Researchpaperdraft3 Nameless
Researchpaperdraft3 Nameless
Researchpaperdraft3 Nameless
Enc 1102
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Blue, signal phrases and in-text citations
AI Therapist
Depression and burnout are two common problems many people experience in their
lifetime. In particular, college students and working adults deal with difficult situations and their
mental health suffers. Many turn to therapy to alleviate their issues, but that can be inaccessible
to others due to time, cost, and other factors. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI),
it can help with these needs through computer programs instead of people. As technological
advancements have been made over the years, the introduction of artificial intelligence has made
a recent advancement that granted access to the public. OpenAI’s new chatbot, ChatGPT, takes
input from users and generates responses to simulate human conversation. Although AI can
simulate human conversation, it lacks true human emotion. One of the main points of therapy is
the person-to-person connection that allows the patients to open up to express their feelings.
However, some may find it easier to talk to a chatbot because they are uncomfortable doing so
with a real person. For example, Redditors have posted their own experiences working through
relationship disputes and processing difficult emotions with the help of ChatGPT.
over the years and examine the use of AI in diagnosis and treatment. I also intend to explore the
ethics of using AI in this field. I am a psychology major, and I chose my field of study because I
have always been fascinated by the intricacies of human decisions making. I have always been
interested in the impact of upbringing and its effects on people's day-to-day decision-making so I
am very interested in therapy. I am also into computers and video games so the use of AI is
always intriguing to me. My research topic revolves around the potential uses of AI in
psychology. With the introduction of public AI chatbots that simulate human conversation, the
question of its uses has piqued public interest. My research question is: Can the use of AI like
treatments? The purpose of my research is to understand and explain the potential benefits of the
use of AI in therapy. I will focus my research on the uses of AI in psychology, its impacts on the
field of psychology, and scientific experiments on AI. There will be terms I will be going over
throughout my research paper. I talk about artificial intelligence(AI) and chatbots which takes
text input from user and respond using AI. ChatGPT is a specific model of AI chatbot released
The origin of the concept of artificial intelligence is difficult to place but has been
discussed as early as the 1930s with the work of Alan Turing (Britannica). Over time, we
developed the technology of AI to perform increasingly complex tasks such as data analysis and
machine learning, but not to the extent that individuals could interact directly as if it were a
person. In late 2022, the San Francisco-based company OpenAI launched ChatGPT to the public.
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that takes input from users and generates responses
to simulate human conversation. According to Will Douglas Heaven in his article, “The inside
story of how ChatGPT was built from the people who made it”, This specific model of AI
employs learning techniques such as adversarial training to stop ChatGPT from letting users trick
it into behaving improperly. To get the text to deviate from its usual patterns and create
unwanted responses, they use multiple chatbots. The successful assaults are then included in the
Healthcare professionals use many techniques to help identify the problems of the
patient. Psychology has seen different technologies throughout the years but has remained a field
centered around human connection and personal judgment. Psychologists use tests and
assessments to help them reach a diagnosis and a treatment plan. These tests are standardized
checklists and questionnaires to effectively measure certain traits to the general public. The
numerous components such as norm-referenced psychological tests, informal tests and surveys,
interview information, school or medical records, medical evaluation, and observational data.”
depending on the specific questions they ask. These two strategies together help psychologists
get an understanding of the patient's strengths and limitations. However, these tests are varied so
it is important for the psychologist to pick specific tests and assessments that are most suited for
each patient. Diagnostic tools such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM) have been used in psychology since 1952 as DSM 1st edition. The DSM is revised every
5 to 7 years because it is crucial for the text to be up to date on evolving psychiatric literature.
To conduct my research, I searched for reliable sources with Google Scholar. This led me
to the databases of the American Psychological Association and the National Library of
Medicine where I found many reliable studies and articles I could use to further my research for
the project. I also used Reddit to find informal discussions about online users who have used AI
chatbots as therapy.
