Residual Stress and Cracking in Thin PVD Coatings: V. Teixeira
Residual Stress and Cracking in Thin PVD Coatings: V. Teixeira
Residual Stress and Cracking in Thin PVD Coatings: V. Teixeira
High temperature processing is currently present in the industrial production of advanced functional coatings. This
paper discusses the role of residual stress on the mechanical integrity of PVD protective coatings. A numerical model of
the residual stress distribution within a layered metal-ceramic composite coating is presented. The stress-induced failure
modes are analysed. Residual stress distribution near the edges and within microcracked ceramic coatings is also
analysed. The topics discussed should provide some insights into the development of a methodology for designing fail-
safe coating systems which should complement experimental procedures for evaluation of protective coatings. r 2002
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Residual stress in individual layers in the as-deposited and thermal cycled state of PVD and plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings as
determined by several methods. Results for chromia and alumina layers are also presented
stress component scxx in the coating is given by crack surface drops to zero. If the distance
Z between cracks is sufficiently long, then the stress
2tc N qscxx ðuÞ du
scxx ¼ so ; ð7Þ approaches the nominal stress. The state of stress
kp 0 qu x u
in a ceramic/metal bilayer with planar geometry
where k is expressed as and under uniaxial tensile loading was analysed
Es ð1 n2c Þ [15,16]. This case is important, since in many
k¼ : ð8Þ ceramic coatings, cracking occurs due to thermal
Ec ð1 n2s Þ
cycling. To calculate stress relaxation due to
Fig. 2 shows some plots of the distribution of microcracking, e.g. in lifetime modelling, it is
stress near the free edge of a coating for several necessary to estimate stress redistribution as well
modulus ratio, k: The stress in the coating as physical changes in the material layers. The
approaches zero at the edge and far away tends model can also be used in mechanical analysis of
to the nominal value so : coated specimens by applying an external tensile
For thick coatings the stress distribution should stress to analyse the crack density.
be calculated by finite element methods. When a For the specimen geometry of a cracked ceramic
ceramic-metal coating is produced, the free edge coating on a metallic substrate, when a load is
stress generates additional stress at the interface applied to the substrate, shear stress is developed
between the two layers. This stress plays an in the vicinity of the interface, resulting from the
important role in determining the structural difference in axial displacement between the coat-
integrity of the coating system after the process. ing and the substrate. A normal tensile stress in the
Shear stress concentration occurs at the interface coating is coupled to the shear stress at or near the
close to the free edge whose magnitude is propor- interface through an integral equation
tional to the CTE mismatch [4,13]. This state of Z
1 x
stress at the free edge may lead to interfacial edge sðxÞ ¼ tðxÞ dx: ð9Þ
cracking and delamination of the coating [11,14]. tc 0
Consider now the case of stress redistribution A shear lag model [15,17] was used to calculate
after cracking within a coating. The stress state the stress distribution parallel to the interface
changes significantly once through-thickness
cracks are formed. The normal stress, sxx ; to the
between two adjacent cracks. One simple analy- In terms of energy, this means that a separation at
tical solution is the interface increases when the resulting decrease
sðxÞ ¼ so ½tanh ðbxÞ sinh ðbxÞ cosh ðbxÞ þ 1; ð10Þ in elastic strain energy is at least equal to the
energy required to create new surfaces along
where x is the position between two cracks and the interface. Assuming linear elastic behaviour
x ¼ l=2; i.e., half of the separation between the of the coating-substrate system, the tensile stress
cracks, and b is a constant which depends on the necessary to increase a separation of length c is
elastic properties and thickness of coating and given by
substrate. A plot for several distances between
adjacent cracks is shown in Fig. 3. E * Gc 1=2
si ¼ ; ð11Þ
3. Typical coating failure modes where E is the effective Young’s modulus of the
coating-substrate system and Gc is the critical
Interfaces between dissimilar materials are crack extension force which corresponds to the
susceptible to debonding and sliding. The coating energy necessary to extend the separation. In
failure mode by cracking and by spalling are Fig. 4, the elastic strain for the occurrence of
dependent both on the sign/magnitude of residual tensile cracking is plotted for different oxide layers
stress and on the relative strengths of coating and as a function of the microdefect length. The crack
coating-substrate interface. Under tensile condi- growth may be of a slow and stable nature, when
tions, through-thickness cracks develop from pre- the elastic strain energy in the system is increased
existing defects in the coating and these generate only slowly to the critical value and some limited
shear stress along the interface which may result in plasticity at the crack tip exists. A rapid increase of
decohesion. Under compressive stress, spallation strain energy results in unstable crack growth
may result either from the growth of a tensile, [11,18,19].
wedge crack along the interface or by buckling and The mode of coating failure depends upon the
cracking of the coating [5,18,19]. Cracks that form stress state in the coating. Residual tensile stress
within thin brittle layers extend normal to the tends to induce coating fracture normal to the
principal tensile stress and interact with interfaces. interface (see Fig. 5), while residual compressive
The interaction leads to tunnelling or channelling
modes of crack extension. These modes have a
steady-state release rate which can be obtained
from the solution of the two-dimensional plane
strain problem for the cracked layer well behind
the propagating crack front [20,21]. When crack
tunnels through one of the brittle layers, simulta-
neous slip or debonding at the interface can
increase the steady-state energy release rate, and
thereby lower the resistance of that layer to
cracking. However, these same effects reduce the
stress concentration in adjacent layers, suppressing
the spread of cracks out of a given layer [19,20].
A separation at the layer/substrate interface
occurs when, depending on the loading direction,
Fig. 4. Nominal elastic strain for the occurrence of tensile
either the tensile stress perpendicular to the inter-
cracking for different oxide layers as a function of the
face exceed a critical value si or the interfacial microdefect length. Yttria stabilized zirconia is also shown
shear stress exceed a critical value ti : A super- with a lower Young’s modulus (attributed to a porous and/or
position of both types of loading is also possible. microcracked coating).
398 V. Teixeira / Vacuum 64 (2002) 393–399
4. Concluding remarks
stress provides a driving force for buckling and Thin coatings and multilayers comprising of
eventual spallation. The mechanism of spallation different classes of materials are often used for
of coatings under lateral compression is deter- various engineering applications. Residual stress
mined by the relative fracture strengths of the influence performance, yield and reliability. The
coating-substrate interface and the coating. The present paper has provided some insight into the
mechanics of spalling has been analysed [5,19,22] effects of residual stress in coating integrity. A
by evaluating the crack driving force in the numerical stress analysis was presented and the
presence of an interface separation (microcrack). residual stress distribution near the edges and
The analyses indicate that, for flat coatings, a within microcracked ceramic coatings was also
driving force for crack growth at (or parallel to) discussed. The mechanics of delamination and
the interface only arises when elastic buckling of spallation by evaluation of the crack driving force
the coating is initiated. This occurs because no when an interface crack is present was analysed
long-range tensile or shear stress exists at the using models from the literature. It was deter-
interface in the unbuckled state. mined that a driving force for crack propagation
Buckling can only occur when there is a pre- along the interface only arises when the coating
existing separation and when the compressive buckles.
V. Teixeira / Vacuum 64 (2002) 393–399 399
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