AS400 Funde PDF
AS400 Funde PDF
AS400 Funde PDF
Extension specifications describe all record address files, table files, and array files used in the program. The information includes: _ _ _ _ Name of the file, table, or array Number of entries in a table or array input record Number of entries in a table or array Length of the table or array entry.
What all the L specification describes? Line counter specifications describe the page or form on which output is printed. The information includes: _ Number of lines per page _ Line of the page where overflow occurs. What all the I specification describes? Input specifications describe the records, fields, data structures and named constants used by the program. The information in the input specifications includes: _ Name of the file _ Sequence of record types _ Whether record-identifying indicators, control-level indicators, field-record-relation indicators, or field indicators are used _ Whether data structures, lookahead fields, record identification codes, or match fields are used _ Type of each field (alphanumeric or numeric; packed-decimal, zoned-decimal, or binary format) _ Location of each field in the record _ Name of each field in the record _ Named constants. What all the C specification describes? Calculation specifications describe the calculations to be done on the data and the order of the calculations. Calculation specifications can also be used to control certain input and output operations. The information includes: _ _ _ _ Control-level and conditioning indicators for the operation specified Fields or constants to be used in the operation The operation to be processed Whether resulting indicators are set after the operation is processed.
What all the O specification describes? Output specifications describe the records and fields in the output files and the conditions under which output operations are processed. The information includes: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name of the file Type of record to be written Spacing and skipping instructions for PRINTER files Output indicators that condition when the record is to be written Name of each field in the output record Location of each field in the output record Edit codes and edit words Constants to be written Format name for a WORKSTN file.
What are all the OS/400 allowes to control? The operating system that controls all of your interactions with the AS/400 system is called the Operating System/400 (OS/400) system. From your work station, the OS/400 system allows you to: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sign on and sign off Interact with the displays Use the online help information Enter control commands and procedures Respond to messages Manage files Run utilities and programs.
Tell us some commonly used CL commands, and the reasons for them ? The following table lists some of the most commonly used CL commands, their function, and the reasons you might want to use them.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Table 1. RPG/400 Functions and Associated CL Commands ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? RPG/400 Function ? Associated Control Language Commands and their ? ? ? Uses ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Calling ? CALL program-name Run an RPG/400 program ? ? ? CALL QCL Access the System/38 ? ? ? environment ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Commitment Control ? CRTJRN Prepare to use commitment ? ? ? control. ? ? ? CRTJRNRCV Prepare to use commitment ?
? ? control. ? ? ? ENDCMTCTL Notify the system you want ? ? ? to end commitment control. ? ? ? JRNPF Prepare to use commitment ? ? ? control. ? ? ? STRCMTCTL Notify the system you want ? ? ? to begin commitment control. ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Communications ? CRTICFDEVE Create ICF Device ? ? ? OVRICFDEVE Override ICF Device ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Compiling ? CRTRPGPGM Create RPG Program ? ? ? CRTRPTPGM Create Auto Report Program ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Consecutive ? OVRDBF Override with Database file ? ? Processing ? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Control Specification ? CRTDTAARA Create Data Area ? ? Data Area ? DSPDTAARA Display Data Area ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Debugging ? ADDBKP Add Breakpoint ? ? ? ADDTRC Add Trace ? ? ? DSPBKP Display Breakpoint ? ? ? STRDBG Start Debug ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Edit Codes ? CRTEDTD Create Edit Description (For ? ? ? User Defined Edit Code) ? ? ? DSPDTAARA Display Data Area ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Printer Files ? CRTPRTF Create Print File ? ? ? OVRPRTF Override Print File ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? System Editor ? STRSEU Start Source Entry Utility ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The Control Language and all of its commands are described in detail in the CL Reference manual.
What are the Structured programming operation codes ? The structured programming operation codes are: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IFxx (If/Then) ELSE (Else Do) ENDyy (End) DO (Do) DOWxx (Do While) DOUxx (Do Until) ANDxx (And) ORxx (Or) CASxx (Conditional Invoke Subroutine) SELEC (Select a module) WHxx (When)
_ OTHER (Otherwise). where xx can be: GT LT EQ NE GE LE Blanks Factor 1 is greater than factor 2. Factor 1 is less than factor 2. Factor 1 is equal to factor 2. Factor 1 is not equal to factor 2. Factor 1 is greater than or equal to factor 2. Factor 1 is less than or equal to factor 2. Factor 1 is not compared to factor 2 (unconditional processing). This is valid for CASxx operation only.
and where yy can be: CS End a CAS group. DO End a DO, DO UNTIL, or DO WHILE group. IF End an IF group. SL End a SELEC group.