Uses of AI in Psychology
Over the years, AI development has been implemented to help serve as a tool with
endless applications. The use of AI has primarily been focused on databases for data analysis and
machine learning.With the recent release of ChatGPT to the public, This development has led
many people to start conducting research because it allowed many users to learn the possible
applications of AI. Psychologists have been experimenting with the uses of AI and have been
used to assist in many things such as psychiatric diagnoses, psychoeducation, disease course
prediction, and many more. Tahan speaks more about the early stages of publicly available AI
and its uses in psychology in his article, "Artificial Intelligence Applications and Psychology: An
overview - MPPT". Tahan has a Ph.D. in psychology and He claims that AI can greatly influence
psychology with its ability to analyze large amounts of data. AI can be used to analyze brain
scans and medical reports to help psychologists better understand mental disorders and their
underlying causes. It could improve the accuracy of diagnostic tests, and personalized treatment
plans, and help researchers better understand the underlying mechanisms of mental health
disorders. He suggests that AI has the potential to make mental health care more accessible and
affordable. People have come up with “virtual therapists” exploring the use of chatbots as a
possible source of personalized care for individuals with mental health issues described in the
article, “Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots in Psychiatry. The Psychiatric Quarterly” by Kay
Pham, MD in psychology. The chatbots use machine learning algorithms to respond to questions
in a natural language to mimic human speech. Chatbots offer psychoeducation and provide
The article, Your Robot Therapist Will See You Now: Ethical Implications of Embodied
Internet Research, by Amelia Fiske et al, who has a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology,
psychotherapy, and medical ethics, highlights the benefits and drawbacks of the current
years. This exposure to AI will reduce the stigma of its use in mental health care and the
potential impact on social norms and values. However, there are still problems regarding AI in
psychology with ethical dilemmas that should be addressed before being used in health care such
as possible malfunctions, privacy and data security concerns, and possible bias in coding. The
technology is not perfect and can still malfunction with the lack of internet connection and can
crash when too many users are using the chatbot. Chatbots analyze databases and from previous
interactions with the chatbot so privacy and data security is one of the biggest drawbacks of the
current state of AI. Psychotherapy uses many tests and assessments to help evaluate the patient's
health and disorders and the information the patient gives during each treatment. This raises the
question of how AI can be used in a personalized setting if they are unable to manage the
previous sessions' information. Fiske suggests that AI in mental health care should be developed
and implemented with input from a diverse range of stakeholders, including patients, therapists,
and other mental health professionals, in order to ensure that ethical considerations are
adequately addressed.
The use of AI in psychology may change the field of psychology as a whole. The
applications of AI can increase the speed of tasks such as diagnosing patients and creating
treatment plans. Leenie Soo questions the possibility of reliance on AI in her article, “Impact of
ChatGPT from a psychological point of view.” She argues that AI has the chance to change the
way humans think by the dependence on technology, changes in communication, the impact of
tasks and provide information, they may become more dependent on technology and less reliant
on their own knowledge and skills” (Soo). It could lead to a decrease in critical learning and
problem-solving skills, which can reduce the ability to make decisions independently. The
dependence on technology could harm the way humans communicate with each other. The use of
chatbots could help people communicate more conveniently, but may also discourage people
from engaging in more face-to-face interactions, which could be important for building social
skills and developing personal relationships. One possible way AI will harm the field of
psychology is if corporate businesses like insurance companies may use it as a tool to refuse care
stated by u/schrowa on the therapist subreddit. It is possible that healthcare companies may use it
to take over innovations and maximize profits instead of maximizing the care provided. This
means one of the major benefits of AI being widely affordable and available, can be turned into
However, considering AI has only just recently been available to the public, these
problems might still take a while to develop and chatbots such as ChatGPT still have their limits.
One Licensed psychologist, Marianne Chang, conducted an experiment by asking the same
far has generative AI come?”. The results of this experiment showcased the current limit of
ChatGPT and a positive sign for the potential use of AI in psychology. The chatbot was able to
effectively provide general psychology answers and always recommended seeking out help from
a healthcare professional. The psychologist in the experiment is happy with the results because
the chatbot provided appropriate information when it came to seeking basic advice and
strategies, but believes it is only effective for individuals with mild cases of mental disorders.
