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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: If you gave a mouse a cookie

Objectives: Each activity they do will get them further in the book, while also giving a key
understanding. As younger students, reading does not always come easy to them. By doing
these assignments it not only gives them the confidence to read by themselves, but I am also
right there when they get to my group to help.

Students will be able to… point out key details, and give an overview on what the story was

Students will be able to… read through, analyze, and understand more on how to understand

3.2 Select the most important information, revise ideas, and record and communicate findings

State Standards:

3.2 Select the most important information, revise ideas, and record and communicate findings

2.2 Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds, including consonant blends in spoken

7.1 Retell text, including beginning, middle, and end; use key details to determine the theme in a text
heard or read.

Context: Why are you teaching this particular lesson? What comes before this lesson in
the larger unit? What previous knowledge will students be bringing into the lesson?
What comes after this lesson in the larger unit? What are you teaching in order to
prepare students for the next lesson topic? I am teaching this lesson to help my students
strengthen their reading. Throughout the year we have done mostly group activities when it
comes to reading. This lets them go on their own and be able to see their strengths and
weaknesses as one. This will open their mind to being ale to ask better questions. My goal for
after this is to have a reading quiz on the specific book to see how all of them learned through

Data: How will students be grouped in this lesson? What hypothetical data will these
groupings be based on? How will data be collected in this lesson for future groupings
and teaching? I will group the students based on their reading levels. I want to put my
stronger reading students mixed in with the students who struggle a big more. This will help
when I am not the one instructing them, as they will be able to aid each other in the process.
The data I will go off of is their previous work done in class that aims towards reading.I will look
back and see previous work, not only to see their progress but as well who works similar to pair
up with each other.

Materials: List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers,
worksheets, diagrams, textbooks, etc.) computer, book

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.


Introduction (10 minutes): This activity is following recess. The students will come in from
recess, and should be directed to put all their stuff away, and sit on the carpet as they always do
at this time of day. This is not something new so they should know the exact routine. Make sure
they all sit on their assigned spot on the carpet before starting to speak. After they get their seat
on the carpet I will show them our new book “If you give a mouse a cookie”. I will first explain the
main points of the activity to my students, and as well share the expectations that I have. They
should all be familiar with the story as it’s a story we have been preparing for and talking about
year round. I will have their groups projected on the board, so after directions I can send them
on their way. Before letting them go, I will explain what each section on this activity has. I will go
through all three of our stations before individual, group, and big group work. At this time I will
make sure there are no questions to be answered, and then begin.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): In this group I will have my students bring over their books, a
piece of paper, and something to write with. I want to focus my directed section to make sure
they are understanding what they are reading. Each time we do this activity I will ask them what
they have read/ learned so far. The questions will go along the lines of “what was the most
interesting thing you thought happened” and etc. Each of them will write down on their paper, so
I am able to see each student's process. During these 15 minutes I will have an open discussion
with my students about what they had read, and possibly what they missed from the pages they
read. I will make sure as well that I get an understanding from each student to make sure that
everyone is on the same page. This will help me as well with next time seeing if I need to switch
up the groups for any reason.

Collaborative (15 minutes): This group is where they will do their reading. I will give the options
of popcorn reading ( one student reads a paragraph then says another student's name to read),
taking turns, or another way they came up with to read as a group. They are not allowed to read
on their own as its supposed to be collaborating. I am going to have this group in my eyesight
so I am able to make sure their talking stays on track. They each will have a copy of their own
book, giving them the opportunity to read along with each other. If a student forgets their book
they can share with the student sitting next to them. Not only will I have them reading together,
but as well talking throughout. In this section I will give them a certain amount of pages they are
supposed to read. If finished before the 15 minutes are up, they will have questions that are
provided to talk amongst the group. I want them to stay busy, and at no point should they be
sitting around quietly.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): In this section students will play a kahoot by themselves.
While many use this as a group activity I think it can as well be used independently. At the start
of the day I will create a kahoot that goes along with what we're reading. I will have it projected
up front for the students in that group to follow along too. Before each group starts I will play it
for the independent group. If a student does not have their computer they may partner with
another classmate. This will also give me the chance to see the students progress, and which
they are getting correct and which are still struggling. I will inform them in the beginning that
even though this is sometimes a group activity, they should be quiet and work by themselves.
This group should not have much talking, and only working together if told otherwise.

Closure (10 minutes): When finished going through the groups I will have them all return their
book to me, and have a seat at their desks. No student should keep their book, this helps make
sure none go missing. Once every student is situated I will ask if there are any questions,
comments, and concerns about what they read/ did during that activity. After that I will go around
having each student tell me their favorite part of the story, which will also be their ticket to go
stand in line for specials. Do not let any students repeat what was said, and each come up with
their own idea.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)

https://kahoot.com: Why this piece of multimedia? How does it support student learning and
your standards and objectives? How do you know it is of high-quality? Evaluate this multimedia
against the LORI criteria in the 406: Evaluating Multimedia module to support your rationale.
How does this multimedia choice differentiate instruction for all learners (consider differentiation
and assistive technologies)? For one I chose this media because many students are familiar
with it. Not only that but it’s something that keeps students intrigued. Along with that is is very
customizable, and I can update/ change it at any time. It has been used many times before, as I
now know that it is a high quality multimedia. Something that is also nice about it is that the
students can go and play it at home as well to review.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of2jCAPCvKk: Why this piece of multimedia? How does it

support student learning and your standards and objectives? How do you know it is of
high-quality? Evaluate this multimedia against the LORI criteria in the 406: Evaluating
Multimedia module to support your rationale. How does this multimedia choice differentiate
instruction for all learners (consider differentiation and assistive technologies)? I chose this
because it is a real aloud version of the book they have in class. I know personally for myself at
times its hard to read straight thru a book and stay intrigued. I want to give out the option of
listening to the book so all students get the full understanding. This is just one example I found,
but on google their are many different recordings of this story. This is a section that not all
learners will want to use which is ok. My main purpose is to have an option for every student in
my class especially since their reading book will eventually have a quiz along with it.

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