What a message contain and what is message Severity ? Messages you receive during compilation and run-time. These messages are displayed on your screen or printed on your compiler listing. This product has no message manuals. Each message contains a minimum of three parts as illustrated in the following sample message:
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A 10 ? ? ? ? B Message: Syntax of Program-Identification entry is not valid. Defaults to RPGOBJ. ? ? ? ? C Cause: The Program-Identification entry (positions 75-80) of a control ? ? specification has a not valid syntax: the first character is not ? ? alphabetic or it is not left-justified, or it contains embedded blanks ? ? or special characters. Defaults to RPGOBJ. ?
? ? ? Recovery: Specify RPGOBJ or a valid entry (positions 75-80) for the ? ? Program-Identification option. Recompile. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????
A A number indicating the severity of the error. The severity-level value of the RPG/400 compile-time messages does not exceed 50. Severity Meaning 00 An informational message displayed during entering, compiling, and running. No error has been detected and no corrective action is necessary. 10 A warning message displayed during entering, compiling, and running. This level indicates that an error is detected but is not serious enough to interfere with the running of the program.The results of the operation are assumed to be successful. 20 An error message displayed during compiling. This level indicates an error, but the compiler is attempting a recovery that might yield the desired code. The program may not work as the author intends. 30 A severe error message displayed during compiling. This level indicates that an error too severe for automatic recovery is detected. Compilation is complete, but the program does not run. 40 An abnormal end-of-program or function message displayed during compiling or running. This level indicates an error that forces cancelation of processing. The operation ended either because it could not handle valid data, or because the user canceled it. 50 An abnormal end-of-job message displayed during compiling or running. This level indicates an error that forces cancelation of job. The job ended either because a function failed to perform as required, or because the user canceled it. 99 A user action to be taken during running. This level indicates that some manual action is required of the operator, such as entering a reply, changing diskettes, or changing printer forms. B The text you see online or on a listing. This text is a brief, generally one-sentence, description of the problem.
C This text is printed on your listing if you specify *SECLVL in your compile-time options. It contains an expanded description of the message and a section detailing the correct user response. The IBM-supplied default for this option is *NOSECLVL. At run time, you can enter D to obtain an RPG/400 formatted dump, S to obtain system dump, C to cancel, G to continue processing at *GETIN, or F to obtain a RPG/400 fullformatted dump.
Give me one example of Breakpoints ? Example of Using Breakpoints Figure 1 shows a source listing of a sample RPG/400 program, DBGPGM, and the CL commands that add breakpoints at statements 1200 and 1500. The value of variable *IN is displayed when the breakpoint at statement 1200 is reached, and the value of variables FLD1 and PART are displayed when the breakpoint at statement 1500 is reached. CL Commands STRDBG PGM(EXAMPLES/DBGPGM) ADDBKP STMT(1200) PGMVAR((*IN)) ADDBKP STMT(1500) PGMVAR((FLD1) (PART)) OUTFMT(*HEX)
5763RG1 V3R0M5 940125 IBM RPG/400 QGPL/DBGPGM 01/25/94 13:42:19 Page 2 SEQUENCE IND DO LAST PAGE PROGRAM NUMBER *...1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7...* USE NUM UPDATE LINE ID S o u r c e L i s t i n g H ***** 100 FTESTX IF F 5 DISK 01/01/02 200 FTESTA UF F 10 DISK 01/01/02 300 ITESTX NS 01 01/01/02 400 I 1 5 PART 01/01/02 500 ITESTA NS 02 01/01/02 600 I 1 5 FLD1 01/01/02 700 ***************************************************** 01/01/02 800 * MAINLINE 01/01/02 900 ***************************************************** 01/01/02 1000 C LOOP TAG 01/01/02 1100 C READ TESTX 66 3 01/01/02 1200 C 66 GOTO ENDPGM 01/01/02
1300 01/01/02 1400 01/01/02 1500 01/01/02 1600 01/01/02 1700 01/01/02 1800 01/01/02 1900 01/01/02 2000 01/01/02
* * * * *
The first breakpoint shows you where you are in the program. Figure 2 shows the two displays as a result of reaching the first breakpoint.