Scientific Experiments on AI
Artificial Intelligence is a groundbreaking tool that can affect all fields of research. With
AI chatbots being recently available to the public, many people are conducting research on the
current effectiveness of chatbots in the use of therapy. Two experiments by Klos et al. and
Dosovitsky et al. conducted experiments with patients communicating with chatbots about their
problems with depression. Dosovitsky conducted an experiment of 354 users using the chatbot,
Tess, to analyze the usage patterns of chatbots for depression. The results of the study showed
that the AI chatbot was effective in reducing depressive symptoms and improving mood among
participants. Participants reported high levels of satisfaction with the chatbot, particularly in
terms of its ease of use and ability to provide emotional support. Klos' experiment was directed
toward university students with depression. 76 participants split into groups with one group
having access to an AI chatbot. Results showed that the group with access to the chatbot reported
significant improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms. Although effective, this study
was conducted with a small group of participants and a time-lapse of only a few weeks with no
long-term follow-up. Further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness and feasibility of
AI-based chatbots for mental health support. The public has also conducted their own informal
experiments with chatbots as a form of therapy. One Redditor, u/Pianol, shares his experiment to
help him solve his relationship problems on the official ChatGPT subreddit. They simulated a
past event to see ChatGPT’s evaluation and suggestions for his decade-old trauma. The Redditor
was satisfied with the suggestions of active listening skills and empathetic language use and was
Furthermore, there are other uses for AI possible in healthcare that contribute to further
research the application of AI in the future. One study by Shefaly Shorey et al. aims to develop a
virtual counseling application (VCA) for communication skills training in nurse education using
AI. VCA is designed to provide realistic scenarios for nursing students to practice their
communication skills in a safe and controlled environment. VCA uses AI to provide feedback
based on their performance, including nonverbal cues, tone of voice, and content. The results
showed that VCA was effective in improving the student's communications skills with
effectiveness. This study shows the potential AI has to enhance communication skills training in
nursing education and improve the quality of patient care. However, not everyone in healthcare
thinks the same way, according to Rana Abdullah and Bahjat Fakie. Their survey study was
conducted among healthcare professionals in Saudi Arabia, including doctors, nurses, and
administrative staff. Results showed that healthcare employees had a generally positive attitude
towards the use of AI applications in healthcare, with 83.3% of respondents indicating that they
believe AI can improve the quality of healthcare. In addition, the study reported that only 38.9%
of the respondents have been given training on AI. The concerns highlighted by the healthcare
professionals consist of job replacement, lack of trust in AI algorithms, and the ethical
leading them to conduct their own research. These research studies were done in many different
ways, focusing on the different elements of the use of AI. With a focus on the uses of AI in
psychology, its impacts on the field of psychology, and the scientific experiments on AI. These
articles provided their own input to the cause of furthering research development, yet yielded
similar results to each other. Artificial intelligence is still a developing field with many possible
applications such as therapy and virtual counseling applications. As time goes on, AI will
continue to develop in both processing power and flexibility. Many problems still remain such as
data privacy, bias and malfunctions or misinterpretations. The use of AI in psychology is a wide
open field and much of the current research is in its early stages. More research is required to see
the full effects of AI in psychology and its future applications. Since AI is not limited to specific
alternative to clinical care. Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing field with limitless
potential. It has a lot of possible use in the field of psychology. It has been shown that AI can be
used as a form of virtual therapy and may have other possible uses within the field. Much more
research is required to verify the benefits and consistency of using AI in psychology. Research
can focus on the current problems of AI such as privacy and data concerns, possible
malfunctions, misinterpretations, and possible bias in coding. This research will help improve AI
Abdullah, R., & Fakieh, B. (2020). Health Care Employees’ Perceptions of the Use
of Artificial Intelligence Applications: Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet
Research, 22(5), e17620.
American Psychiatric Association: Frequently Asked Questions. (n.d.). Retrieved
March 27, 2023, from
Alan Turing summary | Britannica. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2023, from
Chang, M. (2023, February 6). ChatGPT vs psychologist. How far has generative AI
come? KBR.
Dosovitsky, G., Pineda, B. S., Jacobson, N. C., Chang, C., Escoredo, M., & Bunge,
E. L. (2020). Artificial Intelligence Chatbot for Depression: Descriptive Study of
Usage. JMIR Formative Research, 4(11), e17065.
Eabon, M. F., & Abrahamson, D. (2013, November 10). Understanding
psychological testing and assessment. Https://Www.Apa.Org.
Fiske, A., Henningsen, P., & Buyx, A. (2019). Your Robot Therapist Will See You
Now: Ethical Implications of Embodied Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatry,
Psychology, and Psychotherapy. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(5).
Heaven, W. D. (2023, March 3). The inside story of how ChatGPT was built from
the people who made it. MIT Technology Review.
Klos, M. C., Escoredo, M., Joerin, A., Lemos, V. N., Rauws, M., & Bunge, E. L.
(2021). Artificial Intelligence–Based Chatbot for Anxiety and Depression in
University Students: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative
Research, 5(8), e20678.
Pham, K. T., Nabizadeh, A., & Selek, S. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
in Psychiatry. The Psychiatric Quarterly, 93(1), 249–253.
Shorey, S., Ang, E., Yap, J., Ng, E. D., Lau, S. T., & Chui, C. K. (2019). A Virtual
Counseling Application Using Artificial Intelligence for Communication Skills
Training in Nursing Education: Development Study. Journal of Medical Internet
Research, 21(10), e14658.
Soo, L. (2022, December 18). Impact of ChatGPT from a psychological point of
view. My360wellnesshub.