Activity 8 Purposive Communication

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Let’s Do This


Directions: Shoot a video using a DSLR camera or mobile phone’s camera explaining the
importance of communication in academic set-up.



Manner of delivery---------20%


Total ---------------------------100%


Directions: Create a brochure promoting the importance of good communication in all fields.






Total ---------------------------100%

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Directions: Write an essay explaining the importance of good communication as well as

its purposes in Academic set up. Twenty pages is the minimum page. Just follow the
format below.

I. Tittle

II. Introduction

III. Body

IV. Conclusion

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12

Margin: 1

Spacing 1.5

Page 3

“The importance of good communication and its purposes in Academic set up”

Every day we communicate to other people and it can be verbally and non-verbally. There
are different importance of good communication and its purposes in Academic set up. But first
what is communication? communication is giving, receiving, and spreading information – just like,
talking or writing, and listening or reading. Good communicators listen carefully, speak or write
clearly, and respect different opinions. Communication is one of the important things that teach us
to connect with people. Also, if you are a student or you are working professional, good
communication is something that will connect you well ahead.

The word communication demonstrates the interaction between people and their
environments. Various ideas affect humans with the help of communications. Communication
have the tendency to change attitudes, beliefs, and even ways of thinking of people. It plays a key
role in everyday living. Knowledge can be imparted through communication. It transfers
information from one place, person, or group to another. Also, it is one of the most important
factors in our lives. It imposes the relationships formed with the individuals in personal and
professional lives. We communicate with others, not only verbally, but by how we act. Since we
are constantly sending messages, we need to be aware of our appearance, gestures, posture, eye
contact, use of space, body movement, what we carry with us, how close we stand or sit to others,
and our facial expressions. Sometimes, what we say contradicts our nonverbal behavior, it can
result in mistrust and confusion because listeners believe what they see.
To communicate effectively, one must understand the emotion behind the information being said.
If we know how to communicate effectively can improve relationships one has at home, work and
in social affairs. We need to understand the types of communication skills such as; verbal, and
non-verbal communication. Thus, we can communicate and interact to other people properly.

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Good communication is essential in our life especially in the following field such as news,
politics, healthcare, law, court proceedings, BPO companies, showbiz, community, academic
papers as well as in education. People in this field typically spend a foremost part of their time in
interacting with people. Also, good communication is an essential component of organizational
success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intergroup, organizational, or external levels.
Good communication gives a foundation for trust and respect to grow as well as helps better
understand a person and the context of the conversation. People always believe that their
communication skills are much better than what they actually are. Communication seems
effortless; however, much of what two people discuss gets misunderstood, thus leading to conflicts
and distress.

Good communication has purposes in academic set up. For example, in school, good
communication makes learning easier, helps students achieve goals, increases opportunities for
expanded learning, strengthens the connection between student and teacher, and creates an overall
positive experience. Well-built communication skills are important to student’s academic success
at all levels of education, students must be able to communicate effectively. Without well-built
communication skills, students can lead in falling behind their peers or becoming emotionally
overwhelmed or withdrawn at school. There are two types of communication skills that are very
important to know. To begin with the oral communication skills, the good usage of oral
communication allows students to support for themselves. They must be able to express when and
how their academic needs are not being met. A student who can effectively ask questions and get
help from a teacher will often be more successful than students who remain silent even when they
are unsure of what is being asked of them. Next is written communication skills, learning written
communication can result to know how to clearly write arguments, summaries, hypotheses, and be
able to synthesize complex ideas and concepts. Thoughts and ideas need to be expressed clearly,
with effective use of tone and language for the intended audience. Composing a compelling essay
is dramatically different than writing a text to a friend.

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For instance, is that when we will do academic papers like thesis, research or case studies
and we have good communication, it will make the tasks easier. In doing research or thesis, we
should consider good communication verbally and non-verbally or oral and written. When we have
good communication. we can get reliable information from a legitimate source and we can speak
properly when we have defense. Academic success depends on concrete communication skills,
beginning with clear oral communication. Students are often called upon in class to answer
questions. These questions may range from those with simple factual answers to questions that
involve putting thoughts together and making arguments. Answers to questions need to be
communicated effectively so teachers can assess a student’s knowledge. Students with oral
challenges may also become embarrassed if they are unable to communicate on par with their
peers. If a student stutters or mumbles they may become fearful of speaking up in class, and this
in turn can lead to lowered grades and diminished self-esteem.

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, there are different purposes of
communication especially in the field of academic set up. Communication is very important for
us. It is vital to sharing out one’s thoughts and feelings to live a fuller and happier life. The more
we communicate the less we suffer and the better we feel about everything around. However, it is
all the more necessary to learn the art of effective communication to put across ones point well.
Effective communication skills that build a positive school environment are self-awareness;
sending direct, complete, relevant, congruent messages; listening; using feedback and being aware
of what we are communicating nonverbally. Communication is not only understanding and
acknowledgement, it is agreement and commitment. As educational leaders, we know we are
effective communicators if those with whom we work have a positive attitude toward each other,
their students and their school.

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