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? Display Breakpoint ? ? ? ? Statement/Instruction . . . . . . . . . : 1200 /004A ? ? Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DBGPGM ? ? Recursion level . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Start position . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *CHAR ? ? Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *DCL ? ? ? ? ? ? Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *IN ? ? Lower/upper bounds . . . . . . . . . : (1:99) ? ? Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CHARACTER ? ? Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Element --------------------- Values ------------------- . ? ? 1 '1' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 11 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 21 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 31 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? ? ? Press Enter to continue. ? ? More... ? ? F3=Exit program F10=Command entry ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? Display Breakpoint ? ? ? ? Statement/Instruction . . . . . . . . . : 1200 /004A ? ? Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DBGPGM ? ? Recursion level . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Start position . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *CHAR ? ? Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *DCL ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? 41 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 51 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 61 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 71 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 81 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? 91 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Press Enter to continue. ? ? ? ? F3=Exit program F10=Command entry ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Figure 3 shows the two displays as a result of reaching the second breakpoint.
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? Display Breakpoint ? ? ? ? Statement/Instruction . . . . . . . . . : 1500 /0060 ? ? Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DBGPGM ? ? Recursion level . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Start position . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *HEX ? ? Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *DCL ? ? ? ? ? ? Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : FLD1 ? ? Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CHARACTER ? ? Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5 ? ? * . . . +. . . . 1 . . . . + . . *...+....1....+. ? ? 404000063F ' ' ? ? ? ? Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : PART ? ? Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CHARACTER ? ? Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5 ? ? ? ? Press Enter to continue. ? ? More... ? ? F3=Exit program F10=Command entry ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? Display Breakpoint ? ? ? ? Statement/Instruction . . . . . . . . . : 1500 /0060 ? ? Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DBGPGM ? ? Recursion level . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Start position . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 ? ? Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *HEX ? ? Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *DCL ? ? ? ? * . . . +. . . . 1 . . . . + . . *...+....1....+. ?
? 404000063F ' ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Press Enter to continue. ? ? ? ? F3=Exit program F10=Command entry ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Figure 3. Second Breakpoint Display for DBGPGM At this point, you can change the value of one of these variables to alter how your program runs. After getting to the Command Entry Screen by pressing F10, you can use the CL command CHGPGMVAR (Change Program Variable) to change the value of a variable.
What are the considerations using Break points ? You should know the following characteristics of breakpoints before usingthem: _ If a breakpoint is part of a conditional statement, that breakpoint request is processed even if the condition is not met. _ If a breakpoint is bypassed by a GOTO operation, that breakpoint request is not processed. _ Some statements that are not processed do not represent a definite position in the logic flow of your program. Avoid putting breakpoints on PLIST, PARM, KLIST, KFLD, and DEFN operations. _ When a breakpoint is requested for a statement, the breakpoint occurs before that statement is run. _ When a breakpoint is requested for a statement that is not processed, such as a TAG operation, the breakpoint is set on the next statement. _ Breakpoint functions are specified using CL commands. You can use CL commands to add breakpoints to programs, display breakpoint information, remove breakpoints from programs and start a program after a breakpoint has been displayed. Refer to the CL Reference for descriptions of these commands and for a further description of breakpoints.
_ Input fields not used in your program cannot be specified in the PGMVAR parameter of the debug commands. You can display the entire input or output buffer for a record by using the variable name ZZnnBIN (input buffer) or ZZnnBOUT (output buffer). The nn value is the sequence number corresponding to the order in which the files are defined in your specifications. This number also appears in the cross reference section of the compiler listing. Thus you can display the input buffer for the second file in your program by specifying PGMVAR (ZZ02BIN).
How do you handle Exception / Erros in the RPG Program ? The RPG/400 compiler handles two types of exception or errors: program exception or errors and file exception or errors. Some examples of program exception or errors are division by zero, not valid array index, or SQRT of a negative number. Some examples of file exception or errors are undefined record type or a device error. Figure 1 shows an example of a file information data structure (INFDS) and a file exception/error subroutine. For further information on exception/error handling by the RPG/400 compiler, see the RPG/400 Reference manual.
