control statement

// no keywords

The only effect of an empty control statement is to prevent the ILE RPG compiler from using the
default H spec data area. Example 3 illustrates additional control statements.

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Example 3. Additional control statements

// two keywords

// intermixed free-form and fixed-form

// another intermixed free-form and fixed-form
H 1200)

One enhancement related to control statements is that if the module contains at least one
free-form control statement and one of the ACTGRP, BNDDIR or STGMDL keywords is specified,
DFTACTGRP(*NO) is implicitly specified and is not required.

Changes for declaration statements (D spec)

This section describes the changes for declaration statements (D spec). A free-form data definition
statement starts with DCL-<x>, and is followed by the data item name (which can be *N if the data
item is unnamed), then by an optional data type, and then by zero or more keywords, and finally
ends with a semicolon. There are several types of declaration statements: named constants,
stand-alone fields, data structures, procedure prototypes, and procedure interfaces.

For those who are familiar with fixed-form definitions, there are a few keyword changes related
to data types. Fixed-form keywords that modify a data type, such as VARYING, DATFMT, TIMFMT,
PROCPTR, and CLASS, are merged with the data type keywords. This section provides additional
details about these keywords.

Instead of defining a field as an object and adding the CLASS keyword, the class is specified as
the parameter to the OBJECT keyword.

Instead of defining a field as date and adding the DATFMT keyword, the date format is specified
as the parameter to the DATE keyword.

Instead of defining a field as a pointer and adding the PROCPTR keyword, *PROC is specified as
a parameter to the POINTER keyword.

Instead of defining a field as time and adding the TIMFMT keyword, the time format is specified
as the parameter to the TIME keyword.


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Instead of defining a field as alphanumeric/UCS-2/graphic and adding the VARYING keyword,

the field is defined using the VARCHAR/VARUCS2/VARGRAPH keyword.

Example 4 illustrates fixed-form and free-form declarations with these keywords.

Example 4. Fixed-form and free-form keywords

D* fixed-form declarations
D string S 50A VARYING
D obj S O CLASS(*JAVA:'MyClass')

// free-form declarations
DCL-S string VARCHAR(50);
DCL-S date DATE(*MDY);
DCL-S obj OBJECT(*JAVA:'MyClass');

Table 2 contains all of the data types for free form.

Table 2. Free-form data types

Data type Free-form syntax Examples

Alphanumeric CHAR(len) DCL-S library CHAR(10);

VARCHAR(len {: varying-size} ) DCL-S libfilembr VARCHAR(33);
DCL-S cmdparm VARCHAR(10:4);

UCS-2 UCS2(len) DCL-S firstName UCS2(10);

VARUCS2(len {: varying-size} ) DCL-S filePath VARUCS2(5000);

Graphic GRAPH(len) DCL-S firstName GRAPH(20);

VARGRAPH(len {: varying-size} DCL-S fullName VARGRAPH(50);

Indicator IND DCL-S isValid IND;

Packed PACKED(digits {:decimals} ) DCL-S numRecords PACKED(5);

DCL-S salary PACKED(15:2);

Zoned ZONED(digits {: decimals} ) DCL-S numRecords ZONED(5);

DCL-S salary ZONED(15:2);

Binary BINDEC(digits {: decimals} ) DCL-S numRecords BINDEC(9);

DCL-S bonus BINDEC(9:2);

Integer INT(digits) DCL-S index INT(10);

Digits can be 3, 5, 10, 20

Unsigned UNS(digits) DCL-S count UNS(20);

Digits can be 3, 5, 10, 20

Float FLOAT(bytes) DCL-S variance FLOAT(8);

Bytes can be 4, 8

Date DATE { (format) } DCL-S duedate DATE;

DCL-S displayDate DATE(*YMD);

Time TIME { (format) } DCL-S startTime TIME;

DCL-S displayTime TIME(*USA);


Pointer POINTER DCL-S pUserspace POINTER;


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Object OBJECT{(*JAVA : class)} DCL-S obj OBJECT(*JAVA:'Cls');

One enhancement related to the declaration statements is that file definitions and data definitions
might be intermixed. This new rule also applies to fixed-form F and D specifications.

Named constants

A named constant declaration starts with DCL-C, and is then followed by the name, then by the
optional keyword CONST, and then by the value and finally ends with a semicolon. Example 5
illustrates several named constant declarations.

Example 5. Named constants

// without the optional CONST keyword
DCL-C lower_bound -50;
DCL-C max_count 200;
DCL-C start_letter 'A';

// with the optional CONST keyword

DCL-C upper_bound CONST(-50);
DCL-C min_count CONST(200);
DCL-C end_letter CONST('A');

Specifying the CONST keyword makes no difference in the meaning of the declaration.

