Rhetoricalanalysis4 Nameless
Rhetoricalanalysis4 Nameless
Rhetoricalanalysis4 Nameless
The article I chose was "Artificial Intelligence applications and psychology: an overview,"
psychology at the University of Tehran who dedicates his research to the development of
I chose this article because it was a broad overview of the uses of artificial intelligence (AI)
within psychology. The article examines the advantages and ethical concerns surrounding the use
of AI technology in the psychology field. The text I chose will help me in my research project
about AI and its role in psychology. I intend to examine whether AI can be used in
psychotherapy and the treatment of psychological disorders. This article published in 2019
provides information about the use of AI in the earlier stages of publicly available artificial
intelligence and discusses the implications of using AI in psychotherapy. These implications can
By writing a research paper that presents different sets of data collected between established
studies, Tahan forms his argument closest to Toulmin's model of argumentation. Tahan makes a
claim, provides supporting evidence, and explains why the evidence warrants his claim. In this
paper, the claim is that AI and psychology has the potential to revolutionize the field of
psychology by enabling researchers to gather and analyze vast amounts of data, and by providing
new tools for diagnosing and treating mental health disorders.To support his claim, Tahan cites
also discusses how AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data from brain scans and other
sources to help psychologists better understand mental disorders and their underlying causes.
The author also discusses the potential for AI to improve the accuracy of diagnostic tests,
facilitate more personalized treatment plans, and help researchers better understand the
underlying mechanisms of mental health disorders. Tahan also considers counterpoints to his
claim to strengthen his argument. By calling forth rebuttals, he balances his point by
acknowledging the pitfalls and shortcomings of AI. He explores possible negative implications
Tahan logically connects these pieces of evidence together by highlighting the ways in which AI
can be used to address many of the current challenges facing the field of psychology. He
suggests that AI has the potential to make mental health care more accessible and affordable,
while also improving the accuracy and effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment. Tahan mentions
many legitimate studies including The use of machine learning algorithms to predict depression
and anxiety levels based on their social media activity, the use of AI to analyze fMRI brain
scans to predict possible psychosis, The use of AI in cognitive behavioral therapy, and the use of
Tahan asserts that AI has the potential to enhance mental health treatment by offering
customized treatment plans and increasing diagnostic precision, but it also has the potential for
partiality and a lack of human touch in treatment. Tahan utilizes personal stories and
hypothetical scenarios to relate his argument to his audience, citing numerous research studies
and statistics to support his point. As a researcher and writer with a Ph.D. in Psychology, Tahan
broader discourse surrounding the use of AI within the field. The article's timing is significant as
it was published in 2019, which actually precedes the rapid advancement of AI technology and
Psychology has seen different technologies throughout the years but has remained a field
centered around human connection and personal judgment. Diagnostic tools such as the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) have been used in psychology
since 1952 as DSM 1st edition. The DSM is revised every 5 to 7 years because it is crucial for
the text to be up to date on evolving psychiatric literature. Currently, psychologists use DSM-5
The origin of the concept of artificial intelligence is difficult to place but has been discussed as
early as the 1930s with the work of Alan Turing (Britannica). Over time we developed
technology of AI to perform increasingly complex tasks such as data analysis and machine
learning, but not to the extent that individuals could interact directly as if it were a person.In late
2022, the San Francisco-based company OpenAI launched ChatGPT to the public. ChatGPT is
an artificial intelligence chatbot that takes input from users and generates responses to simulate
human conversation. This specific model of AI employs learning techniques such as adversarial
training to stop ChatGPT from letting users trick it to behave badly. To get the text to deviate
from its usual patterns and create unwanted responses, they use multiple chatbots. The successful
assaults are then included in the training data for ChatGPT in an effort to teach it to disregard
This article can be used in my research project because it provides an early insight into the uses
that AI could provide in a psychology-focused environment. Three years after the publication of
the article, the new release of ChatGPT to the public gained popularity due to its accessibility
and ease of use. This has prompted new discourse and experimentation with its applications to
One of Tahan's most compelling rhetorical strategies is his use of concrete examples and
statistics to reinforce his argument. For instance, he notes that AI has been used to predict
suicidal behavior with 80-90% accuracy, a statistic that is likely to capture readers' attention and
highlight the potential benefits of AI in psychology. He also cites a study showing that AI-based
mental health treatments have similar outcomes to traditional psychotherapy, which helps to
Tahan also employs repetition as a rhetorical strategy, reiterating key phrases to emphasize his
argument. For instance, he emphasizes the idea that AI has the potential to outperform human
experts in some domains, stating, "AI systems have the ability to learn from past data and
improve their performance, often achieving higher accuracy than human experts" (Tahan p. 121).
He also repeats the phrase "ethically responsible" several times to underscore the importance of
Another rhetorical strategy that Tahan employs is the use of analogies and metaphors to help
readers understand complex concepts. For instance, he compares AI to a tool that can be used for
good or evil, stating, "Like any tool, AI can be used for noble or nefarious purposes, depending
on the hands that wield it" (Tahan p. 122). This analogy helps readers comprehend the potential
for both positive and negative outcomes from AI applications in psychology. He also uses the
metaphor of a "double-edged sword" to describe the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI,
stating, "While AI has the potential to revolutionize psychology, it also carries significant risks,
caution and ethical considerations. For instance, he states, "We must proceed with caution to
avoid the risks associated with AI applications in psychology" (Tahan p. 123). By striking this
balance between optimism and caution, Tahan creates a convincing argument supporting the use
of AI grounded in evidence while addressing possible ethical issues that may arise in the future.
x`The use of the early insight this article provides will help me create a foundation for the role of
AI in psychology within the earlier stages of recently developed AI tools. I will use the article as