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ..* F* F* Three files are defined on the file description specifications. F* You want to control the program logic if an exception or error F* occurs on the TRNFIL file or on the MSTFIL file. Therefore, a F* unique INFDS and a INFSR are defined for each file. They are F* not defined for the AUDITFIL file. F* FFilenameIPEAF....RlenLK1AIOvKlocEDevice+......KExit++Entry+A....U1.* FTRNFIL OF E K DISK KINFDS FILDS1 F KINFSR ERRRTN FMSTFIL UF E K DISK KINFDS FILDS2 F KINFSR MSTERR FAUDITFILOF E K DISK *.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ..* I* I* The location of the subfields in the file information data I* structures is defined by special keywords in positions 44 I* through 51. To access these predefined subfields, you must I* assign a name to each subfield in positions 53 through 58. I* If an exception or error occurs, you can test the information I* in the data structure to determine, for example, what exception I* or error occurred (*STATUS) and on which operation it occurred I* (*OPCODE). You can then use that information within the file I* exception/error subroutine to determine the action to take. I* IFilenameSqNORiPos1NCCPos2NCCPos3NCC................................* IFILDS1 DS I....................................PFromTo++DField+L1M1FrPlMnZr...* I *FILE FIL1
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ..* C* C* On the WRITE operation to the TRNREC record in the TRNFIL file, C* an exception/error indicator is specified in positions 56 and 57. C* This indicator is set on if an exception or error occurs on this C* operation. The ERRRTN subroutine (the file exception or error C* subroutine for the TRNFIL file) is explicitly called by the EXSR C* operation when indicator 71 is on. Because factor 2 of the ENDSR C* operation for the ERRRTN is blank, control returns to the next C* sequential instruction following the EXSR operation after the C* subroutine has run. C* CL0N01N02N03Factor1+++OpcdeFactor2+++ResultLenDHHiLoEqComments++++++* C WRITETRNREC 71 C 71 EXSR ERRRTN ?????????????????? C " ? Calculations ? C* ?????????????????? C* C* No exception/error indicator is specified in positions 56 and 57 C* of the WRITE operation to the AUDITREC record in the AUDITFIL C* file. No exception/error subroutine was defined for this file C* on the file description specifications. Therefore, any exception/ C* errors that occur on this operation to the AUDITFIL file are C* handled by the default RPG default error handler. C* C WRITEAUDITREC ?????????????????? C " ? Calculations ? C* ?????????????????? *.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ..* C* C* No exception/error indicator is specified in positions 56 and 57 C* of the CHAIN operation to the MSTREC record in the MSTFIL file. C* However, a file exception/error subroutine (MSTERR) is defined C* for the file on the file description specifications. Therefore, C* when an exception or error other than no record found occurs on C* the CHAIN operation, RPG passes control to the MSTERR subroutine. C* On the ENDSR operation for this subroutine, factor 2 contains a C* field name. This allows the programmer to alter the return point C* from the subroutine within the subroutine based on the exception C* or error that occurred. The field must contain one of the values C* described under File Exception/Error Subroutine earlier in C* this chapter. C* CL0N01N02N03Factor1+++OpcdeFactor2+++ResultLenDHHiLoEqComments++++++* C MSTKEY CHAINMSTREC 61 C 61 GOTO NOTFND C " C " C MSTERR BEGSR ?????????????????? C " ? Calculations ? C " ??????????????????
Figure 1. Example of File Exception/Error Handling Figure 2 shows an example of a program exception/error subroutine.