Stand-alone fields

A stand-alone field declaration starts with DCL-S, and is followed by the name, then by an optional
data type keyword, and then by zero or more keywords, and ends with a semicolon. If a data type
keyword is specified, it must be the first keyword. Example 6 illustrates several stand-alone field

Example 6. Stand-alone fields

DCL-S first_name CHAR(10) INZ('John');
DCL-S last_name VARCHAR(20);
DCL-S index PACKED(6);
DCL-S salary PACKED(8:2);

If the LIKE keyword is used, there is no data type keyword. An optional second parameter can
be specified on the LIKE keyword to do a length adjustment. Example 7 illustrates stand-alone
declarations with the LIKE keyword.

Example 7. Stand-alone fields with LIKE

// Define using the LIKE keyword
DCL-S cust_index LIKE(index);

//Specify length adjustment with LIKE keyword

DCL-S big_index LIKE(index : +6);

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Named constants can be used within free-form keyword declarations. The named constant must
be defined before the definition statement. Example 8 illustrates using named constants within

Example 8. Declarations using named constants

DCL-C name_len CONST(10);
DCL-S one CHAR(name_len);
DCL-S two VARCHAR(name_len);
DCL-C digits 10;
DCL-C positions 3;
DCL-S value PACKED(digits:positions);

Data structures

A data structure declaration starts with DCL-DS, and is followed by a name (which can be *N if
the data structure is unnamed) and then by zero or more keywords, and ends with a semicolon.
Externally described data structures must have either the EXT keyword or the EXTNAME keyword
specified as the first keyword. If the data structure can have program-described subfields, an
END-DS statement (with an optional name) must be specified. Example 9 illustrates several data
structure declarations.

Example 9. Data structures

// Program described data structure
DCL-DS data_str_1;
emp_name CHAR(10);
first_name CHAR(10);
salary PACKED(8:2);

// Program described data structure

DCL-DS data_str_2;
value VARCHAR(4);
index INT(10);
END-DS data_str_2;

//Unnamed data structure

item VARCHAR(40);

If the data structure does not have a name, the END-DS statement must be specified without an

The END-DS operation is not used for a data structure defined with the LIKEDS or LIKEREC keywords,
because additional subfields cannot be coded. Example 10 illustrates a data structure declaration
using the LIKEREC keyword.

Example 10. Data structure using LIKEREC

DCL-DS custoutput LIKEREC(custrec);

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If the subfield list is empty, the END-DS statement can be merged with the DCL-DS statement by
being coded immediately before the semicolon for the DCL-DS statement. In this case, the data
structure name parameter of the END-DS statement is not allowed. Example 11 illustrates a data
structure declaration with the END-DS statement coded on the data declaration.

Example 11. Data structure with END-DS


Example 12 contains two declarations that are equivalent. In the first declaration, the END-DS
statement is coded separately. In the second declaration, the END-DS statement is merged with the
DCL-DS statement.

Example 12. Two equivalent data structures (END-DS)

DCL-DS myrecord EXT;

DCL-DS myrecord EXT END-DS;

Data structure subfields start with the DCL-SUBF keyword, but the keyword is optional unless the
name is the same as a free-form operation code (op code). Example 13 illustrates a subfield
declaration where the DCL-SUBF keyword is required. The DCL-SUBF keyword must be used because
read is an op code supported in free-form.

Example 13. Data structure with the DCL-SUBF keyword

DCL-DS record_one;
buffer CHAR(25);
DCL-SUBF read INT(3);

The new POS keyword replaces From/To positions and OVERLAY(dsname). The data structure
name is not allowed as a parameter for the OVERLAY keyword in free format. Example 14 contains
two declarations that are equivalent. In the first declaration, fixed-form is used. In the second
declaration, free-form is used.

Example 14. Two equivalent data structures (OVERLAY)

D* fixed-form declaration
D myds DS
D subf1 11 15A
D subf2 5P 2 OVERLAY(myds)
D subf3 10A OVERLAY(myds:100)
D subf4 15A OVERLAY(myds:*NEXT)

//free-form declaration
DCL-DS myds;
subf1 CHAR(5) POS(11);
subf2 PACKED(5:2) POS(1);
subf3 CHAR(10) POS(100);
subf4 CHAR(15);

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The OVERLAY(dsname:*NEXT) keyword means the same as no OVERLAY keyword at all.

Procedure prototypes

A procedure prototype declaration starts with DCL-PR, and is followed by a name and then by zero
or more keywords, and ends with a semicolon. If the procedure has a return value and a data type
keyword is used to specify the type of the return value, the data type keyword must be specified
as the first keyword. An END-PR statement (with an optional name) must be specified. Example 15
illustrates a procedure prototype named cosine which is a prototype for the C function cos.

Example 15. Cosine procedure prototype

DCL-PR cosine FLOAT(8) EXTPROC('cos');
angle FLOAT(8) VALUE;

Example 16 illustrates a procedure prototype for a bound application programming interface (API)
named Qp0zGetEnvCCSID. It uses the special name *DCLCASE on the EXTPROC keyword to have the
external procedure name in the same case as the prototype name is coded. The external name of
the procedure is Qp0zGetEnvCCSID, exactly as specified for the procedure name.