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ..* IDsname....NODsExt-file++.............OccrLen+......................* I SDS I *ROUTINE LOC I *STATUS ERR I *PARMS PARMS I *PROGRAM NAME *.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ..* CL0N01N02N03Factor1+++OpcdeFactor2+++ResultLenDHHiLoEqComments++++++* C *PSSR BEGSR C ERR COMP 102 20 DIV BY ZERO? C 20 ADD 1 DIVSR C 20 MOVE '*DETC' RETURN 6 C N20 MOVE '*CANCL' RETURN C ENDSRRETURN
Figure 2 Example of *PSSR Subroutine The program-status data structure is defined on the input specifications. The predefined subfields *STATUS, *ROUTINE, *PARMS, and *PROGRAM are specified, and names are assigned to the subfields. The *PSSR subroutine is coded on the calculation specifications. If a program exception/error occurs, the RPG/400 compiler passes control to the *PSSR subroutine. The subroutine checks to determine if the exception or error was caused by a divide operation in which the divisor is zero. If it was, indicator 20 is set on, 1 is added to the divisor (DIVSR), and the literal '*DETC'. is moved to the field RETURN. Moving the literal into the RETURN field, which is specified in factor 2 of the ENDSR operation, allows you to control the return point within the subroutine. In this example, control returns to the beginning of the detail calculations routine, unless the exception or error was not a divide by zero. In that case, the literal '*CANCL' is moved into the RETURN field, and the program is ended.
What is Level Check ? Because RPG/400 programs are dependent on receiving an externally described file whose format agrees with what was copied into the program at compilation time, the system provides a level-check function that
ensures that the format is the same. The RPG/400 program always provides the information required by level checking when an externally described DISK, WORKSTN, or PRINTER file is used. The level-check function can be requested on the create, change, and override file commands. The default on the create file command is to request level checking. Level checking occurs on a record-format basis when the file is opened unless you specify LVLCHK(*NO) when you issue an override command or create a file. If the level-check values do not match, the program is notified of the error. The RPG/400 program then handles the OPEN error as described in "Exception/Error Handling" The RPG/400 program does not provide level checking for program-described files or for files using the devices SEQ or SPECIAL.
How does the file locking done by RPG ? The OS/400 system allows a lock state (exclusive, exclusive allow read, shared for update, shared no update, or shared for read) to be placed on a file used during a job. Programs within a job are not affected by file lock states. A file lock state applies only when a program in another job tries to use the file concurrently. The file lock state can be allocated with the CL command ALCOBJ (Allocate Object). The OS/400 system places the following lock states on database files when it opens the files:
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? File Type ? Lock State ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Input ? Shared for read ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Update ? Shared for update ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Add ? Shared for update ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Output ? Shared for update ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The shared-for-read lock state allows another user to open the file with a lock state of shared for read, shared for update, shared no update, or exclusive allow read, but the user cannot specify the exclusive use of the file. The shared-for-update lock state allows another user to open the file with shared-for-read or shared-for-update lock state. The RPG/400 program places an exclusive-allow-read lock state on device files. Another user can open the file with a shared-for-read lock state. The lock state placed on the file by the RPG/400 program can be changed if you use the Allocate Object command.
When a record is read by a program, it is read in one of two modes: input or update. If a program reads a record for update, a lock is placed on that record. Another program cannot read the same record for update until the first program releases that lock. If a program reads a record for input, no lock is placed on the record. A record that is locked by one program can be read for input by another program. In RPG/400 programs, you use an update file to read records for update. A record read from a file with a type other than update can be read for inquiry only. By default, any record is read from an update file will be read for update. For update files, you can specify that a record be read for input by using one of the input operations CHAIN, READ, READE, READP, or REDPE and specifying an N in column 53 of the calculation specification. When a record is locked by an RPG/400 program, that lock remains until one of the following occurs: _ the record is updated. _ the record is deleted. _ another record is read from the file (either for inquiry or update). _ a SETLL or SETGT operation is performed against the file _ an UNLCK operation is performed against the file. _ an output operation defined by an output specification with no field names included is performed against the file. Note: An output operation that adds a record to a file does not result in a record lock being released. If your program reads a record for update and that record is locked through another program in your job or through another job, your read operation will wait until the record is unlocked. If the wait time exceeds that specified on the WAITRCD parameter of the file, an exception occurs. If the default error handler is given control when a record lock timeout occurs, an RPG1218 error message will be issued. One of the options listed for this message is to retry the operation on which the timeout occurred. For programs compiled for version 2 (or higher) this will cause the operation on which the timeout occurred to be re-issued, allowing the program to continue essentially as if the record lock timeout had not occurred. Note that if the file has an INFSR specified in which an I/O operation is performed on the file before the default error handler is given control, unexpected results can occur if the input operation that is retried is a sequential operation, since the file cursor may have been modified.
With programs compiled using version 1 of the RPG/400 compiler, the retry option is still displayed, but it is not valid. If a retry is requested for a version 1 program, an additional error message (RPG1918) is issued indicating that a retry is not valid for programs compiled using version 1. In all cases, if control is returned to the program by specifying a return to *GETIN, the RPG STATUS value is set to 1218. If a retry is specified and the subsequent read operation is successful, the STATUS returns as if the record lock and subsequent retry did not occur. If no changes are required to a locked record, you can release it from its locked state using the UNLCK operation or by processing output operations defined by output specifications with no field names included. These output operations can be processed by EXCPT output, detail output, or total output.
How do you block output records and unclock input records ? Unblocking Input Records and Blocking Output Records The RPG/400 compiler unblocks input records and blocks output records to improve run-time performance in SEQ or DISK files if: _ The file is an output-only file (O is specified in position 15 of the file description specifications) and contains only one record format if the file is externally described. _ The file is a combined table file. (C is specified in position 15, and T in position 16 of the file description specifications.) _ The file is an input-only file. (I is specified in position 15 of the file description specifications.) It contains only one record format if the file is externally described, and uses only the OPEN, CLOSE, FEOD, and READ operation codes. The RPG/400 compiler generates object program code to block and unblock records for all SEQ or DISK files that satisfy these conditions. Certain OS/400 system restrictions may prevent blocking and unblocking. In those cases, performance is not improved and the input/output feedback area is updated for each input/output operation. The contents of positions 60 through 65 of the RECNO option in the file description specifications continuation line may not be valid when the RPG/400 compiler blocks and unblocks records. The input/output and device-dependent sections of the file information data structure are not updated after each read or write for files in which the records are blocked and unblocked by the RPG/400 compiler. The feedback area is updated each time a block of records is transferred.
What happens when Sharing an Open Data Path ? An open data path is the path through which all input and output operations for a file are defined. Usually a separate open data path is defined each time a file is opened. If you specify SHARE(*YES) for the file creation or on an override, the first program's open data path for the file is shared by subsequent programs that open the file concurrently. The position of the current record is kept in the open data path for all programs using the file. If you read a record in one program and then read a record in a called program, the record retrieved by the second read depends on whether the open data path is shared. If the open data path is shared, the position of the current record in the called program is determined by the current position in the calling program. If the open data path is not shared, each program has an independent position for the current record. If your program holds a record lock in a shared file and then calls a second program that reads the shared file for update, you can release the first program's lock by performing a READ operation on the update file by the second program, or by using the UNLCK or the read-no-lock operations. Sharing an open data path improves performance because the OS/400 system does not have to create a new open data path. However, sharing an open data path can cause problems. For example, an error is signaled in the following cases: _ If a program sharing an open data path attempts file operations other than those specified by the first open (for example, attempting input operations although the first open specified only output operations) _ If a program sharing an open data path for an externally described file tries to use a record format that the first program ignored _ If a program sharing an open data path for a program described file specifies a record length that exceeds the length established by the first open. When several files in one RPG/400 program are overridden to one shared file at run time, the file opening order is important. In order to control the file opening order, you should use a programmer-controlled open or use a CL program to open the files before calling the RPG/400 program. If a program shares the open data path for a primary or secondary file, the program must process the detail calculations for the record being processed before calling another program that shares that open data path.
Otherwise, if lookahead is used or if the call is at total time, sharing the open data path for a primary or secondary file may cause the called program to read data from the wrong record in the file. You must make sure that when the shared file is opened for the first time in a job, all of the open options that are required for subsequent opens of the file are specified. If the open options specified for subsequent opens of a shared file are not included in those specified for the first open of a shared file, an error message is sent to the program. Table 1 details the system open options allowed for each of the open options you can specify.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Table 1. System Open Options Allowed with User Open Options ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? RPG User ? System ? ? Open Options ? Open Options ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? INPUT ? INPUT ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? OUTPUT ? OUTPUT (program created file) ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? UPDATE ? INPUT, UPDATE ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? DELETE ? DELETE ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ADD ? OUTPUT (existing file) ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????