Example 16. Qp0zGetEnvCCSID procedure prototype

ccsid INT(10) VALUE;

As with DCL-DS and END-DS, the END-PR statement can be merged with the DCL-PR statement for
a procedure that has no parameters. Example 17 illustrates a prototype for a procedure named
getCurTotal that has no parameters. The END-PR operation code is merged with the DCL-PR

Example 17. GetCurTotal procedure prototype

DCL-PR getCurTotal PACKED(31:3) END-PR;

Procedure prototype parameters start with DCL-PARM and follow the same rules as that of the data
structure subfields. The DCL-PARM keyword is optional unless the name is the same as a free-form
op code. Example 18 illustrates a parameter declaration where the DCL-PARM keyword is required.
The DCL-PARM keyword must be used because read is an op code supported in free form.

Example 18. Procedure prototype parameter with the DCL-PARM keyword

DCL-PR proc_one;
buffer CHAR(25) CONST;

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Procedure interfaces
Procedure interfaces are very similar to procedure prototypes.

A procedure interface declaration starts with DCL-PI, and is followed by a name (which can be
*N if the procedure interface is unnamed) and then by zero or more keywords, and ends with a
semicolon. If the procedure has a return value and a data type keyword is used to specify the
type of the return value, the data type keyword must be specified as the first keyword. An END-PI
statement (with an optional name) must be specified. Example 19 illustrates a procedure interface
with no name and no parameters.

Example 19. Procedure interface without parameters


Procedure interface parameters start with DCL-PARM and follow the same rules as that of data
structure subfields. The DCL-PARM keyword is optional unless the name is the same as that of a
free-form op code. Example 20 illustrates a parameter declaration where the DCL-PARM keyword is
required. The DCL-PARM keyword must be used because read is an op code supported in free form.

Example 20. Procedure interface parameter with the DCL-PARM keyword

DCL-PI proc_one;
buffer CHAR(25) CONST;

Changes for procedure specifications (P spec)

This section describes the changes for a procedure specification (P spec). The free-form
procedure statement declaration starts with DCL-PROC, and is followed by a name, then by an
optional return type, and then by zero or more keywords, and ends with a semicolon. Then the
optional parameter definitions are specified. An END-PROC statement (with an optional name) must
be specified.

Example 21 illustrates a procedure named SubProc1. It returns two elements in an array of data
type VARCHAR(100) and includes several parameters with different data types.

Example 21. Procedure statement

DCL-PR SubProc1 VARCHAR(100) DIM(2);
varchar1 VARCHAR(10) CONST;
ucs1 UCS2(5) CONST;
varucs1 VARUCS2(5) CONST;
graph1 GRAPH(20) CONST;
vgraph1 VARGRAPH(50) CONST;
packed1 PACKED(10) CONST;
binary1 BINDEC(2) CONST;
uns1 UNS(3) CONST;
float1 FLOAT(4) CONST;

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Changes for file specifications (F spec)

This section describes the changes for a file specification (F spec). The free-form file definition
statement starts with DCL-F, and is followed by a file name and then by zero or more keywords,
and ends with a semicolon. The usage is determined by default if it is not explicitly declared.

Example 22 illustrates a file definition statement that defines an externally described WORKSTN
file named dspf, which is opened for input and output using the file description from external file

Example 22. File definition statement


Example 23 is an equivalent file definition statement that explicitly lists the file attributes, rather
than relying on the compiler default values.

Example 23. File definition statement (with additional keywords)


Table 3 illustrates free-form equivalents for fixed-form file entries.

Table 3. Free-form equivalents for fixed-form file entries

Fixed-form entry Free-form equivalent

File type USAGE keyword

File designation No free-form syntax is related to the file designation. All free-form files
are fully procedural or output

End of file Not supported in free-form

File addition USAGE(*OUTPUT)

Sequence Not supported in free form

Record length Parameter of device keyword DISK, PRINTER, SEQ, SPECIAL, and

Limits processing Not supported in free form

Length of key field Length parameter of the KEYED keyword

Record address type KEYED keyword

File organization I - KEYED keyword

T - Not supported in free-form


The additional free-form RPG support provides free-form programming for H, F, D and P specs
and is intended to make RPG programming easier for both existing RPG programmers and to

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those trying to learn RPG. The required software to enable the new support is 7.1 RPG Compiler
PTF SI51094 and IBM® DB2® PTF Group SF99701 Level 26. Go ahead and give it a try!

The following references provide additional information on RPG, SQL, and DB2.

• ILE RPG Reference

• Embedded SQL programming
• IBM i forum
• RPG Cafe
• IBM DB2 for i Group PTF Schedule

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About the authors

Scott Hanson

Scott Hanson is an IBM software engineer with more than 20 years of experience
in analysis, design, implementation, and support of complex software projects. His
area of expertise concerns compilers and language runtimes associated with the

Jing Li

Jing Li is an IBM staff software engineer in CSTL in Beijing. She has been working
for IBM DB2 for i for two and half years. Before that she has been working on C/C++
development for three years.

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